Nebraska Stats Histori cal Society X ma VOL. NO. xxxvtl PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, 2HURSDAY. MAY 12, 1921 NO. 6G plattemoutb MOTHER'S DAY IS OBSERVED INTHIS CITY ALMOST EVERY CHURCH IN CITY HAS SERVICES TO MARK OB SERVANCE OF THE DAY From Monday's Uaily. The observance of M others' day was rjult.- ext-n-ive in the city y-srerday ami there was no one in the city t!.ar did not in sume mantu-r pay th-ir trihu'e to the mother, wliiufctf living .r dead and the beauty of the c u :n was strikingly sh'jv.:; in t!e church'-.-1 and homes. At The churches there 'err quite extensive --rvi--es in honor of the nurht-rs of the land and the able m-mlers .t the ministry in the city had prepared very able sermons fjr the day an I which were enjoyed by ery larg- ci; ions. The First Methodi.-t church had an exten-ive ulis-Tvance el" the day with a hrt mothers" day program at the Sunday school li-jur given by the niemb-rs ,.f ;he school and whi.-h wa- Vr-ry impressive. A: th young men".- class the flowers of memory w'-re ;ivrn i u! to the young nun tr wear in honor of the day. The at tendance a: the Sunday school hour was the large.- for several years 22 1 eing regi-Teie.'. at the service. The tii'ining worship hour was marked by a -;e :al Mo; hers" day sermon by Urv. A V. Hunter in which he pail a blowing tribute to mother and the les.-ons 1-arned from the pure chris tian ir.other that lifted the boys ami Kirls up to The high standard of liv ing and .-erved them ;s a guide tii i "Ugh life. At the First HresLyterian church lie,-. H. G. Mi-"Ii:-ky delivered a spe cial sermon i n 'ae' lessons of the day at the n. rr ir.g services an.l which ua- enjoyed by a Very large congre gation and was given in the tt-'uul aloe manner of the eloquent minister. The Christian church Sunday school held a special program in the m ruing with numbers by the mem bers of the school, which proved a very pleasing feature and at the eve ning service Key. A. G. Hollowell de livered a special sermon. '"Lessons I Learned From .Mother", which was one of beauty and f irci!f ulness. In the morning Hev. Ho'.Iowell held ser vices at the .Murray e'nrch where he spoke on "Thoughts of Home and Mother."" The day a-ide from the churrh services was observed as a day of memory and love by t Tie residents o the city in trenral ar. 1 where possi ble the mother enjoyed the oppor tunity of a visit with her loved on--:, many coming from nearby cities to spend the day with mother. The beautiful flowers v.hi-h have been se lected as a symbol of the day were worn extensively by the men and wrmen of the city in lienor of the mothers who were living as well as those w'r.o-e weet faces and render hands h;ve .,ng since vani-iied in the sh.i b ws ..f the gr-at K-vond. DRILL TEAM WILL BE VERY HIGHLY HONORED ladies cf DegTee Team of Daughters of Rebekah of This City to Ap pear at Omaha. The degr-e team of the local lodge f f the Daughters ,,f Rebekah are to appear on ihursday at the district meeting cf the order and exemplify the mem irial service of the order. This is a very pleasing recognition of the work ( f the ladies who have been organized only a short time and who under the direction of "ol. J. It. Short have secured s-me very pleas ing resuits in their work as a drill "am and their foor work at initia tions has receive.', the u;ost far .rable comment from all who have witness ed it. The ladies feel well pleased with the fact that they have been called upon to appear before the' district meeting and the members of the or der can rest assurred that they will se the degree work put on in a very clever manner. CULMINATION OF ROMANCE u Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilson of Omaha are spending the week here at the home of Mrs. Wilson's par- nts. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Lister, and enjoying their hnoeymoon of a shi rt time before returning to their fu'ure home in Omaha. Mr. and Mr. Wilson were married at Lincoln on Wednesday last and the wedding came as a distinct surprise to the relatives and friends here, allthojgh the marriage is the culmination of a romance covering several years and dating back to the time when the groom came to this citv r, member of Co. C. 4th Nebraska infantry and was tationed here for several months and where he met the charming ladv- that was later to be his bride. Since his return from the service Mr. Wilscn has been employed as a bookkeeper with the Swift Packing company cf Omaha andwhere he is now employed. The bride, formerly Miss Alice Lister, has been employed in the Federal Reserve bank in Oma ha up to the time of her marriage. TO ATTEND CONVENTION From Monday's Dally. Til is afternoon C. C WescotT of the firm of C E. Weseotf s Sons, departed for Kansas City. Mo., where lie goes to attend the meeting of the I'nited Clothiers association." which is meet ing at the Hotel Baltimore in thaf city this week. Mr. Wescott is one of the most prominent and active members of the association in the state of Nebraska and will join the delegation from the different cities of the state at the Missouri city and remain there for the w-eek. VERY PRETTY WED DING AT OMAHA Miss leVaHghn Lchnhoff. 'Grand daughter of Mrs. F. D. Lehnhoff Married to Ernest Nordin. Jr. A very quiet home wedding oc curred Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Lehn hoff in Omaha when their daughter. Miss LeVaughn. became the bride of Mr. Ernest Nordin. Jr.. a member of one of the prominent Omaha families. The rooms of the hoe were very elaborately arranged for the occasion and the ceremony occurred in the parlors where a bank -of sweet peas had been arranged and to whi.-h ca thedral Candles added a pleasing touch. The Rev. Titus Lowe, pastor of the First Methodist church, read the marriage lines. Ernest Nordin. Sr.. father of the groom and Arthur Straw n. played the Lohengrin wedding march as the bridal party entered the parlors for 'he ceremony that was to join their lives as one. The bride, who was attended by Miss Jane Hansen, wore her travel ing suit of navy poiret twill, with w hich she wore a blouse of contrast iiig shade and a corsage of sweet Pas. The best man was Leslie Bar ry, an intimate friend of the groom. Mr. Nordin and bride left imme diately for an eastern trip and will beat home afttr June 1 at 1 : 1 1 Haw thorn avenue. The bride is a granddaughter of Mrs. V. I). Lehnhoff and a niece of Miss Tillie Lehnhou of this city and was Lorn in Plattsmouth. but has spent the greater part of her years at Omaha, where she graduated from Central high schoil and has been very prominent in the younger social set of the metropolis. CLARENCE BEAL GETSBIG VERDICT Result of Damage Suit Against Bur- lir.gton at Slaton. Minn., is S35.0C0 Verdict. The trial of the case of Clarenc Dea! against the Burlington railroad for damages as the result of the ac cident here last summer that result ed in the loss of one of the Iowr limb. ot Mr. Real, was closed the last of the week at S'.aton. Minne sota, pnd the jury rendered a ver dict for the sum of $35,000. This case was first tried several months ago at Slaton and resulted in a verdict for $3 0.0ort for Mr. Real and the railroad company secured a r.c-w- trial of the case in the district court and which has just been closed by a larger verdict than was given at the first trial of the case. The many friends of Mr. Beal in this city will be pleased to learn of the result of the verdict and that the young man has been granted a just compensation for his injuries. The case will in all probability be appealed by the railroad company to the higher courts before it is set tled. RETIRED PIONEER, 83. DIES IN HOSPITAL AT BLUFFS From Morday'g TaMy. Henry E. Schoening. S3, pioneer farmer and retired business man. died yes.'erday morning at the Mercy hos pital in Council Bluffs of general de cline following an illness of three weeks. He was born in llolstein. Germany, and came to this country at the aee of 19. For 40 years he was a successful farmer and stock raiser in Mills county. Iowa. Until recently he was identified with the Petersen & Schoening Furniture company in the Bluffs. He wa.5 a member of the Mills county school board for 2S years aid had held many other public offi ces there, including township clerk. ('assessor and trustee. He is survived by three sons. A. W. Schoening and M. C. Schoening of Belgrade. Neb., and Charles E. Schoening of Dumfries: la., and three daughters, Mrs. William R. Allis of the Bluffs, with whom "he made his heme; Mrs. Emma Swanson of Bel grade. Neb., and Mrs. Henry Tank of the Bluffs. Funeral services will be held Mondaf-'at 2. The decead was the father-in-law of Adolphjpeise of this city, who with his daughter and son-in-law. Ray Harrold. attended the funeral this afternoon. SEED CORN Extra eariy white seed corn, with red cob, for sale. Telephone 4022. C. C. BARNARD. CITY COUNCIL HOLDS ITS FIRST REALMEETING yAYOR JOHNSON NAMES JESS EL LIOTT AS STREET COMMIS SIONER FOR THE YEAR The first re:?l session of the r ci'y council was held iast evenina ihe city hal! with a full attend of the membership present and s-c -sjon covering belter than an ii :,ir was taken up with the co:i.-idritio! of the various jobs of stree: work no! tae reports of the various ci'y i fa cials. A petition from Mrs. Barbara P.o-k-meyer. Mrs. Lillian Freeman and Mis Marie Bookmeyer for grade on w-st Marble street was received and re ferred to the cr.mmittee of Council man Rtacek to wrestle vith along with a great many other jobs of street work. The r-.signation of Dr. R. V. West over as city physician was also re ceived and placed on file. The matter of locating a light near the new crossing west of the Mason:-? home was brought up an 1-5 referred to the light ci ion investigate for acth n. i 1 1 t. J. R. Kellv a gleet o l.avt a sitte rtv on s fixed walk placed along his pr Marble street if the gratb and established and this was also placed on file by tha dads. Another of the petitions in regard to sidewalk that from er. Mrs. Emma lVa-i-Freeman for a walk and this also will be the streets, alleys a: and .Mrs. Lillian on Tenth street threshed out by :d bridges com mittee. A petition was presented tJ city council signed by Fred la son. G. W. Homan and l-"'"1 .ther the dien's cf the city a-king for the ;:p pc intment of J. F. Clugy as the street coninusr.u ner but this v.-as p ro file and the matter passed ever later in the meeting. Teh application for licenses ;". privilege of operating 1 illiard lors was pre-ented from. F. II. bar and A. M. Arries accompani the amount of the license fee. r-u on until r the I Min ed bv S17T.. and on motion of Howe seconded by Schnlhcf the license was ordered granted. The fire matter of stalled on truck and costs only insure niuc r.ien the : department presnted the having a searchlight the new chemi?al in- :re as the light and Lattery he y l'A cf 577.40 and v oi i better work for the fire- earct lig nt w a.- ordere 1 purchased. In regard cf the Burl was presr.te :.p.d .1. K. Ma ley way be p! to the alleyway west ;ngton p:irk a petition d signed by A (I. Bach son asking that tin's al icp! in proper condition fjr travel and on motion of McCarthy seconded Ly Bestor. City Attorney Rawls v.vis authorised to draw up an ordinance to create a paving dis trict of this alleyway. T. II. Pollock. Ic.-al representative cf the Ford company asked that the city allow p. demonstration of the Fordson tractor in road work "und which demonstration was .-ef for to day. umlT the supervision of the streets, alleys and biidgcs committee. The tractor that is demonstrate is one that will cost the city $07". and is one that it is claimed will give the best of results in all kinds of road work. Chief of Police Mar.seaker report ed that during the month of April thirteen persons had become tangled up in the machinery of the law and arrested in cur peaceful little city. The report of the city clerk to date showed the sum of ?117.6S had been collected and turned over to the city treasury. 'The report o fthe city treasurer show ed a net balance of $ S.." 4 . 1 " in the city treasury at this time a-id also the fact -rhat it had been impos sible to locate the holders of $11. too) of registered warrants ordered taken up and it was decided to stop interest on these warrants. Chief cf the fire department. Dr. O. Sandin. gave his report of trie Herger fire showing a loss to Mr. Herger of $40 with insurance of $1,000 and to the building of $100 with insurance of 5.00. For the first quarter of 1921 the chief re ported eleven fires. This report was sent to the fire and water committee to look into and report as 10 its c orrectness. Police Judge Archer had had a very profitable month judging from his report -or the period as he re ported fines of $:1S9 and with costs of $39 making a total of $428 which had been turned over to the city treasurer. It was decided by the council that hereafter the bond cf the city trea surer be carried by a surety company instead of a personal bond as at pres ent and the city to pay the cost ot the premium. $100. The zhost of the Pnc denarted light contract appeared at the meet- knewn and familiar figure here dur ing in a communication from the inS -be time he made his home here, light company stat ng that the con- ! Mr. Salee was a sufferer from cancer tract had expired nine months ago. and his last days were marked by a and it was decided that it was about great deal of suffering as the disease time that some action was taken in msde ifs increasing ravages and it regard to the matter and accordingly as a relief whn the final summons the'light committee and the city at-'me to call him to his long rest, torney will wrestle with the matter body wa- taken to Scotia. Xeb.. and see what can be reached in the'wlere he funeral services were held way of a satisfactory contract, it Friday. was requested that the committee i complete their work by the next meet- Blank Books at the Journal Office. ing in order that the levy might be Biade for the coming year. At the close of the meeting a lar. number ot siuewalK res. .1 at 1 ons were presented to the coniivil and all re ferred to the street, alleys and budg es committee. Mavor C A. Johnson announced that he would present f r the con eration ot the city coin: -:i the name of Jess Elliott as street omaiiss-jne ant! the vote was unanimous on th conformation. The name of J. Flvnn as city physician w Dr. I as aiso confirmed by the counci!. The ghost If the !.ng departc rolice iorce in tae stna m ?.oc ea--u wi re tei-i and approved by the c ,un c:!. Tiie bond of Chief of Police AI vin Jones was sivned by John M Xuriin while that of Oflcer lit-nry Chandler was r-itt: '! 1-y L. B. Egen-berg-r. Councilman Matter urged the city to get busy on the xoing clean up ;-nd have the city lij.ll cleaned and the extencr painf-o up in proper shape for the summer and on motion Clerk Duxt.urv was authorized to go ahead am! :dverti.?e f-r bids for the work. It was also decided that it would ho necessary to have special counsel for fh'' citv in the law suits cover- in. the le-tition of r ank Bticacek ii drawn from to have his property, v the -dty limits as City liaw'.s has been engaged ;!oev for Mr. L;:c:..-k At torr.ey s the at for some jme no v follow in ere exan ordered Z Ct:l! ined i)v th o.a :ti.- t iu.-ir :anee t th' e 1 1 me; to it . e; raska Cas & EU :-rri C 1.. $2-: reef lights lelty iC- Deposit Co. ty treasurer Iter Gouchonour, Tinkling :- 4.2C bond 10 0 t reet 0 0 W, .."0 R ,14V Lincoln Tel. Co.. rents r. II. McMaker.. mving ;.ife Nebraska Gas e Electric Co.. reading meter M. Archer, sary ' K. Mat-speaker, salary "o.toi CO o . . . . .J - lO.tto 2.00 4. U7 4.07 4.9". 1 0 .0o A .':;.70 7:L70 Aiviti Jones, -silary S-:ctr t Pickrel. taxi to police Aogu-t Stout, sireet work E.1 Trively. same James Iurrows. same Ci Lutnter Co.. E. J. Ricliey. mdse. J. N. Elliott, street commis sioner Carl Egenberger. s're t work WaTtr GoucheiK'rtV" street work O L. York, same John (Vhal. same .Ichr Maurer. same Bestor Scatck. mdse. Jcim Ccchai. street work John Maurer. same Mike Lutz. street commission er 7fi 4" o 4 ; . 7 5 4'.K-2Z . 7 4.ct" -.4 0 RETURNS FROM TRY-OUT IN THE CANADIAN LEAGUE From Tnes-day's Da fry Yesterday Edward Gradoville. who has !i"p;i working out as a catcher with, the Rrantford. Canada, team Of the Michigan-Canadian league, re turned to his home in this'city. Mr. Gradoville. who is one of the most pror.-i-ii'.g young players that have been turned out by this city, made a very favorable impression at Rrant ford and is still held by the manage ment of the team there under con tract, hut will in a!l probabilities be farmed out in the Dakota league this season for a little more experi ence in faster company. The Drant for 1 loam has a large string of young pitchers this season that requires the services of old head catchers and this was one of the main reasons that Ed was allowed to go to the Dakota league for the summer. Ed enjoyed very much the trip into the Cana dian country and his association with the team during the fewr weeks he was there working out. SAIN SP0IIS GAME From Monday's Dany Once mere the weather man dash ed the hopes of the base ball fans and the members of the Eagles base ball team yesterday when the water works opened up shortly after the noon hour and continued for the greater prt of the day and made nec essary the postponmenti of the game scheduled with the ThiAeenth Street All Stars of Omaha. The visiting team arrived in the city on the 1:12 Rurlington train, but were disap pointed in their game and returned home on the next train. The last two Sundays have been very wet and disagreeable and it is hoped that the coming few weeks will bring settled weather and a chance for the locals "to get going for the season. DEATH OF L. F. SAIEE Superintendent W. F. Evers of the Nebraska Masonic Home has received w ord of the death and burial of L. F. Salee. for some 'fifteen years a resi- t dent at the home here and a well (PLEASANT 0. A. R. MEETING LAST NITE Annual Election of Officers Held and Present Officers Re-Electetl to the Various Positions. "Torn Tuesday's Daily. Last evening the members of Eon teneWa chapter of the Daughters of the American R'- oiui ion held their meeting a the- charming home of Judge and Mrs. W. 11. Xewell as the guests of iloir daughter. Miss lier nice. and an unusually large num ber c f the Iadi s were in attendance at the meeting. The chief business of' the session was the election of the officers for the ensuing year and the present of ficers were re-elected to their re spective positions as follows: Mrs. Wilbur S. Leete. regent; Mrs. George A. Dodge, vice regent: Mrs. Earl A. Stanfitl 1. secretary; Mrs. H. Ii. Cole, treasurer; Mrs. William Raird. registrar: Mrs. L. O. Minor, historian; Miss Berr.ev Newell, chaplain. The holies enjoyed very much the review of the D. A. R. magazine given by Mrs. H. R. Cede, as well as the topic of the evening which was in line with the review of historical characters. ' Benjamin Franklin" be ing the subject of this meeting. JMrs. E. II. Weseott presented the sketch ot t:;e great .-American statesman. At the close of the meeting the hostess served veiy dainty and de licious refreshments which were much enjoyed by all the members of the party. The D. A. R. will hold their an nual social meeting on the evening of June tird at the home of Mrs. E. II. Wescott and. at which time the gentlemen of the members will be guests of honor. RAINFALL WIDESPREAD OVER ENTIRE STATE Frora Tuesday's" Dally. Rain reports for yesterday indi cate that the fall of moisture was eneral over the greater part of the state as well as at IMattsmouth. Lincoln had 1.79 inches; Auburn. 2-07: Ashland, I CS; Broken Bow. 1.74; Omaha. 1.2S: Xorth Platte. 02; Grand Island, ..IS; Hastings. ."4; Holdrege. .64. All through the outheastern part of the state the rain was very heavy, exceeding two nohes in many places. At Atchison and Kansas City the rainfall was also heavy, but prac tically no rain fell in western Kan sas, which section was visited bv 'a good shower less than a week ago. All along the lines of the Burling ton rain fell in various amounts up to two and a half inches, and will be the means of refreshing the pas tures and giving the corn a chance to sprout and grow. LEAVES FOR COLORADO From Tuesday's Dally. This morning Herman Spies de parted, for Trinidad. Colorado, where lie gees for a short visit there at the home of his son. Edmund Spies and family and after enjoying the tay in Colorado expects to leave for Long Beach. California, whsre he is to make a more extended visit. Mr. i-p;es will spend some time in rest ing and looking over the situation on the coast with a view of locating. Mr. Spies leaves this city after a res idence of forty-three years and a large number cf his old friends were at the station to bid him farewell on his westward journey. It was not without regret that he left the old home and stated that he more than appreciated the way that he had been treated by the good people of Platts mouth during his residence here. RAIN DAMAGES ROADS The rains of the last few days has caused the work that the overseers over the county have been putting on the highways to be practically wiped out as the wet and soggy weather has made the reads hard to travel and undone all the good that the road bosses put in on the roads during the few days of dry weather. It has had a tendency to retard all lines of trade and business as the poor traveling keeps the average farmer at home even if the weather is such that they cannot look after their field work. VT0RK ON BATRD RES0IDENCE From Monday's Dallv The workmen today commenced work on the remodeling of the resi dence of William Baird at the corner cf Seventh and Main street and the work will be continued now until the home is ready for the return of the family. Mr. Baird will have a very neat and modern home when all the improvements are completed. SHOWING IMPROVEMENT From Wednesday" Dally. The reports from the bedside of Mrs. Florence Newton at Omaha in dicate that the patient is now show ing some improvement although she . is still a.uite weak from the effects! of her recent operation and it will be seme little time before she is able! to leave the hospital. J ST. MARY'S GUILD From Wednesday's Daily. The ladies of St. Mary's Guild were very pleasantly entertained yes terday afternoon at the Gering home on North Sixth street with iliss Barbara Gering as hostess and Mrs. L. H. Cushman as assistant hostess. The ladies spent the afternoon in the usual sewing and social conver sation that served to pass the time very pleasantly and at a suitable hour daintv and delicious refresh ments were served that added to the enjoyment cf the event. A BRIEF SKETCH OF THE . LIFE OF SAMUEL TUBBS Bom and Reared in Cass County He Was a Gentleman. Pcssesser of a Large Circle of Friends Samuel Tubbs. sen of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tubbs. was born near Murray, Neb.. April 5. 1SS1. and his entire life was spent in Ca$s county in the Lome of his parents. He was lovrt and highly respected by all who knew him and although his illness had extended over a period of a num ber of month, his death came as a sad shock to the community. He passed away about noon of May 6 1921. being 40 years. 1 months and 1 day of age. His father, mother, and four sisters mourn the loss of a loving son and brother. Two sis ters. Mrs. Lincoln Church of North Cve. Washington, and Mrs. C. W. Jones of Tecumseh. Neb., arrived be fore the en dcame. The other sis ters are Mrs. Ed Wilson of Spear fish. S. D.. and Mrs. Morton Coch ran. Hulett. Wyoming. Th-j parents and sisters have the sympathy of a lust of friends in their deep sor row. The funeral service, in ducted by Rey. E.. H. Pontius, were be!d at the home on Sunday after noon at .1 o'clock. CARD OF THANKS Words fail to express our 'deep appreciation for the many acts of kindness and helpful words spoken duirng the illness and death of our son and brother. We also wish to thank Dr. T. P. Livingston for his many favors and loving sympathy to us. We assure you all these kindly administrations will never be forgot ten. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tubbs and daguhters. OFFICERS ELECTED From Wednesday's Daily. The Queen Esthers society of the Methodist church held a very inter esting session last evening at the church parlors and which was very largely attended by the ladies. The chief business of the evening was the election of officers of the so ciety and the following were chosen: Mrs. John T. Lyon, president; Miss Velma Elliott, vice-president; Mrs. Will Heinrich. recording secretary; Miss Elorenee Balser. corresponding secretary; Mrs. Hallie Perry, trea surer. Following the business session the evening was spent in sewing and the enjoyment of the social conversation of the ladies. Your ad will carry punch if you write it as a plain "selling talk" in stead of trying to fuss it up with frills and exagerations. 'ijiiiiiiiiimiiiiiirr 'EE ' '!! " " ' gji HUSBAND and WIFE Inc. - :t After all, marriage is an incorporation of family responsibilities. Both parties to the contract share in the profits and 'losses. Many married women, however, main tain separate bank accounts and to these, the First National Bank extends a cordial invita tion to make use of our facilities and service. ! ill m The First national bank THE BANK WHERE YOU FEEL. AT HOME WATTSMOUTH SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT Reader fc the Journal Makes Sug gestion a to Needs cf Citj"and What Shculd Be Accomplished The Journal editorial department has received from one of the read ers a list of .-u?ges'ed improvements for the uty and v.hi-h has been in spired by the genera! spirit of get together that has been inspired by the merchant and citizens of the community. Each one of these car be accomplished if the proper tn edavor is put forth and all are very commendable public improvements: Better street lights. Lower light rates. More permanent sidewalks. Eree city mail delivery. Children's play ground. An automobile club. A booster's picnic. Support for base ball team. Municipal tennis court. More paving. Eree Platte river bridge. Better ferry service. Repaying cf Main street. Larger city park. New City hall. Boulevard system. Home Coming Day. Fair and stock show for this part of county. Better support for the band. United work for bigger and better Plattsmouth. SGHMADER GETS MANY GOOD OFFERS Manager Jack Lewis, Finds Cass County Man is in Demand With the Fighteis. The Cass county boxer. Andy Schniader is growing in the fight game as indicated by the statements cf Jack Lewis of Omaha, who has charge of the clever young boxer. The manager says that Andy is will ing to meet all comers but the pro moters do not show the disposition to kick in with the "Jack" in suffi cient sums to make the dates attrac tive enough to take up as the amount is not large enough for the Nebraska heavyweight to consider. Mr. Lewis states that one of the offers was for a ten round go with Billy Miske at St. Paul and another from South Bend. Indiana, promot ing for a match with Harry Grebe, the Pittsburg sensation. One of the Chicago promoters has been attempt ing to arrange a match between Andy and Bob Roper, the fighting soldier. DEATH OF LITTLE BABE From Tuesday Dally. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gobelman. passed away last evening after a few brief hours of life and bringing to the parents a great grief and sorrow in the loss of their loved one. The funeral servic es will be held from the home in the south part of the city today and in terment will be had at the Oak Hill cemetery. If you have anything to sell, or want to buy, don't overlook a want ad in the Daily Journal. NEBRASKA. J -J U 'I 1 'Ii 'i i' L- L? !i I! L' L! L' 'J li 'J J L! 1