PAGE FIVE THURSDAY. MAY 5, 1921 . Murray Department If oy of the reader of the Journal kno- of DJ social event or Item of Interest in thin vicinity, and will mm lime to this office, it will ap pear under this heading. We want all news Items Editoii It was time to -wake up, all r ikt Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray snd Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL i 1 t All Deposits in Our Bank Are Pro tected by the State Guar antee Law! We Solicit Your Business Murray State Bank, MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA of her laughter, Mrs. ( C. Carroll, and ronsiderinpr the very severe ill ness which Mrs. Hendricks has just passed througM. v-he is to be consra tuluted that she was able to Ret out this quick. Hut with her temper- iv.ent. and determination to again, the Las overcome the cf the flesh. Highway Patrolman. Krecklow. and ton Lcuis. Murray Monday and went ti Platts mouth to nit-et with the cr.unty com missioners from here. They were picked up by Mr. V. ll. Frost of Manley. the lumberman, who had some business in the county seat to Icok after, and who was passing through Murray to the county seat with Messrs. Joseph Macenty. and Andrew Schleifert. both of whom had business in the count v seat. get wtll fraliti.s August were in Mr. and Mrs. Louis Halla were visiting with friends in Plattsmouth last Sunday.. Harry Todd was a visitor in Platts mouth 'last Tuesday locking after some business matters for a short time. Mesdames K. S. Tutt and O. A. Davis were visiting in Plattsmouth with friends for a short time last Tuesday. F. T. Wilson was called to I'nion last Monday afternoon to look after seme business matters, driving down in his car. Uncle J. W. Edmunds was a visitor in Plattsmouth last Tuesday after noon, where he was lookius after some business matters. Guy Stokes will remain on the farm and promises to set up the ci gars in a short time, on account of the jiys of batching, probably. Eddie McBride of Plattsmouth. was looking after some business matters in Murray last Tuesday and return ed home with Mr. Albert Cotner. Geo. Edson was a visitor at the home of Mrs. Emaline Kniss and sons Kingley and Edward, and departed for the east last Monday evening. George Jenkins of Omaha, was the guest at the home of his friend. Mr. Ralph Kennedy, last Sunday, it be ing the birthday of Mr. Kennedy. Mrs. II. F. Goos and Miss Hazl lK)vey wore visiting in Murray as guests at the home of Miss Margie Walker fir a short time Tuesday af ternoon. Miss Pearl Downy of Omaha, was a vi.-itor in Murray last Sunday and the guest at the home of Mrs. V. A. Kennedy and enjoyed the day to the fullest extent. Dr. G. H. Gilmore was a passenger to Omaha last Tuesday afternoon, where he was looking after some pro fessional business and also was vis iting with friends. . L. If. Puis who is a handy man at whatever he may be placed, has just completed a very nice and use ful tool chet which he will take with him when he goes. John Vantine and wjfo of V ing were visiting in Murrav west la.-t Tuesday, driving up for a visit at lite home of Mrs. Yantine's mother, Mrs. W. A. Brown, and other frionds. Albert Cotner of the Lincoln Tel ephone & Telegraph company ot Plattsmouth. was a visitor in Murray last Tuesday, doing some work tor the company here and also north of town. Mrs. V. A. Kennedy was able to be over to town of couple of times dur ing th epast week and when it is considered the recent very severe ill ness, she is making very satisfactory progress. Little Mable Howard, who has been very sick at the home of her parents. Roy Howard and wife, lor the pa-st few lays, is reported as be ing slightly improved. She is af flicted with jaundice. County Attorney A. G. Colo and Sheriff C. D. Quint on passed tli rough Murray last Tuesday afternoon on their way to Weeping Water to look after the holding of an inquest over the remains of a person who was kill ed there that day. The suppers which are to be given at the Presbyterian church on the coming Saturday and the one of May 14th. will be of the same high stand ard which has characterized these given by the library association, and will be a' the popular price of 2 cents each. Percy Wheeler ni"t with an ao i dent last Tuesday morning while working on a lister, his hand slipped when he was attempting to tighten a bolt, and striking against the sharp edge of the lay of the lister, cm tin-: a very severe gash in his hand. The injured member is getting a';ng as well as could be expecteu. The report was current on the streets of Murray last Tuesday of the closing of many of the elevators along the line on account of the little amount of grain which is lin ing offered, the line house thinking it less loss to close for the time being, than to operate with but slight re ceipts. What the result or real in tent is, is difficult to surmise. Mrs. W. H. Hendricks was a vis itor during last Sunday at the bom" Keep Your City Clean. The rural village, as well as the city, should have pride enough to keep th. streets. the homes and grounds and the alley-ways cka.n from rubbish and papers and othei trash which so frequently in blowing around disiigures an otherwise beau tiful landscape. Look to the matter each one and see if Murray cannot be the prettiest town in the state. Mrs. C. C. Tucker Very 111. Mrs. C. C. Tucker of O-jnto. in Custer county, has been in very poor health since their removal to the west and accompanied by her hus band and father, Mr. Pen Dill, ar rived in Omaha Monday evening, where she entered the St. Joesph hospital and was waited upon by their family physician. Dr. J. I'. Hrende!. and will remain there f:;r some time for treatment. Mrs. Tucker will be under the care of l)rs. Durniedy and Sack wi:iie there. I: .'s desired that she may so-n improve so that she may be able 10 return to her home well ai;ain. Mr. and Mrs Dill were with her in the h.spi'al at Omaha during the cor.-ultation and clinic, which was given her. Young Mr. Rose is Here. The stork made a visit last Mon day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rose, when there was left in their care one of the tint i liltle Anieric ills that i nc tould wi-li to s-e. Th' bey and his mother as well as the proud father are getting along nice ly, and joy reigns supreme in the Hose household. How Is Your Ford? If in Trouble we will make it work to perfection All work Guaranteed and prices reasonable. R. O. CLIFTON, At Rhoden's Barn -:- Murray, Nebraska Will Serve Two Suppers. The ladies missionary society of the Presbyterian church will serve supper at the ehurch parlors on May 7 and May 14. at which tim they will give the meal whi-h has charac terized t hem as very popular caterers and for which the modest price of '! cents will be charged. All are cor dially invited to attend and enjjy these supiK-rs. Will Observe Mother's Day. The Presbyterian Sundav school will give a program at the ch'irch at 10:7.0 Sunday morning, when a very appropriate program will be rendered in honor of Mother's day. The moth ers are especially invited to this ser vice, which will be well worth while. Eat in the Open. Last Friday evening Mrs. .1. A. Wnlker and daughter Margie, enter tained for a weinie roast in the pi ea sts tit shade of th" pasture. Their guests. Mr. and Mrs. 11 trac e X lson. wl.:. had stopp-d t' vi si t them while on the way from T' to the fast, end rncluded in the merry prrrty also iir G. II. Gilmore and family and P'.-tmaster W. S. Smith arid wife. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! A SPECIAL NUMBER FOR THE BOYS, YOUTHS AND LITTLE GENT Youth's brown Russian calf, English C'O Sfc EZ. last; sizes 22 to 6 W-OW Boys' brown Russian calf, bluchcr C A lace; sizes 1 1 2 to 2 WW Little Gents' brown Russian calf, blu- CJiS cher lace; sizes 92 to 11 VOiUV I You won't equal these prices anywhere for quality. New shoes for little folks and grown-ups are offered you at new prices! Hiatt . Tutt, MURRAY, NEBRASKA Visit in Murray Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dennis:n were guests last Sunday at the home of Mrs. Sadie Oldham and afterwards went to the home of Mr. and M,jJ Harmon IJeck, where thtv remained I over night ami with him went to Om jaha Tuesday, from where they took the train for the east, their destina tion b"ir:r their home at Jame-town. Ia.. frrtn w Ir-re they have been for the past six tu'-nths visiting in the pwst ;-nd the mo-t nf the time being in California, where thev left one of their sens who is attending school in the west. They were n--CMiipanied to the east by the. father of Mrs. Denni son. Mr. Geo. Edson. who has made his home in Lincoln for a number of years but who lived be'ween 'heie and I'nii.n years ao. ! Last Supper Proves a Success. The !y-t supper of the series which have been given by the members of the library association for the benefit of the library building, was given last Saturday evening and was under the charge of Mrs. Albert Voting, and notwithstanding1 the weather be ing rainy j.nd the roads very bad. the closing one- was a great success, and while depending on the patron age of the town, proved indeed a very satisfactory success. The ladies wlin have conducted the series of suppers are to be congratulated upon the success they have achieved, and upon the purpose- to which they are placing the funds received. That a band of earnest workers can take hold of su'-h a proposition and carry ft to a definite and successful termin ation if to be approved, and we are glad that Murray has such a band of determined workers for the pub lic good. Improving the Home. Dr. Drendel and wife are having their home put in excellent condi- tion. They have just been having the i walls refinisled and stenciled after painting and are refinishing the floors as well. Mr. Phil Lambert has had charge of the decorating, while Miss Carlson, who is an adept with the brush, has added marry beauti fying touches to the interior of this beautiful home. from Murray School Notes. Harley Puis was absent school Monday. Joe Dietl is still absent from school on account of sickness. Marie Puis was a visitor at the home of Hazel Davis, Sunday after noon. Dick March returned to school Monday. He has just recovered from a siege of the pink eye. Opel Homan was absent from schocl three days last week on ac count of having the pink eye. Donnabelle Edminsten returned to school Monday. She has been absent for some time on account of sickness. In Roman history the high school is now studying about the last and best of the "Harrack Emperors," Dio e'et ian. On account of the rainy weather the "Wahelo Sew in gClub" was again disappointed by not getting to meet Saturday. In spite of the rainy weather, many of the pupils waded the mud Saturday evening and distributed May baskets. Hazel Davis was absent from school Wednesday afternoon and Marie Puis was absent Wednesday after noon and Friday. Mabel Howard was absent from school last week on account of sick ness, but is some better today. She is not yet able to return to school. lyois Scot ten. Leona Puis and Es ther Puis went flower picking Sat urdav morning. They were hunting for flowers to put in their Mav bas kets. Thursday and Friday will be a va cation for the high school pupils. Thy are planning to put forth extra effort toward getting look reviews and preparing future lessons. Some of the pupils of the Murray school were planning to go to the indoor carnival Saturday, which was being held at Plattsmouth. The rain spoiled their plans so that only a fi'w went. Thus' neither absent nor tardy in the Intermediate roi-m for the month of April are: William Mrasek, Al bert Griffin. Madge' Homan. Lorene Hatohetr. Leona Puis, Esther Puis. Lis Scot ten and Mildred Steiner. Those neither aosent nor tardy in the Primary room during the eighth month are: Margaret Puis. Cather ine Long. Ruth Homan. Margaret Mrasek. Leon Gansemer. Bronson Tiinrn. Edward Howard, and Hazel Wilbeir. Katherine Lu'.t of Plattsmouth. sptnt several days last week with Marie Puis. She came down on the morning train Thursday and returned Friday. She visited our high school Thursday afternoon. We are always gljd to have visitors at our school. 20 for 20 cents in air-tight packages. Also obtainable in round tins of SO, vacuum sealed. MY BRAIN was busy. BUILDING AIR casllea. FOR I wasn't sleepy. FINALLY I dozed off. AND PROMPTLY dreamed. THAT I was awake. BUT WOKE right up. AND FOUND I was asleep. THEN I got thinking. OF A wonderful formula. FOR MAKING cigarettes. I PLANNED it all out. SO MUCH Turkish tobacco. BLENDED JUST bo with Burley. AND OTHER Domestic leaf. AND I knew that blend. WOULD MAKE a hit. I COULD just see. CROWDS OF happy people. THRONGING INTO stores. TO BUY that cigarette. THEN LIGHTING up. SMACKING THEIR lips. AND SAYING, "Oil. Boy. ITS THE exact copy. OF THAT 'Satisfy blend." AND THEN I came to. AND SAID to myself. "THIS TIME you're dreaming. FOR SURE. WAKE UP, you darn fool WHY, THAT 'Satisfy' blend. SIMPLY CAN'T be copied." THAT'S a fart the "Satisfy blend'' can't be copied. It's our own secret putting those god to baccos together in a way that gives you every last ounce of their fra prance. You'll smack your lip3 over Chesterfields. And remember you can't get "Satisfy" anywhere else. ll-v m-MMI II I I II MTT-'i.V I III " ' sr- res ay; Liggett 3c Myers Tobacco Co. Cash Carry Grocer Buv vur Groceries! PAY CASH Carry Them Home and Save CU2oney Try a pound of my coffee; It's fine; per lb 39 Mrs. William Hill Buried. Mrs. Wm. Hill, who passed away at the home of her son, George Hill, near Percival. Iowa, last Monday eve ning, was held at the Lewiston church on Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. W. A. Taylor of Union, deliver ing the funeral oration. Mrs. Hill, whose name was Miss Mary Ann Birch, was born at Gregg ville. Ind., May 29. 1851. and was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. Hill, who preceded her to the other worid about four months ago. at Falls City, September IS. 1873. She has been a consistent and de voted follower of the Master during her entire life and was a member of the Baptist church. She leaves to mourn her departure. J. W. Hill and J. R. Hill, living near Murray. Jo seph and George Hill, near Percival. Ia.. Mrs. Wm. Exline. near Union. Mrs. Geo. Marvin, of Memphis. Neb., and Mrs. Floyd Woods of Union. Mrs. Hill was one of the most lovable cf women and always ding something for the benefit of others w..h scarce ly a thought of herself. Money for Your Produce! We are handling all country produce, Eggs, Poul try, Cream, Butter and Hides, for which we will pay the highest market price in cash. We carry in stock the best brands of flour at the lowest prices. Also feed of all kinds. Call on our representative, George W. Olson, in the Anheuser-Busch block, 4th and Main, Plattsmouth. KEENEY & KELLER PHONE NO. 445 MOTHER'S DAY AT MYNARD 20 bars Electric Spark soap$1.00, 24 bars Lenox soap 1.00 ' 24 bars Luna soap 1.00 16 bars Polar White soap 1.00 16 bars Flake White soau 1.00 We want to join with the rest of the world next Sunday in honoring our moth.-rs. Every man and wo man, boy ar.d ?irl in the community i-j invited o cc:r.c and mingle with tt in this s-ervico Sunday scho:d at ".' ::0. This i;- 1 rimary class Ra'ly Day. Preaching at 11:13. All h can please wear a flower in hon.;r of mother. Evening service at 8 o'clock. Opportunity will be given i-j unite with the church at morning service. Rev. E H. Pontius. Pastor. 2 Ztfo. 2V2 size cans tomatoes 25c 2 Ho. 2y2 size cans kraut 30c 2 2fo. 2 cans vegetables for soup25c SOCIAL DANCE AT MURRAY There will ne a social dance giv?n at the Puis hnll in Murray on next Wednesday even'ng. May 11th. The I music will be furnished by the I lly 1 gallon can apricots 85c trchestra. of Plattsmouth. and you 1 trallon ran nearby S"ir knoxv tnpre wil1 h" a ed tlme 5n i gallon can peaches sac store for you KO do not fail lo Jttcnd, 1 eallon can blackberries $1.45; 1 gallon can red pitted cherries 1.65 j 1 gallon can apples 70c! RETURNING FROM CREIGHT0N It. W. Porter, one of the proniin- No. 2Vij can pears, 3 cans for$1.00 cnt Poland-China hog breeders of this No. 2V2 can peaches, 3 cans for 1.00. county, was in the city today for a v- 0, , . o r t rv few hours enroute to his home at Ivo. 2Vs can apricots. 3 cans for 1.00 weeping Water after a short visit at I .... e 1 , , !.... x v. I nis mnut'i uuiiie at licikiiiuu. 1 tall salmon, pink 15c Mr. Porter is one cf the energetic 1 tall select salmon, nink 25c and live young farmers of the coun- 1 tall far, colmnr, AOo ty and his many friends in this city A AVW No. No. No. No. No. Tbp most fTmiisite lini nf birth. O 1U- - 1- . o us. im;C prunes ac day and gift cards to be found any- 2 lbs. nice prunes, large size 25c where! At journal office. Need Any This Spring? Paints, Oils and Varnishes We are carrying a full and complete line of the best paints made the celebrated Sherwin-Williams covering your every want in the paint line. See us. We also handle all kinds of farm machinery the best money can buy, and at prices sure to suit you. Why not a new oil stove for the warm weather which is sure to be with us soon. You wouldn't want to work over a hot cook stove; why, then, make friend wife do it? We have some very attractive patterns in oil stoves at prices that are most satisfactory. w:n. puls, MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA 1 fiat can salmon 29c' 1 flat fancy salmon 45c were pleased to meet him if even for only a short time. . P. LUTZ South Sixth Street Plattsmouth I W. R. YOUNG AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR HO PAY! REVERSE ALL CALLS Telephone 428 Plattsmouth Exchange Removal Sale! WALL PAPER 30 Off and going like hot cakes. The sooner you come the better the selection. AT THE PAINT STORE F. R. G08ELM1N Here Is Something to Think Of! We are making very attractive prices in all our lines, and you will do well to consider them in this per iod of getting back to "normalcy.' We are offering: 220 weight overalls at $1.75 Jacket to match at the same low price. . 1.75 The. Oak brand with stripes at 1.50 Jackets to match also going at 1.50 The best of workshirts selling at 90. . . . OUR LINE OF DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES IS MOST COMPLETE MURRAY NEBRASKA