PAGE THTJ3 THURSDAY, MAY 5. 1921 PLATTSMOUTH EEMI-WEEEXY JOUSKAI 1:1 - i it y Kr a : .T r T , Union Be apartment Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. The Seri'i e of anks! Banks provi ejries for money, of credit without be maintained. ie the They inch w only safe deposit arc the merchants business could not trmers could not market tlieir crops, merchants coma not bay tl xeir uoocls w ith- the banking system. an. f:e modern b I civilization nee it enjoy .5 i i tl! rx Lhe J: iha! :od is the product of an U endures becaiict ill and confidence of serves. ilk Over Your Banking P With Us i rooterns of UNION ysiin NEBRASKA Nd Mar; :.-!!:-:-.- mat in !i. ! :. fi-r ".-ome f-rs i:: Omaha ':.' l F ant. T. WiNon. the M'irnv nierch- W. A. Lewi :i.r Murray v l.i-t lav ': i:,.t-n Willi: ii;re biisilli'ss ' anl hark-s IVck of i-re visitors in Union : was looking after aatfcr.-t ir X-'-ra.-k- as in '"iiion on business mat - :s a rliort time Monday afternoon. Il-v. W. A. Taylor was a visitor Wabash last Sunday. where lie iiveieil two .-ermons during the ist V, M imi.iv alterii'Miu. Valh-ry, t' i'kiltsi.n ut 1. . i:inii af t-r so!u business in Fnio:i ii-T Atek. 1 i.c.-y H;;rkhurt. who is i-n.-i. :.i-.ihu. was a gust f n-r r.:.-t .if t )V.l! V'"- Slir.i.luV. . McCarthy, wife . - in -' in Wviii.itir-' "i- y hist .'.!'T: lay al l "!.risvi.-er. of : a; ?" !'ie !..l.:i dav. F. F. I. each v.-ds a wood la-t Tlinr-dav, aft e to 1 visitor in Flm d riving over in some buim-s Sundav and also visit ing with his many friends. Mi.-s .Mary F. Foster, of Omaha, was a. visitor in Fnion over Sunday, af the home of her parents, I). W. Foster and wife. Luther Hall arid Neil Hryan. of Nebraska City, w-re looking after 'ojne business mattt-rs in Fnion last Monday morning. Lemuel Harrett was a vi-itor at iiis home in Fnion over the week end. bH:ig a passenger for the stat-- capi tal Monday morning. .Mont IJohb is having a couple of coas of paint, applied to Lis home. Karl .Merrit. the painter and decora -or. is doing the work. .V. H. Sutton, a Lincoln attorney. -.".-.js called ro Fnion Monday mnrn ing to look after some lii;-ire,s for U;e Cromwell Land company. Y cigarette Me Lewi ;rs. Ira Clarke and Wayne were looking af;r some bu.-i- i.e.;- mat!r.-. in Omaha last Wednes day, drivintr uv-r ia their car. The hili"s of th W'omans Chris tian T in pera nee Fnion v. ill meet on Thursday afternoon of thi we k at the homo if Mrs. Mont llobb. .'.'is Olive Tir?ci(i!i ami Miss Ma- I the most ploa:iTl! :,I i fairs during th n- Forsythe. students of the Fniver- j ;o were in attend si'v of .'e;raska . spent the week-end j;l th-ir praise in t! with Mi.-s KHen Cliapman. of Fnioii. j tjj ladies o Tin- Hap Mi Thelnia Kaoii. wfio has l.e-n j ,i!e'l the r::a;r. r and impmv-j to he surpr: iy to en'ire re- ; rhe Fmerv F.aiitr. who tia several days last to Fnion Saturday !!d i. ai-d a i.y N - L- ; n. ' l: l' -, I Mi.lidav .a ff'Kn. : mat-ain.'. I. is car mat ters. 'v. :::nl Mrs vi-;t-d ;,i (Mi;a week, returned F. F. 1 each is conducting th" daily business in Fnion and i.-. pre pared Ti) f'.Uili ll the best of service .1; !hi; line. Luther .Mead was looking after . n:e Inisi n-:-s matter-, in Omaha last latisry Service Station! I am prepared to look after your battery wants, in the way of recharging, repairing and furnishing of needed parts, as well as providing you with new bat teries. All work has my personal care and will be given the minutest attention. W. K. Du UNION NEBRASKA -i(k at hr l:oin for some days past.ifui is reported as being greatly ed and m the hi-h c every. Fiiiery Bauer was a passenger to t)maha Monday n:orniu;.. win re he did some work during the wee',: at the home of John Case, a former resident here. Mrs. C. F. Harris and daughter. Miss Verna. who is taking a short vacation from her duties at Nehaw ka. were visitors in Nebraska City 'n last Saturday. Among the biij etris John Becker brought in one which measured six i and five-eiehts inches around the! iiiort way and ' even and three-J -.d s lit lis inches tlie long w ay. George Hastings. Mesdani"s F-.m I ind John Lidgett ad Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor an 1 granddaughter, little Marjorie Holack were visitors in Nebraska City last Thursday. C. K. Si'vervn. superintendetit of ihe Fnion sclmols. was a visitor in IMattsmouth last Saturday, where he wa calling on friends as well as looking after inattrs of busi ness. John Lidgett and Kt-v. W. A. Tay lor were visiting at Nehawka lat evening, where they went to attend! " the meeting of the M.i-nnie lodge oft that place, in which they hold their ' membership. Mi-ses lie Torgeson. Marie For sythe. Kuth Ftiiel Bower snx and Poris Ma;ney. of the Fni versity. and Maruaret Swan. of eat i. were td a: Baptis: c-'iurca a:i :r t.'-at mait'-r. a 1 v.-ashing very tine when it rl;e socle'- af '.v eek . Those r- v. ere i ud manner thai i.- church han .: the dlighr ':vMed. Noth 'r the la 'ie c. 1 of all Fnion - prov ide ome- . in es t o e.i :s. ladies Missicirary The ladies mis.-ii r.-ir' Baptist church will rn Thursday afternoon membeis. Mrs. i inttrfs'ing afetrnoi.n Will Meet. ;'.-iery ci" th' "t the coming h ,mt of thvir 'rar.s. A very is proiuir-ed. tttr 1 e there and enjoy the n:eet- Thcy Found Some Fish. Last Friday, (am', by the way. Fri day is just as g .(ui a day as any for sin Dan Lynn and vi!V. W. A. Tay lor and wife and Co i. Hastings, '.vti, was visiting here. .. nt d';vvn on tli: Wttping Water cr near what is fcm.wn a-, the F.eiett bridge and ?-pent a few h.uirs ri-hing. Luck wa. with. them and tlieir eatch was iu-ar-Iv two score. While the men wer jut as still as any mouse and me' th hest of bait, tiiev r-uld not win ti.e -arp or trout, or ot even the buB .ad- t it own .akiag f iht the va a n y if llOor-S. . Mrs. W T!"e; i.-IiCf: F'lion., were gin-- ts of Ellen Chap man Sunday. Ueorge Hastings, of Oh iowa. who lias been visiting in Fnion for some time past, a guest at the homes of John Lidgett and Ban Lynn, left Monday morning for his home out in the state. The Ladies Aid society oT the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. Barbara Taylor on Thursday of last week to look after the busi ness affairs of the society and had a very pleasant time. J. I. Cross and wife. of Fnion. attended the American legion's in door carnival in FMattsniout h last Fiiday night, where- they found one )lc ami :d while on Tayl.-r no. ome twentv inhebiiaats of the VV. W :":;e asking that she would lift them it e. i ,irv land and This .-he did. On ! i',llov. a big t v: p 'and carp, change;! i his mind ami jast as he was lining t'inveyed to the bank, he floundered and was able t release himself an;, i -t back into the water. Mrs. Tay- Vr can in hor c:.rp. e near efforts to ? w i n be : th.-? rdite fish. Hip ! S The peoph i.'ta. have : jr- at fa" rvics and Services Tliis Sunurer ii the neighborhood rran sr s'-V'.-'i there will be services ;1 to provide m-ue iioife-" for church al The Reo The Sturdy Car! That is it the most substantial car on the market the Reo. Beth the pleasure cars and the trucks. We have some used cars also in Overlands and Fords. See us for bargains in these. Our repair service absolutely the best and charged very reasonable. We do auto liver- and trucking hogs, cattle and grain to market. The Willis Garage, UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA of the largest crowds lmagin evervone enjoying himself. Misses Vi.da Willis and Win or. a By art and Messrs Bert Willis :u.d Beh Lindsay visited in Omaha last Sunday with Mi.-s Beloras Dysarr. who recently underwent an opera tion at the St. Joseph hospital. V. B. Banning, who is the treas urer of the Nebraska State Fair as- e ry t wo Tile Rev. w lu-n he h wee W. : md 11 be s during the summer A. Taylor prear-hiiu nt;!!'nl at Waba-h. ITave Had Services. The Latter Bay Saint : have beer holding services at the Sciota schoel during the p.-: " week and have had much interest and a gaod at tendance the service?. jsociation. was a passenger to Lincoln! i;ig. The last Monday morning, being called church (tin re to look after some business j I matters claiming the attention of the I state fair board. j Ym. Clarence. Jr.. who va? kick-i I ei tiy a iractous norse last weeK. was in town last Monday and reports ;that while he is still feeling pretty j sore from the tune the horse s heels J played on his chest, ribs and shoul j tier, not to mention his chin, he is j getting along nicely. Messrs. I'ropst and F.urbee were visitors in Omaha last Monday, go ing up to bring down a Ford touring far and a Ford roadster to supplv Fcr the Ccming Sunday. There will be the regular services at the Baptist churrh. tiie morning service will be devr.ted to Mother's day. and the discoiir.-es will i.e de- j livered by the pastor, the Rev. Sam- ti 1 Miller, and will be most interest- other societies oi tne 1 hold their regular Fer tile Methodist church the .col and Fpw'.rth Leagrte their regular servicer-, be r.o services during the wi vices. At Sundav sr": will hold There will morning, as Rev. will preach at Wyoming during the morning. In the evening there will be services dediacted to the mothers cf the land. Will Play Next Sunday. The game of ball which was to be had at Manley between th" boys of that place and the Fnion team was railed or' on account of dampness. A game has been arranged for Fnion in o n ml th X liat is coming? Summer, of course, and with it usual rain storms and hot sun. If your house or barn needs a new covering, now is the time to put it on. A car of shingles j'ust in and at the right price. Remember, now is the time to paint. If you let the building take another season of rain or sun, it will require enough extra material to more than make up trie difference in any decline in price next year. Be sides, you have no assurance of cheaner nrices for vears i x j See us for prices and estimates. e appreciate your patronage. to come. Frans Bros'. Lumber Co,, UNION NEBRASKA the demand for Universal cars. These! the coming Sunday when the Julian will try and wrest a victory the local boys, but they are ing without their lies', for th?y be defeated and the Fnion boys win. t ea m from ccunt will will counts the theorv that the thert pulled off bv Omaha veggs and lead to the ultimate di covery of the guilty parties. As ii is. the loss to Pie government has been materially reduced with ihe findine of the pil fered property. i lo Traasferied to Air Service A letter from Frank M. Bark hurst to Ins irieinl W . C. Carraher of ibis plaee. written from Corrigidor, V. I . contained the following clipping: "Frank M. was i on liiusf care fur the nornm! fuic- Tnavi lions of vour in'est ines. If the j i om cch is in good order, the e-t:ro (.! - has ihe ilecesary s-1 r; ::;rt !i an i 1 c n t o I.., t Tiul.h'lllM I r i r s l Bitter Wine is invaluable t r ti.i P' it eieans I'm- irnv;.., :.:.i icoOG'j. r-estai.iis!:es normal condition:. 1 the bo. IV. Keep Trilo-r's I'.Mi hi ; You Have the Sigh! f xpct your dollar to buy r f i ..1 . r lone nur.creu cents worm oi li. W' are liere to fur- mVh you the goods full v:lue Barkhurst , (' mpan- A. rigid'. r. has air service, field for da! Frank will ii':; advanee private ui j S"datie for eold.s a!id' pufrin l ir t h r..-! i n !ut ina t ion.-; (as Triuer's Liniment p:r ne ia'id r.'iee ma' ir pains ii -..ii" l! these remedies v I: !; y-. becri transferred to the He reported at Clark The manv friends .r let at I medici. ii.g th ail druggists s may I.e ; ui' -it !:. in! kaler.- - All'i IS V. e! l.oa.e u can it. f r your money. i H he pi; liHll. el to know ;:' Union The senior School Notes Mav ".ir nival will be!' he!i! f. t the Fiiioii high school Fri- evening, ai.iv ton at n:j'i o cioi-k harp. Kvf-rv.odv invited to n:.-. stun t t f : -o t ioi prices ; La s i nnua ! : eol in the MV reeept i nished r. n I "lass colors. il'gel the dale. See all the I -s. A line time. Moderate :nl all kinds of fun. Friday night. April L'fuh J uiiior-S'-n ior lianfpiet Auto CIl One .',2x1 auto i-hawka ai.d F i:d. Notify !U awka for rew Win. S. Hart's Mount pictuie a' ?;ul Satjrdav. p. Lost ( bain i'-i - 'a ion on ' ay Klanre d. b-O" di i v. nicked lock: Corn, few sample.-? nt random from our ere are a 2 cans fi or , Pe .25c .3()c latest big Par.i ?are-:eo :ches, apricots j! Spring Line of Vhite Keds is -! Now In Rubber Soles I is I Cll 9m NEBR. Fri.Uy' . .ytriV t ne was 1 Baptist church. A very, in room hud been fui-j di'Corate.l it! the Senior. .'elhi'.v and white flow ts ;:r.d yellow eamlles made both the recepii ,n room and the table pre sent a beautiful appearance. 1'lates were laid at the table for fourteen guests am! a very tempting three-i-.iurse m.ene. prepared by the ladies of ihe Baptist church, was served by ; ne Sophomore siirls. who wer dain tily dressed in yellow and white. Miss Minnie peters, formerly the second primary teacher here, visited in the grades and high school last Thursday and Friday. County eighth grade examinations will be given at the school building on May 5th and Gth. About eighteen pupils from the surrounding coun try expect to write here. This will be the last chance this spring and) .' ill determine whether eighth grade' work is taken up next year or ninth. The three senior girls. Fern Deles, Bernier. Winona Dysart and Eula ! Frans. who have been taking ex aminations for teachers' certificates during the preceding months, have according to the latest reports from the countv superintendent. pasing grades in all the reo ui red subjects.! fter attending summer school, each i (,ne of ihe three will be entitled to' i county second grade certificate. i Patrons" day will be observed at ; ;-hool tm Friday. May 1-th. All pa-: fi;r.s ,!ri osperiallv invited on that ' day. ' i 30,000 Acres LINCOLN COUNTY, COLORADO, LAND FOR SALE! Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers harvested an excellent crop of wheat the past season. Ccrne, see land where in many instances one crop will pay for the land. We are making trips every Sat urday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and particulars. The best land in the west and at a price which anyone can afford to pay. CHAS. BOWDISH, Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr. Tiie ; rees the school g "reni to be sj the Welfher iitions. has factor. w hich ron iid Were a few- planted on v. eeks ago rowing n with it.; fav been a verv lv. l,r"oliab!v Table con import ant THE LAST REAR-GUARD Baring the Crimean War the French and Fnglish troops before Stbasiopol were decimated by cold ;ind diea.-e. The Czar Nicholas, gazing at the lines of his enfeebled fees, said: "Two more generals are yet to fi-ht for no. Cleneral -Janvier a Tid Kevrier (January and Febru ary. I" The Crar Winter is a si ill bi.'erer fighter. Kvui when his doom is sealed, h" calls his last rear-guard, icy winds, fogs and frost, and lights his .May battle.-. If you want to pass such days without damage. Prices doing Lower! y or 4a W 3s3 . . .55c LOOK HERE! 48-lb. sack of "Letter Roll" (Invv 2 cans ot sweet com for 3-lb. can of sliced pineapple lor Good bulk coffee at, per !b 2 packages of raisins for A nice line of shoes, en which we are making some very attractive prices. New ginghams and percale?, the very finest and prices reasonable. Many excellent burgpins in men's work clothes, hardware and groceries. UNION NEBRASKA !e5r " ie? T7T THE UNIVERSAL CAR gentlemen are doing a very nice bus 'uess and are kept busy getting cars ."ist enough for the trade. (George Kdson was a caller here : .st Monday while on his way to " furray for a visit with friends. Mr. IMson was a resident here in the ays of long ago, having left this omniunity 2C, years ago. lie will ' e remembered as having run for :heriff on the democratic ticket . . years ago. H. A. Smith and w ife left last ; c ther of the relatives, w here ihey eel- veek for Lincoln, w here Mr. Smith i t brated in proper style the passing of goes to accept a more lucreative po-jthe Slst anniversary of Mr. K. D. j rition with the company by whom he Clark. Mr. Clark, who has leen a Pas been employed as manager of resident of Nebraska for the .past the cream station here. The local cream business will be handled in the luture ny 1-ratiK tioggs wno win engaged in farming before taking ai Celebrated Birthday. La.-t Sunday being the anniver sary of the birthday of K. 1). Clark cf Weeping Water, he and his wife some j were the guests at the home of Mr. C. W. Clark of Fnion. as were all the I v 1 1 1 l . L ui ..v i'. .-rvii ili oic . ('J." k thirty years came from Fremont coun-jr ! ty. Icwa. to this place where he wasjf iook atier tnai as wen as the con duct of his restaurant business. Will Givr; Entertainment, j The Gospel Team of the Y. M. C. A. ' at Peru, in connection with the state normal, will be in Fniin the I coming Sunday evening to give an i entertainment at the First E5aptist !P1 life of business and also at Nehawka and Weeping Water he is engaged in business looking after the store notwithstanding his advanced age. and is well preserved and looks after the h us in ess in the best manner. We with his many friens,are extending t congratulations and best wishes for many more happy, healthful and pro- church of this place. The entertain- ' stable years. j ment will be composed mostly of j musical numbers and will be a treat I Most of Loot Recovered for all who attend the services Sunday ! Some school boys while at play in evening. There will be no charge for the wooded pasture near the home admission, but an offering will be of T. W. Swan last Saturday, dis- received. Banquet i Success. The junior-senior banquet, the function which the juniors always furnish for the seniors, was one of covered hidden under a stump most of the loot taken from the Union postoffice at the time of the recent robbery. This was turned over to one of the neighbors who brought it to town. The timely discovery dis- e . f .' -i- j ev, - - - f -1 . i ...-'"jr-v ir. -sLs-'i i i CT " " - - " " ' ' '- "" jt 1 3 -I . S $440 f. o. b. Detroit We represent the most thorough and up-to-date motor car factory in the world, turning out the best all-round car on the market today the most adapt able to every need of every class of people. The Ford Service organization, of which we are a branch, is the most extensive as well as the most intensive organization of its kind in existence, consisting of over 18,000 Service Stations in trie United States. It is our duty to uphold the high ideals of the Ford organization in this territory, to deliver cars as promptly as possible, to give quick and thorough repair service and courteous treatment to all customers. Propst ft Union, Nebraska 4