The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 11, 1921, Image 1

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    a fi 3 4 vo u h 3 I !
vol. no. xxxvn.
From TI
..! :ra.i;i at 1 ::!"
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F- s..m.e ;,t lover prices
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r f t all victories.
lea'.- I..- ).-. pi .vs
! i.e il do th- tr be-t .
A Fr-.-bman
From Th nrs'lii v's
Mi-s Rr.::,i:, M- v.-r -. oi i ,,s -n- ,orR,-',r c ;c rf,',n'y residents. Sn- ; iicious refreshments consisting of '"" -''--s Vivian Raar of I'.: ;d::i fiu.n :, n-ing vote of thank's. , fc i
g'-'.-s. C;.;;:'. mia. e.rertait a jT-rtv r?,,nr,nir ,he ',irth of a line little j aneel food cake an;J strawberries rnd !,r,H'- ?Ius N'n' M-e rwPs- nr'li Mis Mad iltne Cx. a-contptnied ,'M
coa.). s. ; (1 t - -. Krar.k .1 Mor-an r,!r, 1,r''' daughter at their home whipped cream were served hv the Miss -.Iar: el SiretRht. At a late hour bv r.:h--s Kse!le Raird as pianist, gave I , M
Mr-. Fred F. Morgan of t!F- citv' - :'' ":r : 5n' - - (,n Friday. April 1 . ho.iXOKS ' the r.;ie--ts took th ir dep ut: ini- a ri.arming rendition of Pnrtnctide. i j JfPgl
an ! Mrs. Fn:!.p ib.r:.. i,f Mav-prin-V ;n.or.K!y de larine Mi s Minor to h the ;
I?";:-.. :,..a..,hr-t.'- ;:!!'! ,Uur I When you tnmk of printing, you Lost anything found any thine'. : f'Srllf v'f. uZ;?1 We can furnish you Diank book i ytnn
' " "a - can t help but think of us. , Try a Journal ad. "They satisfy." 1 new position. most any kind at Journal office. i A
Fr-m Thiirsilav's Iail. 1
Tii" reports i'mum Lincoln state
Ithri' .1 !; ti Ruttery of iliat city is in
'very Tiniis condition. Frank ami
' .M. L. I ! u 1 1 ry of this vity visile. 1 ,
r ; i r brother yct'ri!av and w r- !
.illy shocked at the change that;
la-l few week-; has . i- ; i ir i : t :
It Mr. p.uttery has lo-t 1 h
ivhx of his eyes and his g.nerui
physical condition is such as to make
I his removal ii
the hospital n-ce:
ia-v. I .i i T - -in of I he cax- il
T i ri ii awai'eii with anxietv bv the
: r..:iiilv an.l fri.-mls Iot I. )iere :it..I in
. ,
waiiiia npnni P inr
T tlpt.if rrl rl P flnP ,;t "' i'l-m V-.ltu'.-n hiiil'Unj; in
I Wwitl I LUI L.L ni.U j slattMiioutli and a v rv piea.-iru at-
I I n i M f h im ueni nn.;!";;:;:;:;;:!1" ,r;tr;;;;r
.'tr;;, TT.t T.rlrf-s nnrl TJnHprt Trnnn
Married at Home of Groom's
Uncle Here Yesterdav.
From Thursday's Tailj
: - -1 rd.. v at rn'i(.:i at 4 n dock :i
:t ! . .-re',h' ho'.i. of t !.. unci ;.r;d aunt :
is ! vt s from -ro.i: i. Mr. and Mrs. Kolw-r
i roop. o-.- ..tit,, ii:e inarriau- o: - oi. - -
i:iia l.oht - s ;,;,! Mr. Koberr Tr""'.
. eddittu was v-ry simple, the
I-- b'-l ir:. in from their
hom-s in c
M i. r h a !i of
l.ohi:-'s. :
pan.'- with Mr. Fauljthc state as evt-ry ctointy u i.i - ; -
w ka and .Miss KM" r 't-d ! l-er,-
:;-'er of 'lie bride and t!!",..' Ti.e ';t-s count repr'-sentat i v -
j--,.p'e were th- witne-.-es of!..cted wer- Cointv .lude Alb v. -i .
d b
e 1. 1 rr ; ie
Wre r.
i: v H. 3. .;-4 "tii-ky. pa-tor i' t he
i-'ir-i i ' ..' y' eria n church.
TI.- br'Oe i- . d::n-hter of Mr. art J
-M r--. ..'ac.b Lane-. of n-ar Mvrird.
and i .;- ' p puiar you:; ia-'i--
'f lb:- pert i u of t h couaty and
' o::-- i;t b, .a in- biaii-.-t ! m by
. :- lara- circi- of warm frb-i. ds v. :;om
s he iias v. on by :i r c barmint; di-
' -' '"'
The aroon; i- ,," of the epertret :.
" -i:.-'. fart-ier- ;" i..-ar N haw j;:: am!
a - a : air. ami ..i rs. . in i roop.
at:.! a '' v.'- nam ol t h- hi:;lie.:t
. : a n-iin- it. ti;.. coiainnnity in which
i io !iv- -. .Mr. Troop and bride will
:i:;k- il:-:r : o:n- on th-.- farm that
:he r,.,::n b .okinu thi-,e:'r ami
ha- ver t h in." in readine---
for the coming of his b-lpmate.
The many l'rienos id' the voting
: if join in w vi:ir. tr.otn a ior;
-ry happy wa .ni-'i nit- in ti..-
t a care.
Ve. I":
Hi AWr 1ST I Ik!
Number cf Local Knights Templar
ir; CapiTal City for Two-Day
Gathering- of Masons.
Frmn ars-.'.i v .- T'ai'v
Ti - K'ui, bt- Ten pbir of the stat
art t; --:in in conclave at Lincoln
'od::y ai ! tom-r-ow anl a la re
nu.i:i-r of th- commami'rs and past
("mmav'i-rs of th,- order will be in
aite; "lance at th- .nat hcrini; f this
. imnor-ai:' branch of the Masonic
j i'rai- rn it y.
!"r tf tlie Mt. Xion commandry of
i. this t-:tv v. . A. ;;o'ert-on. ir. r rank
( 'amrijin L. Wiles. .1. K.
Sib' t;: and K .". Kichey will ie in
a;t-t dari"e as -. ell a James M. Robert-
-n. who is one of the train! ei:-
(;.":;:;-:. t o dicers of. the state.
The cencdave i- to b- visited by
(i- r-e Vv . Vail-ry. of Denver, grand
.-et. ior warde'i of the urantl fiicauip
ment of the Fnited States. who
r p.resen'iitc Grand Master .?i.pli
I-. a . . ... .1.,. Tlwi
' ' ' ' a I Ll.e KO-eiiois. i ur i ( ---
n.o"h rt prosen'atives art- especially
T--a.- d to meet Mr. Vallt-ry as h- is
a farmer resident of this city.
From Thursday's Jbuily.
Frank A. Cloidb assistant cashier
(.f t;,t, FlattitnoMtii State bank, who
!ro tV.r Li.i-i.rl Wieks T:i St li.-fn fll-
-ajred in ct!iubat:t:u a very severe case
,-f rheunmt ism. at the sanitarium at
ii.o, n . has so far re-ovtred as T f
be able to return home ami is now
back on 'he j;b at the hank. .Mr.
Fbtid: is feelin-r much unproved and
his many friends are hopeful that he
may have recovered entirely from the
.painful malady and restored to hi.-
b rmer -ood health.
From Thiirsna v's Ia!ly.
This m-rnitm John Mtirtev. one of
j the best known residents of the v.e.-t-j
'-ni tioitirin f Cass county and t'or
i state reprtsentative frt.m Fas
' county was here for a few hours.
! com in - in to meet with the hoard of
I -onnty commissioners. Mr. Murtey
i h is j .ist returned, from a prolonged
, stay in Falifornia. where, with his.
' wife, he has been spending the winter
j months and feels well pleased with
; the mibl climate of the coast countrv.
Word has been received in this
city from Mr. and Mrs. C H. liist.
f' om Thursdays Paitv
i in- t ass c-iiiiiity c.'ivcmii.n ni uih
!h.-l.l v,,u.nlav afteraoon at J oV!o k
.present t., tuk- ,. art , ine.n r.era
The uatherini; was called to order'
hy !!. F. Coo-, clerk of ( cat.ip.
No. of this city and Ceor.e l.i:--; was introduced as ch a : ri.ia n
o; the co::ve!!im and K. (.;. Cr'-ei:.
.f Kin: wood .-.-i. rte.! as t !:. ( '. : '.: i
the lio-'v
j The main subject of interest be-
fore tin- i:.eetin.u was tliat of b-c-
'in delegates it the stat- convent i;?!.
v l.icii i to be held in dr. :i
j ?uy ;th. and which w"!i be o; f ,
I the 'ar.est frattrnal -.a T h'-ri r.-s of,
' l!-e-on. of I'iat tsntoti' h
i;r-n. i f Elmv.ooii. a d
a- (1 H.
'i:a'e-. at:
: : : k v of 1 'ia i -:,(":' I;
nr.. (J. L Fetrerman .f Klttiw ...! as,
! mat--.
Tiit Mvtb-rn Wb.'.-im-
t.ave a
iiu-iiih-r: nip o
1 their sti-nath !.a
t i;- : few y-ar-
- r ' . ' '( ,!t a m-b-vn
, row ins.:
itme tin- clo-e
of ii:-- rat-.- -n-.-tioii ai:d th-.e ar
mv o?i-- of t!'- s' rony-st of t'-.e f ra -i-ria!
instiram:-- orders in t h- co-;:.-ty
and st:it and th" nt-'M'.b.Ts'.itp
with enthu-ia-t:i f-r tne fatni--..
orl: of t h- i vd -r.
A :!;r .-'at" n('' tinv. a' l.h!f!-!n :
v.lii era- Up tl.e matter ! sec;
the m-xt head camp at Omaha and'
for which the r pres-i: ; at : vos
V - . -
braska exptct to n:aki
a: th- national camp in S lami- in
June and the outcome will l'f await -, i,t.t-.. vr- i-.k.itiI.up ..r
-he o-Her in tl.A State
Tin- vil!a-e of Nehawka hal a
?r- alarm on Tu day morning and
but i -r the prompt ami ei.-rm'tic
v. ork of the residents !' til-' plate.
'-. y tiiipht have p ri- nced a very
-. rions co::,'la;-a;tor. '1 he bnibli:; ;.
i'-a n-d by .F .M. Stone and orenpie.I
iti the front portion by the po-i-
o:be and in the rear by the slee,.-
ins apartmt-nt of .Morris Foliard.
-as tile SCelle of th- iirta
The buildine. has a tin roof am'
d.e r-lect ric liah; w ires are sfttnir
lose to the building and one of th
wires iiad uratlually b-come loosened
'o such an extent thai it rubbed
atminst the rot.f and gradual !v cans-
e,i a shortage that in time heated
up ihe tin tf the roof and caused, th-
1 timbers supporting the roof to
moulder for some time and durum
the nicht they bur' into flames. :
The was lirst discoyere.i by ' r Alteting" Last Largely At
Pollard who was sleeping m his: j j ht i -n-. when a small portion of the- Lenckd and Members Pleased
ptasteriny ft il and the odor of th-; at Past Year's Success.
burning wood t-rept into the room, j
Mr. Pollard at once caib'd the tele-; From Thursday raii1-.-phone
operator. and Miss Fuctlie: Last evt-nittR .Mt. Zion coramam'.ry
lav:s. v. bo was or; duty at the time No. Knialtts Templar, met in their
rhowetl clearheadedness ia caFim; rooms to comiuct tbc -lection,
the residents of the city t the cene of offlfrs for the ef-uini; year ami
of the fire. On the arrival of the 'he follow-in- wer.- ra:n-i:
citizeiis. the electric liab.t wires l?:nl-' Fake L. Wile-, tinim-nr rfuun an
i ii to the buiblint. were cv;t and tier.
the flames extinguished after can -ina; Kmmons J. Ricltty. -ei:ei-Fiissimo
a loss eFtimat-d to be in the nei-h-
borhood of $20.
From Th tirsday'f" la!ly
The Ladies Aid societv of the
Christian church was entertained j
most delightfully yesterday alter-i
noon at the beautiful countrv limi.,''' Thursdays Ttnily.
of Mr. and Mrs. Luke L. Wiles, south- A very charming fare-ve' dinner
west of the city and the occasion party was given last evening by Miss
was one of the most largely attend-I -Adeline Minor at her home in th
ed that the society has enjoyed for Foroiiado apartment- in lienor f
some time. j Miss Catherine Zook. who has former-
The members of the society met at het n employo.l a- a stenoarapiit r
the corner of Sixth and Maiii streets,111 Fuiiingtoii s! ops of this city,
where they were picked up hv Messrs Miss Zook has accpted a position in
L. L. Wiles and C. L. Wiies and j Lit:ctdn with the firm of Faf-h Pros.,
driven to the home in the countrv. ! :iri' WH leave to taba up tier new
where they enjoyed verv much tlie ' duties the end of this week.
passing hours, despite th fact that j 1 was r.eaututiiyi ami et-
the rain for a time threatened to f';ctively deccratedj-y ah:ijre center-
ir.a- the pleasures of tlie occasion. ! I"ece of tulips and '-pring; Mos-oras.
During the afternoon. Miss Jiarv;T,'is l"-igiit cob.nina with t he sa -my
Rucker gave a very charming piano ' Iinen :l'1(1 r'tirklina silver made a
solo, with a reading by .Mrs. Allen i verv attractive table. Easter Llie-
J. Reeson that served as enjoyable , an1 snri71 Hossonis were in a bund-
features of the event. The business auc' tl-.roug'.uxit th- rooms. At sev-
hour followed at which a number of en 'clo(k a delicious li' e .:ir-e din-
matters of importance were taken Iur v'as s''?rvf"1- T'-1' evening wa
up ; sjtent in music and a general god
At a suitaoie nour uaintv and de-
From FrlilHy Dally.
Til is r.uiM'.iiiK Mi j (
Superintend---. Mis.--- .'
;i-- a very b;;.-v pi:u
a race pupi i - 1 1 t he sj
ii a I'lai'.-iiiv.ut !). vt i
the rt i! ii ! ; h ex a .r . n.i
a:u .::..: ion i - be: nsr Lei.
;. II o er i he ecu:; t y :.
! . amy
i i a F- I f rsen .
'- ! tie ciCili !t
F surround-
: 'i, attend
ii. i :!
ol th- S"i.OOls
: ti.e j-apf.r.-
r t!i P'U
lii- will be
:i-ri- to t :!
:":; .) t v. -co-n 1 .--i. ;
! a 1:1 ii:a ! ion an! : a
i t: t'-'.!w-ti I for
!;:. liu'
tilt I -lit
' lilili; pr-fldo
' of I heir verb.
. it!-. :!
iiiMnnA mKmf'iJ tt'.'VI
' H H MR 0 O 5 ? ! L- 1
nP'nrn CAi-JT fiHT!
- : Mcnarch En-ineei inr Co.. cf Falls
City. ?rei?nt Cont. : o::. pi . ve
the Lowest Diacle::.
1 From Fh(!'iv iaiiy.
. Y.-". :da aftt r:,:
. o;n;t c--n.::i:i ;:;e! r
! :::il o,
: iu-:de
::-ee -id-ir
::: t !r
. i a 'if..
W- .-' :!
: tin a-:a
.!:! p.: re.i
' ' bid
":l .tie' f
': t . with
;: rri.- v it -
: on the t.-.c- id
w o:-k for t.'i-. year ; : i
- w-. ed '.i th-.
. lotiarc:: -iii.-tn :
' ity. t ne .! iie- n -'i
"f I '' a : ' - h
Froipe t. '(.;.-: ru
: i : t.ds !.. . .-: .
I by V- '..;!
w :. - ;. ii.--
-:iV' :'A
i !-s; : ers j .j :
an I f on.:.
i !t;a
).: ia- i, a- i'
! f
'a- t a ,-r I oec...
1 no -; a n o; a . !; ;
' ' ;tta bt r ! hr u "a
! t I
a :
i '
' re. i 'i-nt - if .M; r.'.-y
1 r-- be .--..:. ( i .1. !
i ; a po.-i hall ;n ' In
tinani.ti- n- V'te ib-
i Th r! re rt a
F : - a
, an ii
f :b
,i;-r i ;
:: t;T y :i:Cia Is - i:' i r
ft J : was r . .- V-y
; ( 'oat: t y Clot K (b-aia.-;c- F.
1 P'"i' I t'.-i to t!:- .oi;o-,;n '
; .- i s . s ..
"4.". " an
ina Si;., n-
( or:nt v Ju iL-e la-e-
' . ' V " "" r''lIi:i
- . r . i . y t i . - . - -
ii.' ni tne imp. r ... ."v mat. ers no
'. 'ken Up I'V the b. ar.l Was t
I cf the em-.a v -a' y r.'j i ia
; of t!ie county . HeiaTiafore o: a - ! (
'. of the b-vv for road- iia - be- n n'.at' i:
Hi tne emeruencv i.;al inn: ai:d it
- ; rV;;;, WXl
aioi divide it enua'ly .a th- ; hr-r
di-;rit"-. Fnd-.- ; a- i n
adopt d b the cotii:ai.--; :: rs i: v. .
b --i'Vd th an .atnts w.ii ta train
.11 the d-.strb. t in i'ich :t 'a.--::
"aise.1.. This wiii -F ;t a'
1 ' i-t : :! teivinx "a : i. iarsi r r-on.
limn bt for,- a- I'a-T b-'.y ...iti-
. -om-t iitm like 1 in a- : ban ti-
t h-r di-tr: is am' "b-y : i ' !av
' ha t mn h more ;: v.-: i a ; d- f. : b e roa '.
( -a:.-
A-. ss,.r
Wiiltatt! iiunieil t
!:it- w as granted b.
. !:- I.- a l'i. .
1ST "710". Cft w f l
SW . M ! A -fl iS -
"Sl 1 Ubt.h.t.o.l
iFiljih J. llaynie. captain reneral.
Philip Thiero'f. trea---..-.r.
William 1-. Kvers. recorder.
The tm inbers of the Templars wt r-
ivell pleased with the vtar's work in
- ?T'SU1
of the best voar? in t!: bi ttirv of
tb' order in the city.
,,r .i.t....v
IT OflLLd ii? yfA'i.a ami ha- :. Ih! re-ore a.
; ,a student, lie w . I -pend I :.e slltlt-
1 ! im r in l.uin-villi u it ii his arainipar-
. Fee. era 1 Oficr William Kar.ks and'.,.;,. .ir. anu Mrs. wit-eier.
- Miens Uutntcn tnend Active 1-av
fn Troct C..; ,f fiivr '
I From Ir,r...y lr.tiv.
j Ve-t-r,iay aftert. oi n !' Lt.i 1 :;
' 'il!,:!!! Ha-ii, u !;., I e. n hete
! ! V ifu! . el..- i " i. ' a - :v : i h-;.--iM-t-
v.her ii; ;i.-twr ii.'i'.h: uaiht-r ia
'ill-- Wi-. y of iilici' ii'jaof. .ieeotjipati
! d hv Sh.-r;rV t". i I Ocitltt'll. r.l i-
! i .. . 1 ..... - , : ; i : ... i i I
j I ni . t I i . U U . i . . 1 o V. it . . 1 .1 1
p :it - v.-ra ' p.-. tit.. ioe tiours .ii ter-
::t::ii; ti:e -:i'N ;.:,d
lae.i i. -
a tu't-'i
p! a 1 for-
at ti:,- ;(.:.- of ".
. ; a cf I '.;(-i lie .Fit,'
n. tiiey
: bed a t;eat s'-.;i c :: '-ea '.. d nader
l.:-::-- and . h, b !. v. a - pro.ii;,,:
!:.-;-a:-d by r t fed-ral otbeer and
t!,i tnattei' rt-porte! 'o t'le 1 t.ited
't-- att' ir.i v o; Jo a a for action,
ta- re-: it ma- ri; iivnia- Kr-e-:aa-i.
Mr. HanKs ami Sheri'f (.jninton
-: i'V ied a -u-fd":oti- b iiKiia: tioil-r
. "and'P!:; i:t :.r the kite her ov a-:d
..'!.!'! "a- ii;;-d with r.;'.- a!:ri ti
. ti:' boib-r b-d members of
II:.- ; : rt y to !: i-i- that thty w.ub!
"..a ia- a. bai .a-r inves:ati.n. !;: the
: !.o-e 1;. .--i t he ceiFim and r aof (f
a j. ' i ti-.- "worn." v. as ii isctt vet e;i
and ;' w.-.s v-: y cl-v.' rly conce:i!ed
..mi b: a it tea b n t-r ti:e eale eye
i f ' ::e "T!b .-r- -h - y miaat hae i..-en
: ciai. b.r ; s i! is t'e iiie t-r will be
-ira - .
:: r;t
'' r
'.-:- to : t"ti:ted S:aTe- au
s t' .r ac ion.
i l.i jik :;:t- bet-n w orkins -
ly t i: r ' it ii -::t t :. :- port ion f
ii t y ami . n :i-- Nearaska side
'if-aio-i r:-r (-oeretl the
o :-uahiy froai l-'ails City
. m.aha ami'.-d from 1 -oi
tii- ot i.lj kinds and de
ns . ;;(:: d --orate ti," of
' h F. S. Attorn-y ai Omaha.
it. ' 'itji'.f.ct iot: wi; ii Siierif;
: a. a b- a v ry th-r.mul: can-
t : oi y -. at of t li- M i -
ami ioca; a birpe num-
!a -- w lo-tv ti - :nviioratii!si
a -
i. .
: v jna.'- was maiiiita "uieu ami as
.... i . i ; a .. : o . I .- .-, ,. ,.
i . i . . i i i i i t . e l - a vo i .w'- .i s ., i . a
,, tho iu-M-rce in that section of the
Mrs. T. P. Livingston Gives Lunch
eon in Hcncr of Her Sister.
Mis. Duetcher.
Tin- b. ant if'il hen:.- of Fr. and
1. . : s . '. ! i .i i n a ( ; 'ii on Nor!: S i x h
.-1 ;--!. was -rs-ii- -t most
charming icr.cdieon at 1 :."; yesttrday
i'fternot-n when .Mr-. Livina-t -t: ea
: erta m
iOdv- in
rn iioi.c,- o: u-r s:-ttr. .v. :
Iii-tci:i-r it "a rren-buri
Mo., fo-merlv .Mb-- Matbibb- 'a!le-y
if : h i - t : ' y .
'i'.-e apti-dlt: ,.a il's .-!' the Ir.nciie II
- t- b-: itif'll in the -xtreiiie. tilt'
co.o.- -. la ;r b-ia.a in p-ink. w hih
wa- .-:;:; 1: ..-i.t-d by the u-e f t'ae Mrs.
vVard n .--.' w"-,:rh let;; a totK-h of rare
a:m 'o
' I:
( il
eoratiolls a
wi;ii ;!- -m w linen and sparkiina
. il' i-r ami cut -,1a-- made th- --ttin.a
tf t;. dtlbi.a;-- ti v ci.:rse Fimdiein
: ilf of -."eat pie.i-antnes-.
If, ii - 'At:-- laid tor 'hirty iiiiii tlie
-.:;' of inrn aue-ts pre-'-nt were.
Mt- liastin ot St. Louis. Mrs.
... H. F.iimore and Miss Miirqie Waik-
t- ( f .! ur: ay. am: Mrs. Francis li.
h iie i f mail a.
Fr rri Tli:rsday s Iail .
Yesterday afternoon the members
of th- ladi-s auxiliary of the Pres
byterian church were delightfully
entertained at the church parlors by
.Mesdatnes F. ii. Shoii. P. K. Tritscli
ami tb F. Vallery.
The paritrs were i!iatle very at
tractive by tiecorat ions of sprina
tlowers. and the perfume of the plum
ami apple blossoms made the senilis
most pleasant. The afternoon was
spent in the business of the organi
zation and at a suitable hour dainty
and delicious refreshments were
served that added lo the delights of
tile occasion and at the homegoing
hour th- members felt that they had
lad a royal time in every respect.
From FriUavs Dal
An ;o!j'Utrned meeting of the
1 eague of Women Voters was held in ;
the arditorittm t f the librarv last !
;.VeiFna. Th- resignations of Mrs. j
; Borkel. the trtasurer. and .Mrs. Far-!
; jey ,.: -hatrman of current event ; j
. -,,",.; v.e-e rccre-ful'.y accepted '
,,.,,) v.sdani J. Wiles and H. IF :
' (..,(- , p ctet! to fill the re caecthe va-1
. unties. Sunt. O. K. Pra't ga-.e :! ;
optintistif t a Ik upon dm: a t bm in yea-j
t.r:,i ar,rl our public .schools in parti - !
-nT.,r ue ;,.ked th;" rite menF ers i
watch caref-llv ;he pro-rc-s of t!;e -
smith-i o-vn-:- t:ii. .ir I'latt v.a
I - -
! ! a -saia n lias ti n i - h d 1: 1
i o- 'e ;( puna a po.-n : n mi'i v. m
I Wot!, ii t the Ml!:'! pit- acro-
will er. d. :ih' r ho i l.i liu.-
tnoi- lietieficiai 'o liitu a- he ha
heeil silldin li.tld aad l:'-ed- 'hi'
aidoor ex''!! i-H. Hi fru'inis here
ap- pleaeil 10 kaow thai lie titii-ind
the eour.-e v.i'ii honor atol will wi-a
hiu. he he-t of - Hi .--
! ' 'oijriei'.
Held at Weeping; Water Last Friday
Largely Attend by Rela
tives and Friends.
Frnm Friday's Va1!v.
Th- funeral of Andrtw Anderson,
which was held at the 'tmi;reu;i ' ion.a !
church Kridav
ternooii atol in
charge of the pa-'or. lb-v. W. II. Kil-t-y.
wa very la rgely a Feuded by
relatives and friends who were anx
ious to -how their la-i re-pects to
'hi- splendid mau who v as a friend
to ail. Mr. And-r.on was a bachelor
farmer, bu; his home was always a
webome place for visitors and many
i;.r;ie and enjoyable path-rings had
be-n held th-re. IJ-sides this social
loving side cf his nature there was
hi- chariat)iene.-s and heiptu'.ness.
ff-r vvlii-h he will long be remember
ed. Many a young man. especially,
has been helped by his fatherly ad
vice and financial aid.
Andrew Anderson was born No
vember FT lVti'F at niuemont. Wis
consin; moved to Illinois a' th" ago
of 1 : came to Fas- county. Nebraska
in S!b and buiF up his home thf
ia:b s northeast of Weening- Watf.
wlu-re he lived until taken to tb-ho-pPal
in Omaha, where he died
Ma: cli ::m. liti'l.
Ii- r.niied at the ace of fiftetn
with the Lutheran churth. of which,
he was n member until his death.
!!e leaves to mourn his death, be
sides his feeble stepmother. Mrs. Lot
t ie Anderson, five sisters and one
brother. Peter Anderson, of Weeping
Water. The sisters are: Mrs. Jake
Damingo. Mrs. Henry Snell. Mrs.
Chris.. Snell. of Weeping Water: Mrs.
-V-ls Itobersor. of Kiverdale. Neb.:
M s J. IF Jenkins of Lytuis. Neb.
ii:.- father, mother, four .-i-ters and
one brother have preceded him to
the Oreat Beyond.
Those coming from a distance to
attend the funeral were his sister.
Mrs. Nels Koberson and husband, of
Kiverdale: the sister. Mrs. J. K. Jen
kins and husband of Lyon.-: Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Neilson of Council P.lufls.
Ia.; S. Uay Smith. Omaha -Weeping
Water Republican.
Frr.i.i Saturday's rtaity
Yesterday. Paul Wurl. Jr.. of Po
mana. California, ami Walter Tower
of Covina. Califirrnia. arrived in the
city ir. the car of Mr. Tower for a
vi.-it h.ere with the grandmother and
unties of Mr. Wurl and wi'h the
relatives of Mr. Tower. The two
young men departed from California
ten davs ago and have made tii- trip;
of 2 0 miles in record breaking ,
time and with the best of weather
along the way.
The Thrift
r 1251
Every normal person is conscious of the
thrift instinct, the prompting toward economy
and the desire to endow every doliar with a
buying power of one hundred cents.
Cultivate this instinct with a bark ac
count at the First National Bank. We are
urging thrift, because a thrift community is
always a better place in which to live. Your
account is cordially invited!
i Tin; First national bank
ifTT-TTrTTFaTl iTIi'i - iTFTTf
l I i 1 i ' ' J F i . I i
iuhiii ihi.mi mniiiiiiummi - -
Five Ycung Men in tlie Auto and
Two to 'infm Were Quite
Badly Injured
On M ad.av e.aiha. "m- Former.
Clifo-ii MrM a-:!. I'iiiijp A-w or' b .
(biftord I Jam 1 1 and ap.'t :.-r y.una
ma n . u ho- n . u.e .- . '. . d n bain
Irivi- li-re .' ia in ai ii : pi ir a
sh-rt hiu- h-re .oi :t:g a . :i i-
v a ! v.-hlch i -- F i'e io-bl at ' in ' pla-.
ii: the tuar lil'iin'. 'i'U voting m-h
l-.'fl about nine o'eb" i. t i -'urn to
Ragle in a Fto d a o. lo I b. Mc
alasier ami . ii ii h h- a d ; i v , n a A I
ware happy t'lid F 1 ni w-ll mi: ,1
near tb. Iu-'dge b. : v. i . a :be la.
Run, place and t '.. Mi'z-iaft pbi.--when
tlie li.a!ii- i ;; th-- iar 'ai-Ii' out.
the driver bi-onara d i-t i ac' a .-'id
the ear svi'h it- occ.' pa ni iia-b-d
into t.he iliK h 1 -". f . ; belov. . Th
result was a t-ir ti- era h and 'i.r-
of the young m-n uei.- injured T
of th-m i tii iii-d i a i el wt-ir t the Si I
Jatties pbo e ft r as-i-'ano'. Sid im
meiiat-l re-p.,r.'bd with hi- . 'ti
and were mh-:i 1 nt'.-i -en- of
the aciib i:t. A-bw.-r: ii.ol b n
pinneti uinb-r tb (.: r atol for a s!i -r
time was uni'onsci at-. Re wa- p-r-haps
injan-ii th .i'i-i a- 'o- i.aii
severe cua on the r.-ck acl !'..:-.
Rentier received som- .-vi-h- -ir - and
ParicU iiad his wrist had' ' inn.
They all g ! into .Mr. .1: me.-' i a i
and 'Ley were a .-oi r looking ig!ii
as they wire brought into Rimwood
to the doctor's ofhee f-r far- .
It i- understood t.i.i' A -h va .rt h .
who was tlie mv-f iiijurtd
was takfii to L.m-oln ; ::i plac-fl ':i a
ho- pi tii I.
The auto was almou a c.-.tup!- fe
wreck a.nd on Tmil.!.' wa - t.-w.d t-;
Raale tor r-pa ii -a
Of cour.-e there are inativ -tori-s
curient in regard to the acid-nt and
it is ib-utiifu! if ii wiM ev -r be known
just exactly liow ii al! ,as. (tne woy
: th;it three of the boy- iiad been
pinned umbr l he ear mid while tl.e
fifher tvvo went in -t-.m i of h'-lp iwo
others succeeedd in fie;iir.u out and
they succeeded in rtleii-ia, the at her
young main. Anyway n wa- an e
lerience they would not ar. to un
dergo again. from here went out to viiw
the scene of the accident that eve
ning. Rim n ood Leader-Rt ho.
The sudden change t f weather
from the spring-like condition of ye--terday
to that of today was -uch
as to be most noticeable and the
mercury tin- morning eai-t cn-d
just seventeen points above tlie zero
mark. The pedestrians were k-p;
moving a i a brisk a.iie day by
th- .-harp and tii tin a wind. Th
cold snap lias apparently put the living.--
to ..ny hop'. ' .' 'he fruit rr ;
thai mith
ur i ve. i ha ( obi
.-nap ot a lew week?
Major A. Hall and wife of Oram,
Neb., .are in the citv vi-itina at the
heme of Dr. and .Mr.-. J. ii Mall. Mr.
Mall lias been in very poor health
for --rune time past and it was d-cided
to have him spend a short time here
in hopes of benefiting his condition.
He iv report erf today as not te-Fng
cjtlite as well its Usual.
Elank Eooks at the Journal Ofh-e.
IP-., at