THURSDAY. APP.IL 7. 1921 FLATTSMOUTH SEM-WEEEIY JOURNAL i l-.i-v t . , : union LsenrtmeMt Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. THE OPEN DOOR! At this Bank the door to the officers room i- always open, .nd this, in a sense, is typical of the spirit which pervades the eni.';-e place. Austerity, that professional coldness which one sometimes connects with financial institutions, is forgotten here in the general desire of every officer to meet the people of this vicinity as fel low citizens and to serve their needs, re gardless of whether they be little or large, with rtesv and consideration. we can serve you in any capacity do not let the relative sr.iallness of your posses sions pieent you from consulting us; rather let :t encourage you to do so. If : wi-.-h tc open a savings account our facilities are at your command. Cur ad vice and experience are yonrs to draw u pon. YOU'RE ALWAYS WELCOME HERE UNION - - NEBRASKA friend, the Kev. Samuel Mi Tut of 1 11 ion last KaiKhiy. driving i;p in his ;ir. Miss Viola Will;;, who ha-- been ;it j wild, lie is not deaf t in.- call, an .'iwun.v n r me Jiasi two vw-eKs cji- :,r-!ers to ko ir-pur-ii . (as :. n ex Had Builded a Boat. I Kv. Miliar save a verv hue-re-:- It is no' an ark. r.e:--r mar. of "'K ,alk iiahit on ue.ines.i; v v.-ar. but prb;iblv one of t"n- emer- niorn"'" i-enev 'riee? whic'i we !,.!Ve heard so : -Viiuna Dysart v. a-- ab--nt from Vmieh ab(.ut nf iate. Hnvev-T. Ira m-I.-niI Monday a::,! ' tie-day on -Clark who is the vo: kman. oiher- '"n- "! illness. v.'s.. than a barber. Lie 1 ; us sav he r,ri' lril! v:!- observ.-d hist i- a )arber worthv :f '., nam, al.. Thursday. It too k.rie minute, and ,.iitriu-t.Ml Uu boat !-.,- the j.-.u-p.-e livf' st-ct.ii.l; to clear the buildii.R. f hunting, as he i- a --risman. an.! : -' hlh h:ol was isse.l on the winter ?.nd fall (all- him to the r'ri.lay to allow th- team-is to at tend t!n- oisiMi't le:; as-ocia-t ion. I ' , . , M'l'HI.-' " h" I- - I ill..- j mt; for her sister. Mrs. A. u - eel lent boa. fcr the jnirpose. ,Ury. who bas been ill with the ilea-! v. e do r.ot know vh n it wi Now i Mr. M. fi. I.rif of the Plaits-1 -le, r Inrnei! to lw rhntiif lasl Thurs- ! day. j Mrs. Mary Taylor and daughter ! Mis-- Uachel. of I'niversiiy, ! were isitins witli friend- in l':ii':i last Sunday, ht-ins the im lefts at the I home of Mrs. Ii. A. Taylor and dausii- ter. Miss !:!- j Mrs. W. I., rftine. wh.o has been a j the S;. Jos.'ph hospital for some time j where she undt-rw ent an oi'-r;: ' ion for the btnetii of lier health, returned ; home last Saturday and is fee linn i much ivrnv-d. : Th- I.:'.ilis Misinarv socie'v i t ip oni;ii .icwrnai. ga e a vei i n i i e.-1 - j hiist.ned or what th name will be. '"R UUK assemi on .uoa-: tut we can vouch for ..... boat be ins ''' mornins ami oil er d S 1 to ti.e; mucli nearer base of supplies v. ;;.. r' l".on. ' i u-- uv- th- time comes, than e:aft ahbh i i""1"11 ""(ia:at i;n." Iras jusr been cor.M ni! ' ! at AniriiH-k.i hut which will bo u- 1 ;'or li.-hins purports, lor tireaKiii !a- i: 1 ii en inu li'iii! over her bow. Burglarize Biibcr Shon '00U8' m m INTEN TION OF RETIRING I Last Finla.v ni.sht - me one wani !.':; a sea form, or -oi.. thins in the 1 . rl.i.f llni. t" TJ-'.(1 r i T I ' : ' T'M l ( in I h i i,,":,r ,,r thi. slim. r .Im-i- ai.,i ; banks' Futaie Pi eductions Have : It -I- f,i:ir .it" his ri-1,1 : !o- th.- liaptist chur- h mei last Thurs- , ia,,.t, S1)I1. f.w bucks' which he " l .1 : I l . . 1 1 I ! . t . i . 1 I . I . . i . ' J rv - Unfounded Humors Relative to Fair- 'utuie Pioductic: No Fci'.ndaticn. ir.S "ami has a most profitab!. and pi '.isant a:-rn: n. which was l;"i'-,i;tened by most d.-liciou-ly s- rv i ;'. r. f ! esli m-i: t s. Mrs. Win. Hill, who recently mov.d to iu-ar I'ercival. Ia.. ir reported :; boins very il1 at her horn.- and v as visited by her pastor. Th" Kev. W. A. Tj h.r. in a mi n i.- eria 1 capa-ity. and v. as snatly com ;.r i ed by t ii readins and expoundins of the scripture--. The Kev. A. K. Fletcher delivered a ery pieasiiis stnnon at the school hu:se ai Sciota last Sunday and r.o: v. i! hstandins th" l.ivh winds, had a "-v larize and apprer ic'iv" audi-nc'. Sliue th" illness of Key. Taylor, he has IK t f!t able to take n the work as yet. Win. I.. Tavlor. who !ia 1 e:i mak- iiail inadvertantly lef: t he -hop. Kecentlv there has lieell no end j J Mr. Clark has not be. -i in the Of rumors soins about the country! i t le.ivins money at 'he shop, hu' that Iiouulas Fairbanks has sotten ' ju-r at the tini- w h he did. ?;i:h: t ; red of real work and the produ-- i one comes alons and s.-,j,.-. up the int; of pictures, and like the ninety-1 hard earninss of the barbe.. Kvi- nine per cent o'.' all nu-'n storie; they' (ieutly are a fe f :.e:k ; hieves iiave no fou::ia; ion. ! bit in this country. Tiie fact of the matter 'Ions" lias, just really begun to do his best wo-k, i Enterrained the Er.v. oitli Ic-trtie !' bavins at last been freed from i .oiae ' be" pareats north !Til'' n''-, .-r-ity of t li iiins out jdcture: t town. Mi-s Naomi .-. wit'n j t'n a scheilule. by reason of the fact ( !lcr paren'.s Mr. anil M:?. II. J. .Man-'"'at lie owns ins own prod'.K'ins cun I ;'av. on !a-t Friii'.v, .-i 'ert;, ined the'pany. witli all of his product mar- .' . .. . . . . i-.-i i.- .t.. i . . ; i..i iOt.- I . i.- I'.iem'iers ut the i ;wi -;a la-aitue u , ll" on- .-m-.i-is. iI1 If-.. i, iii,:ui fti nivii :,i :. fn-' cause of this h" has been enabled to' jovable evenins. wlo-.e :ur.;es were j txpend far more time on his pro-; played am! sinsintr and tniisjc inuuls- duct ions, thereby makins them far ! in. and 'h-' mo-: ;,! aant eve- superior to ayn thai he made in yea rs J nins was eli-naxe l bv , r.e of the : past, and l.ecau !" their .sreater ' f,,st --uni. --- '.b-b coTd ' i!--sree !" p-r ion has ! -n-1 no..' his none- at .wannins. ia.. uiioim . . i ,, , t-i i . i ti n.. ivi- l... i ti i t i - i v-... i 1 tbr a hit i to aTi.' i mote inns to : ha oeeii manaiier ol a ph a t laa y . , .' ,' . ' i . . . . n, .:,,..,.. I ha., : m(v. d to Omaha and in .:,-I ' '. tl.e . . P-! u . r . akin. In, I -tun . . w re a;i :n i neir pr.i -e m m si .- it is possible f ir hint to exp- nd far I i i. re money on ewrythins ii" i!oes. !.:!!. u ; ; th- ne t r p-dis in hi.. Ford. i The Mill top contest of the Uapti. t ! patsy v. Ith his hn.'h'T '. H. Taylor. i S-imiav M'houl will besin in arn-st'on la-t Sunday cam' down to vi,ii .is i with the com us Sunday and will ; t h" ir mother. Mr-. H. A. Tayb.r and i! ; . ::iue for -on.e ,i week, ! tber rel.-.tives. K-v. W. A. Tayl v. a -Com par- J ie'iL'hiful occasieii which w.t?. I'iveti v th.-ir friends. 1!. v : -1 : ; i i I.-..V V A T-vl .i- -. c. .ten-, n- II. A. Mil. th was a I',i-i;h'-s vi-il.r ! i.-d 1- .Mrs. Tavi-.r. drove to Wa - . :1" ni..i'ia ia-- .xoiTioay. i:ikiiiu a io;oi '.:.,: ':!.! Sm-da V. tbeV lifl.i ! ' ' "S's and produce to the mariot . .- ! H i n : ;, S- i O. . 'in:ii: am: Cn-l M t oi-it r oi i,. ;.r S ra-:if e. wen; in i.dii in I a- midintir and eve- , ' e"i e and leturnni wan ca,e, iu i- ore i;(.ods. Mr. and Mrs. Smi:'.i are i!i in:: a ni-o bi;, ir.e.-s hi,. and are 'i.i re I winnins nu.nv fi. ;ls by the I... kiau after , tor a few of !',: l . : . . I p - h -i o i 's i. . i ! ' Mead.' ' s-busine,, rial ::..i;r-. K'i:.e'-t Ti'fo.i of ";n.:i!ia. wjs u i.-it r las? Siin!ay a' the home of his , - -;.-. Mrs. M. C. McQuiini. and wa, ! bx-kirtir altar ,.;::o- business matters a swill. i.iki-y Mili.-r. who is attemiinc - 'h ..! a' i'' ru Normal, was a visit r :: I 'ni- i: and S"' : :.t ti.e home of his par. n, 'a-t wtek. t-njoyins 1 i I ,prt:.s vacation. Ti.-- K.-v. A. ( . i; nham was a vi. Ir.struetcrs Thursday At ii"r lie.iutiin! b- ;. ': F:i:-ei Mrs. , ) Cross ent r; .ia-1 t'n no in ': rs of the far. ill !' ti.-. t':.:o; ''!,ods and other f i L-nds. a. a in ii.a-ant v,. nin-. v:t nies am urn, -i- iii-eiHitainate.' .v wliieh w.. I He no lor. per works far a salary, le jf .'Ts profits from hi.-. p:'tiir.-; v.hiih are sold iiidi ;''!u..ll v fr.-m all other dcaltng and p.asani man i-rs. Henry Au-tin. a brother of Fi-S-ne Ai.'s'iii anil A. Ii. Austin, was a visitor In I'nion with his I rot hers la t v. c k for a few d.ivs. ceinins from li is ho!n- at KlacKvveil. Okla . and aher visitins for a i-hirt titnej w t 1 te Wii' i-.tine. Neb., win r.- h i, Ui: h to a I.Mi'it' i productions mark'-ted ly the "His, ! Four.' nr.'! solely v the merits of; ; his prodim: ion.-. ! j "Mont,"' i-- h; ti; i'-r iii his new a!- ' :; pliere than v r Ik-; ,:r" and v,-!"-:i ! he w as told that t here were rumors ; ;:.' h" wa, to ivt lie !rni the screen. ; e just vrinne! r-rd said. "Oh! .- uch i a ' l-isi di-liul:! f ill lam-heon a'ai v.hich w..-i jt'ciate.l the the !" i. .." .-"'.-r; a i - m-t j i:':K 1'ip. .st ero-i--." ' . , r .... "1 he Mrk o? .orro i, 1 airaanxs wan-h th.i itru-i'ls f::rnis,i.i t-u-m. ' .. , , . . , ., ; . la'esi I nittd At :-;s ic!v::-.' wlitch i- I to be the f-. it u re at the i'arme.e 1 he- Wer? a little too Quick at-r !";idav Saturday at.d Sunday. WLi'e lit rwo. d f.vrre v;-s movilia i with m-ititie,- :.t th.ree o'cloc k k..ii v.,.,. wn:i a ste. l i.i i-me c.;n- ji. (UShild srooJs from th-- id"'- strne,:,:n o,npai,v for the .-dimmer, j ... h,.r,. ,.. h;is h..f.n iy.,1:tZ. to ta- .1 J.h'i 15a n:. ins and wife hav beer. ( : . Tavlor pia- on :' V.r-i - re. - vol iw's at uanriMitt .arm south ". fit nd ay. : ly aft r he had comp-ef- ! i 1 i'.IIIi V 1 lie v. .IS Ms 11 Fnicn for the ja-t week or in .if, i ,.' ,, :t.,i th.-v w m' 1 f:..- ., calle 1 her- on account of theh il!ne-s j ; j,-..(,r,". ( ,.: V;. ,-t uiiiay am Iiiiiiifii d that pic-Mire he was hard at work ''''- i on anotm-r. .old was maKins ari.-niie- i itiiei j t.-.ent,;. for additional pictures that. o.v. ar.h m ob. a r.-I.-t .1 f.rvi(TS at. the M.-t h-.d.-t i n;rs r-airu. u to ni, t:;:ne at liiki.-.iv . . r.i( (. -,u. . ti-.-ie ,i rri mi r..:;".- anu at w - ; 1 -'"-'.' . "o. ...-. ; ; y at. out t wo icet. ar:'! trie u ::! '-am. it. r in I'nion over Sunday and con- j f Mi.-s i'arri" Itur.nins Mr- Ijan- j . - -., ,di:ii:ly. they w-. nt. I.lained. to aive cnarted as ir: the care of Mi: s Carrie, wii.j sti'l -1 M ,tn'.i v r s ! . :apa pi ; -. . N. -p:- . :a::.s on Sur'iiy r.ioininir I'liarbs !loha'J: was ; (ins f online. 1 to his bed last Mon-i enia ins very ill. !a. . bavins a tussle with ap!3nli i- :i its. it is uopeit ne win noi .i.i'.i ii i r t ur.tierso .in operation. ; ! " ..(; i (ia. b '.. wrio i, t he pri:. or I cipal of tii" trainins buildins tit The I'-, ru N'armal. wa.-- a visitor with his hat aid she coob wr; the main lin- at: J ma le their See the Pnces Here! These arc only a few cf the excellent bargains we a. e c7 tiring ir. the grocery and dry goods line. R.i'soi'. 2 j-oz. pkgs 55c 'L-jrr. . 1 cons for 25c ''a:-, 2 cans for 25c --h t-ck "Letter Ro!i" flour $2.45 GinrhuMo. hne quality, yd IS to 22c Calicos ". . .12V2 nd 15c Perc!e?. bed rock price, per yd 18c Coco.uro.. 2 15c packages 25c Tioor! yrade bulk coffee, pr lb lTC Certified breakfast bacon, per lb 47c Ve ?re ofTering mciny other good bargains at this amc. Ccine in and see where your money goes the fur there-si. A. L. SECKER, UNION -:- -:- -:- NE3RASKA Will Have Union Services. Tiie two churches a the request I of tile ladi. s of t.he V. O. T. 1'.. wii. ' noiii union cervic s at I nion T.-t .sur.iiay ever. ms. when trie topic b- "S.lbbatii (i'f).- rviMce." v. ay to the ball park, uroi.- tivy -re .-;o;.;.e.! by v. or k i: 1 ' n . No dam a u- w a s done. Attended Wedding Saturday Putting Park in Shape A number of 'he fan- and those , inttrs ti-d in La-., ball, met at th" "j park !a-t M-tidav af'ernoo;- ami l .orke.i on th" diatm nil. putting it i:' 'xc-e'it-nt ond.':i.-n for pliy: r. a atol j t!:cy expect to have a u;t::i.. there ' "'.it ITlllvT- T'i'- rl 11,1 I-- ..v.,l!r.nt ...ii v .1 I'.i i.i ii ; .41 .Til ' ' i't:il .am.o as we w.-ll know thev will J. M. I'atierson and wife were in':!'' f' -''"uns v.f . k. - - are hoptns ; 1 1 1 rtdti nee at t'.ie wedding fit" fi" si-- i ter of the former. Mi-- Jeaiuife p., terser, and a!o vi.-ite.; at th- lie::!? j There is strons talk r f f-ins : of friends ir. tiie conniv ''---'-' with other :-a:ns of th c. an . ' t ..- and so-nie from (V o. . Visited on Her Birthday I Me. srs. Me.-da!iie. ('. I). Olr.-e-I and James byoii.; f Omaha. a:ue j down last Sunday and visited at tiie j home of .Mr. and .Mrs. .Mont kobb and i..-i-tel ill tiie c-b.-brat ion of the Ibiriiuiay of .Mrs. Kohl;, which, came v.-;:i be :ribu;e.i bv rioted Arti-ts. 1 UKABIE TO CCEPT MEMORIAL Wa-hit.t on. April 4. Announce- r ent t'aat the Anu rican lesion aiol j Xnishts if Columbus a re unable to ic.i.'ii an asre-mt r.t fir the erection I nt re of a irreat war liiemorial. fori which the bittor ( rsanizi?i.-.n wa- to . turnish the i t.r- -. was nitide today by a meet ins of ti." supreme boald of director-, of tiie knishts. Tiie 1-:-.-;-ii ti. i wa- .I'.nr.inir-o;. had inform ed tiie Knight-- rf Co'umbu t'nar it could not a'er.t ;t ho r.h'er of .?.". o. i:iim because- of certain stipulations and ti." knhtht-- had iat'.-r iteciiied a:'.-i:n-t nioaiiicat ion of its original i":v r. t ht'ncider; ; nt Play First Ball Sunday. The I'nion ball team played th: br.-t same f ball last Punday ::v. team of Xehawha a' place. Yao p:evailint his!: winds sappi d tiie e. :i:f of much of t he aat ieiiu'ed m- n Siinilav. Mrs. Carrie- V i - i J ; m nt tor tne tans W;o-:; accom- brids" of South iletnl. Ind.. was u!n l'-'--'- the team. However, in the a visitor at lhe borne of her r. ' :'!1U'"1 Thf I'nion team won. and this Mrs. Robb. but departed for iie-r j houhl be a. sool omen for them, home in the east on of I -! -' tliey are liopins that they ma this week. .oitimie to win in 'he futitr". The line up for I'ni -iti is as io'.lows: !i. i vis. recond : Kar! I !;.t h . ra.'cb r: Bruce Wolfe. short: W.iv'ii Lewis and Ira Clark, riuht: lit:.' j I'.itcn. center: Bob liatou, pnche: Called for a Full House. The excellence of the show last Saturday eve-nitis was manife.-ted b tiie h.r.o and appreciative audi r.ce j .t.-;!: Hoback. lirst; Winnie Craw wnu n was present. i lie play was "Sunse t Spring-5" and was filled with many startlins tuid plea ins epi- I so. It's. There will be another excel- lent production on for Saturdav I r.isht. Watch for it. he board an::vti:u-"d t'n at the knisht- had made plans r, r a wide extension j of ht-sp:taliz.!tion work fr disabled ! veterans whi !i was int epe ted to j reach p' r.k un'il s-2. j F A C, T.R Beacon Andy Hess, an old time resident of this vicinity. lias been visitins o! 1 friends. Km est T rumble, vis reported quite i!l last Saturday, but is back on the M . I- n i Ou. K'.; 'i 1.- T! e wind l-'ro'-iy niht hw d.own an old barn for Robert Al loway. ami Saturday ni.slit his r.ew chicken house was tipped over, but evidently not by wind. We are informed that our old YCU SHOULD USE ECONOMY AS NEVER BEFORE WHY? As :!1 products decline, especially farm products, .i v,; be necessary that nothing be wasted if your aver "lo ihcoine is to be maintained. il- roiore yen rhou-d provide barns and sheds for ir. ". ctccK nnd machinery. The b: declines in Lumber and Paint make it po-s.bL for you to "Build New" very economically. ; low about your own comfort and that of your lamily ? A new home would bring joy supreme to all con cerncd. Let us furnish you estimates and price. V f- appreciate j our patronage. Frees Bros', Lumber Go,, UNION -:- -- ... NEBRASKA I Locks Like a Very Levy Trick I Kred Home has just recent lv bad I riSht. The runs recorded by the Xe J very beautiful sisn painted on t;u. j 'aw ,,0-vs Was 1- the Un- j vindow. tellins of his candy store -"n -----s pounded out tifteen. ! !iich he is callins the Peerless, an ! '. uie one. while the paint was still' Union School ICotes. i -ft. came alons and rubbed the let-; Kul.v Mead viited schro' Mon-'av , ir-rins. Sieatly marrins its bi-au-y j aft: noon ! and injuring the sisn. This b.-kr. ' v,-raldine Roeldv was absent part I oretty low to us. and it seems l:ke'f p.;.. week. ie one wno would Uo an act like : Pearl i-hito-i was ford, third, and Herwo.n! I.ymie. ;.-ft. .mvmonil lLuhaway playl in llie rifibt field in the ninth innins. Xehawka's line uv was: Kremlin eetiter. Ilntledtre. left: I ' .i(,hi,-nn . i frierd. Fred Vv'alch. Fuffered ancth ! third: A. Johnson. niteh-;-- F Miller. I or stroke of paralysis Monday and is I : hort ; first ; (Jri'Tith. catcher: in a very critical condition, as this I Whiieman. second, and i.e-. ter Hodye. I is the second stroke he has bad in late years. We are hopeful that he ibsi nt 'hi sshould be made to puffer for it. sch,. i r Mn'uPiv "Ir. Home has been workins hard j The new omz' books were put to set the room in condition to cpen i;;t. Thursday mornins. from to the store and after lie and his wife l.vae worked so hard, it has a tend- i ency to make erne sore at such treat- i ment. j Has a Comprehensive View ! For the prize of one dollar offered I for the best definition of the word j "education", the scholars asked the j teacher.-. Misses Florence Reed. Moy i belle Johnson and Grace Hogenreif to j act. as the judses and then submit j ted their rendition of the subject to them for decision. There were mcinv may receiver. Will Caddy has been laid up with pneumonia for the past week and Harry Trunkenbolz lias been eloincj the janitor work at the school; bouse. We understand Mr. Caddy is! impreivins at this time. A trained ! rurse has been on the case. j A telegram from Denver Tuesday afternoon conveyed the information that Anna Wiha was very dangerous- ' ly ill and summoned her father and mother to her bedside. Mr. and Mrs. j Wilm and Mrs. Georse Trunkenbolz; left at once. A telephone iiiessase later said the doctors held no hope t for her. thoush a later message re ceived Weelnes.'.ae said ?die was rest-! 'tins easy after the operation. The Yew Have the Right to expect your dollar to buv cne hundred cents Worth of I Pp conveyed in this message, how j xr t . r i ever, was of short eluration, as a goods. We are here to fur- t-I(.cram at noon summoning her! msh you the ecods full Value brother. Dee, confirmed the serious fo Here are a few samples! i?tess eif her condition. PICTURES IN NEAR FUTURE good and coniprehensi ve definitions picked at random from our ck: Corn, 2 cans for. . . .25c r - - .1 . . . i . : i . ni i . satii iinu niiii-u mi ii wen an aaequate . i grasp of the subject, and what is in-istCK tended by the work and mcXiey which is nut into the trainins which the' ; pupils are securing. The one sub- ! mitfed by Miss Beulah Pell, was se- Peaches, apricots . . .3Cc The Omaha Pee is preparing to publish a paste of Plattsmouth pic tures in its Sunday rotegravure sec tion in the near future and has writ ten its local staff representative to Imakw arrangements for securing the i lected from the number as rovc-rins I f Wk ",- VTJ C- phf tos. A tentative list of those to j the thourht the best, and reads like ; p S 1-me or VVUllv, fvedS Is ,ie forwarded includes the Masonic :tM-: "Education comprehends- nil; "Nrvur In P?-i!-o- 'Pome. O. K. jrarasre. Wagner hotel ; that series of instructicn and disci-' and Tarniele theatre, (. oates block, j pline to enlishten the understanding. ! CTFPJC T- II- Pollock 5-""ase. public library, ; jand give to the pupil their mnnners ff Urn 3? I HliflCLa 'high school, court house, Coronado: .1nd habits, and usefulness in future iiKtirt&T apartments and birds-eye view cf the stations." , UlUlUn -:- IXH-DK. Burlington shops. ere feu Are! We have r-everal good uv; d Tore-? and also new ones as well, for immediate delivery. Three gord u -ed trucks. Better get tho.-e cars attended to before the rush of spring wor k. We Do Aceieline Welding! hms Parage, UNION NEBRASKA iailsry Smmz Stations ! am prepared to look a ier ycur brttery wants, in the way of recharging, repairing and furnishing of needed parts, as well as providing you with rew bat-tciie-?. All work has my personal :irc and will be givt n the minutest attention. w. h, Dubois. UNION NEBRASKA Business is Gcod, Thank You! W e surely appreciate tho excellent busir.csr, that has been ours since we have been handling cream, but terfat, eggs, poultry and all kinds of produce. 'e are continuing to pay the highest cash prices. Call us on the telephone (No. 31) when you want to know tne price of anything we handle. Again we thank you. SE11TH QRZm STATION, UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA 30,000 Acres LINCOLN COUNTY, COLORADO, LAND FOR SALE! Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers harvested an excellent crop of vhez.': the past seacon. Come, see land w'ere in many instances cne crop will pay fcr the land. We are making trips every Sat urday. Call and s?e L. R. Upton for arrangements end particulars. The best land in the west and at a price which anyone can alford to pay. OHAS. BOlJDSSH, Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr. t r - - - JZ Via. -. ' A t. . . . SconofT?y ihs Watch Word! Yes, it is true economy to purchase your imple ments of the Farmers Co-Operative Elevator company. We purchased an exceedingly good line of John Deere farming; implements seme time ago in anticipation of this year's needs and can save you money on them. Wc carry a good line of horse drawn implements, which we are offering at a very narrow margin cn ac count of the prevailing high prices. We cr.t; supply ycun needs in plows, (walking and riding) harrows, discs, cultivators and listers. If you want power machinery we can also furniih it. as well as home power plants. Let us know your wants we'll do the rest. Farmers Go-Cperaifse ESovafor Oc&pzny L. G. Todd, Manager UNION -:- -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA i Subscribe for The Journal