r h. .M -V. VOL. NO. XZXYIL PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. APRIL 7. 19f?l NO. TG READY FOR SPRING CLEAN UP THIS WEEK FIRE CKILT AND CITY OFFICIALS URGE ALL RESIDENTS TO COr-IPIY WITH LAW. WILL STAY IN EAST The mat y friends of Robert I'oi sali. of this city, will be pleased t(i h-arn il:.U this young man is now lo cated ;it Bioom i ntjtiin. Illinois, where i.e ha- been lor sonic months past aU'l here he expects 10 remain lor the summer at least. Hob. who is a threat base hall enthusiast, is pre pari;.", to enter into the reai na tional passtimo anl will play with i;e of the teams of the Illinois city during t lie comini: season. He has HOLD A HEARING ON COMPENSATION GASEi. RECEIVES SAL HEWS r . T-t i tr j-. oiaie i.auor i.omimssioner .nenneay . na Considering Liability for the Death of L. MeCrary. From Mor.Oay's The new.- w; relay hy Mrs. death of her s U.iderick a' 1 e D v. v :'.s ?':(. ei . ( Helen k! n-iti-i; w, . .MlUM-. as l.-olo F,- Tl Mnr.i'ay s firs? i : eb :i i! ' i'i '" Pa!' v . i: of April is n we. ': i a -r t h i liv hai t to l.U- a ' if arrant.-; j i r T : ; il-sl'- co sin -ii'et in net i hm ! played with the team in this city as v. .1 as at Waterloo. Iowa, and is a ery promising young player who should he able to mure than mak good in the game that he is so de voted to Ms are i make a notab all rnl'bie oias-' lire 1.: iNFIi in : ;--:;- : i n' o :r.m;;nii .: ra"- with the -Tate an !r- in makini; it a record i cbnnint: up and seeing rrhhish a 'id dirt tli.it has , SERVICES HELD a en; :i: mate i oi:-e- . r ! I; r r-t-.i i(.r, in aroi mes i. in .-I: I re; ape ii i- ?ke :ir,ved for bi!-i::'ss : and o he sum- ! ally ir.-vement pi-.- w i i I f roil ha- )! d ' r-': 1 1 a v t ha t- i T I m n i. pc . t ; . - t li i fel: e b" 1.- 1 " C.-p.-C in !; ch-ati-up n: i!i i t- a gr.- factor in tire ,!; at!-! t f, re department at- w:!n oilier omciais in ti," city is made as free - ilaliu-r as it is po.-ib'e to In.-pect ii.-n of the city will ! made in the next two i ib-i'-ruiir.e how nearly tne as o fire pr-vent ion a carri-d out and to do all I is.-i hi- ' ' aid in making the p-r cent effective in t! t;,.,. preves:t io'.i and cieanli- Prom Sfnnflay's Tallv. Tli is morning a hearing was at the district court room on the claim for compensation for the acci- ueniai ueam oi i.oren .iet rary ini this city on September ::o. 1 9 1: 0 . and. ii! which the sum of "00 is asked, of the Travelers Insurance company. I the corporation carrying the coin-; peiisation insurance which John F. Wolff lias taken out for his employes under the state compensation law. I L,oren at the time of his death was in the employe of Mr. Wolff and had been so engaged from June. 192 0 un-J til his death. The hearing was con-j JjlllCSL . OiialCI. rP..nL- A witnesses were called to describe the accident and the conditions under which it occurred. .Mr. Wolff, the owner of the gar age at which the unfortunate young man was employed, related the cir- brated tiipifi:mstaticfs leading to the accident. As he had intended to leave lor in the afternoon, he had I.oren a number ol lnstruc as to work to be looked after and tne voung man nau already car ried out a portion of these instruc tions before the accident, and it was the result of by an auto while cur: u 1. is work Thursday nit 'it rick was agu! fifty ye. engaged in the carp:'1 , ,,i which be had been v; ; Jieit i , , , , ill' lea es i o i.'mii i a ;idow. who wa form, ;: I t ha Khode of 1 1: is city '; fell, t he old( st f wh'.tu e:i is of aL!e aril tlii- years. Tne luner:'.! wa. honie in l-'es .Moines. i a ve yes od" of the ieorgc W. Ii'.. Tlitirs- run over i!:e from .Mr. iioii a:.'! wa- ' r t ! ue a! -'H"vv l',i!. - V;.i:i 'lie ;y is.- I5er ! ; -rir -li ild-;.- eight ten tiirige.-; !i'iie r The Rt. Rev Eishop of Nebraska. Received Large Class Sunday the St. eleven Luke's POLICE COURT DOES RUSHING BUSINESS 'Resembles the Days of Old this Mcrn ! ing and City Secures $354 in Fines and Costs. REPARING TO PLAY HOST TO GRAND LODGE GRAND LODGE OF MASONS OP STATE TO VISIT MASONIC HOME HERE IN JUNE Pre;'-. Tafsoay . ra;;y. Tli if city will have during t iie j'lonih of June a v;!;ii! icn from The COMMISSIONERS IN SESSION on- X From Monday p T'ailj-. Vesterilay tiorning at o'clock services at the Kpiseopal church, was eel eon tirmat in of a class f twelve! into tie church. The services were J Louisville largeiy a! tended hy the members the parish and were very and impressive as the class was given the sacrament of the church to which i - or. :" 1 1 ' I of given bentitifiiT tior.s i's members had nledged their lives. ti -.. i;t i.'rut v-ini-tir vji,..,.. siiDoaswl he was attemnt nir to catcliltna' I'l.'-er ard i U.r ,f- Vuhrntl-i nffifinto.! -it 8 Tide OH tile trilCK driell lV lieOrgC lUllCel' AIW.l V ! T I 1 abo di.-pc l.ring sal of to a Ntiop oi .NenrasKa, otnciated at the .-ervice and adrnini:-tered the rites oi tne cnurcn to tne memoersj oi ti e class as wen as preacmng tnt . cr. firm a t ion sermon. The sermon was one of the most powerful and impressive that has From Morula v'h lni" I 'i i- morn nig : 'ie Mi duel Archer hati ance of .Monday mnrnit g of witness and the n d called on 'he dorket '::;'..'; bt-I ie ve t i.a t t he i e : . bet a turned l ack to 5 a. ! he police cotxrt was or -soots of the city in Lie tivities of the f.-lbiv. er- o I (I .1 - ii g ' e iiM't-..!'-the day.- : case.-. . e alm.s; ; iliie had a v.- when f the live a v of ac- I.c drir . !. V - io - t : ' u -i 1 art ci4 111 at 'us: luuise- . rai 1 a-.:d j Liny tiiar-: i are stored " been heard in any of the churches oi the city and covered the story of the Faster reason with its lessons and the truths brought home by the bishop in h.is able manner, and there is no one who heard the sermon but who will tarry its lesson with them as an inspiration to a higher ideal is from which ti.e purcna.-e old lowers ; f t he city. ;ai'.s office l a - no a L-cun; tila- I IJrinklow. to go to the battery sta- tiou at Sixth and Pearl streets when . i i . ,i i it.,.i- line acciueni oecuiieo. .i i . mini i e- lated that he had returned to the garage just after the accident and had driven the car carrying the tin-! fortunate young man to the hos-j pitM. He also stated that there had j been no instructions given as to the: manner in which the errands were; to be carried cut, whether on foot or' i nei . Cause ot tiie UMlsuau. he has put in a very .-' r since Saturday afterno'in ttiv' cr.it. Olivines as r.u r.i-. timt .iiid secureci -ar dsl: Id"". . vt ; ii-ar t leaves : tli at s ; o e hou c r ot her vill burnj:i the h .-fate a ' :i : i ! lumber litttr- I .- em en is ot Tl.. p:a' i k ; ' h.ori ie r the - v i ic'f . ! t.- ti e i.- l'e T ioT . n.d cat:-' i ' r . S : 1 1 i ' ' i ! . ; ;:-!.'- ' '.. . .-. t- i are puVdic t is clean vict ill: hotle yii.g t() :m- ie iacr t!;a is far less of f rt i haii v a : t e J t i urges parties r -; ;-ve them damper:-! tl.et.i in orijer t d:;sr 'sr..' -an-:-:i -t ( - a of t: i : :i ir lit" the work of the church. Th class was composed of twelve ::.b'.r.- mid in the service the bish- d v. as aist d bv Father W. S. Lee-. e. rector of the church. Five ..(Lilts and M-ven chiiuren were in ti.e cl-Vi. Tlie chedr of the church gave a very beautiful anthem. "As it He gins to Dawn." by Vincent, the scdo portion of the anthem being given by .Mrs. John W. Falter, one of the mos' .eiiihiful vocalists of the city and her voice was at its best in the in spiritiir number. The new class added to the church rj; represents the advancement of church in the work that it is i'.u oti and has in the past few- e.irs under the leadership of the re-: or. Father V. S. Leete. made very in. p'.mmt. advance.-: in the spiritual! life of the o immunity and extended it s -p1" r Th c;. i a large number of i nit e t c t he :'u ml -i : j of t lie ci;;. in ope' j One party ; ) b n- to !) The per o kf : t io)i . brc 'uht on; ri-Ir.ol- t with an auto. George Brinklow. w ho v.as driving J tiie truck for the L. H. Puis garatiei at Murray, in hauling corn to the, r.urlington tracks in this city, stated I that he was driving west through the alley on which the Wolff garage; is located and as the truck, travel-! ing at the hate of live or six miles j an hour, passed the gurag?. Loreu had attempted to catch a ride and had fallen beneath the wheels of thej truck before the driver could stop, i The insurance company is being! represented in the hearing by At tor-i ney Hurt Hall, of Omaha, while the! interests of the claimants are beinc:, looked after by Attorney A. L. Tidd ( and Attorney Aubrey Duxbury. sisted of Lot; a n overt sek and Hurry P .isall. a were charged with iieina and the- court Uvied a t In :u. Poisa 11 and l ti t given ? 1 and co-ts atn whib- Kaiasek dre'v and cos's, a tcrai of ? : s. The matter was later t; County Attorney . C Poisali charged with ;'. e p c:.!l- -jey Kfda- : whom toxica ted fine upon v.-( re eacii U'ltiliL. T '. i down f l:; d .11 t ! - C II . i ken up ie ;.ad .Mr -ses : ;.n o cot; ii t ' w lo h- lu'iuor aro! arraign court b-fore .Judge wua .tine; S 1.0 uui1 . . The trials and t ribulat inns of a joy riding party Saturday found an echo ir the court of his honar Judge wh c I. nd foi of s;i 1 a n '. e r was !':' smacks f, Archer raiaiu-.-li.iu-r ; a prir.e n Lari lived . w li i c i a:..i ith GREEKS MEET WITH SOME VERY BAD LUCK ride: -en . will : s- i ra t;.i anis was ar possessio'.i of v. as a are ed :s and Morri ll a jei: fi" n- pc r 'K-r. 1 Vili . n cf ir.fluei.ee in the city. i ! South Omaha Men Coming Here to lib tfrdi LLbj ii a SAD DEATH OF MOTHER OF BUT A FEW HOURS i -1 Much Ir: T! - r ii ;':CV Xr AV icv A w Tori Kail to other Year. Peddle Corn Juice. Get Pinch ed and Lose Car. Tiie '-ar-iie. in ii mad" -c:?lem..i!-: hf ir fines a n.! w custody af !' stlfo tin nciai s-'-ba' k 1 - h t or to 'hem. The work of ?!. i La'- of 'lie . ' -lis I e ll; .:e j '' tt I . v i'i a nd .oe; .. t r Tiie Irasi.a. w iio wiii '" in -ession at Oui-iiui i!iTin;4 i.'iat moni!) and a i r.ir.e men's a : e already lielng per- j j. a : 'd by tlit ofliet-r., of i'ne grand lodi'e to liriim t: members lore ;o Plat --mt-.:;-h on a -perial tta.n to in- ;a-i t . he Xeb:a-ka Masonic IioTii . 'i Li- '.vill be on of the mo-t t horous: iiy r'iresen i a t i gat herings of tio r.jdeU's of all portions of ilie .-tiite tlic his ever vi-ited here and ever; ci'y vher tiie Masonic frater nity Ir--. o bulge will be represented, ill ordr-;- -hat the occasion may be iituujiy observe,! the members of T:io- iu n t - . in . nd ti ! n . n ..p ks in.;. .1! ned ; '-to . .: r. -' be i i n :;on- Tl.e a rt :.-;. n P a n T !.. n an ind d J 'I V' p'-n.i-.M. P. .nd held .ii. F. 1". v ;i : tw(i ::t irket. J. W. Mun-ili-er v. ere named on il.'-e ge:,J j..,.,. rj v.- 1 1 ov-riii:iaiodv of tiie :n the t ye .r. P"d ball is-ue resulted in ''' t't'-r t fri' :o;s ot the pro r. by ;;.- otet of 71 to e,;; and vers o! a frieioiiy game uf i l.e.irt.s c rit. Krm '.iiiicavf Pallv. A raessarre was received beret yesterday announcing the death of .Mr-. Cha-les Sae. which occurred a 1 o'clock Sunday morning in Om aha at the family residence at 33rd and Charles s-reets. The death followed the birth of a little daughter at S o'clock Saturday evening. The news came as ti dis Tinct shock to the friends here who had learned to love and esteem this fstimable lady during here. The deceased was twenty years of I age and she and her husband resided j here for a number of months follow- her residence Saturday afternoon three residents j of that portion of the state metropo lis known as ".-out;i town." came to1 this city for the purpose of makiti'-ri delivery of sundry and divers pack- ages of liquids that won hi dispel the dry and parched condition of thej throats of the residents of These, parts. The packages of the precious! livered. as before the party had ar rived in the main portion of the city, they fell in with Officer Alvin Jones and Sheriff C. D. Quinton. who re lieved them of their load and led them to the "lockup." The parties were driving in a Ford tourins: car which was owned by George Mansmell. one of the trio, and which contained a small qttan- m," up t he c uses r. . a i;i;o-t (!;; i:iu afternoon and th tivitv !:ad added -nr of ! e i t v. r;n: it elii ; h a 1 1 .mi tor .1 t'r mi riou- I. s 1 - roun.l--i dut : I urday e t r- :.- w. C, T. U. SOCIETY HAS PLEASANT TIME Meets at Home of Mrs. John Gorder Yesterday and Listens to Very Interesting' Address. From Tuesday's" Pain Yesterdav aft rrn of the V. C. T. F. !" joyable m "! inn ;,t Ik i.ik ''"" " , : titv of the unlawful beverage. An- John F. ('.order ami t when .Mr. .sage was engaged in the, of y pivJnR hjs nHmi. pnn ( ,. t,u. , tire business with George Weideman. ,n,,.w ,, Tlinf lils .r,,,, ' , , .... and for this offense was charged with some time. of this city The funeral services will at the home in Omaha on a ft eriioon. be held Tuesday HAS NICE POSITION i tiie th em hers i 1 ve ; y en- home of Mrs. he occasion wa--arirely att-ndl s enjoyed lor the address given by the l.vdia .M. Merrick of Fni- possession. while the owner of thej The principil feature of the afte car was charger! with transportation j noon was of licjuor. Kev. Miss Mansmell was turned over to Sher iff Quinton and a complaint filed (against him by County Attorney a. I G. Cole charging him w ith trans- i versity Place, and no the booze nnrt i ri tr down . received a fine of even-1 costs, which he paid and returned to and for which he 100 smacks and n . w play to TARIFF TO KEEP LEAD OVER TAX T-EVISION V.-a-hinu'pn. I . c. April 4 Plans ft publican congressional leaders to phice tarn, .---id tax it-vision sec ";:'! the b-i !:,t;ve program of i;.e c;ra se- on v.;:i stand, it was -aii t ':;. " b mi rubers of congress. '.'r th-; had cufenel with Prei- ll.i rdi C. F. Mason, of Omaha, or "Kike." as he is more familiarly known to the many friends here, came from the metropolis Saturday inc and spent the day here visiting his home in the great metropolis, with his friends and relatives. Mr. j but minus the car which has been; Mason is now manaeer of the Lin-; confiscated under the provisions of coin Highway stage line, operating j the prohibition law and w ill be sold between Omaha and Fremont and at public auction to the highest which operates five sixteen passenger , bidder. j busses between the two cities. Mej The man giving the name of Petros ; in her re marks, discussed many of the matter--of interest to the women and espec ially the married ladies of the soci ety and the speaker discussed at some lenirtli the problems that cr me to the women of the world. Another very pleasant feature of this occasion was the vocal number given by Mrs. Pal Roman and in which this talented lady was heard at her best and this number was very niuch enjoyed by everyone. During the afternoon daintv and I: T T p. !' illl'-T-. V. Chair!!. a: ir.ir ( ( m wi'h Prv declared t! t.ie most critical in was of the opiaion -:ty of levying heavy im on various mineral pro- d ie t.eee. ; ; it-s eas ompaasi .an Rhodes of ii i-e uurmg a ident Mardini;. mining .-; a iie t h j ; rial u-p:e.-.s, v ouLl b-COT. v ere r.ci afforded pet. t inn. today by bouse min coiifcrence -Mr. Rhodes nation was ade and he the indust ry in mining districts more severe if relief from f reign com- is also manager of the Mangold 1 was turned over to the city aut hori-! delicious garage at Klkhorn and has been very, ties and charged with possession of successful in his ventures in this 'liquor for which he received a fine line of work. Mr. Mason, on going : of $100 and costs, which he paid and to Omaha was first connected with! was allowed to go on his way to his the Omaha branch of the Reo auto home. The third member of the company, but has since been able To ' trio was not fined as his part in the make the venture for himself in the! affair had been merely that of a business came and his friends will ; looker on and no liquor had been refreshments were se-ved by the l.os'ess that added to the pleasure and enjoyment of the mem bers of the- party. GOING TO AUSTRALIA be so pleased to learn successful. that he has been STILL VERY POORLY xine stationery. Journal office. From TuPdav'B Dally. Miss Belle Speck and brother, Har ry Speck, have returned home from Basset t. Neb., where they were call ed by the serious condition of their aunt. Mrs. Frank O'Neill. Mrs. O'Neill is suffering from plural pneumonia and her condition is the mrr t serimis nt this time and her recovery considered very doubtful. found on his person. i The Cass county friends- of Mr. and Mrs. Y. C. Frampton of Lincoln. former well knvn residents of this county, have learned' that th-dr daughter. Miss Eleanor Frampton is ifinn If. 1p:hp T.'n-.iln for 's'n.i Vt-uti- i word nas neen received ncre i.y i (.ii!CO frnni ,vhert. he win san for relatives and friends of the birth of j Australia to fill a t went v-t vv weeks a fine little son and heir at the horn-. ; ,.,af(.m,.l vv;, ..;, K-n. r- A FINE LITTLE SON of Mr. and Mrs. James Mrasek near Grant. Neb., on March 20. The moth er and little one are doing nicely and the friends here aro well pleased to learn of the happiness that has come to them. Elank Books at the Journal Office. man company, w n are plain in that country. Miss Frampton h;e been in California with the Keller man company ; nd se un-d a short va cation in order C visit the parnnts and enjoy a stav ir the old homo be fore going to the far off continent fur her wjik in the movies. Pia t i stnou i ii b dt;e No. t". o, evening anpoipied an executive eonim i 1 1 ee consisting o'' i!. A. Schneider, chair man. C. C. Wescott. L. L. McCarthy, c. F. Sciimidtmar. and William A. Robertson n asi-t in the prepara tions i-at may be necessary for the proper reception of the grand lodge of t be Masons. Tiie eraii 1 lodae wiil number lo'O mem'rs and come from every por tion of ihe te ;imj wiii have in its me 'mors:, i p many who have never i'-r-Tfote had t he op port unity of vi--iiine. the r-plendid monument that Mascnary has reared to the aged and 'ii;!.. i t wnato in tiiis city and which is o?ie of the tinest instituTi ns of it-; kind in the state-. To accommodate the members of the icd j ;: special will 1k run over either the P.urlingtcui or Missouri Pa c i fi - - anti allw the m in bersh ip of tr.e state eraad lodge a stay of s"i' ri 1 hours here auu an ample t.ppor-tuni;- of realizing to what high eff'i cieto'v tiie honie- has b en brought in tiie last two years. Tne 1-JCi 1 committee is to extend t) every Masonic lodge of t lit coun ty an inviiaticn to be present in the-'!' f;;r;re;y and assist, tiie Piatts liicTttii Masons in receiving the dis-tinani-hed isitors and to enjoy the i.reat gathering rd" the fraternity. The improvements at the home should be well alo".g by the time of tiie vii: of the grand lodge and af ford a a n opportunity of seeing the hi me in all the beaiitv tha' the sur- From Tuesdays Dally. This morning the resular monthly ses.-ion of the board ot county com missi, ners wa opened at the court house with Commissionets-. Harris, Corder and Farley in attendance. The morning was almost wholly giv j en over to the consideration of the ilaims against the county and the 'auditing of the various amounts which was expended in the conduct of the county business. ( makesTresentation to the masonic home Portion of Land Secured by Citizens is Given Over to the Nebraska Masonic Home Assn. W. C, RAMSEY HON ORED BY OMAHANS Named as IImber cf Board cf Educa tion of letropciis Last Evcnin to Fill a Vacancy. A former J Ham c .Ran:' Mtv. pjsil S. and v. ho lias 'larsmouth man. W'ii ey. i-on of .Lidice and Ramsey .f ti-i- cit. for the past ten e.ns eft (ma ha . vi.is i, a men m-nibi r o! t be board that ciiv Mr. Ram- t o s'..i . ee(i i 1. i . was t lei ted la-t fall de iil 'd ;; remove to round ; m in t lie -umnier sea- m-ir k tin ee ut : ve com- m:t i- t : e !oca 1 iod; e win ha ve hey From Tuesday's Daily. At tb.e session of the board of con trol of the Nebraska Masonic Home association held in Omaha todaj the forma! presentation was made to the association of the land recently se cured by the Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of a new roadway and adding to the grounds that sur round the Home in the west portion of the city. The deed and other pa tiers cover ing the transaction of the transfer were presented to the board by K. II. Wescott of this cfTy. a member of the committee of the chamber of commerce that had the raising of funds in their hands and Mr. Wes cott expressed the feeling of pleas ure that it had given the citizens of Plattsmouth to do a small part in adding to the institution t li si t is such a splendid advertisement for the city. Tiie deeds were accepted by Presi dent James M. Robertson of th" Home association and the various members of the board expressed their appreciation of the interest shown by the citizens of Plattsmouth. in the success and progress of this splendid i nst ; t ut ion. Tiie grading contract for the new roadway thai will lead from the Mis souri Pacific station to the .Masonic Home has been let to Fred Clugy and work will be commenced at once and the road made ready for travel and will later be followed - - ith the plans for Ihe paving of this portion of the street. When the new street is completed the portion of Fourteenth street re cently closed by the city will be ad ded to tb.e grounds of the home and aid in t lie plans for the beaut ificat ion of the surroundings which are being held in temporary abeyance by the board ot control and the superintendent. b na resident yesterday as a of ednca ! ion of sey is .-.jmed Straight, who but has since ( a liforn ia . The selection of Mr. Ramsey re flects great credit on the judgment of the members of tiie (Uiiaha board of education as he is a gentleman who wiil be found thorough!) titled tu act in te h'apa(ity as one of the managers of the great educational syMeiii of the metropolis. William C. Ramsey i- a Ca-s coun ty product, having been born in Pin i t - tn u i h and nieived hi- cilia a tion in the -ihoob here, later uoin-. to the state i n i er i i . w to re he graduated wo!i (lie hirlo-t honoi frem the law colb-ce. He was elect ed count) attornev of 'us county in llMiS. but resigned before the com pletion of his tei in and wa- succeed ed by Calvin H Tabr. M-. Ram sey on leaving 'bis city located at Omaha and was made assistant coun ty attorn y by Ceorge A. Magney. then count) attorne) of K.nialas county. He has. since retiring from the of fice of the count) attorne) been en gaged in private practice and is one of the leading )oung attorm vs of the metropolis rnd has Peon ery Mi" cessful in his legal work. VERY HAPPY WEDDING Tie h arty co-opera t ion oi ever zea regardless of whether or no are member-, of t he order as i'-.m home ii re i.- one i.f the lito'st insti tutions in tiie city. ELECTION VEEY QUIET SUFFERS SOME SEVERE BURNS Z-Iarvln. Eight-Year-Old Son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tiitsch Has Close Call From Fatal Accident. From Tuesday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon. Marvin, the the- eig li -) e; r-o'd son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Trits-ch. had a very close ali from a severe if not fatal acci dent when he- was scalded by b,;il i;:g water from an overturned lot kettle. The littie lad had ran into the kitchen of the home and not watch ing where he was going ran into cue of thr members of the family who was :t the time carrying a large tea kettle of boiling water and the force of tilt' impact caused a large amount of the boiling water io tie thrown over the face and chest of Marvin. The injured boy was given medical atteniion at once and made as comfortable as possible, but the nature of his injuries makes it very painful at the best. lb' is reported today as resting somewhat easier, but is still in unite serious condition. JOHN BUTTERY QUITE ILL Frorr. Wednesday's I 'ally. Last evening Frank F. liuttery of this city received a message from Lincoln announcing the serious ill ness of John J. Buttery, veteran Bur lington railroad engineer and broth er of Frank and Mnrt Buttery. The message was- sent by a son. Harley Bu'tery and stated that the exact r.a iure of tae sudden illness of the fath er was not fully determined and that he was to be taken to the hospital to be examined. His condition, however, was given as being- very serious. Frank and M. L. Buttery departed this morning for Lincoln to be with their brother during his ill ness. The many friends of the family here will regret very much to learn of the s-erious illness of Mr. Buttery and trust that he may b able to ral ly from it. -rem Tuesday's Dflliy The city election today "as the quietest that has been held in th" city in many years and very littie interest taken as the voters in the morning hours were loth to get out and regi-ter their choice at the pi lis. The only contests of the campaign was for mayor where Car! Johnson iwul John Cory are contesting and in t lie fifth ward where L. K. Vroman, republican, is opposing Frank ebai ka. nuiied citizen and democrat. One way to relieve habitual con stipation is to take regularly a mild laxative. Doan's Regulets are recom mended for this purpose. ::nc a box at all drug stores. From Tuesday? Daily. This morning at the Holv Kosnry Catholic church in the west portion of the city occurred the marria-ie ot Miss Eleanor Sedlak and Mr. Frank Slatinsky. The wedding mass of the church was cebbrated by Rev. Fa'b er Ferdinand Suesser. lector ot the church and the services were ijiiite largely attended by the relative.-i-.nd manv friends, of the voung peo ple. The bridal couple were attended by Miss Teresa Sedlak. sister of the bride and Joseph Sedlak. as be-t ma n. Following the wedding party were entertained a' bre-akfiist at the home of of the bride, Joe Sedlak. Jr. there motored to On aha. w here will enjov their honeymoon friends in that city. The bride has just recently ar :ied in this country from her birth place in Bohemia and has been mak ing he- home here with her bi' tlitr since 'ha' 1 1 me. The groom is one of the employee of the Burlington in the shops here and has made his home here for a number of ye-ais past and is a gemleman held in tli" high est esteem by a larpe circle of warm friends. Mr. and Mr. Slatinsky on return will be at home to the bridal a nuntial a brother and from t he y with t heir their friends in this city as the groom has a home awaiting the corning mistress of the household. of the- If you want good printing let ns do your work. Best equipped job shop in southeastern Nebraska. I Itching piles provoke profanity, but profanity won't remove them. Ooan's Ointment i-. recommendevd for, itching, bleeding or protruding piles.; t'C'Jc at any drug store. I L I i ll! I J C wiA kid sSByicl 'S5 lJ What is Safety? An experienced investor of money might put his money into something which would be for him a safe investment because of his ability to judge the right time to sell. But for you, that particular investment might be dangerous. We therefore recom mend our Certificates of Deposit which pay Ac for six months or more, thus insuring both safety and liberal earning power. r it-: The First national Bank THE BANK HERE YOU FEEL AT MOWE 1 fATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA. HI to ;:;.ii!i!!ii:i!itii!!H