The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 04, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY. APRIL 4. 1921
In Which Class Are You
Going to Be?
From government figures and other authentic
sources the American Bankers association has compil
ed the history of an average 100 men in the United
States so far as financial standing is concerned. It is
the greatest object lesson ever printed. Read it in the
following abbreviated chart and if you are not already
patronizing The Bank of Murdock, begin today to
place yourself in the proper class.
At 25 Years of Age
loo men all n equal joolituj in every respect.
At 35 Years of Age
in o;l circumtances.
h;i e jn 'derate means.
have saved nothing,
are dead.
At 45 Years of Age
are wealthy.
importing hut without resources.
lo are
lo are
are sc.
are dependent.
ire dead.
At 55 Years of Age
I i very wealthy.
are in . n 1 circumstances.
-' are -el !--upp"rtin.
aie dependent.
-'t are dead.
At 65 Years of Age
I i- :vry leealthx.
where he went to look after some
business matters.
Miss Lillian Amgwert. of Council
HI tiffs, was a visitor at the home of
her mother. Mrs. B. Amgwert and
spring work during the vacation at
the state university, in which insti
tution of learning all are matriculat
ing this year.
Business in the auto line is pick
ing up. Just at present both gar
ages are running on a . capacity
scale. Mr. Thimgan and his me
chanic. -William Stackis of the one,
and Mr. Landholm and Diller Utt of
the other are all doing about all
the work they can handle and will
welcome a slacking up a little later
so they can catch up with their own
Weeping Water last Thursday, going
to look after some business matters.
Harry Gillespie was looking after
some business matters in Asland on
last Tuesday, driving over in his
John Gakemeier and family were I returning to her work in the Iowa
visiting with relatives and friends at; city last Monday morning.
Ithica for a few days during the past ! Uncle Simon Bornemeier is report
week. ed as not being in the best of health
Miss Mildred M. Bushnell. one of at this time, having had a tussle with
the teachers in the Murdock schools, pneumonia, which has left him in
spent the week-end with friends in , enfeebled condition, but he is now
Ashland. slowly regaining his strength.
Miss Margaret Amgwert, who is
1 - 1 -. - -- : . l. , I . -.. ..,
iieauuuig in me iiolu at i d.a.u. ui a uu. .uB. these drawbacks the Murdock high
llowa. visited at her home over Las- haven t heard whether he intends to ,,, ,Q mAa
ter Sunday , construct it for rental purposes or de f an accredited junior school.
I A. J. Tool has added electric light otherwise, we are entitled to our u , we wm haye JtQ waU unt
(fixtures and supplies to his stock and personal opinion, and so are you Mr. ' jch obstacles are overcome before
has on display a large assortmeat ot reader Ki. 1 our graduates can eater the univer-
these goods I J Johansen has been having an . git an , footin Ith those
I Miss Leah Schmidt. who spent incline porch built onto .his home. fro anJ other towng where
her Easter vacation at the home of which adds much to the conveni-; 0. r5nlM o.-oMokto
sister. Margaret, over the week end, 'rlr
The state university high school
inspector, of Lincoln, was a visitor in
Murdock last week. After inspect
ing the condition of the schools, he
spoke very complimentary of the
manner in which the local institu
tion of learning is being conducted.
riw urw i v":""- "" nf rnftn, an,l ninrrnt 4c!Ho from
I ner parents, reiumeu io ner ui iv di una- i mr t-ann;. i i.iaic is nu , -r.. rQrti onj MKoi-t Qtroicrl,t
Stella last Monday. j in the hands of the painter and dec-! delivered wneat last Monday to tlie
J George Anderson and Sidney Good-, orator receiving a thorough going . Parmer8 elevator here, the grain be-
ins in Murdock last Saturday, look-1 Bernard Gehrts arrived in town
ing after some business matters. ! last Friday evening from his home
Carlton Zink and mother visited : at Lake Benton, Minn., for a visit
ill Kjllltl iktx lv licijka icr-t rvn, ai inc ,, .........
ing to the metropolis last Tuesday Gehrts. Bernard is engaged in farm
land returning Wednesday evening. j ing and 'stock raising in which line
j The Farmers Elevator company is he has been very successful.
; handling a great deal of wheat at j Max Dusterhoff and Joe Wutchinek
i this time, much of which is being are working some wonders in the
shipped to the mills for grinding.
I ing shipped direct to Minneapolis to
be made into flour. The price was
pretty low, ranging around $1.25 a
Volley Ball is the Tiling.
The students at the school and
'omc who have just finisned the
course, are taking much interest in
jredecoration of the home of Mr. and i volley ball and are having much plea-
PuDils in the high school were dis- Mrs. W. H. Hush, which they have
missed last Friday, Supt. Burwell and had remodeled during the past win-
i Prof. Warren both being in Omaha ter. The place will be one of beaut y
' attending the teachers' convention, jand comfort when it is completed.
! Miss El!en Gakemeier. who is at Earl Cool and Simon Brandt, of
home for a week during the vacation Elmwood, were in Murdock on last
sure in the playing of the game in the
Weeping Water vs. Murdock
The high school team of Weeping
Water, came over last Friday after-
ire srff-supportint fix labor.
- i ;: '- heuses r dependent up n relatives.
y are dead.
he Bank of burdock
tVlurdock, Nebraska
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
IIE2,TEY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres.
H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier
at her school, has been visiting with Friday evening for the purpose of noon and had a very spirited game
her sister at Arlington for a few : arousing interest in organizing a with the high school boys of the
idavs. j National Guard company. They held Murdock school at the Murdock park.
Miss Viola Everett was in Omaha! a meeting at the Farmers Co-Opera- j The game was nicely contested up
'last Thursdav making purchases for . tive building with that end in view. until the opening of the third in
the Bauer & Kraft store here, where I Frank Eveland. who has been vis-jning. but some way the visitors ran
she is emploved as a salesladv 'and i itingt Geneva for some time, on his . away with the score and while the
huver i return, stopped off at Fairmont and ; contest was one in which all enjoyed
was a visitor in' visited with his friends. Rev. Lang the sport, we cannot report the run?.
Monday, acconi-' and family. The Langs were located '
jpanying Herman Schmidt, who was in Murdock for a time and Mr. Eve- Carries an Excellent Line 01 UOOdS
: i ii attendance at the meeting of the:l?nd had a very pleasant visit with. It looks like this kind of weather
i August I'anska
I'lattsmouth last
county assessors.
I Miss Margaret Tool, who is at
tending Hie state university, at Lin-
them. ! should stimulate the moving of farm
A girl is reported to have arrived machinery, as the farmers have a
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. 1 good opportunity to get into the
coin, has been home during the past Born, which event has brought much fields. Mr. Wm. Gehrts has an ex-
week on account of a spring vacation
happiness into the household. The cellent stock of all kinds of imple-
I at the university.
Willard Jackman, who was one of
little miss and her mother are doing ments for cultivation, and is offering
nirolv ntii! thp nrrmrl fathpr is literal-! thp samo at vprv rpasnnahle rates
the teachers in the Murdock school j ly "walking on air" most of the .time ' when it is considered original cost
i last year, was a visitor with friends there days. (and the high rates of freight. Mr.
here Thursday, driving over from his! James Brittain and wife, who have Gehrts is selling nothing but the
I home near Elmwood. j been making their home with the ben of goods and always makes the
I Charles Marshall and his best girl, parents of Mrs. Bnttain for some purchase of anything in his line well
Walter Heier. Miss Alta Schlaifer. j t ir.;e, left last Friday evening for
jCius Wendt. Jr., and Miss Leta Lau' Lincoln where they visited over Sat-
Aug"!st Pan.-ka was looking after
some business matters in Lincoln
la? Tuesday.
Fra'-.k WiN.m. of Wabash was a
buiiif caller i:i Murdock several
("uivs l.i-t week.
Siitrrifi Qiiiiitun was in town a
v. eek j.-' Saturday looking after
some bu.-in-.s matters.
Alt-:; L.ini'.holm. of I'uncan. is vis
iting at the home of his brother.
all attended the class play at Louis-
Iville last Friday night,
j Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burt, of Omaha,
! spent Easter in Murdock. guests at
(the home of Mrs. Burt's parents. Mr.
jand Mrs. W. II. Rush. They return
! ed to their home on Monday morn
. ing.
I Riiy Kissinger, of Glenville, was a
! visitor in Murdock and vicinity for
a tew iays during tne past week,
coming to visit at the homes of John
and Simon IJornemeier and other
Jess Landholm and family. j friends.
C. F. Hite, who has been feeling v. h. Rush has been kept pretty
rather poorly for a number of days j busy during the past week sheiling
unlay and Saturday evening con
tinued on their way to their former
home at Alliance.
Iliss Belle Hulfish. of Elmwood.
was a visitor in Murdock a few days
worth while to the buyer.
Mrs. Gable Improving.
Mrs. Henry Gable, who has been
at the Swedish Mission hospital for
seme time past, and where she under
went an operation for appendicitis
last week, being a guests at the a short time ago, is showing some ini- of Mr. and Mrs. C F. Hite. movement at this time. Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. John Amgwert and Mrs. Ferdinand Bronkow were visit
Mr. and Mrs. William Weddell. She jncr at the hospital last Friday, go
went to South Bend Thursday where ing to especially call on Mrs. Gable,
she also visited with lrienus. j who is a sister of Mrs. Bronkow
Countv Commissioner Fred Gorder .
and family visited in Murdock for a
short time last Friday. Mr. Gorder
' being called to a place west of town
Entertained the Operators
M!s.-:es. Elsie. Helen and Anna
past, is now improving some.
William Bourke shipped a car of
cattle to the South Omaha market
las-t Monday from this place.
J. Johansen was called to Lincoln
during the past week to look after
some business at the capital city.
Matt Thimgan was a visitor in
T y - m n i luet AJ o ' ovonin
to look after some road work and the 'ri . Z.rf
cnieruineu ai supper. .Ilses .nauc
corn. The latter part of the week
he shelled for August Schulte. Con
rad Baumgartner. Henry Schlaphof ! evenin".
and Fred Stock.
Henry l'enterman was a visitor in
Murdock for a short time last Fri
dav evening while on his wav from
family coming along to visit with
friends here. They returned to their
home in Weeping Water in the
and E.-ther Schmidt at their home
north of Murdock. at which a very
pleasant time was had by all the
., n 1 o A
Kenneth Tool, William Meyers. -ouus
Glen, Gale and John Paul Pickwell
have been spending the week at
their homes here, visiting with home
They Go Fishing
The first day of April being quite
his home at Elmwood to Omaha. ! folks and also assisting with the balmy, the lure of the river and the
5r '-
1 tKv
Lare assortment of New Gingham Tissues, including Toile du Nord, Gilbrae, Kalbur
nic, Ginghams, Tissues, Percales, Voiles new stock just in.
All Plain Ginghams on hand to match any pattern in stock. Bias Tapes in colors, Ric
Rac Braid in all colors. Fancy Trimming Braids to match.
Our New Stock of Black Cat Hosiery
is in at greatly reduced prices. Make this your week of dress selection for the coming sea
son. All new patterns and you should select yours before the assortment is broken.
Here at Your Service!
We are carrying a full line of farm machinery and
implements, both horse drawn and power propelled.
You had better see us NOW about any machinery you
may have that is in need of repairs, and thus be assur
ed of having it in working condition when you need
it. Delays in the busy season are costly.
Spring is about here with its heavy quota of farm
work to be done and it is highly imperative that you
look after the repair work right away. To those in
need of new implements we are in a position to quote
the most conservative prices possible.
fish could not be resisted by the
sportsmen of Murdock, those gtdng
who cculd get away, and these who
could not go wishing that they could.
A. J. Bauers being lucky enough to
secure the services of Mr. Geo. Utt
to run the dray, he joined a party
consisting of Harry Gillespie, Lacey
McDcnald and Jerry McHugh, who
went to the river. They did not
lake the new boat, but as soon as the
fish heard of the arrival of this noted
quartette of fishers, they all crowded
the banks in an endeavor to get a
taste of the new bait which they
had. The luck of Mr. Bauers and
Lacey was phenoniinal. as they
caught some seventeen croppies and
these little ones, which it is report
ed that Mr. Bauers landed an eel
that measured some nine and a half
feet. (This is an eel and fish story.)
Mr. McHugh and Gillespie had long
poles and could not get their hooks
near enough to the bank where the
fish in their endeavor to get at the
bait were massed. However, they
will go fishing again soon.
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
Refinish or Renew
You may want to refinish a tiouse, an interior
wall, a floor or woodwork.
You may believe in "Saving the Surface" (paint
ing and varnishing.)
But do you care whether you simply refinish or
We care much for the difference in tljese two
words, and you may be assured of receiving the high
est possible grade of work at reasonable prices when
you deal with
The Dusterhoff Shops
L?JThis is housecleaning time. Will you order your
work done now?
You May Use Shock Absorbers
and a hundred and one other contrivances on your car,
that are supposed to provide better service, but unless
you have the best oil, your car is bound to receive dam
age beyond the ordinary wear and tear.
We are selling the very best brands of guaranteed
motor oils. See us, when in need of any.
We also carry a full line of accessories and supplies
and maintain the best of service in our repair departm't.
Yes, Business is Getting Better, Thank You. And We
Appreciate It, Too.
The Automobile Man
Landholm Auto Co.
We are especially well prepared to do repair work
on all makes of automobiles. Bring your car in and
we will look after your wants promptly.
We also carry supplies and accessories. Call on
us for anything in our line.
Landholm Auto Co.,
Gyirdock SViercaotol