union uep&rtmenx Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. TKE OPEN DOOR! At ilA- Bank the doer to the officers' room i alwi.v':- ope-n, and this, in a sense, is ivpleal of riie. plrit which pervades the en!::': pL?:e. Austerity, that professional whi-ili one sometimes connects financial institutions, is forgotten Ik:.- i t 'he general desire of every officer to meet tl:3 people of this vicinity as tel . ci::7-ns and to serve their needs, re :...rJ!3. :-; o: whtiher they be little or large, with tour-.c.-y and consideration, i -..vi ::; ;erve yea in any capacity do not ; the- : dative smallness of yoi:r posses r p.'v'vcnt v r.i from consulting us; r..:'i-:r If.t it encourage you to do so. . - ou wVi to coen a ravings account our i;u i!iti are your command. Our ad-v'i-c a::d experience- are yours to draw upon. YOU'RE ALWAYS WELCOME HERE j The way is to ju? i-t after the : fourth gnu!". whi! .Mi?s Xettie Mr- i j.t '.posii inn ;i!id the coil' ! !!:on (if the C;i rrnll has ti first and sfciiiK1.. ! '.vork nf orsnnizinic can .oon be a- ' 'makintr the total of t he facultv. aiu; otupli-li'd. ; nn excellent complimen.t of instructor. j '1 he work of the school is goin;; Excellent Services Sunday J .iionjr nicely and the students mak-j A i the Methodist ehurvj. last Sun-''"" excellent progress. j ll:i" U ilS l.Ull I V. O er i:i:e in St S. U.Vro HTcre'ei-1 nt T innln Lu her Mead and son I-rank were vico- delivered by the sM,r-! T.lt:T ,,.,.,.k s f.r i .'.i.mi.i ' i 1 1 : j ii j i u v iv 1 11 T 1 1 I fTl T . I M 1 1 ' . .1 . K 1 :'h II.' - ' a i i - v ' lUtf j )., "'it " VI r Cti.f t l,r . 1 turn !nn- I i ' t .'II . tiLt'lil:. (I ll'l i ui nii'h the aux- r3 UNION 3 P, nion NEBRASKA on tiieir truck l.r th.- intrpo.-e :,,;ci Omaha n.niiinic huiN to i!.,. market. Mr. i i ompleTnenr of .-ervic - ), T 4. -i ! . ! . . . n ,1 , I 1 . . .. - . 1 i ,i ,i . r, . I - . . l . -I. . . . , ...... ...-4 u:-- .mui i.,u iii.in iiiaries oi i ne cuiuni. I ?:e i;t-V. K. . jlt.R1 (.nl iiii.i i!u- r. v;u,i v.ni iiKiKe reu- . li..uii.i ni u! ( oU!ir;i v. as !ar v! it- at his iir.inr in tbe fu:ure. (also in attendance :a.d in company -- . W" : JV lI1" !-!,u ; returned to surprise their friend i . no :; stud-!: t m t!ie r ight-.n ..t v. ''iim 'i wlifie a da-F-t n ic ; i . i ..... . - . .. mm .i .i.i. r. I jiu-.l' . ,(. . aJUi S!l"f TiOU-'fl II V.TlR IlldeCl "'if lie u-M ..i i inner in t ne cm n-ii r.ui iirt- tail the car .est on O str-er, soon found r.u the ' itv of Line (In where tMy secur-d p r i m : T to wed. and w-r- mail" n;an and wife. The- a surpri- lir iiianv failed to i and .Mr.-, .i. ( . Uoddy. : ! "t , isi ,;, t suuerinteiul.-n i-::vered an 1 . ....... ... .. . , :ii(:n aiid retum-u to their sttj:! mUir' ss and serv-d ca!.,!:,u:iion. The a? Omal.a cv. ! u. train hi-" .Mon.uty j 'i.trio; .-uperintend-!; u 111 conduct aft (-loon. ! ).., n erly con fi reli'" a: l.e Mefh- Mrs. Jof-jdi ilauer. who h.'.s hef-n:,;; t cuiirch of IMa t f u : h. At the -ick at her home for soni tlni" pust. : -,!. riling s-rviee in I'ni-.n there was aiu! v.hof' ill heaitli I,,,.,. ro- jici- sati!.- 1 . the chor- a 'i e;e in-; cirded i-i ti.ese (.! imti--. is repcr: j-d us. and. in the cvei-ii a- ln-itiv in i( It it:. proved a ti'i- !, 'iuar' tie. all of v. -:r;t ir.T and it I.- ex peered ti.a' in'j.-.w-d. a -i.i.r- ti'i.t- ;if will :.) to lie; up . i d arotiud avair.. Ponnlar Youriff People Wed !.-it W..-t ti 4-.l.i v a: I' : f . T . olo hy pe; of the file!. 'i'he have ;;one ho'U--k"ep:!ir at the home of Mt. fare S. S:o:tler. while the other home has h'en rented to the son of Mr.-. Sio'tir. The friend- o'' the r.e.v.lv we. Is are extending coti- I Here vou Are! We have several pood used Fords and aUo nv ones as well, for immediate delivery. Three pood u-."'! tiucks. Better get tho5.e cars attended to before the rush of Sprinc work. We Do Aceieline Welding! me V UNION -:- f mis rage, NEBRASKA ! ru t uu : ions and nianv of iheit frier.us ai:irei! hi-: Morolay nij Tro-i'" will he serviee at the. .Mi ; !'0.i.-t :nd I i . : i i i T churches n-xt ' S.r.n'.av t i.e uul hours. )xt h rii'.rnin.': ;:n.-! evening. The I5:ii !- and a ixiliarv services liot h i.a-t 'he niot.'i'.-r of the i !-"t ans ,,f I'u ion. and arid xjv the napjiy couple a ranc j dd timt- s ran a fie. They w ill make itheii home .a-: of l"nion atnl will o; ! er.Mare in farm ina. ' h ci: a r a Hi a!o Iv- held -ai-.d ;h"-e , reus, the hei.ut if ill und uiiu.uhter of Nicholas ;;i, ;. Mr. John 1 Lena KhiTi- J c firnplished ! anu ! : i .-! v. o " - h 1 1 1 1-4-u 1,4-re aro ii.v wife of NVhaw ka. w- i . UMtel! in to Oi i;e.- ehureh --rvif"s. j .Mr. and Mrs. John r..nni:r ' I.i!..i-ay. N'eh.. arrive,! ;n ''nion h.-t 1 week, called hr-- on accounT of the .:':.e ii the si.-ter of the forn: r. i M.'.-s ('..trie Ha-nninir. who ha- n- keen enjoying the pe-t of health f r I na.-tur of the Ilaptist c-t.-jrch "f t"n i n. The younc folk- a r i"iy i-x-ti-Ti.-iv-!y atid popiiia':-. known hy i;o.-ts o'' friends in 'io-;i eo::: m un i- le ) iUMlie- Mr. John I'ran- in Vnloti an- some titne ar: d lias het n rat h r s,-r- ent the younfr people iou-ly ill for sonie time past Business z Gcod, Thank Ycu! !-ureiy appreciate the excellent Irusines0 that -f.. v..: have been handling cream, but- i v: . i .4.i. ci.iu wi r. i.ivj: vj i r . c iiic iC.oh'-.ile ( .' atjci all kind; of produc .he ii!-est cr.;"ii r.rites. Call us on 31 ; vviien -oa want to know trie .. i.l.r.. we har.ci.e. A 7a in vc thank you. SWMii GHEAia STATION, -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA 1 home here. I'ntil th U- T 1 M . .. 1- .1 ...1 !.,.- I.' .; ,1 . . - ' 11 . -;wiI "' ,,': 11 are staving at t!o ir L.:n-,o;n. wmri- r?" was i'h.kikk after some hu-ine.-s rnat'ers ;md re turn int in the ever.ir..': tr. wfnini; V',rcr, '.'):' he was ioincd hy Marks and rh'-v remain' d for : M. Mr 1 nt ; 1 ' Mr. A. V.". I':;.ney an 1 children., v. ho- have h-.en visit in", in t'Tii":! for th-- past f-vv i:y. leff Motiday a:"-, t'noo;. for 'heir hoine ir. Auhurn. h ir.s ac' oir.panied hy Mr-. !': d 1' irne. at v le'-e home tlo-y vi-iv-d i.:.r: of - t:me while . re. Fiuiit-y wotki?: f ir the Mi.-;o :ri i';-ii:c Tu-.ir 5'hu t .-niou t h . 1 ; room's mother. ' h- Journal joins v : of friends ;t. wi-iiin:- ..." 1 ph aa;u an'! pro':' i 'hfo-ii.-!; life and. that : f : iends and t is eiiirai-'ed in ' T the pre-- ill mak-. their c:-n arratiLre dwell they !iome of the it!: their ho-: 'hem ;1 . hie j. ur:;e h may hav It'i.-Ottnte i . Pteturned from Hospital Mr. a nil Mr-. liiii;h Kohti and their little (iaut'iiK r ioi. nelly, who have iet-n at the infinite at Kirksville. i.e little one underwent an operation u:ne weks atii, re turned home la-t w eek and report 1 -ome in. rnvement in ttie cotidition t of 'he dauuh'er. which hopes are e n-j tertair.ed will eventuallv entiie'v ro- : (over her wonted health. SPRING HATS 2 Our excellent selection ox r.-r. hat? for ladies have arrived and are on di-p!av. Call and make jour choice before the )in i-- hioken. AL-o pet in your order for prass seed; betitr hurry ntoui this. Fxcel lent gingham of latest patt; -.-m-. 13c per yd., cash. UNION NEBRASKA Union School Notes Second Primary Kooin I..oui.-e Poster and Ih-ien Warden I vf re ahsent Mondav on account of; jii:ns. j Tins is examination v eek in our, I room. Kveryl.ody is husy reviewing. : Int t n.ed ia!e Hoorn ; Hiar.ohe Shutts has keen ansent th-' Union Schools Well Conducted A r pros-f nta'ie of -h.. Jour..al made a v;-i a' the n h ds iiuri:.R this w-ek and foun-i the work f in-tructinK the ytu'n ' f th:- city past w eek on account of illn---. Uarre:i- ha- keen ah-eni this P. .-"'..11 i'..: v. I., f. . V. ! Oi: . 1 Marjra re and Prank f lia-f are r..-w . i v. pi Is in the t: 1 ;i Trade. ' Hirh Sciiool it ins ! A spellitiU match was helu -a-t :;-,. I o. mmur.ity uoin-i ;..rw;:nl vi'!.- i .v.onuay ntotr.inv tetvven tweive r p- ' .;r a hitch a:ni inakiia: ? r'.'.-.-n' pro- resep tat Ives from each the Uiv.i ; -re--. T.-ie i!:-;;u;i n u hh-h is -.tn- i ch'wl and. 7th and Sth t-.i'ade roosns. ! d. - The ci:.':-. . :' m. n ' ( '. Pearl P.jun '..;o th.- final victor. 1 fi. wrvn. ha- -0:1. e iinndie.i ; :.,; ! Mi". Alma Iienni.- visile 1 the 'ni.h; Our tie w M'li h ;ok.- iiave arrived., :. . - !".( t -r vard Tr.- d 1 and f ,: drov t I.o-psvi '!-. whi-r-- 1 hev ' -.. w-rvti. ha- -0:1. e Iiuiim e a ' tended the fun era 1 of 'he Lit ;.: ; -. ; t h i y uo - nt - v. h- : a!! int re-t-V.'o: d. nii::!;. r "f Ce;T::e ar.d ' i : f: :. ! "d in ti:e v.ork of ac, u i t ; i n -j an e.-'u-' Wood of t haT place, whi.ii had h- n ! ( a ' h n and have almauant facilit'e i .-.'-ran '- 1 to have b' f-n held on S. i-;:'er this work. Mi-s i-'l rei.ee Uo-ii. , urd.-iv. hut on accun of the ur.f.-v- who i.- urine: pal. l;a : caarue of Kn- ! exams I i '' uiatlor the interment !:ad'-:i-h and history ar.d ha- much in- day. ; P. . n ;.o. tnone.l until S-.indav. I tor-: in the scholar- in the v.o-k.l Piorenc I'.i-r. o -'ran- a. nil wife drp.M 'e.l hi- Friday for Hnrlinutorj. '- d .. j here i hey vil! make tlu-ir ri-.u '- iti iti.e future and where they will n- irace in farminir. The hest w i-!:es of Pern Ie!es I tnier. Winona I -.n i and Kula Praus took the "t eacher's in Platt.-iiiouth on .-atur- a as ah -ent th:r ho-t of friends and thai of Tha,ck MN- Mahie Jo.h:..-ton has n:ath - ( Thursday morning. matic- and sci-i.ce and wih the! Mr. Mun-on visi-e, school on -v.ork of tlu supet inf i. ler.i com-j day aftertiooa anil pave a very nu prsies the hiuh school. Miss Grace , morons and i merest in? talk. Poiirnreif ha charire ofi the seventh j This has heen txaminaticn week and ei'-'hth trrade. while Miss Pva , and the students are now pat.ent- Pran- l!r"h-r !' .0:1. -ay- ti-a: l-i'-ine. is showing so wi?h ti.m to tn,;r r w Sa-kley has t he f f h and sixt h i:ra d-s. I ly ? wait ins the return of the - u ir.' rt a ' and wMle no hir-ue .(uu. jn t t -.-t. v"e ar" hop:u:r that j Mi-s Hr.nie P.Ilis tlu third and 1 dreaded papers. i-- are a - ; iienm n-: r'ic; - t e... !.'i-r,. t .j, iu4ti many .-maii jot-.-. ' a :r-:s and K i te I-- mav hot, have happit: pi ".:Tir-; y ir ti.(:r n- .v home. :av . v.-ho ha P. 1 .- at-t i I he.-ti v; : i i : j n r.e of f. 1!. Pi;i.-r c f .V i v. , , . i wi iiti. : i 0:11 i u i I' . M . : in la ' v. '-n r ii ..I .... ... 1.. .1. ! -m.o ..... t::'. -:. l i ue . . . , lh(t , :i:.:i..u uirai:; ':. pa :.y o! ..( i v t :.: r:a. .-p. n' Kaster at ' nt:r resf.ee- , ,v,.rT fo W(,rl. ' . '-. ' ,," , . ti.-n at the .Missouri Fuc.ne -t it::-i ; - ,::!'"a"1'' 1,1 u'! l'.1"! h.. was viitir.K. that the .-prinu ha - t l'iU; " "' ... .i.i. .-. v.a M-.i.o- !I! i i.-allv come, there. a:id that the r I ::'!! a short t:me lat n..ay. .n,, j, fru!t t,.,( r,nt i:, ,lf,;r. hrinuitii:- a load o! wheat to market . ;tn;i farviv cr-irii; aheail niceh-. and at the :-:in;e ii;e i;ikint: ho:;o- at hi- eld pr. c stati: to.-o e -a .h i h 'lira -i :.le er i.e.-ded farm nuuhin- v. ho ha- Doinsr a Nice Business ; j-1 If. A. S'tuitli. the r.ev. produc ' .-a-t f- r -vera! .-..'.-. r-turned iat i '!(,r. is havir.c a very nice hu--.r.e.-s : Saturday from a "business trip to'11' 'i:is tim. nd is distributmu a! ';,-. aro." w!. r.- ).-. mad- purchase o! i l'Pe .-Hioun; of money anions; titc , : :;::. - :r. v'..ce oi urvoou., -.vnicn ; v. ....... ....... ...... t o a v. i!att '--ir,.', , pric- for w !:at he I., -t hr.d'iy h; Ml-- Xaor.i 7.! 1 1 1- v. v.lio of t he Wi-Ivvan universi'y a ileMlei-eil a miXeu t:'.;f ;i s-t:- ! hia'i of poultry, cream atut es ; 1 ' ne Omaha dealt r.-. 1 . r A ;. i- - pee. ijiu.. j wetk at T i 1 I ... of her p. r 'l.ts n.-rth of Pni'n.j on a.-O'i.ra of a vc.cation of tliat e- : a. 1. 1 '- 1 1 at -r!l-'i"l where Lid Not Know His Friend Through Jack Xeitzel of Via' at- 1 .. 10: w, :: 1 -':-. 1 en -. :: I'm ... the uest Au-'ii -' ' ': arid '-. : u-'ny. a -y .ore V ".1 ' V. OT k - njur. ! :.n m-M- :'::: du- had with the t;ood na:uiid ca;c'M on tha" account. nt'.'.ith. Tlienia.- Murnhy. c(-nnti' from Palls fit v . was informed . f , :., ! J..mes i;,.rdM.in. brother (f f n o . i t-ict of Xels Martin livin- in f t,-i i! rd:nan. who ha- b---n tnakirs hi.- j ion ai.d called on his old fri no h r.i-i- in Wv. mim- for -.n:e time, n.is i w;,(,n, h-:- had known i r a b-m; t-nr. ! r(f:-::id t Pnian and will n;..l-e r,f years. When Mr. Murphv i-alh-i'. his home here f -r tv ! resent ..' ! upon .Mr. Martin the lntttr "dii u..i has :..ov-d -nto the h.ous. jui vi.ra'eo . i.Il0v hi--, iiletul atid some fun .. y 1 . vilo- AifOiiiini. Prank Clauhlitz and family recent movid t Pnion and are makir? ii. Ivme in the J. A. Talkinsrton Mou-e. Mr. G'.auhlitz Iia.s accepted 'I.e po.-iti n of driver of the truck or. the maintainor which i-1 have h adquarters in Pnirm. !.-..-; Saturday aft err.--on W. A Taylor and wife, accompanied )y Me-.Tan-es. Dan Lynn and John Lld ::e;'. made a trip to Nebraska Pity .1; the car cf Mr. T:iy!-r. where th;-. visited with frh:nds, and looked af e.--on.e business matters as well. Are Building a Barn With, lumber which was botti;!r at the reduced prices at the van; oi Prans Uroi hers. Plmer Withrow is having a barn constructed on tin home place u few miles out of Pni.-n. Mr. W. L. Crawford i.; doing- 'h-a work. Tne pri .'e of lumber has In i'.: placed v hi re the farmer can now go ahead with the needed building. 0 111 O YOU SHOULD USE ECONOMY AS NEVER BEFORE WHY? V all products decline, especially farm products, it wit! r,r necer..:ary that nothing be wasted if your aver civ? inronie is tvj be maintained. I l.r reiore you j houid provide barns and sheds for ciock r.nd machinery. Tri- 017: declines in Lumber and Paint make it ; -s if.'e for you to "Build Now" very economically. ! !ov about vour own comfort and that of 3-our h.rrrly? . new tiome would bring joy supreme to all con c rned. Let us urnish you estimates and price. X e appreciate your patronage. Motor Cycle Vaulted Koad One day la-t week while Carl and Kimper Prans were riding a mowu cyrle akng the road south of t'n. the driver !c-t control of the ma chine and cons'-quently it rim in 'lie ditch, completely wrecking it. The j boys were real lucky and escaped wiinout injury. Acre s LINCOLN COUNTY, COLORADO, LAND FOR SALE! Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers harvested an excellent crop of wheat the past season. Come, see land where in many instances one crop will pay for the land. We are making trips every Sat urday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and particulars. The best land in the west and at a price which anyone can afford to pay. CHAS. SOWDISH, Ecx No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr. ntr r 2 2 52U UNION urzriQ urns7 1 a .umber Go NEBRASKA j Was His Busy Day ! P. H. McCarthy, who is a jolly I eld scout, is kept busy the.-e days ' receiving grain. La.st Monday he j had to look after the storing of four different kinds of grain. Bert Ev . erett brought rye. while corn va ! delivered by Charles Dysart, wheat 1 by Mr. V. C. Schriner. and oats by : the renter on the farm of Jack Chal- fant. With all it was a verv busv : day. j Want a Base Ball League j Last week Manley was expressing I itself as ik-sirous of having formed a j ha.-e hal! league to include the teams ; of the county, and now comes Union j expressing the same desire. With ; Xehavvka already organized and working and a probability of Louis vilie getting in and an assurance that ; Greenwood wlil have an excellent I team, and Weeping Water already to i piay ha'l. and Murdock. Eacle and i Alvo . all with the fever, and Platts . incuth waiting for the collection of the other clubs, it does not look un favorable fcr the consumation of the much desired object. Economy the Watch Word! Yes, it is true economy to purchase your imple ments of the Farmers Co-Operative Elevator company. We purchased an exceedingly good line of John Deere farming implements some time ago in anticipation of this year's needs and can save you money on them. We carry a good line of horse drawn implements, which we are offering at a very narrow margin on ac count of the prevailing high prices. We can supply youn needs in plows, (walking and riding) harrows, discs, cultivators and listers. If you want power machinery we can also furnish it. as well as home power plants. Let us know your wants we'll do the rest. Farmers Co-Qperaiicg Elevator Company L. G. Todd, Manager UNION -:- -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Batter Ssmss Statisni I am prepared to loo!: after your battery wants, in the way of recharging, repairing and f urr.i-iinr; of needed parts, as well as providinr- you v ith new bat teries. A. 11 v.ork has my personal cue and wi'l be iriveri the minutest attention. W. H. DuBIS, UNION NEBRASKA Here are the i Goods 1 '-.-'.1 I for 70c and two bars of Creme Oil soap thrown in FREE 10 1 powder, 1 two bars ?0c. How'? thnt Fcr Friday and Saturday of this veek we are offer'ntr bargains w:iich wi!l surprise you. LOOK AT THIS ONE! 10 bars of Crystal hl'.e roan .''C.'-ir';-J3 packages Sea Foam washing f V:i.-j j oars or vrvsrai nil? ana rr-,, ' v -. jv-vj or uems .nl so. p nil ror - W-V; -dpi!.;:,'! 1 Friday and Saturday, APRIL 1ST and 2ND Four packages of Corn Flukes for 25c Two pounds cf raisinc 5fSc 2 cans of corn 25c New invoice of dry go ode at Money-Savliig Prices DO NOT MISS THIS TWO-DAY SALE IT MEANS MONEY TO YOU UNION NEBRASKA , y 1 1; j We Have the Ford Agsnay! We are the regular representatives of ihe Ford Motor Co., in Union, and have in stock all kind of cars for sale the Sedan, Coupe, Touring and Rondter. We also carry the Ford truck. Our phone number is 20, and we urge you to call us for a demonstration. We can sell and make immediate of any of the mcdele of Fords, as we are carrying them all in stock. See us fcr anything in this line. 1 J w mm 1 m Phone No. 20 I PM jr. -te. U& M tt kt kv Tii m Union, Nebr.