THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1921. PAGE FOUB PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL 'Cbz plattsmouth Journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT Kntcred at I'ostoflice. 1'Iattsmouth. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 Kansas has coined feminine members of legislady" legislature: for :o: Discontent is not so nothing, as having I much having iss than the thei fellow. . :o: And now we'll have to tolve the all over annual pennant problem again. :o: Aiu thcr "dirt farmer his editorial chair to V. nient of Agriculture. goes from S. Depart- -:o: Some day, we suppose, the pruuucei and consumer will decide to play both ends against the middleman. :o: Gen. Pershing could do good work as ambassador to France but the see him made ambassador to Ger many. :o: The more Germany studies the peace terms the more it decides that the worst thing about the war is losing. :o: In the spring a married inanV thoughts turn not lightly to the ash es he ought to have carried out dur ing the winter. :o: Incorporation used to bf considered the basis of big business, but now a lot of people are putting their faitli in co-operation. :o: A recent ruling is that a doctor may prescribe- beer for sickness. That'll make you feel better, and then you won't need any prescription. :o: Now, with a change of the p.iiiy. in power, we have arrived as. in at a time when every appointment will make twenty disappointments. Clara Sjuith liaioon said tha: ii'.-:ie was acnuitted. the tir.U thing .-he will do is lo join church. What do i lie ambitious movie managers think of that? . :o: A treasury expert says the Ameri man people spend 22,000 million dol lars a year for luxuries. Well, the treasury ought to know, if it has counted its rake-off correctly. :o: We simply must have more hard surfaced roads and wider ones. One motor insurance company in Michi gan has been forced to stop writing collision insurance altogether. :o: And now how many has a Ku Klux Klan. copied after the famous Amer ican organization. We have inst i tutiyns in this country which would be much more helpful to intimate. :o: Every few days you read that an other zealot is about to start out on an exploring expedition to one of the poles. Nothing seems to arouse the spirit of adventure t-o much as prohibition in a man's home country. E PRICE vP- -- or CLOTHES The price of our dry cleaning cuts down the price of clothes. Dainty Dorothy says that she has found out that we take most excellent care of the gar ments entrusted to us and that our charges should make friends for this house. Our dyeing proves satisfactory, as we use the latest approved methods and the best dyes. Goods Called for and Delivered PHONE X OPPCiSl T lob Si PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Neb., as second-class mail matter PER YEAR IN ADVANCE You can't tell what excuse Ger nmay will make next, any more than you can tell what a woman will bring up next when she goes down into her handbag after a street car fare. :o: A Detroiter has been lined $1,000 for thft oossesssion of some nome brewed beer. It would be interest ing to know what percentage of the readers will view this paragraph with alarm. ; g; Prohibition Commissioner Kramer says women are the worst bootleg gers. Maybe they are. but after a few discreet observations and a care ful study of the subject we can't see how they manage it. :o:- Ex-Empress Zita of Austria has a baby daughter, and. there is some discussion as to t lie proper title for the new arrival. Somehow it doesn't sound just right to call her an ex princess right from the first. :o: Tiie poppy has been adopted a a memorial llower by the American I,e uion, Memorial Day thee flowers, thousands of which have been made by the wouien of France, will be worn and used as decorations. : o: Every epoch in history has had its marvel of wealth, but piob;Uy no man ever lived long enough or be came rich enough to ovcreoni" the feeling of being staggered on receiv ing the bill for his meal in the din ing car. 0:0 "Let's hurry and pay tiu1 war ex penses, and Ket over with these in come and profit taxes." urges a writer. Does the writer think con gress will ever give over the new taxes it has invented, after learning how easy it is to g- t money for neuh iig? o: Prof. Elmer. the New Jersey weather prophet, rise to explain h w it is that the weather this winter has gone contrary to his predictions were all right and that it is the weather that has gone wrong. Now, this makes it plain. We like to see a prophet come out and vindicate himself. :o: Rev. James S. Montgomery was chosen as the chaplain for the house to take the place of Rev. Henry X Coudeii, the blind minister who serv ed for many years. Dr. Montgomery, is a Methodist, who now occupies a Washington pulpit. He is widely known over the country . s a preach er and lecturer. :o: Raltimore American. (Rep.) Woodrow Wilson has ceased to be president of the Cnited States. That would be a sorry partisan that could not stop to bid his fair adieu, give him sympathv, wish him reCOVerV OtI health and an old-age honorable and pleasureable for the counsel sought of it by his future party leader. :o: It looks as though the government :ouM run its salvage department on little more business like basis. In a southern state a whisky still was sold at public auction for cents. Nat urally the bidding would be slack at a public sale on such an article. But there is no telling what it might have brought at a properly managed secret sale. :o: According to the report of the sen ate committee that probed into the charges about the use of so much money in the campaign, the total spent by the two big parties was about $10,:J40,000. Of this, the re publicans got rid of about $8,100. 000 and the democrats about $2,24.0, 000. These amounts include what was spent on the presidential, sena torial and congressional campaigns. Good Dragged Roads TO -AND- Kansas City Travel by Auto and Save Money and Time. T. H, Pollock Bridge OMAHA OUCH! ANOTHER , RHEUMATIC TWINGE Get busy and relieve those pains with that handy bottle of . Sloan's Liniment WHAT Sloan's does, it docs thor oughly penetrates without rub ling to the afflicted part and promptly relieves most kinds of exter nal pains and aches. You'll find it clean and non-skin-stalning. Keep it handy for sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, ovcr-excrtcd muscles, stiff joints, back ache, pains, bruises, strains, sprains, bad weather aftcr-cffectS. For 39 years Sloan's Lfhiment has helped thousands the world over. Y011 aren't likely to be an exception. It cer tainly does produce results. All druggists 35c, 70c, $1.40. lnai Lirtiment WILL OBSERVE THE 102ND ANNIVERSARY Pa triai chs Militant of Omaha Have Arranged for Observance of the rounding of I. 0. 0. F. The Patriarch's Militant of greater; Omaha have announced their forth-j coining observance of the 102 anni- versa ry of the founding of the I. O. ! (). V. in the United States and the event promises to ho one of the great- j e.-t events of its kind held in the! we-tern jurisdiction of Oddt'ollov. ship. The ceiebtation will be held at the auditorium in Omaha on the after noon and evening of April :'.oth and as guests of the occasion the mem bers of the order have arranged for Senator G. W. Norrisfl Mayor E. P. Smith. Governor S. II. McKelvie and G. er M. Ilermisted. commissioner gen-1 1 of the Patriarchs. Militant of the world. It has been arranged to have the speaking, music and singing from l:'!o to 3:00 in the afternoon and from :0Q to 5:00 o'clock, the con ferring of degrees or decorations on members of the order, consisting of thre" distinct degrees, first, thedec oration of chivalry on five members of the Rebekah order, among whom will be included Mrs. P. D. Rates of this city; two members of the Omah.t and South Omaha lodges will be deco rated and the grand decoration of chivalry, the highest decoration of m :it that can be bestowed upon a HH'iiili t of the order bv the sovereign grand lodge of the I. O. O. K. In the evening the grand military ball will be- held which will be par ticipated in by all Odd Fellows anil their friends and also a sword drill and special contests held. FARMERS APPROVE MARKETING PLAN Only Four Votes Cast Against Mea sure by Delegates at Lincoln - Men for Chicago Meet Rincoln. Neb.. March 21. Light hundred Nebraska farmers, repre senting seven different farm organ izations, at a big meeting here' today practically unanimou.-ly voted its ap proval of tlie grain marketing plan submitted by the "committee of sev enteen." Only four votes were cast against the committee's plan. The victory for the committee came after an all-day meeting dur- ntt hl'tii ill me uuma w11n.11 threatened to result in a deadlock. Y.. M. Pollard of Nehawka was lead er of the losing faction. Delegates from Nebraska to the na tional ratification meeting in Chica go, April 6. which will be attended by 107 delegates from twenty-li,ve states, were elected as follows: Farm bureau. J. M. Norton. Polk; fanners" union, H. G. Keeney, Cowles; Na tional Co-operative Klevator associa tion,, W. F. Dale. Lincoln; Co-operative Grain and Rive Stock associa tion. J. W. Shortholl, Omaha; Ne braska Wheat Growers' association, J. R. Hull, Holstein; delegates at large, II. C. Filley of the rural eco nomics department of the university, and H .R. Keefe of Walthill. Six of the delegates chosen are known to favor the marketing plan. Mr. Shortholl is the only Nebraska delegate who says he is doubtful. U. S. PROHIBITION AIDS SPANISH WINE INDUSTRY Washington. D. C. March 21. During the firs t year of national prohibition, Malaga. Spain, shipped to the I'nited States live times the amount of wine as in the preceding ten years, American Consul Smith says in a report received today by the department of commerce. The total wine exprots to America in 1920 exceeded 475,000 gallons, the consul says, and was shipped under permits for non-beverage purposes. Kxports of raisins from Malaga to the United States in 1920 was un precedented, the consul reports, the total being 10.900 metric tons or ap proximately 1.000 tons more than the total to all countries In 1919. 1,000 CHICK BROODER FOR SALE 1.000 Chick Colony brooder for sale cheap. James Miller, telephone 3732. I have a second hand Joliet cylin der sheller in excellent condition, very cheap. A. O. Ault, Cedar Creek. Nebraska. 2w T When you think of printing, you can't help but think of tt. memy PACKERS' CONFER ENCE ISUNDER WAY Session of Three and a Half Hours With Unknown Result Ad journed to Meet Tomorrow Washington, March 21. After spending three hours and a half in conference with Secretaries Davis, Hoover and Wallace, representatives of the Ave leading packers and of their union employes adjourned late today to meet tomorrow. N'o one would comment as to the progress of the initial efforts of the new admin istration in meditating a labor dis pute. Representatives of the packers and of the employes stated Secretary Dav is had requested all parties to make no statements. The secretary also rent word to newspaper men that he had nothing to say and announced that the discussions would be re Mimed tomorrow, probably at 3 p. m. The fact that there are to be no morning conferences was taken to in dicate Secretary Davis might bring the matter to the attention of Presi dent Harding and other members of the cabinet. The recess also will al- ; low representatives of both sides to I1 confer with their advisers. Secre tary Davis remained in conference af ter the session with H. I. Kerv'r.. . E. P. Marsh a,d Howeil Davis, of the labor deparr--ent s board of oncii. i tors. who sat in the conference. Lo calise they had a part in the agree ment of l'U'i by the packers ai?a thoir employes to extend 'he Alsch i' er agreement of 1917. The packers' representatives. Carl Meyer and .1. L. Condon, were under stood to have linNhed stating la"ir case at 4 o'clock, having been inter rupted bv a few questions from c.- I ploycs. Whether the greater part of the remaining hour and a half w.i consunicd by the employe.." was iiot indicated. Secretary Davis heard the em ployes' side at 11 o'clock, after hot!: sides had assembled and the meeting had been adjourned until 2 o'clock. The a,or secretary, in granting a private hearinir to Dennis Lane, sec- rotary of the unions; it. S. Rremian. th:r attorney, gave them the .-am-1 privilege he had previously given Messrs. Condon and Meyer. The full conference bocan ;;t 2 o'clock with the three cabinet mem bers, the two representatives of etch side and the three members of the labor department's conciliation hoard prc-eut. Unions allied with the butch rs and nieat-cutters set nine representatives tu advise with the representatives of the employes. Prior in Vile ji'int conference J. .1. Rrennan.'of the in ternational brotherhood of firemen and oilers, declared that the allied unions would stand by tiie other em ployes. "We will not yield."' he said. "If it is necessary we can make the packer:-, stand by their agreement." Industry and organized labor alike is watching the result of the confer ences for its effect on similar agree ments now in operation. SEED POTATOES Ohio seed potatoes for sale per bushel. Win. Otterstein. phone 200.;, Platts R.x fitd 2t sw Ka rlv st $i.r,o Mynard, change. FOR SALE Light Rrahma eggs for hatching. $1.50 per setting. Mrs. Geo. Reynold..-phone 2023, Plattsmouth. Neb. 3v d&w Blank books: Yes you can get most any kind at Journal office. IIIIIICII OI-' hkhi: mill !! n IVIifion for ! (Irnifiit of A ! n 11 1. In tin- o'.iiitv ( '.in t nl as OH II- ty. .Wl.rask.i. Slate of Xol'iiiska. 'ass i-ountv. To tin- h.-irs, tl.-vis.-cs, lenities all j.-rsoris i nt cie t 1 1 hi the e-tatt III. 1 of" .loli 11 T ra.-io r. .It-ci-a-e.l : Ml l-a!i!iLr tl.e petition of II. N. I ei v, eM-eutor, prayini; a liii.-il si ttle-nn-ril arvl allowance of his aeeounl tiie'l in this emirt on tin' ."ril i!ay of February. 1 ! ; 1 . ami for ist ri lei t b n of !n- assets of .sabl estate: It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in .i id natter mav. ami do. appear at the County ''onrt to be lteil In and for .said eon n I y, on tin- I'f'th day of Mareh. A. I . at ! 01 loi-k a. tu., to show rause. If nnv there be, why the praver of the petitioner .should not be granted, and that notice of the pendenev of said petition and the hearing thereof be niven to all persons inlerosted in said mat let- by publishing a copy of this order in the IMattsnioitth Jmirna!, a sen i - wee"W ly newspaper printed in said eounty. for one week prior to said day of hearing- Ill witness whereof, T have hereunto! set my hand and the seal of said Court. this mtli day of Mareh. A. P. 1.i .1. i:kkson (Heal) County Jud Land-GOLORADO-Land AND City Properly for Sale! One 8-room modern, 3rd and Vine streets. iya lots. $5,000.00. One 5-room, IV2 lts on west Main street. Good well, cistern. $400.00. One 7-room modern except bath. 11th and Main streets. 2 lots, one block from high school. Fine place. Cheap at $3,500.00. 5-room house; 3V2 acres ground. One acre in fruit and one in alfalfa.. City water, concrete cellar, electric lights, sewer. A dandy place for $3,000.00. Two lots south of tlxe 0-K garage. $300.00 takes the two. Ses Ja EHASOH, PHONES Offic e, Residence, mitii i; or si it to ii m:t tit i.i-:. To John V. Ilain and Mr.-. John W. II nin, first - r-'al name unknown, his wife; Ccoruv Tl.iMrias and Sidney! Th. nuns, his wife; '.l.iry M. Alex;; nd. r I and William M. A I s a m ! e r. 1,, hus band: liaiuel Thomas and Amanda e Thomas, his wife: 1 '.,. v. Thoi.ia.-i and Airs. Co. W. Thomas, lir.-l real name unknown, his wife; John ej. Thomas and Mrs. John ej. Thomas, first real mime unknown, his wife: William I.ockuood and Kli.abeth Kockwood, his wife; and the heirs, devisees, legatees and personal leptesentat ives of each of the I 'ore f.oi lie; named per sons and all oiler persons interested in the estates of iaih a U I every one of said persons, real nann-s unknown: and the South half tS'2l of t .- South west .punter ISV:, of S. i t ion thirty live CIT, I, in. Township thiilee'l I 1 ! I North of lla'inp- twelve 1J I Ka-t of the Sixth .M .-i id ia n. C.i.-s enmity. Nebraska. am! all pei-oas c!.iii:iinir an.- inter' t of any kind in .-: id real estate i.r al pari II, er. real nanus unknown. I I emla a i s : You and ea ii of urn lie hi r'-bv liotilied that on the :'-tii day of Kro rtiaiy, A. Ii. 1il, All, 1. 1 i ". r.t.r-011. as plaint M'f. had !:: petition in I In Idstrict Court of -tss county. Ne braska, against vou and lach !' yon as defendants, ti e o!, .,. and praver of said petition leia-; to 1 1 1 i t l he t:ihj of the plainlii; in and to I !, r.-ai i:-taie al oe descril' il. and that ti e ih-f. ,i- dants in said eau-:.- mriy 1..- ! ye to. have mi estate, till -, ilaini or interest of any kind or nature in or to said real estate or a n v part thereof, aid I that the ih fend -mis II said cause and) each of tla-m may !,,- forever (..irnd and en.jdticil from lavlu-r i I.i iinin;,' any title, estate or ,nteie.-t-in or to said real estate or any part thereof, and for such din r relief as mav bo just and ei u i t :. 1 le. You and each of you are i" i iircd to answer said petition on i r before the ltli day of April. A. I . ;:. ai.I'Ha c. I'I-:ti-:i:S'nt l!y a. ;. coi.i:. fL's-lw. tier Attorney. I5UI l'.OIIIV!i: ' !'.M'IAii: I'lllt S COI TV, M;!IMSIv State ..f Ne hras ka ) ss. Co u n t v of Cas - I. Ceo. I!. Savb i 'ass co i .i t v. la ri ' . Countv Hoard at :: held on t ! . 1 1 1 1 I .!: v "ou u ; v i: of , cert il - t iiat tic- ! t hi r me, t i n ir I ,f .!. -;a ry. . I . ' V'I, made I he follow j., I : N pelise ' for 1 1 e ye.; I i 1 im.i t lliJl. a- ol re - III If ei'i by la v : (h-li.ial I' Itridu-e fund . . . . I.inlui fuml i eiueru"iic . fund ..x h.r- ' reus : ii fund. . . .Id , Soldi, rs i;. 1;. f fund T 'TA u U'.lltl III. Mil I I. n I. I'll 1 I,, I (Jl'l, Wilm-ss my hand and tie .-..:! of. mv ..rii,.- ;.t ! 'I., t ; n : Neii-. u:i ..! -la'.- of r.lii'at-e. A 1'. 1''.'?. ci;d. j:. s.wi.hs. J (S.all tiot-lw". County Civ: k. I Mi l it iti i;i:iitois State of ::!,;. -!:a. Cass T' ill: In tie- Cunty C.iurl. ! In !:: luattei of the estate of Kmm.-i' I ! a I 1 a v a . ih , a - 1 . j T I the , 1 ) J . - of M',1 e t u ; Yo-i a 1 I ' ; !' mo;. te d. That I will s't it t he "oiitii C..,.rt : "in i :. I'lalis- : ii :. in i.r, tia- da v of ;.1 ,ie... t :' 1 an 1 tie l, .!., . ei June. .. 1 . !:!. a: In- h- I; i-i j I ! for. noon : :.,' t : t i . and ex.ipi'i.e i 1 u'o- : :;.- n-i sale . t-s t a . Will: a lev to tia-.. ,nl.i,ll -ia. n I ; n , I a ' . ... 'I . t : -.. 1 1 in i . - ,., ! jar I I pr. . i lil.i i ' i I a 1 1 1, s auaiust : aid esiat-- i t! l- month- t from tie- -' ; ii day i" '.',.!!' . , . 1 : l'.ijl. and the tin;.- limited for payment of debts is one v. ;ir I. cm said L Li 1 1 1 ; da'. .,f .Man h, It'Jl. , Wifi.-.-s mv h.and an-l the seal of! said Countv Co. lit this ;.lh da v if Mar- h. lic'I. ai.i.i:: J. i:i:i-:s (Seal) mT-lvv. I' .Tml-ve. MiTici-: in- mi:i:i(; In th.- Countv !.'o .it . f Cass coun ty. Nebraska. In the matter !' the is'.it,- of Nancy -M. Kite! ie. .e,,..s..:. x itici: !' ii i:. uinc. To all persons inN-rest. d in said es tate, t.ota i red i i i. r.-: and heirs at law: Von are ; ),.- noli!,--.! that "n this 'th ,1.1 v of Mal-ei. l:r, A'.i;i,.-t W. Kak"W filed a ., Ill ii'll in tl !: lolll i, alb um;.; t hat '.'. Natn-y M. Kite:::,-, while a fe-ideiit of coantv. Ne-bra.-l;;., deiiirted this 1 i ie iiih-sl.-'b-. in said ooi.rity. on or iil.ini' t he .''th day f Kebrua ry. tin- ovta r ia fee simple of li e following de.-ci ib.-.l r.-.-i! estiit. . to-v it : The southwest ilill't' I' of '!' SOUtaWest ,-IJl ll-r Of Set I lo'l t .- a-ept i n :r ;i tract in th" s.uith-i-iist'-r tin i. of jo rod- me-tii and south bv pi rods east and west, i oi t a i n i :-. - .". acnsi nbn .b-s-ii.Mi;ili il as I, ot : in .-aid Sett ion 1 '. ami also the northwest t, r of th" nnrt'.v.ost p'mrler of Section 1 :! (oN.-ept l ot JT i,i i he SW crnefi all in Township 1 -. N'oi-th. in llane.-,. 1 ::. h;,.-t in Cass i",,utilv, Nebraska, ami Halt said .!.-. . -ased b ft surviv'nir as 1 1 . -1- ,-.,li ami only heir at hi .v. J allies C. l:iicl ie. a son and John iiitchio. her husband and that the lith- and ownership of :-aid real estate de.-eend-ed to said .lal.n.-s C. Uitchh-. subject to the estate of said John Kitchi" as ten ant bv- foiirtesv in one third part thereof, and that the p. tithe., r h the owni r of a pa I t of .'.lid teemh.-s lew thscriliil as l.ota .". to JJ inilmie in l:!o.-k one Hi iind l.ots 11 lo L-i iaclu sie. in Idoi U two ( in Kitehio I'la', Atld'ition to I'lattsmonl h. Nebraska, which bds are subdivisions tlareof, bv virlue mesne con a-v a m s made by Sitid James C. Klichie ami othels to j.etilionor and l is r;i n t os. and prav i ii ii- foi a judicial ihterm i :ia t io-i of the time of the titath of the said Nancv M. IJitehie and of her heirs at law. the ii;ree of kinship and the risjht of descent of the real propcrtv b.lonuinr to said ileeedcnt in the Slate of Nebraska, and for such other and further orders and ilmc'-s :is may l, nee t ssii ry for n rorrcet tietermina tion 'if said matter. Said matte!- has bei n set for hear ing on the Mh dav of April, 1 J 1 . at nine o'clock in the fort-noun, in the County Court i o..m in 1 'la ' tsmout h. Cass countv, N'e bra -ia . , t which time and place all persons niteosieii mav a ppca r and i n t "-1 lid pet i 1 ion. Ahi.KN J. i:i:i;st)N. Countv Judne. Jul IN m. i.i :via. Atty. for I'ctttioner. m i -.'.w. XT H Tl TO ( HI'.DITOltS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, i-s.. In the County Court. In the matt"r of the estate of Henry M. Miller, de, -eased. To the creditors of said estate: You aie hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in l'latts mouth. in said county ,ini the day of March. A. I . 19-1. ami on the -j!Hh dav of June. A. I . 1 9 1 , at 1') o'clock a m. each dav, to receive and examine all .Wilms a-ainst said estate, with a view to their adjustment ami allow ance. The lime limited for I he pre sentation of claims attains! said es tate it three months from the L'tith day or March. A. 1 . 19-M. and the lime limited for pavment iTf debts is one vear from f-aid r.Uh day of March, 1921. Witness mv hand and the. seal of said Count y ' Com t this LMltli day of February, 19-1. ALLKN J. r.Kl.'SUN. (Seal) fJS-lw. County Judge. 1 The most exquisite line of birth-j day and gift card-i to be found any-1 where! At Journal office. -.V i. i f ' V. 1 1 1 yAtSi r ; . . -J'. .t-t: " i I.. -."55 upcrjr (ar:'t LOOK FOR THE YELLOW LABEL xt THE uppers on most red boots crack very quickly X when exposed to sun and air. While no boot can stand undue exposure, the Hood Pressure Process produces a boot exceptionally free from this objection able feature. When you buy a red boot with a yellow label and the word K50D' on it, you are getting .the latest development an upper that will stand rough treatment combined with the newest tire-tread soles, which means long wear and good looks "HGOD6" is your guarantee. cAsk any dealer or write us. HOOD RUBBER PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. WATERTOWN "I never View how gox3 rubbers could be," VC'hite Rock wearers tell lis. That will be your experience, too, because not a single pair leaves the plant without full inspection. Sturdy, pray, tire-tread soles joined to heavy black uppers by the Hood E'sin Process. Made in IttZ-W&sZirPk Kino or nara Thev 'ZZZumZ? leaders. WHITE ROCK OVER. M IM i. 'PI Clit:il'I (HIS Si ai- of Neui-asKa, 'as coun- III t ! ; e ii. . T-,e Vo 1: "oantv- Court. uiTt.-r of tee estate of Kmilv lee. as.-,'. r. .lit..:., of said u are h. !.;,.- notiii.-ft. That I wili i ti e C.-uii-lv I'ourl room in I'latts hi in :-a:. 1 countv. on April '."th. and Jel.v Jt.lh. T.iJI. at lo o'clock of en i i d ie, lo receive and exit- ali iainis against sail estate, a vi.-'.v to their adjustment and .'a me. The time limit, d for the 'lath n of claims auainsl said es is li.rce months from the lT,th dav it i I ' of April, A. I . ItiJl. and tue time lim it.. I for pa iu.-nt of debts is one year from said. nay of April, Ite.'l." Witm-.-s ti;- hand and tie seal of -ad ivi'tittv conrt. tids lth dav of .hircii, l'.i.'l. ai.i.i:n .!. r.i:i-:si n. 'Seali mJI-!w. . County Jmljre. Tit la MV Xl'i'l It I ION license , tipi-nitr n I'ool .'iiol i:i,'l.:ii-l Hull Not; is he;, by e..-,,:i iia,t the mi '.isi.e; , 1 will, i", tlK Mil dav of April. v I '. ' a t 1 . -. lock a. m.. at ih- coui !...,-. in I'latt -m eith. Ne-hla--l:a. n::k - a . ? 1 i a t h n ti the lloanl o; t .-li'i'v I .I.I..IS-I..I;.'!'.- nl i ass coliu MV! 1 I II -V Semi-Annually U. S. 'Oo Government Bonds of Joint Stock Land Banks exempt from all tax, ac cording to recent decision of U. S. Supreme Court. For terms and price Chas, C. Plattsmouth, 'Examine your basements, The most complete line of Garden Seeds ever carried in Plattsmouth. All bulk seed of northern grown varieties and strictly fresh. We also specialize on home grown sweet corn, which is the only kind that you can depend on for this locality. THE pa STORE RED BOOTS Tuesday, Feb. 8, 1921. cracxeu ana one aooc leaKiny, go to town until tSaturJai timeJlJhiy HOODS. MASSACHUSETTS Hood made trie first Kattle King. And it has never been successfully imitated. Just look them over next time you're in the store. AU rubber uppers, that dean easily. Tough soles that give miles and miles of wear. Heavy brown fleece lin ings that keep the feet warm, and many other, points of superior con struction. Ask for Kat tie Kings and look f o the name "H0Gi K AT T LE KING ty, N'ebraskii, for a license to operate a i 1 hall in the building situate. 1 on l.-.t five ia i, Block three (3). in thn Villaue of Manlev, Cass county, Ne braska. Dated this Ulst day of March, A. D. 1 J. L. BURNS. "VOTIC'K TO CHK1MTOHS State of Nebraska, Cass coun- Th. ty. In the Cini nty Court. In tlie matter of the estate of Anna Wilhelmlna Mnnim, deceased. To tiie creditors of said estate: You mv hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in 1'lattn moiith in said countv, on the 1.1th dav of April. A. I. ltil. and on the 18tii day of July, A. 1). 191, at ten o'clock in the- forenoon of each day, to re ceive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their ad justment and allowance. The time limited for tlie presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the lath day of April, A. I. 19J1. and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one vear from saltl lath day of April. A. It .191. Witness my hand and the seal of County Court, this 8 1 ll day of March, A. I . 19J1. ALLIEN J. BKKSON. (Seal) mlO-D County Judge. Parmele, Nebraska. maybe you can prevent a fire" watek