PAGE SIX PLATTSMOTTTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOTHINAX MONDAY. MARCH 21, 1921. INSURANCE! We are entering the light ning and cyclone time of the year. How about your insurance, are you sufficiently protected? I write for the Farmer Mutual of Lincoln, the Columbia and Springfield. FIRE TORNADO and HAIL Your patronage solicited. V. T. RICHARDSON, Mynard, Nebraska LORRIES WITH SOLDIERS BOMBED NEAR DUBLIN Dublin. March 17. A number of soldiers riding in a motor lorry were proceeding along: Redmonds , Hill street, on the north side of the city, last evening. when a bomb was thrown at the machine. The sol diers returned the fire and "wounded two persons. Another lorry was bombed and fired upon from windows of houses along Tamden street, and three civilians were wounded .when a bomb exploded in Aungier street. During a melee near the Ship street barracks many shots were fir ed and three persons were wounded. For the first time since disorders broke out in Ireland identification discs were given to the troops last niiiht. U W. BORING, a well-to-do ' , Kansas farmer, says he has gained twenty pounds and is in betfer general health than he has been in years, since taking Tanlac. Land-COLORADO-Land AND Gily Properly for Sale! R. E. Stone's Hog Sale. Last Saturday at the pavilion in Nehawka was held the advertised ile of Spotted Poland China pure bred hogs by R. B. Stone & Sons, .vhieli was the best sale which we have heard (if during this season Of the herd which were f-otd at this sab-, leaving a number for hi. own us'. the returns were something neir six thousand dollars. Experienced hog raisers, who deal oiilv in strictlv the best grades of j.uif bred hogs, were present from all over the state and pu released freely for their own herds, and the. ale; were of a higher average than had been anticipated, running be- t ween $140 and $150 each. There is a wonderful possibility in the pure bred hog business as can l;e Hen by this instance, this being the lirst sale uhich this firm of father and sons have made. In 1917, Ches- One 8-room modem. 3rd and Vine streets. 1'2 lots. $5,000.00. One 5-room, ll2 lots, on west Main street. Good well, cistern. 5400.00. . . , ., ter and James, the sons of Mr. Stone flnn 7awi n nrl aim o v r. T-. T horn ' - "c 1 ,wm u'uu"" v...i, uav... j-rsuadd their father to allow them 11th and I.Iam streets. 52 lots, one; to enter the hog club during tlu block from hih school. Fine place. war. and they selected Poland r u,, 0 eo rnnnn China's, this sale which brought this 1 v ' ' " j amount of money and leaves the 5-room house; Zr acres ground, herd for another ami second sale One acre in fruit and one in alfalfa. ! '!, e. ming year proves the wisdom r;t -o,. rr,t0 ttT-itf the selection of the sons, with lights, sewer. ' A dandy place for S3.CC0.0O. Two lots south of the 0-K garage. $300.00 takes the two. See J. E. MASON, PIIONKS Office, 394 Residence, 229 Four horses. Two n-year-old colts. tine saddle, pony. Two 2-year-oH colts. ?:?5. One I'. & O. 10-inch walking plow, good as new, $15. One Queen incubator, ISO-egg si;:', used twice, $20. One sf-t work harness, $15. Saddl- and bridle, $10. Five ton of prairie hay. Clifford Roberts, w1k.hi the father joins In the busi ness the year following their en- tr a ne Why Colds are Dangerous P is the serious diseases that colds lead to that makes them dangerous. They prepare the system for the re ception and development of the germs of influenza, pneumonia, tu berculosis, dyptheria, scarlet fever, whooping cough and measles. You are much more likely to contract these diseases when you have a old. For that reason you should get rid of every cold as quickly as possible. Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy will help you. Lt is widely known as a cure for bad colds. FOR SALE Scotch and Scotch topped shorthorn bul!. Bred under government test. PEARL DAVIS, .Murray. FOR SALE PHONE 291.1 Plattsmouth Nebraska She States It Mildly. While suffering with a severe at tack of the grip and threatened with pneumonia. Mrs. Annie H. Cooley. of Middlefield. Conn.. began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and was very much benefitted by its use. The pains in the chest soon disappeared, the sough became loose, expectoration easy and in a short time she was as well as ever. Mrs. Cooley says she cannot speak too highly in praise of this remedy. A number of Red Polled, bulls. Telephone :ill4, Murray Exchange. A. F. .Vickies A- Son. 4tv. FOR SALE Selected White Plymouth Rock eggs 5 c each, and White Peacan duck eggs 12c each. Mrs. George Perry. Phone 2S5-W. lm w&d HOGS FOR SALE Sixteen bred sows, and thirty-six shoats. One riding cultivator. C. E. Allred. R. P. D. No. 1. Platts mouth. Farm is three-quarters of a mile east of the four corners south of Plattsmouth. 19-6td. (( I ' I 1 '' .fy. I H .1- I :' . . 1 1 , isfcJ INDUSTRIAL COURT MATTER STILL UP Judiciary Committee Turns It Over to the Sifters without Recom mendation of Any Kind The house judiciary committee voted yesterday afternoon to send to the sifting committee without recommendation, H. R. 517. Repre sentative Epperson's industrial com mission bill. This measure was strenuously opposed at a recent open hearing before the committee by prominent labor men from Omaha. Lincoln and other places. It provides that the commission shall consist of three members to be appointed by the governor wiili the consent or the senate. I he o.Iue ot the commission hall be at Lincoln. The commission shall have control over all industries, occupations, pub lic utilities and common carri'rs af fected with a public interest, in re gard to conditions of labor, mini mum or standing wages. excess profits, limited production, strikes and other matters. The commission is authorized to see to it that industries, employ ments, public utilities and common carriers are operate! with reason- 'Since Tanlac has overcome my able continuity :tnd efficiency in order ,' t roubles I have gained twenty pounds I that the people may live in pence! in weight and am in better general and security and be supplied with iealth than for years past" was the! the necessities of life. It may see to straigtit-torward statement made a lit that employes receive a lair wage few days ago by II. W. Poring, aland healthful surroundings. It has prominent and well-to-do farmer 1 1 v -1 power to supervise, direct and con ing at Overland Park, Kansas. Itrol. Huring the two years I suffered! It shall have full authority to in- I tried everything I knew of to get vestigate unfair business practices relief, but nothing seemed to reach land the taking of unjust or unreas my case until 1 tried Tanlac. My onable gains. These practices are appetite was poor and my digestion I declared contrary to the best inter- was so bad I could hardly retain mylests of the state and a menace to food. Nothing seemed to agree with I the general welfare. The commis me; in fact,. I was almost a confirmed sion may inquire into, hear and Ie- dyspeptic. My whole system seemed I termine all matters pertaining to to be out of shape. I would have J such practices. pains across the small of my back sol Members are to be appointed for bad at times I could hardly move! terms of one. two and three years, around. Ithe salary of each to be $:?.000 My nerves were all unstrung and! year. It is provided that in the would become upset at the least! event either party to a controversy little thing. I seldom slept well at I refuses to be bound by the decree night and finally, became to weaklof the commission, this body may and run-down that I lost weight rap-j bring the matter before the proper idly. I was also troubled a great I aut horit ies in district court. deal with catarrh and of mornings! If is declared unlawful to limit had to spend a half hour or more I operations or production for the pvr- clearing up rny head. pose of inflating prices. It is de- This is just the condition I was clared unlawful for a person or per- in when I began taking Tanlac and it I sons to induce others to quit their certainlv has been a blessing to me. employment for the purpose of hin- lt just seemed to be made especially I dering. delaying or suspending oper- for mv case. I improved from the I at ion. Picketing and intimidation first. My digestion now is perfect! by threats also are declared uulaw- and regardless of what I eat I never! fill. Penalties ranging from maxi suffer anv bad after-effects. Imum fines of from $1,000 to $5,000 "The pains across my back have lor imprisonment are prescribed for entirely disappeared. The catarrh has violation. left me. too, and my head is perfect- Labor men recently before the ly clear. I arn no longer nervous committee objected to the industrial and rest well at night. I have re- commission bill because, as they gained my lost weight and am feel- claimed, it has been a failure in ing better and stronger than I have! Kansas. They argued that organized in years, l am going to Keep laniaciianor nas Kept radicalism unier n ei in my house, so it will be handly at and has done much to stamp out bol- all times." I shevism. It has. they contend, been Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by I of invaluable service to the govern- jrp I NX,Y 22 singers, out of 3,800, B sing pure notes. R p Many popular opera and concert h stars have serious defects in their g K voices. . 1 t'Stage-pesonality,, enables many j g a singer of poor voice to gain success S h as an operatic star. Si These amazing facts are told by j J Mr. Edison in a recent interview on $ 3 "The Imperfections of the Human g Voice." Ask for a copy. p I ffi MEW lMi ' I I '2 Phonograph m i tit V. ii. Pricke and Company; in Mur ray by the Murray Irug company. and the leading druggist in every town. JURY IS EXCUSED ment during a period of unrest. They argued further that now is a bad time to stir up a feeling ot unrest lover legislation which, they contend, tmav be declared unconstitutional. The jury panel was excused th's morning by Judge Ilegley for i wo weeks and all the members except in;; those who are sitting on the Gaster cae returned to their homes. T!i case fo C Lawrence Stull vs. the Mis souri Pacific which was to be trie'i before a jury was decided to be ar gued on points of law to the court I residents. THE BEST PROOF Given by a Plattsmouth Citizen Doan's Kidnev Pills were used they brought benefit. The story was told to Plattsmouth s Ml hi Vote! Mr. Edison h3 listed his 25 favorite tunes. Ask fo a ccpy cf "What Edison Likes in Mutic." What other great Amer ican's favoiit - sons would you like to know? Ccrr.a in veto ! Receive frte, Mr. Edi son's favorite portrait; m pan-etcliin.- by Franklin Booth, 12 s: i? iccbs. aOitk a Soul 99 He detected and analyzed these vocal de fects through the New Edison. If the New Edison can reveal the defects of mediocre voices to scientists, it can bring: the perfections of great voices to you. You hear the world's greatest music at its greatest, when you hear the New Edison. WEYRICH & HADRABA TAKEN UP IUaok, two-year-old heifer, ear mark on right ear. Owner may have fame by calling at my place, paying for this ad. and for feed and care. SEA KL. DAVIS. Murray, and was taken up this afternoon The case of Elmer Taylor vs. John Koukal. et al, was passed for the present term and this practically completes the jury work for the March term. has strengthened the evi- Eggs for Hatching; For Sale: Harred Rock eggs Time dence. Has proven the result lasting. The testimony is home testimony The proof convincing. It can be investigated by Platts mouth residents. Mrs. s. L. Cotner, Marble street. for gave the following statement Feb- l Daily Journal, 15c per week. - THE UNIVERSAL CAR Better Buy It NOW! There is a Big Shortage in Ford Cars The buyers who had intended to pur chase big, expensive cars are putting their orders in for FORDS. Better, get an order in for present or future delivery and be able to get your, new Ford when you want it. If you haven't all the cash, we can sell on the Payment Plan one-third cash, balance in monthly payments. FORDSON TRACTORS We sell them for cash or will take bankable notes. Come in and give us your order. T. H. POLLOCK AUTO CO. Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth hatching. 75c for 15. $4.50 per 100. Iruary 23. 1916: "I am glad to reeom MRS. WILL COPPLE. mend Doan's Kidney Pills for I know m7-Cw. Alvo, Nebraska. from personal experience they are a remedy of merit. I have taken Doan's Clover on several occasions for . backache If vmi are snwlner elnver this ami kidney trouble ana tney nave snrinir notifv the Farm Bureau o thee always done me good. Doan's have as we will do some soil work nn wen used in our family for a long clover and alfalfa. L. R. SXIPES. Co. Agri. Agt. HORSES FOR SALE I have a number of horses for sale; also a new International separ ator. 22x38. Fred Beverage. Mur ray, Neb. 5t s-w. SEED CORN time and the results have been very satisfactory." On May 13. 1920. Mrs. Cotner said: "The cure Doan's Kidney Pills made for me. a few years ago has lasted. I still have good faith in Doan's and am glad to recommend them to my friends." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don t simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Cotner had. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Extra early white seed corn, with red cob. for sale. Telephone 4022. C. C BARNARD. NOW DOING NICELY FOR SALE Three or four Telephone 4022. C. good milk cows. C. BARNARD. FOR SALE One Registered Ilelstein bull, nine months old, priced right for quick sale. A. O. RAMGE, Plattsmouth. The many friends of Mrs. Guy II. Claussen will be pleased to learn that she is doing ver ynicely following her operation on Thursday at the University hospital in Omaha and it is thought that in a very short time she will be able to show marked im provement and the operation result in her complete restoration to her former good health. Adam Fornoff, one of the old resi- When You Feei Rheumatic For the aches and pains of rheu matism Chamberlain's Liniment i3 excellent. Massage the parts thor- ESSQ LOCAL NEWS From Friday's Dally. Ed Dorr, one of t lie prominent resi dents of near Wabash, was among those look after matters at the court house today. li. F. Dill of near Murray was a visitor in the city today for a few hours looking after some trading with the merchants. William A. Cleghorn of Louisville, was in the city today for a few hours attending to some matters of busi ness at the court house. A. P. Young and C. II. Schwake of Nebraska City, were in the city today ror a tew nours looking alter same matters of business and visiting with friends. Miss Martha Vallery departed this morning for Lincoln to spend the week with friends. Miss Vallery will attend the Alpha Omicron Pi and Signa Nu spring parties while in that city. Rev. AV. T. Taylor and wife of Un ion, were in the city yesterday after noon for a few hours visiting with friends and looking after some mat ters of business. Mr. Taylor is feel ing somewhat improved in health but is still far from his former good health. From Thursday's Dally. Subscribe for The Journal dents of near Cedar Creek, was In oughly twice a day with this lini the city today for a few hours visit- ment and you will be surprised at ing with his many friends and at tending to some business matters. the relief which it affords. I. N. Hunter, wife, Mrs. E. L. Hunter and son, Robert, of Weeping Water, were here today for a short visit at the home of Rev. A. V. Hun ter and family, a son of Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Hunter. FOR RENT Flat of four George M. Hild. rooms. Apply to tf-d. Mrs. Herman Fields came in this aftrenoon from her home in Council Bluffs. Ia.. and will enjoy a visit here with her mother Mrs. L. Kinnamon I 1,000 CHICK BR00PER FOR SALE 1,000 Chick Colony brooder for sale cheap. James Miller, telephone 3732. Thomas Cromwell, the Grant, Ne braska, land man. came in yesterday afternoon to enjoy a visit here for a short time attending to some busi ness matters. Mrs. Casper Reitter, of Deadwood. South Dakota, who has been here visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lena Droege, has returned to her home in the west, and was ac companied as far as Omaha by Mrs. Droege and Mrs. Ben Hankinson. W. Z. Wood, one of the large stock feeders of McPherson county, arriv ed in the city last evening for a short visit here at. the home of his brother-in-law. George B. Mann and family. Mr. Wood shipped several cars of cattle from Kearney to the Hand engraved Easter cards m a nrnaha market and while there de and her sister, Mrs. Herman Gartle- j large and inviting line can be found jcided to drop down to this city for man. j at the Journal office. a visit with his relatives. 0 ' 0 " YOU BEST HAVE "LUCK" WHEN YOU GO AFTER IT RIGHT. A SURE WAY TO FIND LUCK IS TO BANK YOUR MONEY REGU LARLY AND ADD TO YOUR BALANCE. THE MORE MONEY YOU HAVE THE MORE POWER YOU HAVE POWER TO INVEST OR EXPAND YOUR BUSINESS AND EMPLOY OTHERS TO WORK FOR YOU. START A BANK ACCOUNT WITH US, OR INCREASE THE BALANCE YOU ALREADY HAVE. WE INVITE YOUR BANKING BUSINESS. Farmers State Sank PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA