The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 21, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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In Which, Class Are You
Going to Be?
From government figures and other authentic
sources the American Bankers association has compil
ed the. history of an average 1 00 men in the United
States so far as financial standing is concerned. It is
the greatest object lesson ever printed. Read it in the
following abbreviated chart and if you are not already
patronizing' The Bank of Murdock, begin today to
place yourself in the proper class.
At 25 Years of Age
1 1 H i
1 1
: '
nirn .ill oil Ctjitat pwlnhj in every vrpcrt .
At 35 Years of Age
:iw in I drriiniMaikvs.
f ni -Ufr.'iU' im-ans.
ha vi- :ivnl Jilhii:t;.
art- ni'.'iil.
At 45 Years of Age
arc wealthy.
an; I f-ir ' rt ug hut without resources,
are 'cj lemleiit.
ale :e.i'!.
At 55 Years of Age
.1 i- erv wealthy.
::ie ';i i: ! ciivurn-taiire-;.
: are -el f--n .rtin;..
V a-e !ejeuiicn! .
a re :ea ! .
At 65 Years of Age
i ;- :vy :kv,'v.
; are .' ' v.
' a. re .-'! l -si' ffi'rl imj by labor.
"I ;." -'-.'- hfii.: or tlrpruJai upon relative-.
V !" ieal.
The Bank of Rflurdock
Murdock, Nebraska
"The Bank where You Feel at Home'
HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres.
H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier
a guest si t the home of Mrs. Kennith
Uobbs of that place.
I. G. Hornbeck enjoyel a little
vacation last Friday when he attend
ed the Shrine meeting which wa
held in Lincoln and witnessed the
conferring: of the degree upon a
number of candidates.
Miss Mary Rush, who has been
confined to her home for the past
week on account of an attack of the
grippe, has so far recovered at this
time as to be able to return to her
studies at the high school.
Lacey McDonald is having the
'old porch torn from his home, and
' will replace it with one better suited
I to the family's needs. When the job
. is finished his property will present
a much improved appearance,
i Diller Ttt took his parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Oeorge rtt to Lincoln last
Thursday, where they viited with
friends for the day and looked after
i some business matters as well. The
trip was made in Diller's car.
; J. K. MeHugh and wife were visi
tors in Omaha last Tuesday, being
; in attendance at the Merchants' con
vention. While there Mr. Mcllugh
also looked after the purchase of
! new spring goods for the store here.
A very enjoable time was had at
!the M. W. A. hall last Thursday
'evening, when the young folks got
together and gave a dance, music
being furnished by the local orches
tra. All those present report a most
! excellent time.
Daniel Panska and mother were
looking after some business matters
and visiting friends in the capital
city last Friday, driving over in the
car of Mr. Panska. While there, the
mother. Mrs. August Panska. had
some dental work done,
i Max Dnstcrhoff has just completed
a number of signs for the Calumet
cafe, of Ashland, which they are to
place at the cross roads leading into
town. These signs, like all work
done by Mr. Dusterhoff, present a
very attractive appearance.
I Work on the home of W. H. Hush
'is progressing rapidlv and each day
50 good cigarettes
for 10c from
one sack of
n n n m
phernalia intended to make noi-e,
being bent on serenading their
friend and his bride, but lacking a
definite leader they lingered around
making some noise on the street un
til their enthusiasm had evapora'd
into thin a:r and then dispersed and
returned to their homes with their
good (?) intentions unfulfilled.
i ,
ul Y
-: at
ickwell and brother,
home ov-r the week-
!;hI Mrs. William Minford
-itiuK with irie:;!s in'Mur-
r.,1 davs u-t wpk.
Leo Kikli was visiting in
with her mother. Mrs. J. Johan
;nd a.-N'ing with the house
G!-n. vi
flock n
sen ;
W. Myers v n.- a week end visitor
at his l:.:!:e in Murdock. returning to
his studies at the university on
Monday m-rninu.
Henry Asnswcr' assisted in the
Murd ck Mercntile company store
during the absence of J. E. Mclluah
in On.., ha lat v. eek.
O A r I :i a Id recently made a
trade whereby ownership of his fine
hor.-e n-i.-s-d into the hands of Hoy
Cole of near KImwood.
Mr. James llriitain visited in Lin
er. i;, one day week spending the
time with her sister and looking af
ter son, i business matters.
Frank Kos.-'iov.- has purchased a
fine team of work horses from A. A.
'Willi tiger, of Kim wood. which- he
wii: u.e in farming this year.
Mrs. Verner Ferry, of Lincoln,
was a visitor with friends in this
neighborhood for the past few days,
being a gu-st at the home of Mrs.
Frank liuell.
J. J. ;-.itin was looking after
some business matters at the county
''it one day last week, driving over
in iiis car. and reports finding the
roads very good.
Max Dust rlioff and Joe Wufchinck
j have just completed a very attrac
tive job of painting and decorating
at tlr country hone of Louis Neu
nia:i east of Murdock.
Mrs. Frank buess enjoyed a visit
from her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. X.
McCrorey, who also visited at the
home " of their son. I. V. McCrory
several days last week.
Victor Thimgan was a visitor in
Elmwood last Saturay evening, and
came home smiling. There nitist be
some attraction in that rustling little
city for the Murdock young man.
J. Johansen was a visitor in the
capital city for a short time on last
Wednesday, driving over to look af
ter some business matters in con
nection with his market here.
Frank Bauer of near Manley was
in Murdock for a short time on last
Thursday, looking after having his
hand dressed, which was injured a
few days ago, while at work on his
Charles Rail and mother. Mrs.
Charles Schneider, were visiting in
J Lincoln last Thursday, driving over
in ineir car 10 visu wiin inenus
and look after some matters of
Kenneth Tool, who is attending
the state university, where he is a
student in the law department, was a
visitor at home during the week,
coming down on Wednesday for a
short stay.
Mrs. O. E. McDonald was a visitor
in Lincoln last week where she at
tended the state convention of the
Royal Neighbors of America, being
I sees it nearer completion. Mr. Matt
Thimgan and son are doing the
work in the carpentering line, while
. H. H. Law ton has charge of the
'painting and decorating, thus insur
! ing a most excellent job.
j II. W. Tool the lumberman, who by
the way is one of the finest saxo
i phone players one could wish to
! hear, was a visitor in Lincoln last
i Fridav, where he went to attend the
j Shrine meeting and also to look
Iter some business matters in
' lumber and building line.
i Max DusterhotT, who is a devotee
'of chess, has just completed a novel
j playing board which is made of floor
jtile so arranged as to make up the
' different squares in different colors,
i The board is now completed and Max
! sf amis ready to meet any and all
jcomers tit the fascinating game.
h.. w . inimcan. wtio is a real live
'wire in the auto business, accompan-in
! ied by John C.akemeier, the hustling
ireal estate agent, attended the auto
show in Omaha last week. They found
the display of cars the greatest in
the history of the show and many
enthusiastic prospects in attendance,
looking over the various models.
Harry Gillespie and wife took Mrs.
H. V. .McDonald. mother of Mrs.
Gillespie and Mrs. H. A. Tool, to
Lincoln last Tuesday evening, where
the ladies remained as delegates to
the state convention of the Roval
Neighbors of America, and on Wed
nesday evening Harry and wife re-
turned in their car for them at the
close of the convention.
James Rrittain, who has been at
the Bailey sanitarium in Lincoln re
ceiving treatments for some weeks
past, was able to leave the institu
tion a week ago, but remained in
Lincoln for a few days visiting with
friends, and on last Friday came to
Murdock where he is visiting for a
short time before again taking up
his former employment.
County Assessors and
at Lincoln to Talk
Problem Before
Clerks Meet
Over the
Fmi Pnti: rUay's Daily.
County Clerk George H. Sayies and
County Assessor William Rummell
were in Lincoln yesterday to attend
the meeting of the assessors and
clerks of the various counties of the
state called to meet with Tax Com
missioner W. IF Oshorn and to dis-
af-Jcuss the new law that requires the
t fie , re-assessment of the lands of the
Heretofore it has been the law to
assess the land everv four vears, but
the law passed a week ago makes it
necessary to re-assess the land this
year in spue of the tact that it was
assessed last spring on the four-vear
schedule, and every two years here
after. The land of the state has in
the past few months showed changes
valuation and the members of the
legislature have seen fit to enact the
new law to have the land re-assessed
this spring.
This work will commence on April
1st and will be a difficult task for
the assessors of the state as they
have not been able to prepare for it
and the work must of necessity be
gotten under way promptly.
The meeting decided that it would
he possible for the counties to use
their same books for the new valua
tion and thus save each countv quite
i neat sum. It was also decided the
law would be strictly followed in the
taking of actual land valuations
from which assessment values are de
termined, and this will be carried
out by the county and precinct as
sessors in making their returns.
Refinish or Renew
a house, an interior
. You may want to refinish
wall, a floor or woodwork.
You may believe in "Saving the Surface" (paint
ing and varnishing.)
But do you care whether you simply refinish or
We care much for the difference in these two
words, and you may be assured of receiving the high
est possible grade of work at reasonable prices when
you deal with
l This
Dusterhoff Shops
housecleaning time. Will
' work done now?
Eastern Star Kensington
At the pleasant home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Buell last Wednesday af-
tprnnn wsic ltetil i q-Ii t f 11 1 intli.
triiiR ui iiie urutr ui r.asiern &iar
members, at their kensington. which
was attended by more than half a
hundred guests, all of wtiom enjoy
ed the time very much. The early
part of the afternoon was taken up
with social conversation and a gen
eral good time after which a pleas
ing program was rendered, consisting
of songs and readings and being as
follows: Mrs. Willard Clapp, solo;
Mrs. Harry Green, solo; Mrs. Guy
Lake, reading; Miss Hazel Hans-
berger, solo; Miss Frances Dorr, vio-,
lin solo; and Miss June Perry, read-)
ing. Kach of these numbers were j
fine and the program was followed j
by a two course luncheon served by,
the three genial hostesses. Mesdamest
Frank E. Buell. Ralph Keckler and
Ralph Dorr. The table and rooms'
Chicago. Mar. IS. Federal Judge
K. M. Landis today observed the
sixteenth anniversary of his appoint
ment to his present position by an
nouncing mat lie expected to be on
the bench sixteen years more."
I he judge was unaware that to
day was the anniversary until in
formed by his bailiff.
Recently there had been reports
that Judge Landis might resign from
the bench to devote his entire time
to his position as baseball commis
New ork, March IS. President
! Harding has telegraphed Commander
F. W. Galbraith of the American Le
1- .. .. .
gion tnat he will be unable to at
tend the all-Ameriean mass meeting
to be held here tonight in protest
J against the "Rhine horror" mass
I meeting of two weeks ago.
I am not unfamiliar with the pur
poses of the gathering." he wired,
"and am glad to give them mv cor-
f Republican
'S"t"S"I"?"I"?C,S"SS"S"t"t"?"? t' m3mm
Lester Wunderlich. of Nehawka.
has been secured on the mechanical
force at the Meyers garage. Mr.
Wunderlich has a splendid reputa
tion as a car repair man. '
A message came from California
Wednesday morning saying that the
John oClbert car, which was stolen
some ten days ago, had been found.
Mr. Colbert was in Wabash at the
time the message came and friends
here phoned the news to him, as
he was leaving there in the evening
on his return to California.
Carl Ankerson was at Wahoo Mon
day and rented a bakery for his son
Jacob who left today (Thursday)
for Wahoo to commence baking
bread for the people of that city.
Some time ago the Republican re
ported that Jake and Harold John
son were going to take charge of the
bakery there, but the deal fell
through at that time and has now
been revived again.
George Mark has gone back again
to his old job of holding the lever
on G. F. Young's saw mill. George
is an old hand at sawing lumber.
He said that last week lie did the
first real work he had done for thir
ty months and as it had no ill effect
on him, he was going to help Mr.
Young out with his large job of
lumber sawing.
Some night we fear a terrible ac
cident is going to occur at the east
bridge across the Weeping Water
here in town. At the north approach
to this bridge on the west side, the
road runs within a few inches of the
embankment that slopes a few feet,
then drops abruptly to the creek be
low. A protecting fence should be
built there and painted white. Then
some good lights should be installed
on the bridge. The city council was
petitioned some months ago by south
side residents to install a light on
this bridge, but they have not yet
been installed. Folks who have to
walk along on the sloping stretch of
cement walk with its delapidated
railing need this light on the bridge,
and people who drive cars across the
bridge need the light. It ought to
be installed. Referring again to
fences along dangerous approaches
to bridges, it would be a reasonable
safeguard to have some put in on
the west at both bridges across the
creek here at both north and south
. the
were decorated apropos of the Easter I
tide. l nose irom a distance par-!uai inuorsenient. I nope you may
ticipating in this happy gathering ! have a great outpouring."
were Mr. and Mrs. C.
parents of Mrs. Buell;
William Minford and
Perry, a sister of Mrs.
N. McCrorey
Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Vernon
Buell. all of
Elmwood Also Interested
Since the securing of electrical
service at Murdock, Elmwood is also
getting interested and will hold an
election on the second Thursday in
April for the purpose of voting on a
bond issue of some $25,000.00 to be
used for the purpose of extending
the Murdock line and wiring the
town for street lights, etc. We shall
be glad to see all our neighboring
towns secure the advantage of 2 4
hour electrical service, as it is sure
ly mighty fine to have it.
j Were Little in Doubt
1 The boy and girl friends of Frank
Melvin assembled on the streets last
Thursday with a collection of cow
bells, metal discs and other para-
Good Dragged Roads
Kansas City
Travel by Auto and Save
Money and Time.
Joe Holderness and Butler Morgan
were down from Lincoln on Monday
visiting with friends and relatives.
Mr. Morgan has recently been doing
some work for Dr. P. Van Fleet on
his fine home in Lincoln. He reports
that the Doctor is having a regular
charge and is preaching at Rulo
every Sunday.
On Monday the W. K. Palmeter
family moved to Belgrade, Nebraska,
where they will make their future
home. Mr. Palmeter has purchased
a blacksmith shop at that place and
will operate the same. We are sorry
to see. this family leave Elmwood
and wish them well in their new
home at Belgrade.
Monday was a big day for
shipments from this point. I. J.
ler shipped 3" cases which he
in last Saturday. -I. M. Liston
duce man. shipped over 70 cases. So
Elmwood and community is doing its
part to keep up the supply of eggs.
Trading in Elmwood is good and a
lot of produce is bought and sold' by
Elmwood merchants.
Everett Jackman, of Elmwood,
was one of the speakers Wednesday
evening, March 9, at the pan-Wes-leyan
banquet at the IJSndell hotel
in Lincoln. At this time five hun
dred students, faculty alumni, trus
tees and friends of Nebraska Wes
leyanu, where Mr. taJckman is a sen
ior, gathered for their twelfth an
nual dinner. The university colors,
yellow and brown, were much in evi
dence in streamers, table boquets
and toast lists, as was also the Wes-
leyan emblem, the sunflower. Mr
Jackman responded to the toast the
"Professors." to whom he paid tri
bute for making the university suc
cessful in building character and
scholarship in the student body
Henry Inhelder. a former pioneer
citizen of Cass county, but now lo
cated at Moorefield. Frontier county.
Nebraska, has been here for some
time visiting old friends in and
around Louisville and Cedar Creek
and was accompanied by his son-in-law.
Con Sears. Mr. Inhelder
brought down half a carload of hors
es which he sold in this vicinity.
He has lived in Frontier county the
past six years and likes it fine and
feels very much at home in that
country but he enjoys coming back
occasionally to visit his old home
He came to Nebraska first in 1859
and can claim to be one of the ear-
leist pioneers of Cass county and has
seen the country develop from the
most primitive state to its present
condition of prosperity and wealth.
Mr. Inhelder called at the Courier
office before leaving for home to re
new his subscription and says they
enjoy reading the changes and
events down in this part of the
state. Louisville Courier.
T. H, Pollock Bridge
Covington. Ga March 18. Coun
ty authorities here were investigat
ing todav the finding of three chain
ed bodies of negroes in the Yellow j
river. The bodies of two negroes,'
chained together.' were found in the
river Sunday, and yesterday the
body of another negro was found
chained to a sack of rocks resting
on the river bed.
Here at Your Service!
We are carrying a full line of farm machinery and
implements, both horse drawn and power propelled.
You had better see us NOW about any machinery you
may have that is in need of repairs, and thus be assur
ed of having it in working condition when you need
it. Delays in the busy season are costly.
Spring is about here with its heavy quota of farm
work to be done and it is highly imperative that you
look after the repair work right away. To those in
need of new implements we are in a position to quote
the most conservative prices possible.
Official Returns from Nine Cities
Announced Six Small- Pack
ing Plants Close Doors.
Chicago, March IS. Of'icial re
turns in the strike ballot being tak
en by the stockyards workers in the
plants of the big five packers had
been received at national headquar
ters here at nou today from nine
cities. They showed 90o men
authorized a. strike and 2.119 voted
against one. Unofficial tabulation in
various packing centers here covered
only official returns.
The following tabulation of the
returns thus far received was given
out by Dennis Lane, secretary of the
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and l!ut
cher Workmen of North Americ:
Chicago -For the strike. 21.4S2;
against. 207.
Omaha. Neb. For, .".109; against,
1 v 9
losses title to material costs and
wage rates under the wartime agree
ments. The present strike ballot, it win
said by union leaders, is worded in
such a way as to make it possible for
the strike to be averted at the packer-labor
conference called by Secre
tary of Labor Davis to meet in Wash
ington on Monday. The union lead
ers take the position that if th
packers refuse either to restore the
former wage scale and hours or to
submit the whole disagreement to
the federal arbitrator, the officials of
the union will be forced to order a
St. Paul
against. 11".
Oklahoma iCty
against, 5.
Austin, Minn.
10. Albert Lea,
against, ?,.
Cedar Rapids
against. 1.
St. Louis. Mo.
Milwaukee, Wi
against, 29.
A statement by six of the inde
pendent packers made public today
through the American Institute of
Meat Packers announces that most
of them have been forced to shut
down their plants to avert further
For, 2.1 S3;
, Ok la. For, 990;
-For, 62 4; against
Minn. For, 227;
la. For, S00;
-For, 1,479; against
For. SO a;
Topeka. Kas., Mar. IS. In con
nection with an order for an inves
tigation of the refusal to permit
Nonpartisan league speakers to ad
dress a meeting at Marion Wednes
day night. Covernor Allen today is
sued a statement in which he as
serted that he was opposed to the
league movement, but tliat every ef
fort would be made to see that the
league workers received fair treat
ment. The governor characterized the
league movement as out' to "preach
class doctrines."
All persons interested in the
Horning cemetery will meet there
on Wednesday morning with scythes,
rakee. forks alid,ae.s to clean up
the cemetery.
19-2d.lw J FLU'S A. PITZ.
Daily Journal, 15c a week.
You May Use Shock Absorbers
and a hundred and one other contrivances on your car,
that are supposed to provide better service, but unless
you have the best oil, your car is bound to receive dam
age beyond the ordinary wear and tear.
We are selling the very best brands of guaranteed
motor oils. See us, when in need of any.
We also carry a full line of accessories and supplies
and maintain the best of service in our repair departm't.
Yes,' Business is Getting Better, Thank You. And We
Appreciate It, Too.
ED. W. T
The Automobile Man
Landholm Auto Co.
We are especially well prepared to do repair work
on all makes of automobiles. Bring your car in and
we will look after your wants promptly.
We also carry supplies and accessories. Call on
us for anything in our line.
Landholm Auto Co.,