AffE SIX PLAtTSMOTJTH SEMI-WEEK1T JOUBUAL MONDAY, HAKOH 14. 1821 PROCEEDINGS OF COMMISSIONERS OF CASS COUNTY OFFICII OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of Cass County Plattsmouth, Nebr. Board met as per adjournment at the office of the County Commission ers. Present, C. F. Harris, Fred II. Gorder and Gpo. L. Farley. County Co mniissi oners and Geo. II. Sayles, County Cler!-. Minutes of last session read and approved, when the following busi ness was transacted in regular form: Official Bonds Approved Robert A. Talbot, road overseer. South Bend precinct, road district, ending Jan v J. A. Gardne J. B. McKee. county highway com- Mrs. Minnie Brendel. do missioner. ; laments do L. B. Applemaa. assessor Green- Hand, do wood precinct. jA. n Thomas Wiles, member Old Sol-. G Boedeker. do IIers' Relief committee. (Jessie Melvin, do J. W. Keil. road overseer Eiht H- T- Kropp. do" Mile Grove precinct, road district."- M- Soennichsen. do 2. L- R; "L'pton. do Gordon Heneger. road overseer, J- Moizen. do Avoca precinct, road district No. 13. - Hunter, do R. Ketelhut. road overseer. Ne-'Dr. A. J. Monsfelue. do hnvL-Va nreffnct. road district No. 12. 'i- Snipes, expense County J I) Bramblett, assessor, Libtrtv , Farm Bureau. Feb. 1921 372.13 precinct ' A- ole salary for Febru- R W. Stewart, justice of the' 1921 125.00 ixace. Greenwood precinct. , Geo. R. Sayles. salary and ex- E. A. Kirkpatrick. member of Pense, Febr.. 1921 174.30 Old Soldiers' Relief committee. .Omaha Ptg. Co.. supplies to E Coleman, member of Old ('- Judge, claim No. 4610 21.69 Soldiers' Relief committee. J- Hrewster. U doz. platen H P Dehnins. road overseer. Elm-' renewer furnished CJerk 2.00 wood precinct, road district No. 7. Mothers Pensions Granted and Renewed Mrs. Ellen Davis. Mrs. Viola Auxier. Mrs. Margaret Lahoda. Mrs. Anna Zitka. Superintendent, County Farm J. H. Tarns was appointed as su perintendent of th Cass county, farm home for term of one year,1 March 1st. 1921. to March 1st, 1922.: e.t salary of $125.00 per month, and! Mrs. J. H. Tarns to matron at salary of $50.00 per month. Refund of Taxes The Board ordered the Court y i Treasurer to refund taxes on Lot 10. " ni. Kummel. salary and ex Block 1. Ritchie Place Add to Platts-j pense. Febr. and Jan.. 1921 107.51 mouth. Nebr.. for the years 1891 to Jeff Lewis, helping county 1S99. inclusive, paid under protest surveyor 2.00 for reason G. A. R. property exempt. E. Hartford, coal to court from taxation, illegally canceled by house, jail. Peterson, Witt- County Commissioners March 7th, 1900. Amount refunded.. $18.46 The Board ordered the County Treasurer to refund taxes on Lots 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16, 17. 18, 19, 20. 21. 22. Richey Place Add to Plattsmouth, Nebr.. paid un der protest account paid by foreclo sure bv Cass countv vs. Farmers Bank of" Mercerberg. Pa. et al. App. Dock. S. page 97. Amount refund ed, $72. 84. Claims Allowed The following claims were exam ined and approved: DRAGGING FUND Chas. C. Barnard, dragging roads, road district No. 1 $ 17.25 Standard Oil Co.. gasoline to Vallery; ticket No. 114861. 27.30 Wilmer Martin, for dragging roads. R. D. No. 13 12.00 Fritz Siemoneit, for dragging roads. R. D. No. 1 4.50 W. A. Wheeler, for dragging roads, R. D. No. 27 ; C.00 W. A. Wheeler, for dragging roads. R. D. No. 10 9.18 George Stone, for dragging roads. R. D. No. 27 4.50 R. Ketelhut. for dragging roads. R. D. No. 12 z 20.00 Win. Richardson, rod iron and nuts. R. D. No. 1 47.90 Will Hirz. dragging roads in road district No. 1 J. D. Allen, for dragging roads. R. D. No. 16 .00 7.0; M. Lohnes, dragging roads in road district No. 2 13.50 Wilha Streich. for dragging roads, R. D. No. 7 Geo. I. Mooney. for dragging roads. R. D. No. 15 P. C. Patterson, dragging roads. R. D. No. 27 Frank Grauf, for dragging roads, R. D. No. 27 ;.oo 15.00 12.00 Fred S. Vallery. for dragging roads. R. D. No. 1 . 48.00 Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co.. 12 culverts, for road districts 1. 10 and 27 Tom Rubv, dragging roads, R. I). No. 10 Wm. Wendt. dragging roads, R. D. No. 3 W. II. Betts. dragging roads. R. D. No. 13 John W. Norris. for dragging roads. R. D. No. 13 Grover Hill, dragging roads, R. D. No. 15 Andrew Schliefert, for drag ging roads, R. D. No. 8 R. L. Whitman, dragging 471.43 3.37 20.00 4.50 21.75 14.50 22.00 roads, R. D. No. 12 14.00 GENERAL FUND H. M. Soennichsen, provis ions to Hart, Worden, Bach and Travis $ 83.00 Lillian White, salary, Feb., 1921 90.00 University Pub. Co., examina tion questions, 3d quarter Opal Fitzgerald, salary, Feb ruary, 1921 C. Boetel, hauling rubbish from court house Geo. L. Farley, salary and mileage, Febr.. 1921 Dr. J. W. Brendel, pauper practice. 3d dist., 1920 7.42 90.00 .75 90.60 .75.00 Fred II. Gorder, salary and mileage, Febr., 1921 81.20 C. F. Vallery, bal. salary for Feb., 1921, pay on car ; 250.00 Dr. J. B. Martin, pauper prac tice, 4th quarter, 1920 43.75 Alpha Peterson, salary and mileage. Febr., 1921 180.60 Mrs. A. L. 'Marshall, care of Mack Barger, 1st quarter, 1921 13.00 W. E. Newkirk, provisions to Matsen, Jan., 1921 .12.00 Klopp Ptg. Co., supplies to County Clerk 16.00 T. II. Pollock, boiler insur ance premium on Policy No. 96993 67.12 J. II. Fulton, for taking Jim Lambert to county farm 2.50 Bancroft "Whitney Co., sup plies to County Judge 10.00 L. Lauritzen, provisions fur nished Garcia, Febr., 1921- 10.00 E. A. Kirkpatrick, services, Soldiers Relief com., 1920- K. C. Coleman, do Thomas Wiles, do : Ambler Bros., provisions to DiifTield. Nov.. Dec. 1920 and Jan., 1921 Nebr. Gas & Electric Co.. 16.80 29.00 22.56 service to court house, Jail and county farm C. G. Fricke. coal to Hrasky. Worden. Covert. Feb.. 1921 Ambler Bros., provisions to Brown, Nov.. Dec. 1920 and Jan.. 1921 J. A. Shaffer, for reporting births and deaths, quarter 50.66 30.15 24.10 20. 1921 1.75 1.25 1.75 3.00 1.00 2.75 5.50 1.00 1.00 8.00 .75 .25 2.25 J. A. Gardner, do .aw :C. L Liver & Co., doz. cuspidors to court house 8.25 Milburn & Scott Co., sup plies to Co. Supt., claim 9-S 8.19 John Peterson "& Co., pro visions to Adams, Feb., 1921 10.00 Johnson Bros., provisions to Allen for Febr., 1921 5.00 j C. D. Quinton, salary. Jailer fees, mileage and board of prisoners 209.23 Will T. Adams, salary, deputy clerk for Febr.. 1921 104.16 , H. Sievers, salary and laun- dry. Febr.. 1921 113.00 Fred Patterson, office work on records, Febr., 1921 68.80 ' struck. Febr., 1921 374.95 v m. bchmidtmann. mdse. to county farm Collins Oil Co., oil to Cass county farm home J. H. Tarns, salary for Feb-. 21.80 13.00 ruary, 1921 Milburn & Scott Co.. supplies to Co. Supt.. claim 3-S 125.00 7.68 Lincoln Telep. & Teleg. Co.. rent March, tolls for Febru ary. 1921 1 Allen J. Beeson, eight moth ers' pension orders and mar riage report John Bauer, labor and ma terial, county jail D. C. Morgan, postal sup plies. Robertson, Begley Jess Warga. mdse. to court house '. G. H. Manners, work for the county attorney Dr. G. G. Douglas, pauper practice, Dec, 1920, Jan. and Febr., 1921 C. F. Harris, telephone ex pense, Jan., Febr., 1921 90.35 63.50 12.60 6.61 .00 10.00 30.00 2.95 i Plattsmouth Water Co.. wat er to court house and Jail, Febr., 1921 S. S. Chase, mdse. to Worden. Febr.. 1921 4.50 .00 cuuiny miui liuuie 1 Philip Thierolf, mdse. to the county farm home John Kopia, provisions to Burian ' E. A. Wurl, provisions to Monroe. Jan.. Febr., 1921 E. A. Wurl, provisions to Read. Jan., 1921 2.25 5.00 14.00 10.00 oo r.o'C. F. Harris, salary, mileage, " 1 Febr.. 1921 81.70 (Weeping Water Republican. supplies to clerk and coun ty attorney 16.25 Barker & Walker, provis ions to Mrs. Mudd for Jan. and Febr., 1921 20.60 ROAD FUND Deforest Philpot, road work in R. D. No. 9 $ 24.00 P. C. Patterson, road work in R. D. No. 27 28.40 George Ludwig, road work in R. I). No. 14 14.40 v. ii. ueus. roau work m R. D. No. 13 00 fritz Siemoneit, road work in R. D. No. 1 ; 12.00 Roy . Gregg, road work in It. D. No. 9 It. A. Talbot, road work in R. D. No. 4 J. D. Allen, road work in R. D. No. 16 Geo. I. Mooney, road work in R. D. No. 15 1 Orren Pollard, road work in R. D. No. 13 J. E. Lancaster, road work in R. D. No. 10 Weeping Water City, propor 5.40 58.75 12.00 22.00 2.50 20.00 tion road money, R. D. 24. 390.00 Village of Avoca, proportion road money, R. D. No. 23 500.00 Herman Bose, road work in R. D. No. 14 Joe Goodman, road work in R. D. No. 13 BRIDGE FUND 14.20 8.00 B. H. Martin, bridge work in R. D. No. 9 $ 17.00 Geo. W. Ingwerson, bridge work, R. D. No. 9 11.00 Troy Shrader, bridge work in R. D. No. 9 - 9.00 Andrew Schliefert, for bridge work, R. D. No. 8 9.00 Board adjourned to meet on Wed nesday, March 2nd, 1921. j Attest: GEO. R. SAYLES, County Clerk. SESSION OF MARCH 2, 1921 OFFICH OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of Cass County Plattsmouth, Nebr., March 2. 1921. Board met as per adjournment. Present. C. F. Harris, Fred vH. Gor- . f . Harris. r reUvH. uor - bo. L. Farley. County Com - ; Geo. R. Sayles, County der and Geo. missioners Clerk. .The following business was trans acted in regular form: Bids for Building Bridges The County Clerk was instructed by the Board to advertise for bids for the building of wood, steel, wood and steel bridges, concrete arch and box culverts and other concrete work for the year 1921, as provided by law and according to Standard Plans and Specifications. Separate bids to be filed for each class of bridge work, and for con-i . , x. , . crete arch and box culvert work. I VT? 7' Road1 No- 24 W. Separate bids to be filed for bridge ? ?- sa,arv for February, 1921. lumber, both fir and oak. in car-' JJ.00. Total for this patrol, load lots and for red cedar piling in j 1j-00. carload lots Grand total due county, account All bids to be filed in the office of.of above expense. J'31.28. the County Clerk on or before NOON on Thursday. April 7th, 1921. All bids to be opened at 1:30 o'clock p. m., on Thursday, April 7th. 1921. Claims Allowed The following claims were exam ined and approved: GENERAL FUND E. G. Dovey & Son, mdse. to county farm home . $ 11.20 F. H. Nichols, provisions to Mrs. H. Peterson. Feb., 1921 "7.50 G. Rhode, shoveling snow at the court house 4.80 BRIDGE FUND Tool. Nauman & Murtey, bridge lumber $ 5.75 County of Lancaster, repair of bridges on west county line 956.26 MOTHERS PENSION FUND Mrs. Ellen Davis, mother's pension for March, 1921 $ Mrs. Clara Matzke, do 25.00 15.00 20.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 40.00 15.00 Mrs. Martha Haddon, do Mrs. Ethel Boetel, do Mrs. Martha Franke, do Mrs. Esther Heneger, do Mrs. Mae Hyde, do Mrs. Ida Schlieske, do Mrs. Hallie Black, do Mrs. Viola Auxier, do Mrs. Minnie Mason, do Mrs. Fannie Nichols, do Mrs. Stella Persinger, do Mrs. Minnie Baker, do Mrs. Anna Zitka, do Mrs. Minnie McMaken, do Mrs. Sophia Mayfield, do Mrs. Erna Biggs, do Mrs. Emma Reed, do Mrs. Margaret Lahoda. do 20.00 I 20.00 , 40.00 50.00 40.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 20.00 DRAGGING .FUND Cloidt Lumber & Coal Co.. lumber and posts, R. D. 1 $ 12.90 P. T. Duerr, dragging roads in R. D. No. 5 , Joe Jonson. dragging roads in R. D. No. 5 Frank Rouse, dragging roads in R. D. No. 5 ROAD FUND 18.00 22.50 63. 0Q City of Plattsmouth, propor tion road money, R. D. 17-1400.00 C. F. Harris, directing road work, spikes, R. D. 13 5.50 COMMISSIONERS' FUND First District Industrial & Farm Tractor Co., one model "W" Cletrac tractor 1705.00 On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, March 3, 1921. Attest: GEO. R. SAYLES, County Clerk. SESSION OF MARCH 3, 1921 OPFICK OK COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of Cass County Plattsmouth. Nebr. March 3, 1921. Board met as per adjournment. Present, C. F. Harris, Fred II. Gor- ,n tne testi Marcena Aicijuinn re der and Geo. L. Farley. County Com-j"eived highest in the third grade, missioners; Geo. R. Sayles, . County Miss Sackley's room Clerk, Blanche Shutts is a new pupli in The following business was trans- ,tJlf firtn Kra(le acted in regular form: Lena Rakes is absent from school m ' on account of the serious illness of Assessors Appointed .ier mether Kl.Wy, 4S3essor W- Rummelj Xnose having perfect attendance submitted the names of Peter Han-, this montn are: Bessie Mead, Mel sen and Geo K. Staats for asses-j vIn Todd R Garrens. Donald Mc sors for Plattsmouth City and Geo.lQin r-w rvrter Kriwin nnri.iv. .liVe.. for fessor . of Weeping " "lw , f " amuimcuia ""Niday, Raymond Ervin. Ruth War- approved by the Board. Report Filed The report of the Old Soldiers' Relief commission for the year 1920 and list of names of those who had received relief during the year was filed with the Board. Highway Budget Motion that budget for maintain ing State Aid and Federal highways as outlined by state and . county authorities - be adopted and placed on file. Carried. Claims Allowed The following bills were examin ed and approved: GENERAL FUND Nebr. Children's Home soci ety, assisting delinquents S 50.00 Louisville Courier, printing drag cards 11.75 Bach & Libershal, provisions to Mrs. Lee. Febr.. 1921 12.00 Bach & Libershal, provisions to Mrs. Hraska, Febr.. 1921 ' 5.00 Klopp Ptg. Co., probate rec ord to County Judge 32.50 J. B. McKee, salary and mile-. age, Febr., 1921 30.30 K. B. Ptg. Co.. supplies for Jan., 1921, claim No. 85 18.74 R. A. Bates, printing and sup plies to county 201.13 Wm. Holly, shoes furnished to county sheriff . 4.50 GENERAL FUND County to be Reimbursed by State Dept. of Public Works . Patrol No. 1, Road No. 11 J.H. Eppinge, salary jjatrolman, Febru ary. 1921. $45.00;. Virgil Arnold, salary, helper, Febr., 1921, $40.00; State Dept. Pub. Works. BUDDlies and repairs for truck, $24. 7E; The for hatching. 75c for 15. Phone that Mr. Archer had. foster-Aiu-WUlis Garage, grease, spark nJuaa 584-W. JO. H. Lewis. f2412d,2w .burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. and shaft, $7.15; Standard Oil Co., gas, Polarine and barrel, freight in cluded, $54.26; The Puis Garage, storage, supplies, labor, $67.81; Paul Richter, pulling truck. $6.00. Total for this patrol. $244.97. Patrol No. 2, Road No. 24 Aug ust Krecklow. salary. Iron, freight. Feb., 1921, $103.57; Louis C. Kreck low, salary, cylinder oil, February, 1921, $104.25; Manley Co-operative Grain company, for gasoline. $4.20; Standard Oil Co., gasoline, $32.50; l omuuaru uii .o., kusviiuk, f j.du 1 Highway Maintained Co.. repairs for , truck. $1.99; H. A. Doty, gasoline, $33.80.. Total , for- this patrol, $280.31. l Patrol No. 3 Road No. 24 Roy Cole, palary. Febr.. 1921' and bonus for 1920. $124.00. Total for this patrol. $124.00.' Pajtrol No. 4, Road No. 24, Eugene-Cole, salary, ' February, 1921. $72.00. Total for this patrol. . 7iv.0 Patrol No. 5. . Road No. 21 O. E. f "i, '. . iav- P "-uary. r i i a. tt1 iZii' loo uu- iowi ior una painu, j The 'Puis Garage, supplies to I R. D. No. 10 $ 13.65 W. A. Baker, road work in R. D. No. 1 11.20 Claud Gochenour, road work in R. I). No. 1 16.8 John Gochenour, road -work in R. D. No. 1 13.60 Jim Gochenour, road work in road district No. 1 13.60 Village of Nehawka, propor- tion road money. It. D. 29 200.00 DRAGGING FUND Emil C. Dehning, dragging roads in R. D. No. 3 $ .80 PERMANENT ROAD FUND First Co. District R. S. McCleery, bal. due on bridge north of Sec. 26, in R. D. No. 1 $ 60.00 COMMISSIONERS' FUND First District ! R. B. Windham, Jr., repair of magneto on Wallis Cub tractor $ 5.00 The Board adjourned to mpet on Friday, March 11. 1921. Attest: GEO. R. SAYLES. County Clerk. UilONTEliS, Union School Notes. Miss McCarrol's room We are sorry to lose two pupils from our room, Clarice Micham and Ralph Surface. . Letha May Rakes has been absent on account of iilness. The children are very much inter ested in hunting for signs of spring. Several new birds have been learned this week. Four pupils in our room have been neither absent nor tardy this month: Ermond Moore,' Gladys. Burbee. Ag nes Ervin. and Daisy Mead. Miss Peters' room Mary Osborne has been absent the past week. Those neither absent nor tardy the past month are: Dorothy Pell. Mar lon Clark. Marcella McQuinn, Louise Foster, Dorothy Clark, Nola Banning, Edith Boardman, Louise Clark, Lu cian LaRue, Eldon Moore, John Er vin, Leonard Burbee, Howard Clark. David Mead, Lowell McQuinn, and Cecil Nickles. The third and fourth grades made little booklets for better citizenship week, cilled "flood Little Citizens". in which were written rules for lit- tie citizens. Mary Donnelly Robb is out of (school as she intended going to Mis- souri for treatment. In tne fourth grade Lowell Mc- Uumn received the nignest average Madge Cheney, Evelyn Moore, Cecil den. Fulton Harris. Helen Fahr lander. Margaret Murray and Wil liam Armstrong. Washington's birthday was ob served by an hour's program in the afternoon, consisting, of readings, and piano and vocal selections. If there is ever a fire in the school house we should all know what to do. Fire drill was observed twice in one day last week. Citizenship week has been ob served in the opening exercises this week. Mr. Banning spoke on "Good Citizenship" on Thursday morning. Pearl Eaton was absent Monday and .Tuesday. ' ' During the last two weeks we have had some excellent opening exercises-consisting of (readings, in strumental and vocal selections and a report on "Immigration into the U. S.'.' by Geraldine Roddy. HOLDS CONFERENCE Mr. Wright Highbee, Nebraska Christian Endeavor Field Secretary, is a visitor in the city today, to hold the final conference before District Convention with Gertrude L. Mor gan, president of District No. 3. The convention will be held at Weeping Water, April 16, 16. 17, and the program includes some 'of the ac tive endeavor workers of the state and district, and Mr. C. C. Hamilton of Boston. Mass. Every effort is be ing made to make, this No. 3's "best ever" convention. . - . EGGS FOR HATCHING Pnm hrnri Phnda Island. Red eees GOES 85 MILES TO GET TANLAC Iowa Farmer Gained 36 Pounds on 5 Bottles and Never Expects to be Without It. "I've come eighty-five miles to get .. , , - , ---- - these four bottles of Tan lac but ai "r1'1' ff0h7 dn f? 1 w.onlin J be,wl'hou ll, for any ining, - oeciareu 'rani; Mayer, a prosperous farmer of Tem piston, Iowa, while in Omaha, one day re cent 1 v. "About three years ago my stom ach started to trouble me and I was in a mighty bad fix ever sinse." said Mr. Mayer. "I lost all desire for food, and what little I forced down would sour on my stomach and fll me up with gas until I could hardly breathe." I had a lot. of trouble too with my kidneys and liver and ray face got very spotted and yellow. I steadily lost weight and became so weak and run-down that I often hail to knock off work for a month at a time. I couldn't sleep at nights and I worried over my condition, although I had the best treatment j and medicine that I could get, I couldn't find anything to put me right. When I saw by the Omaha papers j that so many other people were be 0 ing helped by Tanlac I got a bottl e- le and it sure has done me a world of .good. I can eat anything I want now and never suffer the least bit from sourness or gas afterwards. After finishing my fifth bottle of Tanlac I found I had actually gained thirty-six pounds and I'm so well and strong now that I can do as much work as any man on the farm. Tanlac is certainly a great medicine and I strongly recommend it." Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by F. G. Fricke and Company; in Mur ray by the Murray Drug company I anu tne leaning uruggist in everv town. PURE BRED SPOTTED POLAND CHINA HOGS Over a hundred bred sows of the Poland China type, pure bred, at tin two sales. R. 11. Stooker will sell 70 head Friday, March 18th at Nebraska City; It. B. Stone will sell 40 head at Nehawka, Saturday March 19th. FOR SALE A number of Red Polled bull Telephone 3114, Murrav Exchange. A. F. Nickles & Son. 4tw. FOR SALE Light Brahma eggs for hatching. $1.50 per setting. Mrs. Geo. Rev nolds, Plattsmouth, Neb. Sw d&w HORSES FOR SALE I have a number of horses for sale; also a new International separ ator, 22x33. Fred Burrage. 5t sw FOR RENT Sixty acres for rent near Iouisville for $300. C. E. Haney, 634 Bran- deis Theater Building. Phone Tv- ler 1024. ltw 2td BIG CUT IN COTTON GOODS New York. March 10. An unex pected revision in the prices of nap ped cotton for next fall was an nounced today by a large manufac turing concern (Amoskeag Manufac turing company). The new 'sche dule reveals one of the most drastic single cuts known in goods of this character, declines usually taking place gradually. It was explained that the reduction was made in view of the radically changed outlook in raw cotton and the prospect of reduced production costs. The reductions were from a basis of cents a yard for daisy cloth last year, to 12 cents net, this year, and on the widely known 1921 cloth from 35 to 12'.- cents. These nre net mill prices. On fabrics of this sort prices are usually named about the first of each year. The delay was due to con gested condition of stqks in jobbing and retail channels which has Leen relieved by recent clearance sales. The mills have no stock goods to of fer and the new business will be for manufacturing purposes only, deliv eries beginning in June and running to October. j DON'T RISK NEGLECT Don't neglect a constant back ache, sharp, darting pains or urinary disorders. The danger of dropsy or Bright's disease is too serious to ig nore. Use Doan's Kidney Pills as have your friends and neighbors. Ask your neighbor A Plattsmouth case. G. T. Archer, painter, of Locust, near Sth street, says: "As a rule all painters are bothered with disorder ed kidneys because of the fumes of the turpentine. This has always af fected my kidneys when I have had inside work to do more than when outside. I have had to get up as: often as every hour of the night to pass the secretions. Sometimes when going up or down the ladder I would have quick stitches take me in my kidneys that felt like needles. I, have always found Doan's Kidney Pills a very reliable medicine for this trouble. A few always give me good relief and keep my kidneys in good and active condition. I would not be without Doan's for I know what they will do and have done, j I believe such a remedy as Doan's, should be given the best of praise, I knowing as I do from personal use of them." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney ' Pills the same ALV0 J. D. Newkirk was in Lincoln on Satruday. ' , Mrs. Kennedy and Vernon Hine baugh returned from Lincoln Mon day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Foreman and Mr. and Mrs. John Foreman went to Lincoln Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Newkirk were in Lincoln Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Myers moved to Lincoln Monday where they will make their home. C. I). Ganz, E. AI. Stone and Mrs. S. O. Boyles were in Plattsmouth on business Tuesday. Mrs. Win. Alt house has been quite seriously ill with pneumonia, but is improving at this time. John Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Sher man Wolfe, and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer autoed to Lincoln on Tuesday after noon. Joe Bird has pneumonia and Orville (Juellhorst has tonsilitis as has also Mrs. Arthur Klyver. Mrs. Ceo. I. Foreman received l lie sad news of the death of her aunt, Mrs. Her, at Osceola Wednes day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knicely mo tored down-from Omaha Monday to visit the latter's si.ner. Mrs. Dr. L.. Muir and family briefly. Mrs. J. A. Shaffer visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell at South Bend from Saturday noon until Sunday morning. William Scott, of Lincoln, spent Sunday as a guest of H. Moore and family, returning to Omaha Sunday evening, whore he is attending col lege. Mrs. Mart Campbell, of Mitchell. S. Dak., is here visitintr her father. L. Friend, who is in poor health, as well a-s with other relatives and friends. Dale S. Boyles. of McCook visited over Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles and sister, Mrs. C. D. Ganz and family, return ing to his home Tuesday evening. Chas.1 H. Kirkpatrick, of this place and Mrs. Nannie E. Barrett of Plainview, Texas, were married In Lincoln, last Tuesday, March Sth. They will reside in Alvo. We extend congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Bornemeier entertained the Jolly Neighbors on Friday night. Other guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bornemeier, of Murdock, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. II. Moore Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. George Curyea were Chas 11. Kirkpatrick and Mr. and Mrs Glenn Lewis and children. Dinner guests Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Appleman. Fred Weaver and son, Judd Weav er called at the j.. A. Shaner home Sunday evening en route home from Lincoln ana Mr. snaner accompan ied them to their home at South Bend, remaining until Tuesdav morning. Miss Aurel Foreman came home from Liucoln Saturday noon, and had as guests Sunday Miss Ruth Fitz gerald, Mr. Lumdoyle and Mr. Gal lagher, all returning to Lincoln on Sunday evening, accompanied by Mrs. Kennedy. Mrs. Mary E. Cline, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, visited from Sunday evening till Wednesday with her niece, Mrs. Paul Prouty, going from there to Elmwood to visit her sisttr. Mrs. John Clites and family. Lance Clites came after her. Mr. and Mrs. George Braun en tertained at dinner Sunday, their guests being Mrs. Braun's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yaeger, her brother. John Yaeger, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bucknell and sons, Clifford and Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Skin ner and little daughter, Doyne, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bucknell and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Muenchau. Buying Grain We always pay the highest price for Grain and Stock. We own and run our own elevator and mix and grade up our grain, enabling us to always pay top prices. I AM YOUR FRIEND JOHN EU3URTEY, ALVO - - - - NEBRASKA Bargains in While they last, we are offering at very low prices implements and farm machinery consisting of: 2 No. 5 Clover Leaf low down spreaders! . . . .$165.00 One four-wheel Rock Island lister 60.00 Two Rock Island cultivators at One Sterling disc, 16-16, at Other Equally as Good Bargains in the Best Farm Machinery. Coafman Hardware, ALVO -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT Fred Wolfe, of Sutton, is visiting relatives here. Dan Williams, of Prairie Home, was in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Curyea mo tored to Lincoln Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stroemer were in Lincoln Thursday afternoon. Ed Stroemer was in De Witt on business the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Wolfe, of Havelock, were visiting relatives and friends here this week. Miss Nolting went to Plattsmouth on No. 3.8 Wednesday to attend the wedding of her brother. William Nolting. which occurred Wednesday afternoon. Mr. anl Mrs. Jesse R. Johnson, daughter Luella and son, Cecil, and Mrs1. Smith of Lincoln visited with Mr. and Mrs. 11. Moore Sunday. Mrs. Mary Skinner and son, John motored to Fremont Saturday to visit relatives over Sunday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Chris tianson. who is also visiting rela tives there. The Women's Reading club met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. S. C. Boyles. Officers were elected for the ensuing year. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Casey and Miss Lizzie Connor, of Lincoln, were guests during the social hour. The Home Guards and Mothers' Jewels Missionary society, held their annual mite box opening at the church Saturday afternoon. Miss White, of University Place, the 'dis trict secretary of mission work gave a very interesting talk. After the address an elegant lunch of cake and cocoa was served to the child ren and their mothers, about seventy-five being present. The offering amounted to $10.55. AJ1 reported an enjoyable time. Miss White was greatly pleased with the work that is being done by the society. Mr. and Mrs. Aug Johnson enter tained a party of friends Saturday, February 2 6th, among those present being Mr. and Mrs. Herman Borne meier, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stroemer, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kitzel, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coatman, Mr. and Mrs.. John Foreman, Mr. and Mrs. Moore and daughter, Blanche. William Scott, of Lincoln, Mildred Brown, Edgar Ed wards. Agnes Peterson, Lyal Miller and Miss Rainey. The evening was spent in dancing and playing cards. A delightful two-course luncheon was served. Everyone had an en joyable time and voted Mr. and Mrs. Johnson a royal host and hos tess. Eggs for Hatching For Sale: .Barred Rock eggs for hatching. 75c for 15. $4.50 per 100. MRS. WILL COPPLE. m7-6w. Alvo, Nebraska. Good Dragged Roads TO Hi 11 AND Kansas City Travel by Auto and Save Money and Time. T. H, Pollock Bridge and Stock! Implements! 45.00 60.00