The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 14, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbe plattemoutb loumal
Entered at l'ostoffice. IMattsmouth.
R. A.. BATES, Publisher
Little white lies soon become soil
And now Marlon, Ohio, is merely
llarion, Ohio, again.
"One thorn of experience is worih
a dozen roses of theory."
How doe3 spring call to you with
a hoe, a golf club, or a Ashing rod?
All the people can't be fooled al!
the time with that sugar shorta-:o
:o: -
Downright Ignorance isn't as dan
gerous as a lot of knowledge that
isn't so.
"There is no satisfaction in paying
income taxes after the income has
been spent.
A selfish man is one who gets all
he can from his ancestors, but cares
little for posterity.
In these piping days of bargains,
"window shipping" tempts one
right into the store.
Don't worry about the future.
Most folks can't understaand what's
happening right now.
It is said there are sixty ways of
cooking potatoes, most of which were
discovered on leftovers.
It isn't every president's father
who lives long enough to see his sen
climb the highest, peak.
A lot of folks probably do not
know whether Yap is an island or
a new kind of dentrifice.
It is to be hoped that Weeks in
the war departmen twill not make
the army weaker in war.
Few persons appear to have rea
lized that deflation meant hitting so
many rocks on a fiat tire.
Xo doubt it is true that the pre
vailing short skirt is responsible for
the surplus of dress goods.
It looks like we are getting to a
pre-war basis with everything except
taxes and the national debt.
What usually happens to people
who steal liberty bonds. Is to lose
both the bonds and the liberty.
Germany is to be made to toe the
mark. Germany furnishing the
marks and Marshal Foch the toe.
Those who fear over-population of
the world seem not to reckon with
the rising tide of automobile deaths.
When Cal, Coolidge went on the
Job he received proper sympathy and from his amiable prede
cessor. -:o:
But the average high school girl
would rather step into .Mary Pick
ford's shoes than be "first lady of
the land."
A deserter from the navy has been
found Jo have fourteen living and
undivorced wives. His mistake was
not in the principle of a wife in
every port, but in having more wives
than ports. The minute he got two
wives in one port trouble became in
evitable. Liberty!
Keep yourself posted on
the facts by
A Nationsxl Weekly Newspaper
It is not conducted for profit and does not accept paid
advertisements of any kind. Largest circulation of
any weekly paper published in U. S. A.
Leave your subscription with Attorney C. E. Mar
tin, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Yearly Rate $2.
Free Press!
Neb., as second-class mail matter
What this country needs is a law
forbidding the enactment of fool
The smoothest form of flattery is
to tell a man he is working too
Lent is nearing a close. Most of
us had nothing to give up for Lent,
Wood row Wilson says he is glad
it is over. That is cheerful for
Germany has been informed from
London that the bargain counter has
not yet been opened.
What a change a woman makes in
a man's life, and what a lot of change
she requires while making it.
. :o:
Speaking of Mr. Edison a correspond
ent remarks that his road to fortune
was paved with good inventions.
: o:n
Take a lesson from the helpful
hen. Despite the drop in the price
of egf
she is going right ahead
with her job.
Cabinets come and cabinets go.
and still the numerical strength of
lawyers at large seems to run along
about the same.
The American Legion may have
to go over the top of the public in
difference to get justice for its
wounded comrades.
It is a relief to know that Europe
likes President Harding's inaugural
address, because if it 'hadn't there
is hardly anything that could be
done about it now.
A Wisconsin woman boughf her
husband a whisky still to keep him
at home nights, lie is now in jaii,
which, for the purpose of keeping
track of him just as good.
So far as we have been able to fig
ure, retiring Vice-President Tom
Marshall made his farewell speech
in full without trying to crack a
joke, or if he did, we missed the
President Harding has fifty thou
sand federal offices in his gift and
Vice-President Coolidge has four.
This seems to be one instance in
which the vice-president has the bet
ter of it.
Senator Poindexter w;.vns that the
Japanese are building a great number
of war vessels in secret. Added to
this danger will be their overwhelm-
jng fury when they learn the sena
tor has let the secret out.
The new secretafy of the treasury
shows a rare degree of optimism in
predicting that one of the achieve
ments of the new administration
will be an equitable tariff measure.
Doesn't he mean just a tariff mea
sure? -0:0-
Congress may have dallied with
its job a good deal and finally quit
with part of it undone, but probably
it was influenced considerably by
the knowledge that another congress
was coming along to repair its omis
sions. Inidvlduals act the same way
when they see a chance to let some
body else do their work.
the issues of the Day. Get
subscribing to
Oscar York and wife were looking
after business in the county seat last
Herman Dall was called to Omaha
last Monday, where he had some
business matters to look after.
Phillip Flemming has moved to the
farm which Frank Bergman recently
purchased and built a house and
barn thereon.
Miss Mary Murphy was a visitor
for a few days last week at the home
of her brother John Murphy and
family in Omaha.
Frank Stander and wife were vis
iting at the home of their sons west
of Manely during the week, having
droven down in their car.
Geo. L. Meisinger was a visitor in
the county seat today, driving over
in his car to look after some busi
ness matters for the day.
Mr. W. II. Frost was a visitor in
Weeping Water last Monday," where
he went to attend a meeting of the
Masonic lodge of that place.
Fred Fleischman, the barber, says
that business is picking up and that
trade is getting preceptibly better
during the past few weeks.
Hans Neilson, who has been farm
ing near Wabash for some time past
will farm the place which has been
recently vacated by Phillip Flem
ming. Workmen are remodeling a barn
on the home place of John P. Stander
west of Manley during the past week
and putting the same into good con
dition. "
J. L. Burns has been kept to his
heme for a portion of the time of
late with an attack of the grippe,
but from which he is getting much
better now.
Cal Rockwell, who has been work
ing with his brother, Floyd Rockwell
of Wayne for some time past, will
farm on the Howard Johnson place
this season.
Herald Krecklow has accepted a
position with Herman Dall as assist
anting in the machinery storehouse
and blacksmith shop and is proving
an excellent man for the place.
Mrs. August Glaublitz of Chappell.
is visiting with friends in this vi
cinity, being the guest at the home
of Miss Rose Kelly of Manley. and
other relatives and friends.
Mark Wiles of Weeping Water,
was a visitor in Manlay last Thurs
day, coming up in his auto to look
t-.fter some business matters in re
gard to his' farm near here.
Louis Krecklow was a visitor In
Omaha last Tuesday, driving up with
his truck to take a load of hogs to
market and on the return trip
brought home a load of merchandise.
Mr. Daniel Rockwell, who has
bten making his home at Wayne for
some time past," arrived in Manley a
few days ago and is visiting at the
home of his daughter Mrs. Hugh
August Krecklow was a visitor
in Weeping Water the first of l3st
week, going to secure some repairs
for the county truck, which it need
ed to produce the maximum efficiency
in service.
Mrs. Adolph Steinkamp was a vis
iter for a number of days at the
home of her mother and brother, Mr.
Sam Goodman of near Mynard, and
another brother, B. F. Goodman, near
Herman Mann, who has been feel
ing rather poorly for some time past,
is reported as much improved and is
able to get around and look after
business now with not so much in
Father Compo, residential priest of
Lincoln, and Father Corcoran, resi
dential priest, both of the Catholic
church were visiting during last
week with Father Higgins of the St.
Patrick church of Manley.
Henry and Fred Jochim of near
Tecumseh, were in Manley and vi
cinity last week, coming to attend
the funeral of their father, who was
buried at the Lutheran church north
west of Manley last week.
Mr. and Mrs. IMward Pankonin
of south of Weeping Water, were
visiting in Manley last Sunday, the
guests at the home of the father and
sister of Mrs. Pankonin, Mr. George
SchatTer and daughter, Miss Carrie.
Richard" Boom of Bosworth, Mo.,
who formerly lived here, dropped in
to town for a short time last week
to visit with friends, while on his
way to Sioux Sity, la., whereby he
will work on a farm' for the sum
mer. Fred Laurcnson, who has had the
dray business in Manley for some
time past, will engage in farming the
coming season and has moved to the
Walker place, which has been occu
pied by Charles Rainey for some
years past.
Messrs Orris, Andrew, and Her
bert Schleifert and Theo Harms were
visiting in Omaha last Monday,
where they looked after the purchas
ing of some carpets and furnishings
for the Lutheran church northwest of
Mattes Breckenridge, who has
lived southwest of Manley for some
time, has rented his farm to Grove
Laurensen, who will farm the place
this year, and Mr. Breckenridge has
moved to town and will look after
the dray business.
Howard B. Evans and family, who
Early Ohio Seed Potatoes!
We have the pure strain Early Ohio seed pota
toes; also a fine variety of onion sets white, red and
Work clothing, fruit in season, groceries and can
ned goods. We pay the highest prices for country pro
duce, butter and eggs. ,
The Grocer' MANLEY, NEBR.
have been spending some time at the
home of Mrs. Evans' parents, J. L.
Burns and wife of this city, departed
last Friday for their home in Waten
burg, Colo., where Mr. Evans is agent
for the "sugar road."
Ralph Keckler and family drove
in from their farm home west of
Weeping Water last Thursday and
visited at the home of Thomas Keck
ler, who has been ill for a number
of months, but hopes are entertained
at this time in making some im
provement. .Charles Rainey, who has been on
the Walker place east of Manley for
some time past, has moved to a place
south of there and on which Jack
West farmed for the past two years,
while Mr. West has moved to a farm
owned by L. II. Puis of Murray, a
few miles west of that place.
Wm. Rauth of St. Mary, Kansas,
was a visitor in this neighborhood
for a few days last week, being a
guest at the home of Rudolph Berg
man and wife, with John Rauth, lm
brother and other relatives and
friends. Mr. Wm; Rauth is prosper
ing in our neighboring state and was
much pleased to meet his many
friends here.
Margaret Bergman, who has been
having a tussle with the measles, has
gotten over the malady and is feel
ing much better. With the watch
ing over the daughter at night and
looking after the business at the
store during the day, her father,
Rmlie, sacrificed some five pounds of
his averdupoi3, but with the return
ing of the little one's health, he
will pick up again.
Ar "R-irV TTnTiip Atrain.
W. H. Frost was a visitor in Lin- ;
rnln loct Qiirw1-i. ilrivinir nvpf t f 1 ll A I
capital city to bring home the wife
and little girl Romona, having taken j
the meales while visitins at the home
of her grandparents some weeks ago.
The folks were very well pleased to
pet home again, as it seemed like
not having a home to be away so
Business is Good.
Notwithstanding the fact that the
prices of farm products are low and
that the credits are meager as com
pared with what they were a year
ago. Mr. Rudolph Bergman, who has
gotten his prices in line with other
conditions finds that business is very
good, and is continuing to keep the
prices at which he sells his goods at
the lowest level possible with con
servative merchandising.
Was Given Birthday Surprise
Last Sunday the children of Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Mockenhaupt, gath
ered at the home of the parents in
Manley, and celebrated very appro
priately the passing of the birthday
cf Mrs, Mockenhaupt. A very plea
sant time was enjoyed by all pres
ent, there being a sumptious din
ner served as well as abundance "of
good wishes for the recurring of like
pleasant occasions by tho?e in at
tendance. There were present of the
children Miss Sue Mockenhaupt.
Walter Mockenhaupt and family of
near Manley, John and Val Mock
enhaupt and families of near Mur
dock, and the Rev. Father Higgins
and mother, Mrs. W. D. Higgins of
Give Neighbors Surprise.
The neighbors of V. Rohrdanz,
knowing of' the recurrence of his
birthday anniversary, timed a sur
prise on him last Sunday and gath
ered t othe number of some sxity at
his home last Sunday evening, where
they showed Mr. Rohrdanz a most,
merry time. They had prepared eat
ables which helped to enliven the
evening and with games and social
conversation the hours fairly flew,
and on their departing at a late
hour extended to their host a wish
for many years of useful service to
the community and with prosperity
a loenty.
Why Colds are Dangerous
It is the serious diseases that colds
lead to that makes them dangerous.
Thoy prepare the system for the re
ception, and development of the
germs of influenza, pneumonia, tu
berculosis, dyptheria. scarlet fever,
vhooping cough and measles. You
are much more likely to contract
these diseases when you have a
cold. For that reason you should
get rid of every cold as quickly as
possible. Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy will help you. It is widely known
as a cure for bad colds.
A St. Patrick's dance at Eagles
hall to music furnished by the Amer
ican Legion orchestra of Lincoln is
included among the local Legion
post's entertainment features of the
coming week. As protestants and
Catholics alike dance on this Lenten
day, the Legion dance committee
has secured one of the best out-of-town
orchestra available and will
provide the public with 'a real dance.
Detailed announcement will be made
In these columns in a day or so.
She States It Mildly.
While suffering with a severe at
tack of the grip and threatened with
pneumonia, Mrs. Annie II. Cooley, of
Middlcfield, Conn., began usln;?
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
was very much benefitted by its
use. The pains in the chest roon
disappeared, the sough became loose,
expectoration easy and In a Hhort
time she was as well as ever. Mrn.
Cooley says she cannot speak too
highly in praise of this remedy.
Red clover seeu. with a guarun-!
tee that it contains no bad weed
seed, at $10 per bushel.
2tw'6td. P. A. HILD, Mynard.
Read the Journai want-ads.
AOTH i-:
The State of
TO lli
i-.iii runs
ka, i'mss
ty. -ss.
In the County
In the matter of
Wilhel in ina Munun
To the ereditors
tin- (-Mate of Ai.nii
of .said stat-:
You an- hen-by untitled. That I will
sit at the County Court room in I'l.itt.i
moutli ill .aid rounty, on tin l.'.Hi d-n
of April. A. I. l'.il, and on the 1Mb
day of .Inly. A. 1 . lJtJl, at t n o . I" k
in the foniiouli of eaih day, t re
ceive anl oNfimine all claims again-''
.-aid estate, with a view to tlmir ad
justment and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of claims
against Mr!d estate is three immtlis
from the l.'th day 'f April. A. 1 .
and the lime limited for pay
ment of debts is one year from said
l.'.th day of April. A. 1 .11.
Witness my. hand and the seal of
paid Counts- Court, this Sth day of
March. A. D.
(Seal) mlO-D County Judge.
of kxi1
i s i :
; State of Nel
County of Cass
T, Geo. i:.- Sayl.-s, County
i'hss co'intv, hereby certify
CI. rk of
that the
meet i :i--c
Cor.ntv lioard a! the regular
held on the I 1th day of .lamia!
lis.l. made the following- '"Kstj
Kxpeiiso" for the via;' lltJI,
quired by law:
Ceiicral fund $ 7."
li'-i.Pi' fund
Jirkltje fund cniefK'ucy II
l;ond fund '
v. A.. J '.
Iiate ot
as IV-
lino. (ul
i ; . h 1 0 . o i
",.': mi. I")
1,000. fly
Mothers' Pension fund..
Old Soldiers Relief fund
my otfice
2 old day
lSer.1) m,"!
my ha'.'l and the seal of
at I'latts-.nouth, Nebr.. this
of I-Vl.rnarv. A. I lJl.
c;i:o. it. SAYLKS".
-Jv. County Clerk.
The s:la(e ,,f
ty. .-s.
In the Count
I'l tlie matter
Nebi ash.a, Cass
- Court,
of tin' '
tat..- of Kinma
Hnlhaway, dec.-as
To the creditor
V.ou are hereby
r said
not itieii.
Thi-t I will
sit f t the County Cou;
m..'ith in said county
room in flat ts
n the UP t ';; day
of .March, T 01' 1 ami on th
.Itinc. A. 1. at li-
the forenoon of each ;
and examine r.ll laims
estate, with- a vie., to
:th day
f i
oVliv k ii:
to r ceivo
:.i;nst said
ir ad.iist-
iner.t ii nd i;ll..vai:e. Ti i
cd for the pivseiil a t ion
auainst said estate is ti
linie lir.iit
of clairns
ee ino-itlis
from the LUli day of March. A. IK
l:i21, and the time limited for payment
of debts is one year from said U'.Uh
day of .March, 1921.
Witness my Parol ruid the s.-al of
said Count v Court this day of
March, l'.rjl.
(Seal) m"-4w. County Judi;e.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Nancy
M. llitchie. 1 leieas-ed.
To all persons iatoi ested in said es
tate, both creditors and heirs at law:
Vou are hereby notitie.1 that on this
4th .lay of Marc'!'.. l.'Jl. Auum t V. .
I.'akow filed a petition in this court,
.'tllc'ing that one, Nancy M. Kilchie,
while a resident of Cass county. Ne
braska, departed this, life intest'tlc. in
said county, on or about the ''th dav
of February, 1S:'.. the owner in fee
simple of the following described rial
The southwest itaitor of tho
southwest quarter of Section 1 J,
(excepting a tract in the south
east corner theieof i) rods north
and south bv to roils east and
vest,' containing ." acres l also h s
iunatcd as Lot ti.". in said Section
lL', jfnd filso the northwest quar
ter of the northwest quarter of
Section la (except Lot 7 in the
S.W corner) all in Township 1-',
North, in UatiKe l, Kast in Cass
(('univ, Nebraska,
and that said deceased left surviving
as her sdi! and only heir at law. .lames
C. Kitcl.ic, a .son ami John i'.iuhio.
Iier husband that the titie and
ownershiti of said real estate descend
ed t said James C. Kitchie. subject to
the estate of said John Litehii' as ten
ant bv courtesy in one thi'i-d part j
thereof, and that the petitioner Is the
owner of a part of sr. id premises now
described as Lots T to 22 inclusive in
Itlock one (1) and Lots 11 to :) inclu
sive, in l'.lock two tl' in Kitchie riaci
Addition .to IMattsmoutli. : Nebraska.:
wliicli lots are subdivisions thereof.'
bv virtue mesne conveyances made by
said James C. Kitchie and others to.
petitioner and his tcrantors. and pray- j
intZ for a. judicial ileterminat ion . of !
tho time of the dentil of the said.
Xnncv M. Kitchie and of her heirs at
law, the deKiee or Uinsuip an. i ine;
rifrht of descent of tlio- real property j
lit'li-nnhiK to said decedent in the.
State of Nebraska, and for such other,
and further ordets and decrees as may j
be necessary for a coir ct determina-j
tlon of said matter.
Said mutter has been set for hear
ing on the Sth day of April, 1!)J1. at ,
nine o'clock in the forenoon, in thej
County Court room in IMattsmoutli,!
Cuss county. Nebraska, at which time ,
n.l i. !:n-. nil i.ersons interested may
nomar and cor I est said petition.
ALLKX J. Ki iliSI i.V.
''i-intv J ud ire.
JOHN M. Li:vi.
m7-r.w. Atty. for J'etitioncr.
(liiiir.ii of iii:ui;
li lot 1lee n lclin for Set-
1 1 "'in cut of Ai-i'uiint. j
In the County Court of Cass conn- j
tv, Nebraska. i
"state of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
To the heirs and all persons inter- i
ested in the estate of Adam Kalftn- j
berpfer, deceased: ; i
On reading, the petition of Ccorrre .
A. Kaffenbertrer praying a nm'l set
tlement and allowance of his account
filed in this court on -the 0th day of
March, lti'JL and for hre:- of heir
ship and distribution of estate:
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons Interested in sahl matter
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said eoun
tv, one the 13th day of Man b. A. I).
1921. at 10 o'clock a. m.. to show cause,
if any there be, why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be Krante.L and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof be
Kiven to all persons interested in
said matter by publishinK' a copy of
thi-s order in the 1'lattsmouth Journal,
a semi-weekly newspaper printed in
said county, for one week prior to,
said day of hearim?. j
In'witness whereof, I have hereunto:
set mv hand and the sea! of said C'.ui t ,
this 5th day of March. A. 1 '. 1!'21.
(Seal) County Judge.
John V. Ilaln ami
fust I'-ril 1 1 n r 1 n ;
(ii Hi1- '!'! ntua.-i
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Swif;, widow: Lirdlejtate or any part thereof:
iter and Annie Horn, j you and each of vou are hereby
prayins for a decree . ,.,,t it-K.,j tiiat on tlie 1Cth day of Febru-
Miir:':ui. i.;1!
daughter, an.
! a : riim'
i ln i ms
that said decedent
id decedeiit .iic'l.
i:-; -tat.":
n i e sqd ict t ion for
s 1.. en niM.'.e a nd
n has
.-aid d.
eiieat inis not
n i i, i.-1 m
! that t
'i; . in
! . ii
the State
bra ska,
aid de
hall be
estate, !
' l!
irs. at law of ;
in set f'ith s
e owii.-i s iii fei
!" Scribed IT II 1
ietii as
cl'eed t.i
I ::e a
I v i- i; U has
I n th ii.iv .
. :i set
hear in if on the
1-. l'J-l. I L 10
ed at i
day of
attsmorth, Nebraska.
L-Yhruary, A. 1'. 1U21
alien' j. r,i:i:six
County .lm
fs-n w
The State of Ni braska, Cass coun
t'. ss.
Fn the Count v Court. N
in the hi; it.-r of the estate of Henry
Milbr. oeceased.
To the creditors of said
Yen are heteby nvttlietl that 1 will
sit a tho County Court room in I'latts
i.ioulh. i.i si: 1 countv , on ti e 20th dav
.f March. -A. I . 1M21. ami uu the 2Sth
d;.y of June. A. 1 . 1'iL'l, at 10 o'clock
a. m. each dav, to receive and examine
ail clairiis it !fuin said estate, with a
vif.w i' their adjustment and allow
ance. The "lime limited for the pre
seni itieii of chiiius against said es
tate is thrc in.. ii lbs from the 2:th day
.f "larcli. A. 1). i:'21, and the time
1 i in it t
vi :i r
.! for
p.-r. merit oi uoins
said 2'.Uh day of
is one
Witners my hand and
said Count v Court this
February, 1121.
allien J. p.i:i:son.
(.-tal) f2S-lw. County Jiuie
each, and
Plymouth Ilck epgs oc
White reaoan duck egg3
12 ifjc
Pli one
Mr?. George Perry,
lm w&d
The price of our dry cleaning
cats down tlie price of clothes.
' Eainty Dorothy says that she
has found out that we take
most excellent care of the gar
ments entrusted to ns and that
our charges should make friends
for this house. Our dyeing
proves satisfactory, as we use
the latest approved methods and
the best dyes.
wpipo!vii,- Try-' 5
ViiiaBti ati,-i3i
Goods Called for and Eelivered
v4ikQ-JJ,J1,AL OF flCE
r i
W T ' H I
- t-
MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1921
To Qnlet TUIe to Ileal
In the District Court of Cass coun-
1 r. Xclir.'iska.
Mark White, Plaintiff
App. Dock
1'age 24 9
HAiijrtinin A. Oihson
ti. a I Defendants
To the dffcinlants, Benjamin A. Gin
son; Wm. ;. Woodruff, real name un
hnown; William HaU-s; Margaret J.
Il.ite.s; James Hates; Mary Bates; JO-
,h Ami.'k: Mary Ann Arnick; Nancy
Iff.lii.s, wi.low; Abbie M. Gilmore,
On'; lloht.s); George T. Gilmore; Bes-ni-
A. Liggett, (nee Hobbs widow;
Jr. or- .Mullen, (nee llobbs); John Mul
. n; William I. llobbs; Grace S. Hobbs;
Oa.ji Vv Hobbs; Kdith Jtobbs; &yl-
v n r. ii i.. Mawiey;
,, , ..,.v. r. iitdrs. devisees, lejfa-
j.i i i-.ornil representatives and all
j.- n'.iiM interested in the estate
i ..:..-. i ii A. Gibson, deceased;
,nv. no v.- n heirs, devisees', lega
i .-'ifinl representatives and all
i,' if, 1,1 inn-rested in the estate
. i. Woodruff, real name un-')-
' -.if i d ;
,),;-. r ov. n heirs, devisees, lega
; i .t'.',iil representatives and all
j, i.-', i.- 1'iterested in the estate
,::.'.. lialeii, deceased;
i. ov. r i heirs, devisees, lega
. .-',i. iii rcprcxeritatives and all
! i u interested In the estate
iiales, deceased;
..-.''- ii heirs, devisees, leca
i .-!. ul ri-prcseiitativcs and all
' t-tr,
1 U
interested in the estate
I'-k, deceased;
ii heirs, devisees, lega-r.-:.resentativ'
and all
' I.' '..' 1,'lV,
.-. .-'.f,n!
-'.r;s Interested in the estate
.':!;: !'. Hobbs, deceased;
. i-n'uvfi lelrs, devisees, lega
ill representatives and all
r-oij- In'er'-yted In the estate
' i f obhi, ! c eased;
(f.i.o vri Ji-irs, devisees, lega-
1. 1
vi '.-r
! 'J'.'i
1 1-.
; ', i i r
A ;
'J !.:
1 ' I S.
i,i her
-A Kr
piii-oiiii representatives and all
:'-o.'.i! interested in the estate
s Cai-e, deceased;
. :. k. ii'.". n heirs, devisees, lega
j. efsoniil rei-.resentati ves and all
ei .-sonh interested in the estate
, e Ca.-mon, deceased;
ii', kr.' : n hejrs, devisees, lega
personal representatives and all
j e"oris interested in the estate
ii!y M. Krofciua, inee Brown) de-
'ii;..- uTiknov
t es, pi i .-oii a i
el !;l-r per SOT.S
n heirs, devisees, leca
representati ves and all
interested in tiie estate
.,f y, it it
-a sed ;
Mann, tine Urosius) de-
'lie l.ejrs, devisees, lepa
t -s, p-r.-'r.:il rej.resentati ves and all
other i. ergons interested in the estate
of i:-!.eea f. Jiawley, (nee Brown)
iln-i nseii ;
, 'II.. east half (KU) of the southeast
"(iiiiiier SL4); the east half (E'it of
. t!.". northeast quarter LNK'i) of the
nortliv.-t-rt quarter ( XIV ; ) of the
: southeast quarter (SK'JT. known as
i Lot t wi nty-nine (29), in Section twen
j tv-one (i.'l; Government lots number
ed on- (1) and two (C) of Section
i t v. i.t y-seven (27); the northeast quar
ter (NJ.-i) of the northeast quarter
NK':, r. the south hrlf of the
northeast quarter t.j '4 ) ana ine
north half (N) of the southeast
quarter i.-Ll ot section twenty-cigni
(:. all iii Township eleven (11).
iiori!- m J: lnpre lourtet n (14 1, east or
the Sixth 1. Jf.. in Cass county. Ne
1 iiraska. and all persons claimintr any
I interest of any kind in said real es-
..rv. Iiti'l. the I'laintiff in the fore-
Kointr entitled cause tiled his petition
in -the district Court of Cass county,
Nebraska, wherein you and each anil
all of you are made parties defendant,
the object, purpose and prayer of
which said petition is to obtain a de-
ree from said court removing clouds
from and quieting the record title to
the following described real estate in
the I'laintiff, Mark White, to-wit:
The east half (K'i) of the
sofrtheast quarter (SKVi): the east
half nVi of the northeast quar
ter (NL'-i) of the northwest quar
ter iN'W'il of the southeast quar
ter (SK3i), known as Lot twenty
nine (1"J in Section twenty-one
(21); Government lots numbered
one (1) and two (2), of Section
twentv-seven (27): the northeast
quarter (Nl'.'i) of the northeast
quarter (NK'i) of Section twenty-ei'-fht
(2S; t lio south half (Sti)
of the northeast quarter (NIC1)
and the north halt (N) of the
southeast quarter (SH'4) of Sec
tion t wenty-eisrht (28), all in
Township eleven (11), north in
Lanire fourteen (11), east of the
Sixtli I. M., in Cass county, Ne
braska as atrainst you and each of you, and
to tlit reby exclude and enjoin you and
each and all of you from ever assert
ing or claiming any estate, risht, title,
li.-n or interest therein adverse to
plaintiff or to any part thereof, by
reason of plaintilf's adverse possession
of said premises by himself and his
grantors for more than ten years prior
to the filing' of said petition, and to
secure the cancellation by such de
cree of a certain Mortsrapre Deed cover
ins a part of paid real estate, to-wit:
Lot seven (7) In the northeast quarter
(NHVi) of the southeast quarter (SK'4)
of Section twenty-one (21), Township
eleven 11) north, llanpe fourteen (14)
east, Kiven by one John Butherford to
the defendant, Benjamin A. Gibson, to
secure payment of $70.00, dated March
2nd, ISSfi, and recorded In Book "S,"
pafre o4 of the mortf?aj?e records of
said county, for the reason that said
mortsajre appears to be a lien on said
lot, though paid in full lonj? since, and
for such other and further relief as
may be just and equitable, and for
costs of suit.
Yon are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 11th day of
April, 1921. or your default will be
duly eiitcrMl therein and a decree en
tered as prayed for in said petition.
f21-Jw His Attorney.
onnrcit OK HKAIUNG
on Petition for Appointment of
A dm In Intra! or.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Emily
A. Tuey, deceased.
On reading and flllns the petition
i of Wm. H. Tuey praying that adminis
j t rat ion of said estate may be granted
to him as administrator;
1 Ordered, that March 18th, 1921, at
J oclook a. in., is assigned for hear
in?: said petition, when all persons in
terested in said matter may appear at
a County Court to be held In and for
said county, and show cause why the
prayer of petitioner should not be
granted: and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and the hear
in? thereof be piven to all persons In
terested in said matter by publishing
a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said county, for three suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of
Dated February 19, 1921.
(tai) Countv Judge,
n. 13. WINDHAM,
f2i-.Cw. - Attorney.'
jTo IVarl Conrad. Defendant:
Vou are hereby notified that on the
1.1th day of October, 1920, Lawson
j Conrad filed his petition and com
menced an -tion against you in tho
District Court of Cass county, Ne-
j braska, the object and prayer of
jwhich is to obtain an absolute divorce
from you upon the ground of extreme
.cruelty without provocation or fault
upon the part of the plaintiff, and for
tin; reason that the defendant has de
serted the plaintiff for more than two
years without any Just cause.
lou are required to answer said pe
tiuon on
ine zisc day of
March, 10'.
no- jw.
We do all klnaa or od printing.
i I
f A