MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1921. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE fTv"E i an MURDOCK DEPMR if MfflKim M PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. The Bank of Rfturdock Murdock, Nebraska Has been under the present management for the past eleven years, during which time wei have served and are still serving over four hundred depositors. These deposits are all protected by the DEPOSITORS GUAR ANTY FUND OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, and at no expense to the depositor, who gets this protection as free insurance, when depositing in The Bank o1F Murdock. We solicit deposits, be they large or small, either checking accounts or time deposits, on which we pay interest if left six months, or 5r,'c if left for one year. We are here to serve our friends and customers, and are always ready to give our time to their personal needs. Come in and see us at any time, whether on busi ness or just to pass the time of day with us. The Bank of Murdock "The Bank where You Feel at Home" HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Yice-Pres. H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier ently worn out the disease, and themselves as well. John is some what better, while Mrs. Amgrwert is slowly recovering. Lights Are in Sight. A wire from St. Louis to Mr. A. Peters last Thursday told of the ex pectation of shipping the transform er which has been holding up the turning on of the lights in Murdock, which is needed at the juncture of the line east of Manley ana with the shipment of the transformer at that time it is confidently expected that it will arrive during the early part of this week. This will enable the lights to be turned on after the installation of the transformer. This will mark an era of progress for this rustling city. Frank Meivin was a visitor in Ehnwood last Thursday, where he was looking ?fter some business mat Miss Viola I-.vtjett was a visitor at South Hend for a short time last week, where she v.-as the guest of her aunt. Mrs. Long. Mr. Izy Rosenthal!, representing the Delco Lighting company, was looking after seme business in Mur dock last Thursday. I. G. Hornbeck and Charles Schaf fer were in attendance at a Maonic lecture which was delivered at Lin coln last Thursday c.ening. Mrs. E. L. Pothast of Lincoln, was a visitor in Murdock last Pun day and the guest at the home of her son. O. J. Pothast and family for the day. Mrs. R. H. Lawton and daughter, Mrs. Grace Hyraer of Wabash, spent a few davs this week at the home of II. II. Lawton and family of Mur dot k. Mrs. Simon H.wkhogge. who has been confined to her homo by a siege of pneumonia for a number of weeks, is so far improved as to be able to be up again. II. A. Guthman and family spent Sunday t the heme of the mother of Mr. Guthman. Mrs. F. K. Guth man at Plattsmouth, driving over in their car. A. H. Ward, accompanied by Jjmos Buskirk, were looking after seme business matters in Ashland last Thursday afternoon, driving over in Mr. Ward's car. Mr. Ellington of Lincoln, was a visitor in Murdock last Sunday, ppending the day with his frier. 1 Miss Lydai Wutchinek, and the remainder of the folks here. Walter Towle and wife of Douglas, were visiting in Muid.vk la-t Sun day as gue-ts at. the home of J. E. McIIugh and family, Mr. Towb being a brother of Mrs. McHugh. Mr. Edward Gueilstorif. of north east of town, was a visitor at Elm wood last Wednesday, where he at tended a box social given by the young people of that place. Mrs. Emil Lau and daughter. Miss Martha, were guests of friends in Lincoln lat week, having visited oevr Wednesday and returned home on the noon train Thursday. II. W, Tool and Fred Zink spent last Thursday evening -at Lincoln, where they were attending the reun ion of the scottich rite Masons which was held there Tuesday evening. Last Saturday Emil Kuehne of Lincoln, was down and very kindly assisted in the conduct of the barber shop and thus helping out Mr. Am gwert in a time when he needed it. Max and James of the "Dusterhoff shops", have been busy during the past week decorating the kitchen of Mr. Henry Klemme, which is being done in marble tile paper and later varnished. O . J. Pothast and wife spent Washington's birthday at the home or friends in Lincoln. Mr. Pothast i returning home in the evening while ! Mrs. Pothast and the babe remained for a longer stay. Mr. A. Peters and city clerk II. E. Tool, were business visitors in Man ley last Tuesday, where they met with a number of citizens in that village considering the furnishing of lig'us for Manley. Miss Leah Smith, who is employed as saleslady in a large department store at Stella, was a visitor at the home of her parents in Murdock last Sunday and enjoyed the visit greatly, returning to her work Sunday eve- I ning. L. K. Snipes, the county agent, was a visitor in Murdock last Thurs day evening, driving over from his home at Weeping Water, and was ac companied by Mr. Williams cf Iowa, who is an organizer and worker for the Federated Farm Bureau, they holding a meeting at the rooms of the Farmers' Union in Murdock. Oscar II. Allen and wife of South Omaha, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buell for over Sunday last week and visited with other relatives and friends in this viicnity. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Perry of Sv.anson, also ;;pent the holiday with the same genial hosts, the la dies of the three families being sister-. A most enjoyable time was hid hy all. School House Bonds Lose. The interesting contest as to whether at this time the district number C-7 should erect a new building for school purposes was had I iasi wetinesnay anu wim noiu me ! adherents for the proposition, and those who thought best that it oe deferred until a later date, both working, the end of the contest showed the question defeated, with the vote for the construction of-thc buildirg at this time, 79, and those who preferred to wait until a later date, 113. the postponement of the proposition having a good working majority. While the feeling was rather intense during the campaign just before and at the time of the election, all are gracefully accepting the verdict of the ballets. Besides the excellent production, they are rejoicing in the realization of $69 for the purchase of things needed in the school reuni. Same one remarked that they expected to build the new school house with the proceeds, but that was a joke. It will go for pmyground improvements. Doing Seme Enildmg. Among the first of the spring work in the building line beiijir done by Mat Thimgan on the home of W. H. Hush and which is the making of rather extensive imrro-v ements in the line of a fill! baso;i:t;:t with heat and modernizing the home, and with two additions' which will give more room in the home. The other is the construction of of an addition to the home of Wm. Heier, which will be done by the earpenter, Frank Mei vin, and will greatly add to the home of Mr. Heier. The lumber wa? purchased for both'fhr.-e pieces of wor'.: at the yarls of Tool. Xauman Sz Mr.iti'y in Murder, where they got it :t pre-wir rips tmd at u price where luiluinp; ran, he again entered into at a cost which is within reach of all. Much Grain Eeinrr Moved. There is being at this time a good deal of corn delivered at Murdock and like many other places the mat ter of getting cars for shipment n very good. Last week the Farmers elevator, managed by Mr. Stephen Leis, shipped two cars of wheat and ten cars of corn, making an average of two cars each day. Working Undr Difficulties. John Amgwert and wife have been working under difficulties, they both having had a severe siege of the grippe and each nursing the other. Ot the same time they kept up their work at home and at the shop. The effort required some what of cour- Sure Had a Good Tine. Last Wednesday evening the three local unions of the Farmer's Co operative Association, held their an nual banquet and social gathering in Murdock. The locals composing those who gave the delightful affair, were Ro.e Valley, Callihan. and the "Zoz" schools and making one of the best successes which it has been the good fortune of Murdock to witness for many a day. There were some three hundred in attend ance, and all enjoyed the occasion to the fullest extent. The unions graciously extended to everybody a cordial invitation whirh was goner ally accepted. The citizens in and surrounding Murdock never do things by halves, but enter intj all their undertakings with a vigorouv spirit which always wins. Ladies Enjoy Pleasant Occasion. The ladies of the Royal Neighbors met last week with Mrs. E. W. Thimgan and had a most enjoyable afternoon with the work which the ladies had on hand, they were kept pretty busy for a time, after which the season was given over to socia bility and with theclosing hour, the genial hosiers served a most delight ful and refreshing luncheon, adding to the pleasure of the auspicious oc casion. In their depafiing the la dies expressed their pleasure ut meeting wit hthe entertaining hos tess, and are looking forward to the time when thc-y will meet at this hospitable home a.ain. Gave Very Pleasant Entertainment. The entertainment that the gram mar room pupils of the Murdock school gave recently, was attended by a large number of the pocple which was duly appreciated by all present. The number were such as to manifest their real worth to all, and shoved the progress; which the students are making in their studies age and sacrifice., Mr. Amgwert has not been able to keep the business J and the ability which the instruc open all the time, but has appar-jtors are exercising in the leaching. ei i" the Ilurdcck Shipyards Active. Another bot.t is on its way ard the construction of it is being rapidly pushed forward, this time the craft bein? much larger than the oj launched last year, thcueh for fhe same purpose. Tin's tinK the con struction comnnny are obs-?'.ving lines vastly different f-: m that obtained :. year ago. Normalcy h?.- relr.rrcd -.wl it !: 'rr:'.-'oful lines c? t"-t which is to he roidv the placid Platte as v. eat her permits. Th' are iu-st now very act -tictic-n are Harry Gillespie, Ray Baldwin. A. J. Pamirs, and is tinder the guidance of Lacy McDonald. The cr.-ift i- to have Harry Gille---p!;- as its cap1" a:v? has rot been named as y-1. the r:vt catch will go to the party fnrrl-Mng the most appropriate name for tli "creation." At Icr.isrille Church. rev. I. Laipply. r.ii- i-tcr of the Murdock :t-! Louisville churches. !'..t Sa'urdsv.- Cc: "1 ; f-.t! scr'eF or meeting' vil'e rh-urr-'i. a few : '. t Mil-dock. LOGALJEWS biom Thursday's Daily. D. J. Pitman of Murray, was in the city today for a few hours attending a hearing in the probate court in which he is interested. j Wiilad Clapp and Attorney J. A. Canwell of Elmv.ood, were in the city today for a few hours looking after some matters at the court house. Eimer Hallstrom of Avoca, is in the city today attending to some mat ters of business and visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Hallstrom. Seth Voyles of near Avoca, has sent to the ofilce of County Clerk George R. Sayles, a coyote scalp and for which he received the bounty of three dallars. Dr. B. F. Brendel of Murray and Glen Perry v. ere passengers this af ternoon for Omaha to visit with Rus sell Perry at the hospital in that city, where lie is recovering from an operation for appendicitis. jTe'o" t for its dip ni ioon as the or km en vh:; in its enn- HYoin Fridav'n Dally. C. F. Shaffer departed this morn ing for McCook, Nebraska, where he was called to look after some matters of Lu.siness for a few tlays. T. W. Vailery of near Murray, was in the city today for a few hours at tending to some trading and visiting with his friends in the county seat. Mark White was among those go ing to Omaha this afternoon to en joy a few hours visiting in that city with friends and looking after some matters of business. Dr. B. F. Brendel of Murray, was in the city today locking after some matters of business and going to Omaha on the afternoon Burlington train to viiit at the hospital. S .G. Porter of Denver, an old lim-."1 Plattsmouth boy and a member ( - f the old Cass county fanii ac ;, eiag a s--.n cf Governor . anisa R. Porter, was in the city today en oyinie a visit with his cousin, L. C. ' Sharp, going to Omaha this after noon in company with Mr. Sharp. Keua ble r arm impiem e n 2L JUST THE BEST IN EVERY LINE AND NOTHING ELSE Our stock includes all kinds of farm machinery, from the cultivator to the threshing outfit. Power machinery of all kinds, as well as horse drawn, displayed in our wareroom. Watch this space for change of ad, as we expect to make some important special announcements soon. WML 4 MURDOCK NEBRASKA very srece?'-:-: the :'vs northeast Arc Besrinr.irtcr a T.crie cf I.Iectinrjs. verday a series of revival meet ings beg-in at the Cr.llihan church, -outh west cf MurdO'-.l:. The meet irFs v," I le "ar1 te i"1?,"1 ;e'erir,tt of' the Iv. Ezra Sea' -:f Him v. ,.. d. - will also do he preaching. Them will le a chair and excellent mu-; Tho ruhlhv.'f c-vdiv'y iii v i'te 1 t pine and enjoy his .-cries cf meetings. , Preparing a Program. The members of f'e Young Wo men's Circle and of the E.mgeli'.al Association of which the former is an auxiliary, are preparing a pro gram to be given on the second Sun day in March, which shnll be. mi--sionary in its character, and at which, time there will he taken a rffering for the starving of 'ho for eign hinds, but at this thro it is not known iiit w'iere it will br sent. Tbo Tieoplo of Eupt? and aho of China r.rc in a preHy ser'cus con di'ion pr.d are needing iir.mediate a:v sitance. If yoa want good printing let us io votir work. Best eouipped job hop in southeastern Nebraska. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TIIK FSBS & HERCHMS BANK of Murdock, ITebr. '!artcr Xo. a':;c, in the Ftate of Ne braska at the dote of business on February 16, 19J1. Nineteen Twenty-One Paper Styles! Wal We have our artistic sample becks endless variety in style and pattern. shov.inrr an jour home. H. Call Telephone 23-J LAWTON, Home Decorator MURDOCK NEBRASKA HKOUIiCES ; ;inl discounts ( I-.! i ;i f t . ; :.w!k!n.r liouse, furniture and ii u, 1 1 s '.';;! r.-nt -. ' taxes and I al "I'l-'f I i'a id .- :n- from Xa t ional ;: State banks. .$ TH, 04 0.9. "5 1 1 ainl itoijis ( t x.-;i;' nre ' Vwr.vy'w .'.'.'. . ;: vo'.a ' n i eke Is and it us 3J,L'70.C2 o 4 S.ob S, 000.00 :.;i i.-r l,t I.Otl 1 TOTAL, .$ 64.S4S.CS LIABILITIES Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Favorite. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a favorite with the niothcrs of small children for colds, croup and whoop ing couch. Its pleapant taste and the prompt cures which it effects has won the good opinion of moth ers everywhere. A3 this reniedv con tains no opium or other narcotic it may bo given as confidently to a baby a.s to an adult. i Kalburnie Zephyr 32-inch; Fast Colors These fine quality ginghams are shown in many Individual and artistic patterns in clear, bright colors that are absolutely "fast." Kalburnie ginghams are shrunk before leaving the mill, which overcomes to a great extent the shrinking of the garment in washing. You'll like these .fine quality ginghams, especially for afternoon frocks; they are so soft and smooth in finish. Kalburnie Zephyrs fear neither sun nor water. Priced at, per yd., 30c Toil GuUml Ginghsms 27-inch Widths All manners of new patterns are shown in these splendid ginghams to surpriie and charm you. Finely" woven, soft in finish and light and durable colors are features which have made these ginghams so popular among our customers. Mothers, many of them, insist on Toil du Norde ginghams for the children's school and play dresses. Give excellent wear. These we have priced at, per yd., 25c iirdock iercantil Murdock, Nebraska "n Hi !l"4 M C: Tital stock in $ 16,000.00 I : iivid. d prctlts 3,379. IS 1 deposits :-Ml.jt"t in check..? Gl.492.Ct ciiti tieates of do;.p;.it TUTAI, .$ 6i.S4S.3S State of Xt-braska 1 J. ?s. ''oui.ty of Cass j I. O. J. rot hast. Cashier of t'. above named bunk, do hereby .-v car t! at the above statement is l correct and true copy of the report ni.dc to the State llurw.i of Unnkins- O. J. POTHAST, tt-st: Cashier. I.. XniTZtCU Pireetor. 1J. C. j JACK KMHY KK, Director. Shortage of Stocl Has Caused an Advance on Wail Paper of from 20 to 25 Per Cent We are fortunate in having placed our orders early, and now have in stock a large variety of goods which came on orders placed before the advance. These goods are now in our shop and we are giving our customers the advantage of the lower prices at which we bought , them. Come in andcexjamine the goods, and avail yourself of the opportunity of enjoying low prices on artistic wall hangings. Murdock THE DUSTERHOFF SHOPS Nebrasli K il.scried and sworn to before me this 21st day of February, 19LM. v JKKKY K. J.IcIlUGH, Notary Public. CJy commission expires Alar. 25, 1926.) REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF MURDOCK of Murdock, H:br. Charter Xo. C7S in the State Of Ne braska at the close of business on February 1G, 1921. RESOURCES Loans and discounts $235,141.43 Overdrafts Ponds, securities, judgments, claims, etc., including all u-overnment bonds Mankinfi house, furniture and fixtures Current expenses, taxes and interest paid . . Duo from National and State banks.. $ 29.2J0.1S Checks and items if exchange Currency Silver, nickels and cents Liberty loan bonds held as cash re serve . . . j 526.80 5,500.00 4.750.00 ao.oo 223.66. 2,305.00 . 937.65 1,600.00 34.366.43 You Use Shock Absorb u! u and a hundred and one other contrivances on your car, that are supposed to provide better service, but unless you have the best oil, your car is bound to receive dam age beyond the ordinary wear and tear. We are selling the very best brands of guaranteed motor oils. See us, when in need of any. We also carry a full line of accessories and supplies and maintain the best of service in our repair departm't. DODGE, MITCHELL AND BUICK CARS Yes, Business is Getting Better, Thank You. And We Appreciate It, Too. mi rum UU. hi fi The Automobile Man Aft, MURDOCK NEBRASKA TOTAL, $2S0.667.72 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 20,000.00 Surplus fund 5,000.00 I'ndivided pronts 561.93 Individual deposits subject to check.. $ 84,853.76 Time certificates of deposit 16C, 570.59 Cashier's cliecks outstanding S60.00 252,281.35 Depositor's guaranty fund... 2,821.44 TOTAL . .I2E0.667.72 ss. 4. W " -'"' i i "-T"-iMrii'"tiM-T,iM 111! ii'if "' iM'itl iMh'irtf-m-i State of Nebraska County of Cass I. II. A. Outhmann, cashier of the above named bank do hereby swear that the u"bove statement is a correct and true copy of the report made to the State Bureau of Banking". II. A. GUTHMANN. Attest: Cashier. HKNItV A. TOOL. Director. ! J. E GUTHMANN, Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of February. 1921. JERKY E. McHUGH. (Seal) Notary Public. CXy Commission expires Mar. 25, 1926.) The Oldsmobile Cars! For performance the greatest car on the market today (be it a pleasure car or a truck for commerce) is the Oldsmobile. None will surpass it for endurance, ease of hand ling or ECONOMY. We have taken over the agency of this wonderful car for the territory including Murdock. We also handle a full line of supplies and acces sories. Our personal attention given to all work and repairing. LAMOHOL Gehrts Block m Murdock, Nebr.