s flGZ SOTS FLiTTSZCUTS 1 077.71 A I. Che plattsmoutb lournal ?rI3H2D JI3C-VTZ2ZI.T AT PUtnSSOCTH, 3TE32A3ZA Kuceed at S"vtTi4. flat'siao-sta. N - 3.. a -.iw!-ela- maU wvattar R. A. BATES, Publisher 5TB3CEIPTI02I PZIC2 J2.GG E to L'aei -Ham tsi wek b7 p7!r. yo-ir iacvtae; tax. :o: Tfc tronhl wltn the jTJrr.nt of r.vaa Ia that the i.-3ptib: frener.tly :o; - ts,7.Viir. pin f"r r. 7r- nation, an1 7 rh7 ks what ir.t onrA? ion Ulat:. All ",apia: i for;aca to that sort of ajovTnniT.t. :':- f,o-jrt rpor on fhe prf. of a!;n f.H a.T';ti'.r. ir.'!;'.a: that ot.ie bo7 i prof 'r;r?. The wiri-J that I tir.r'l to fh borr. Urr.? oen't ra to hJp the of the a;-.own li.T.b. :o: The at;on U bo;r.n!n? it realize tba,t the znt. "t'.W. shoo" jr.a? Es o-.e of two thlnjc. ;o: rrfri,7 will have a. r.r.ar.are to help J17 the war blii That's what it et f',r insr r; :o:- Yoi rr.7 Jear yoir f-ofpr;r.t on the jan-5 of ';.t.. hot 'h7 2re -li'- eo-irae'l or. the ar'Jf Iir.r. . ; r, JSooth Trlr,&rn r' H of tU r.o-e! T.rt wifh a penrij. yon know f,w to he r.oI!t. Leuir.e ha br. a47Sed to tae a Iw.jr r'. Thre' a prv.r!r !o n" 3ooor n'Is o write in ftMr.. :o- Jo'Ie IAr.rj; y-ay he pnlierj Hn fttor Ila! o'it of obilTior. grave Mrr t &laee In th in. o to apeait. :o: The fe'Wal hr.',h not m??.' i-ni If lrr. 1rr Jut r,,. He n!'l a whole zran'l-an- to pl7 In :o: AroofJina: to rfror from ifme ;o! lere, 'j1r.t ha7e been tfj.-nin: their hiins into Vt!;. :o: Xo, t'0-n'ATi. thuy A'i not rail tbm iicbbo because the7 eot a lot of 'lo'jsrh from the K'vt nr.int. :o: rortiir.'ely the incoming off,c-; holder wWl lav rlrillan lobs hind th;.'i f'.r the outgoer o hustle for. :o: -- Lloyd r;-org and A'julth are Wiplo of balflir.g name f .r thr j,ot laureate of Kn gland o huj.t rhy;n" tor. :or- What writer wouldn't glre every thing ht posr;sei to be able to uxe All the words that ?,V,ah Webster used? It Is getting: n nowadays that a woman ran not kill h-r husband with out receiving a severe reprimand from th wirt. :o: Foreign travel is fascinating to fcorne because the lirfTence in rt rhnnge rriftk-s 'n noon rlCTiT than they are. Tom Watson Is explaining hi plan to monetize llbTty bond. It 1 Just i bout p practiral a Ktfttrsmantlzing Torn Watson. : o : "Another om;in moonshiner r ret"ri." Hyn a Kinturky headline. Prohibition btis undoubt'-dly Improv ed the Kouth economically In that sec tion. Liberty! Keep yourself posted on the issues of the Day. the facts by subscribing to 66 A Nttfionixl Weekly Newspaper It is not conducted for profit and does not accept paid advertisements of any hind. Largest circulation of any weekly paper published in U. S. A. Leave your subscription with Attorney C. . Mar tin, PJattsmouth, Neb. Yearly Rate $2.00 Frocr F2 TZA2 13 A237AXC2 a :.i a.bi to 117 wtta -0:0- fviRl that th e'ir ftf r.n Ive rjr,' not na ac.vth. e-rea wha or. wra a. crow a. :a: I.T.aacatiTe taleat riiajht b iw bl if eery 2ian' hat La 4 t& b !.Terat from rr.rj other caa'j a ia fJals callllaerr. :o:- The asIc-Me rf.tor'J of the UaitM folkA laterprete-l aelf-4eterc:inatioa a. self- termination. -:o:- If 701 waat to Ca-J a i3let. rest ful piaoe, far fr'-ai the s:a'i'ieais: rrowl. T'..;t the atore of the rr.ehant who oot a4rert!e. :o: The next ?enerata will probab!? be too brs.7 with in own affair to air prent-Ja7 taailt aa-5 boot-lea;-srM how the7 git the.r start. 0.0 f'r.'.ie Joe Cannon I aVjt the 0T1I7 rr.-in in p iblic life who can rezr.etn&er b.r. to the ar-yvJ old Ia7s when it was poviMe to tn7 a aro clrar for a nickel. :o:- Ifa? Nevada lengthened the re Jdao! proriaion In lf.a divorce Law boa.n Iteno b'Arilr.g-hou keep ers wanted their tranaleau to atlck awhile. : 1: The 5Lv7er7 of a large number of bog'i bottled in bond a'ampa in f;o-tr,n do nit account for the poor 'nalit7 of bootlegger liqior being v,Id in thU Tlrinit7. fr-siin-.aal7 the wrrian with bob bed hair tried Ter7tblng ele fir. :o: I:o!h7Lam 1I1 live a. V.ng a ltn promoter can repudiate old dbtn and make new ones. ! ;0; la the day when the nation. did r.ot know any befler they fjuit fight ing when tbey had made peace. ro: Iet us hipe March corn- in at - v"-1 in. adi mat me "i" i tPrM to mora am'?rM. -0:0- Ifarrard Bstronorner bare dlscov red another pianet. but errn that to relieve th- housing !tua- 'n The constitution follows the flag and the wag CIJf. t,-,?n the bargain, lir.npfy i the walifct when the rent la paid. -:o: Almost two month Klnce !ap year faded out. Two months nor, and the men will be. fairly off their guard. :o: None of the nuff racist will at tain lasting fame until Home raembr of sex ha a cli:ar nained in her honor. 0:0 Why should anybody In the I'rl tlsh parliament be displeased with King fieorge'n pe;c-h? Thl is the first time we have evr heard of a klng'n upeech bfrlng taken tierlously. :o: A New York pastor Hays that the average girl goe to & dance wearing only four garment. We know one of them, but fee a bit bashful about asking for dcs-.crlpl on of the other three. Justice! Get PP Facts! bcai53 & eaa't tea! llth I: J ir-mac ccip.r.7 with cut :o;- ! DAI (i'l't U paf , .. . a.3 aialx tseots tax aa a caiiiSior, . bit h fta to av ap locker to hae i IZVlztl. f t ' ' f Oa of ti traa?at this?a ia taj i rw,-,.v.,J '- , rj j-peveil to EicrayreL amoun t t mere :o:- iaafrilT ia the aoriaztLce, conilderiij Ci tht th7 ta lire la a, tr aai aT r.Os r-c- -:o: 5vr.Tr. cetnbrs of ccngraes seen ta Ive profauadly a.stonUhed to d:-coTr that it ecst a great deal cf sioaey to win the war. :o: Borah ciay aoce da7 r?rec hL op pc.tloa 'to big wanblpa especially if he eer wasu to aiaka a Juaket to foreiga part-. :o: Thl.s new fetfllzer that kill werdj wonM lateresrt o-ar hrviaeto'ders crore t? It kept gras froca growing hi?h eajyjga to ejow. 0:0 Dr. Strong of Harvard, say the war ect S3 JiiOI.OCO.oOO. Taat dien't include the expse of alleg ed InreKtigatlos. :o: Ar.7 italesnian who can get rid of a boatload of breakfat fio in fa Cana-al Island ought to be able to sell soap to the boLshevIkJ. A ign of the tlnr.ej: Yo-j notice Jut abut a raaay tired bu-sinew o raea a tired business men at the movie ahowa tfce evenings. :o:- Nerada has praKl a bill eliminat ing the easy divorce. ThLs reccove the last reason in the world for any body can offer for a visit to Nevada. 0:0 One reaaon a lot of u.s make such poor progreA up the ladder of fame I the necrselty for coming down e?- ry few moment to answer the 'phone. :o: A Berlin paper nay that to accept the indemnity term would be to com mit aalclde. In that case maybe Frar.ee had bei'er have Gnr.an7' life Insured. r' The Texas legislature U wrestling with a tingle tax bill. Bay what you will a boat the fiingle-taxers. you will have to admit they are not eas ily discouraged. :o Paderewakl la In this country, and nays that he la going to do aorne com posing. If the bolshevist in War saw had their way about it he would b doing froma dehorn porting. 0:0 Jes Willard la much disappointed at Jack Iempey refusal to meet him in another fight, but It probacy won't help any for i to appeal to General Crowder about It. TAKING MOTH EE. HOME Sheriff C D. Qulnton motored out to N'ehawka today, where he will accompany hla mother back to her home at Avoca after a vlalt of Kome duration at N'ehawka with her daughter, Mra. J. M. Palmer and fam 117. Mra. Qulnton makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Dun bur on the old borne farm near Avoca, but during the time Mrs. Dunbar was at the hoftpltal In Omaha, she has been staying at the home of the oth er daughter and with the coming of spring la very anxious to be back on the farm. BLACK SOW ESTEAYED From rny farm wet of Platte mouth, u black Poland China row vHsrhlng about 210. Call phone No 2 4 21. C. I,. WIlfcK. 25-3d, lw Heavy Cold? Chest Ml Clogged Up? Dont Give it a Chance to "Set In" Use Dr. Ring's New Discovery DON'T let it cct a Ktaxt. Dr. Kinjj New Discovery will grt rizht down to work, relieving the tight feeling in the chest, quieting the rack ins cough, gently stimulating the bowels, thus eliminating the eolef poisons. Always reliable. For fifty years a standard remedy. All the family can take it with helpful result. Eases the children's croup. No harmful drugs. Convincing, healing taste that the kiddies like. All drug gists, CO cents, $1.20 a bottle. Far colds and Ccrnghfl Feel Badly? Bowels Sluggish? Haven't any f'pep" in work or play? You're constipated! The stimulating action of Dr. King's Pills brings back old time energy, makes the bowels and liver respond to your strong healthy body. All druggists, 25c. , PromptlWoirt Gii Pills LffS id NOTICE OF riT TO iCIET TITLE. r Ta J"vn W. i-::a and Mm. X-a ' ,;a; -c re i h--r-.a and Sidney i TX.im.i . hi w-; f e . Ifarv if. Alexander fan-i TClam If. Alexander, her h-sa-hft.-l Ijar.il I T'-.o.-r.-is ar-d A.Ta::.U ('. Tr ornas. hi w.- fo. TV. T'.-"S.v arhl jcrs. eo. w Trioma.. nr r-i Rar,, unicr-in. h... w:f: j-ha 'a. Thorna an.: M.-. u. fjor-. ... a-ac I Li.c:c.wi and KlUaheth Livitwo'Vl. I hi. wife; and the heira. devisees, r i-rate i.i'l personal rej.reer.tativ-.d ; ft;" o; rh f-regoin? ci.T..i ?er- i sot. s4 a!! otner pfr. interested t in & for fl fJSl. in TosniniO tn!"ti '111 IN'.irth of Ftar.2- r,? I- Hla..t o . m -.ntr. fcr.i. ar. 5 :r pr-r.. r,a. rJ.a: jtt a-r p.-r tr.p-of. jo-; an.i ar- -,f v.i a hrhy n n:ary, A. r s & ! i r. r ' fT vi r..1 .-h 'if a tf"ni!.p.ts. t ob;itt and prs-- fit C."2r try 7i:t T. :".. of . plinti" 1.1 rii T.'-i TY.- nr; a hove fiicrii-i-i.i. r.-i that tr dfri-lia.-.ts la rr.av dsrrt-t to hav no estate, t.-. r'.aiTTi or i-'rt if is kind or :.t-.f is or r sa!i rai or '.r. rar: :r.-rf. a.r. -i that tre ?.'!-. 1 1 ;n t r. i f.rY. 'if them r.-..:-r v. fi5rTr hsrri a.-.d enj-iine-'l fr-.r.-. :.aiSJr or r!a.rr...-.2r an riar.t. t.'f. tafi or tnte-c-st in or to ra: rr or ary ra" ti"rof. i'jr :rh fi'her reii-'f as m;-v J'-. ar.fj -i-iUx.e. V'j a n't STi you a-e ri'j!r'i t" a..-.Tfr as! pt;ti5 on or rf-ir t!-. Ilth Ia7 of A;r.!, A. T ti:i. ALf'ifA C. f'RTrlll.-O.V. fcr A- O COLE. fli-4jr. Ifr Attorr.ey. fetlflA 1-r 0f-rmiaJi r!a f Heirship. F:s?e r.t f"r-,rx' -Hwlft. 'ieceas'J. !r. the r. 7 C.';rt of Cat ron7, - Ti j'tare of K.,ra..Ka. Ti ali pr sor.a interr': Ir. si.J eta'e. r rs.lfr,-r ar.'t hetrs tak r,',ti',-. r. John F. W'iT ra fi'.f-'i h;. r f'nor. a::esr.ax Jt.at fi- ,TTt Swift intetafe in ' a-s r.o . Nehrasica. oa or at.o .t .--7-traV.- Z. .t.z a re:de-;t arii !ai ahirar.t of rour. fy. .Wr.ra'ka. r..l fNe orer of the f-illowir.; .: 'r i1-! rei efa'--. to-w.t: T-n 'r of of eat er'J of Is t ll in .-Wti ir, twelve till. T''r1.i.if tei.A J2 . I'.ar.are Le.?". illi K. ini i"i-.riir'i a fo'iows; rimw.','ir.? at the renter of r'eT.'.n !2. Tonr.i I - .'.. I'.ar.ce 11 V... tr.r.'- e 3 thir. ar.-l 4' i'r.k.. ter north 21 chair.. !-.r.t 5 lir.ki. ther.re north 22 :? ie;re.u et don the Lank of the I'iatfe river rhair. ar.-J link. thn' H 'viri an'! 1 I r.k to tf:e p:a-e of t-tr!nr.!nr. !n fa roiatv. NeV.ra.ka. tirinsf now Ur-rn a Tax t-t II; evins as his Ve ar'J or!y r.:r at law fr. following nm'l persor to- wif; Amelia Hwift, Uirle Vfora.-i. duhlr ar.'l Ar.nie Horn, f.sim- tt-r. ZTfi r-rayinsr fo- a l-re tirnrilf flAirri. fha aM 'e.!r:t 'Jlf-I ir,rfe.; fr.at no ppliratto.a for aa mio;tratlon t-en ns'le ar.1 tte -ta; of '.1 'l''Mnt haa not. Icr. artrnlr.i'f -.re1 ia tke rotate of Vetera ka. in I that fi.e te;r at law of rc'.i-nt a. hf-rein forh sal! f rire-l to he the owner !n fe- imp:- of 1 1 above lTt:'l real cutat J.ai lr.en -t for t.arinsr on ti er'. !av- of y.arr' A. I). 1J:1. : t 10 o r k 3. r.i I'Ste.J t IMattimo-itli. Nefcraka. ti.is Z'.lt; 'izr of Ffttrimry. A. I . I .'!. AI.XI:..' J fiKK.-ON. f;-2w. f'o'jr.ty J'iir". SOTKK TO mKIIITOHl T.'- State of Nebraska. Car coun ty. R. In til County Court. In te matter of the ette of Henry M Miller, deceased. To the creditors of aid e'tate; Yo-j ar- .cTf.,:- notified that I will sit at tf - founty r;,,.jrt room In l'lat.- mo-jfli. In said fonr.tr .on tr.e 23fh .'a of M.-ir'-h. A. Ii21. and on the 2fh da. of -Tin, A. I. 1SJ1. at 1' ociO'k s. rn i-H'ii day, to ref-ive and examine M ciaims aditi't ;nd (.tat'", v'itl. a vi -w t their adjustment a;id alio aif. The time I i rn I . - 1 for the pre sentation of claim fjiralnst raid es tate u three montl o from tf.e .'I'tri day of March. A. It. "1. and tue time Linltt'l for i-awnrit of d:hf "i' yr from said Sth 'lay of March, 1921 ".Vltn-K mv hatifl 'ir.'i the 1 o a.d t'O'intv r:ourt t.ds i!.ii day 'if F hruary, 1J21. A hl.KN T. fiKK.-ON. (,-eal) f.'-lw. County Judif. ED STOCK FOODS Prominent Hog Eaiser Says Prices Charged Are Unwarranted Makes His Own Hog Food, With Better Results. "That ho is all through paying fancy prlcc-a Tor stock Iood.3 and hog remedies and that he ia raising Borne of the best hogs ever placed on the market" was the statement made re cently hy E. II. lieckstead, well known hog raiser and authority on live ftock. Mr. HeckKtcad's hnga are the envy of hl3 neighbors, and have "topped the market" for several years In Iowa. He states that for years he bought high-priced hog food and hog remedies, but he is all through pay ing extravagant prices for what he can made hlrcseir. He states thai what the hogs need are minerals, and tells the secret of his wonderful suc cess by explaining that he takes about five pounds of ordinary mlneraime (which Is pure concentrated minerals and cost only a couple of dollars) and mixes same with enough bran or filler to make a hundred pounds. All hog3, and especially brood bows re quire minerals as they keep them free from worms, and In the pink of con dition, and are essential to the hogs growth and a well balanced ration. This inexpensive mixture placed in a sheltered box where the hogs car get at It an they need it, will produce far better results than -any MRU priced so-called stock foods. Send two dollars to The Mlneraline Chemical Co., 1638 North Wells St.. Chicago. 111., and the ywill forward you by prepaid parcel . post; enough mlneraline to make a-full nunurea pounds. (Adv.) FOR SALE OR TRADE (Jood Improved forty acres, one mile est of Weeping Writer. Poshcs bIou March 1st. Hurry, for I don't keep thene bargains lonjf- Phone t06. FRANK VALLERV, Plattemouth. PRICE or CEOTHES f n'r Tie pric! ex cor dry t-2anin c-ta doTFa the price of clothsa. riit7 Dorctlj saji tha: aie La.3 fnrd ct thai xi tak nosi cxceUant car cf ths gar-na-tj eatrzatci to -a and that c-r cLarjes shculd nais frler.ii for this hoc. Otir djtiz proves satiiJaxtcry, a.i we C3 tie latest ap-rcwrd netheda aid the best dea. Gcodj Called f 3r ari Lili7erd rriTVstiivr tbt. rRftFTK TO .fOW " lK tr- restrict Cirt of Cas ro-ja- ty. N b.-a-ka. In the ru'Vr of f'-e appUcati'ja of Ti. E. "Vir.'i ran-i, adrn.r. Lraior. for l;-er..-e to ati r-a! e tate. Nofc, on tr . 3rd da 7 of February', A. Tj 1521. tr. c-je 'am or. for i e-jr.r. -p--r. T.e p;t.t:or.. under cat.'i of i:. E. V.'ir.'.har.-.. a"rr..nistrator of estate of Ora' r.n T.Vis.1n, d- '.:"!. prayxna; for i;'ea.e s! the f-..,'iinr .- ri. ed real estate itzr' 1 r. T.Vi r.d ..2 m. der-ased. ?o-w:t: Ix.t r.i-ir f5 .a F:.'.'" f. ve 5 in the or::r-'n; t'jTn cf fda ttsraouth, Caj o jr.tr, ;'er.raica, as ti e same Is shown on tr.e r,-j f.! ; :. and reorde-i fiat tkreof. ard a n und.vid-i one tenth 'l!0 interest ia tr.e foilowir. ar derrr.t-d tracts: The rout h half ir.'tt of ti e North' et '.;;:?: l.'.'l'.'t a r. 1 trie r-'or-h ra:f 'N:j of t ":e Soutr.west quarter tSV;., ) i-d the- jfoutr.Test quarter 'r1'.."1., of :r,e ?outhwest quar ter i.-'V1,;, ai: i -: jie'tion two anl tr.e .-"o ;tr. raif 'H'-.; 1 of tr.e outr.ea.it '.jart'T . K'i of .-r''t:-.a f.ree ai! in Township five ;, North of r:r.?e fifteen 15. east cf t.-e C-i. I'rtr.-.pal lf'rid:ar., Nemaha "r.ntr. Nebraska, or a jf't -:-nt arr.o:r:t ther-'-of to trin? the sur.j of t I.C '). 2 ', for the ayrr.fnt of f!t,r ; s;h,f..l a-aint .-ia:.J estate. ur-' & :l it r.' ' 4 a r. r e-o.-t.T e, f aImir.i- f rntio:i. f'- 'r e rfaon tf.at there ii ' not a suffi'i-'-r.t anr.fst.nt of persona! F.r.r..-ri in iuf 1 ion 01 .i.j r.. ;. .:r.Of.am, ai.min::rii'jr, ri'jr..n to aid estate, to ;ay said dehts, al- I'jwar'M tir.d costs. ft i therefor ordered that ail per- ! G so-. ;r.tei-st ia sa.d etat appear f,,t.-.vn 7; ia the ,outh half tSil hefo-e me ;.t charr.'.ers ia the Cay of ,.f .;. A Southwest quarter iJVP,) of' Piatt, mouth, in sail county, or. the Section elsrhteeri tltt. Township twelve. lJt: dav of March. A. I). 1521. at thej,, ra-it fourteen fill ea't of the! rio;r of 10 o'clock a. m., to shovr caus-e jet: P. M.. ther.'-e running south nlnetv- ; there he. vrt.y a l;'r. sr.oyia rot v, srranterj to tvr.i'j :. r,. , u'.r.am: ldraintrator, to sell no much of t he a hove fie-ci.-i real estate or s?.fj e- ef; aid It i all r' r.'-ee-nary to prlf - iff.t ?rid exrense s fjrtiier order-rd that a copy, of ; this t.iiH .vri-r te served upon a.l per, :ons lnere,tc! .'".a:l e-f.-it'. t,y 'au-m, the snv to t,- pulnls.-.M once eap w-e.-k f -r four sue -ss.ve vefkj in the fe served uron ail per. ;ons I Phittur.i'ju tii Journal. a leiral r,e-A'i- f.a;'-r 1 rlr:tej. p.jb:i.::-d and circulat ing In said count- of Cau. Ne.-aska. JAMKS T. P.KahKY. Juijzf of ti.e Iiistri' t Court of (7-S,'v f'H9.y. county, Ne':.raka. OltDKIt I'.h' IlKtltlX; on I'rfMiou far AMiintmrnt of iilmlnist ra'rlx. TI.'- State of N Lri:.ti:a, Ca: s coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In tie niatter of tie c.-tate of Anna 'A'diielrr.in,: Mumr.-?. .eeeae.!. tn r-idir.cr an 1 f'.'.inar tie petition of Peter Mi; mm praying that adminis ti.fti'n of xai t e-itr.te may he granted lo Clara Mi.mm. a." aomlnis tra t ri v : frd'-ied. Tiiat th- th day of March, . H. 1!21. at t-:i o'clock a. in., in as-!-!i-d for lisaiu:7 a!rl petition, when :t!l persons Inii-if--! in -aid n-att'-r iiiiv apjear at a County Court to he !.!! In and for said County, and show cau.v.- why ti.e pr;ver of petitionet-r should not he granted; and that nonet of the pendency of raid petition and thf: hearing .thereof he given to all persons inter'-Mted in said matter hy puhlishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmo'jth Joi.rnal, a semi-weekly newMpap'-r f.rintcd in said county, for three riucrenHive weeks, prior to said tiav of hearing. Iated thia 11th day of Kehruarj, A. !. 1521. ALLEN J B"KSON. (Seal) f I l-3w. County Judge oiidi: of m:.uii ami ollrr of I'ruhmc of Will In the County Court of Cass coun ty. Nehraskn. State or rseijrasKa, tou:ny 01 La.'?, To (Jorge Puine. AVilliam !!. I'aln-. Nettie tJuil'-H. formerly Ida Paine, and to all persons Interested in the estat- f.f Kimria Hathaway, flcceaH-fl: (n reading the petition of Sylvester r. Hathaway praj-ing that the ln.-ti-ii-ir.ent tiled in thi.-i court 'in the 11th day of Fehruary. 1921. and purport inir to he the last will and testament of the said deceased, may he proved ami allowed, find recorded as the last will and testament or hnma llotiia way. deceased; that ju.id Instrument 1J admitted to prohate, and the adminis tration of snid 'state lie granted to Sylvester C. Hathaway as executor; It is herchy orcx.c.i that you, anu all persons Interested in said matter, may, and do uppenr at the County Court to he held in and for said coun ty, on the r.th day of March. A. I. 1521, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not he grout ed, and that notice of tlte pendency of said petition and that the hearing-sit nt the County Court room in Platts-, '""ran nlea. r"3 Petition and com thereof be Riven to all persons Inter-, i.ion h In sid county, on the 7th dav : ru('l?tT . a" atlon against you lu the ested in said matter by publishing a:if March. 1921. and the 7tli day of ''strict Court of Cass county. Ne copv of this order in the Plat tsnioutli ' .1 ue.c, IS 21, at 10 o'clock a. rn., eacli li,,H', 1,10 object and. prayer of Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper day, to receive and examine all claims witiclj ia to obtain.'an absolute divorce printed in said county, f'.r three sue - aa inst said estate, wltli a view to " r'om you upon' the ground of extreme cessivc weeks prior to said day oT. their adjustment and allowance. The . cruelty without provocation or fault hearing. I time limited for the presentation of J',on e ,at of tl,e P'aintifr. and for Witness my band- it ml the seal of . cia iins arainst said estate is tln-e.. the reason that the defendant !. said court, this llth day of February, , . . .,... 1 .. I', i.i. ALLliN J. HKCSON. (Seal) f!7-3w. County Judge, ,, r - n. i- see tne jcumaia line oi aianes before buying your for 1921. LEG .L NOTICE l- restrict Cc-irt '..-a-j i-r 4 .. ?.a..nti". v.. o - r.rat aTii -a: Irs ::-.i:i"a; tr. .J-via,. Ir-ate-a. pr :a ir.-i a.:i o::r ti'i n tr.e atice of jor.ai r" reat; acd all otri pron mtir?te.l ia tr. tat ef If.-" Joasi if :0.--arr. dcea.d : Oraa : io-.. r. s w;f: tae -Rkaowa fcir. '.zt', prrs-jr.il rprsn ati Ir-a. Wiliianr I. Kociw; '".-:..' ar..i ill ot.-.er prsa interested ia ta , O'a W. Ho ho. E-i.ta H-iso. 5yl---t.ir of Oraa Tr.orap.a. de.:i vin Jj( j, m.;; a - kao w n h.irs. r;?.!. ; Tr; uakaoi'a h;r. d;.ts. !ra- pr'.o.-ai r5re--ata.tiv. aa.l 1U oiar Zr.'...?..i .n crestr.l ia tin escit-i cf r--:-.r-c-.i I. TV.or.- ;ria. Jci: :."';;: a-.-i Mrs. Julius 5.:i".ro'?r, : i first aa i real na.ra uakaowa: 5re--ata.tiv. aa.l al oiar rrr-a:it:vs aal Si.. ot..r i-.rr-te.i ia t.- -5ta' c'; kr.oKi. ic.M-i . ; r v ir. de-:ease.i: the t:a-i Tr.e i-ikr.o-va he:rs. devi-ie. Vara- j-.r r.e.r. -ie viss. iate., Pr-t;. r.ror.ii rpranu:.?i aal a. I i rr.-r-.-.tariv.; aai all ctr, other r-erior.. iatrti'l ia t.ie es-atii ".r. s : r.--r--tr:i ia the estate cfMr. fCf V'illiara Eatc.-. 'i;a.',. . : .1 r.'ir.ier, .i:easi: Ea;'. S;iri-J The anjcnoea reir. .!v.ier. leara- -r j.v: a.-. F-raii i-mer. -.-t 4.."!.; rai nam untaowa; tae S3- r cthr risi latere.it.i ii ta estate x.---r. hi.-. d'V.iies, legatees. p-5r-:c Jarae Bate. . o-.i: rpr-r-atatives aai all other" The uakaiwa h-ir-4. le-n.-.-. leri-:r.trere-i ia the estate of te. peron.il repreentar.,Te aa-1 a.' I f-rr..: .-:rr.ii.-. ocease-i; the uaknowa 0r r prtoci ir. t-restr: i ia th- estate !:.'!. -lefs-ea. ;at-?. persona! r--p-.',;,f Jose.i Arr.i.ik. i.;itaj-'i . r:.:i':v sin i a:! other p-ro:! ia- The uaka-wa heirs. itevises. !?a erere.i 1.1 tr-e estate of ifrs. Hrai! r.--s. p--rso-ai re-pr-er.a'i -e a-i !' -" r.-:r. a.'.i: KiLial":li Irra other 5ri)'.' la'ereTeii ia the --tar if.-i:.-- sr. K.Ii.-l B. Murphr. r.r, 0 HJaiatri-i F. H-ihis, .iene.; " .-.; r.-.e 'ir.kaowa heirs, .ievijees. : Ti.T r.kro-xra !r.trr. '..-i.".t. if-:at-ie. personal represeatatires ir. i ; tees, personal representative a r. i a:! Ail o-.--r o::.-. ia'.rested ia the i - ot'.r reror. ;a ".erest-i :a t.".e estatii ta-e of Fiiar.eth Irer.e M irph". de- . of Air y C. Hobo". i-'cea..i . .'A..i; t.'"e ir.Sc.".-)Tp. heir-?, ie-risee, The Lr.iCion r. eir. fiev.jesi. ieara-.ei'i---. p-r.jor.ai repress-"atives a a.i persiaal representative as-1 ail otrer cursor. i r.tereste'i ia tae orr perscs i--:Tr,; m the estate ia Sdwari E. Murph-. deceased; J of Austn Cae. .i.:e-sed. Ja '":r.to- B..':.r,ir- a.-.i Mr". Ja- Tr.e uaiaowa r.-t.ra. lera- CTiaton Biilinz-. his wife, a-st and j te--a. personal representatives a.-..i 'aii ri! r.arr.- ::akr.owr. : tr.e aaiaowa other pero-s ir.terest.-1 ia the essate he:.-?. 2-ate-s. personal r-! of Eve Garmon, .le-ea.-ir r-r. r-rves and all other persor.. ia-: Th uair.owa h-.r-. dTises. lega-t-rd in tr.e ta'. of Jiiez C.irtoa tee, p-'rsor.al representative asl a.l E:'r. :.-.?, tr.e unkaowa he:rs, other p-ersoa iaterete.i la the estate de-. ..ee.j. !jrr. personal represnta- of Ktt.-.I? l. Erosr.s. aee Brosai ti-. ar.i a:; ct.-.er person.- interested cea..!;" ia r e estate of Xfr. Ji1-! T.intcn The anlcno-wa herrs. tT:ij, leara-tJ.;--.r.i-'. d---ae.i: Eha Maria .-pener ters. pror.aI representative aai all ar. i Alien Sper.r-er. her h-istand; the o'r.er persons interested ra the estate ur.xr. own h:r..iev;ees. leg-ate-. per- oi; lliz-eie Ifaaa. nee Eroi-a Ce- r-rent3 and ail cth.r prons interested in the e.tate of Eiia ir.-.r.i her deceased, the tsktua re..-' dvi.e. I--?atej, personal rep ; re--r.tar.;ve a--i ail ';:.' persons in t tererei ir. fL,e estate of Al!e- Speaker, dfra.-ei; Cra'-.e r,.ariinjr L'lper, a:o ijra" opeian ! and .e-,re I '.op-ian: t. r. I-: r. o ' n h e r . 1 e S'r.-.: re - r e er a : v h e r h : s and. the . other ;a ate of r;ra- tariins- Lupe: alio knowa as race :j r. opeiar.d. .:caj'r.l: tre u r. - kr.v'.i heir-, devisees legatees, per '.na! repre-.entat: ve and ail other ;.e-.;r.s intere-rtei :n tr.e estate of f;orsr f, Copriand. dvi.'; cjf-ors'e r and Adadne E'.Iinsrs. Ed'ins; Y is t. . ai'o ca..ed Add:e 1: n c r. o' r. r.e:r. cviJ.. !.-ia:fe repre-tati'.es and ail other l e- .r.i iaer:ed in the estate cf fjeor-e r-pencer B.iti-.jrs. ur z -.-wr. r.e;rs, devu-es. .e-atees, p-er- cra! re,Teseatat:vej ar.d ail other W!.;r interested :n tre estate of Aia-: lir.e B:::;r.9. a!o c-xded Ad lie lid deta.d; Lewis Sarapsoa ani Mr. Lewis pamr.son. hi wife, first and r-v.i r.arne unknown. the unknown i eiry. devisees, legatee, personal rep-rrrs-e r. Ta t i and all other f-erons la-' terted in tre ejr'ate of Lewi ;arr.p son. de:ea?e,; the unknown heirs. de--;ee.. :f;'t-'., personal representa tive and aii other persca. ir:tereted : r. re estate of Mrs. Lewis .-'irspon, dc--eaed: r,'. tialtnowa owners and un-, kr.'iv,:i c'airr.ar.t. of that p.art of frar-' tiorJ I-: ii and . in tr.e soutn a'f fS'- of the 'jh west ouarter; 1 f.tv 1 of ection eitrhteen i IS . Town- 'f,!r, nn-iv (12. North of lUnz f-.r- teen int. ea.t or tne fst-. m. :a cass co!;r.Tv. N'e-ra.'ka. heinp more partic-j-: larlv f e r- r rc Am follows- rmmn(. i-. a- the V.orrheast corr.er of I.or 1 ftvU thence west one hundred; and s'xtv iltO, feet. thence north n uf. t--- x (rj( fer-t to the north line of ..aid Let sixty-seven 7). thence t on saH line one hundred and sixty i feet to the fdactr of hepinning; l part c.f fractional Lots sixty-seven it rt-, Hf!, iXty-eii,-ht 'S) in the South j.3-f ,5..., t southwest quarter , Vt of Section eighteen (IS). Town- j ship tweive U2. North of Range four- 1 -. te'n fill, east of the 6th I'. 51.. in fas f,u:.ty. N'ehraska, heing more rarti'uiariy des-r.hed as follows: Com- mc.-.'ing at the noilheast corner of I.o vixtv-seven f67i. in the South half fS'i cf ti:e Southwest quarter fSW'ij 01 icjon eigmeen uii. lowr.snip twep.-e fl2i. Range fourteen (lit, Kast of the 6th P. M.. thence running south ninety-six f5f, 1 feet: thence west one '-i i-iAi- ! i-ti. ineni-e nortii ninety-six OC) feet to the north lire of said Lot sixty-seven (67). thence ff-t on said line lfio feet to the place of h'-gir.n:nsr and ail persons claiming an-- interest of any kind in said real esti'e or any part thereof: lou and each of you are hereby noTified r:.at on tne r.lst day of Janu- ar- . 1921. plaintiff filed his suit in the id t,;ct f'.urt of Cass county. Nehras- ka. ti.e ohject and purpose of which is to quh t rr.d confirm plaintiff's title in and to that part of fractional Ix)ts Hixf'-s' vcn f67) and sixtv-elght 6S), : tri t. e po-j'.h half 'h') of the South- .vet quatt'-r fSU'4) of Section eigh- t-n (Hi, Tov.nsl ip twelve (12), North 'J, ,:.V"t ,ur,''n M4)' . eai of t,,e 6th P. M., in Cam county, Nebraska.! hirif more particularly described as! ...I ... a . 11 1.111 in. ni nuruieani corner of Lot sixty-seven (67) in the South half fS-j of the Southwest qu-rter (SW.il of Section eighteen 1. Township twelve (12), Range fot rteen (14), east of the 6th P..M., tin nee running south ninety-six (96) feet. thence west one hundred and sixty (160 feet, thence north ninety-si-: fflGl ff-ef to Ihp north lino r t aIH Lot sixty-sven (67), thence east on . tlie matter of the estate of L'mily sa: ! line one hundred and sixty (160) A- Tue', deceased. feet to the place of beginning; and to ," re"',mg and filing the petition enioin each and all of you from having fr 7 m- H. Tuey praying that adminis or claiming to liave any right, title, tration of said estate may be granted lien or interest, either legal or equit- . to ,,'m ps administrator: able, io or to said real estate or any ; . 'raered, tiiat March 1 1 1. 1921. at p.nt thereof, and to enjoin you and , ' clock a. in., i. assigned for hear-ea- ii of you from in any manner In- Jn said petition, when all persons In tel firing witli plaintiff's possession and terested in said matter may appear at enjovnient of said premises, and for a , unty Court to be held in ami for cfiuitable relief. a',J county, and show cause whv the 1 his notice is given pursuant to an Plaintiff. DUXBCRY, Attorneys. TIDD & f7- lw. AOTICt: TO CltlOIHTOHS The (State of Nehiasku, Cuut coun ty. SS. 1 11 tl County Court. In the matter of the estate of Jo seph M. Roberts, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: Von iirf. i.rr.i. .riifi,.i that i -a, 1 1 I I uio.i: hs from tho 7th day of ATarch : . ...... . . . . .S : '. i-'.i. arm me nine Ijavhient of debts Is one year from .suid 7tli day 'of Marcrrr 1921 1 Witness mv hand uml tho - 1 seal or; ui.l . . .,..,,.. ...... ... , - ...iiuj ".uuii. nils oisi uay or ja:iui.i - y, iy2i. .n ALLEN J. BKKSON. nrc-f-r or- the court. You are required "-. aim uiai nonce or the pen to answer said petition on or before "e"cv of said petition and the bear Mr.rrday, the 21st dav of March. 1921, Jnj? hereof be given to all persons in or your default win be entered therein. -rCiiU'a "a,d matter by publishing JOSKPII I.IH HiSliAh . "!'. i una oroer in the Plaits (Stal r7-4w. county Jude. - 3IOTICE OF XTT T TItI f SLml the rj-..cr.ct Co jrt of Ca- co'i.t Mark Wii:. p'.aiaur 1 t-r.a O;fceo Z T-i t'-e ifn.iar.... P.a;.-nia A. G.'-.-oa; Win. O. Wvi.i. ral aarr. W;:iLa.rri E:; ifa.-sra.-t J. B. it4: Jarr.a rum: Mary Ea: ; ji-jfp:-. Amiei: Mary Ar.n Ac-.:-.k Via.:? C. Hitt. wi.iiw; Ahhie If- G::.r.ir, a Hibbm; ior; T C.mre: B-s- , fpr. Mull- -! ' . J'o ha 1 j 1 - t. ;rsi-il ;i5:.Tit;7't an.t a. I otr.rr r'"'aj iatrerttrf'i ia t. eata.ee of Br .ara:a A. O;ooa. .ie".ra.4.i. Tr.i .j;ir.O'a r.-.r. iv;.eej. Iga-t-i-r. jrj!! il rprr.tit;74 aad a. I ot..r-r crt j-. i-tere-.e,'l :a t:te eaf.tre 0f U'm. i. Woo-ir.. reai air ia- ri-."tr3, ptraonai r present-it: v ajr ci'i: The ur.Jcno-n heirs, devisees. legri tee oensoaal representative aa-i all o",,'r pe-s of Ke'cecca . . C. Hawi-j-. inee Brown T.l.e tast haif K'5 cf the so-:theat quarter tjS-; the ea -1 half (E4 of tr.e Edrthes.it q-iarter iNX:iJ of the northwest t'jarter (N'W!,i of the outheast quarter fif.'i, Scaowa as it twenty- .me ;s. ia ?ci;o3 ttr. Go re rr. rr.ent lots nunaher ard t-o 1 c! srection ; 27t; the northeast cjiar of the northeast luarter south r.iif tat of the ty-on 2I ed cr. 1 t w e n t ' - e ve - ter (NE'4) 1 Nr- ; ti.e northeast quarter IX and the r.trth half iS'-t of the southeast quarter isEi of Section twenty-eiant f2i. a": in Township :vt north in Hansre fourte-a (14 . east of the .-Sixth I. in Cass countv. Ne- 'e'-eased; theitra-ica. and ail r--rs-i claiming- any tnteret of any kind in sa;5 real es tate or any part thereof: Yo:; and eac-i of you are hereby rotified that oa the lth day of Fefcra ary. 1S21. the Piaintiff :a the fore-je-t.i-K entitled cause C'ed his p-etitioa in tre ptrsct Court of Cass county. N-hraslca. wherein you aad eacn and ail of you are made ;irt;i defendant, the otject, purpose and prayer of which sa:i petition is to ofctaia a de cree from said court removing cieuds from and luieting- the record title to the foilowir.? des'.Tibed real estate in the Plaintiff. Mark White, to-wit: Ti.e taat half Iu4 of the southeast quarter the east ..an ir.',) 01 me nortr.east auar- ter NKl) of the northwest quar ter NW of the southeast quar ter i.S'.'4), known as Lot twenty nine 2S in Section twenty-one 21); Government lots numbered one O) and two ;, of Section twenty-seven C27): the northeast quarter XE'.t) of the northeast quarter (XE1) of Section twenty eiht the south half ISUi of the northeast quarter tXEO and the north half N"4 of the southeast quarter (SE1,) of Sec tion twenty-eight 2s). all in Township eleven north in han?e fourteen ll). east of the Sixth I. M-. in Cass county. Ne- orasKa- as against you and each of you and to therebv exclude and enjoin you and each and all of you from ever assert- ir.jr or claimlnx anv estate. rirht titll lien or interest therein adveri-e to plaintiff or to any part thereof hv reason of plaintiffs adverse possession of said premises hv himself and hi grantors for more than ten vears prior to tlie filing of said petition and to secure tiie cancellation hv such de- cree of a certain Mortgage Ied cover- ir.g a part of said real estate to-wit- It seven f7 in the northeast quarter it,",) or tne southeast quarter fSKi of Section twentv-one ::. Townshir. eleven fill orth. Range fourteen 1 4 1 east, given bv one John Rutherford to the defendant. Beniamin A. Gibson to secure payment of $70.00. dated March 2nd. 1SS6. and recorded In Hook "S " pasre 345 of the mortgage records of saiil countv, for the reason that said mortgage appears to be a lien on said lot. though paid in full long since and for sucli other and further relief as may lx just and equitable, and for costs of suit You are required to answer said n- tition on or before the 11th day of April. 1921. or vour default will 1- duly entered therein and a decree en- tered as Prayed for in said petition. MARK W1IITK rtv iVu intr JOHN M. LEYDA. f21-lw His Attorney. OK OCR OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment t A dni in Intra tor. The State of Nebraska. Cass coun ty, ts. In the County Court. pcmioner should not be Journal, mm. 1 1. a semi-week 1 v n a u-u no re printed In said county, for three suc cesKlv weeks prior to said day of hearing. Hated Februarv 19, 1921 ALLEN J. HEESON. toeal) Countv Judge 1-1-a. -Attorney. I. KG A I. XOTICK To Pearl Conrad. Defendant: -yu.are hereby notified that on t. t li nay of October. I9n t serled the plaintiff for more than tw t-.ut-tl .. 4 . limited for.'" without auv Jut cause. .,.. ro ,e,l"'ea to answer said pe- tition on or oejore tne 21st day of w I l u t-.-h ' Id'l T. UAVT nAvn . rio-iw. .... ..wvs wkaii. - ' - iw. . piaiutiff We do all kmc8 cr jod printing.