The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 28, 1921, Image 1

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VOL. 170. xxxvn.
NO. C3
A number !' the .N't braka citii--
im-lnd-'::;; Onus ha ai.- preparing to
..; a-hle a v--k t" be known as
:ng v.'k" ai.d during which time
;':.,!. will he .-t't-cial program- ot
Kin'.;.- in the .- !:". .-. niurrncs anu a
!.' i.eral -omm.::ii? "-in?" in which
i v,ry i .' i-i. n join in and on joy.
T. i- :- event that e-trtainly
ao;:' i ho a pre-ciat-e! and enjoyed in
: hi- : h re there L -o much m u.
.(..! r.t and where :hi citizen.-.
;,ov' -o eften evinced their great
inter-.-- !r. 'lit- a iiv;: r.ce rn-nt of niu-.-
ar-1 th- enjoyment or" sengs
v. he' 1 t r old or r:ev.
Tro-'e i- no oi,e thir.c thar ha- a
tra: :':'. t on man or v.onian than
ha, i : m:-ie it is the or.e thin? In
j world that t"::t -he.- the finer setts i-hi'.iti-"1-
of th average mar: er -o-an
1 under the power of the ri -ri: t
and r kind of music tht- tn-
i-h itii: traits or" character are brought
:r th- .-a: tact-.
T!:-!v i- !i" cTie that i not touched
by .-::. -on? that the" have heard.
4r s-:-r. some mebuly that ha. been
rt-a-:i "e I ':. their memory either by
- m- s-rfkinsr f vt-r.t that has h-1 1
t h- . fain- f that particular mel
ody in :hd i - art er th-ir natural
iov-- f !.- teau;y of 'he son?. The
'. ' -ot!u- ;r i.irrieular art- appeal in c
:o ti,. v.!-' majority if people as hi!-I
ed v. ;?!: !:'. u.c-rle of days long
a r- to r--t. :!it :cr,i. of e-hris-fai'h.
the dreamy song- of the south
la r.-i ami "he patriotic son?- whe.-e
v. :-iU cr' par' f ;he history of eur
rati' I ' When given an opptir
funi?y :i is a rare pleasure To hear
:!. .-a tho'.mh to th
..:!. 2-- tcri'-r.:'!. n taeir .-enin;tnt
i- i: ot ,:-,in-'l.r home .- strii.kyl and i
malty of t he :t iday arrv i
with :i.-m n.aay I:ap?y dreams of
future yar; v.h.r, they too will be
1 V'-d and remembered as those of
tli- pa t are l w.
A few a?o a connr.uniiy sing
v.a- lit lei at the .Methodist church in
this city and the eent was enjoyed
by a lor re number who joined heart
ily i:i the irKir.a: an din the tn-joyiic-nt
of the r.'elody and the
!ri-r.d'.y a.-.-Mciatia:; that wa; ilevel-p-d
under the ;-;!! of the music.
We now have a fine community
c nter in the public schrjol auditor
ium w her- a f.immui.itj- :--in? could
he ".-iiv -t-!i:d and proved -r. en
joyuidt form of enn rtair.ment for
younc and obi aiik a.- the voutic
people cf the t.'rblie t noo'.s have de-!
Vvd'. peU u'.ii.-u;: 1 mii-iea! tah a: Thatj
io uid be aivn th" fullest p;:rt un-;
! t v :f ex pre-.-.- :'!:. j
if ;!;- demand for a "-in?" week j
i- found -u". lent t-j warrant thei
work that may be :.ere--.-ary to organ
ize it thf - re a numb-r o- the musician-
..f tio 1 ity that i.;ay be in
c".n e-c :, tal. the :. : '.-v in hand
a: .i pu: o-r ; v-r .- a- ' .---ful ..nd
liea-anr v.eei. .,f mt:-ic t-r the pub
lie and in tl: - h-.oi-- aio ch.urehes
f t - e ity. If -ther pd.-e -s have J(-
J d th- b-n'ht that t hey have-;
t'r :: ftier .lly of thir
: v.!.-;:--f,p':e there i.- ii'. reu-(-n why
w .-h-iiiM no' (in like-wi-e.
:.-.-:.. cn'intry i nriif t f Mr.
'r.-. O-',, p.ils in the Maple
iit-l: !.:.' r'nof'd vest of Mtirrav
( ;r.
va- '.he .-'! of a very ph-asai.t a f.v flays ago. the e,cca--ion
beina a nii.-e-eth.neot'.s shower
five;. :n l; i!,or e.f th coit.-tn of Mrs.
i-'.b Mr-. Frank Waldrick. of Weep
;na Water. wi:ose marriage occurred
or. February "rd. The true.-t of i;oner
va- formerly Mi-s Fli.abeth Kastel.
' '-e event v. a- .ne of the rarest nleas-;
:;r- wii'i son:- i;,rty of tiie relatives
and friend.- a a : ii'-r.-il to take part;
and the !r. . ..s showered wi'h a'
iare j:".n.: er :" haiuh-oni and at-'
raetive ? i f r - Tom the host of warm'
The afte-rnoi. was spent in visit
iiia aio! '-i.jt.yivj: a number eif games
at. el in the peanut carrying contest
Mrs. A .1. K.naeiken.eier was awarel
! tii.- nr.-T pr ;.e aiil .Mrs. Charles
l-ns'eikea.eie r rec- ived the oonsola
'ion p-rie.
A a : ti:tabie- hour a very delicious
lunth-er.:;. competed of pressed chick
en . ardviciies. sweet pickles, fruit
-alad with v. hipjied cream. Angel
i o. a:;,i brownstone front cake and
co: i- uas served by the hestess as-j
i?e(i i,y Jack e-sf and James Tig-
! er
(win? to t he bad condition of the
roads many were prevented from
taking part in the pleasant affair
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Waldrick are to com-menc.-
!o u-ekf epinc at once at Weep
ing V,'a''T, where the gre.eim has a
handsome and well furnished home
awaiting the coming of his bride.
The many friends in this citv of
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Smith, former
re?:der.ts ef Plattsmouth. will reeret
to learn of the serious illneps cf Mr.
Smith, who : now at one of the
Omaha hospitals. Mr. Smith is a manager of the Nebraska Gas
A: E'.ectric company and since re
moving from this city the familv has
be?n residing in Omaha.
Elank Books at the Journal Office.
j From Thursday's Daily.
.Mrs. Albert Clabaurh. who is here
j v-i:in?; at the iiome of her parents.
Col. and Mr. .M. A. liate.. re.eived
a message this morning lrfiin htr hu.--'
band announcing the fact of the
! death of his mother. .Mrs. Sar::h
France "labau?!i. which recurred at
Uahimorf. .Maryland, yes'erday moni
i::?. .Mrs. .'a!bau?h has been cjuite
. for some tinie and her age
j which is past seventy, made her ca -e
! oiif difficult to recover from and she
! rraduallv grew worse until death
( came to her relief. The son was call- j
-d to Baltimore Sunday and reached
; he bedside e)f the
j had pa-seel away.
mother before she
Elks Band Under Direction of Prof.
Edward H. Schulhof to Hold
Concert at the Parmele.
Arrangements are being completed
for the holding of a concert in the
near future at the Parmele theatre,
at which the Elks band of this city
will be the attraction, and this event
premises to be one of the best mu
sical features of the winter season.
It has practically been decided to
hold tli concert tn Thursday even
in?. March 17th. ami it will be a
real treat to the music lovers of the
city and vicinity.
The band, w hich numbers among j
its members some of the best music-j
ians in l'la!tmouth. ha been en?ag-i
ed in practicing the pa?-t winter un-l
d-r the elirectiem of I'rof. Kdward
11. Pchulhof. and has at this time
gained a splendid rank in the music
al held of the city.
The program that is to be present
ed will number the be-st of the' stan
darel and classical music of the best
composers and will be- intersperced
with the' lighter popular numbers.
Vex-al selections and piano num
bers by some of The talenteel music
ians ef the city will alsej he made
feature? of thi? concert.
Partial List of "Moves" That Hve
Been Made and Will Be
Made This Sarin?:
Araor ?
will be
weather this week ha
first of March moving.
some of the "moves" that
made and have been made
are the following:
Harry Wiles, who lives on the B.
V.. lluby farm northeast of town
me ved over near Plattsmouth last
week. Mr. ami Mrs. I-awrence Wise
. ill occupv the farm vacated by the
Wib- family.
K. G. Gibbon from the Wiles farm
onto the farm vacated by Mr. and
Mrs. Claud Canaday.
Reul Sack moved from the Arthur
IiC'UPTh farm to the Frank Spangler
farm. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rough
will occupy their own place.
Nels Pedersen will move to the
Henry Hubbard place vacate-d by
George Jorgensen who moved near
Fyracuse. A. J. Patterson will move
from the Mr. J. H. Davis farm tei
the place vacated by Xels Pedersen.
Knude Jensen will move to the Davis
farm and Miller Chris? tensen v.ll
tome down from Omaha and take the
place vacated by Knude Jensen.
George Brown will move to Over
ton, N'eb.. and Lee Brown will move
to his own farm vacated by his broth
er. George.
F. M. Johnson who lives on the
Peter Spangler farm east of town
will move down near I'nadilla.
Edward Schrieter will move up
frtm near Avoca onto his farm which
will be vacated by Chas. Spohn. who
will move onto the W. M. Philpot
farm. Weeping Water Republican.
From Thursday's raily.
Those who visited the court house
today were impressed by the even
more than usual geniality of District
Clerk James M. Robertson and while
Mr. Robertson is usually in an af
fable humor it was much more in evi
dence and for a good cause, as he is
once more a proud and happy grand
father. This morning a fine little
eight-pound daughter arrived at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Westover
and announced her intention of mak
ing her home there in the future. the mother anel little one are
doing- nicely and the doctor corres
pondingly happy over the addition to
the family circle.
From Thursday's Dally.
George W. Olson yesterday was
called to Nebraska City by a mes
sage announcing: the death of his
mether. Mrs. Xels Olson, who died
there yesterday afternoon after a
brief illness of one day's duration.
Mrs. Olson was seventy-four years
of age and has lived for many years
in and near Nebraska City. The fun
eral will be held on Saturday morn
ing from the home in the Otoe county
Blank Books at the Journal 0c
From Friday's Dally.
There was a very large attendance
la.-t evening not only of the. business
men eif the ceimmunitv but the citi
zens in genera! at the Clipper g:tn
; by the Chamber of Commerce at the
i parlors of the First Methodist
j church, which had been arranged for
! the occasion. The ladies eif the
church had the serving oi the dinner
in hand and served a mo.-: plea-iag
feed that was heartily enjoyed by
the banqueters. The' tables were set
with attractive decorations of flow
ers and the bright red candies which
lent a pleasant touch to the scene.
The committee in charge ef the
supper had been most fortunate in
their selection e)f the speaker and
more fortunate in being able tj 'se
cure the attendance ef Mr. Ward
Burgess, who is one of the big and
busy men ef the metropolis arrd they
also wisely limited the speeches ef
the banquet to a few remarks prior
to the speech of the evening.
Former mayor John P. Fattier,
newly elected prseident of the Cham
ber of Commerce presided over the
gathering: and in his opening re
marks made a plea l'er a united ac
tion em the part of the residents en
the comniunitv for t lie betterment of
the city the throwing aside ot pet
ty differences between the residents
and the concerteei movement to se
cure for the community the best pos
sible prosperity and to stand first,
last and all the time for the city and
its best interests. Mr. Sat tier in
troduoetl Mayor H. A. Schneider, who
in a few minutes of iiis rapid ad
elress called attention to seune very
pertinent facts concerning the city
and its government and the condi
tions to which the pe-ople of the com
munity should turn their attention,
as regards the management of the
city government. Too little atten
tion is paid by the average citizen to
the running of the affairs of the city
and what little attention is given by
the citizens is not at the proper
time- that of the naming and se
lecting of the officials of the city
who must expend the public funds
and secure the best that they can for
the city in return. The cest of thr
operation of the city government
each year is 550.000 and ef this
amount the peeiple show little real
interest in sel cting the best pees
sible public officials and the bu.-iness
and professional men of the cemmun
ity fail to come forward to se-e that
they do their part in helping carry
en the city government. The mayor
in touching em the conduct of affairs
of the city in the past took up the
matter of the refunding bonds that
the city had been forced to is-ue la
December and which covered, noi th
indebteelness of recent years but
bonds isstied away back thirty, forty
anel fifty years a?e. some of the
bonds being those that were issued to
bring the Burlington railroad to
Nebraska while others were those
issued for the benefit of the Missouri
Pacific. Had the proper interest
been taken some means of paying
these bonds would have been mn-1e
at the time of their issuance. Mr.
Schneider commended the policy
which had been started under the
administration of Mr. Sattler of cre
ating a sinking fund that would care
for the bonel issues and which had
paid off some 52a. 000 worth of the
old refunding bonds of the issue ef
1918 and in the future the Uoncjs
would be retired when they matur
eel as the city council had arranged
that 52.000 of the bonds were te he
retired each year. The cemstan: re
petition ef effort in work on the- dirt
reads over the hills of the city led
Mr. Schneieler to urge a more exten
sive plan of permanent street work
and paving instead of each year be
ing compelled to expend thousands of
dollars on we.rk that the first rain
storm would wipe out of existence.
The second speaker of the evening
was E. H. Wescent. the chairman of
the arrangements committee to whom
was given the honor of introducing
the speaker of the evening. Mr. Bur
gess, and to whom he paid a most
glowing tribute te the distinguished
visitor of the evening and his weirk
for the nation and state in the late
war and the business world of Ne
braska in which he is a commanding
Mr. Burgess in his opening remarks
expressed his feeling of pleasure at
being present with the Plattsmouth
Chamber of Commerce, but denied
being- a public speaker, which fact
was later belied in the excellent
straightforward and matter of fact
talk given on the general business
condition of the country and some of
the problems of the present day.
The speaker pointed out the con
ditions ot tne early days ot world war 1
when the world was suddenly thrown
from the peaceful pursuits to those of
bloodshed and destruction and the
enormous amount of the product of
America that the warring nations
had demanded from the factories and
mills of the United States and which
was later followed by the entrance
of the United States into the war.
From that time forward the greatest
effort of the nation and its people
had been directed to the winning of
strrin n:
be; n relieved the peopk- had
cn a period relaxation and : uy
that had brought i;p the- prhes
all lines nnd br.'Ugt;: a high ti.le cl
the greatest prosper: .. that the na
lion natl e ver Known " :(.-' -'-'ah
i had been re adied cn 1 :- Jul v. Fr::m
j this ha ! come nr.o ' the . ;
perioels of elepressioa. a - the !:: t" a
j re s-'u! of the- ttirr. ):. , ::.. f
, normal balance of ci-:. (,;" neae
' time.
The s:eaktr took ;.-:r view :
the situation of the vo: h! in ge n
eral an-! the it n fort"' a' ,-tan.l that
the I r.iteii s:;:i"s C- i. t:-M-n at ! a-
e-onclu.-iot! of the '.v.:-.
r ?a rd t
r!i. Tio
u- irei'
. ' ' i Ti o ( i ( , . ; .
; the ether nations c
European r..'!i':is w
this country far sot:
tiii(; whie;i t...d . s-..
the war period : net a
'.ear : he natie n
pe v ::'-h( d a::.l in i:e
ials to carry e n the.,
program .riu in fl Is
e d Stat' had tai'y.e
get: ing on t !.e :r te ; '
t- of t i: i
ivc- i:a-
:m: t io- i ! :t
r :(' the: : ::
' the Vatii ;!
might be jn a pa-itn i; to i-pay anr.
to restore the woridt" it- r. rr:a!
aii'-e. Had this coui.'-y - :rl in
to the p-ogran: of r?. :; -. : a r : :oa a:io
laid a.xiele ' he politic: '. ph.-e.; i.i ih
case it would h'ie -.; ne.i :; : : .;
market.- of th.' i to Aa-c.-'-- a'.--pre
ducts an-1 made- u- the f: :"t 1 and
benefactLT of the w$ Id atu! 1: -. : t -,
American induatri-:V' c uiri-.o. . t :
best and at the sarte ;l;iu by t : e-'t-ing
the spirit ef ccap-titi ti givon
the buyers the bene- ' ,rc i:..-
s onable prices.
Mr. Burgee- took "h" bris-ht '"'J.
-f the pre.-ent sit ua ion by -tat'".".?
that th.:' pl'es' r. t 'li.iin-y .- t-.u'i' :.
wa- growing betteij v . I tio.' in 1.
opinion the time w - short. ui:il trie
peTieral i!'t;f r.x .ouh:. cott
r.ience and ccnt.'tiue jve un
tii the norma! aaiarce v as re;o-;:-d
ever the cou:i i ry. Tiere would m v
er be a return to the ;.-r-w?r r.l:
or wages the spe-uke" tated ;;:ol he
did r.ot thini: t hat anyone would
ea re to s-'.-e- tlie back wa: J --.vin4 that
v. mild reduce the v. v. re-.- em price t(
their former figures.
The- addre--;ot Mr. ilurpe-s was c-cell'-at
in every way t-nei well iiit :
to the occasit'.n anti rjvc the b.-:i-e.uetors
j-n 'yporti::ii'y i:' eout:. .t
with the per-oi.ali ty of t able t- -t
Ionian who ha;- becotue a r.aiiouaiiy
known fig it re.
At the conc!utt!"tr cf the iinnT
the members of tha 'party v ere re
quest eel by Mr. Sattler to ari-e a: d
jtnn in tlit sinring ef "Atii'-rica".
which they did with tie .-infers
being ltd by Per. A. V. iiutn-v
?reb"terian Cliurch 0r;?.mza-ti:;i
Entertained Yesterday Afternoon
at Church Parlors.
Froin Tr.ursday's la!!v.
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Pre.
tiy'erian cimrch were ve-t y plea-ant !y
e-nter.afti-d -r. y-u ria afterno--n
at tlie church parlors by
li. A. Schne-ide. 11. V.. Pecker and
I.ouis Me. i-lnsrer. and tiie occa-i'.n
proved ene e.'f nin- h pleasure to the
member.- of the organization.
Tiie parlors were a:r::ii::ed ?t: the
patriotic decora! i : s o: Waihintrton's
birthday and mahe a very a't-art ive
picture as the ladies gat!ier-d far
the session c f bu-:i:es a n ?1 ple.i-i.rc.
fne ef tlie chief matters to Ca!:e
before the meet in a was tiia of the
annual election o
cers and
following were chosen: President.
Mrs. H. A. Schneiei r; first viee -pre.-i-dtnt.
.Mrs. c. E. Hartford: se-o:id
vice-preside-nt. r.i--. W. 1!. Mann :
.-ecetary. Mrs. Je'nn F. Wolff: tre-:-surer,
Mrs. Robeyr Troop.
During the afternoon the members
cf the party were treated to dair.ty
refreshments which had been prepar
ed for the occas-ion by the hos
Samuel V. Bumjatdner Arks Court to
Separate Ties" That Bind Him to
F.lioda Eunijrarduer.
From Friday's rial'v.
A petition was iile-d today in the
office of the Clerk of the District
Court James M. Robertson by Samuel
V. Bumgarelner in which the plain
tiff asks that the bonds ed' wedhick
that exists between the plaintiff and
Rhoda Bumgardtier. be severed by
the court. The plaintiff alleges
among other things that they were
married at Ashland on June 2.",. If 14.
and that the defendant later left him
for a period of two years and then
returned and that they have been
living together up to the last f"w
months. It is also alleged by the
plaintiff that he has been informed
that the defendant was married to
another party at the time of her wed
ding to the plaintif and he th'-refore
asks that the ties hai unite the two
parties be declared null and void
and their freedom restore! by the
due processes of justice.
Five room cottace on e:;-y ;e-?ni-also
seine well located vacant lot .
.td "!'.v. R. li. WINDHAM.
the war anel when
Iiss Eaehad Stard-r, Louisville
Gill in ..listen V." Tells af
Japanese Cusroir1-.
Or.-- of th" c. stnty young pe-o
ple- t tia v- taken no ihe .o-i: in tlie
f'..r-l?a -n hei-' is M;.-s Rachael
.rrtaneler of Loul- vi!.-. w;io ha- for
cvcral nion: ii- pa-t been in Japan
and h-r !e::-r.- i;on-e have- b en of
iaieie -: t :e the man;.' old lime frienels.
She i- teaching ::i tii- Am rican eol
1. ?e in A o k . an i iias h; 1 many
stranire- t-xpe : lie --- in Tiie- iaa(! of
.herrv 1 h s-mi-. T:o.- Louisville Ceuir
ier ha.- a very i::f re-; in . 'count of
seme cf ;i. i'.o-Kh nt- e-i i;-r xperi
c llC-e ; iier" v. lia are ... iven l ciou :
." i i-s Stai.u-r ha x' aded tiie
: ir.H f. r b.e- ::;.::. i:'o will probab
ly r r.iain :n toe or:e::t a not ner yea r.
iler first eon;ra-l v. as for a "-ear's
vo:h, which v.. ah; ierniir.r.o- next
Oe t- i er. but sit bo.-:, pe.-j-uatieel
; o:i-:i(i the tiao-. She tay-- 'lie
day- ait piea.-;i: ' auc v. arm. but a
soor. a - t he sun goe.- down it gets
vers- co hi. The jnui.i tree.- were be
ginning to bloemi when :-he wrote, and
ie ays they were early a- their time
t o
t loom i- in
rua rv
'"Ihe school hoys ln far-away Japan
m us: he very much the as here.
r M is.s Stander tells that the nr.r-
tiial snicrs "aad a "sr.eak dav" that
week and as a re-all they v. ere sus
pended. "She tolls -:' a day's shopping in
the citv el YekotiO'i!u. I'pou enter-
in? the st(.res in that country, one
. ave.- e,:ie's -r.o.-e 'outside. While
mere, .-tie' saw two . :i!i:e-e women
wit!: bound feet. There aie a great
mauv Chinese there but thev were
e nrst she had .-een with small
.eel. .wen anu women a-iKe wear
"Tiie p-esidert of their college, a
is; mrui -h ed man and a splendid
"::ri-tl::n character, who had been
-eriously ill with typhoid, died in
January. lie was a native Japanese.
ie funeral wa- very impressive.
All "he 12" student- were the-re in
unif(-ttr. and there was a wonderful
d.-ral elk-play. The' women of the
family ware white kimonas. as white
is the mourning color. The two
sons thsr.ked the enngrejration for
the kitieiiie-s. The picture of the
iiepar;td was di.-o'.ayed above tlie
;:r:: that contain eel the ashes, as 'hey
nearly always cremate in that coun
try. At the door, every ne left his
iard w i t h a i-l ft of meuiev and later
a ?if: is returned from the- tamily.
"Mis.- Staiider to'd of having been
e :: ; ertai r.eri in a Japanese home by
a y a ling man. She wa.- ac iirpani 'd
1-y young American lady
and .-he (l,y. they deserve a Carnegie
m.-tla! or the -.lecora ; ion ;f an iron
c;o.-'- or sometliin? frr '-a-tii:? some'
:i t::e d;.-iies that were .-tt be tore
: hem. I'pon entering t e home they
removed their shoes, as i always the
cus'oia. and were .-e-rv-d with tea and
ca'.ies and later dinner was served.
As they sat upon borrow
tne nattvv
:t upon
cu-hor.s en the hoar. The chief ilrl
icaev of tlit- elinner wa- fried e'ctupus
and ;h"" d-ci;-. re tlu-y actually ate
.-on:', of it as well as a little of e-
e rv
iat wa-
: hef 're them.
"Miss Star. der .-end., greeting to
her Cass county friends and says she
wiil have many more interesting
things to 'ell them upon her return
that ve,:;i-; take too much time in a
1-in-r. Siie is enjoying the best cf
health and fee-is that her experience
:- wonderfully educational as well as
t rter'ainiii? and interesting."
The- death by eleet rieu' ion a
North Platte. Nebraska. e: Pons
Tre-xier. a few days ago. brings to
the- oid resident here a woril )f the
a-randfather of the unfortunate lad.
ti. M. Pons, who was for a great
many years a resident of Plattsmou' h
:ind ve-ry active in the business life
of the city. Mr. Hons i now lo
cated at Phoenix. Arizona, where he
is t li e proprietor of the Occidental
hei'el and has been eiuite successful
there. Tlie older residents will re
call Mr. Huns who was fer a num
ber of years tiie manager of the Per
kins hotel and la'er was engaged in
the saloon business in this city be
fore leaving for the southwest. The
word of t!i wticreaheuts of Mr.
P u.s was received here by William
" be r an edd frie nd of the family
who re'Tived the notiee through the
medium e;f a copy f the Arizona
Republican, published at Phoenix.
The unf.Ti ttinate lad who was the
r,rand-on of Mr. and Mrs. Pons has
never been known to the friends here
but during their residence in Arizona
ha visited often at the Pons home.
0 ;e of the customs ef recent years
f-t Faste-rtide is that of bending to
the friends atiel loved ones carel? of
greet ins and remembrances of the
season which has grown greatly in
popularity in tlie la-t few yearr.. The
r-cntiment rf the Matter time, the
s;:rit ef the new lif esymbolized in
the rk-en Pcrd. is one that makes
this custom or.a c." beauty ar.d is
grc wing to be more ruid more appre
ciated by the residents of the com
ittiitv. The most exqmsire line of birth '.
day and gift cards to be found any-1
where! At Journal office. i
rem 1 r.ii'suay s liioly. ,
A me was recd ed he-ie to- !
d,-y r.-y Dr. J. 11. iial! annouiii in? ;.ie,'
fact ii tile ill lie.-.- ed' his brol h- r. I
Major A. Hall at iiis home near
Grant. Nebraska. Mr. Hall has b--.-n
po.uiy f(,r rj-.. -.a;- few weeks a nd
has no' be, n able To ie around as
usual but the lae-saa.- di 1 not -tat"
tio- seriousness ef hi. i 1 1 :t e . D'h
Hail will leave tins even in,: I.-r
Grat;f to ;o-.-:st in iookm? after the
care of the brother. The n'a ay
iriend- oi t he Hali iiiiily through-
out tti" county wiii regret to le-arn
(i me niness c: .uajor i;ai a :o:
trust that he may have a speedy i:u -
Passed Away Yesterday at His Home
Near Auburn. Neb.. After Illness
of Some Duration.
From Friday's Ia!ly.
Luther F. Pickett of this city re
ceived a message yesterday afternoon
announcing the sad news of the death
of his father. F.lza Pickett, at hir
home at Auburn. Nebraska. The ill
ness and death of the fattier came a?
a very trying time for the son. as
he has sickness at nis own home and
his partner. Ward Clark, has been
oft' duty for semie time caring feu- his
wife eiuring her illness and this has
laid quite a burden em Mr. Pickett
so that he has not been able to get
away to be at the bedside of the
father and following the news of the
death of the father yesterday after
noon a little son was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Pickett at an early hour this
morning, making it very difficult for
him to g-a to Auburn.
The deceased was sixty-seven years
of age and has been a resident of Ne
braska with the exception ot a few
months, since 18SL and the greater
part of that time ha.s resided at Au
burn and vicinity. Five years ago
the wife of Mr. Pickett was called by
dea'h and he has since made his home
with his children. He leaves to
mourn his passing eight children,
nineteen grandchildren and one great
grandchild. ,
The funeral will Le held tomorrow-morning-a
Aubtirn and the body laid
to rest in the cemetery there beside
t hat of the wife.
The many friends ef tlie Pickett
family here will join in their expres
sion of sympathy for the loss that
has come- to our fallow townsman in
the eleath of his father.
From Thursday's Daily.
The St. Luke's Guild ed the Kpis
copal church was very delightfully
entertained yesterday atiernooti at
the home ed Mrs. T. P. Living.-ton
and the ladies in attendance at the
meeting were more than pleased with
the delightful manner in which they
wei e e ntertained.
From Tliursday's I'm.,.
.-i i : r- oei- .uuiiic. eienee ieucii-
;-r at the local high school, who hasj
been confined to her home for tiiei
past ten elays by illness, is still epiite!
ill and unable to resume her work
in the school. John F. Nelson, of j
Lincoln, is acting as science teacher;
during the enforced absence of Missi
Meore. :
When Winter Whispers "Wail!
You need not delay making deposits at this bank
because the wintry weather and loads make it karri to
g2t to Plattsmouth.
Slip your livestock and grain checks and drafts
into an envelope address it to the First National Bank
real it t3mp it drop it into your mail box and
your banking is attended to without leaving .he cozy
warmth of your hard coai hc?tcr.
When you bank here either by mail or in person,
you have back of your business transactions the ser
vices cf a Federal Reserve System member bank
strength, service, satisfaction.
the First Ivai ioxvlIIank
, ilmcit ireston Kal: lr.tO a .V'V,' Ict
i Yesterday Iflcminr in Court f.t
Ntbra.ka CiU'.
f From Friday'.- ::ii!v.
j y v ;.;t,n:n,;i wlen Klmort
; trt. j. w;!. chaffed wiih de-
1 : t :1 , -o; h : . wi fe atol lird-v a nd i m nd
: m4iji-- ,,. (, -r: m ; i , ;r;;,i -,a-
: a h . !a !'(.: :- .J udge
V( n ,.-t, ,(... t . j, j r! v
.,,v fUI..1!hilu. a iH ;'..,- tr-e -..ppori
e f : he child, but he re: a - : ,. io a n . -
tiling and tiie- court uave him
-i n
W. t of
te nee id' on- a r.
This ui'-iip.r.a ii- a'torney. D.
Li vi'i l:-t e n went to Lincoln and
cured a stay of execution on a w ri
error anu a bond wa t ie given for
Piestons appearance in court when
the case v as decided by the supreme
court. He v. as brent? lit up from the
jail at noon to appear bef re me
court and si?n the bond, which was
plaeed at S.'.iHi. He s-eilt.,i t))t ooird
-uid then turning 'o Deputy She-riff
Fischer and said: "Well. I have fur
nished the bond and things are set
tled, so I guess 1 will Deputy
Sher iff Fische-r smiled and said :
"Please wait a minute-. I have a let
ter down in the edhc-e which 1 want
you to iad be-fore you leave." When
ire reached the olhce of the sheriff
he b.oked over the letter and his lace
nei longer wore' a smile. He was
taken down to jail aagin. be-came
the lette-r was from odicers in the
western portion ed' the state asking
that he be held, as lie i sail! to have
.mother wife, or- a woman with whom
he has been living and a child was
born em the fore part eif this January.
He is wanted out there to settle this
matter, which is at Pb-asantem. Ne
braska, and then he can finish his
case here. Tlie letter stated the- of
ficers wemld be here in a few days
after him. He is still in the count y
jail and has nothing to say regard
ing the matter. Ne-bra-ka City
From Thursday's Daily.
Glen Perry departed thi.. afternoon
for Omaha, where he go's to vi it
his son. Russell Perry, who it; at the1
FtrJ hospital recovering from an
operation for appendicitis performed
a few days ago and he is reported as
doing very nicely and it is hoped
will soon have a spe-dy recovery.
Mrs. Glen Perry is also at the hos
pital, where she was eperatcd on
yesterday for the removal of her ton
sils and which has proven very mic
ccssfu' and it is hop-,! to have the
patient home in a few days.
Complaint has been registe-red
with tlie chairman as well as other
members of tlie villaae board, that
"hooch" is being sold prom i-cously
in Louisville and that ome of it is
made inr-ide the viHaue limits.
Ihe' government laws prohibit the
elrinking as well as the- manufacture
and sale ed" intoxicants. In order to
get at the root of the evil, the Cour
ier would sugge.-t 'hat a special de
tective he employed to iu.-pe-ct the
noses of the inhahiiant.-' as to color
and edher sians of indulgence.
Once- v e find evidences ef guilt it
will be easy, by use- of Sherlock
Holmes methods, to follow up th"
irail and lard the boot ie-rr'-vrs in
jail. Laui.-ville Courier.
i 1
i -1