The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 24, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Union DeparHnmemit
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
The Basic Industry!
The business of farming is the
basic industry upon which all of
the industries of the world de
pend. Of course, even the very
life of the people of the world de
pends upon the production of
When the farmer raises no
crops, the banks of the country
have no money, the merchant's
business is poor, the manufac
turer has little demand for his
ocds and the whole world is
Farming is the greatest busi
ness in the world. This bank
lends every encouragement pos
sible to farmers. It appreciates
that its prosperity depends upon
the prosperity of the farmer.
ank of UmiSoim
E. V. Keet'.y ;:nd wife visittd in
Omaha last Sunday, driving up in
their car.
Frd Clarke was called to Omaha
la?t Saturday to look after some mat-tvrr-
of business.
H. 11. Decker was busy last week
pawing lumber at the home of M.
K. Jay over near the river.
Mrs. Nancy McXamee was look
ing after some business matters in
Nebraska City la?T Monday.
Vern Cish and Charles Hatha way
delivered torn t the McCarthy &;
Stum: elevator last Wednesday.
Ardon Thienian and Will Reynolds
delivered hui:s last Monday to the
Nebraska City live stock market.
Benedict Kibe, of Council Muffs,
was a visitor at the home of Herman
Fahrlander durintr the past week.
Miss Jessie Todd was looking after
some business matters ur.d visiting
with friends at 'Nt-hrp.skaCity on last
Messrs. Llnyd and Ed Lewis were
visiting; with friends and looking
after some business in Union on last
Jay Austin vnt to Lincoln last
Monday where he visited and looked
after some business matters for a
short time.
i'eter Spansler and Val Gobelman
delivered wheat, corn and oats to
the elevator of McCarthy & Sturm
last Monday.
John Hoback recently sold 500
bushels of corn in the field to Wilbur
Stites. and has some thousand bush
els still in the field.
Say things are not cheaper? A. L.
Becker is selling lV-inch brass
trimmed work harness for $S0, which
sold last year at $125.
Mr. and Mrs. J. I).. Cross were at
tending, services at the Presbyterian
church in Plattsmouth last Sunday,
driving over in their auto.
Clifton Clarke, who is employed in
Omaha, was a visitor in Union over
the week end. returning to the me
tropolis Sunday afternoon.
Durwood Lynde and wife spent
Washington's birthday at the home
of Mrs. Lynde's parents. L. J. Hall
and wife, at Nebraska City.
Mrs. Frank Finkle and sons. Leo
and John, were looking after some
business matters in Nebraska City
fwenty-Tvvo Young Men!
The Wesleyan Glee Club, of Lincoln, will give an
entertainment at the M. V. A. hall in Union on
A most excellent program of clean and entertain
ing music a truly worth while event.
Given under the auspices of the Community club
of the Union M. E. church.
Prices Very Moderate!
e. v
$50 for
$500 for
A 1000 per cent Investment
That's the way to look at painting as an investment, not
an expense. Look around you at the houses going to rack
and ruin. What is doing it? The weather. There is only
one defense against weather and that is paint. But paint.
ne weather, is of many kind:;. Beware of the fair weather
paint. It docs not protect, it only deceives. Buy a paint
that ha; nrni:iwl 4. ;
i . 1C3 auiymg power.
(Shn-WlUiaia House
. i, rreparea; has a fifty-year
record. Its ingredients are what
exieace has proved to be mutt
efficient in protecting property. It
puts an armor letwee?n your
buildings and the elements and
a.LQ adds Lcauty and cleaalineai.
Frans Bros.' lumber Co.
last Monday, going down on the
Hear the Glee Club at the Wood
man Hall Fridav evening, February
Lemuel Darritt was visiting with
the home folks and others friends
in ln ion over Sunday.
Messrs. Ruel and Stephen Taylor
shelled and delivered their corn to
the Farmers elevator last Monday.
C. F. Harris and wife were look
ing after me business matters in
Nebraska City last Monday, making
tlm trip on the train and returning
home with Miss Mary Becker ami
mother in their car.
Just before leaving for his new
home in the west, A. J. Loveless pur
chased a lleo truck of the Willis
garage, which he drove overland.
Misses Edith Frans and Verna
Harris visited over Sunday at their
homes in Fnion. returning to their
work at Xehawka Monday morning.
Mrs. K. I). Clarke. of Weeping
Water visited friends and relatives in
Union over Sunday and returned
to her home Monday morning on the
early train.
While Joe Banning was visiting at
the home of his brother. .John, near
Lindsay from Friday until Monday,
Mrs. Banning looked after business
at the store. !
Mrs. Davis Fries and Miss Ber
nice Ballot, of Sioux City, were visi
tors at the home of Robert Willis
for the past week, returning home
last Saturday.
Mrs. Lillian Carraher of Platts-
: mouth, who is employed in the Ma
sonic home at that place, was a vis-
' itor with friends in Union Wednes-
' day of last week.
j Uncle Eli Eaton, who has been
sick for the greater part of the win
; ter. was down town Monday for the
first time this year, and says he is
i feeling a little better,
j King Clarke of Omaha was look
I ins after some business matters in
; Union last Saturday and visiting at
i the home of her parents, C. W. Clarke
and wife of this place.
Nelson Martin sold a phonograph
a few days ago which went to Ne
hawka. Nels has the agency for a
fine instrument and is a rustler when
it comes to selling the same.
Installation services will be held
at the Baptist church Thursday eve
ning. March 2. There will be speak
es from home and abroad. Every
body cordially invited. 2tw.
George K. Staats. of Plattsmouth.
who has been in the postal service in
the county seat for the past nearly
twenty years, was a visitor with
friends in Union last Monday.
A. O. Pearsley shelled and deliv
ered his corn crop the fore part of
last week to the Farmers elevator, re
ceiving the prevailing price of 4C
cents per bushel for the same.
Fred J. Clugey. of Plattsmouth.
was looking after some business mat
ters near Sciota last Monday, mak
ing the purchase of a hog from one
of the farmers in that neighborhood.
James Lewis will depart today for
the northern portion of the state,
where he expects to make his home
during the summer in the neighbor
hood of Coleridge, where he resided
last season.
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Todd and Miss
Jessie Todd, of this place, attended
the funeral of the eight-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Todd, of Platts
mouth. last Monday afternoon, driv
ing up in their auto.
"Bud" Linsay is working at the
Willis garage thus allowing E. E.
Moore to spend some time assisting
with the work at the shop of A. L.
Becker, and between the two men.
they are keeping up the work at both
During the absence of L. G. Todd
in Plattsmouth last Monday. W. H.
Porter looked after affairs at the el
evator, and with the assistance of
J. C. Snaveley, the two made an ex
cellent team for the work.
Wayne Lewis, who is engaged in
the barber business at Plattsmouth,
accompanied by his wife, were over
Sunday guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Merritt. returning to
their home in the county seat last
Monday morning.
The specialist. Dr. Loughridge, of
Omaha, who is handling the case of
Matt McQuinn. and who is a man of
much experience with such cases, ex
presses his confidence that Mr. Mc
Quinn will recover, which is pleasing
news to his many friends.
G. W. Edminston, who has moved
to near Murray, was a visitor in
Union last Monday. George Shrader
has moved to the place which Mr.
Eilminston just vacated, while C. A.
Lee moved to the home of Mr.
Sl.rader, having formerly lived on
th 3 Glen Perry place.
Mrs. Mable Reynolds, who has
bc?n confined to her home during the
prst two weeks with an attack of
la grippe, has won out in her strug
gle with the malady and is again
alle to look after business at the
Farmers store, where she has been
Charles Bowdish, of Omaha, was
in Union last Thursday and Friday,
closing up some land transactions
with a number of people in and' near
Union who have purchased land of
him in Colorado during the past few
months, and whose purchases have in
every instance proved highly profit
able to the buyers.
There is a pretty good movement
of corn to market at this time, and
with the improvement of the roads, '
it is expected to increase. The price '
at this time is 46 cents, and with a!
fairly generous supply of cars the
grain is moving rapidly. This is re
lieving business conditions and help
ing to restore trade relations. While
everyone is desirious of receiving
better returns there is a tendency
among the farmers to make the best
of the situation.
50 good cigarettes
for 10c from
one sack of
nnn is
Nellie Sheffield were playing about
the house the other day one of them
accidently brousht a hot poker in
contact with the face of the other, I
giving it a very serious burn.
Will Give n Plnr
The L. T. K. club met with Miss !
Mable Harris last Tuesdav and had a !
delighftul time in a valentine party, j
which they gave. The pleasant
hours were spent in games and music
which were climaxed by delightful
refreshments. They made plans for
giving a playlet about the last of
March which is known as the
Fractured Arm Saturday
Wiiile engaged in sawing down an
apple tree last Saturday, Roy Lee. son
of A. C. Lee, who have just moved to
the Geo. Shrader place, had his arm
caught and broken when the tree
fell, notwithstanding the fact that
his father and brother were endeav
oring to pull the tree away at the
time. Dr. J. F. Brendel dressed the
arm and the young man is getting
along very nicely.
Miss Angie McCarroll. who is
teaching at Syracuse, was a visitor
at the home of her parents on last
Waley Miller, for many years a
resident of this vicinity, but who is
now making his home near Walthill,
was a visitor in Union a few days
last week, leaving Sunday for his
home in the northern part of the
Miss Mary Becker accompanied
her mother, Mrs. A. L. Becker, to Ne
braska City one day this ueek, where
the latter is receiving chiropractic
treatments for rheumatism, from
which she has been troubled for
some time.
W. II. Porter demonstrated the
fact that a man, can do things him
self when he is unable to secure as
sistance, by dressing two large hogs
last Friday, making the sausage and
rendering the lard. We declare "Bil
ly" is a pretty handy man.
Leg Broken Last Monday.
Last Monday morning when Gee. H.
Shrader was endeavoring to ride a
horse which was supposed to be gen
tle, the animal began bucking and
threw Mr. Shrader off breaking hif
right ankle, and fracturing a number
of bones in the foot. Dr. Barritt re-
, duced the fracture and during the
day and night following the in
jured member was giving much pain.
The horse which he mounted to ride
to the barn for the purpose of work
ing, had no bridle, but only a halter,
but it was supposed to be safe, as
the children had rode the animal dur
ing last summer.
Now is the opportunity to hear an
excellent entertainment, clean and
filled with fun and good entertain
ment. The charges will be very low
and especially wehn considered as it
is a most excellent entertainment.
A Worth While Practice
It has been the habit of the fac
ulty to provide something outside of
the regular course of studies for the
students of the high school from time
to time, and in line with this policy
last week they secured Dr. C. M.
Swab for an instructive and enter
taining talk on the subject of "Per
sonality." Dr. Swab made his theme
applicable to the student as well as
the man of affairs in the business
world. The practice of having such
talks at intervals is a good one and
is proving popular with the students
as well as productive of much good.
Will Give Entertainment.
The Wesleyan Glee Club of the
Wesleyan university, will give an
entertainment at the M. W. A. hall in
Union on Friday evening, February
25th. which will be a rare treat to
the people of Union and vicinity.
These are the finest of young men
singers composed of about thirty fine
young men voices, and will be well
worth the time of any one who in
: any way appreciates music. The
charge will be very moderate.
services Sunday at M. E. Cliurch
The Rev. A. C. Honham of Council
'Ouffs. Iowa, will deliver a discourse
it the Methodist church Sunday
morning. February 27 at 11 o'clock.
The public is cordially invited to
this service. Other services of the
;hur?h will also be held.
Buisness Getting; Better.
A. L. Becker, the merchant, and
C. W. Clarke the hotel man. as well
as many others, are saying that the
business matters are assuming better
conditions and that trade is increas
ing. We think we also notice more
people and more trading, the roads
are getting better to travel and there
are more people shelling and deliver
ing grain, even at the lower prices,
and are getting in condition for the
coming spring work. At the place
of business ofFrank Bauer, that gen
tleman is so busy that he does not
have time to tell us the news now.
Go to it gentleman, we are for you
and hope business may greatly increase.
Matthew McQuinn Very Serious.
It was deemed after a consultation
last week that it was the best thing
. to take Mr. Matt McQuinn to a hos
; pital in Omaha, where better facili
! tits could be had in treating his case.
; He was accompanied by the family
physician. Dr. J. F. Brendel, and
j Mrs. McQuinn. and after having been
there long enough to obtain a slight
rest an x-ray was taken of his side,
and it was determined after a critical
examination of the picture that it
would require a major operation, but
an incision would be necessary for
the draining of his lung, which was
filled greatly with puss from the in
fection. It was thought that it would
require the removal of one of the
ribs in order to get at the puss cyst.
A telephone call from Omaha on Mon
day morning requested W. H. Marks
to come as Mr. McQuinn was very ser
ious. Thomas McQuinn however, re
turned home Monday afternoon, and
reported the father as feeling some
better. His condition is regarded as
very grave, however.
(Union continued in Monday's
Mis. M. J. Burbee Better.
Mr. Herbert Burbee went to Oma
ha last Wednesday and accompanied
his mother home after her stay of two
weeks in the hospital there. Mrs.
Burbee is making very satisfactory
improvement and is gaining in
strength since arriving home.
Orchestra Getting in Condition.
The Union orchestra, composed of
a number of local musicians were
over to Nehawka last week practicing
and this week will furnish music for
a dance given at that place. The
personnel of the orchestra is Ellis
LaRue, trap drummer; Carl Frans,
Lnjo; Miss Bessie LaRue, piano,
Delbert Irwin, violin, and Ray Clau
lens, saxaphone. They make a fine
ere You Are!
We have several good used Fords and also new ones
as well, for immediate delivery. Three good used trucks.
Better get those cars attended to before the rush of Spring
We Do AceteHce Welding!
The Willis Garage,
The Show Saturday!
Do not make a date for Saturday without consid
ering that we are going to have one of the best shows
of the season.
You will be surprised and pleased when you come,
for it will be well worth while.
Remember the date Saturday. Place M. W. A.
hall. Time 8 o'clock p. m.
Union Show Company
Ben Franklin99--
First caught the thunderbolt since man has made
the lightning his servant. I am now selling stored elec
tricity. I handle all makes of storage batteries, that are
reliable and the prices right. We repair batteries of all
kinds. Starting cables and terminsls kept in stock. See
me, I can save you money cn both work and goods.
uBoes, The Battery EVlan,
Union, Nebraska
r- 1
tLj f "j ""HP
up W r V 1
.--- H I
11 I i
Although Journal want-i
but little the results they 1
n-cnderful. Try them.
Your Honey Buys Full
Value Here!
Received Bad Burn.
While two little children of Mrs.
Just received a full and
fine line of Ginghams, Per
cales and Muslins. Abso
lutely the latest in this
quality of goods and going
A Fine Line of Staple and
Fancy Groceries and Meats!
Itch! Itch! Itch! Scratch!
Scratch! Scratch! The more you
scratch, the worse the itch. Try
Doan's Ointment. For eczema or any
skin Itching. 60c a box.
When you have drank of a cup made from this
new and popular blending of the coffee bean, you will
know what good coffee is.
Percales at per yd l7V2c
Best prints calico, per yd.'. 15c
Ginghams, absolutely the latest, per yd 7Y2c
Sugar at $9.50 per 100 lbs; prunes, none better,
per lb. 10c; best catsup at 15c and best High Patent
flour at $2.75.
High grade 1 2-inch brass mounted harness which
formerly brought $125.00 can now be bought here at
$80.00. This is getting down to the basis of the pres
ent prices on wheat, corn, hogs and cattle.
UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
Wg Have the Ford Agency!
We are the regular representatives of the Ford
Motor Co., in Union, and have in stock all kind of cars
for sale the Sedan, Coupe, Touring and Roadster.
We also carry the Ford truck. Our phone number
is 20, and we urge you to call us for a demonstration.
We can sell and make immediate of any of the models
of Fords, as we are carrying them all in stock.
See us for anything in this line.
Propsi Burbee,
Phone No. 20
Union, Nebr.
30,000 Acres
Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers harvested an
excellent crop of wheat the past season.
Come, see land where in many instances one crop
will pay for the land. We are making trips every Sat
urday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and
particulars. The best land in the west and at a price
which anyone can afford to pay.
Box No. 11
Union, Nebr.
FistisJa-Pay When Cured
A mild vstm of treatment thar mr? Pil,
Fitui and other Rectal I'iaeat la a hort
Iti withrmt a u,m sureictU operation.
Chloroform. Kther or other rental anaeathetla
owl A car guaranteed In erery case accepted for treatment, and no money to b
paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal L-iBeasen. with nanicn and fiiranlal
of more then 1.000 prominent popie who have been permanently cored
DR. K. R. TAKKY, KnmUoriara. Petem Trait Bid. lte Uldg.). OMAHA. PTtB.
. Us. K. S. J a Iran Lou. Medical lirecUxr.