The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 17, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbc plattsrnoutb jfournal
Kntered at Postofflce. I'latt.-raouth. Neb., as secead-class rsall matter
R. A
Business stability requires busi
ness ability.
It always cakes a wor-ian hot to
treat her in a frosty manner.
Tea z:
per the
for it.
ore a person keci;-j his
ieiS use he ia likely to
The man who
r.ot cften found
is ihcit on
to be long
ca;a is
on op-
Few persons hold to an idea very
long unless it has money-making pos
sibilities. :0:
Grasping an opportun ty has m;:3e
some men millions and landed oth
ers in Jail.
It's lucky EO.U of us can't remem
ber what we were worrying about
a year ago.
The truth Pl
an attempt has
behind a lie.
vays hurts more after
been made to hide it
Swearing at congressmen is r.o new
diversion, but Dawes did it right in
front of them.
While Jess Willard plans his "come
back." Jack Johnson is thinking of
his "come-out."
o:o :
The law cf supply ?nd demand
cur!- up and dies when it tackles the
hooch question.
: j:
Many a man who clamors loudly
for personal liberty will be foun 1 to
be a slave of habit.
Baker's curtailment of army vic
tuals hasn't stimulated enlistments
to any great extent.
California reports an overproduc
tion of prunes. Many another state
ban too many prunes.
The individual who can not be
loyal to one employer is quite likely
to be untrue to another.
Switzerland wants to send u.s 2. COO
servant girls. Let 'cm in! They
are not immigrant;?, but luxuries.
The Vassar girLs who have aban
doned modern styles say it's not so
much for propaganda as propriety.
Blue law agitators have aroused
the opposition of those who have
shoved bath night into Sunday morn
ing. :o:
Telephone service from Florida lo
Cuba ! now planned, but yfire in
terest would he aroused by a pipe
preacher who says women's
should cover their necks,
to take the trick out of trico-
Bergdoll says America has nothing
to attract him. He never saw Leav
enworth ail lighted up and the band
: o:
Frank cash to casket is a natural
jump, according to the-" revenue
sleuths who found two coffins full of
Republican critics of the democrat
ic administration row find that pro
ducing a peace program Is vastly
Keep yourself posted on the issues of the Day.
the facts by subscribing to
A National Weekly Newspaper
It is not conducted for profit and does not accept paid
advertisements of any kind. Largest circulation of
any weekly paper published in U. S. A.
Leave your subscription with Attorney C. E. Mar
tin, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Yearly Rate 82.00
BATES, Publisher
more difficult
than hammering at
Success has made a fool of many
an otherwise sensible man.
There are 7,000,000 -individuals
savings bank accounts in France.
' :o:
With hides so cheap, about
enly good for skinning
to get at the beef.
animal is
Love is not bund but it still clings
to the idea that two can live s
cheaply as one.
The indicted person should have
no more time irftcourt than is neces
sary to give him justice.
Even the optimist who has no pa
tience with knowing will be over
joyed again to hear the sound of the
builder's hammer.
German militarism seems to have
been successful chiefly In reducing
the nation's population, which is less
now than in 1S93.
Now some one suggests coining
of a half a nickel. Give the nickel
time and it may some day again be
worth that much.
: o :
Those who deserve sympathy often
don't get it for instance, the men
who have to read the poetry sub
mitted to magazines.
Certain barber shops in Chicago
arc charging one dollar for a shave.
All the hogs in the Windy City are
not in the stockyards.
Perhaps the Bo?ton geologist -who
claims the Garden of Eden was lo
cated in Omoho is simply oiling some
body for a federal job.
The doctor who prescribes per
manganate of potaslt instead of
wTiisky for snake bites has taken all
the thrill out of snake-hunting.
Whether the excess profit tax is
the cause or excuse for high prices
make little- change in the rough cur
rent of the con. user's agitated life.
Instructions for making income tax
returns are voluminous, but there is
nary a suggestion as to the source
cf getting the money to pay the tax.
i ;o: r
There's one consolation, the mod
ern names given some diseases and
the instruments to detect and mea
sure them are really th,.- worst part
of it.
Hungary objects to oir shipping
back undesirable aliens v.ho came to
our shores from that country. But
a little thing like a kick from Hun
gary is not likely to alter the plans
of Uncle Sam.
A New York economist makes the
suggestion that everybody help the
government out of its financial hole
by burning their liberty bonds.
That's the trouble with' the country
now too much burning of money.
Royalty won't be missed in Ger
many when workers are sought to
produce that reparation fund.
The states which are to have more
congressme nare fortunate in havirg
office-FC-ekers enough to satisfy the
increased demand.
Facts !
Wilts Leads Senate Forces Favoring
Abolishment on Ground that
Ccurts Still Behind.
The scepter of the dead hand w;ii
waverl in the senate Tuesday and lo.
that ancient and honorable institu
tion, the arrointive supreme court
: commission, was not, or will be t!e
ame as not when its term of office
exnire.s April 1. It was the nana ol
the late lamented constitutional con
vention and it was waved by Senator
John Wiltse of Richardson, ably sec
onded by Senator Saunders of Doug
las and modestly sustained by Sena
tor Norval of Seward, all cf whom
were members of the recent consti
tutional convention.
It was the occasion of a discussion
cf S. T. 127. a bill by Beebe of Polk,
authorizing the supreme court to re
appoint a commission of three for a
period of two years, commencing on
Arril.l. 1921, at a salary of $5,000
eich. Wiltse read what purported to
be the last will and testament of the
constitutior aV convention, recently
deceased and practically offered it
for probate. The will of that la
mented body and especially the con
vention's committee on judiciary, was
that the supreme court commission
should be abolished. Wiltse waved
the wand that had dropped from the
palsied hand of the lamented conven
tion, and the court commission as
good as melted into thin air. By a
vote of 21 to S the Beebe bill was
indefinitely postponed in spite of all
that its introducer and Senator Hoag
land. of Lincoln county, could do for
it. Hoagland Indicated that he had
usually voted against the court com
mission and never for it except under
protest, but on this occasion when he
savr a majoritv against the commis-j
on. he voted for it.
Wiltse said the convention had de
vised a plan whereby the supreme
court ought to keep up with litiga
tion filed. The plan requires - the
court to sit in two divisions of three'
each, with the chief justice presid
ing, opinions to be given by three
judrcs cf a division except in certain
cases, mis contemplates continuous
performance by the court.
The new constitution further pro
vides that judges of the district court
may be called to the aid of the su
preme court, serving wiu'.out acm
ticnal pav. The constitution sub
mitted and adopted by the people
also permits the court to devi?e new
rules and if it deems advisable rec- J
ommerd changes in procedure and
practice to the legislature-for enact-I
mer.t into law. Wiltse said the con-i
vention intended to do away with '
the court commission. He praised .
the membership of the commission,
but opposed its continuance. Fie did I
not care to be put in the attitude of
voting within six weeks after the
convention adjourned to kill the
work of that convention. He did
not care to vote for a bill which is
given twenty-four hours' considera
tion and which will overturn six
weeks of hard work of the judiciary
committee of the constitutional con-:
vontton. ;
Saunders of Douglas said the sen-'
aje would be wrong if it goes back
to the old makeshift, a supreme court
commission. Years ago the legisla
ture had been told a commission I
would help the court catch up with
litigation filed. The work of the
commission has been good, but the
court has never caught up. t is one
year behind. Kansas has caught up;
with cases filed and he believed Ne-'
braska can do the same, as it has
now adopted the Kansas plau. Saun-j
dors thought the new plan ought to
be given a fair trial. He cited the!
grov. th of the salaries for court com
missioners vithin a few years from I
?3,009 to the proposed 53,000. !
Hoagland said the plan of calling'
in district judges, if resorted to,
woulJ be found entirely irnpracti-i
Beebe praised the commission as
the best the court has ever had and
said the constitutional convention
made a njistake when it refused to
increase the number of supreme
indues. He said Judge Aldrich of
tho murt lias hppn absent at Kittine-s i
f llo pnnrt for tho na t thrpp wppVs i
on account of illness and that for
n .n-rn? nf tluil liinrl and other causes !
the two divisions
cannot be said toi
amount to anything
judges of the court
lie said the
want this bill
At the best the commission can do
it cannot double the output of the
court. In fact the bill will result
in an increase of only 16 per cent of
the efficiency of the court, yet the
commission writes two-fifths of the
opinions of the court.
V.'ashingtrn. I). C, Feb. 15. A bill
proposing the return of property
held by the alien property custodian
to the owners was introduced tcil;-y
...... .
tv Senator King, democrat, Utah. !
Provision is made for the appointment-
after a state of peace is de
clared of a commission with judici
ary power to determine the rights
oT claimants to property in the pos
session of the custodian.
Washington, I), t., Feb. .15. If.
the application of the Chicago, Uur-'
I llngton rnd Quincy railroad to capi-i
talize its surplus earnings is-jefused, (
j railroads will issue their earntft? in '
the form of dividends as fast as they
I are earned. E. C. Lindley, general '
.counsel for the-Great Northern rail- f
' road, declared today before the Inter- !
state commerce commission.
I :o:
. BlanliL B6oki at the Journal Office.
r s
The price of our dry cleaning
cuts down the price of clothes.
Dainty Dorothy says that she
has found out that we take
most excellent care of the gar
nents entrusted to us and that
our charges should make friends
for this, house. Our dyeing
proves satisfactory, as we use
the latest approved methods and
the best dyes.
The man who tries
Income taxes may hit
stone wail.
dodge his
head on a
Spine women wear comts to hold
their hair up and some wear them to
hold It on.
It looks as though folks who talk
ed about hanging profiteers lost
their nerve.
i Sometimes a
when he falU
his neighbors.
man gets a hard jolt
in the estimation of
.tici no Petition for
lament t Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss.
To the heirs a:.d all persons inter
ested in the estate of David Tourte
lot. deceased:
'in reading the petition of Oria I'.aird
.idministratrlx. prainil ;t tinal settle
ment and allowance of her account
bled in th;' Couit on the l'Hl: day "f
F'-liruar'-. 1921. and for decree of heir
ship and d is t ri bu t i -n f a.'.stls of the
It is hereby orieid ttiat yen and all
p.. ns interested in saM matter may.
and ). appear ;it t?.e frnnty Court to
te held in and for said county, on the
20th dav of Febrti trv A. I . 1921. at
!".:) I o'clock a. in., to show cause, it
? r. y tliere be, why tlie prayer of the
petitioner should not be Kt anted, and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearinj? thereof be
jriveti to all persons interested in said
i.iPtti r by publishing a cony of this
ord.-v in tlie I'lattsr.iou.l Journal, a
semi-weekly newspaper printed i;i said
county, for one week prior to said day
of hearing-.
In witness whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand and the Seal of said
'ourf. this 16tli dav of February A.
I. 1921.
Seal fl7-w iiiity .ludpe.
Notice to Non-IUsid. tit Defendants,
(their Heirs. Devisees, Lefrate, Per
. Itep: eventative.-, an1! all other
'pms;:is inl'-re.-teii in their estates.
' o the unknown heirs, devisees, lea
' lery. personal representatives and ail
j other persons Interested in the estate
j of Lvdia A. Drown, formerly Lydia A.
: Peri-jw; the unknown heirs, devisees.
! legatees, personal tepresentative3 and
i al! other persons interested in the es
tate of Ainor liritton, formerly Ainor
Harrow; and ail persons claiming any
inter tt of anv kind in tlie South half
Liie. .Noriliwesi i Ui-.l in ,i . : .. . .
thlrtv C;0t. Townshin ten (10)
1'ui.ire fourteen (11). East of
the Cth
l'- A- -asn county
Ah. Cass countv. Nebraska:
Vf.i. ....1 . i . tf arp Iierebv
notified that George L. Hathawav and
Albert I-:. Hathawav as plaintiffs, on
,tie 12th dav of January, jji. n;eo
i th ir petition in the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska. wnerein jou
and each of you are defendants, the
ohiect and nraver of wliich are that
yoi and each of vou. and all persons.
claiming bv, through or under you ad
versely to plaintiffs, be adjudged to
have no interest, right, estate or lien
in or to
The South half of the North
west quarter (S'.i NV,4 of Sec
tion thlrtv (:;o. Township ten
10. North Pange fourteen (14),
East of the fith P. M., in Cass
county. Nebraska
or anv part or portion thereof, and
that tlie plaintiffs Georjre 1 Hatha
wav and Albert E. Hathaway, together
with their grantors, he adjudged to
have been in the adverse possession of
said land for inore than ten years last
title to said reil estate be forever
quieted in said George L. Hathaway
and Albert E. Hathaway, as against
yon and each of vou. and that each
and all of nai.1 it fV-ndatits named, and
i 1st unn tii; r I .f. ifiiii l i Lie
fniiv vested in George JU
Hathawav and Albert E. Hathaway.
notwithstanding the claims of you. ana
each of you, or any one claiming by,
through or under you, and that the
those whose names are unknown, and
not stated. be forever barred from
elaiming or asserting any right, title,
interest or estate in and to taid real
estate, or anv part thereof, and for
such other and further relief as to the
court mav seem' just and eqn'tablo.
Yoti and each of you ate further
notli'ied vou are rejvired to answer
id petition on or before Monday, the
2Sth day of February, 1921.
C. A. PAWLS. -jl7-;w.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Tlie t'tate oi
Nebraska, Cass
ly. ss.
I'i the Countv Court.
In tins matter of the estate of Edwin
W. Cook, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are herebv notified that I will
, sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth. in said countv. on the 23rd day
of February, A. D. 1921. aud on the
21th day of May, A. U. 1921, at 10
Goods Called for and Delivered
o'clock a. m. each day, toe'eeeive and
examine all claims against said estate,1
with a view to their adjustment and :
allowance. The time limited for the:
;-resc-nt-uion of claims against said'
estate is three months from the 23rd
cay of Ferruary, .V. D. 1921. ana the :
time limited for payment of debts is ',
cnt: year from said 23rd day of Febru- .
ary. 1921. I
Witness my hand and the seal of!
said County Court, this 20th day of
Jiinuary, 1921.
j2I-4w. County Judge.
To the unknown heirs, dfrvisees.
legatees ar.d personal representatives
cf Susanah Drake, deceased, and all
ott:er persons interested in the estate
of faid Susanah Irake, deceased: and
Leo .Moore; Charles I:. Moore: Mabie
ray Hevins: Joser.h ',ray: Orace Crav
T-.r l-.ri i ' , 'J, i.' V, - ,' ' .x. . ie
the rollowinsr described lands situate
in Cass county. Nebraska, to-wit: The
Southwest quarter SW4) of the
Sou Unrest quarter (SYVV, and the
East half Hi of the Southwest
r. i i r. w. i 1- i , M L ..... ...
lr' , Wi .7u uu inniu-iuur,!.,,,,.,, hejrs. devisees.
N'i and the West half (V's of)
tlie ortlieast quarter (XK'J t and the
Sfutiiea.-t qi:;:rter SEJ) of the Nortii
east quarter (.'K'-4i of Section twentv
five 2o. all in Tor. nship eleven fll ).
North of TCanyre thirteen 1"), Eat of
t?;e 6th Principal Meridian: and all
persons claimin; any interest of any
kind in said real estsita or any part
thereof, Iiefetidan ts :
You, and ciifh of von, are herebv
notftied that ;: the 17th day of Janu
ary. 1 9 2 L, l'o'.Iock Parmele and llajli
I'arrnele lovey hs plaintiffs filed their
petition in ir.e j.-itri'-t court or Cass
county. Nt hr;i-k:i. :ttr.!iis
- ;
you and each
feudants. the object and praver of sai
r ... t t t i . . I ... i ... r .... . . . . ; . . L . . . : . I . . . 1
ind to the real
I i an1 thay 1 ,e dee?" terested in the estate of Jabez Clinton
tvl SJ fc,taiuLma,V'e dct,re.ed Killing, deceased; the unknown heirs,
? S t it -f V I, It . 5 Ia m r 'ntere?r devisees, legatees, personal representa-r-i
2thr , r natl,re J" ,or t,BAlA. lives and all other persons interested
-ft M atfL,2r in,y ?'art .V'ereof- anilin the estate of Mrs. Jabez Clinton
that the defendants in said cause and 1 u?i ' in - i.-m t-
each of tiitm may be
forever barrexi
ana enjoined from havins or
any risht, title, estate cr interest in
or to said real estate or anv part
thereof, and for such other relief
mav be just and equitable.
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the
7th dav of March. 1921.
By Morsman, Maxwell & Hagi?art,
Their Attorneys.
"he State of Nebraska, Cass coun-
In the Count;.
In the matter
Cou it.
of the estate
of Henry
Ilirz. deceased.
To the creditors
You are hereby
:it at the County
of said estate: l
notified, that I will j
oui t room in Platts- '
inoiith, yuitl countv,
aiv county, on tlie th day
"f March. 10-1. aiifl on the- Mh day of
June. ISi'l, at 10 o't-lo.-k a. m.. of each
dav. to receive ani' examine all claims
rrinst p.-t:ifo with it -v-!ew to
their adjustmert an-1 allowance. The''i''
time limited for the presentation of
claims asainst raid estate is three
months from the 7th day of March.
A. I. 1921. and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from said
th day of March. 1!21.
Witness rry hand and the seal of
aid County Court this 29th day of
January, 1921.
(Seal) County Judge.
CHA3. E. M AliTIN.
i",i-iv Attorney.
oiti) eh or he it i. r;
it I'elitiori for Appointment of
.; State of Nebraska, Cass coun-
t v,
In the County CoTrt.
In the matter of the estate of Henry
M. Miller, dcetn.sed.
Or. re.-'din- and filing the petition of
Albert II. Miller, prayinc that admin
istration of said estate may be jrranted
to Patio Tavlor. as administrator;
Ordered, That Februaxy 2i. A. T.
1321. at lo o'clock a. m.. is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all persons
interested in said matter mav appear
rt a County Court to be held in and
for said county, and show cause why
the praver of petitioner should not be
granted: and that notice of the pen
ileiifv of said petition and the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons in
terests! in said matter by publishing
a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth
Journal. a semi-weekly newspaper
printed ?n s;- id -ointy, for three suc-ces.-i"e
weeks, prior to said day of
hc.'-.i irg.
1 'sited January 27t! , 1921.
?1-Ttt- Countv Judjie.
TATES. To Joseph Mc-Creary, if living, if de
cease, i. ins ur.Known r.eirs, oevisees.
lerratees, personal representatives and
all oti er persons interested in his es
tate; Oran S. Thompson, if living-, if
deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees.
lotrater-s, jif-rsoral representatives anil
al! other p rsens interested in his
esti.'e: Wah'iigton Deckins, if living.
deceased, hi.j unknown heirs. fJevi -
fees. K-iat(PS, personal reprcseniam e-
lpd other persons interested in his
estate: Washington M. Dickens, ir Jiv
ing, if deceased, his unknown heirs.
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in his estate: George Powe, if living.
if deceased, his unknown heirs, rtevi-
ees, legatees, personal representatives
;:nd all other persons interested in his
estate: the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of V.'iMiam Stadelman, deceased;
I.ol one (1) in Block two (2) in sta-i
e man s Addition to llie iny oi i iaus-
riini.t'i. Nebraska. and all
persons ;
claiming any interest of any kind in
said real estate, or any part thereof: I
You- and each of you arc- hereby
notified that William 11. Mason, as j
nhi-ntilT. on the 2Mh day of January,'
Court of Cass county, Nebraska, where-,
i...-. .... ..v... ... . ... ... ,
you and each of you are defendants, t
the object !nd prayer of which pcti- 1
tion are that you and each of you, and
all persons claiming by. through or.
under you adversely to plaintlft, be;
adjudged to have no interest, right,
estate or lien i:i or to Lot one (1) in I
Block two (2 in Stadelman's Addition!
to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun-I
ty, Nebraska, or any part or portion
thereof, and that the plaintiff William
H. Mason, together with Ins grantors
be adjudged to have been in tlie adverse
possession of said land for mare than
ten years hist past, and that the legal
title thereto became fully vested In
Willir m H. Mason, notwithstanding the j
claims of you end each of you, or any I
one claiming bv, through or under you,
and that the title to said real estate;
be forever quieted in said William H.'
Mason, as against you and each of you,
and that each and all of said defen
dants, and those whose names are un
known, and not stated. b forever bar
red from claiming or' asserting any
right, title, interest or estate in or to
said real estate, or any part thereof.
and for sucii oilier una runner reuer
las to the court may seem just and
' You and each of you are further
.'notified to answer said petition on or
i before Monday, tiie 'lith day. of March,
A. D. 1921.
! Plaint iff.
" J21-1.V. ... -Attorney.
In the District
Court of Cass coun-
ty, Nebraska.
Jos-ph Libershal. P'i!nt:.T. vs. Jo
fiL!; ilfCrtary ei al. Defer dants.
ij tie defendants. Joseph McCreary
fr.d Mr?. Josenh McCrearv. his wife.
sonal representatives and a!l other
persons interested in the estate cf
Joseph McCrtary, deceased; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
t'iiTil representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Mrs. Ji eph Mrt'roary, deceased; Oran
:. l .-.onipson ami Kelecca K. Thomp
son, his wife; the unknown heirs, devi
pefF, legatees, personal representatives
and all other persons interested in the
estate of Oran s. Tiiompson. deceased;
the unknown heirs. devtee. leeateeu.
rr-i -sural representatives nd all other
! ci s'j.'i.i i n i-resi-fj in ini estate OI
; J ulii: -- S hroeder. deceased
the tin-
devisees, legatees, per
sona! re;;r.-s-ntat1 ves and all other
persons interested in the estate of Mrs.
Julius Schroeder. deceased: Emil Shri
! r an'! Mrs. Emil Siirider. iiis wife.
... .
prsi ar.'i real name unknown: the un-
lejratees, per
and all other
Person" interested In the estate of
Hmi! Shrider, deceased; the unknown
h-irs. devis'es, legatees, personal rep
r sentati v.-s and all other persons in-t-iested
in th estate of Mrs. Emil
Siirider. deceased: Elizaleth Irene
: M'.ir; and Edward B. Murphy, her
j h'.isl.fcS; the ur.known heirs, devisees,
j legatees, personal representatives and
jai! other persons interested in the es
I tate of Elizabeth Irene Murphy, de
ceased: the unknown heirs, devisees.
ilejrat-es. personal representatives and
la!' '.tier persons interested in the es-
iikii' oi r.invaru it. lurpxiv, ueceasea:
.ar,,z -iint -n Hillings and Mrs. Ja
il bez Clinton Millings, iiis wife, first and
a! i:am- unknown: the
' - ........ --
nrs rtvit;.'-s- ' -f . . t nfirunnul ri.Ti
' .. .i m
- ' ' v ii'.n r.r,rc.r- ' h,,cv,o U,i .1.
unknown heirs, devisees. le?atefs nrr.
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of Ella
413 I Maria spe:cer.
deceased; the unknown
legatees, personal rep
l i:eirs. oevisees.
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Allen Spencer,
decea.-ed: Oracle Darling Luper. also
known as CJrace I. Copeland and
(leprae I). Copeland. Iter husband; the
unknown heiis. devisees, legatees, per
sonal t c pro son ta t i ves and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Oracle Darlinjr Luper also known as
Orace I). Copeland. deceased: the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Oeorge I . Copeland. deceased; George
rer.cer Hillings and Adaline Billinjrs
Ins wife, also called Addie Billings
tlie unknown heirs, devisees, legatees
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Oeorge spencer Hillings, deceased; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
so;iaI representatives and all other
persi.ns i!iterestel in the estate of Ada-
Binintrs. also called Ad lie IJil-
I unPf. oeceasea. Lewis s-ampson and
'Mrs. Levis Sampson, his wife, first and
real name unknown; the unknown
heirs, -levisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
ter sted in the estate of Lewis Samp
son, deceased: the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate cf Mrs. Lewis Sampson,
deceased: the unknown owners and un claimants of that part of frac
tional Lots (57 and 68 in the South
i alf S'i of the Southwest quarter
(SW', of Section eighteen 1S). Town
ship twelve (12). North of Range four
teen (14. east of the 6th I. M. in C?ss
uunty. Nebraska, being more particu
larly described as follows: Commenc
ing at the northeast corner of Lot
sixty-seven o;7 fn the South half (S'i)
of the Southwest quarter (SW-il of
Section eighteen (IS), Township twelve
12. Range fourteen (11), east of the
6th P. M.. thence running south ninety
six 9 feet, thence west one hundred
and sixty 1;D feet. thence north
ninety-six (96) feet to the north line
of said Lot sixty-seven (67), thence
east or. said line one hundred and sixtv
(I'"' feet to tiie place of beginning;
that part of fractional Lots sixtv-seven
(67) and sixty-eight (6S in the South
half iS'ji of the Southwest quarter
(SW- ) of Section eighteen 18), Town
ship twelve (12), North of Range four
teen (11), east of the 6th P. M.. in
Cass county. Nebraska. being more
particularly described as follows: Com
mencing at they northeast corner of
Lot sirty-seven 67), in the South half
S".a of the Southwest quarter (SW'4)
of Section , eighteen 18, Township
tweive (12.' Range fourteen (11), East
of the Cth I. M., thence, running south
ninety-sir: (96) feet: thence west one
hundred and sixty (160) feet, thence
north ninety-six (96) feet to the north
line of said Lot sixty-seven (67), thence
east on said line 160 feet to the place
of beginning and all persons claiming
any interest of any kind in said real
estate or any part thereof:
You and'.of you are hereby
notified that on the 31st dav of Janu
ary. 1921. plaintiff filed his suit in the
District Court of Cass county, Nebras
ka, the object and purpose of which is
to quit and confirm plaintiff's title in
and to that part of fractional Lots
sixtv-seven (67) and sixtv-eight (6S),
in the South half (S of the South
west quarter (SW',4) of Section eigh
teen OS). Township twelve (12). North
lnjo fourteen (It), east of the
rlt ,
6th P. M.. in Cass county. Nebraska.
neins more particularly oescriljea as
follows: Commencing at the northeast
corner of Lot sixty-seven (67) in tlie
South half Si) of the Southwest
quarter (SW'i) of Section eighteen
'P, Towiii-hip twelve (12). Range
fourteen (in. east of the Cth P. M.,
thence running south ninety-six (96)
feet. thence west one hundred and
sixty (160) feet, thence north ninety
six (96) feet to the north line of said
i,ot sixty-Kcvtii (m, tbence east on
line one hundred and sixty (160)
,,.Pt to the
place of beginning: and to
enjoin each and all of you from having
or claiming to
have any right, title.
lien or interest, either legal or equit
able, in or to said real estate or any
part thertof, and to enjoin you and
each of you from in any manner in-
torfering with plaintiff's possession and
cnioviiieei ru said memises. ana lor r
premises, and
e, ,-:,,, e rt.iier
This notice is given pursuant to an t
oroer oi tne court. 1011 are requirea .
to answer said petition on or before
Monday, th 21st day of Jdarch. 1921,
or your default will be enterecl therein.
f7-!w. Attorneys.
State of Nebraska, Cusa coun-
Th e
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matterof the estate
of Jo-
soph M. Roberts; deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I Willi":,
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth in said county, on the 7th dav
of March. 1821, and the 7th day of
June. 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m., each
day, to receive und examine all. claims
imainst said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for tlie presentation of
claims against said estate is three
iiionth:i from the 7th day of March,
A. D. 1921. and the time limited for
Tivment of flbf Im imp r fnitn
saio tii nay ot Aiarcn. 131.
I Witness my hand and the seal of
said Countv Court, this 31st day of j
Jiiiiuary, 1321. (
(Seal; I7-4w. County Judge.
In the District Court of Caas coun-
t V Y)T3 S K&.
"in the matter of the application of
tl. E. "Windham, adrn'nistrator. for
I! to seM real estate,
j Jov, on this 3rd (.ay of February,
a r u-1 t. causr came on for
" ... ... l. . L.
upun it petition, uo'iv
of I: R. Windham, administrator or
the estate of Grace !en Windham, de
ceased, praying for Hc-enae to eil the
following described rekl estate of eaid
Oiace Den Windham, deceased, to-wit:
Lot nine 9 in PJock five fS In the
original town of I'lattsmoutli. Caf
countv, Nebraska. as the same S
shown on the published and recorded
plat thereof, and an undivided one
tenth (110) interest in the following
described tracts: The South half S,
of the Northwest ouarter NV'i and
th North half N2 of the Southwest
quarter rSW'4) and the Southwest
quarter (SW',; of the Southwest quar
ter SWi). all In Section two (2: and
th South half S4i of the Southeaft
luarter SE) of Section three 3. all
in Township live 5, North of Kange
fifteen 15k east of the 6th Principal
Meridian. Nemaha county, Nebraska, or
a sufficient amount thereof to brirg
the sum of $1,200.10. for the payment
of debts allowed against eid estate,
and allowances and costs of adminis
tration, for the reason that there Is
not a suflicient amount of personal
property in tlie possession of said H.
IJ. Windham, administrator, belonging
to said estate, to pay said debt, al
lowances and costs.
It is therefore, ordered that all per
sons interest in said estate appear
before me at chambers in the City of
Plattsmouth, in said county, on tlie
l?th dav of March. A. I). 1921. at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. to show cause,
if anv there be. why a license should
rot be pranted iy said 11. Ti. Windham,
idministrator. to sell so much of tlie
above described real estate of said de
cedent as shall be necessary to pay
said debts and expenses.
It is further ordered that a copy of
this order be served upon all persons
interested in said estate by causine
the same to be published once each
week for four suecesstve weeks Sn the
Plattsmouth Journal. a lepal news
paper printed, published and circulat
ing in said county of Cass. Nebraska.
Judge of the District Court of
f7-4w Cass county, Nebraska.
To Pearl Conrad. Defendant:
You are herebv notified that on the day of October. 1920, Lawson
Conrad filed his petition and com
menced an action you in the
District Court of Cass county. Ne
braska, the object and prayer of
which is to obtain an absolute divorce
from you upon the ground of extreme
cruelty without provocation or fault
upon the part of the plaintiff, anil for
the reason that the defendant has de
serted the plaintiff for more than two
years without any just cause.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 21st day of
March; 1521.
fl0-4w. Plaint.
Pelillon for Appointment
State of Nebraska, Cass
1 in
ly, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Anna
Wilhelmina Mumm, deceased.
On reading ami filing tlie petition
of Peter Mumm praying that adminis
tration of said estate may be granted
to Clara Mumm. as administratrix:
Ordered, That the fcth day of March.
A. I). 1921, at ten o'clock a. m., is as
signed for hearing said petition, when
all persons interested in said matter
may appear at a County Court to le
held in and for said County, and show
cause why the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted; and that notice
of the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed In said county, for
th ree successive weeks, prior to said
dav of hearing.
Dated this 11th day of February,
. D. 1921.
(Seal) fl4-3w. County Judtre.
Notice is herebv given to the Quali
fied voters of School District No. C-7.
v ci .- uiin i . . .-.-rui ti. rv ii, an elec
tion will be held at the High school In
M. E. church In Murdock, Nebraska, In
said district on the 23rd day of Febru
ary, 1921, at seven o'clock p. m.. for
the purpose of voting upon the follow
ing question to-wit:
Shall the District Officers of School
District No. C-7. In Cass county, Ne
braska, issue the bonds of said school
district, in the amount of Eighty
Thousand Dollars, ( 1 80.000.0n ) bearing
interest at the rate of six per cent
6C";) per annum, payable semi-annually,
principal and interest payable at
the County Treasurer's ofTice, Platts
moi'th. Nebraska. and the principal
payable as follows:
J6.O00.00 pavable
$."..000.00 pavable
$5,000.00 pavable
$6,000.00 pavable
S5.n00.GO pavable
$5,000.00 payable
$6,000.00 pavable
$5,000.00 pavable
$5,000.00 pavable
$6,000.00 pavable
$5.00.00 payable
$5,000.00 pavable
$6,000.00 pavable
$5,000.00 payable
$5.00o.00 payable
March 1. 1927.
March 15, 192S.
March 15, 1929.
March 15, 1930.
March 15, 1931.
March 15. 1922.
March l.". 1&3U.
March 15. 1934.
March 13, 1933.
March 13, 19.16.
March 15, 1937.
March 13. 193S.
March 15, 193!.
March 15, 1940.
March 13, 1911.
And shall the District Officers of ald
School District cause to be levied, an
nually, a tax sufficient for tlie pav
nient of the interest and principal as
it becomes due? Said bonds to be Is
sued for the following purpose, to-wit:
Purchasing a site and erecting ani
equipping a school house in District
No. C-7, Cass county, Nebraska.
By order of the District Officers of
said School District, this 28th day of
January, 1921.
tf-w. Director.
and n(i-i of l-rolfii of - III
In the Count: Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. County of Cas,
To George Paine. William B. Paine.
rseme ounes. former v Il;i lnin. .,..!
t.i- 1 1 uersons inici-esrii i r.
of Emma Hathawav. decce.l-
On reading the- petition of Sy-rvestor
v.. iiiimaway praying that the instri;-
merit filer! in tl.iu
court on the llth
1921, and purport
will and testament
! l.i- " t.- i .. . . .
-. I. i ri.i udi ) ,
ing to be Uie last
of the said
deceased, may be proved
ano allowed, ana recorded as tho biwf
will and testament of Emma Hatha
way, deceased; that said instrument b--admitted
to probate, and the adminis
tration of said estate be granted to
Sylvester C. Hathaway as executor
It as hereby ordered that vou. u'tid
all persons interested in said" m-iioh
1 may, and do appear at the County
..Court to be held in and for said ro u li
ft y, on the day of March, A D
j 1321. at 10:00 o'clock a. m., to show'
ii.Hu.--e. ii any mere ne, wny tile prayer
i me petitioner snouiu
" .1 i i . o V . i ,.V V . i ' .... . .5 n 1 1
said petition and that the heariu
thereof be given to all persons inter
ested In said matter by publishing a
opy of this order in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said county, for three suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of
Witness my hand, and the eal of
said court, this HWi day of February
A. D. 1921. '
fl7-3w. - County Judge.
(St - al)
We can furnish you "blank books
of all kinds. The Journal.