The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 27, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Our Wish, Ftiandty Service:-
Our heart has been cheered,. and we are ever mind
ful of the many friends whom we have made during
our life in Murdock. We have enjoyed prosperity, we
have been blest with good health and with that which
we count near the top of the list your friendship. We
cherish it most highly.
To all our friends, then, we are wishing the best
which the present age and season can bring, trusting
that prosperity, happiness and abundant health may be
with you throughout the coming year.
And because of this friendship, we are the more
anxious to be of useful service to you in the future, as
we have ever endeavored to be in the past.
The Bank of burdock
"The Bank where You Feel at Heme"
SLNSY A. TOOL, President J. S. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres.
II. A. GUTHHANN, Castier
.T. Jot.a .lr-t :i has completed the (lis-!
t:i!mting oi" trie electric light poles!
tlirciighout ti e city cf Murd-jck. I
Mr. "W. H. Rush has his home wired j
I; week for the reception of t-lec-
trii- lights when the circuit arrives, i
Misses Margaret and Catherine
Tv are spending the Yuietide at the I
:' iheir parents. Mr. and Mrs.;
.'(. J. Tori. i
i.wti SchmMt ;iMi Jjouis Uorr.oniei
r r.i! families wre the gnosis a'
1 '-. ! -uie t.f '. K. Kupke and w ife for
t':i" -. iiig- la.-t Mjnday.
"u::ty S-'urvc : or Fred Patterson
;; visitor in Murdoch .last v.-s ek. j
h.i;tifr sorr.e surveying to do in thij j
-iihborhr.o.i. I
Th-' tv-o Mi.:?e- DuclTntli who are!
jun:ck ? herds, are
t tii'liv.s t.".t:r vacation
i 'ii r South I-t :i(i.
A C'iri t n ?. s tree and
. t their home
rogram v.-a;
.oh cf
.c four churcr.ei
:;::.! at
Vurdotk. Loui.-ville. Callihan and
t'.:i' ore just ntrth of Mird :':.
H. .. To'd :::id family v.ero the
;; the hrr.i" .:f C. A. 1'esack
!.r f'hristmas. driving to the Bcsack
home : t. Springrield in tiieir car.
?.liss Martha OaV:c;mcier. who is a
vndint in the Wayne Normal at
"VY;';-n'-. arrived heme a few clays aso;
to spend the holidays witbher par
ents. Messrs. Cilfj Gale and John Pick
v.i'A. v. ho are students in the state
univi r.-i'y at Lincoln, are spending
t'.e hid id ay vacation at the I'ickwcdl
A'V-rt Keehman, who is a student
"; the Xorthwe-tern college at Na
Txrv!i:e, 111., ariived at home a few
c.r.y j:r; to spend the holidays with
hi- p .-'.it
;is S.-jhriii!t and wife and lit'le
r ;
h: !
(" guests at
i: iiurl fam
all having an
t l. i:. :
"lirisT ;sia-
i iui'-.
:!;.-. J. V. Mcrch of Omaha, was
:i viit'T a! the home of her bi n;!i r.
(U'crzv Ttt and family for over
i':: rh tmas. they all enjoying the oc
casirr. greatly.
Kenneth Too":, who is attending
the lav.- school at the state university
arrived home last Thursday evening
ana will spend the vacation at the
hoiuj of 1: is parents.
Mis--- IxLle'"e (! Hollarn. oi e of the
facilty of th- Mu'iitick schools, de
parted 1'isr Thursday for her home
al iS.iini Libro. where she will
fpciut the vacation with her fokis.
Numerous ca-es of measles are re -poric:'
in and about Alurdock and
many who hive been affiictci by
lliem ar- :f tlii tirne rccverin and
i,: i:t a tiianrer abat-
the t.:-!vt.-ii:
tdiris (Juerr has the v.-jrinp of hL
heme -omi'!?tcd itkI is now re::ly
to ei'.ioy the modern l'rhtir1? by elc-tr:;-i!-
and wtii-h will be rady for
u.-e ir. the early days of the new
G. Merklc wa? looking aTter some
business matters in Omaha last Tues
day, gcing over on the Burlington
from South Bend, and returning
home on the Rock Island in the eve
ning. Carl Schneider and Arch Feters.
w!-- are both students in the college
:-t Concordia. Mo., arrived at home a
few days ag and will remain dur
ing the holidays to visit with their
Mi.-; Grace Backeuieier and Miss
Marariie McDonald, who have been
having a very severe case of measles
for the past two weeks, are so far
recovered as to be abie to be out
Jerry E. Mcllugh and family were
the guests at the home of the par
ents of Mrs. Met! ugh. George Towie
and family of Lincoln, where they
: -pent Christmas, returning home on
W. A. Prhut:: living northwest of
Murdoek, wa report pd as not feel
ing very veil and was kept in the
house on that account. We are in
hopes that Mr. Sehtitz will soon be
well again.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hess of Kern.
Kansas, accompanied by their little
for. Edgar, arrived in Murdock a few
days aro and are visiting at the home
c i Mr. snd Mrs. C. Moomey, the latter
being the parents cf Mrs. Hess.
Walter Kairarcrtntr arrived horn
last Thursday evening and will spend
the mid-winter vacation with his
parents. Walter is attending the
ttate university, while Connie is at
tending school at Omaha. They. are
both home for the t;e.
A. A. Itikli and' wife departed a
week jro for Milford. where they
visited with friends and relatives for
some time, and later went to Druni
r.MUid. C .lahoma. where they have a
number of children living and where
they are making an extended visit.
Miss Miry Rush has consented to
compose the school notes for the Mur
dock school for the Journal and any
items of interestwhich ?ny of the
scholars may have can be given to
Miss Rush. We will appreciate any
courtesy in this direction extended
to the reporter of the school.
.1. Johanscn had for guests at their
home for Christmas, the family of
Leo Kikli and they all enjoyed the
day to the utmost, Mr. Johansen.
who lias not been feeling the best for
some time, is improving and the oc
casion seemed to act like a tonic,
even better than the medicines, for
jov and conviviality is better than ali
other remedies to health.
Miss Carrie Schaeffer of Tdanlcy.
sister of Charles Schaeffer of Mur
dock. who has been in Omaha for
j;.nv weeks past where she under
went an operation, has so far re
covered that she was able to be re-
Murdock tlsrognfiie Greetings:-
Wc who live lorrcther here in Vlurdock are build
ing up a belter city day by day. During the past year
we have mace notctble advances and hope to do even
better the coming twelve months.
Murdock is our town. We pride in the best and
beiieve no cichievement beyond our reach, when staunch
loyal men work together for a common end. So let
lis take stock of our situation, and firmly resolve npt
to falter now, when greater successes lie just beyond
the turn in the road ahead of us.
We prize the co-operation and friendship that has
existed during the past years of our life in Murdock;
the comradship which has grown out of united endeav
or, and because of this our heart swells with a sense of
gratitude. Sc, we pause on the threshold of 1921, to
wish ycu ail an abundance of health, happiness and
prosperity during the coming year.
- Murdock Mercantile
J. E. McHUGH, -Manager
moved to the home of her sister, Mrs. j when the vote was taken on the is
suance of the bonds for the Electric
Light and 'Power company, the pop
ularity of the movement was again
demonstrated, as there only appear
ed three votes agr.inst the proposi
tion, and it would seem that they
were for only a matter of record.
The vote was not heavy, there being
6 5 votes in favor and three against
the proposition.
Edward Fankonin near Weeping a- ,
ter. today Monday. Mr. Charles j
Schaeffer went to Omaha to accom
pany the sister to Weeping Water,
where she will remain to recuperate.
Mr. A. C. Meier jurgcr of Omaha, ;
where he is connected with the His- j
gins Packing company, was a visitor!
in Murdoch for a few hours last !
Thursday, coming here to visit with !
his brother. Henry Miiirjurgen. liv- j
ing southwest of town. Mr. Meier- j
jurgen, who formerly for a number j
rf yeui's was engaged in business in i
Murdock. having a store where Mr.
Baur r.ovv does business, was a vis
itor also at the home of his mother.
Mrs. Lo'-.ise Prockiioge at Elm wood,
and returned to his home on the Jcr
sev last Thursday evening.
Mi:-,.-. Mary McHugh of Fails City,
who has been studying at the nurses
hospitr 1 at Omaha for son:" time past
anu who lias about concluded her
course, ".hs a visitor at the home of
her broiher. J. E. McHusli, for a few
days last eck. and returned to her
studies last Thursday. While here.
the home where Miss Mary was stay- :
ing in Omaha, burned and she. like
most cf the nurses sta;. ing there, lost !
all their clothing and personal cf-i
fects. .Miss Mary had but one dn ss
left with the exception of what ;he
had worn here, her trunk arso being
Frank Melvin was a visitor at Alvo
last Thursday evening, where he was
spending the time with friends and
alto looking after some business mat
ters as v c II. -
Jesse Landbolm arid wife were vis
itors in Omaha last Wednesday and
Thursday, going on the train.
Word was received from Verdi gre.
where T. S. Rager and wife have been
visiting, reporting the death of their
infant child whose birth was re
ported in last weeks Journal, a few
oays ago. The parents in the:'- loss
have the sympathy f their numer
ous t'rie'in ; .in and near Murdock.
Laccy McDonald gave t lie auto a
rest last week and attached a horse
tf. a cutter and delivered the mail in
the former style.
Last Thursday evening Harry P.
Long and son Robert, living north
east of Murdock, returned from r.
trip to Valentine, where they have
been visiting and looking after some
business mam-rs for the past week.
Mr. lAng reported having met ith
some extremely low points on the
thermometer while on the trip.
SuperiutendcTit cf the, Murdock
schools, and Principal George AVar
rcn. departed last Thursday evening
frr their nomes at Lincoln and Beth
any respectively, to spend the vaca
tion with H eir f.-niilies.
Mi-s Mario Schmidt has been
elected to th" position of operator at
the Murdoch Telephone exchange,
which wes caused by the resigna
tion of Miss Hazel Bauers. who was
united in marriage at Omaha with
Mr. Claude Twiss.
I Wins Gratitude cf Kiddies.
! Superintendent of the Murdock
j schools, J. H. Burwell and Principal
! George Warren, won the lasting gr-j-1
titude of the kiddies of the Murdctk
! schools when they made all a pres
' crt of a bag oft sweets last Thursday
j afternoon just before the closing of
; the schools for the mid-winter vaca
tion. By the way the Murdwk
; schools are progressing nicely, and
i c eery examination shows progress in
i j'll the grades a,nd studies, and with
11 2 construction of the new building
which is in anticipation, the schools
an enemy. From the wounds as they j
appeared, it looks like it could not j
have been done by animals, for thf ,
crushing of the skull in two places ;
which could have been done only by
an instrument in the hands of some
person. Investigations are being
time is assured. A banquet will also
be served and everybo'dy is invited to
be in attendance. 1 s-w. Id.
All Enjoy Elegant Banquet.
The ladies of Murdock, who ever
have maintained the reputation of
dor'rg things in the proper way, in
their banquet of last Tuesday pre
sented to their husbands and friends
and members of the order and of tho
Modern Woornan of America, surely
met with the expectations, if not hav
ing exceeded it. when they fed some
eighty people with the good things
of the land. They had arranged the
tables at the M. W. A. hall in a very
pleasant way and had every appoint
ment made to the nicety that en
abled ajl to enjoy to the utmost the
sociable event.
The people of Murdock are good
feeders, but this feast of Tuesday sur
passed any previous attempt. The
flood of good nature was as generous
as the things to eat, and this added
much to the delightful occasion.
will be
! do the v.
in much better
orl: for which it
is asfiiga
Visiting; in
the North.
riauers anu wife departed
few days ago for Pipestone. Minn.,
v. here they went to spend the holi
days at Ihe home of Mr and Mrs.
J'din Z. Bauars, the former beiug a
brother of A. J. Bauers. They will
make an extended visit and enjoy the
occasion greatly. While they are
away the dray business is being look
ed after by "Happy" Robinson, who
is a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Bau
ers, and who is well qualified to look
iifter the business during their at-s'.-nce.
a i
1 1'
Attended Funeral at Weeping Water.
II. V. McDonald and wife and H.
. Tool and wife, were in attend
ee at the funeral of John Carter at
eping Water last-week. Mr. Mc
inr'ld. who formerly was a business of Mr. Carter in Murdock,
in selected as one of the pall
b "arers. Many people here will re
member Mr. Carter as a former citi
zri eif Murdock and hold his memory
i;i much respect. All testify as to
ha-, excellent character, and his
worth as a gentleman and citizen.
While the deceased, it was reported,
probably came to his death by an at
tack of wild cattle, later develop-
Bauers-Twiss Wedding Monday
Miss Hazel Bauers, the accom
plished daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. A.
J. Bauers of Murdoch, and who has
bi?en one of the force of operators
ar. the Murdock Telephone exchange,
was united in marriage last Monday
at Omaha, with Mr. Claude Twiss oi
Louisville. Mr. Twiss, who is the
son of E. C. Twiss and an excellent
young man. has been with the Keh-
company of Louisville
past year. The young
people are well and favorably known
and "are very popular in their home
towns as well as throughout this por
tion of the county. The Journal,
with their many friends, are extend
ing best wishes for a happy and pros
perous life.
ler Pottery
during the
Not becau?e it is a good holiday
custom, but because it is our earnest
desire, we extend you this sincere
thank for the part you have tanen
in our inarch of progress. And
moved by the spirit of the season wc
extend you our heartiest wishes fnr
a successful and happy New Year.
6. J. Pot hast.
r.i. its point
had met foul
to the belief
play from the
that he-
hands of
There w ill be a dance and banquet
given at the hall in Murray on Wed
nesday evening. December 29th. in
honor of A. L. Baker, and a general
good time will be had. Holly's five
piece orchestra will furnish the mu
sic. This will be the only dance dur
ing the holidays here, and a good
Enjoyed Bos Supper.
Miss Hadson. the teacher of the i
Grand Prairie school east of Mur
dock. pave a delightful box supper
at the school last 'Thursday and
whien was also accompanied by a
very interesting program. At the
same time a quilt which has been
made by the students of the school
was given awr.y to the holder of a
fortunate ticket.
They All Liked the Fish.
A short time ato. I. G. Hornbcch
received a consignment of salmon
from the west and winch was dis
tributed anion: the people of Mur
dock and vicin-'y. which met with
such favor, tha: he will expect in
the course of a short timeAhave an
other consignment of about a thou
sand. They weigh eight pounds ami
packed separately in a box.
Will Soon Have Material.
Mr. A. Peters, who has charge of
the construction of the electric line
in Murdock. has the poles all ief for
the lines in the ctiy and will he
ready as soon as the arrival of tho
w-ire and other materials, to string
the wire ir. town and from the line
east of Manley to this lie was
at D!s Moines. Iowa la:'-t week pur
chasing transformers and other need
ed material for the work hero? He
expects its arrival immediately, and
as soon as as it docs arrive will lr
zrin the work of installing the me
ters and connecting up the service.
j Enjoyed a Happy Chrisiaias.
! The children of ua4 Pamska
were the ruck's at the lrome of their
parents in Murdock for Christmas
last Saturday with their families.
Will Meyers of Lincoln, Albert Pan
ska and family. Dan Panska and fam-
' ily. Earl Meyers of Louisville and
wife. The occasion was one greatly
enjoyed by all the children and their
families, and the gathering made
the day one most pleauint for Mr.
Panska and family.
Gave Excellent Program.
The members of the Evangelical
church and of the Bible school of
that orgHnizaf ion presented a very
interesting program last Friday eve
ning, which was accompanied by a
Christmas tree and was attended by
a lrage number of people, who en
joyed the occasion.
; Full Confined to His Home.
I f-. Neitzc-I. who has -been kept to
his home on jiccount of the effects
of rheumatism for a number of weeks
is so far recovered that he is able
to be about the home a portion of
the time, but has not as yet been
able to attend to the business at the
store. It is hoped that he wjll soon
: be able to be down and looking af-
! ter business affairs again, as well as
lenjoving betjer health.
fe Are Here to Serve!
Mr. Consumer:
Why not buy your beef by the quarter, s.nci 3'our
We sell either by
pork as well?
v.f?ble carcass. We will also make your
render your lard for you if you wish.
quarter, hair or the
sausage ana
We are selling rresh pure
pound. See us for service.
lard at 25 cents per
Building Friendsk ips:-
In the construction of character, we
have received more helpful suggestions
through the close association of those
with whom we have come in contact
right here in Murdock, than from any
We trust the new year may strengthen
ihese old ties as well as be productive of
man' new friendships, one with another,
and that prosperity health, happiness and
the boon of many friends may be 3'ours.
Tool, taman & iurfsy,
K. W. TOOL, Manager
The Confirmation Election.
At the election held last Tuesday
I lew
A new year is at our gales. We are
greeting the new duties and responsibili
ties with joyous acclaim and trust the
future year may continue as bright as
has been the past.
We are duly appreciative of the old
time friends and those whom we have
made in the recent past. To you all we
are' extending best wishes for a Happy
and prosperous New Year.
Farmers Merchants Bank
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
15. J. Halstead will greatly regret to
learn of the serious illness of their
little five year old daughter. Bessie,
who is suffering from a severe at
tack of pneumonia and whose con
dition is quite serious. The family
is hopeful that the little one may
soon be able to rally from the illness
and be rrble to be up and around and
her illness has brought great sorrow
to the circle cf little playmates with
whom she ha been associated.
- We Wish You Prosperity-
If, as we believe, good will is
the most priceless asset in busi
ness, it is certain that you have
by your past patronage and
courtesy won our sincere grati
tude and thanks.
We trust that we may con
tinue to merit your-confidence in
the future and that, in the New
Year ahead, you will reap your
full share of Prosperity and Suc
cess. The Duslerkoff Shops
Murdoch, Nebraska
burdock Electric and Auto Oo.,
We are equipped to do any and all kinds of auto
repairing and electric wiring.
We also xarr' auio accessories and supplies, with
a complete linot of guaranteed tires.
Our workmen are capable, courteous and accom
modating. We can give you the best of servicf .
A little later we vill announce a line of cars for
sale. In the meantime bring us your work, we have
Orville Ingwerson, a capable and experienced mechanic.
burdock Electric and auto Company,
Kindly Holiday
Locking over the part year we arc
mindful of the great help our friends
have been to us in the conduct of our
business. And on the eve of another year
our thoughts turn to wishes cf abundant
prosperity, robust health and a continua
tion of our pleasant friendship.
YUM t,Mm 11
& Z H: Li '
Greetings to
Our Friends:-
We are not unmindful of the friendj
who, by their patronage, have contribut
ed so largely to our success. We prize
your friendship as one of our most valu
able assets, and take pleasure in this day
extending the wish that you may prosper
during the coming year, live long and en
joy abundant health and happiness.
It a
Phone 35-B
Murdock, Neb.