PJLQ TEETH THUIISEAY. BECIMBEE 23. 1920, PIATTSHOUTH SEU3-WTEEIY JOUP.EAL Union Department Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. as a patron, as assistant, or r.oniri- buLed. Committee. Making Travel Easy Throughout the World Suppose you desire to travel through out America or in Europe, Asia, Aus tralia or Africa By going to your banker, you can purchase traveler's checks which are good in all parts of the world for their face value without identification. When you travel, don't carry money which might be lost. Buy traveler's checks which may be cashed by merely identify ing the signature on their face. This is another of the invaluable ser vices which this bank renders to you. ank of Uniom , UNION - - NEBRASKA manner adn will make an excellent salesman for Mr. Carraher. W. II. Porter, who Is a real true scout, last Monday secured an ever green tree ami took It to the school building-, where it could be used as a Christmas tree during the exer cises on Friday afternoon of this week. The tree was placed in tn room in which Miss Nettie McCarrol teaches. A letter was received from Mrs. Dean Austin, who i visiting in thr south at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Parmeley Applegate and bus band. Mrs. Austin says that thing are nice dawn there and the weathe warm like summer. The young pec pie like living in the south, a als does Mrs. Austin. Someone driving a Ford wher their 'lights went out near the hom' of Winfield Swan, were unable U keep their car in the road and thr animal headed for the nearby field but encountered a hedge post on it way, with the result that the m chine had to be it-paired a gre Hel before they could proceed tr their home. Arthur (Bud) Lindsay, who is em .ployed with the Willis Garage, ha' made the purchase of the restauran which has been owned and operate'' by Mr. Orville McQuinn. and wP conduct the same. He has secure' the assistance of Jack Austin, wh ia assisting in the conduct of tr place. Mr. McQuinn will expect engage in farming during the cor ing season a"d i expecting to secur a place Immediately. Wants a Han..' . W. B. Banning, the superintend Rav Becker was marketing hogs ' D. B. Lynde of Union, visited at the eit of the Union Mutual Telephon' m Vphmckn Pitv lat Monday with I home of Mr. and Mrs. Lvnde over the comoanv. is In need OI his truck. Robert Willis delivered a new Reo truck to John McCarthy at his farm near Wyoming last Saturday. Mrs. Mable Reynolds was kept from her work at the Farmers Union store lart week on account of illness. Sheriff C. D. Quimon was looking after some busine?s matters in Union last Friday, driving down in his car. Lemiel Barrett is spending some two weeks at home, it being the va cation time at the Mate university. Mrs. Abby Barker cf Denver, ar rived in Union last Monday and if visiting at the home of her sister. Mrs. W. A. Taylor. a nnemar week end and returned to their home and is welling to make a good cor last Monday morning. tract for a year with some one whor A party of people driving a car he can depend upon. from Iowa last Monday afternoon. overturned into a ditch just south oi Bridge Restored. the corner east of Union, breaking The briJge over the Weeping Wa the windshield, but not doing any lor hest of Union, whic". personal damage to the occupants. Elmer B. Chapman drove to Lin Tin last week and returned with his daughter Miss Ellen, who is at tending the state university at that place and who comes home to re main during the mid-winter vaca tion. A few Plattsmouth young people were in the dit;h near Wyoming was carried away by a flood som five years ago, was restored during the past two weeks and placed s jm three feet higher, the piers whic remained being added to for the pu pese. The grading was complete last Saturday and the bridge is no ready for service. A. H. Austin, who has been home last Saturday morning before day, for some time, but not yet able to j as a result of lack of nerves, occas work. was reported last Monday as i ioned from too much stimulant. not feeling as well as common H. II. Becker ?hel!ed corn for Geo. I T ill last Tuesday, which was deliv ered to the elevator in Union. Robert Willis nnd wife and their daughter were visiting lan Monday efternorn. as well as doirg some fh-pnlre between ircirs. Mr. Ray Frans and Miss Evla FraTis spent lat Fridav in Omahi locking alter some Chrl?tmas shop ping and aln mended a show. Earl Merritt and wife ppent Sun day at the home of friend in Platts mouth last Saturday and Sunday, re turning borne Morday morning. Miss Mary Becker was a visitor with friends and attended the the ater at Omaha last Friday, return ing home cn the evening train. be pulled out by the Mrs. Rhuemin Badly Scalded. Last Thursday when Mrs. Hem Rhueman was in the act of takin a teakettle from the stove rilled wit boiling water, the kettle caugb throwing the water over her perse and had to neighbors. The Rev. W. A. Tavlor was called to Weeping Wtaer last Monday to and burning her very severely. T officiate at the funeral of Mr. John clothing catching the boiling wat Carter, who was killed while hand- made the burns worse. Since recei V.-g some cattle in the - west. He "i lived in Colorado for the past two years. O. W. Flrney and family, who have been stiying at Union during the time while Mr. Finney has been workirg on the bridge over the Weep ing Water creek southeast of Union, '-ettirred to their home In Auburn on the completion of the structure. The Baptist Ladies Aid society, -M-h recently g"ve a bazaar and c-.iT,or t M. W. A. hall, were very successful in their endeavor. ing treatment, the lady is progress as well as could be expected, but still suffering greatly from the z cident. Floyd Saxton shelled his corn last realizing some $324 from the enter prise. They are well pleased with the kindnesses of the public in the matter. Mrs. Mag Smith of Portland, Ore eon, arrived in Union last Saturday, tm1 visited until last Tuesday at the home of her cousin. Mrs. J. D. Cros and husband, then departed for Peo ria. 111., where she will make an ex tended visit with relatives and friends. Messrs. Kemper Fran9 a" La Rue, who have been employed in the Burlington shops at Plattsmouth during the fall and early winter. Friday delivering the same to the elevator of McCarthy and Sturm, leceiving fifty cents per bushel for the Fame. The Methodist ladies at the bazaar which they cave last vev. - e- -n-n'l efforts for the benefit of the church, they realizing something about fSS for their enterprise. Harry Todd of Murray was a vis itor in Union l ist Monday afternoon for a short time, visiting with his brother L. G. Todd, and departed on the evening train for Lincoln. C. B. Lvnde of Fort Smith. Arkan- Jlissionary Society Meet. The Woman's Home Missionary s cietv of the Methodist church, m with Mrs. L. G. Todd last Thursd: and looked after the business affai of the society and transacted 6on other matters, having a very pleas ing program, Mrs. Lee Farris bein the leader of the afternoon. Fc'. lowing the conclusion of the busl ness and the program, the ladies e: jcyed a very pleasant season cf ciahility, which was greatly en hanced by the serving of a deligl ful luncheon, served by the accon vl'shed and charming hostess, M Todd. The Christmas Spirit. The Christmas spirit will be ej omn'ificd bv the church in Union f Christmas eve. when at both the Methodist and the Baptist churche there will be a very entertaining a" fas, and wife, were visiting in Union were among those layed off t delightful program and a Christina for the week and were the guens at "me of the ten per cent reduction tree, including treats tor all wno a the homes of M. Lynde. L. R. Upton in the working force of the Bur- tend. and D. B. Lynde and families. lington road. D. C. LaRue, the blacksmith, ac- Miss Dovey Barkhurst. who U a companied by his family, were viit- saleswoman at Denver, where she ing and looking after seme business has been for some time past, and matters at Omaha last Saturday, driv- eiHovs a very lucuratlve position, ing up to the metropolis in their arrived home last Friday jnd Is vis iting for the holidays at the borne of her parents. J. M. Barkhurst and wife northeast of town. car. John Becker was collecting cattle last Monday, which has father ha1 purchased, and getting them ready for shipment, and on Tuesday they were shipped to the South Omaha market. Luther J. Hall and wife of Nebras ka City, being the parents of Mrs. Meets With Serious Accident. While Hurbert Roddy was comin to town last Friday in his car. ht hit a rough place which placed hi car beyond control and before h could get control of the machine, it had landed in the ditch beside the t-upene .oaay nas succeeaeu jo- man underneath. Hurbert was con siderably injured, having his colla bone broken, and bruised up cor seph Thomas as the salecman in the Union market during the vacation i . m wmcu re gets irom scnooi nicn ue siderable. The car was somewhat is attenaing in umana. wr. kouuj damaged, the windshield being en ian.es uoiu ui me wuro. m iub prupi-r tirely demolished A Merry Christmas We wish to extend to one and all the Season's Greetings. Through the kind patronage of our friends it has been possible for us to enjoy a very profitable year's business, and We take this oppor tunity to express our sincere thanks for the same. May the Christmas of 1920 find you all peaceful, happy and pros perous, and may Old Santa fill your stockings to the top with blessings for 1921. - Yours for a Merry Xmas. Frans Bros'. Lumber Co UNION 9 NEBRASKA' Union. Wins the Prize. At the county meeting of the Roy al Neighbors of America, which wa held in Weeping Water last Thurs day evening and Friday, in which many towns were tepresented, th lodge from Union won the five dol lar cash prize which was offered fo the largest class going into the or der. Union had eome eighteen in their class which exceeded that of any other town. The team of Weep irg Water, assistsed by the supreme omcers who are located at Rock Is land, put on the exemplified work In the drills, the team from Manley took the prizes as being the be drilled team to be in attendance. Those who were nrsn TT- ion at the meeting were Mesdames fanes Nelson, Carl Swan, Oliver Easter, Ivan Balfour, Henrv m-st roll. Wayne Propst. John Sheffield. Matt McQuinn, L. F. Fitch and E-r Merritt, John x Armstrong; Misses Margaret Swan, Deloras and Winona Dysart. and Eula Frans. After the conclusion of the work sociabil ity reigned supreme, the ladles of the order at Weeping Water enter- Union Loses Good Citizens. By a change of business, eulmln- iting near the urst oi the year, Messrs Fred and Glen Kline have esigned their positions with the Un on Mutual Telephone company, and leparted last Friday for Clinton. Ia.. vhere they will make their home Mr. Fred Kline has accepted a po ition as traveling salesman for r 'hlcago electrical house, while Gler vjll accpt a position as electriciar t Clinton. Tne young men nave doaied themselves by their cleaveT vavs to the citizens of Union, whr vere loath to fiee them depart. Spending Vacation Here. Harry Graves and wife, the formeT son of Attorney C. I Graven, and ve latter a daughter of Mr. anc1 rs. W. II. Marks, arrived in Unior st Saturday for a weks visit dur ng the vacation which the houa" -r which Harry works has giver 'm at the end of the year. M" nd Mrs. Graves will visit with th' riends of their childhood, durin' Se week and with friends In othe. earby places, and will return v veir home at Central City after thr olidays. where Mr. Graves will tak" n his work again for the M. F vafer company of Omaha, with -hom he works. Returns Home From West. . Mrs. Lou Comer, who bas beer 'iting in the wt-st for some time st. returned home last Saturda riving visited at Riverton. Wyo. Uh her nephew and niece, Mr. an T"s. Taylor Buck and their littV ughter and enjoying the time very 'easantly in the west. On her re- rn she stopped for a visit at th "me of Mr. and Mrs. Foster Buc1 Casper, and also visited at thf me of a cousin at Council Bluft'c im last Thursday until Saturday all. having a most enjoyable time 't. Union looked pretty good to he' "ter all the sights in the west. Mother Very 111. Mas. Herman Comer received P -essage a 6hort time ago telling o e very seriousness illness of her '"Hher. who makes her iome at "kconville. Mo. Mrs. Comer ha--ed to the bedside of her mothf rarting last Thursday evening e will remain until her mother has "covered, and assist in her care. Here for the Holidays. Clyde B. 'Lynde and wife of Fort orth. Texas, Dean R. Lynde and 'fe of Kansas City. C. W. Mclntire id wife of Bethany, and F. D. iebufghouse and family of Eern, nsas, are visiting at the homes of . Lynde, and son Derwood Lynde r the holidays. They are well own here and while here will visit 'h other relatives and friends and 11 have a most enpoyable time dur- their stay. Young Feople Reorganise. The young people of the Baptist urch held a meeting Sunday mgnt d reorganized the B. Y. P. L aetings of this worthy society have -?n susoended for some time, but th the election of new officers a lendid effort is being made to make is a strong organization. Meetings II be held every Sunday evening seven o'clock and everyone, j-oung id old, is cordially invited to at -d. On December 26, Mr. Ray ans will have charge of the lesson d a special program ia being pre red for the occasion. Come and irg some one with you and enjoy e fellowship of your friends and -hbord. Mable Harris was chosen presl nt. Lydia Clark, secretary and trea -er. Ula Frans, pianoist. Union School Notes. Miss McCarroll'e room. The 1st and 2nd grades have been, ry busy making dolls and suitcases hich were sent to the hospital We, as well as the other grade oms, have all our Christmas decor '.ions aup and our rooms are very at ractive in their new garb. Miss Peters' room. Louise Clarke has been .out of hool this week. The 4th grade has been making 'rlstmaB booklets this week that re now on display in our room. Miss Sackley's room. The 2nd primary and intermediate niDils are preparing a Christmas rogram which will consist of short ilavs. songs and readings. All th ratrons are cordially invited. High school notes The seniors have elected as thei resident, Marie Frans, who will fill he vacancy left by Elva Taylor's ab ence. They have ordered samples or their class pins and are busy ying to decide on the most artist! re. The senior girls who took th 'eachers examinations some time ago received their grades laBt week. GREETINGS TO OTJR FRIENDS. HAS SMALL FIRE. 'rom Wednesday's Dally. During the noon hour the fire de artment wa called out on an alarm urned in from the T. H. Pollock ;arage, where a small oil stov? aused all the excitement and trou ble. The stovo had become over heated and as the result the content f the oil tank became afire and aused more or less excitement for a ew minutes, but was estingui efore the arrival of the chemical ruck and with practically no los-. ave the fright occasioned the em loyes of the garage. RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL " Eugene Maurer, who has been at he St. Joseph hospital in Omaha, re- overing from an operation for appen- icitis, has returned home to this city nd feeling much improved. Eu ene had a Fplendld record at the ospital having been there only eight ijs aitogetner ana was anie 10 su Yours for Best Service! The Reo truck is built for service, being sturdy, powerful, and having the action necessary for the dis patch of business. Come in and we will be pleased to demonstrate the wagon to you. We also handle Reo cars, Goodyear cord tires. Ac cessories of all kinds and Ford Repairs. The Willis Garage, UNION NEBRASKA Olto Sochor of McCook. wlu has been here visiting with his parents. tp on the third day following the Mr. and Mrs. James Sochor. dt part- peration and has continued to show ed this afternoon lor umana. wiieix mprovement since that time. I lis tost of friends are pleased to see im back home and trust that his Deration has been entirely success-ul. SUFFERING FROM PNEUMONIA A. L. Connors, residing in the outh portion of the city is confined o his home at present suffering from n attack of pneumonia with which e was taken down yesterday. , His ase is not thought to be severe and is family and friends are hopeful hat be may soon be up and around. he will visit for a few hours, lie Would Like the Money. .Tut a this time there U an ur gent iti:iand for payment of invoic es, and the eiiJ of the year coming we are having to make payment for was accompanied by his brother, Ku- , goods which we have received, and gene, as far as Omaha in manv ease sold, and an we hae For any itching skin trouble, piles, eczema, salt rheum, hives, itch, scald head, herpes, scabies. Doan's Oint ment is highly recommended. COc a box, at all stores. WANTED. Telephone lineman. Must under-tqrid- work and furnish references. Write or call Union Mutual Telephone mpany, Union Neb. 4td. W. B. BANNING, Mgr. KENOSHA BOX SOCIAL There will be a Christmas program nd box social at the Kenosha school. Hstrict No. 8. on Thursday. Decem- Ladies brine boxes. LEORA KAUFMAN, teacher. been vtry lenient with those owlug accounts, we think it only proper and right that they should call aud settle the accounts which we are carrying. We are thanking you for your prompt attention to the ac counts. At the same time we say. TTari vnn s(mi th nr. of hooks we are now underselling oitier towns. i 4.T,;j,i;a-' i.ri nf land will save you money. We will i dL at the Journal of-. have another mesage Ior you next fice? Call now and make your se- Wcek. The store for aervice. lection. a. l. BECKER. er Don't forget the Fanger's store. doll contest a1 PUBLIC SALE! The undersigned Drill offer for sale at Public Auction on the S. S. Davis 'arm one mile west and a quarter Tiile north cf Murray, on Monday, December 27 he following described property LIVE STOCK One bay mare, 5 years old. weight bout 1500. in foal by horse; one 'ay mare, 4 years old, weight 1400; ne black mare. 3 years old. weight ."0; one bay gelding, 4 years old. weight 14 50; one gray horse, smooth mouth, weight 1150. Six milk cows giving milk; one 'ow and calf; one coming yearling heifer; three yearling heifers; five ummer calves; one sucking calf. Ten brood sows, bred; five shoats; one white Yorkshire male hog. FARM MACHINERY One Sterling diBk. 16x16; J?nes ville riding lister; John Deere corn Mante-; P. & O 1-row machine; two Badger cultivators; Deering mower. 5-ft., new; McCormick mow er, 5-ft.; John Deere binder, 7-ft. J. I. Case listor, 4 wheel; curling 2- row machine; home made stalk cut ter; 6-shovel cultivator: King wheat drill. 12 disks; S-sectlon harrow; 1-horse wheat drill; corn elevator, harrow cart; tongueless cultivator; complete; 5 h. p. gas engine; h. p. gas engine; Sandwich hay baler; 16-in. sulky stirring plow; Newton barrel; 30 gallon gas barrel ;cshrf wagon; low wagon; hay rack; two pump Jacks; speed Jack; seed corn dryer, capacity 15 bushel; 50-gallon gas barrel; 30-gallon gas barrel; two ts 1H-Ineh harness; about four tons prairie hay; some baled oat stray; about ten dozen chickens; about twenty bushe.'s potatoes; one Iwood heating etove; one 5-gallon churn and numerous other articles. Sale Begins at 10 Lunch at Noon! TERMS OF SALE AH sums of $10 and under, cash in hand; over that amount a credit of four months will be given, pur chaser giving note with approved se curity bearing nine per cent Interest from date of sale. All property must be settled for before being removed from the premises. C C TUCKER, Owner. W. R. YOUNG. Auct. W. G. BOEDEKER, Clerk A More Careful Selection! This year, on account of the existing conditions, calls for a more careful selection of the Christmas gifts. Something which subserves usefulness, beauty and service as well cs being a token of that goodly feel ing is embraced in our stock of rockers, a rug, a chair for mother or one of those cedar chests for sister or some one else's sister. Any of these would make an excellent gift and last through the years. Come, see us, We have something just right for every member of the home. 3 UNICN ,aniinng9 : -:- NEBRASKA You Can Save &toney CY COMING TO CUR STORE For Groceries, Husking Gloves and Mitts, Salt and General Hardware. Now is the time to do that Painting. DO NOT LET WINTER CATCH YOU OUT OF COAL We have it now. Better lake advantage of the oppor tunity. Yea know vmat it may mean to be without. GOOD STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Our Store Will Save YOU Money i a UNION A. L. 'BECKER, NEBRASKA ' Friends are the most valuable set on earth. We have many iurihg the year just ending, have been forceably reminded of this vy the numerous expressions from ; iiYou Can Eat! the patrons of this paper all over vr ,-jrvincT the county. You have been very ve are carrying Fresh Groceries the county, iou have been very frind in the matter of assisting in the securing of clean and truthful news service, you have been gener otp in your patronage to 6ur adver tising columns, and as readers, ap preciative of our service. We wish at this time to express our apprecia tion of these marks of friendship, and to extend tto one and all our heart felt desire for a most Merry Christ 30,000 Acres LINCOLN COUNTY, FOR COLORADO SALE! LAND . We are harvesting an excellent crop of wheat in Lincoln County, Colorado, at this tim: Come, see land, where in many instances .one crop will pay for the land. We are moking trips every Saturday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and particulars. The bear land and at a price where any one can pur chase and at prices where ane one can pay. CHAS. BOWDISH, Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr. and Canned Goods! Also Working Clo .hes and Boots and Shoes! We will have Fresh Meat from mas and a Happy New Year, whose u: - "fici cuter- a-anA V,,0-V,r.i,t VJll. tained the visitors to a very delight- " "V v"'""e" . . - ful and substantial banquet to which i"8 coe and eTerjl Bring in Your Fresh Produce all did full Justice laudable effort for a betterment of " the condition of all. May we, our BEST PRICES1 r, . . 1 friends work together for lasting sue- Vara oi inanjcs. f you and for all making The ladies of the Methodist church each day count the best and every wish to extend their thanks to all friend enjoy our mutual friendship, who by what ever way contributed We are yours for prosperity, j to the success of their bazaar, either THE JOURNAI. Drs Mzch & RIach, The Dentists The largest and best equipped dental effaces in Omaha. Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. Mod erate Frices. Porcelain finings just like tooth. Instru ments carefully sterilized after using. t THIRD FLOOR, PAXTOK BLOCK, CMAHA Fistu!aPay When Cured R. D. STINE. -:- -:- NEBRASKA' IJKI0N A mild fryltam of treat nnt that evnu Fistula and other Rectal Ileaea In a abort Mm w-itnout a Barere umlcal operation. N Chloroform. Ether or other irenerai ariaeathetla u.-1 A cure r"rinT-J !r eery faw aciepted for treatment, and no rnoo-y to b pa d unti! cured V. ritr f. r honV on Rectal l'iseie. th nam. and teatUnoolal of ui.r than l .P'iO pron.lneiii people who have bten ,rr m,'mlnt !, T . vnrm T A ti K , Mnanutimi. J (VT, ittobi. ujoji. vim-, w-- - itr. U Jnbualaa, Modioli Lirctr. DR. R. It.