The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 23, 1920, Image 1

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    ITsbmka State Hiitori
cal Society
O f J. m . I 3
NO. 44
One of the foremost laedsrs of the
Christian church in the Vnited
States. Rev. D. R. Dungan. died on
Friday, December 10th at hi home
in Glendale, 1'alifornla, where he has
been making his home for a number
of year since his retirement from
active church work. Rev. Dungan
was one of the leaders of the church
and has been in the ministery for
the past sixty years and led a very
active life in the cau?e of the Mas
ter. As a young man he came to Ca.-:s
county and in the years 1S61 to 1S65
was in charge of the church here as
well as at Rock bluffs and Nbraska
City and was very successful in the
management of the church and the
advancement of the cause that he had
dedicated his life to.
Alter leaving the charge in this
city and vicinity Rev. Dungan was
in the forefront of the educational
work of the Christian church and
was the first president of Cotner Uni
versity, the Nebraska Christian
school and was the first president
of Cotner university, the Nebraska
school and was also made presi
dent of the Christian college at
Canton, Mo., and later of Drake Uni
versity at Des Moines. Iowa. His
work as an educator was of the high
est and his personal efforts in the
cause of the church led to the found
ing of K'.T congregations in different
portions of the United States and his
work as an author was far reaching
as he has published a number of very
aluable words in the religious life,
chief among which was the story,
"On the Rocks." which has been
printed in several additions and
whie his still in constant demand
among the students of the country.
He was also for peveral terms chap
lain of the Nebraska state senate.
Rev. Dungan was the fwther of
R. M. Dungan. who some ten years
ago was the minister in charge of
the Christian church in this city
and who is now a resident of the
Pacific coat and was with his father
in his last days.
The older residents of the city re
call well this stalwart w)ldier of the
church and his splendid work in the
pioneer days in advancing the Chris
tian faith and in his death the
church has lost one of its ablest
The funeral was held in Califor
nia and the body laid to rest at Glen
dbls. At the time of his death Rev.
Dungan was nearing his ninetieth
J. W. Pocock, Brother-in-Law of Fred
Patterson of This City, Passes
Away in Oklahoma.
From Monday'B Dally.
This morning Fred Patterson,
countv survever, received a message
lrom his sister, Mrs. J. W. Pocock.
announcing the fact of the death of
her husband in Oklahoma, Sunday,
he being in that state on a visit with
a daughter.
Mr. Pocock was one of the early
residents of this county and at the
time of his death was eighty years of
age. He was married at Rock Bluffs
some sixty years ago to Miss Lucina
Patterson, daughter of Thomas Pat-t-rson,
one of the first settlers of
Cass county, and the family resided
here for some time after their mar
riage, but have for the past forty
years resided near Ord. Neb. The
body of Mr. Tocock will be brought
back to the home at Ord and the fun
eral services held there tomorrow. Mr.
' Patterson and family will attend the
services in that city.
From Monday's Dally
This morning In police court Har
ry Speck was a caller on Judge M.
Archer to answer to the charge of
fighting and using profane and ob
sence language at the Eagles dance
Saturday evening. Mr. Speck had
possessed himself of a large portion
of the juice of the corn that brought
on a surplus of steam and energy
and found vent in creating lor a
fpw minutes a "near riot". He had
become involved in an
with the floor manager of the dance
over his actions and the attempts to
escort him from the dance hall
brought on the resistence of the
young man and the consequent flow
of naughty language and also to
the filing of the information this
morning by Chier of Police Man
speaker. The court after hearing
the evidence and the plea of gTiilty
entered by the young man, separat
ed him from $13. being $10 ar.d
costs, which was paid and the inci
dent closed.
When yon think of printing, yon
can't help but think of us.
From Monday's Pally.
Wayne Lewis, the Hotel Wagner
barber shop proprietor, was down
town today for a few hours locking
after some matters at the shop fol
lowing a tu:ssel with he malady
known as the flu. Wayne has been
quite ill and is still quite weak from
the fleets of his illness and ii wiL
be some time before he is able to re-V
suine hs work in the Larber shop.
His friends will be pleased to know
that he is doing so well and trust
that he will continue to show im
Rev. J. W. Kirkpatrick, of Omaha,
New District Superintendent,
Pavs Us His First Visit
From Monday a Illy.
The Rev. J. W. Kirkpatrick. r.ew
district superintendent of the Metho
dist church, paid his first official
visit to the church here on Saturday
evening and also preached at the
church services on Sunday morning.
The meeting Saturday was taken up
with the problems of the church and
the plans for the coming quarter of
the church work and a pleasing
number of the officials and members
of the church were present to take
part in the meeting.
At the 11 o'clock service yester
day morning Rev. Kirkpatrick oc
cupied the pulpit at the church and
spoke of the promise of world salva
tion held out to the troubled mem
bers of the human race, taking his
text from St. John, in the coining of
the Savior of the world, and the ad-
dress was one of force and logic
and was listened to with the great -
est of interest b the large congrega -
tion which was m attendance at
the church.
At the last church meeting held in
the state the Plattsmoutn church
was taken from the Tecumseh dis
trict in which it had been located
for a great many years, and assign
ed to the Omaha district as being
the most logical location ami vinak
init ihe district more compact.
Heretofore, this city has been the
northernmost city in the Tecumseh j
district and was naturally more ini
touch with the Omaha district than
t&at soutnern district ana tnc.
church conference wisely
that hereafter it would be
the Omaha district.
part of
Charles Lamb, for the Past Ten Years
Resident at the Nebraska Ma
sonic Home, Passes Awav.
frnm XloncJay's Oallv
Charles Lamb, one of the old resi
dents at the Nebraska Masonic Home
in this city passed away Saturday
afternoon at the home following a
long illness that has covered the past
several months. Mr. Lamb was sev
enty years of age at the time of his
rtes'th but since his admission to the
home some ten years ago has been in
rifther feeble health and has for sev
eral years been a sufferer from a tu
mor that has made his condition
very serious and he continued to
grow worse until his death. The
deceased was a member of the Ma-,
sonic lodge at Stanton. Neb., and the
body was taken to that city yester
day afternoon by Superintendent W.
F. Evers of the Masonic Home, and
the interment will be made in that
place. To those with whom he was
associated Mr. Lamb was held in the
highest esteem and his death has
brought a profound grief to his
friends at the home.
George Conis, of the Palace Shin
ing Parlor, is to make a decided im
provement in his store room on the
south side of Main street, as he has
iust closed the contract with J. F.
Warga for placing a new pressed steel
ceilinc in the storeroom that will
m.ikn it a verv neat and up-to-date
wot.n that Mr Conis has recent-
iv niirrhnsed The imnrovement
will cost several hundred dollars.
but George believe in being progres
sive in li is business.
rTonj aonaari uany.
Deputy Sheriff Fnnk or fericm.-
county, was here yesterday lor a lew
hours, coming down to secure a young
man residing In the southern portion
of the county who is wanted at Grant
for having disposed of mortgaged
property. The young man was ap
prehended a few days ago by Sher-
iff Quinton and was awaiting the
coming of the Perkins county offi
cial. The deputy and his prisoner
departed yesterday afternoon for
Apples For Sate.
We have some good New
Baldwin apples for sale. Apply at
Banning & Nlcklea. or J. W. Edmonds
at Murray.
tf s-w. W. B. Bannlnj.
One of the old and well known
residents of Weeping Water. John
Carter, was killed on Thursday at
his ranch near Colorado,
as the result apparently of having
been trampled to death by u herd of
wild cattle. Mr. Carter had been
driving a herd of the cat'le into the
pasture and as he failed to appear
at the house Thursday evening
search was made and his lody
found by a brother-in-law. lying
near the gate to the pasture. From
the indications the death had been
caused by being trampled by the in
furiated cattle or a kick from the
horse which he had been riding, it
being impossible to accurately de
termine the cause of the death.
The body was brought to Weep
ing Water yesterday and the fun
eral services held there this after
noon and was quite largely attend
ed by the old friends among whom
the deceased had spent so many
Mr. Carter was sixty years of age
and leaves a widow to mourn his
untimely death. There are no im
mediate relatives of the deceased liv
ing in thi county at this time, the
nearest relative beinjc Will Otte of
Wabash, a brother of Mrs. Carter.
In the community where he had
made his home up to the last two
years .the departed v.vs held in the
J "nil, lier.t esteem as his kind and
1 frj(.n,iy disposition had won for him
,, n,,s, Ctr warm friends whose erief
at his going is deep and lasting.
To those who knew him best Mr. Car
ter was all that a friend could be
under any circumstance and hi.
hand was always extended to those
who needed assistance in any way
and his many kindly acts to those
who were in need stamped him as a
real Christian of the highest type.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lutz Leave To
night for Several Months Stay
on Pacific Coast.
Prom Monday's ra11y.
This evening Mr. andMrs. Mike
Lutz leave over the Missouri Pacific
for Kansas City enroute to the Pa
cific coast where they will spend the
coming months visiting with friends
and relatives in that portion of the
country. They will travel over the
southern route to the coast and visit
at ol-s Angeles and Hollywood,
where Charles Lutz. a brother of the
street commissioner is located. They
will spend some time in the larger
cities, Los Angeles and San Francis
co and also at Coxalio with a sister
of Mrs. Lutz. Mrs. Earl Siedlitz.
who was formerly Miss Lillie Car-
stens of this city. During1 the win
ter months the Lutz family will en
Joy the mild climate of the coast
and on their return will travel over
the northern route visiting at Salt
Lake City and Denver, and in the
latter city they will spend a short
time with Will Carstens. a brother
of Mrs. Lutz and expect to then re
turn to their home in this city. The.
many friends truft that they may
have a pleasant trip and return safe
and sound to the home here in the
From Tuesday's Dally.
The dormatory of the nurses at
the University hospital at 4 2nd and
Dewey avenue. Omaha, was destroy
ed by fire last night and a number
of the nurses were injured in makin
their escape from the burning build-
mp- a large numner ot the nurses
Most ali 01 tneir possessions in the ae-
; etructiono f the building and among
i these were Miss Gertrude Roessler,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Augu t
1 Roessler of this city. At. the time
, of the fire which was 4:30 in the
mui iuus .mss nuessier was oil uuij
ill the hospital building, and conse
quently was safe from the plight of
the nurses who were sleeping- in
their apartments in the dormatory
building. but she was unfortunate in
having all her Dersonal beloffeincs
I d est roved, the nnlv nrHrloK cho iirt
left being the uniform that she was
. wearing. The report of the fire caused
some worrv to the members of the
Roessler family, but a message from
Miss Gertrude gave them assurance
of her safety
An action has been commenced in
the district court entitled Farnk R.
Gobelman vs. William J. Hyatt, et
al. and in which the plaintiff seeks
to have the title of lots 9 and 10 in
block 36, Plattsmouth. quieted In
him. The firm of Tidd & Duxburv
appear in the action for the plain-
- tiff,
j Read the Journal want-ads.
Frnm Monnay's Daily.
Yesterday morning at the 11
o'clock service at the St. Luke's Epis
copal church, the church was pre
sented wit.h a set of altar linen whie'i
was very beautiful and presented tn
the church hv Mrs. J. s. Linn-ton
in honor of Mrs. ll. Livingston. The
altar set is all handworked linen and
tepresents hours -of lulior anil eilon
in tht- preparation and will he ;i
mo.,t highly appreciate! gift to tin
t-hureh. The antinun -emc nt of the
presentation was n:ad-' by Cither W.
R. Leete in expressing the apprecia
tion of lb' parish for the iiMcnib
cent rt mem bet:: nee.
Drury H. Phebtis. Former Platts
moutn ioun iVian, Lndergoes
Very Serious Operation.
The following letter received in
this city by Mr. M. S. llrins. will he
read with interes' by the many old
friends of Drurv II. i'lieims. former
ly a resident f this city ;md who
was for a number of years engaged
in work for the P.nrlington, follow
ing his graduation from the schools
here. The operation occurred at me.
St. Mary's hospital in Milwaukee
from the letter the patient ha?
brightest hopes of recovery of
ight of his eyes:
Milwaukee. Wis.. Dec. IS. 1!'20
Dear Mr. Priggs:
At St. Mary's hospital, on the
beautiful shore of Lake Michigan,
just as the sun wa- kissing the house
'ots of this magnificent citv. I was
operated upon for the removal of a
'l'tery Germ" from each eye.
Tlie case was handled by. as a spe
'ialist. Dr. Phillies, and was success
ful :i fnr as I know now. for my.
eyes have been bandaged since. They
were bandaged and stitched, and if
had not had this done, it wotiir
have resulted in, blindness m time.
It took some courage to go through
the operation of 4" minutes duration
n perfect unconsciousness, but my
trust'was placed in the Lord, and
he.kf!tL ha-.4- the surgeon,. 3Ir.
Wallsleger. chief clerk of the gen
eral store keeper, has been with me
through it all. calling three times
d day andvhave a good nurse. I am
nesting very well. Best holiday greet
ings to you and all old Plattsmouih
Drury II. Phebus.
Die. D. li. P. I? Nurse.
The "Phthwarph With a Soul"
Proves a Stror Feature of Christ
mas Trade in This Community.
The firm of Weyrich & Radraba,
who handle the Edi.-rn pnonograph
in this city report that the Christ
mas sales in the line of the fine high
class productions of the Edison com
pany have far exceeded their most
Dptimiistic expectations and for t lie
ast few days they have been k:'pt
busy supplying the demand for the
different models. The labnrutory
type of machine seems to be the
trong seller of the different makes
and a large number of the homes in
this city and in the adjoining terri
tory will be brightened by these high
class artistic machines which are
turned out by the Edison company
at their plant in Orange, N. J.
The splendid results secured by
the Edisons, their phonographs
which have been so aptly termed
"the phonograph with a soul" and
the exquisite production of their
records have made them very popu
lar and the life-like reproduction of
the human voice and the tones of the
musical, instruments have won a rep
utation that has not been surpassed
by any other make on the market.
The agents. Messrs: Weyrich &
Hadraba, are kept busy with their
demonstrations and a visit to their
display rooms is a treat for the real
lover of music, either vocal or in
The city council recently passed
an ordinance which made it a mis
demeanor to allow snow, mud or
other deposits to remain on the side
walks over the city longer than a
period of twenty-four hours ar.d vio
lation of this ordinance is made pun
ishable of a fine of $5 and the costs
of the action. Chief of Police Man
speaker is issuing a warning to the
residents of the city to get busy with
their shovels and see that the snow
is removed at once as more than
twenty-four hours has clap-ed since
the snowfall and the result is that
the greater part of the sidewalks
over the city are still covered with
snow and which makes travel over
them very disagreeable.
The chief has also issued the ukas-.
I that hereafter the youngsters w ill
Icpase from enjoying tbeir coasting on
I the sidewalks 'as there has been mere
or less complaint lodged with the po
. lice from all sections of the city and
which will make it necessary to tae
action against the coasters if the
practice is not stopped voluntarily.
The theft of j f;ils to cars in this i
city tiint at .vieiia. .Nebra.-.ka. may
furnish the Ilurlington railroad with
the elaes necessary to run oown the
iiiiu- of men that have been engaged
in numerous box car robberies over
different parts of their system and
especially in Omaha and Council
HUifs where the cases have amount
ed to large losses.
Last Friday night the glass in the
transom at the Ilurlington freight
house in this city was broken, and
on discovery of this fact the next
day a check was made by Agent
K. W. Clement of the contents of
the freight house and the only ar
ticles missing were sixteen car seals,
such as are used in sealing up cars
for shipment. The loss was reported
to the headquarters of the company
at Omaha .nd the special agents of
the company placed in charge of the
case. This robbery occurred just a
few days after the station at Melia
was entered, and there, as in this
city, the cnly articles taken were
car seals, which had undoubtedly
been taken for only one purpose,
that of substituting for seals that
might be broken when freight cars
were rifled of their contents.
The special agents of the company
had been working on the case only
a short time when the discovery of
one of the seals missing from the
Plattsmoutn freight house was made
in Omaha The seal was found in
one of the cars belonging to the
Drive-It -Yourself company, of Oma
ha, which had been rented to a party
named Cunningham. The investiga
tion disclosed the fact that this man
was on very intimate terms with the
owners of a number of trucks, and
who are supposed to be important
cogs iu the burglarizing machine
that has. been operating over the Bur
lington system in the looting of
merchandise cars.
All of the parties are supposed to
be residing in Omaha and the spec
ial agents of the railroad operating
with the civil authorities are en
deavoring to land the parties so that
a more thorough investigation may
be made of the ease and have it de
termined whether or not the man
who had the auto knows anything
concerning the seal that was found
in the car.
For the past few months the
I'nion Pacific and Hurlington have
both suffered heavily from the opera
tion of a gang of box car thieves and
if the case in hand will unravel the
cause of the robberies it certainly
will be a triumph for the detective
service of the railroad company.
Refunding Bonds in Sum of $96,003
Are Awarded to Omaha Trust Co.,
the Highest Bidders for Same
From "Wednesday's Dally.
Last evening the city council held
a special session at 5 o'clock at the
city hall to act on the resolution
prepared to complete the sale of the
issue of $iC,000 of refunding bonds
of the city to the Omaha Trust com,
pany. who had submitted the best
bid for the purchase of the bonda.
These bonds are issued to cover
the bonds that are due and payable
on the first day of.January 1921 at
the ojee of the fiscal agent of the city
in New York and payment of which
v.'as necessary at this time.
The Omaha Trust company had
submitted a bid of 9 44 on the bonds
and as this was the highest figure
that could be obtained and one that
was very good considering the pres
ent tightening condition of the mon
ey market, the city government felt
well pleased that they had been able
to dispose of them at this time and
which -will enable the city to meet
their bonds that are coming due.
Tlie issue of bonds are iu denomina
tions of $1,000 each and run for a
period of two years.
On account of numerous people now
out of emplojTnent and the lower
prices that the farmers axe receiring
for their crops, we, like s?ll ether
merchants, are willing to b?ax cur
share of loss, so until prices of farm
ers crops go tip. and thers is more
woTk for those now out of employ
ment, the prices at the Kcrehind The
ater will "be reduced to 10 cents for
children and 20 cents for adult.
This will apply to Paramount, Tirst
National, Fcx, Universal ct any cfb
er brand we may show.
The J carnal has received
line of "Standard" diaries.
a fine
Edward Creamer has for the past (
fe wdays been confined to his home '
suffering from a very evtre case ui j
inflamatory rheumatism which tuns J
proven very painful and ha caused
the young man a great deal of sul
fering. lie has the bet of care how
ever and last evening was reported
as being somewhat Improved al
though Ftill suffering a great deal.
The niaiiT friends are hopeful that he
may soon recover from the lualudy
iind be on the highway to recovery.
First Rai Snow ot Season Visits This
Portion of State and Storm Gen
eral Over the West.
From Tuesday's Dally.
After a season of more than usual
mildness the hacd of winter came
knocking ut th door of the west
last night and the snowfall is gen
eral from the Kooky mountain stales
east to the Mississippi river and as
far south as Oklahoma and northern
In this city the snow commenced
falling shortly before eight o'clock
last night and continued tor some
time during the night, flurries would j
tresnen up tne snowxau uniu near
morning when a driizle that changed
into sleet followed, that made the
conditions of travel infinntely worse
than the snow.
The snowfall was not heavy how
ever and the residents of the city
were fortunate in not having snow
drifts to wade through on their way
from the home to the business part
of the city.
In the western part of the state
the snowfall in end neur Alliance
was quite heavy although it has betn
one of the mildest winters on record
there so far and the absence of the
w ind caused the snow to lay evenly
and prevented the drifting; that is
so feared In the western portion of
the state as impeding traffic and
causing damage to stock.
Farther south the storm wan pre
ceded by rain which was Jailing in
Kansas City last evening had fol
lowed by snow that lasted through
the nigrht and from reports from
southern Kansas and Oklahoma the
rain there had been followed by the
downfall of The beautiful white
The covering of snow over the
scenery makes an ideal setting for
the Christmas season and to Ihe
youngsters it was a rare treat to
have enow come at this Lime aside
from the families where the young
sters have the Job ct snow shoveling
on hand.
rrm Wednejidai's Daily.
Milton Hilton, of Nehawka, was in
the city for a short time today and
was a caller at the Journal office and
had his name entered as a subscriber
to the Evening Journal. Mr. Hilton
is- an expert concrete worker and ha
for the past few weeks been engaged
in working in Union, where there are
a number of new residences under
construction. He has been working
at the Sheldon factory In Nehawka.
where they manufacture a line of
concrete mixers and during the past
reason turned out fc.OOO of the ma-
Peter Volk of Renfrew. Oklahoma,
who was called here to attend the
funeral of the late Leonard Born,
depart! this morning for his home
in the south. While here Mr. VrlA
ha bea visitlBg at the bom of hL
sisters. Mesdames Jacob Trttsch and
Martin L. Frederico and with th
many old friend? in tLk- community.
Otion the Dolls Ring Out
for Christmas!
We folks hope that this will be the best
ever Christmas for you and your folks; that
it will bring to you the same old thrill which
has come down through the centuries, the
same renewing of youth, the same magic ap
peal of good fellowship.
The First natioxalbank
On .Monday room i 14;' tue r.nut
bjand Mw'o-iri I'tic.iftc freight tni.iu
wheii it reached .Murray luade a s.hcrr
stop ind it s thai a
car kad-l v iih upr wu-, po -..-.essed
of a defective draw l.jr :J.d ih- fir
was Hwitfb-d out for te:niNri.ry r
pair and left there until ;hat er
nlng. The night freight pirl.ed the
oar up and hauled if as as I'nion
and ii was aeralu switched ou: to
await repairs tf ing mad ;nd it was
whiln tfcere iL;.t the robbery look
The car was pLaood at I'nion un
til another freight car could be he
cured 10 load the sugar into, as there
wa no means at hand at thit plate
to make the needed repairs to the
draw bar.
It was not a great while after the
car had been placed that .otne of the
residents of that thriving little city
noticed a Ford truck driven by
strangers drive up to the car and
calmly the occupants of the truck
proceeded to ojhu the car and !i-lp
themselves to the fugar. leading up
the truck and driving away if
there was no hnrry in the matter ;l
While it ha.s not been def.nit'ly
learned it is estimated that the truck,
which was of good carried away
at least ten sacks of the sugar which
would make a neat sum a.- the prU-
cf sujjar is liow retuiiing t 9.C),i
per hundred.
There haj been no trace found of
the parties tak'.c; the sutrar cd it
looks as though tb-y had made a
clean getaway. The truck was wen
going north from town but it was Im
possible to trace it.
The information ha.s been evD
here that the car m cottoned to
ona tr the buMneifi houses of Ne
braska City, The railroad company
did not notify Sheriff Quicon of
lb loss until last eve-ins.-.
Krom WedniPia y ratly
Last evening th' Bu.sir.ess; .Men's
Athletic club held their weekly ses
sion at the high school "gym'' and
the attendance showed a
lnereaie and even greater interei-t
than at the opening f-esion a week
ago. Superintendent C. K. Pratt,
who i the director of the athletic
stunts i.s well pleam-d with tb show
ing made by his pupils and especially
with the showing made in the reduc
tion of the weight of the heavier uud
the putting on of fsh and mucl; by
the leans. It is claimed by one of
tha members in conversation with
the Journal reporter this jr.orr:iD
that some of th- changes that Jiave
occurred are little fbort of marve
lous. Our Informant states that John
Gorder has lost 104 pound durit;T
two fissions while Kev. lfc Howell
has pained titty-six pounds and Guy
Morgan is fast losing the front that
he has boasted of for the. last few
jfarn tdnce he took up the training
prescribed by Mr. Pratt. In the in
door base ball game last evening
much lnteres-t was shown und while
the scorp was CT. to 2 It was a game
filled with thrills and chlils a :le
membcrs showed their clas-t both in
bat'ing and fielding. Incidently th
chills were not all in the ball g:im .
as the shower bath wan decidedly cf a
chilly nature owing to the f a -1 tht
th" heat was rfr' Jo the building ;ial
a the result the members f t" ciiih
bat bed In the midst of the iciS.-.