PAGE FOUB THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1920. PLATTSMOTTTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Cbc plattsmoutb lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at rostoffice. Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 The epicure catches the early bird. :o: At the age of 18 woman's rights are years ahead of man's. :o: : The cat may have nine lives, but fortunately it has few biographers. :o: : The U. S. marine corps was estab lished by an act of Congress in 179S. :o: Though the old fashioned dollar is coming back it finds this a changed world. :o: Twenty usually constitutes a score, but sometimes it's 2 to 0 in the ninth inning. :o: No matter what a girl's political belief may be she always wants pro tection. :o: A man can never gain ground dur ing courtship if he is unable to hold his own. :o: Descending prices, like falling stars, always seek to fall in some oth er place. ' :o: Don't bet with your wife unless you are prepared to lose whether you win or not. :o: A fool can do more damage in six minutes than a wise man can undo in six months. :o: One of the best ways in the world to find trouble 'is to go to Ireland and look for it. :o: Women will replace old men who act as watchmen at grade crossings on the Pennsylvania railroad. o.o It is stated that Nebraska farmers bought $100,000,000 worth of fake securities during the last year. , :o- v There have been no casualties, so far, resulting from the ultimate con sumer being hit by falling prices. o:o All little folks are now growing well behaved, and their conduct will show constant improvement until af ter Christmas. :o: It takes all kinds of people to make a world, including the poor fool who tells his wife that he thinks another woman is beautiful. :o: A soldier at Dubuque has returned $5 he won on the fixed baseball game last year. And yet some people claim that war destroys idealism! :o: Over in Iowa the other day a man tried to make his flivver beat a pas senger train over the crossing. He leaves a wife and six children. :o: Hatters say that 4he price of rab bit skins is likely to ruin the trade. Meanwhile the mere act of getting the skins is apt to ruin the rabbit. o:c Scientists say this is going to be a severe winter because certain plan ets are in the skies. If this be true, then the coal dealers can thank their stars. :o: : There m:ist be some mistake in the, market report about a drop in the price of corn. There has been no re duction whatever in the price of corn licker. :o: Its the children that keep Christ mas from dying and there are a lot of children that might be kept from, dying if Christmas lasted the year around. :o: It is astonishing how many re publicans are being advertised now as men of brains persons whom we never even remotely suspected of hav ing anything of that sort. :o: : This is the season of the year when It is practically impossible for a wo man to remain angry with her hus band. However, it will be different after the 23th of December. :o: The goosebone prophet says its to be a long hard winter, because the corn husks cling to the ear as though they were glued. The Journal says there is no more dependable sign. :o: Sir William Packingham of the British navy, is going to visit Wash ington. A Britisher of the same name once tried to visit New Or leans, but Andy Jacobson was in his way. :o: Argument that the seasons affect .the trade is borne out by the fact that this is fall and the prices are falling and some people think they will not spring up again before spring. -:o: A want ad in a contemporary was evidently written, "Wanted a wo man "for housework but the printer set it "sousework." There are a lot of men who would like to apply for the latter Job. o:o 11' wo aTl a first-rlasK nntlmist v vv Uv " - - r is the married man who goes to bed at night with a pocketful of dollars and expects to. wake up the next morning in possession of the price of a hair cut and shave. :o: A cargo of five thousand cases of champagne has started from France to America "for medicinal purposes." Whether this cargo of medicine will reach New York by New Year's eve or not is a matter of considerable concern, when you figure the great number of "patients" who will be Jn a critical state that evening. . i PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Do your Christmas shopping early, and avoid the rush. 1 :o: It is only two weeks from next Saturday till Christmas. . :o: Butter, eggs and milk do not seem to realize that the war is over. : .u. A girl never thinks much of a man until after he has made her mad. :o: It is your Christian duty to re member the poor on Christmas day.- :o: England has scarcely noticed the lack of excitement since the war end ed. , :o: Cheer up! Commencing this week the congressional record will resume publication. :o: The modern woman searching for a good complexion might try soap and water for a change. :o: '- Leap year is rapidly disappearing: only a few more days, girls, to make your proposals; plenty of bachelors; get busy, girls. :o: Unrequited love nowadays is gen erally good for one murder, one sui cide, two half tones and a couple of columns in print. :o: That woman jury in Brooklyn which brought in a verdict in seven teen minutes must have been due at home to cook dinner. :o: Republican leaders say that the next session of congress will be farced to move slowly. Did congress ever move any other way? - :o: Christmas plum pudding will not only lack the brandy this year, but also the plums unless.the profiteers give up some of theirs. :o: If the present congress wants to leave us smiling when it says good bye, it should take a couple of whacks at the income tax. :o: "Tipping is due to public weak ness." says an exchange. It ismore. often due to a desire to get your dinner on the same day you order it.. ? :o: i. The parcel post system will not be a success until it carries as much from the country to the cities as it now carries from the cities to the country. :o: The protest of the American Leg ion acaiiist rlemencv beiner extended to conscientious objectors meets withl approval of 90 per cent of the Amer ican people. :o: Ponzi, the get-rich-quick artist, en tered a plea of guilty and was given five years in jail. He received enough free publicity to entitle him to fifty years. :o: Regarding the ex-kaiser's claims for indemnities, we all, however, can waive the indemnities and tgree with him that he never got alf that was coming to him. :o: Mexico has demonstrated that she can behave herself while se?king rec ognition. Perhaps it would be a good idea to keep her on good be havior for a while. :o: The current republican idea of a return to "normalcy," as Harding calls it, is to put republican faces behind the window in all the post offices in the country. :o: One of the attractive features of the last session of congress aside from its being the last session is that it meets jnst about in time to adjourn for Christmas. :o: An Illinois man and wife have been divorced on account of the ouija board. Personally, if it had to hap pen to us, we'd prefer a real flesh-and-blood correspondent. :o: All this newspaper talk about the cabinet of our new president is a waste of space. When Harding gets ready to name his cabinet Boise Penrose will do it for him. :o: Senator Lodge says there will be no revision downward of income tax es. Therefore, go right ahead with the job of raising money enough to meet your next tax payment. :o: "The Right of Pedestrian," is the caption of an editorial in a contempo rary. Pedestrians no longer have rights. Why waste space comment ing on things that do not exist? . i- Today's short story: He was breezing along at 40 miles per hour, with one arm around his fair com panion. The car skidded, and fun eral arrangements will be announced later. :o: California says the census enumer ators failed to count all the Japan ese in that state. It is feared Cali fornia is becoming spoiled, or some thing. She doesn't want the Japs, but she wants them counted. :o: . It is unlikely the Chicago coroner will scare the girls into wearing longer skirts and higher shoes with the talk about the danger of pneu monia. The girl of now says that it is rheumatism, not pneumonia, that attacks the knees. ' :c: Buff Orpington cockrels for sale. Mrs. J. H. Brown, Murray, Neb. . d2 3t s-w. MPain& enemy" III say it is f WHEN yoa nnt qukk com forting relief from any 'external" pain, use Sloan'a Liniment. Itdoea the job with out staining, rubbing, bandag ing. Uaa freely for rheumatism, tieuralgia, aches and paina. sprains and strain, harkarha. aoremusciea. . 35 70 At all druggists Edison is trying to invent a ma chine with which one can talk with the dead. What the world really needs is a telephone over which you can get connection with the man in the next block without wasting a half day on the job. :o: If we were running the business end of this newspaper there is one advertisement that would never find its way into print, and that is the one making the preposterous claim that a certain medicine is better than whiskey for a bad cold. i.i:;vi. mitk k To rtayimmil Tlieoilorsk i. Tlieolorski. real name unknown (wife or KavmonW Tlieoilorsk i : Henry Thomas. Sylvia . Thomas (wife of Henry Thimas i : Anna C. Kyle. M. If. Kyle, real name unknown husband of Anna t. Kyle: V. ". Windham, trus tee for M. 1 Woodruff: M. Wood ruff, real name unknown: Max IVeis: llrace Johnson. Johnson, real name unknown (husband of (;ra-e Johnson : Martha Johnson. Johnson, real name unknown (husband of Martha Johnson and the heirs, devisees. legatees, personal representa tives ami all other persons interested in the estates of the. following; named persons, whose names are unknown. to-wit: Kaymond Theodorski Theodorski. real name unknown (wife of Raymond Theodorski : Henry Thomas. Sylvia ( Thomas (wife of Henry Thomas); Anna Kyle, M. H. Kyl real name unknown (husband of Anna ( Kyle; W. W. Windham, trus tee for M. I. Woodruff: M. I.. Wood ruff, real name unknown: Max I'reis: (Irae Jolmson, Johnson, real name unknown (husband of Grace Johnson : Martha Johnson. Johnson, real name unknown (husband of Martha Johnson!: lnt three hundred nine 3y Village of Louisville, as surveyed, platted and recorded, in Cass nuintr, Nebraska: and Lot sis' (6) and the south one (1) foot of Lot five (5). in Block four (4i, in the Villape of Alvo, as surveyed, platted and record ed in Cass county, Nebraska: and Lots eleven (11) and twelve (12). Block two hundred twenty-one (221) In the City of IMattsmouth, as surveyed, platted and recorded in Cass county, Nebraska: and Itit one ( I , two (2), three (3). four (tl. live (." ami six () in RIock eichty-tive (ST. t. in the City of f'latts, as survexed. platted and re corded in Cass county. Nebraska; and all ixryiins claiming any interest of any kind in said real estate or any pari thereof: You anil each of you' are notified that on the th dav of December, 1!20. Harriett K. Wolfe. as plaintiff, filed her petition in the Histrict Court in and for Cass county, Nebraska, and that you and each of you are parties defendant, the object of the action so brought beins1 to foreclose four sepa rate tax certificates, covering1 the fol lowing described parcels of real estate in Cass countv, Nebraska, to-wit: Lot three hundred nine (3091, Village of Louisx-ille, as surx-eyed.platted and re corded in Cass county." Nebraska : and Lot six (6) and the south one (1) foot of Lot five (5). in Block four (4). in the Village of Alx-o. as surveyed, plat ted and recorded in Cass county, Ne braska: and Lots eleven (11) and twelve (12). Block txx-o hundred twen-ly-one (221). in the City of I'latts moiith. as surveyed, platted and re folded in Cass county, Nebraska, and Lots one (1). two (2). three CD. four (4. five C) anil six (6) in Block eisl tv-tive ((.-)) in the City of IMatts mouth, as surveyed, platted and re corded in Cass county. Nebraska: and that you and each of you be fore closed of all title, claim, lien, risrht of redemption or other interest in said property or any part thereof, and that the plaintiff liave such other and fur ther relief as she may be entitled to and to the Court may seem meet. You and each of you are required to answer this petition on or before the 24th dav of Jannarv, 1 ! 2 1 . HAKKIKTT K. WOLFK. By I'laintirr. i. w. mkki:ow. d'J-.lw. Her Attorney. r-i Yr o o better O M E women have learned that there are two wajs to care for clothes. They are learning; to take care of them. It is quite a mannerly thing to take care of your dallies investment and protect it up to tho limit. , Having your clothes carefully dry cleaned will improve their wear and help to prolong the life of their stylish lines. Getting acquainted wth our work means getting in touch with a real money saving service. Goods Called for and Delivered PHONE Ibb OPPOSITE. OOURNAL OFFICE 5k 1 XOTICE To Juauu Coleman and Cole man, her husband, real name unknown; Charles Greenwich Howard and Howard, his wife, real name unknown: Ttezin W. McCombi and Mc- Combs, Ms wife, real name unknown; William N. MeGlnley and Me Ginley, his wife, real name unknown; Hester Ann Pearson and Pear son, her husband, real name unknown: Joseph F. Pearson and Pearson, his wife, real name unknown; Mary A. Dufray and Dufray, her hus band, real name unknown: J. W. An derson, real name unknown, and Anderson, his wife, real name un known; Km My E. Anderson and Anderson, her husband, real name un known; Hufrh A. Dufray and Dufray, his wife, real name unknown; Kbenezer J. Coleman and Cole man, his wife, real name unknown; Mary Warren and Warren, her husband, real name unknown; Harry K. Coleman and Coleman, his wife, real name - unknown; Hellen K. Iemon and Lemon, her husband, real name unknown; Amanda B. Saun ders and Saunders, her husband, real name unknown; Albert D. Welton and Welton, his wife, real name unknown: Catherine Bealer and Bealer, her husband, real name un known: Tacie A. I.auehlln and Iiujihlin. her husband, real name un known; Edward E. Chapin and Chapin, his wife, real name unknown; Jesse O. Chapin and Chapin. his xx-ife, real name unknown: Koy M. Chapin and Chapin, his wife. real name unknown: May E. Chapin and Chapin. her husband, real name unknown; Florence B. Chapin and Chapin. her husband, real name unknown: Ira Chapin and Chapin. his xvife. real name unknown: Oscar V. Iaughlin and Laugh- lin. his wife, real name unknown: Michael Cooney and Cooney, his xvife. real name unknown; John H Croxton; Robert E. Farmer: Jane Mc Neill and McNeill, her husband, real name unknown; E. A. Wig-gen- liorn. real name unknown, and x iggennorn. tier hushand, real name unknown: Marshall D. Abbott and Abbott, his xvife, real name un known; Meriden Rose Pearson and Pearson, tier husband, real name unknown: 1. Alatilda t'earson and Pearson, her husband, real name unknown: Adeleska B. Pearson and Pearson, her husband, real name unknown: Rosa Is. Pearson and Pearson, her hushand, real name un- known; Stephen S. Abbott and Ahbott. his wife, real name unknown: Lexvis M. Abbott and Abbott. his xvife. real name unknown: Abijah C. Abbott and Abbott, her hus band, real name unknoxx-n: Dana C. Pearson and Pearson, his wife, real name unknown; Fredrick Koch- erhans and Kocherhans, his xvife. real name unknown; Edna Stex-enson and Stex-enson. her husband, real name unknown: Estelle Doom and Doom, her husband, real name unknown: Belle Rich and Rich, her husband, real name unknown: Marion Abbott and Abbott, his wife, real name unknown: Marx- Abbott and Abbott, her husband, real name unknown: Kmma IX Abbott and Abbott, her hus band, real name unknown; L. M. Ab bott, real name unknown and Abbott, his xx-ife, real name unknown; John Brown and Brown, his wife, real name unknown; Nancy A. Waters and Waters, her, hus band, real name unknown; E. B. Cole man, real name unknown, and Coleman. bis wife, real name un known; Helen Cecilia Lewis and Lewis, her husband, real name un known: Jane Dunn and Dunn, her husband, real name unknown: Reuben A. Chapin and Chapin, his xx-ife. real name unknown. If alix-e, or If dead their unknown heirs, dex'i sees. legatees, personal representatives or other persons Interested in their respective eBtates, the following le scrilted real estate,' to-wit: , The southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, (SW14 NW4) and the northxvest quarter of the southwest quarter (NWV4 SW4 of Section twenty-eight (28). and the southeast quarter of the north east quarter (SK'4 NE4) and the northeast quarter of the south east quarter ( N K U SEU of Sec tion twenty-nine (29). also thirty C0 acres off the east side of the northeast quarter of the north east quarter (NE1 NEVi) of Sec tion twenty-nine (29). all in Town ship twelx-e (12) North. Range nine (9). East of the 6th P. M.; The northwest quarter of the northxvest quarter (NW'i NW4) of Section twenty-eight (28). Town ship twelx-e (12) North, Range nine (9), East of the 6th P. M., except the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad right of way; The northeast quarter of the northeast quarter (NE'4 NE4 of Section thirty-three (33), Town ship txvelve (12) North. Range nine (9), East of the 6th P. M., except a private road scteen (16) feet wide on the top of the bank on the east side of Greenwood Creek, south from the public high way on the north side of said northeast quarter of the northeast quarter, folloxx-ing the meanderings of said creek south to all the land lying east of said creek belong ing to the west half of the north east quarter of said section, all In Cass county, Nebraska; and all persons claiming any Interest of any kind in said real estate or any part thereof, as well as the defendants Walter A. Laughlin, administrator of the estate of Reuben A. Chapin. de ceased, and Lombard Inx-estment Com pany, a corporation, defendants: You and each of you will take notice that on the 28th dav of July. 1920, John E. Lambert filed his petition in the District Court of Cass county, Ne braska, against you and each of you, as xvell as Frank S. Ashcraft and Mary A. Ashcraft, his xvife; NMes O. Coleman and Myrtle M. Coleman, his wife, and Harvey D. Coleman and Mary E..Cole man. bis xvife. defendants, the Abject and prayer of xvhich Is to remove crouds cast upon plalntirts title to tne lanus named as defendant by false claims of the personal defendants and each of them to some right, title, estate or interest therein or to some part there of, and to quiet and confirm the title to the defendant real estate in the plaintiff and that the personal defen dants and each of them and all per sons claiming by, through, under or In tirlx-itx- with them and each or them. may be " forever barred and enjoined from claiming anv right, title, lien. estate or interest in or to said land or any part thereof: that the defendant real estate and all persons Having any interest of any kind in said estate or anv part thereof . may be bound and concluded by the degree herein as to all matters herein adjudicated. It is alleged in said petition that the defendants specifically -named in this action each falsely claim to have some right, title, lien, estate or Inter est in said real estate or some part thereof, the exact nature and extent of which claims are to the plaintiff unknown but that the same are effec tual to and do cast a cloud upon the title of plaintiff to said real estate; that said defendants and each of them have no right, title, lien, interest or estate and if any they ever had the same has long been dix-ested by the adverse possession of said land by the plaintiff and iiis grantors for more than ten years last past and the same accrued more than ten years prior to the commencement of this action: That said petition further alleges that the defendants J. H. Croxton. Lombard Investment Company, a cor poration. Ttobert E. Farmer, Jane Mc Neil and K. A. Wlggenhorn each false ly claim some right, title, lien, estate or interest In and to said real; estate by reason of eertairi mortgage 'deeds hereinafter described, executed on dates as hereinafter net forth, and recorded in the office of the Register or Deeus of Cass county. Nebraska, as herein after designated and whk-h each cover said real estate or some part thereof, to-wit: A mortgage executed by Mar shall D. Abbott and wife to the Lom bard Investment Company, dated Feb ruary 11, 1884. for $124.09, recorded fn Book P at page 639: a mortgage or deed of trust executed by Friedrich TConhrhans to John If. Croxton. dated September 15. 1S5S, for the sum of $280.00 and recorded in Book A at oaire jl07; a mortgage executed by J. 1 Brown to Robert 10. Farmer, dated (April -15. 1870, for the sum of $229.00. ; recorded in hook r; at page 16; a mortpragre executed by M. 1). Abbott to .Jane McNeill, dated November 28, 1S74, for $261.00, recorded in Book G at page (158 and purporting from the record to I be assigned to E. A. Wiggenhorn, ana piaintiti avers that all indebted ness xx-hlch said mortgages were uriven to secure, has in e-ery instance Ions' since been fully paid and the said mortprapes should be fully cancelled and discharged of record; that said defendants and each of them still falsely claim some right, title, lien, interest and estate in and to said real estate aforesaid. You are required to ansxer said pe tition on or before Monday, the 20th day of December, 1920. JOHN E. LAMBERT, Plaintiff. By Thomas. Vail & Stoner, Hia Attorneys. XOTICK TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of James Clement Stex-enson. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth. in said rountv, on December 20th. 1920, and March 21st. 1921. at 10 o clock a. m. or each day, to receix-e and examine all claims against said estate, with a x-iexv to their adjustment and alloxx-ance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 20th dav of December, A. D. 1920, and -the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 20th day of De cember, 1920. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 10th day of November, 1920. ALLEN .1. BEESOX, (Seal) nll-4w. . County Judge. NOT1CK TO t RKIMTOItS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Emiuor K. Iieece, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, That I will sit at the County Court room in IMatts mouth in said county, on the 11th dax of December, 1920, and the 12th dav of March. 1921. at 10 o"clock a, m. oh eacn or saia nays to receix-e and ex- a imine all claims apainst said estate, vitli a view to their adjustment and illowance. The time limited for the w a presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 11th day of December, A. D. 1920, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 11th day of De cern lier, 1920. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 13th day of November, 1920. ALLEN J. BEESOX, (Seal) n!8-4w County Judge. XOTICK TO" CREDITORS The State of Nebraska. Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Courf. In the matter of the estate of August Noltinjf, deceased. j To the creditors of said estate: J You are hereby notified. That I xvill ' sit at the County Court room in I'latts-, mouth in said county, on the 7th day of December, 1920, and the 8th day of March, 1921, to receive and examine all claims atrainst said estate, xvith a i view to their adjustment and allow- I ance. The time limited for the pre- I sentation of claims against said estate- Is three months- from the 7th day of December, A. I). 1920, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 7th day of December, 1920. Witness my band and the seal of said county court, this 9th day of November, 1920. ALLEN J. BEESOX, (Seal) n!3-? County Judffe. oitDKit of hi-: 1 in ; - ami XJtin Petition fur Set tlement vt A remit nf. In the County Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. Staff of Nebraska. Cass county, ss. To all persons interested in the es tate of Mary J. Johnson, deceased: On reading: the petition of Frank li. Johnson prayinp a final settlement and allowance of his account filed in this court on the 2nd day of Decemler, 1920, and for discharge of executor; It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter may. and do. appear at the County Court to le held in and for said county, on the Hth day of December, A. D. 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m.. to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the peti tioner should not be grranted, and that notice of the pendencx- of said petition and the hearing thereof be srixen to all persons interested in said matter by puhlis-liin a copy of this order in the IMattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly nexx-spaper printed in said county, for one week prior to said day of hearing. In witness whereof. 1 iiax-e hereunto set my hand anil the Seal of said Court this 22nd day of December, A. D. 1920. ALLEN J. BEESOX. (Seal) County Judge. I.F.CAI. XOTICK In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. David Mummert. I'laintirr, x-s. Carl lianmsart et ai. Defendants. To the defendants Carl Baumtrart and Mrs. Carl liaumgart, his xvife, first and real name unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentative and all other persons in terested in the estate of Carl Baum- Rart. deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa tives, and all other persons interested In the estate of Mrs. Carl Baumuart, deceased: the unknown claimants and all other persons interested in lot twelve (121, in Block forty-nine 1-19), in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun ty, Nebraska: Lot txvelve (121, in Block fortv-nine (49, in the City of IMatts mouth. Cass county. Nebraska, and ail persons claiming any interest or any kinil in said real estate or any part thereof: x You and each of you are hereby not 1 - fled that on the 30th day of October. A. D. 1920. Plaintiff filed his petition and suit in the District Court of Cass county. Nebraska, the object and pray er and purpose of which is to fore close the lien of a tax) sale certificate on Lot twelve (12. in Block forty nine (49). in the City of IMattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, and for attor neys" fees, costs and equitable relief. This notice is Kix-en pursuant to an order of the said District Court. You anil each of you are required to answer said petition on or lefore the 17th day of January, A. D. 1921. and In tailing so to do. your default will be duly entered therein and judgment taken as prayed for fn Plaintiff's petition. DAVID Z. MUMMEItT, Bv Plaintiff. " T1DD & Dl'XBUKY. d6-4xx'. lis Attorney. Estray Notice. Taken up, on the farm of Herman C. Ross, three miles north of Union, one estimated four year old steer of th Herford breed, and having the following marks and brands: "CE" on left shoulder; 'D'' on left hip and "R," on back. Weight about 1200 pounds and in very fair condi tion. Owner can have same by prov ing property, paying damages and costs incurred. ol4-3w HERMAN C. ROSS. If you want good printing let ns do your work. Best equipped job shop in southeastern "Nebraska. j S j II " Illll H I 111 . inn THE UNIVERSAL CAR CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS I , A Ford Sedan or Coupe would make a fine I I present for your family. ill A FEW AUT0IICEILE NECESSITIES I -.17" Decker Lock 'ring win-el sc 1 :t.ri Hand Klaxon hm-n r,.r. III yj Mattery Klaxon horn !.'!.'! s.i jjl Pj & S;iot light ............ . !MHI Ml jj ! Weed h;ins. ."'.u::'.j K (K I I f 3 Uicio Skill chains, :;.-,:! i. i.v,r, II f I I Kadiator and hood over 1 I f' J Kadiator cover ' -jr. j I L I H French 4 -eel I hot spark 2.77i I I 111 Electric ' dash lamp "ii( I I 1 I K. W. -Vuto Lock swit.h .. . ... x-.u II fi ? 2 Cooper cut out 'm t.TM I fj j William's loot accelerator :i.ltl I I I j 1 I Cose tire pump I I !;u i.oyce motor meter for Fords :S.r,' I ill 5 lioye motor meter for lurnv ejus.... 7 ""ill III jl a Tire gauji'.- t'-,n III jj I Kadiator Stop-a-Lcak , 'jjTi III 11 I ;iianipio!i X spark plug '.7'r, J 1 .u to polish! i r can " !j I J Steer varnis . . '.'..'.. .jk - Q One gallon can Mobile E oil 1 II jjl Battery tester III ! j J Goodrich Tires and Tubes at ' j J I Bargain Prices. ij(f T. H. Pollock Auio Accesory Store III j j j 1MIOXK NO. 1 I'LATTSMOfTH H The holidays are approaching rapidly. It's a good idea to buy your gifts early. We make this suggestion because the next few weeks will be busy ones for you. A visit to our store will give you more ireas than you will get in a month at home. FOR "HER" FOR "HIM" Why Not "A. M. D. BROWN, Jeweler BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. What would be more beau tiful for my lady's dresser than a complete set of Ivory Toilet Articles? The Ivory in our stock is of the best quality, choicest designs and largest assort ment. Beautiful in appearance, long in usefulness. Most economical, start her beautiful pieces 50c to F. G. Frieke & Co., to vw.rr7Mcaspi Plattsmouth, it I f Wrist Watches Rings Beads Diamonds Ivory Silverware Cut Glass f Watches Rings Belts Chains Cuff Links . Stick Pins Emblems of All Kinds -1 Gift that Lasts?" 322SE I I n . .. 7 set now with one $25.00 of tli tese Store- Nebraska i m& mi V" 00.