PAGE T770 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2. 1920 A STRANGER PASSES BAD CHECK HEBE YOUXO ilAII HAIIDED OUT 20SU3 CHECH TO 3. A. K'ELVAIN LAST EV2EIKG Lat evening as I'.. A. McKIwain was pvef.irin-T to close up his store about ;":0 anil start home for supper a young man came into the store and ked to look over the stock of seal rii'gs that were on display in the show cae. Mr. McKIwain at waited on the young man and after fcin" little conversation the visitor i! viilcd upon the purchase of a ring o-.ting 4 and in payment of which h dug up a check fur the sum of $ :.'. This check was drawn on the Dank of County and signed by the name "Will A. Tubs", the name or tiie person to whom the check was dr;"n was blank and Mr. McKIwain obligingly lilhd this in with his own ran ;- and pave the ring and his in dividual check to the young man for $:. representing the change due him. "'i;n the .-tranter had come ii'-o the store the proprietor had thought he recogrr'red him as a young man he lias st-tn fre piently in the city and did not think anything mure of the matter until he reached home w-r.en the thought that perhaps the check was not pood occurred to him an! the mere he thought th" worse the situniion appeared and Mr. Mc KIw.imi ii:rlly called up Miss Anna Hauler, assistant c?.hier of the of Cass County ?nd inouired as to M-. T'bt" standing and was inform ed as far as the bunk vhs concerned they kr.nv nothing of the p.r ilcniiri a n 1 had no account at their tut;- T n r.v. .-.uir.eement that he had br?:i the victim of a phony oh'k cu-s-l cor.aiderahle excitement to the e'ty el'' Ai and he at oar? rL ;u t,,,,,.i, v.ith Sheriff (Juinton and re ported the mater as well as inform it p r:i""' r Alvin Jones i f the p..'..-e force of the incident. 'rh far' that Mr. McKIwain couM net -live a very accurate descrir.; i rr. f.i the i";in pave the cilicer?. rf :ie law titii. ti wu;h nn-ui and he o:iiy re:-! iaf.-rtnat u.n that wu:H add 'ny f.icc rf the ni.jn was that of th" f: i t!.at Dick Alien had. been noli. :1 by Mr. ?.!ci:i-v-i;n as looking into ill? v:n:!.w ". the time thr young mat: w; s in t:.. toi? and Dick was UC-ti'-t.-l by '.- authorities but couiti ri ' r aecMraie de-cript Ion cf r,.'-y ;e I. id :-( n in the store he h o! in t stive ti any particular th!"hl I.) t! man and was urn-blo to aid tne officers in locating the nitm. Mr. .M'l-ihvain Mates that the youi'T atati was r.ttired in overall' and 1 hrd as though h might have been young mat: that had jusi cni'' ',: rr. .r i wink. He wore a lipht Cid.r .1 ap n; I was tall and wll b'tili. ail l ine cy, and a lipht com plex i :. A : : :'" i::: u r.tif'.verinp the !-'-Fcripti.-i f the man wor'ainp th It: au- c:)". k i- report'.'! to have call e t i ti e elaf'iir.p tt . r? c f William Holly l-.t" in the afternoon and se ruririrr r: l l.Tik clir- k on the Hank of Cas-s (' -inty l.r.t did not attemp' to cash t',;e h"ei; th're. peinp oat -jf the '".re j'tid th." ''i f! 1; tl:if he unleaded or Mc. M.riwain. T: chc;k ti'at v.--i:- iz v; n to ihc s-tr-.'t.pir by Mr. McKIwain in ex ehsMie.e has r t so far npne-ared a th barV for payment ar:l tiie ci'y tier': : hop fnl that he may have erancd with m-rely the b-s of the rir.p. jrNARD U. B. CHURCH. Flection for peneral conference dele.-rates! be iM next fhuulay if the wrMher and mads are favor able fT a tr.e.-tinif. Kev. J. M. Kads is expected to prcaclt. A pood at tenianee of the membership is hoped for. K. H. Tontius. ra.-tor. FOR SALE Itirred t'lymoutl: Kock chiehens. ?1S and $K par dozer1, rockrcls J.2 each. Mrs. W. O. Troop, riatts:aet:i.a. ltd 2t-.v. EARLY CIUII3TIIAS SHOPPERS Th.e early Christmas shopper can find the latest Christinas nnveltieF cards, statiir.ary and 'books at the Journal otlice as well as a complete line of the mo? I attractive and hand some Christmas decorations that is carried anywhere in the west. Do your shopping early anil call at onr Chri. : trees shop to make your :-elec-tior.K. OUCH! ANOTHER RHEUftlATiC TWINGE Get busy and relieve those pains with that handy bottle of .;. Sloan's Liniment WHAT Sloan's does, it does thor oughly penetrates uithoul rub ling to the afflicted part and promptly relieves most kinds of exter nal pains and aches. You'll find it dean and non-skin-staining. Keep it handy for sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, ovcr-cxerted muscles, stiff joints, back ache, pains, Lruises, strains, sprains, bad weather after-effects. For 39 years Sloan's Liniment ha3 telped thousands the world over. You aren't likely to be aa exception. It cer tainly docs produce results. All drugsists 35c, 70c, 1.40. Liniment PairfsV .Ipncim HECEIVES PLEASANT ITEM'S. Mr. and Mr?. August 15:k h of this city have received word cf the ar rival of a fine son at the home cf their grandson, Raymond P. Welch at Fair fax, S. P.. on Thanks;;iviitir day. This is the second great rraandson (f Mr. and Mrs. Each and they feel correspondingly happy over the event. ODD FELLOWS TO HOLD BIG MEETING Special Session of Older to Be Held Here on Saturday Evening, De cember 4, to Conr Degrees A special dispensation has been granted to Platte loduo Xo. 7, I. O. O. F.. of this city to hold, a special meeting; on Saturday " ru'slit, Decem ber 4th. for the purprso of conferring the degrees cf the order oil the var ious candidates. This meeting will he held at the A. O. I". AV. hall as the ledge room in tiie Odd Fellow building is too small to accommodate: the number that will be present to confer the beautiful ritualistic work of the order. A number i-f the distinguished leader; of OddfcUowship in the state will be present including Grand Master Charles Xail r of Chadron and Depu ty Grand Master Lew Ktter cf South Omaha. The degre? v.-ork will be conferea by the lodges of Omaha, Beacon lodge No. 20 will confer the initiatory de gree. South Omaha lodge Xo. 14v" will confer the first degree. State lr.dge Xo. 10 of Omaha will handle the aecond degre? and Omaha lodge N'n. ?. the third degree. Avery large number from the me tre pel's are expected to he in attend ance and tv.'ei speri ll coaches will I)."1 used to -transport the members from 0:r.a''.a to this city and remain to take them back to the metropolis the fol lowing day. The local Odd Fellows will tea that the occasion is fittingly observe 1 and plenty f refreshments ami a good tin:? aufsred to all. In order o look 'after the event the follow ing committees have baen nam?d. Gar.eral committee, J. II. Short, It. E. S'leinhavter. I... Lancaster: refresh ment. J. F. Clugy, J. lludgins. T. F. Olson; reception committee. J. Ii. Short. J. C. Warga. J. V. Sattler. JUST TO KEEP YOU POSTED V.'e take this method of informing the public e;f a few cf the big pic tures which we have recently con tracted for. Our reason for sj doing :s because you have btn led to be lieve that we have lest our Para mount contract, and that the !:g j ua sainv;i at u:e 1 :ah.i.w 1111 .1 recently ror.eweti otir i.iramouii 'oit'.aat v.ith the bigges'. best and latest program, special re leases, and super-special releases, in fact everything that Paramount has made, except a very few re-issites, nich as "Rebecca of Gunnybrook Farm." which we played over 2 ye-:rs rr and a few others. Hut all of Ihc; late up-to-date reliefs, as vrc'l as all of the pictures tiiey will re- base for sonte time to "tnie. v:e hold j ti;e contracts for in I'lr.ttsrtiouth. Same of these are r fallows: "The Right to Love.'" "P.chol l My Vife." J with Flliot Drxter. T-b-Is of Clay." 1 Fatty Arknckle in "The Rounutrip" fthe big sttge play in seven rer1. "i fumorpsque". (Absolutely the l;ig eest of them all). Tern Meighen in "Conrad in Quest of His Youth." Dorothv Gish in "Flvinz Pat". Ar bnckle in "Tho Life of The Party." "To Please One Wo-.tnn." Wm. H. Hart in "The Testing r.loek."' "Ini'lo. the Cup." "The Ivent uckans." "Hrew ster's Mllors," and so on, etc. "We could fill thi3 page with a list of the bier pictures we have contracted for. bet we think this partial list will give you some idea rf what there i in store for you in the way of really big pictures. We also have Realart. Fnited Artists and Metro contracts, which entitled to such well known stars as Mary Miles Minter, Doug las Fairbanks. Viola Dana. Wanda Hawley. P.ert Lytell. Xazimova and Mary Picltford. as well as many big special pictures fron these compan i ?s. Hut the price you will have to piry is what you are mostly interested in. Well we told you nearly a year "o that our pictures would all be shTwn for one price. li and 2 cents nail no mere, regardless of what the bier ones might cost us. We have stayed with our word and the re sult hr-.s been that cur patronage has been constantly cn th? increase. Therefor we will continue to show them all for the regular prices, name ly l.'c and 2."c We thank you for the time it took yau to repd this. Yours for fnir plav PARMELF TIT EAT Kit CO. Estray Notice. Taken up. on the fa "in of Herman C. Ross, three miles rorth cf Union, one estimated four jear old . teer of the Horford breed, and having the following marks and brands: "CF." en left shoulder; "D" on left hip and "IL" on hack. Weight about 1200 pounds and in very fair condi tion. Owner can have same by prov ing property, paying damages and costs incurred. ol4-3w HERMAN C. UOSS. CEMENT We have plenty cf geed fresh ce mfnt. Call at once if you vant I tome. I hone 128. j CLOIDT LUMBER & COAL. CO. n27 4td 2t s-w. L U ii fl L r'rorn M'liiuay's Dat'v. Will Troop, of iicir Xehawl.n, wa: in the city today fer a lew hours at tending to soma matters of bitiueu. with th" n'orchanls. For any pain. barn, scald or bruise, apply Dr. Thumps' LVIoctric Oil the household remedy. Two sizes, ;i0e ami C9c at all dritg sta.res. W. It. Voting, (be auctioneer, was among thos.e goinc to Oi.iaha this to sijend the day attending to Si-n;a business matters. Henry Hcehner, of Cedar Creek, wa.. in the city to.'ay fir a. f .- hour: en route to h:; work, aftir an over Sunday visit-in the vicinity of ?lur ra y. Fraak Vailery, the real estate iun:i. was. a pas-'eimer this ..lurni-t.'; f,i Oiuaha to ppeiul a few hour intend ing to some matters en !:u i.'.i'ss in that ci'y. George V,. Sr.i!. r, who lias j.i : returned heme from a business trip to Texas was ;i pas enger ibis im ru ing i'T Omaha, to attend to soeu- a,. Li ters i'.f business in t!:at ci'y. Dy'peisia is America's curse. T restore eiigesiion, t: initial wio'lii. g od li. 'tilth and puri:'y Mend, u e i:urd- k's P.loo.l Uitt.-rf. 8ol 1 at all drug a tores. Price. $1.'2. Mr?-. Frank Adair, of Spriiigtb-ld. Xebraska, who h;is been here visit ing at the home of h"r sbter, .irs. M. L. Puttery, for the pat few oays, departee! this morning for her h-ae. Edward Ripple was a passonaer :his morning lar Or.i ih.a, going no t pi aid a few houra h)iUi'tg al'a-r so;:il matters of business. Mr. Hippie i te have a ear of av.cct po tatoes here in a few da vs. -'rc-rn Ttioday's I.'aiiy. Itching, bb.eding. protrmling 01 'dia.d piles yielded to Doan ('iaMni",!. Cic at all for Frank Vallery wa:-; a i.u. In..;- vis itor in Omaha today f r a. fe-.v- l,;..;r.-goi-g to that city 0:1 the afcrai":!1 turiington train. Doati's Reguleta ar-- recomir.end vi by :i!?.iy who say they eperati' easily, without griping and without bad af ter effects. 30c at all drug steu L ;. George Hall, of Alvo. ;r; a vi -i'or in the city-today for a few hoars, eaiiing on friends at:. I relatives, a well as lukii!g aftei a few mat'es 1 1 business. Hoy Anderson attd w'.Ci- of Xi-r-f Ak. who huva been Life vi-i:!:i:; at t!ie hotr.e o:" Mr. nr.d Mrs. 1!. Fmii'.i. returncJ this ;;f t earn oa. taeir honte. 1 ' George .J. M-i.-'kigrr iK aarf d 1 1: i r.' ah. wii d litg'itcr fainily - fi.a a ft erno.ui f..r ('tla: . vb. visit at the home of hi: .M.s. Hal nh Farrar and a short time. County Commissioner-?!.? t Pre: II. Gordir. was in the. '-ity to.l.-y fo' a few hoars attending to f ome matters at the cot' rt house :tr' u t urning h.;me thi; afternoon .n . t)r;. - :.. i-f.-.. wa: la. v cn route- fron; vend, where 1 .' the f ii- tad been in itt- te :i-t.aa ;ae iiir.:rni 01 . :r. . ary IMpps held in that city tb.ia morni C .S. Aldrieii. ime of the ha. at. t a torneys of Klniwimd. was i". t't" ciiv today tv. cotiia.any with Harry C.-et-ri to attend a he-Ting in tl.i e .nnty court of tiie Green estate 11. Mter. Fraak Sa'utt"r tor who has lipp" i b: tited ,t V.' H-p'ng Wa ter for srutc ;'.: came i:; c:;er. lay for a f e .'. d. -s visit in tbi; ti'y wiih friends i 1 will icte;. in 111. til ibe bitter p;:v! of the Week. W. il. J'itzer cf Xebraska Ciiy. v."s here for a few hours today eti rra.ite home fnm Gleti vc:d. where he w; s in attendance at t!o funeral o hi moth'-r, Mrs. "tv Pipp. which w:-n i.r-LI there today, died at Nebraska City la t . Mr.;. Pipp on Saturday Carry Your Groceries: Pay Cash and 9 I GFIEIt TOR I1.IIIEDIATE SALE jo. 2Vs Sccd roaches, per can-43v; Nc. 24 Sugr.rcJ Aprkot3, per can 40: li'o. 2y2 car. Pears L0c 2To. 2 can Pineapple 40c Nc. 2 can Corn -15c Eo. 2 can Peas I7c lio. 2 can. Vegetables for soup 15c lie. 2V2 can Xraut 15c Nc. 2y2 can Tcznatocs l'7c Ho. 2 can Hill Pickles 17c Sc. 2 can Lrovvn 2eaii3 15; 7 Cms of Above Vegetables fcr$l.C3 SOAP 20 Sars of Pearl White 1.00 51 Bare of Lcnxt $1.03 10 Bus of Flake While 75c 10 Bars of Electric Snarl: 65c C Sars cf P. & G. Naptha 5Gc WASHING P0WEESS Eenfoam, large packael 29c ItuVNo-XIorc. 4 small pk3 27c CEHEAIS Oatmeal, large pkg 35c FafTed "vlieat, 3 Trkcrs 50o Piifrcti Ptice, 3 pks 50c Kom Crup. large ikg 20a Gcoi, 2 lbs." 25c Green Peas, dried, 3 lbs 2oc Split Pear, 2 lbs 25c I ako carry ? "rood line of Under wear Ask to rec it ! t H i Plattsmouth South Sixth Street A-pp I V. V5 vou 9 9 f i u a 3J C 3 sim TV am v I I in uncoin "X. ,V " .- .-. y 5 ATZH JAMMER. K! 03 N "nj'E Bid SLWUi-.V FdWm OF MRS. WILLIS PALMER Be-5y is Brought From Late Home at L:s ITeincs. I.. and laid to Pest in Oak Kill Cemetery. V'.st ; ruay ficrnoon tho funeral vices (if Mi". Villis M. I'alnnT, for- i !-!y 1-: i I; el IJovt y, was lii'W .. i tl-.o St. Luke's Episcopal church. :r hr.dy arrivvd over the Uurling- ii from hoy I;;:,.. l;o;r.e in Ocs Moir.cs :!:03i :i : il v. as taken direct from - ."tp.tion to tho church, where the i ) i i it ill' Up nc-ri lady !;;vl been baptise.'! ant! rh - -:U'ik d i of which her parents i iieen lifelena; rtienilifrs. The oa?kef was rtecom panic! hy 1-, h nieniher.s cf tin famiiV :iiid the !"'! hearei's wore pelectocl from rzviur.r: o. fri-id, heiii.o,' J- Falter, I. V. Cl-mem. 11. F. Geo?, K. J. :i.hey, C. G. ;i:d Fritz Frieke. The l)cautffirl funeral ritual .of ii' church v.-hh cnlhrated by the '-v. Wilbur Scrn!nn f.eete. rector of he clrfrch. and (Ii'rinsr the ser vice cf n of tho hvmr.s of 'a '. ', h and hope .were jiiveu by the r.s'M'.tT-i of the ehr:ir. 'I he otteiMlauco r.t the church wa? iui;e la;?-e innubrrins the old 1'i ic.nus and;hborg who b.3d gath er ! to pay their l;K-:t tribut? of re to ihe Tiic.r.crv of the departed a r. ; hp li sliare v.M'h the members of fa:ni?y th, don crief thqt the of this loving wife, mother, Tishtrr and s-i.-,ter baa brought. The body wn. laid to rest in uily 3 t in Oak Mill beside the the t". cr. !errc E. D.ivcy, who iind prt-'-eded liore in death rorae two yerrs upo. C0CIIEE.ZLS FOPw SALE I have a number of fine Single rV::i 1 Brown Leghorn cockerels for ilc. Phono 2712. MBS. WALTER SANS, td d&w. , Mnrrav. Neb. piank books and office accessories at the Journal office. ".1UTT AND TX" jerr'ccmc!) vs be nwpapr rrav or fearunsy FULL LEAfED WIIE OF C AOCIATSD Pfil&jy 'little jimmie" A5D UHSVE'yAl. FRSt. Da per' or try t9Pf ftor v. carmen 9 0ND&AStAr 3ST NEWSPAPER JTAJ? PJDLlHING CXX UN'COLM.NEKl. J-lRr: ENCLOSED LT PLEAXE JEND JviE THE DAiLY AND yUaY -TTAR PCaL : CECiN MKQ uzriz City 5t"AT P..T-fk - I DEATH OF BARBARA BULK! IN SOUTH Passed Av.ay Monday at Artesia, N. M., Where She Has Been for Several Jlontlis. The me.-sage has been received by relatives in this city of the death of Mi.-s Barbara Hulin at Artesia, X. M.. on .Monday, November 29th, followi!: an illness of a few months from lunpr trouble. The deceiised lady bad been un until the last three months employed in the office of the Sample-Hart Mo tor company in Omaha and bad not been thoupht to be dangerously il!, although since an attack of the flu last spring she has not been in her former ?ood health. The progress of her illness made necessary her leav insr her position in Omaha and with her sister. ' Mi.-:3 Hose and brother, Edward, located at Artesia. hoping that the high and dry climate of that country might be of benefit to her i failing health. She was at the time of her death twenty-five years of age and the greater port of her lifetime was spent in thi.: city where her father. B. J. Bulin, still resides. To mourn her death she leaves the father, three brothers. James and Joseph cf Plattsmouth and Edward of Artesia and three sisters. Mrs. Richard Ot terstein of Plattsmouth, Mrs. Fred Rice of Mitchell, Neb., and Miss Rose Bulin of Artesia. Tho body will be. brought back to Plattsmouth for burial and is ex pected here either Saturday or San day and definite funeral arrange ments will be made on the arrival of the body here. FOE, SALE University of Nebraska Barred Rock Cockrels for sale, $2.00 each. Phone 3 4 22. MBS. S. RAY SMITH. St sw. Plattsmouth. Neb. Subscribe for the Journal today. V? FATHE SUNDAY 3 orrery mcci mmnc it Is hh&-$d$$ - A i am i DAILY 452? YEAR. WITH XUNDffr 62 PKEACIimG SERVICES The preaching mission is being conducted this week at the Si. Luke's church and a great interest is being manifested despite the dis agreeable weather conditions that have prevailed since Sunday. Father Leete has a series of strong sermons for each evening service. Tho eve- Here's Our Old Friend Again! uarnprooinfA; These famous sox have been off the mar ket since before the war. We have just now received a case of them in all sizes and three popular colors black, gray and cordavan. Buy them by the box 6 pairs. Remember they are absolutely guaranteed against holes till next June. .45 PRICE PER I Wsseofj's "EVERYBODY'S STORE' 'wVavV-i'f"' 1 i s - U (p) -i-V it) lommanz TK OLD ' "FOR TH2 ni'lr iirc.'i r n in ii " , ... -. - -a IllirCIUII l Al l I. 'I. each eveilil ;i.n 1 ili, !-,!. i;,. ; dially invited to be pre sent and en joy the services. F0H SAIE Thoroughbred Polnr.o Chin hwz. 4t sw. S. SAY S2.IITH, riattsmouth. Guaran We have rain coats and rai.i hats for men, women and children! BOX Sons