The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 22, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1920.
Some more
In line with our downward re
vision of prices, we have now
20 Off
Men's Union Suits
Wool Mixtures
, 15 Off
As a Reminder
Goods Reduced 20
Men's Suits
Boys' Sweaters
15 Off on Stetson Hats
Well Known Resident of Near I.Iur
dock Passes Away at St. Eliza
beth's Hospital Friday.
Edward 1I nike, one of the well
known residents of near Murdoek,
p;t? -fil a way yesterday morn'n'-i at
the St. Elizabeth hospital in Lincoln,
wheie he lias been for the past few
weeks. Mr. Hemke has been in poor
health for some time, being a suf
ferer from cancer of the bladder and
while all that was possible to do
was carried out. the patient's condi
tion was Mich as to make his recov
ery impossible and he gradually
gre w worse until death came to re
lieve him of his suffering.
Mr. Weinke has made his home
near Murdoek for the past thirty
yea; i and leaves to mourn his death
a ".iff and reveral cnildren. as well
a.; one brother. Charles Weinke.
ri he Hin-ral r rvices will he held
Siiiiila afternoon at the Evangelical
(hnrch north of Murdoek and will
lie conducted by the liev. J. W.
Peters, pastor or" the church, and in
terment will be made in the ceme
tery tin re. -
The ib': th of this ;:oi. t "emeu has
brought a deep tense f sorrow to
the community and in their loss they
will havr the sympathy of the people
of that locality.
L.i - veiling the bi-monthly dance
of l'lat'mouth lodge No. I'.'.'J, II. P.
O. E.. was held at the club house on
North Sixth street and very largely
attended by the Elks and tiieir fami
lies. Th" mii-ie for the occasion was
furnished by th" Holly Kyn.copators
and consisted of the latest and most
up-to-d:it- ihinrn music and the ball
was enjoyed until ; l 't - hour. Dur
ing the cveninu dainty refreshments
were served to the dancers.
Check That Cold
Right Away
Dr. Kind's New Discovery
soon breaks a cold and
checks a cough
A SUDDEN chill sneezes stuffy
feeling in the head and you have
the beginning of a hard cold. Get ri'sht
after it, just assoon as the snihle3
start, with Dr. Kind's New Discovery.
For fifty years a standard remedy for
coIJs, coughs and grippe.
v" You will soon notice a change for
the better, lias a convincing, healing
taste that the kiddies like. ood for
croupy coughs. All druggets, 60c
and SI. 20 a bottle.
For colds ancLcoughS
Nevr Discovery'
Put "Pep" in Your Work
Many a man has been a failure in
business, many a woman in her home,
because constipation has clogged the
whole system, storing up poisons that
enervate and depress. Dr. King's
Pills act mildly and make boycls act
naturally. Same old price, 25 cents.
inffs Pills
tphilin ciiiaicti-.
As Farmers Hold Crop for Higher
Prices Stock Alio Coming in
from Across the Border
Chicago, Nov. 19. Pre-war prices
made their first appearance today in
the grain market. Corn and oats
were sacrificed wholesale in the
trading pits until both cereals were
squarely on an ante-bellum basis of
value. Transactions in wheat were
also of great volume, with price
slashing in progress.
Reported unsettled general busi
ness conditions furnished the back
ground, and large supplies of feed
stufts were said to be in sight with
live stock being rushed to market
instead of being held on farms, ac
cording to reports. Wheat showed
itself the most sensative of arty
board of trade commodity and stop
ped falling only after having broken
y34 cents a bushel.
I'.ear leaders conceded that farm
ers were to a large degree success
fully maintaining a holding policy
as to wheat, but took the ground
that the wheat must be sold at some
time, and that in the meantime Can
ada was supplying the urgent de
mand in this country and was fur
thermore glutting United States mar
kets with Canadian cattle as well.
Persistent liquidation of corn es
pecially was explained by bears as
due to necessity of a price low enough
to induce consumers to stock up
ahead of requirements and to coni
pell buying on the part of investors.
This view, however, was being ac
tively combatted late in the day by
the bulls with the question as to
whether with pre-war prices al
ready attained, the period of deflation
was not now fully over, at least as
far as cereals were concerned.
Members cf Senior Choir of Methodist
Church Invade Hunter Home and
Spent Pleasant Evening.
The members of the senior choir at
the Methodist church have adopted
the robes of a vested choir far use
at their morning service hour and
last evening decided that it would be
a fitting initiation for the robes in
making a call on the pastor, I'ev. A.
V. Hunter and wife. At the close of
the choir rehearsal at 9 o'clock the
members of the choir, some twenty
five in number proceeded to invade
the parsonage and gave the genial
pastor and his wife the surprise of
their lives as they were wholly un
aware cf the pleasant call that was
to be made on them. K. W. Wes
cott. organist of the church, quietly
entered the Hunter home and seat
ing himself at the piano and struck
up the measures of a march to which
the members of the jolly party en
tered the house and proceeded to an
nounce their mission. The pnstor
and wife recovering from their sur
prise joined in the happy party and
for several hours the house rang with
merriment. The evening was spent
in games and the enjoyment of musi
cal numbers by the different mem
bers of the party and at a suitable
hour dainty refreshments were served
that added to the delights of the oc
casion end were provided by the com
mittee of the choir composed of Jesse
Perry. Miss Florence Unlser, Mrs.
Wallie Perry and John Lyon and Ihis
feature of the entertainment was one
that won the warmest approval of
the members of the party.
During the evening Won. It. I?.
Windham was called upon to give a
number of the reminiscences of the
by gone days in the church choir. Mr.
Windham having been a member of
jtbe Methodist choir in this city in
j :- aim lias since for the greater
part of the time taken a keen inter
est in the work of the choir. The
re-marks were informal and afforded
; gr"at deal of pleasure to the
The (ilenwood band has secured
the set ices of .Mr. Ed Sehulhof of
TMattsmrmth, for Monday of each
week commencing Monday,, Nov. 22.
Mr. Sehulhof will give lessons on any
band instrument at the Glenwood ar
mory each Monday. The band lias
secured Mr. Schulhof's services for
the day and evening at a flat price
and the money derived-from all other
music instructions he may give will
go to the Glenwood band to apply on
the cost of Mr. Schulhof's services.
There never has been a time when
prospects were as promising for a
good band as now. We do not feel
it is necessary to say anything in re
gard to Mr. Schulhof's ability as he
is well known in Glenwood. His
years of experience as band leader
and instructor speak for him.
Glenwood Opinion.
The Mu ray school will give a pro
gram and box social at Puis h.ll
Wednesday ever.iug. November 14,
19l'0. Everybody come. Every girl
and every woman, one hundred years
of age or less, please bring a box.
From Friday's oaiiy.
This morning Dr. II.
performed an operation
C. Leopold
upon Will
Krisky of this city for the removal of I
i, : . . .nnP:i n tlin nnfiratlnn r V p (1
1113 luudlia auu jy v v" . w .
entirely successful and the patient
it is thought, after a few clays re
cuperation, will enjoy much better
health as the result of the operation.
Finds in Favor of Plaintiff, Edna
Taylor in Suit Against John
Koukal and Minor Son
From Friday s Many. j
The damage suit of Edna Taylor '
vs. John Koukal et al was brought
to a
close this, morning in the dis-i ihi mor ior no; fiMim.i. mi. nn
court and was submitted to the ! lard has devoted his life time to the
jury which, after several hours de
liberation, returned a verdict at 2
o'clock this afternoon, finding for the
plaint iff in the sum of $2,000 and
against the defendants, John Koukal
and August Koukal, a minor son.
The plaintiff had sued for the sum
of $5,000 for injuries claimed to
have been received on August 24,
1919, as a result of an automobile
belonging to the defend-.' nt and driv
en by his son. August, striking the
buggy in which the plaintiff and her
mother, Mrs. Mary p.lount were rid
ing, from which the plaintiff sus
tained permanent injuries.
This verdict being delivered, the
members of the jury were excused
until Monday, November 29th.
rrnm Thursday's rally.
W. (. Poedeker of the Murray
State Hank, was in the city today
for a few hours, attending to some
matters of business.
Glen Vallcry of nar Murray, was
in the city today for a few hours
attending to some matters of business
with the merchants.
John G. Stark of E! in wood, who is
here attending the session of district
court, was a visitor in Omaha today
for a few hours enjoying a rest from
jury work.
Tom Cromwell, the Grant. Neb.,
land dealer, came in this afternoon
to attend to some business matters
with Frank Vallcry, his local rep
resentative. Marriage license was issued yester
day afternoon in the oiiicc of Count y
Juda:e A. J. Eeeson. to Mr. Juhn W.
Montgomery c,T L:: -vreuce.,
and Miss Ida 12. Speth of Alvo.
M. E. Fredericii went to Omaha
this morning, where he will attend
a convention o. the Eive Stock asso
ciation being held there this week,
and will take part in the banquet of
the organization.
Edward C. Hippie, who has been
here for the past few days handling
a car of Missouri apples, departed
this morning for Friend, where he
will dispose of a part of a car and
from there goes to Central City- and
Grand Island where he will dispose
of a car in etch city.
( I ris Tschirren departed this af
ternoon for Omaha, where he will
co isult a specialist in regard to an
injury to bus left eye. Mr. Tschir
ren. a few days ago had a. piece ol a
corn stock j.Uike him in the eye and
it has made the c c very sore and
painful and necessitated the services
of a specialist.
Judge E. E. Stanton and wife., of
St romshurg. Nebraska. who hav
been here for a short time visiting
their son. Charles E. S'-T.ton. ibarr-
ed this morning for their home. Mrs.
Stanton ii niurring home from
Che: terhill, Ohio. and was met at
De; Moines by Mr. Stanton, and they
decided to enjoy a few days' visit
with tiieir son and family in this
From Friday's Dally.
Col. Nat Huston, the LaPlatte
stoi kman, was a visitor in the city
today, coming down to attend to some
business matters.
County Superintendent Miss Al
ph.L Petersen, was a visitor in Ne
hawka today, looking over the schools
in that community.
Mrs. Henry Fuller of Amazoa'a.
Mo., arrived this afternoon for a short
visit here at th home of her sister,
Mrs. Henry Kaufmann and family.
Mrs. Jack Patterson, of Union, was
in the ciry for a short time today,
enroute to Omaha to spend a short
timo looking after business matters.
Edward Rummell came in thio
morning from his home to attend to
a" f v nif ttc-i-j of importance in Om
?ha. going to that city on the curly
morning Purlington train.
W. A. Chil-ott. and wife and little
granddaughter, of near Union, were
in the city yesterday afternoon for
a few hours and while here were call
ers at the Journal ollice for a .short
Attorney Joseph A. C: pv.ell, of
Elm wood, was in t be city yesterday
afternoon for a few hours attending
to tome legal matters at the court
house and calling on his friends in
the county seat.
O-car Capon, who was injured sev
eral months ago by having his right
arm broken, was a visitor in Oriaha
today consulting
injured arm lias
well as might be
given the p. tient
hie and it it still
it in a sling.
a specialist. The
not progressed as
hoped for and lias
more or b-ss trou
necessary to carry
4 years folks in your locality
bean buying pianos from A.
Hospe Co., Omaha. They handle the
lamcus Culbransen flayer. Write or i
nl.nti.. . . e 1 . ..OO 44... I
yitju i lit in lur fju; i ii in ai o. il.v. I
If you need insurance of any hind 1
see F. G. Egc-nberger, agent for all J
lines of lite. fire, health and atci- j
rlpnt inenrnnno Tho voi-v lioct n-
service. j
Hon. E. M. Pollard of Hehawka is
Urged by Friends as Secretary of
Agriculture in Harding Cabinet
The Nationai Fanner's Union con
r ress which has just closed at Kansas
City has Ktarttvd a boom for one of
the most succtWfnl and practical far
mers in the. .vest for the position of
secretary of agriculture in the cab
inet of Prc:-i'ie;it-elect fTarding. This
g.ntlfman is Won. E. M. Pollard of
Nthawka. one of the big men in the
republican party in the state of Ne
braska and for two terms congress
man from the first Nebraska district.
There could certainly be no better
Choice anule if Mr. Warding decides
upon the selection of a real "dirt"
discussion ol the problems or tne
farmer and his actual experience in
this linp makes him one of the best
oualiiied men in th country to han
dle the questions that effects the
farmer and his problems.
Mr. t't lk rd . has long occupied a
prominent, position in the life of the
state where lie was born and his se
lection would be a fitting recogni
tion of :i very able gentleman ami
also : recognition of the republicans
of the stato who rolled up for their
candidate for president an unpreci
i?r.ted majority at the recent elec
tion. Here in Cass county, where Mr.
Pollard has lived during his life time,
i'r.ere will be a unanimous endorse
ment of the "proposition to call him
to the council of the coining presi
dent. While at the Kansas City meeting
v l'cn the sentiment of the delegates
v. as so strong for Mr. Pollard he stat
ed that while he was not an active
randidato for th position he made
clear that he would not be averse to
accepting the position should it be
If Pnwident-oleot Harding should
decide upi n the Nebraska gentleman
is the f'irth coniii g secretary of ngri
cilt lire it will make the second to be
betel from this stare as Won. 3.
S erling Morton occupied a similar
-if ion in the second Cleveland ad
ministration. LEGION'S SER
In Chr.rge of Aubrey Duxbury, Who
Stands Ready to Lend Assis
tance to
c,. n
x-st rvioe
iiieii of the community
get anything they have coming
i the .government through the
service department maintained by
W.-gh Kearns jost of the American
Legion, and of which Aubrey Dux
ir. ry i-i at the head.
Pack pay, extra travel pay, disa
i'i ':; compensation and medical Pt
le :!ior., recovery ot undelivered lib
. v bonds. Victory medals, vocation
al ir-ining advantages, the outfittuig
:: i-:s;H(! or "turned-in"' clothing
payment of the ?f,0 bonus (if
never been received) are just
w of t lie many things .Mr. Dtix
' can aid vrm to secure.
Through lii i generosity in the
giving of mu tli, t'me.and attention
to tl-.e-.e matters, the post is able to
preside this service free of charge,
and ex-service men generally, wheth
er m Mn'icrs of the Legion or not are
urged to take advantage of it.
Mr. Puxbiiry has already assisted
do. -ens r;f ex-service men to get the
things that are coming to them and
!; i. knowledge of technical law, etc.,
er.; bles him to so fill out the forms
he files as to dispense with much of
the customary . correspondence and
i-e! tape so common to the govern
ment's methods-of doing- business.
.'.ny tine having matters reqniring
;';ijiistmont is, invited to take them
r.p with Mr. Jiuxbury.
in Thursday's latly.
iM morning C. O. Wiscott re
ard home from Kansas City, where
h;;s been in attendance at the
t.ii'g of the Kansas City division
ho National Clothiers association
- hi:h he is, one of the members.
of !
C .--r :
meeting v.;:s one of great inter
nal! a thorough discussu of the
l! I;et conditions and the outlook of
i- coming season was discussed by
' m mbers pre sent.
While .-it Kansas City. Mr. Wescott
:de i'lrangemenU of purchasing
"I'lough the national association of a
larg? order of the latest'! hings in the
'lothing and furnishing lines and this
at the prict-. that !s usually given the
jobber as by pooling their interests
the clothiers. ;.re enabled to buy of
the manufacturers and give their
f.v timers the benefit of the difference
in t! e prices quoted by the jobbers.
Mrs. M. H. Itrigys iri finding con-
si !er".i)le iliiiicult v in get ling around
as t":-! result tif ;i very serious injury
."-eived yesWnb.iy when she fell
iown stairs at her home on West
Rock street. suiYering a severe strain
to the right shoulder. Mrs. liriggs
v as descending the rtair.t, which are
or the old lisiuoiied winding typa.
id ;:h she neared the bottom stepped;
r.!' narrow r-ovtion or tne stain
way and lost her balance, falling.
v. ei!
injuring her shoulder so badly
:;he has not been feeling very .
it'& in the stationery
line, call
nt the
Journal cilice.
.Hup mmv K 1
11 l v fcxT- woo wai ' I r
u&deiPhim will bring)
the Mew
THIS is the time of the year when our Budget
Plan is most helpful. You ought to come in
right away and find out what it can do for you. J
In the first "place, it will put a New Edison beside
your Christmas tree, (how the family will rejoice!)
In the second place, it will stretch your Christmas
dollar so that you'll hardly feel the purchase.
,The Budget Plan treats the New Edison asah
' essential of life, such as a home, and arranges
payments on the sound "time" principle. It com-'
bines modern business practice with thrift, f
This way of treating a dollar actually makes it go
farther. Let us explain how the Budget Plan ,
brings the ionged-for New Edison for what an
extremely ordinary gift would cost, and makes
1921 thrift pay for the balance.''
On Tuesday. Harvey Aaron Miller
of near Malvern and Miss Helen Etta
Hatchet of Plattsmouth. Neb., came
to Glenwood each accompanied by
their parents and secured a marriage
lie- use with the concent of their par
ents, as the groom is but nineteen
and the bride jus sweet sixteen. Rev.
K. K. Goodrich was summoned to the
Clerk's oflice where the ceremony was
performed at about 11 a. m. These
young people will make their home
on a farm near Malvern. In embark
ing on the matrimonial sea at this
eaily age they have in all expect
ancy, just that many more years of
happy married life before them.
Glenwood Opinion.
When you tnink of printing, you
can't help but think of us.
You can depend
on this store
that has served
you -well for 4 1
years, fieing at.
the forefront of
the lower price
movement. We
are taking ad
vantage of every
reduction and
passing it on to
ou. Our Mr. C.
C. Wescott just
returned from a
market trip upon
which he picked
up some unusual
bargains. '
Edison fills &asf
. .--
Eagles Will Give Away Fine Turkty
Pt Dance on Wednesday Evening
and Also Candy to the Ladies
Cn next Wednesday evening at
Coates hall a big turkey dance is to
be staged by the Eagles and the chief
feature of which will be the giving
away of a fine turkey that will make
someone a good thanksgiving diancr.
Each gentleman dancer will be givei
a. number and a drawing made for
the bird ad the one holding the lucky
one will have a turkey to eat on
Thanksgiving. The ladies are also
to be remembered and one, two-pound
box and three one-pound boxes of
candy will be given away also. The
Let's "talk Turkey
You need a new suit or overcoat,
buy it now at these prices!
Hear these Turkey Special
Prices Talk!
f.lBfl'S SllifS Fine all-wool cassirnere, cheviots
n l 1 11 . 1 ' .
. ana nanneis in Drown, Diue, grey, enicmai mi-
V- tures; new late styles, guaranteed makes,' at 3
M fl f- AflF I AAA
prices 0, $39
YOUng Men'S SuitS A special
styles at-SZ4.SU and $29.6(1,
Men'S OverCOatS Cheviots, astrachans and friezes, in plain
or belted model?, specially priced at
$18.75 and $33.75
tgT"See these Turkey Specials in our west window.
E. Wescott's Sons
ladies will be given a ticket on re
questing same at the door and from
these the prize winners will be
drawn. The Eagles orchestra will
furnish the muic for the dance and
a big time is being looked forward to.
Prom Friday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
Omar Schlichtcmeier of near Mur
ray, motored to Omaha, taking with
them their little eight-months old
babe and who was placed in the
Clarkson hospital 'for treatment and
an operation for a mastoid from
which the little one has been suffer
ing for some time past. The child
is in quite serious condition and his
illness has given the parents a great
deal of anxiety.
Lost anything fou&a anything
Try a Journal ad. "They satisfy."
ana dtUa
assortment in new late B