stimt-wixeiy jotip.ttat, THURSDAY. NGVEMRF.Ti 19. 1920. PAGE SIS rata PI ATTSJ.IOTITH Murray Department Prepared in the Interest, of the People 'of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Reader readers of the Journal Wnoy of tur social ereui or item of Interest tu ibis Tlt-iniiy. &Dil will mall itm to tLisofiUe. It will ap pear uniier Uiis heading. We wact all cewsttem. Eojtou HEPORT OP TITR TOXDITIOX CiV THR MURRAY STATE BANK of Murray, Nebr. -ii I The best credential any young man can offer is proof of a good savings account. It signifies good habits, ambi tion, thrift and perseverance all worthy characteristics that employers appreciate. A savings account is not only a good character reference, but it is also a good business investment. So decide today not to delay. Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow Four pr cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BANK All business transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. Mi?s Clarke of Omaha wu a visitor, with frirnds in Murray la.-d Monday. rfvf Hoot Gibson at the show Sat- urday fvtninjr. It well worth Me- ; ins;. 1. A. llild and family were yu-sts .it the honi of Win. l'ul. Sr.. and , wiTe liit Sunday. V.. buy for i-Hh un'i ?11 for c;ih which m'-aiis a .-avinsr for both f u-5. 1 T. VTil-r.V store. Don! forjr-t to in; k for h:ir;r.iin :o1vorti-niu nt of V. T. W'il.-on's store weekly in thi? paper. . "WV buy or am. buttr. es hum poultry at t!ie very highest mark-: Irl' -. F. T. Wil.-uii's store. Mis Jvtta. N'irkUs at;Ci.iiipanh'd hr-r r.eice, Mis-, Marjori Cm-M-r of Llo'.r..if:H. N!.. tj Omaha Friday. Mrs. Ki-nm.'dy is reported as not ffelins hr List !his week and is kept at htr home in that aceount. Hoot Gibsot; in '"The Uroneo." nt the l'u! Hall next Saturday evening, will h' v.orti; your time ;nd umiu-y. I. H. Tills and fan-iiy wet. sit ins In PlattMiiu'jrh with friends for a .flu rt time last Sur.dav afternoon. V. R. YOUNG AUCTIONEER Alvtays Ready for Sale D3tes far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR NO PAY! rtKVF.nsi: all calls Telephone 4:?S Plattsmouth Exchange .Miss Laura Puis, who is making her home at Omaha, was a visitor wi'h her parents in Murray last Sun day. We solicit your budnes and ymi will find our prices always in line with today's markets. F. T. Wilson's storo. Mr.-. Itoly Howard wa- rcp -.rt.d as beiuj; on the .-ick Iil la.t Tifsday. but ht'er -dmwiiur some Improve ment. The piiix for the show at the I "ills Hall. Saturday, are and 1T i!fs. the show bfuinnins? promptly at v .lohn Campbell sold his auto a few days ago to D. Uhoden, who will w-'v the -ar for his business, it bt-inK auto livery. .1. A. Wilson departed last Tues day niorninir for Omaha, where he was called to look after some busi ness matters for the day. Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Hendricks have both been on the sick list for the past week, but are reported as hr-ing some what improved at this writing. Robert N'iekles. jr.. and wife, and Mrs. John Kramer and daughter of Kansas. Bnent Sunday at the home of Robert Nickles and family of Mur ray. lr. II. F. Hrendel was a profession al visitor in Cnioii last Tii'sday nii-:-ninr. where he was answering a call and Linking after the welfare of ill- patients. A few days ui'n Ralph Kennedy, who i- handy a! anything, comple'od ' 'to laying nf a floor and later hun "ome r: 'I'js.s f:f paper at home of Ray Creamer. To. ;-''ad- leadinsr to the I.ewiston h"rch ;.re badl in need of drugging lu :" r, the Thanksgiving dinner. Will interested man volunteer this servil e i:s his part ? Hobb Yes! Just another case cf trying to get something for nothing. Very icoKsh vhen we are making prices so Idv that anyone can .-tfTord to replenish their needs. LCOK AT THESE BARGAINS Ladiei sample night frowns. Nicely finished and worth up to $3.30 ;on sale at $1.98 Outing flannel, per d. 50c; now 25 Red Seal ginghams, were 50c; now 25 Percales, lights and darks, now 25 Hope muslin, was 40c a yard; now 25 66x76 blankets, some are sub wool, big bargain. . 2.98 Eiaft Tuti, MURRAY, NEBRASKA Mrs. T. S. Harrows va a visi'or in Omaha lar-: Monday, where she was having Miiiii' dental work done and was looking after !-onie shoppin well as visiting with friends. Cashier of the Murray Rank and J wile. Mr. and Mrs. . a. Hoedeuer, were visitors in Omaha last Thurs day, where they were both visiting and looking after s:mie bu-ines mat ters. 1 in net fo .get the Thanksgiving dinner which is a feature of the fall m'hmiii at the Lewiston church. Come and enjoy the da and alo assist the church, and meet your many friends t here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shrader of Omah:'.. aoe'-.mnanied by their daugh tir. Miss Klderine. were the giusts at the home of Grandfather and Grandmother Henrv ('. Long and wife. D not forget the bazaar in the in terest of the Otterbein church which will be given at til" home of Mrs. L. Rnsterholz. Saturday afternoon and evening. November uth. Cotne and get a good supper. Attorey C. A. Raw's anil former nierehatit of Murray. James W. Holmes and their families of Platts month. wire the guests at the home of Postmaster and Mrs. Will S. Smith for dinner last Sunday. Henry Rice was out last Saturday looking after the feathered tribe, and induced four geese to return home with him. They were somewhat stubborn and had to be killed before t!n-v would give obediance. Win. Rice, who has been making his Lome at Wayne, where he has been farming for a number of years, returned to ?durray few days ago and will engage in husbandry in Cass county the coming season. The telegraph wires which have been in the way preventing the work on the new addition to the elevator, were changed one day alst week and thus the workmen were enabled to proceed with the work on the build ing. Frank Schlistenieier shipped from his feed I ne lots last Tuesday, two cars of 0-aMle of the finest quality, which went to the stock .market at South. Omaha, and brought good prices under the conditions which, row prevail. Mrs. A. J. Walker and daughter. ?Jis Margie, will pend the winter, until after the first of the year at the home of her daughter. Mrs. (J. H. Gilmore. and later they will depart for the tfouth and will visit in Texas for the remainder of the winter. Last Saturday. T. J. Rrendel went cut to the river for a short tinio anl was able to land .sixteen ducks which he considered as being very good, and if we were to pass- on thf? matter we would say that was an exceptional good bagging of gam". J. H. Iluiton. who has been con fined o hi home since last summer on account of a fall which fractured his hip. was able with the aid of his crotches, to go as far as the gate last Monday. He will soon be able o be out again, thou-h the weather is not the lies' just now. Thomas Jamison of Lincoln, who was looking after some business mat ters in Omahn for a short time l.lst week, dropped down to Murray lat Friday for a short visit at the home of his daughter. Mrs. J. F. Rrendel. and remained the enest of t he fam ily until Sunday afternoon. The car situation is again Tiot as e-tsy as it was a short time ago When the prices went to pieces and the farmer was busy picking his corn, the demand for cars was not as great ?s formerlv. and the grain cars were 'livened to another section, making if just now difficult to secure what is needed to move the grain. Gb-n Todd was both engineer and conductor on an odd train last Mon day evening-. He had been to Otra- hf and while there purchased a span f f horses and a in,in of mules, which he coupled on his au.o and led the : g-rrerat;on f'cm the sto-k exchange buildinc to his home home two miles south o" Murriv and made the time in a little over two hours. Mrs. R. P. Nickles Entertains Mrs. R. p. Nickles very pleasantly entertained the l.ewifton ladies aid Tuesday afternoon. At this meeting the final a I ra ngt ment s for the annual Thank-giving dinner to be given at the Lewiston church were completed. A number of vi.-itors were also pres ent to enjoy the hospitality of Mrs. Nickles. A delicious luncheon was served by the hostess at a late hour. which added much to the pleasure of t lie occa-o n. Thanksgiving; at Lewiston i lie i.ewiston ladies are preparing o give their annual Thanksgiving driner at the Lewiston church. The usual program will be given. Ser vice by Rev. Taylor of I'nion at 11 a. m. Th - proceed of this dinner at.d .-upper will be used for the care f the cemetery and needed repairs for church. The community is cor- t "Lilly invited to assist in giving this dinner. Anyone having relatives or friends buried at Lewiston should be ispe-ially interested in the move nu nt. Cleans Up Lewiston Cemetery James Hatchet and Al Jones have compl'ted the cleaning up of the Lewiston cemetery and church ground?, which certainly adds very much to the appearance of the plhcc. ."Many Uionunv.nts arc broken down, many ars leaning and certainly need rMenMoc. Any one having relatives or friends buried at Lewiston and wi:h their graves given attention or monuments repaired. Mr. Hatchet will be glad to attend to the matter. He may be addressed at Murray. "Cheer-Up" Club for Murray In exchange for $1 annual dues, scores of recruits were reported be ing added to the "Cheer Cp Don't Worry club" lure which was organ ized by i he Rev. !)r. T. W. luvis. chaplain of the Pennsylvania state senat e. The f,,!!owing seven "comma nd menis". however, were to be observed and stri nly abided: 1. Cheer up others and yourself. 2. Don't worry others or your self. ::. Live and ht others live. 1. Scatter sunshine wherever you o. a. Don't cuss or get angry- it hurts vim. '.. Greet everyone with a pleasant .-mile. 7. Laugh out loud three times a lay. Barred Plymouth Rock Cockrels 1 have lor sale some pure bred. Rarred Plvmouth Rock cockrels. at s2 each. D A. Young Murray ph me IT. 1 1. Murray. Neb. tf T's sv. Mun-ay School Notes. Carl and Henry Dietl were absent fn m school Monday. her Puis was absent from school Monday on account of sickness. Ktliel .Mix was a visitor at Ulanclu Scot'en's home Friday afternoc l. The high school finished their quarterly examinations last Friday. Mabel Howard was visiting in Plattsmotnh over Saturday and Sun- da v. KMxabeth McCra ken was a visitor at the heme of Margaret Puis Sun da v. Kthel home of noon. Margaret Dietl attended the box social at the Ami-k school Friday night. Hazie Wick ham the home of Hazie day afternoon. Charles Harrows Gansemer spent Sunday afternoon at Charles Howard's home. The ninth grade is now working multiplication in Algebra and find the subject getting a little harder. The ninth and tenth grades are practicing every spare minute they have on their part of the program .Mix was a Marie Puis visitor at the Fridav after- was a visitor at Davis last Satur- Lester and Cecil for the box social. Rlanche Scotten. Curtis Faris. Ilaz " Davis. Klsle Puis. Lois Scotten and Marie Puis, wo re dowji to Rock Creek Sunday afternoon skating. Kach room is working hard on its share towards the 'program for the box social which will be given No vember 24. at the hall. Kvcrybody conie. and ladies, don't forget to bring boxes or some men will go hun gry if they don't like doughnuts and coffee. Last Friday being Klsie Puis four teenth birthday, her school mates gave her a surprise birthday party. Those present were Henry Hild. Les 'er Long, Doris Wright. Lester Gan 'emer. Cecil Gansemer. Hazie Wick ham. Gladys Mra"k Muriel Wick 'iam. Lois Scotten. Dick March, ('hales Harrows. Earl Mrasek. Leon Ganstnier. Lorene Hatchet. Leotia Puis, and Hlanche Scotten. They all had a good t ime. Our school will give the following program at the box social Wednesday evening. Nov. at the Puis hall: Welcome song--Kd ward Howard. Recitation Opal I Ionian. Song "I Can't Do a Thing With My Hair.-' Since Its Washed- Kight girls. Recita t ion Km ma Kppings. Thanksgiving Acrostic Little folks. Recitat ion Elet;ienel March. Song Klizabet h McCraeken. Thanksgiving song Hy Grammar and Intermediate rooms. Dialogue Little folks. "Scare Crows a'Roaming" Inter mediate boys. Reading - - "Robert's Thanksgiving" Helen Perry. Song "Quit Hat Tiklin' Me" Dick March and Letter Long. Dialogue "A Different Point of View" Grammar room. Recitat ion "Kent ucky Philoso phy" Dick March. Play -"The Rob Trust" High school pupils. Act 1 verv quiet little hotel of Miss The girls arrive Yas'm what. Act 2 And proceed to make times lively for Hob with the help of Marie. Act .1 plans to leave with the mule hut Mrs. Roothby the rescuing party. Characters. Lord Hob The Trust, who thinks himself irr"sjst ible. Lloyd Leyda. Jennie Patic Who quite, agrees with him. Marie Puis. Cloviiida DeCourcey A humorist ur-to-datc Hazil Davis. Kills. Otis A relic of "hero d waii'' Hhipolip Scotten. Old Mrs. Roothby Whose actions sneak louder than words. Margaret Di'tl. M-iie I'p to snuff wlift. Mfbel Howard. C' ok fe no-connt kitchen. Leora Faris. P." nto'oime- Jv Co u n t r v The-- - Hlanche Scotten. Going n T" Some Building. George Nickles. yes our 'George, the a-ood mfured fout. inrt a nan of many retonrces. constructing a hn house for his home in Murray. The rla"s wern furnished by the r onr 'button of his manv friends, while J. W. Edmonds with the states-mank-like endeavor, went about the laying out of the work and made an liter No. .-,7S in thf State of N"e lo.isha at the close ,,i Imsiness oil NoVelll hr 1 !. -I'll'". RKSOFRCKS Loans aiul discounts i eriira lis KanKiili: house. I'll rn il li re a fix tines I'.oti ill Xl'e'isi s. taxes It interest i:id I iic from .National a ',.! Si ate , a u lis . . $ ::'..".: 1 i '!.;. .-- a ml i . ems ..I' -,.!.. I ii rrem-N Unl. I coin Silvi'!'. it ieh ei - a i ' 1 i Ills Ti ''!'. I 1.1 l.'17'i ml a. I 1 s III l"l . II Ml. 1' 1 .i::t.i;.". LIARILITIi: $ 1 ."..Ullll. IICI .",,111111. mi s!:::: 'a pi I :i I st nek pa ill in... Sill ' I Us lllli'l I m I i v i'l'il I'l-elil s I l e 1 i v i i ! '. , a I .lejiti-ll--si.ii-ii i.i ehei k . . 1 J".y I Time c i t ' tiea t es of .1. -posit lM. I 'as:, ii i 's i h e i- U s ,-i I -I a ml i m; !-:."'! -' I J.s-7 I i it -pos i i oi s -si.iraiil IHml... l.:::ii.:: ; iT. i. . .f J7::.i".7.;: State of N'el.raska ) ! ss- 'oi i n t y of "a ss j I. W. I'.. Roeilt -ki-r. Cashier of the a l.ove named hank do lu i ehy sw ear that the al.ove stat' lni nt is a enm-i t and true i oiv of the report made to ;; State l'aiiiaii of liankin'j. w. ;. iji.iki ikkki:. Attest: i 'a s hie r. -.S. '. l'ARMKLK. Director. LK'iNA !'a u:i i:k i:i:. hii-nm-. Snlw-i rihed and ovrn to In-fore me tlii- 17t,i da;, of ., .-m he i. Hem. ANNK f. I lASSI.Ki:. is. :ih No! a i l'n 1 .lie. M v mi'ii -mil expir. PL i . ; excellent job of it. At that George said he was going to have the cab inet work done on the nosls. II' was considering tin matter of hav ing a refrigerator in the building to ketp tiie eggs at the right tempera ture, when t lu- laying was so crowd ed that he would not have time to gather the eggs as rapidly as they were deposited in the luxuriously furnished nests. We are awaiting with considerable interest the stim ilus which will be given the layers by their unique and splendid surround ings. Captured a Red Fox. C. A. McReynolds living two miles ninth of Murray, caught, on his farm jne day last week, a red fox. These animals are very difficult to trap. Mr. McReynolds expects to bring the fur to the post otlice, where he will place it on exhibition for a short time that I he people might be able to see a real red fox fur. The En la's. dat's Lord Hob help of the proves to be1 yas'm dat's -ook in de 'Tis of Burglary Still Mystery. The breaking into the business house of the firm of Hiatt & Tut t last Saturday evening or Sunday morning, and robbing the store to the extent of $200. as mentioned in the Dailv Journal, still remains a mystery as to who were the burglars. The practice of breaking into stores for robbery has become a serious one and a thing which challenges the attention of all thoughtful citizens to some means of preventing the work and apprehending the criminals. Visiting in Missouri. C. H. Roedeker departed a few days ago for a two weeks' visit at the home of friends and relatives in Missouri, where he will be the guest at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Howard Hutchman and family. Af ter. visiting there for a while he will go to the home of his mother-in-law. Mrs. R. A. Hidwell. who lives at Hal cii, Mo., w here he w ill spend Thanks giving visiting with old time friends and relatives. Will Feed Cattle on Farm. Harry G. Todd, who lives south of town, and who also is interested in a large ran;h in the northern por tion of the state. a few days ago shipped from the ranch, one hundred and twenty head of cattle to the farm near Murray, where he will put them on feed for the market here. The cattle were loaded at Ainsworth for shipment to Murray. Will Give Show Next Week. Percv Field. Carl Rentier, Mips Clara Hunter and Mrs. W. II. Smith were in Murray last Monday after noon looking after the advertising of a minstrel show which the campfire girls and boys club are to put on at Plattsmouth next Monday and Tues day. This promises to be an enter tainment of much worth, and will be well worth the while of those who are fond of entertainments, to make it a point to be there. Has Purchased Dray Line. Frank Marasek. one of the progres sive citizens of Murray, has taken on another line with his business, it being the dray line, which was for merly operated by I). C. Rhoden. who will contnue the livery business. Mr. Marasek has employed Harry Puis for the present, while he him self is getting out his corn which he hopes soon to have in the crib. Will Move West. C. C. Tucker, who has made his home a short distance west of Mur ray for some time, .will have, a sale in the near future, having selected December 27th as the date, during the holidays, and will in a short time thereafter depart for the west and will farm for the coming year near the town of Arnold in Custer county. Card of Thanks. We desire to express our heartfelt, thanks to those who so kindly assis ted us in numerous ways at the time of the illuess and death of our beloved wife and mother. Mrs. Lucy iClma Diirton. and for the floral offer is and to those who assisted in the singing. J. H. Burton and children. (Continued on Page 7) ,::7 l .; .t.::h.ii'i i s Pufls Theatre? MURRAY, NEBR. Saturday, November 20th IHlOOt an honest-lo-goodness cow-puncher in fSfi The Biroimcol35 and a two-reel comedy "Off His Trolley and a live news reel. 99 ADMISSION 15 and 25c :' Show starts promptly at 8:30 p. m. Give Your Wife a Chance! Are you in need of a new cook stove? Our as sortment of ranges is unsurpassed. Come in and see what we have to offer you. Unusual values! The time for heating stoves is also fast approach ing. Do not wait until -it is cold and then make the family suffer while you come in to look after getting a stove. Preparedness pays, you know. Remember, we carry a full line of the best shelf and heavy hardware which we sell at prices that will not only permit but encourage it's being used. W. H. POL 39 MURRAY NEBRASKA A Few Specials! Good corn, 2 cans for Good peas, 2 cans for Butter Nut coffee, 3 lb. can Butter Nut coffee, 1 lb. can Navy beans, 3 lbs. for Puritan flour, 48-lb. sack for Sugar, per 1 00 lbs Men's overalls and jumpers, stifle stripe. Men's overalls and jumpers, heavy blue. Men's one-buckle heavy artics Men's four-buckle heavy overshoes Men's four-buckle U. S. all-rubber overshoes, . . . 25c . . .25c .$1.40 . . . 50c 25c .$2.98 $11.98 .$1.98 .$2.29 .$2.75 . $4.50 .$4.50 F. T. WILSON, Prop. MURRAY NEBRASKA SOAPS PERFUMES Cold Weather is Here! We have the auto ether to start the fliver or gasoline engine these cold mornings; also denatured alcohol for the radiator. ' Start the pigs through the winter by feed ing Standard or Hess Regulator and Tonic. We carry both kinds; also Hess, Standard, Pratts and Le Gear's Poultry Remedies. Dip and Lice Killer, liquid'and dry. Get started right and harvest those high priced eggs this winter. Murray Drug Co. TOILET SETS MANICURE SETS Fistula-Pay When Cured I " I I III JHU Vi n . ii .m . that curea PilML Ul I I I VV" J FUtula and other Rectal I'iseases In a ahort U U m time, without a aevere urgical operation. N Chloroform, Kther or other general anaeatnetla uaed. A cure guaranteed In Tery caso accepted for treatment, and no money to J ba Btll cuUi Write for booU on Rectal with names and testimonial or more than 1 000 pro.-ninent people wh have been permanently .ilA KE 1B. K. K. TAUBV, SmuOorloin. Peter. Tro.t Blflg". (Bee Bids-). OIUJU, KfcB. lr. B. 5). JoUnatou. H.UioU director. 1 4