The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 18, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Union DeparHmienll
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Bankers Are Not Profiteers!
While almost every commodity in the -world is
doubling nnd trebling in price, the price of money has
lemained praclicaliy the same.
Bankers are not profileers. They make their money
by handling a large volume of business. Their earnings
are modest on the money invested.
They do thousands of things for the citizens of
every community without remuneration.
The enormous burden of making income tax re
turns for our customers and the caring for the immense
amount of work in connection with Liberty Bond sales
are real services to the Nation.
A bank must make a certain profit or it will not
interest either capital or the right kind of leaders.
This bank wants every man to make enough mar
gin of profit so that the necessities of life, a home and a
reserve for old age can be provided.
Let us justify your patronage by good service and
fair treatment.
anh off Union
W'm. lliehfif-ld and Harry Gouch
cnoiir of Plattsmouth. were in Union
last Monday installinjt the three line
service for the merchants here, which
enables them to use a switch in Roin
from one room to another, thus mak
ing the matter of the lights more ef
ficient, cheaper, and more convenient.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kutb-dge. who
are making their home in Syracuse,
were visitors in Vnion for a short
time between trains, while on their
way from a visit at the home of the
parent. of the former. Mr. and Mrs.
A. U. Rutledge of N'ehawka. Mr.
Glen Rutledge was the editor of the
1'nion Ledger, when the paper was
last publi-shed in Union.
John Hanning and wife of I-ind-ay.
arrived in Union last Saturday
evening for a short visit. They
spent the tlmr at the home of relative.-;
and the guests Sunday
with the mother of Mr. banning. Mrs.
K. A. Hanning. who lives south of
Union. Mr. Manning departed on
Monday evening for his home in the
north while Mrs. banning remained
for a visit at the home of her folks.
Henry 0'Ionnell and mother, near
Union, where she will spend the week.
order that they could vote and when
they had paid the amount they look
ed upon the matter as though they
had a right to vote as they pleased,
even if husband did vote the other
way. Mr. Copenhaver says the vot
ing of many a wife on opposite tick
ets had caused a number of divorces,
even before the election had come.
Will Serve Dinner and Supper.
"The Ladies Aid of the Uaptit
church of Union will give their an
nual dinner, supper and bazaar at
the M. V. A. hall. Thursday. Novem
ber ""lh. Everybody cordially invit
ed." 2t T's w.
H. M. Shoemaker, of Union.
is attending
Lincoln, was
in Ur, ion over
the w.-ik end
and returned
'.rein Monday
L-iniel I'.isrri. . who
r.v- stale university at
; tru--t of hi.- parents
a:, day.
1 r. K. M. Swab ppnnt
with frieTids at Omaha
,i-.::.e on the early
m -r:iing.
Ivan P.alu.ur completed his corn
picking today and considers he is
lucky to have completed the vork
this soon.
La-t Tuesday J. P.. Piamlett was
a pasenrer to Plait-mouth, where he
went to serve as a juror in the dis
trict court.
K 1. Stine was a visitor in N'e
hawka a few days ago. where he was
looking after some business matters
in that rustling city.
Kmery Hathaway was called to Ne
braska City last week to look afler
-oT'ie business matters making the
trip via the Missouri Pacific.
Attorney D. O. Dwyer of Platts
rfi''. was looking after s.tne legal
business in Union last Friday, being
a visitor here between trains.
Mrs. K. Puller was a visitor in Ne
braska e'ity la:-t Saturday
I: s. Ikdds of Omaha i day to Sunday and returning to hLs
nt a few davs with h r mother. studies.
Among those visiting and shopping
in Nebraska City last Monday were
th. Mesdames U. C. LaRue, Ulair
Porter. Wm. Craig, and "V. H. Marks
(f Union, and Mrs. Hugh Robb of
G.-org? W. Leach, father of E .E.
Leach, has been confined to his bed
for the past few days with an at
'ack of the grippe, which has been
rather stubborn to treat, but Grandpa
is making tome improvement.
Earl Merritt. the painter and deco
rator, is busily engaged this week
ilnishing the two rental properties of
Mrs. Rachel Pell, and when the pa
pering and other inside work is com
pleted, the Louses will be in excellent
Miss Geraldine Liston, who makes
her home at Plattsmouth. was a vis
itor in Union for a short time last
Sunday while on her way to Elm
wood where she went to visit with
relatives and friends.
Last Saturday John Frans went to
Plattsmouth and returned with his
brother Kemper Frans and Ellie La
Rue, whu are employes at the Bur
lington sLops. The boys Fpent Sun-
" idav at home and return to their work
v H CI t Mir . .
j Will Make Extended Visit.
' Yesterday, Wednesday. J. D. Cross,
the manager of the Farmer's store,
departed for the west, where he was
culled to see one of his brothers, who
has been sick for some time. Mr.
Cross will visit while he Is away at
the home of bis brother, 1). L. Cross
' of Hrush. Colorado, and also at the
home of his other brother, J. B.
! Cross at Kersey. Colorado. After
. having spent some time at the home
1 of bis brothers he will also visit at
the home of his sons, Ray and Carl
Cross and families, w ho are now mak-
ing their homes at Arriba, Colorado,
and where he expects to spend
Was Home For the Day.
On account of the arrangements
for what is known as College day.
the Methodist church at Wabash ask
ed for the date of last Sunday which
was the one on which the Baptists of
Wabash hold their services, and they
graciously conceded the date. Rev.
W. A. Taylor, whose date was to
preach there that day. was able to
remain home with Mother Taylor for
the Sunday.
v.::s the cuest f friends and was also '
l-i. king after some shopping.
Miss Naomi Mougay, who is at
tending the state university, was a
visitor at the home of her parents
northwest of town for over Sunday.
?Iiss Helen Chapman who is a stu
dent at the state university at Lin
coln, came down for a visit at the
home of her parents for over Sunday.
Miss Verna Harris who is employed
in Nehawka. with the Sheldon Manu
facturing company, was a visitor at
The home .f her partnts in Union
over Sunday.
A. H. Auntin was a visitor in
Lincoln for a number of days last
ve. k. He v;i!- the gus at the home
: bis da-.igh'er. anJ enjoyed the
.:-:! rr::tly.
.1. c. V.'t;t cf i'lvr." City, who
s K en v;--;ing with hi.- parents
jr.-T easT of Murray, w hs a brief vis-
t "i v in Uni'n laM Monday, s'oppiug
'.(tween trains.
Matthew Gering of Plattsmouth.
was a very brief visitor in Union last
Monday while on his way to Nebras
ka City, where he had some legal
matters to look after.
.Mrs. Kate Smith of Omaha, was a
visitor in Union for a short time last
veek. being the guest of her mother.
Mrs. H. M. Shoemaker of this city,
returning to her home Monday morn
i :: g.
Robert Roddy who is attending
medical college at Omaha, was a vis
itor in Union an at his home n"ar
! re last week, remaining from Fri-
! on the train Sunday evening.
C. F. Morton has some seventy
acres of corn picked and is getting
along very nicely. He himself has
to pass the buck on the other fel
low, as he was called to serve a, a
juror in the district court to the coun
ty seat this week.
Mrs. Vesta Clarke and daughter,
iMiss Lyda, were spending t-ome time
i last week at Fair bury, where the
former had some business matters
to look after regarding some property
which she has there. The daughter
was visiting during the time with
friends of that city.
Iva Mougay, who has been living at
Crowhart. Wyoming, for the past two
or three years, arrived In Union and
spent .ome time visiting with rela
tives snd friends here. Iva thinks
thre is uo place just like Wyoming,
and on the other hand knows there
is no place Just like Union.
I Miss Jessie Todd assumed the du
jties at the postofTice, for the post
I mistress Miss Lydia. Clarke, while
she visited during a portion of last
i week at Fairbury and also while she
i looke after some business matters at
; Nebraska City. Misa Todd makes a
very efficient and clever official,
i Mrs. Charles Renner of Eagle was
j a visitor at the home of her daugh
! ter. Mrs. 11. L. Swanson for over Sun
! day returning home on the train
.Sunday and was accompanied by Mr.
; Swanson. who returned home on the
j midnight train and thus was not able
to attend meeting Sunday evening.
Met With Mrs. C. F. Harris.
The Woman's Christian Temper
ance union met at the home of Mrs.
C. F. Harris last Wednesday after
noon, where they enjoyed an excel
lent program. One very interesting
portion of the exercises being a re-
Iport of Miss Gussie Robb. who was
the delegate to the state meeting
that was held at David City a short
time ago. Miss Robb gave a very
accurate and interesting account of
the doings of the state convention.
Following this was discussion of
Anti-Narcotics, which was partici
pated in all the members present
and made most interesting by Mrs.
E. J. Mougay, who was the efficient
leader. The meeting was concluded
by the serving of dainty refreshments
by the hostess. Mrs. C. F. Harris.
Loses a Valuable Cow.
On account of feeding to heavily on
the last crop of alfalfa, which had
been touched by the frost, a valuable
cow belonging to Mr. L. G. Todd,
died. Mr. Todd is the loser by one
hundred dollars by the death of the
Here is the Man For You.
Charles Osborne, who is the mail
clerk running between Lincoln and
Union, has demonstrated many a
time that he is made of the right
kind of Htuff. Many times he would
assist in the barber shop of Ira Clarke
during the time he was here. There
being no surplus of work in the shop
during the time of corn picking he
put on his overalls, went to the home
of E. E. Leach immediately on his
arrival in town, and picked corn un
til noon, and in the afternoon did
the ame until Just time to go to the
train to take his run. thus able to
make an extra twenty dollars per
Are you prepared for cold weather?
We have a car of Rock Springs coal on hand and
another due in a few days.
Also a car of Illinois coal due in a few days.
Better fill your bins before a storm hits.
We have a car of Western White Pine in transit.
If your sheds or barns need repair, now is the time to
get busy. Let us figure your bill.
We appreciate your patronage.
Frans Bros'. Lumber Co.,
Try Frans Brothers For Estimates.
Notice the attractive ad for the
Frans Brothers Lumber company in
this issue. Should you be desiring
anything in this line, give this firm
an opportunity to furnish you esti
mations on what is desired. They
are In position to give you very en
tising figures and will be pleased to
do so.
Enjoyed the Bay Together.
At the home of W. L. Hoback last
Sunday, were gathered the families
of Charles Hoback and John Ho
back. the sons of this worthy couple,
and under their hospitable roof the
three families enjoyed a very plea
sant time in sociability and at the
dinner which Mother Hoback and
daughter. Miss Lelia, served. The
day was one of pleasure and such as
many family reunions should be.
Are Making a Great Campaign.
The Epworth League of the Meth
odist church of Union, are very active
In the work of the campaign to "Win
My Chum." and are conducting a
series of meetings for that purpose
at the Methodist church this week.
There Is being presented each night
a very interesting program and much
interest is being aroused in the work
of the young people. Drop in in the
evening and enjoy the meeting and
become a member if you. are not one
Had to Pay to Vote in Virginia.
Stephen Copenhaver but recently
returned from Virginia, where he has
been visiting for some time and tells
of much excitement in that section
over politics. He says that there was
a poll tax exacted from the ladies in
Union School Notes.
Last Friday marked the end of the
first quarter of the school year.
Miss Scriveiis. -our new teacher,
was elected to act as our class sponsor.
Clarice Mieham was absent from
school on Thursday on account of ill
ness. We are taking up the "Rime of
the Ancient Mariner" in our English
work now.
The domestic science girls are mak
ing very interesting notebooks on
meat this week.
The high school w!-hes to extend
a very hearty welcome u Miss Scriv
ens. our new teacher.
Miss Vera Deles Dernier of Elm
wood, was a visitor in high school
last Friday between trains.
Fifth and Sixth grades Iola Mc
Quinn and Ina Rakes are absent
from school on account of illness.
Tke Reviews class have finished
their course in reading and will now
take up the study of geoeraphy.
We have our Thanksgiving decora
tions up now and are all looking for
ward to Thanksgiving with much an
ticipation. Seventh and Eighth grades The
seventh grade has finished some very
interesting and attractive booklets on
South America.
We had all of our examinations
last Friday and when the day was
over every fresUman heaved a sigh of
relief and thankfulness.
We wish to thank Miss Peters and
Miss McCarroll's room for the parade
they put on last Thursday morning,
for we all enjoyed it very much.
Primary room The gymnasium is
open now and we as well as the other
rooms enjoy playing there during
recesses and noons while the weather
is so cold and stormy.
Third and Fourth grades Mary
Donnelly Robb is still out of school
and is taking treatments in Nebraska
City. We hope she will soon be able
to come back to school and take up
her work again.
Miss Gussie Robb visited the
school Thursday and distributed flags
through all the grade rooms. All
the rooms wish to thank her very
much for her interrest in us and for
the flags which mean so much to all
true Americans.
Thursday morniLg we and the pu
pils of Miss McCarroll's room sur
I rised the other rooms with a very
gaily decorated parade. All the
children wore or carried the flag and
marched through the other rooms
amid much applause and delight.
High ' school notes Freshman
notes: Mildred Clark, our class pres
ident, resigned last Tuesday. Flor
ence Thacker has been elected to fill
the place. Our class officers now are:
Florence Thacker, president; Daniel
Reynolds, vice president; Ina LaRue.
We wish to thank the high school
lor inviting us into the assembly
Armistice day to enjoy a short pro
gram which consistsed of a short talk
by Mr. Severyn; the Flag Salute:
Somewhere a Voice is Calling: The
Star Spangled Banner, by Ray Fahr
lander and Alice Todd; Duet Tum
ble Down Shack in Athlone, by Ina
LaRue and Mildred Clark.
THE W. R. C.
The Queen Esther's of the Metho
dist church enjoyed a very pleasant
meeting last evening at the home of
Miss Florence Balser. the gathering
being in the nature of a "covered
dish" affair, in that the members of
the party were each requested to
bring with them a part of the lunch
eon that was enclosed in a covered
dish and the result when the lunch
eon was spread was that there was a
very tempting array of the good
things to eat. The ladies have ar
ranged to hold these social gather
ings once a month at least and the
members are looking forward with
much pleasure to the forthcoming
The evening was spent in the en
joyment of musical numbers as well
as in various stunts that kept the
members of the party in the best of
spirits. Those who were in attend
ance were.: Muriel Uarthold. Edith
Johnson. Grace Perry. Florence Bal
cer. Velma Elliott, Freda Otterstein.
Edith and Olive Bonge. Margaret
Ma pe?. Agnes Young, Mrs. John Lyon
and Mrs. Peter Balser.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon tne ladies of
the Plattsmouth post of the Woman's
Relief Corps enjoyed an occasion of
unusual pleasantness when they
were the guests at the charming
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tun
Kate 3104 California street, Omaha.
It was a very happy event for all
the members of the party and the
opportunity of spending a few hours
with the hostess, who is the only liv
ing charter member of the Platts
mouth W. R. C. and who was for
many years one of the most faithful
and deoted workers in the patriotic
society while a resident in this city.
The occasion brought back the mem
ories of the past years in the old
home when Mrs. Tungate had been
active in the work of the organization
and her royal hospitality afforded
the members of the party demon
strated that she still retained a deep
feeling of friendship and interest in ,
the work of the old friends and asso- j
The very attractive home of Mr.
and Mrs. Tungate had been charm
inglv arranged in decorations of the
fall flowers, the stately chrysanth-l
mums prevailing in the decorative !
fclieme and in the table decorations,
the flowers made a pleasing note in
the beauty of the table. The center
piece was a large pyramid of the
choicest fruits and at each plate tiny
silk American flags were used as
favors, and with the snowy linen
and sparkling glass and silver made a
scene of the greatest beauty. At 0
o'clock a very delightful 2-course din
ner was served by the hostess as
sisted by Mrs. Mural Manchester of
Omaha and which came as a most
enjoyable feature of the pleasant af
ternoon. !
The ladies enjoyed a very pleasant
time in visiting as well as in the
many pleasing musical numbers giv
en by Miss Genevivitt Whelan. who is
attending the conservatory of music
in Omaha and who was one of the
members of the party and the mem
bers of the party also spent some
time in singing the old songs as well
as in dancing. j
In honor of her long and faithful
service in the corps. Mrs. Tungate
was presented by the Plattsmouth la
dies with a beautiful silk flag and
standard, the presentation speech be
ing made by Mrs. George A. Dodae
and to which Mrs. Tungate responded j
very feelingly and the beautiful flag
will be long treasured by the re
cepieiit as a token of the hich es
teem felt for her by the old friends
in Plattsmouth.
Those attending , from this city
were Messrs and Mesdames John
Fight. T. W. Glenn. Mesdames Val
Burkle. L. B. Ecenbcrger. F. G. Eg
enberger. Robert Troop, Mrs. Wood
rey. Michael Whelan. Alice Cowles.
George Dodge. Elizabeth Forbes. J.
C. Petersen. Messrs. R. B. Windham
and Asbury Jacks. Mrs. E. S. Bar--tov
of Omaha, a former member of
the post, was also a guest of the afternoon.
You Can Save (Vioney
For Groceries, Husking Gloves and Mitts, Salt and
General Hardware. Now is the time to do that Painting.
We have it now. Better take advantage of the oppor
tunity. You know what it may mean to be without.
Our Store Will Save YOU Money
That Baby Overland"
I'liion and vicinity Tor the
and ride in to appreciate.
We have accepted the uct-ncy in
"Baby Overland." which you must sc
We also carry OMsorcsbile Cars s::id Trucks ami Reo Cars and
Trucks. We have a number of good mechanics ready for any work
that may be offered in the repair line. We also carry a full stock
of tires and accessories for all makes of cars. See us for cars or
repair work.
UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
30,000 Acres
We are harvesting an excellent crop of wheat in
Lincoln County, Colorado, at this tim. Come, see
land, where in many instances one crop will pay for
the land. We are making trips every Saturday. Call
and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and particulars.
The best land and at a price where any one can pur
chase and at prices where ane one can pay.
Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr.
Boston. Mass.. Nov. 1G. The
est number of new nnssionr.ries
Fent to foreign fields in any one
in the historv of the Methodist
ev e r
Fine stationery. Journal office.
copal church was reported today by
Dr. Frank Mason North, correspond
ing secretary of the church's t;o::rd
of foreign missions. lie r. ported to
the council of boards of ber.evoknce
of the church, which is in se.-isii'ii
Dr. North said the largest previous
year was 1917, when ninety-six for
eign missionaries were appointed. In
J he fiscal year just ended, however.
27.". iiev. missionaries were sent out,
eighty-five going to South America,
sixty-nine to China, fifty to India
ad Burna. thirty t ; Africa, thirty to
Malay.-)... six to Mexico, five to Ja
pan, tv.ii to Korea and two to Eu
A child c:n operate the famous
f'ulbransen Player piano. Easy ped
allir.g. and it's fool proof. Can be
' ad from A. llospe Co., Omaha.
White or phone them for terms.
o2S 4tw.
Blank books!
most any kind at
Yes you can
Journal office.
You Can Eat!
We are carrying
Frosh Groceries
and Canned Goods!
Also Working Clozhe and
Boots and Shoes!
We will have Fresh Meat from
this date on.
Bring in Your Fresh Produce
These Coats,
Suits and Frocks Tell
a Story of Individuality!
- And uncommon values also, if the truth
were to be told. One might search dili-
gently and long without en
countering a more complete
presentation ol Winter's most
favored models. Every fea
ture, every little detail and
every new fabric and color
ing that fashion sponsors
finds expression here.
These models help you to dress becomingly
Without requiring that you spend an exorbitant sum in
the choosing of your wearables. You will be buing
wisely and well no matter what you select here. Big discount
starts November 18th and continues until December 15th.
S k jt f
FRED P. BUSCH, Manager