MOHDiY, NOVEMBER S, 1930. PIATTSMOUTH SEKL-WXEIHIY. JOURoSAX PJiGT THREE MURBOCK DEPMR TMEMT. PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. The Bank The wise man, and the successful man. invariably is very careful in the selection of his bank and his doctor. He knows that; bis life may depend on the judgment and ability of his doctor. He fully realizes that the life and success of his business, be it professional, merchandising or farming, may depend on his banker. There is no question but that we shall pass through an adjustment period, bordering on a panic, within the next few years, present conditions foreshow this, and the man who has not already tied up with an established, re liable bank a bank whose officers have successfully with stood times of stress, may shortly regret his lack of judg ment. Select a bank that is able to take care of you in times of plenty, as well as in times of famine, and you can then rest easy. Remember the solid, dependable things of life are not based op promises, but on deeds. Our past record is what counts. We have the above necessary qualities to offer our customers, besides personal services whenever our opinion is desired on business or personal matters of our friends. All deposits in this bank is guaranteed by the depos itors guaranty fund of the State of Nebraska. The Bank of CUSurdock "The Bank where You Feel at Home" HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres. H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier Murdock to the Fore. Last Wednesday at the election in Murdock for the issuance of bonds for obtaining for Murdock an electric lighting system, the people with one accord, took the proper view of the situation and carried the election by a three-fourths vote. The ballots on being counted showed that three had voted for the proposition of issuing the bonds while one had voted against the proposition. The. vote stood 22 against and 86 for the advanced step. With the coming of the electric lights will also come other improve ments, which will make the town bet ter. The next step which will be for the betterment of the town will be the erection of a school building commensurate with the needs of the district. This building can be easily constructed by the wealth of the dis trict, which is one of the richest of the rural districts and the building will be a benefit to the whole com munity as well as to the city proper. Another thing which is needed by the community is a hotel commen surate with the needs of the city. The business which has been con ducted by Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gilles pie, has been a good one. and they have been very accommodating and looked after the traveling public as well as possible under the circum stances. With the quitting of the business by them. Murdock is left without a public eating place. A move to organize a company and construct a hotel in Murdock should be vne of the first moves which the men of money should do. The venture should pay in dollars and cents as well as be a move in the direction of securing for the town adequate facilities for the caring for the traveling public as well as pro viding a place for the people of Mur dock to board. Land for the purpose of a hotel site can be had at a very reasonable figure and at a location that will make the best place in town for t lie purpose. Mrs. John Amgwert was a visitor J with friends in the capital city last Wednesday for the day. George Mills was the loser of an excellent horse from an attack of colic, the animal being valued at about two hundred dollars. Wm. Mayers. Gale, John and Paul Pickwell, who are attending the state university at Lincoln, were spending Sunday at home last week. Mrs. Win. Heier departed last Fri day evening for Omaha, where she visited for a few days and at Council Muffs with relatives and friends. John Amgwen was looking after some business mailers in Lincoln last Wednesday, driving over m his car, being accompanied by C F. Hue. Herman Schmidt was a visitor in IMattsmouth last week, where he was iu attendance at the meeting of the county commissioners which was be ing held there. E. W. Thimgan, John Gakemeier. Miss Mildred Sorick of Lincoln, was visiting at the home of friends for a short time last Friday and Sat urday. llattie Miller, who has been em ployed with the Murdock hotel, de parted for her home last Sunday since the closing of that institution. T. S. Itager. living northwest of town, had the misfortune to lose a horse from the result of getting its foot injured and becoming infected, the animal being valued at about $K,0. All the teachers of the Murdock schools, were in attendance at the teachers institute at Omaha lat week and the school was suspended for the time. Miss Catherine Tool, who has been attending the teachers institute at Omaha for a portion of last week, vis ited the remainder of the week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tol. Messers Charles Schaffer and Or- Resigns After Years of Service. Harry V. McDonald, who has been the city clerk for the village of Mur dock for a number of years, at a meet ing of the town board last Thurs day resigned, and his resignation was acted on by the remainder of the board and a meeting called for the following evening, at which time H A. Tool was elected to fill the va cancy. Mr. McDonald has served th. city long and faithfully and ha made a competent official and we art certain the citizens feel grateful tr him for hs good services. Mr. II. Tool will make a good man for the place as well. and 1. G. Hornbeck were spending . time at the hunting grounds vnie ingerson. who formerly were -4 near Memphis last week and secured making their home at the hotel be , jx quantity of ducks. fore lt dosed, are now making their ' x ; 112.. 4 . ... ... . n I. - .miss Ionian Aui,rri i. ""home with their employer Wm. been visiting in Murdock for the pa.-t ten days, returned to her hjnu in Council Bluffs, having had a very pleasant stay while here. Gehrts and wife. Misses Ethel and Lola Schwab, formerly of Murdock. but having been located in Omaha for the past Henry A. Guthman. cashier of the , vear were visiting in the city for a number of days last week, the guests of their many friends. Miss Margaret Tool, who is attend ing the Lincoln high school, was home mot of the week on account of the dismissal of the school for the teachers institute which was in ses sion at Omaha last week. Mr. ami Mrs. G. Hupp, who have l.een in Omaha for some time past, where Mrs. Kuop was receiving treat- Robert William, wbo has been in ' ment at the Clarkson hospital, stop- Murdock for a short time from the . ped on their way home to Huntley west, was a visitor at Lincoln, where j fr a short visit at the Markel home he engaged with a firm at his line ; in Murdock and enjoyed the visit which is that of a blacksmith, and i greatly. will work in the capital city for the Peter Reuter and wife, with their winter. (two daughters, who have been mak- Miss Martha Gakemeier, who is a , ing their homes for some years past student in the Wayne State "Normal. J at Annahein. California, arrived in was a visitor at home for a short Murdock last Friday and will make time last week, being able to get; their home here during the winter. Rank of Murdock. was a visitor in Plattsmouth last Friday, driving over in his auto, where he went to look after some business matters for a short time. Ralph Ueeve. who is engaged in teaching in the public schools at Shelby. Ia., was a visitor at home for a short time last week, remaining over Sunday as the guest at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Reeve Gave a Good Entertainment The Kelso company, which is com prised of some half dozen young ladv artists, presented at the M. W. A. hal' an entertainment which was well re ceived by the large and highly plei?e' crowd of people who gathered to hej' the excellent numbers which they rendered. The next number will bt given on December first and will l.e "Tlie DeWilmn Concert Company", which consists of three entertainers. Mr. DeWilmo and wife, and La Naomi Ci.ffin. all artists in their particular line. Did Not Effect the Real Estate The recurrance of Hallowe'en has i caused the change of many pieces of personal property, though it seeming ly did not affect the real estate mar ket to any considerable extent. Many wagons and other personal property changed places and positions to the discomfort of the owners and those interesreu in ine properiy. awav when the schools closed in order to afford the teachers an opportunity to attend the teachers institute at Omaha. - Mr. Reuter. who has been engaged In the fruit business, recently sold bis farm and will again in the spring purchase another place in the west. Secured Many Patrons. A committee of the city council canvassed the two lines leading from Murdock to east of Manley. where (they are to attach to the electric ser vice lines and received much incour agement as to those who desired t become patrons of the line and which would assist in the defraying ofthe cost of the line from where it is at tached to the other service line tr, M urdock. This Week mily Heavy Fleeced Out Double Thumbed InJwsEtDinig Bowes $2o00 PER DOZEN -Murdock Mercantile Go.,- Murdock, Nebraska Had An Excellent Meeting. The Young Woman's Circle met last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Miller some three miles , north of Murdock, where they held their regular monthly meeting which consisted of business and social com- bined. An excellent program had been provided which was given after the concluding of the business which had accumulated during the time since the last meeting. The sricial hour was devoted to games and all was climaxed by a delightful lunch eon which was served by the enter taining hostess. Mrs. J. E. Mcllugh and children were visiting in Lincoln for the big ger portion of last week, they having a holiday at school and took advan tage of the proposition to visit the parents of Mrs. Mcllugh, George Towle and family. Only One Thing Breaks My CoIcP ."That's Dr. Kind's New Dis covery, for Fifty Years u Cold -Breaker" TIME-TRILD for fifty years and never more populir than today. Nothing but the relief it gives from stubborn old culds, an. I on-rushing new ones, grippe and throat-torturing coughs coull have made Dr. Kind's New Discovery the st md-rd remedy it is today. No harmful dns. Always reliable, and Rood for the whole family. 1 las a convincing, heal ing taste with all its good medicinal qualities. At all druggists 0!) cents, SI. 20 a bottle. For colds and coughs New Discovery The Results of Constipation are sick headaches, biliousness, sailo.. skin, waste matter in the intestinul system. Correct this health-undermining condition by taking Dr. Kind's Tills. reel pood everyday. Keep the svstem clean and virile. Saras old price, 25 cents. AH druggists. Prompt Wont Gripo IE mn6 WCTTDTM VfATtTD ( Republican COCKERELS FOR SALE I have a number of fine Single Combed Brown Leghorn cockerels for sale. Phone 2712. MRS. WALTER SANS, td d&w. Murray, Neb. v A nail file in a Chicago policeman's pocket deflected a bandit's bullet and saved his life. Thus the nail file gains commendation; but what has a patrolman's powder puff to offer as an excuse for itself? :o: A scientist asserts that criminals are born, not made. And Judging from tbe police records, the crim inal nirtn rate must be right up alongside that other birth rate the late Mr. Darnum spoke of.'' N. C. llalmes was down from Oma 'ia Monday, settling up on the sale if his house to Mr. Adolph S:ut'.. Xick seems to like Omaha tine. YV. L. Ilohson went to Nehawk; Wednesday to bury Mrs. J. W. Dough y, who died Monday morning, aged tiftv-four vears. Interment was at Mt. Pleasant cemetery. Henry J. Ruhga of North Platte. visited his parents. Mr. and Mr: lohn W. Ruhga over Saturday and Sunday. Henry was in Omaha with -dock and just ran down for a short vioit. Mr. and Mrs. Les Gregory and fain ly drove in from Ohas county Fri day r.isrht for a visit with rela rives. They will go home via lHir .veil and visit Mrs. Gregory's sister. Mrs. Pearl Long and family. We are informed that Mr. and Mrs Charley Countryman were in Omaha last week, where ?.lr. Countryman was receiving treatment for her eye trouble, which is very serious, and it is feared she may lose her sight entirely. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cole left Mon lay evening for Surprise to attend he funeral of Mr. Cole's brother Lo renzo Cole, who died very suddenly Monday morning. Mr. Cole was out o Polk county about ten days ago and visited his brother, who seemed it that time to be in perfect health. Edward Murphy, Jim Carper and George Stoll drove to Sterling las Thursday to attend a Chester White hog sale. The first hog sold brought $1210 and the first five sold brought a total of $3.S03. Prices were too high for our boys and they came home without buying. Cass county already has three splendid consolidated school centers at Alvo, at Nehawka and at Eaele Wabash' and Murdock are new points of consolidation, and from the talk we hear, Manley is likely to be one of the next. The necessity of send ing pupils to nearby towns for their higher grade work is unsatisfactory md is one of the things that is lead ing to consolidation. LOST BUNDLE WHY SULTAN OF SOLO IS PEEVED Queen of His Harem Runs Away With a Policeman. SULKS IN TENT IN BORNEO Package on road somewhere be tween Plattsmouth and Murray, con tained ladies hat as well as knit doilie and $1 paper bill. Finder please re turn to Mrs. T. E. Fulton, Nehawka. and receive reward. Call phone 39, Nehawka. 27 2td 2tw. Before placing your fire insurance call on us and let us explain our new method, both on city and farm property. ol2 lm. J. P. FALTER & SON. - If you need Insurance of any kind -ee F. G. Egenberger. aent for all lines of life. firp. health and acci dent inssrance. The very best of service. A Reliable Remedy for Colds and Croup It would surprise you to know the number of people who use and recom mend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. J. N. Rose, Verona. Pa., writes "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been used by myself and husband for a number of years for coughs and colds. I also gave it to my little granddaughter three and a half years of age when she had croup last winter. It broke up the attack at once. I have recommended this remedy to many of my friends and neighbors who have also used it with good results." Duroc Jersey Boars for Sale. I have a number of "Sensation" bred Duroc Jersey boars ready for service, for sale. One mile south of Murrav. Murray phone 1213. 4t s-w. HERMAN WOllLFORTII. :o:- If those new republics in Europe really tbink that's what they are. let's see 'em go ahead and hold an election on the American scale. Then then can talk. Deeply Wounded Because a Christian Filipino Disregarded the Sanctity cf the Harem and Eloped With the Sultan's Sixth Wife Jealousy cf Newcomer Caused Queen to Bestow Her Affection Elsewhere. Like Achilles at tbe siege of Troy, though for quite another reason. H- niaJiil Kirn in, sultan of Sulu, sulks In his tent in Rorneo. His life is blighte.!. temporarily at least, and his sultani? pride is deeply wounded, all because a Christian Filipino, Fernadez, chief cf police of .Tolo, disregarded the snnctlt of the sultan's harem by running o.T with Ids sixth wife, the favorite Tabay. The elopers are now honeymooning i;i ; Zaiiiboanga, beyond reach of Kiram's i Ire. although It is Mohammedan t'erri- torj and the most important city in the sultan's religious domain, the Lit era rv Digest states. In 101.", a treaty was made with the sultan In which he renounced his claim to secu lar sovereignty in the Philippine archi pelago, and recognized 1Jie supreme authority in secular matters of the In sular government. So Tabay forgets her late lord and master, and smiles into the eyes of the gallant policeman. . Roy C Dennett, staff correspondent of the Japan Advertiser (Tokln). writing from Manila, tells the story of the sul tan's bereavement. In 191.", KIram, in continuing to maintain a numerous harem, became a bigamist, leading wPh him in bigamv many datfos who frtllow the old Mohammedan custom and the example of their sultan as well as the teaching of the Koran, nnd live In polygamous wedlock. The government bns never attempted to uppres the hn reins, but hns depended on the phMie schools to wean the younger generation from the old idea that one spouse is not sufficient. The sultnn managed to steer a middle course In the affection of lite wives until he took unto himself a seventh partner to shnre his joys and sorrows. Thea things began to happen. Taking xrf the story, as related in the Japan Ad vertiser (Tokio); Flirted With a Christian. When Tabay, described as a splendid fem.-ile creature, full of fire and spirit, found herself gradually being sup planted in the affections of the sultnn a Samson whV in signing the fatal treaty, hr.d cut his own hair she stood upon lier womanly righf.s, made love (and to a Christian, too. Allah save the mark!) In a womanly wny. .nd set the eunuchs quite at naught r.nd the poor, aggrieved sultsn quite In s'lltnnie consternation. And so he went to P.orneo, instead of. as in the good old days, going to his chief eunuch and ordering Tabay and his chief of police killed. At Snudakan. Rorneo, the sultan of Sulu has a palace and lands and an annual irrnnt from the government of Great P.rit.iin. He has many Mohammedan subjects there, and Is received as a monarch by the r.ritish authorities. The same obeisance and tribute are paid to him at Singapore. Like a prophet of old. he Is not without honor save In his own country; for he is a Filipino and until a few years ago hte mere word was absolute law to the million Filipino Mohammedans in Jolo and Mindanao. Now he cannot take a seventh wife unto his bosom without a policeman running off with the sixth! Flow have the mighty fallen ! "Fernandez," the sad story from .7Io reads, "because of his official position frequented the sultan's palace, know ing there, as few did, even among Mohammedans, the numbers of the sul tan's retinue and harem, particularly Tabay, to whose charms he Immediate ly succumbed. Tabay returned his affection. The love profane, accord ing to the Koran of Tabay and Fer nandez came to the knowledge of the watchful eunuchs. "Hamnlul KIram, nobly bred and noble monarch, notwltbsanding he was the supreme ecclesiastical authority In Sulu. controlled his Indignation first, because he alone was injured, nnd. second, because Fernandez was a Christian. The civil authorities of Jolo decided to discharge Fernandez, but Fernandez preferred to resign hte office. A few days later Fernandez nnd Tabay, in a frail vlnta (Moro sailing vessel) set out from Jolo for Zamboanga. leaving the old sultan, the old harem and the old times behind them. "Tabay, a gentle and royal woman, until a few months ago was queen of Hamalul Kirnm's harem. Her manner and beauty are seductive; she never failed In obtaining her royal master's favor and affection. Jealous of New Wife. "Rut recently the sultan brought a seventh wife to the palace, a girl who. though less splendid and regal than Tbnyv. has th attraction of youth and Innocence." So the tale In romantic Spanish runs on. The upshot of the whole mat ter was that Tabay found herself slipping, and decided to slip away while slipping was easy: and it was with the trusted chief of police. The wounded sult.'in went to P.orneo. aban doning his Philippine affairs to the care of subordinates. .All the effoiT" of Princess Sa!im KIram, his sister . ' 1 ' Lou will lik Hie snap and vitality of thQ r nevr padej" and the J fair and fearejy editorial policy of the LINCOLN vTAR THE BEST We are selling Buicks, Dodgesjmd Mitchells. There are no more reliable cars on the market. Ask for a demonstration. We are always at your service. A full line of tires and accessories always on hand. The best of workmen for your repair jobs. Bring them in. M Phone 35-B Murdock, Neb. Violin Lessons! I will give violin lessons during the winter months for beginners and also the more advanced pupils. See me or call phone 19-G. Joseph tf tstschinek, MURDOCK, NEBR. Take off your screens for the winter and store them against the ravages of the weather. Do it now! Cover them with protecting paint and have them ready for use when you want them next spring. The paint will keep away the rust and rot; prevent splitting and breaking. We have the paints they cost but a trifle. Their saving is great. The Ousterhoff Shops ;7"If you wish we can paint them for you. Bring your screens to our shop and save 20. The TITAN TRACTOR J Keep in mind that we are handling the famous "TITAN" Tractor, and have a few on hand that we can deliver on short notice. J Ask us for a 'demonstration, or any thing pertaining to these tractors or the work they will do. WM. GEHRTS, Murdock Nebraska