THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1920. PAGE FOUR FLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL be piattsmoutb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Kntprct! ut I'oiUotTice, I'lattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 Spain's king to visit Cuba, says a news line. Is Spain so dry? :o: The true measure of kindness is the certainty of its continuance. :o: Sugar has lost its sweetness to the man who must .sell it cheaper. to: About the only thine: that will make gasoline drop is a leaky tank. .o: Nine governors in the United States have faced impeachment proceed ings. :o: Mighty few lead double lives now adays, because mighty few men can afford ir. :o: Take it good-naturedly, boys, if you are beat, tions coming. There are other elec- -:o: John Ilarleyeorn stays in his grave just like a planted grain or corn af ter a gentle rain. :o: "Will You Ive Mp in the Winter Time of Life." Sure, if you will build all the fires. : o : The most attractive thing about the attractive window display is the reduction in prices. :o: Somewhat of a paradox; but since dollars have become mare valuable, they are harder to get. :o: Ormany is now making money nut of porcelain. That's just like ;prniany handing the world some thing easy to break. :o: What has become of the little girl who used to be so anxious to change from short to long dresses? o:o Civilization is slowly but surely advancing. They are devising laws to make marriages more difficult. :o: So far as has been obsend no one has criticized the movement back to normalcy begun by Henry Ford. :o: Pon't worry about the south. They will have plenty to eat while wait ing for the prices of cotton to go up. :o: The spirits in the other world may not be so friendly when the great in ventor is perfected and we tell theiu our troubles. o:o The per capita wealth of the country has advanced to $51.06 almost enough to buy a tolerably fair suit of clothes. 0:0 While in a minority of some 40. 0'o ;ov rnor MeKelvie wins on the split vot of the opposition from the face cf the returns. : o : Since a monkey baa bitten a king, and killed him. cats probably may continue to look at them hut their motives will be subject to suspicion. :o: While it would be impossible to improve on the brand of autumn weather we have enjoyed in Nebras ka, there's no use in carrying autumn on through the winter. :o: For some unknown reason in the old days, people were always polite to a drunk man. But now the drunk man has disappeared, and people aren't polite to anybody. :o: The barbers in Los Angeles have started something, in reducing the price of hair cuts from 50 to 25 cents. It's a long way to Califor nia, buf Nebraska may let their locks grow until the cat prices reach the middle west. :c: In Hawaii they make alcohol out of pineapple juice and sell it for eight cents per gallon. This alco hol, however, is used for running au tomobiles. Why doesn't the United Stages send some missionaries to Ha f waii to tell the natives what alco hol is for? :o: ' If it's in the card lire, call at the Journal office. Still Sawing Wood! And giving a reduction from on all men's and young men's suits and overcoats and mackinaws. More Good News! We have added our entire stock of boys clothea to this sale, and starting today, boy's suits are 20 off this should mean something to you. mm. PER YEAR IN ADVANCE After accomplishing some good things it takes a lot of watching to keep them accomplished. :o: The new relish cabinet contains a minister named Grabski. We will watch his career with interest. :o: Turkey's new minister of the in- teror is named Izzet. Well, Izzet, what is it that troubles you today? 0:0 The local democracy can find a crumb of comfort in the victory of Fred Gorder as county commission er. : o: Generally speaking, "morganatic" is the attitude with which most any mother-in-law regards her son-in-law. :o: When a woman gets so old that compliments no longer have any charms for her but the time never ccmes. 0:0 "What kind of a game are the pro fiteers playing, anhow?" shouts a lo cal orator. Looks like the o. f. game of keeps. 0:0 Two small oil wells were opened on city-owned property by one of the recent earthquakes in Los Angeles. California. . 0:0 It is estimated that from 500.000 to iSOO.OOO lives are needlessly lost from preventable diseases every year in America. :o: We won't believe hard times are in sight until the drug store blonds wear the same tint of hair for two months running. :o: The longest bill, soon to be pre sented to Congress, is the codifica tion of the nation's laws, covering more than 1,100 pages. 1 ' ' :o: V " The meanest man we have ever known met his little boy on the street, gave the lad a nickel, and told him to "go buy something!" :o: When you reach home and find that supper is fifteen minutes late, please remember MacSwinney, who went days without eating. :o: After all. the business of cotton gins is not so bad. In Iowa City they are threatening to burn corn on account of the slump in price. :o: "For better or for worse" is not an idle phrase in matrimony. One member of the matrimonial team is always much worsT than expected. Kxports of textiles from United States to Canada for the first four months this year exceeded those for the same period last year by nearly $25,000,000. :o: That Indiana youngster who fail ed to notice that his neck had been broken in a football game deserves a whole corner to himself in the foot ball hall of fame. : o : It really isn't right to search the baggage of foreign ',;plomats at Washington for liqucr. The prohibi tion officers ought to be able to get all they need from the natives. :o: The British government may be thoroughly competent in many branches of endeavor, but it is easy seen it never was properly ground ed in the rudiments of funeral direct ing. 0:0 A German airship concern has ask ed permission to establish a line of dirigibles between Germany and the United States. It's all right If they'll bring over a keg of beer occasion ally. :o: Abe Attell. who fled to Canada shortly after being exposed in the baseball scandal, says he will return voluntarily when he gets ready and will tell all he knows. The present delay, presumably, is due to Abe's difficulty in deciding just how much he'd better know. our regular prices of Ik m 1 W. C. T. U. HAS A FINE Large Attendance Present to Enjoy Observance of Temperance Pro gram at W. II. Newell Home From Tuesday's Daily. Vi.(n.lti 'iflAfllMfttl i It rk lTlliflC llf 1 lKIUll UlUll"""1 .- -... the W. C. T. U. enjoyed one of their most successful meetings at the plea sant home or Jurs. w. ji. .eweu on North 5th street, and on this very I enjoyable occasion Mrs. Newell va:i assisted in entertaining by Mrs. II. C. Leopold. The occasion was the annual "Tem perance" program and the ladies had invited the ministers of thd city to be present on this event and four- of (he representatives of the church as were in attendance. Rev. A. A. Hunter of the Methodist church. 'Kev. Fath er W. S. Lcete of St. Luke's church. Kev. A. G. Hollowell of the Chris tian church and Kev. 11. G. McOlusky of the Presbyterian church. The meeting was opened with t!i" devotional service led by Mis. A. (. Hollowell and in which the member. of the party joined and was followed by the short program of the after noon. Each of the ministers yaw a bri f resume of the temperance movement and their opinion as to the benefits of temperance to the nation and to the people. During the afternoon Mrs. K. 11. Wescott. gave two of her de lightful vocal selections the ac companiment being played by Mr. Wescott, while Father Leete also gave a vocal numberthat was much enjoyed. Mrs. A. .1. leeson. one ! the talented cdt.Mitiunirts ot the city, afforded the members of the party two verv high - class readings that were much enjoyed by the numbers. Mrs. W. S. Leete read the history ot the temperance movement in the eas! in the vcar ISOS and in which her grandfather had been actively en gaged and which v as one of the til -I of its kind 1:1 the I nited Slates. The hostesses at a suitable hour served very dainty rciresiunent. which proved a pleasant feature of the afternoon's entertainment and brought to a cbse one of the thor oughly enjoyable gatherings of the society. FAR-FAMED HON PANELS MAY COME Omaha's Leatiiiii Semi Pro Football Team Clamcring for Armistice Day Game Here. There is strong probability that Omaha's crack semi-pro football ag gregation, the Nonpariels, may be seen in action on the local grounds this season. ' At any rate the stars from the Nebraska metropolis are clamoring for u game with Platts mouth's American Legion team Ar mistice day. The Nonpariels are one of the classiest teams in the state and by defeating Havelock the local team has been favorably mentioned in the Omaha papers as a contender for the state semi-pro championship claimed by the Nonpariels. The action of Governor MeKelvie in publicly proclaiming Armistice day a legal holiday throughout the length and breadth of the state, for celebrating the anniversary of the ending of the war will mean the closing of many enterprises for at least half if not all day, and there is little doubt but that the recreation bent public would welcome the ad vent of a football game of such pro portions as might be expected when an irresistable body comes into con tact with an immovable force. The Nonpariels are to meet the Havelock Hoilermakers at Itourkc park in Omaha Sunday. While a definite meeting has been arranged for Armistice day, it seems quite probable the local fans will be given opportunity of seeing the Non pariel stars in action - hero this season. VISITING RELATIVESllEfiE From Tuesday's r:tlly. Mrs. John Krady ami daughter. Miss henna, arrived in the city this morning for a short visit here with relatives and friends for a few days, as guests at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. K. 1 1. Krady. Mrs. Brady and daughter have been visiting at Chi cago and also at Watson. Mo., with relatives and friends and after a short stay here go to Lincoln and Iicnver for a visit before returning to their home tt Casper. Wyoming. They report Mr. Brady and Jei:u' Brady and family as feeling fine and enjoying life very much in Wyoming. DIES IN LINCOLN From Tuesday's Dally. Frank L. Streets of this city re ceived t)e announcement thu; morn ing of the d'atb in Lincoln today of his fther.Varon Streets, an old res ident of that city. The deceased v,n eighty-six years of a:e and has not been seriously ill up to tbi: time al though his health has not tieen of the best. The death came very sud denly and was a great shock to the son in thir; city, who left for Lin coln this afternoon fo attend the funeral eervirep. Mrs. Frank S'rcrts and children will leave tomorrow morning for Li need n to attend the servicer,, The, interment will be at Lincoln where the first wife, of the deceased is buried. It is F;aid that Harding will make General Leonard Wooij secretary of war, which is all right, but what I does he intend to do with the other I battle-scarred veteran of many a mat rimonial ngnt Lamm Kussen: FOR SALE Good barn in the best of shape. Inquire of Fred G. Egenberger. ti-d. i.kcai. !sotm i: I mitk k of ii i:ri:n i:irs salt:. In tliu County Court ut' e'ass couu- j 1 1 tin- IWstiiet Court of Cass cuun ty, Nehrask.-.. I t.. N'eln asUa. In the- matter of the estate of Adam Benjamin I- Goodman. I'laintirr. vs. KaffenlerKer, deceased: KoKrt F. ilondmsn f t al. Defendants. On readiiiLj and films' the application Notice is In-re by Riven that pursuant cf Minnie KaiTeiilxTKi;!', administratrix to an order of sale issued to me by of the oMate of Adam Kafl'en helper, ! tiio District Court of Cuss county, deceased, ti-nderinp: her resignation as Nebraska, ein the 2Stli day of Septem such administratrix, on account of ill ler. l'.ejo, in an actiorf pending in said health and inability to act ;is such ad- court in which Henjamin F. Goodman m 1 ii ist ia I ii x further, ;m. ren iu-st i nij was plaintiff am? l:ol.ert 1 Goodman that Uenr;;i' A. Ka (Yen berner be ap- t al. were defendants, I will, on the pointed in her stead 10 -um;l to thop'th day of November, at 1 o'clock administration of said estate; 1 in the afternoon of said day at the I C I I : i : I ' 1 1, That November A. D.'sontli front door of the court" house in 1iljc. at o'clock a. in. of said da y I "la 1 1 smou h. Cass county, Nebraska, is assiine.t 'nr hi-.uitii; said a pplica- 1 offer for sale at public- vendue to the lion, when all persons interested may i highest bidder for cash, tile following appear at a County Court to lie held ' described n nl estate situated in the i:i and 'or said county, ami show j City of Plat tsmouth, Cass county, Ne cause why t lie prayer of applicant ; bi 'a ska, to-wit: should not In- runted; and that notice ! Lots nine, ten, eleven and twelve in of the pendency of said application I'-loe k one hundred ten, according to an t tile bearing tl.ereon b j,-ivcn to j the published and recorded plat thereof, all pei-sons interested in said matter; Said sale will remain open for one oy pu !! i m. i :i cupv 01 tin.s order m the 1 "la l i .-1.1011 1 Ii Journal. a stiini ivockly news-paper printed in said coun ty for time successive weeks prior to said day of lu-ariu. Datid this. I'tith dav of October, A. 1. 1 !. Al.LK.N .1. ilKMSOX, oj-:;w. ' County Jmle. Notice To Non-Resident Defendants To the !. f, nd.i nts. the west ha.T of the northeast ipiarter ot Section S"en I' 1 n (17) Tow ns.'. !! twelve ( 1 north Ka'i'Co nine i ;i 1 east of the '"dh p. in. in Cass county. Nebraska, and all por : "lis claiiiiiii iciv interest of any kind in said real estate or any part thereof: S. N. .Mi;i iiin, whose firs, and full t: mo- is Seidell N. Met l inm. Seld.-n .M ri i. mi and l.dia Mcrriam. his v. i 1 , A. I'orbin. whose first and real name 1 ; Austin Ciihin and Hannah .M. Oor- 1 in. liis wi:.-. I. V. Newsum. .1. W. New- siiiii. William Din!' William I hi r fua , I'eniiis 1 'til 1 ; , :-amuei 1. 1 mm cimi 1 iinanovvn iiens, ti visces, legatees ami , i-rsonal representatives, and all other persons interested in tne stales ot e;i- ii ot the a hove mimed "persons. You and each of you. as named and b signaled above will take notice thai n the I" It I, day of Auiiust. l:'0. the s'-iinii:f. Koi.eit Kbit;:, lii'd his petition .i.rainst vnii an 1 each of vou in the i'-strlel Court of ("ass county. Nebras ka, the obj.-.-t and pr.ier of which pe tition ate that the court may find and i'e- ree that plaintiff and his eta titoi s have In en in tic- sole, op.-ti. adveisc, notorious, .lusi .-, eon t in nous an I I..L...I.I.. Ti.',.in of tlin Ml..... I.f 1 ' " ' ' is.. cc. f ..f Ii,.- multicast iiii.i rter . .1' Sii.rl ii.M r. iit.'.n I I 7 I 'I'o w nsl. j ' twelve 1 1 ' north Katm- nine t east .f tl.e t.M p ;n Cass county. .Ne- 'i.-i'ka. for more tha'i twenty veai" ! ist p.i t .1- i. in 1 ; i,. (ri'f. and have made valuable and i-T-linc improvement.- tie r, on; O at the i!"f.'i Is and liolids upon t he p'allU tit's tit le lo sail ,'e; .stati. a- ! net. in bis petition Slav be refiovd and the title iicjotel rind i-oii '! ri 1 le.t iii Ihis p!a i n t i !.j tliat iie e.-fecda 11 1 s ami each of ih.m and ;ill person-" e!aim:i:p, by. throiirun or under them or at-v of them, may be li'oimd from claimitisT o' asserti':- title to said real e tate. or anv part thereof, or from i . t erf .1 i n u with the tuiet and peac ab! ' liessessioti of this l.'aintiff therein, and for smh other, fuither and different relief, as may be lust and eipiiftlle in the premises.- Vou and .- b of you arc re-.iniied to the ;,!"-Vc ln-titiop 1 n or be fore Memlav ti-- Mo day ft' ! '.c.-m her. 1 ;eji). i Mted tl i "Mil il.IV of October, f.lj'l. i:i hi:i:t kt. it. fl... nt iff. .1 H. r. i;i:v. c:i Iws. Atlorpe v f-y I M i -i 1 1 ( . 1. r.; 11. MiTici-: li-e n-tl'lit-iit Ilefendniil l'o Si!:is Huff. Defendant: Von will take notice that on the tl' dav of , . toher. l!iJt. the tdnintitT : re 11, His. A. C. l!uiT, tiled her peti tion in the Di.diict Court of Cass ( 11- tv. Nebraska, against said defendant, -iliis Huff, the ol-ct and praver of vbich are to foreclose a certain tax crtilicate di:iy i.-i-ud to the plainli'Y hi the 4th d;iy of November. T.M.s. by the treasurer of Cass county. Nebraska, 'or the taxes due and delinnuent on Lots f"M. H''.- and in tb Vill:v.;e if Louisville. Nebraska, for the sum f ?s."v. and for the sum of $7. "7 sub e.ieet til es prid diiiin-r the year l'lis and JS.ii." snb-e.Ue!it t.ix.s piiid '. pliiiptilT fur the year 1 :M :. That the above descrih d leiil estate h- charged with th" alove amoiiiii wit'i lawful interet theicm. and tlv.t 'daintiiT be awarded f orc ,if-11 tin re f. an I that eeuitv of redemption and sli other interests of the defendant -das Huff be . forever barred and fore toscd. and Unit said real estate be -old t'l satisfy the amount of the lien 'ue thereon, and for such other eijui- l:.',li. lelief. You arc re'iuired to answer saidj netitioti on or before tho L'.nd diiy 01 November. I'.ejn. Dated this lltli dav of October. T.l-O. .1IKS. A. C. HFFF. Plaintiff. C. A. K.WVhS, ill-? t v. for l'la int iff. i.j:;.i. m th k Thomas I ). l "p.b ; u ood To 1 cfell- hint : Von an- hereby notii'od thai 'nd ii.iv of .1 Ml v. t:ij(. Sarah i-: en Hi- I ' 1 1 1 ' e r - .v.....). Plaintitt. tiled lo-r pi it ion and 0111 111-n ced an action agaiu-t vou In tie District Court, of Cii-s county. .Ne braska, the object and prayer r which ire to obtain an absolute divorce from vou on tin- ground of extreme cruelty, without piovocatioti or fault upon the part of the plaintiff. Vou are n-nui'sted to answer said P'tition on or b fore the tith day of November. I'.'L'O. SAIIAH K. CNDLKWOOD. ;,;.(-. l'laintilt. f n dress better SO M K wi have ler omen learned that there are two ways to care ft clothes. They are Jearnint; ,( ti'ie rate of them- It is quite aruannerly thing to take cu e of your clothes investmeiit and protect it. up tf the limit. Hnv5n; j "' elothts carefully dry deanen will improve their wear mm ntip n orolon the life of their stylish lines. i at-nii.iint( (V-wtth OU1 WOl'k I means gett ing in touch with a t oal j money saving service. Goods Called for and Dsliverea oypoSiTE OCURNAL OFFICE f I Ob .LO nour C. A. KAWLS. rieferee. CHAS. i;. MAKTIX, Attorney. no l-.1v.-. .M)iif i-. to nii:i)i'iiii(s Mint 1: Notice t ?ion-ri s.dent n- fciida n t s. To the i'li'v Baptist Foreign M,s. -loti Soc j. t, a coi pora t ion : American !. .V; Trtis t'ompanv. a mi ,oi a 1 ion : west hall of (be 11 ulM'.'i: t Muaitef ,f Section t..ent ("Jin. Township eleven Mil. N'Oth Kanue ten 1IO1. east of the t'.th I". M., Cass county, Nebraska, and all p' rsons elati'im:r any interest of any kind in said 1 I estate, or any part llnf if: e Von and each of you jmo hereby notihed that Henry Mei r j u rj-ren. as plaintiff on the L'Otii day of September, !9."i, tiled his petitiin'in the i-trit Court of (' -:: county, Nebra.-ka. where in yon and each of you are defendants, f'.i. nhi.'i'l nil. I lir-i'-j.i- ..I e-!i-l. t...ti- I 1 1,,., .,,.'.. n,.., ..... .,,',,1 ..-.,!, ,,r , ,, .,,,.1 t,,j iierson liiiiMiiiii; l.v. or under yon adversely v, plaintiff, be adjudged to have 110 interest, ril.t, estate, or lien in or to; West I, If of the -tiort be;., t ipiarter t Section twenty C'li. Township cl ven (111. N-rl'i l.'.-inue t 11 (oi. east of the ',(,, '. M ., Ca:-K e-iiitity. Nebraska- r a n v part or portion thereof, and that the plaintiff H-niy M i 1 i u ru n, to'- etlier Ii his trrantois be adjudg ed to have been in the adve-rse pos session of stPI t; ml for uio; e than ten Vcar.'. I. ist past, and that the Uual title thereto has Income tc.liv ves'cd ' : 11. , : . . : . .. . .. I . .. I ie:ii .n 1 j 11 1 i; . 11 11 .. 1 1 1 1 is 1 .1 11 -1 1 1 1 I ' 1 chi-ms of 11 ml :i; bv. :-!i of you. r any one riHimnx' hv. through or Mtidi-r mil. ;i'nl that the title to :aid hind be forever ipiitted in the sriid Henry M i t j n 1 n 1 ti. as against you and i-.'ii Ii of you, and that ia'-, an! all of sii.l defend.! nt : above named, and those wlin. - names ate unknown, ate! not stated, be f i-r barred from cai:n- in or iisi-.-iti'itr any title, inn-rest or stale in and to said real estate or anv part thereof, and for si;.-:i other and further telief as to the con! t uiiiv seem just and en 11 i t a Ide. Vou and each of yon are further notiihi! .011 are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the L'-'Iid dav of November. 1 !'!. jiknkv .11 1:1 IMC I l-A'. I'iaintifT c. a. i:wls. .ill-lv,'. . Hi- Attoinev MiTII I- TO M I'PI THUS Stat" of Nebraska, ('ass Tin (nun- t v. In the Countv On. nt. In the matt- r or the .state of Sarah I . niack. deceased. 'l'o the creditois of said estate: Vmi ate hereby notiit.d. That I will sit at the ('oimty Court room in T'latts iiiniit Ii in laid coiintv. on the loth day of November, A. D. l!-'(i. arid on the Mt!i day of l-'cbruary, A. D. C'Jl. at 1 o'clock a. m. each dav to receiie and cvaiuiiie a!l elain: against said estate, w ith a vii w to tlicir adjustment and aUowaneo. The time limit d for the presentation of clai-ns against said tsate is tliree months from the loth day of November. A. D. llej'. and the time limited for paym nt of ddts is one year fioni said lcth day if No vember, r.tjo. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this Oth day of October, l'l-f. j. ni:i:snN. iSeali oll-lw. County ,1nlne. 1'iiini cm: mh k i: In the Count v Com I of Cass dilu te. Nebraska in the 111. liter of the estate of S.lill u I A 1 1c v , deceased. Nt TI I-!' To all persons Interested in the es tate of Samuel Alley. iIci-imsoI: Vou aie heretic notified tl .it on this, the i;:th day oi October. l!'.'n. the peti tion of Mark White wns tiled in tli.s Court alleging that !: Sai'i1.'! Alloy, hte a resident and inhabitant of Cass county, Nebti-.ska. departed this life at Rock niuffs. in said county. 0:1 Decem ber "ml. 1sT". leaving tin estate to be administered and a Last Will and To-j lallletll Ulsposum il si' in'-. ttiinii '- now on tile heiein. and which was ad mitted to luohate in this com t on the Mh day of .lanuary. bl'ti, bltre Win j II. Newll. then Ooitntv Juilcc ttr s.iul eoontv iis shown bv :in order cntoic.l Ion nag' -tn of Rntrv l5.ok "I!"' ;i roc- lord of said court, but thiit by ovcr- sitht or omission. the said eountv .linlge failed lo endorse ins c.-iiinciue of probate thereon, as reiiuiretl by law. to entitle said instrument to be read in evidence of title to real estate, and I praying- that said instrument be allow ed, established, probated ana aunieu tie'ated, as required by law. Vou arc further notified that said petition and proofs t hereon, will be heard at the County e'ouit room in Plattsmonth, In Cass eountv. Nebraska, on the 1.1th day of November. lOLMt. at nine o'clock in the forenoon, at which lime all persons interested may appear and contest the same, a-pl unless ob i.etions ere tiled on or before said day -arid hour of bearing, the Court mac grant the prayer of said petition. Dated October 1.:, 10" 0 ALL FN J. RKKSON. o14-3w. County Judge. nitnrii ok iiimhim; iii lrtltln f "r iiitin-ut of Vilmf nintrntorN Tli State of N"titiiski. Cuss cuiin t v. ss. In the Conntv Com t. In the matter ot the estate of Ktn-ni"i- K. Ri'f ic lt-i"t'a s-d. n nnil fillnc the petition of Sa-lie K. Rei'. Arthur It. aim !' . ... . . . . C...-r ln .1.1 t t tl I Philip - li-i'i- I'l.i.i'iiH. 'i'"1 trntiivn of sai.l i-state nmy h' Kiante-l to Saiii- K. Reece anil Arthur Ii. Kftif as AilmiriistiHtois: tiriiPieil. Tliat N"ivr-m her 13th. A. I. 1"-(i nt 10 o'cloik a. m.. is as-iinfil for lii arinc sanl petition. hch persons intereKteit in r.airt matter mnv appear at a County Court to he liel-1 in and f"r sntil county, anil show cam;1 why th praver of petitioner r.hoi'hl not" he granted: and that notice of tli1 .,...,.(:..,, v nf ;aid petition and the liear- i int; thereof he Riven to all perrons In tel (sled in said matter by puhiislnnfr , c.uiv of this order in -the Mattsmou th .l,n,ll. a Pvn.i-veekly newspaper ...i...i in '.aid eountv. for three mio- 'ensive weeks, prior to said day of , ; hearinr. I Dated October I.".. i ALLKN J. DCKG' 'N. I Seal) olS-3w. County Judge. Mint i; In the Iistrict Court of Cass coun ty, .NeeraKa. T'nronertv. eton-1!!11 j ' stoii: Wni. F Kropp."' Pe- rendantp. ' .... . . The ott.lecr oi me o"- nw iJwVth" tion in which a summon: suiiini""-- '".."V - .." i served upon Henry J. Stull, i. J. stun; nnd W F. Ktopp. and alt pernor., un- mam Jtiarr, was appoiniea as exeeu known'who may have or -laitu to J'yo . tor D( tiie estate. The contest over anv , o-ht tine or ln'i.tot to .t,- tlVi.f r- ! il,. Vnrl i. 1,1 OI Hie. .Oi !!-- yji v vwi: of section t'v-o cji, tt3red by the neirs w Township ten HO). i:angre twelve (12). thg member3 Of the i-a county. NebrasKa. is xiie io t- omml division r,V. nt Ta -r r-ertificatea O. 40it) " C1USU1C1 - owned by M. Drury, plaintiff, and cov- ering the above described trac t of land. j That on or about the Hth dav of' October, 1010. the plaintiff filed her! petition in the District Court of Cass; county, Nebraska, and the above nam- ; ed defendants an- hereby notified that) unless they answer within thirty days j of the1 completed se-rvice of this notice, 1 exclusive of the day of such service, j the petition of said Plaintiff tied ' against them in the Clerk s office of ; said Court, such -tot it ion will be taken! as true and judgment rendered ac cordingly. M. DIM'KY, l: Plaintiff. 1-:. L. DRUKY. oil-? Her Attorney. i.!:e;L .otick Notice to nop-resident defendants, their heirs. !e'ate.-s, devisees, persona! lep-.i-stiiti-'i'.-es and all other persons niTcresicii 111 tt'cir ostites. To Kheriy Tiirockiriorton. if livin if ik-c-eiised, his e.nknovvn heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal representatives and all oilier persons interested in h!s ' 1 state; .! est pi; i ne Th 1 mil niort on, if liv-j in!;, if !!! asod. her unknown heirs, i devistes. logat --s, personal rep 1 eson i a - 1 lives ar.l all olio r persons i 1 1! crest ed in In 1 1 stale; Peter M.-Attrcy, if living,) if ii.-ce.i- d, his unknown heirs ib.-vi-i lis, legatee:;, ptlMllial e p t ( S e 11 fit t i V IS and iill oiler persots i nt crest oil in bis; suite: oscjili : at- MeAffn-y. if living, i if ileceased, iicr iiiiknuu ii h.-irs. lil'Vi - I Sees' l."-.ll t.e IS. .til. 1 1 I. ; O es i. '. t I i e..s and all I'tli- r p'-rsons in'eresii-.l in fieri 'r state. U. .ienki:is. if living, if!: deci-as,!!. ): s l'tiknovvn heirs, devisees.) .1 le-'iiti-i p.r.-.insl i prcsen 1 a ! i ves and all other i--:.o!,s intcrestiil in his estate; i tie northeast quarter (.VK1., ) if Section c:::liteen (ISi. Township ei .ven (111, North Range twelve 1U1, ea.-t of tin- i. Hi P. .M.. Cass county, Ni In ;is.i,i, ::!n! ail persons claiming iiii.v interest of any kind in said real estate, or any part thereof: i-ii and each of you ale hereby notified that Frank J. Spanghr, as plaintiff, mi the lllli day ot October. pjed fijs pitition in the District ''out of ("ass eii'nity, Nebi-aska. where in you aie! eii'-'i of on are defendants, lie object ami prayer of which peti tion arc that v on and i-a' h of you and a!! persons it.iiming by, through or under yon. adversely to plaintiff, be adjudged to liri-.e no inl.iest, right, state, or ! i.-n, j n or to; 'i In- te.) t !iea- t quarter CNF1,! of S.itp.n i'-.litei-ii l IS). Towtishi i eliv-ii (111. North i;ange twelve tlJ). t s i ,,f (!,,., M., Cass i on i t .-, Nebrnska or i'nc art or portion thereof, and phi i n i i if Fi .ink J. Spangbr, to-;'.-her Willi his giatitors. b- a d.iud g-d t i i .'ii ' I i t n in the advetse jmti. ssion of said hind, and very part of it, for tii ; r - - than ten veai.- la.-t p.i.t, and that tl-e le:;.il title thereto has become fullv yi'te.l in Frank .!. Spa mi; ' r. not-i vv 1 1 hi- ! a ml i ii t t In- i latins ot .ni and. .oh of v on, os anv one claiming by. t ' r, n i. a or under yon, and that the t:t!- to said hind bo lore-er quieted in said Frank .1. i-pa n It r. as against you and ii i Ii of you, ami that each ami all of said ib fondants named. and thus,, whose names ale unknown and not stat'd. be f.ii'i'Vi 1 barred f i mil claim ing or .-, .--sen in g any right, title, in-leie.-l or estate .ii and to .-ai.l real s tate, or trny part thereof, and for sm Ii othtf and f.isther relief as to the to'irl. may seem ju-t ;ind i-quitahle. Vou iuni eat ii of you are further notified ti :it y i'ii arc required to an swer saitl petition on or before .11m- d.lV, the Jilth lht of Decembtl. RtJII. FRANK .1. SPANOI.KR. Pliiinti.f. C. A. KAWLS. te-liv. Ally, lor Plaintiff. oupj-.ii oi" iir.i(!N; and .olioe mi Petition for Scl- I1-1111-11I of Account. In the e'ourt of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss. To all persons interested in the es tate if Oliver James Cilson, deceased: on leading the petition of Sarah KMen Oilson. administratrix, praying a ti::i;l settb-nien i and allowance of 'let- iiccount tiled in this Court on the l;:th il iv of October, licit, and for dis tribution cf the residue of said estate; It is hereby- ordered that yon and all m i sons it ft rested in said matter may. and do. appear at the County Court to be !o PI in and tor said county. m tin? Hth day of No ember. A. D. l'.'.'K at 1 ' o 1 bck a. m . to shw caue. if any ii'.'ie i e. w h v the prayer of the peti t .o.-r should not be matited. and that net ice of the pcnd-riey of said petition and the i.e. wine thereof be given to s.M persons int, r. -ted in said matter bv -nbl:s!-uig a ..! of this order in ti e P!.ittm. ;i .Toii-n.i!. a s. tni-vveek- 111 v e-.ij., v printed in said county, for t -it w , k prior to said day of he. 1 1 ;:i -. . In v;.n, ss w'.., roof. 1 have hereunto it i-iv band and the Seal of said Coon this .'"f.i day of October, A. D r.'.ih AI.I.KN .1 1:i:f.son. (Sta'.i County Judge. GLENWGOD HERE FRIDAY AFTERNOON Iowa High School Team Will Visit This-City to Engage Local Team On Fridav Afternoon. The next panie scheduled on the list of the flat tsmouth Iu'rIi school is that of tileenwooil. which will he here- on next Friday afternoon to take on the local warriors in an ex liihi' of the enlivening fall sport. The lilenwood team are well matched with the locals and a very pleasing hat tie is looked forward to by the fans of the city. The game will be scheduled a lit tle earlier owinr; to the fact that the teachers will be in attendance at tlie teacher's institute in Omaha and therefore a school holiday will be enjoyed. The game will be scheduled for 2:30 at the Red Sox park and it will be a good opportunity for the fans to get out and assist their favorites with their rooting and boosting. ? COURT HOUSE NOTES 1 From Monday's tally. Tn the matter of the estate of Au- p,ur.t I-Tolti n . deceased, a bearin g was jbad today before Judge LJeeron and the court appointed as administra tor. Mrs. Katherine Nolting. the wi dow. The estate is valued at $55,700 and consists of some $50,000 real es tate, the remainder being in personal in the application for the probate of the estate of J Ross Barr, de- ceased, which was heard on Saturday t,.. 1, U aiitrnoun vy tue the codicil to the will which had been as dismissed as family decided of the property. Jas. L. Fullerton, Joplin,Mo.,says: "My 5-ton White truck makes a round trip of 63 miles each day. This truck was using 17 gallons on this trip. I in stalled Zelnicker Ever-Tyte Rings and this truck makes the same trip on 12 gallons. I 3 point txpantton Right-Angle Interlock. Ever-Tight Phfon Ring Co.. Si. Louis Asfe forZelnickerKver-Tyte Picton Kings at any garageor repairebop or vet them Irou us. J. F. Wolff Garage IOWA E0LLS UP TREMENDOUS REPUBLICAN MAJORITY Pes Moines, la.. Nov. 2. Iowa to (liy rolled up tremendous majorities lor the .heads of both national and state republican tickets, seemingly breaking records that have stood for decades. With slightly more than one-fourth of the 2,:'ti0 precincts of the state heard from Senator Harding was leading Governor Cox more than three to one, indicating a majority, if later returns maintain the pace set by earlier ones, of from 400,000 to r00,000. Senator Cummins, on the face of returns from one-sixth of the state, was leading Porter two to one and Kendall, the republican candidate, for governor, was leading Herring, his democratic opponent, almost two to or.e. Cummins" enormous lead was a surprise to his staunchest supporters. Feldom in the history of Iowa has there been such a strong battle waged against a senatorial, candidate as was waged against Cummins. He was attacked principally for his part in making of the Esch-Cumniins rail road bill and two weeks ago many republican leaders expressed concern over the situation, although they maintained the senator would win. Results in the gubernatorial race reported early also were a surprise, it being believed that the race be tween Kendall and Herring would be much closer than present returns indicate that it will be. Latest returns follow: For president: ?29 precincts out of 2.360 give Harding, 175,142; Cox, r.7.666. For United States senator, 449 precincts give Cummins (Kep.) 104, r.?r: Porter (l)em.) 51.113. For governor, 432 precincts give Kendall. (Rep.) 95,643; Herring (Uem.) 51.469. "GOOD COWS SCAKCE" There are not many good cows left in this old world, but we have most of the best ones and they will be sold at auction Saturday, October be sold at auction Saturday, Nov. 6th. at Plattsmouth. Neb. Sale at 2 p. m. at Gouchenour's barn. Herd consists of 17 head of Shorthorns, Jerseys. Holstines and Guernseys. Some fresh now; others will be fresh soon. Terms to suit purchaser. For 45 years folks in your locality have been buying pianos from A. Hospe Co.. Omaha. They handle the famous Culbransen Player. Write or phone them for particulars. o28 4tw. When you tnink of printing, yon caji't help but think of ns. OLD STANDBY, FOR ACHES AND PAINS Any man or woman who keeps m Sloan'8 handy will tell you that same thing ESreCIAjLVtW .freqwntly attacked by rheumatic twinges. A counter-irritant, Sloan's Lini ment scatters the congestion and pent tratcs without rubbing to the afflicted part , soon relieving the ache and pain. Kept handy and used everywhere lor reducing and finally eliminating the pains and aches of lumbago, neuralgia -inuscle etratn, joint stiffness, sprains! t nnses, and the results of exposure ou just know from its stimulating' h ealthy odor that itri!l do you good Sloan's Liniment is sold by all drujr-t;tsts-35c, 70c, $1.40. W) tt PISTON H1NO FOP ALL flr HOIMtS t ; I i7 o