PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1920. PAGE FOUR 0e plattsmoutb lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKIiY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Kntered at Postoffice, Plattsmoutb. Neb., as second-class mall matter In tlie County Court of Cass ty. Nebraska. In the matter of tlie I'oun- estate of Adam R. A. BATES, Publisher r SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Quebec produces by far the greater part of the world's asbestos. :o: The present ruling family of Japan came to the throne in 660 B. C. -: o : - Susan 15. Anthony was arrested in 1872 for voting in New York. :o: Tlie nonnip want poonomv in state a:Tair Then vote for Morehead fcr J is still stuck on the peak of high governor. prices. :o: :o: for something that is 70 per cent mule. :o: The slogan: government!" 'Morehead and clean War widows In Great Britain are marrying at a rate of 2.000 a month. .o: Sugar is coming down, but candy The world owes you a living, but the paymaster often gets held up by the hustler. o : o The constitution of the Argentine Republic is modeled after that of the United States. : o : (Invernor Morehead is for an eco mimical state government. Vote for him and get it. :o: The law of demand continues to work, but that law of supply seems to have been repealed. :o: German experts are experimenting an artificial silk from tissues of hors es and cattle unfit for food. . . :o: The man nowadays, who has more money than he knows what to do with, nm.-t be an lgnoramas. :o: The millions of dollars saved by hcrtening women's skirts have been expended for fancy stockings. :o: Remember the presidential elec tion takes place on the first Tuesday in November. Vote early and often. :o: The country is enjoying prosper ity, but the continuous chorus of howls indicates that the people don't like it. :o: Ocas ionally a girl insists on a church wedding because she realizes it may be her last chance to show In good clothes. :o: If you want economical govern mentin state affairs, vote for More head. He has been tried and not found wanting. :o: Persons who claimed that they had held communication with the dead, in the sixteenth century, were burn ed at the stake. :o: Lloyd-George is the most criticized man in Kigland. but at the same time Kngland has no man who can suc cessfully till his place. - -:o: ' The per capita taxation in Great Rritain is three times that in the I'nited Spates, according to the chan cellor of the British exchecquer. :o: No cause for surprise in Harding's refusal t meet Cox in joint de bate. He was unable to "cut the mustard", and his bosses knew it. :o: Personally, we don't mind tight dresses, but we doubt if any woman rhould appear in public looking like a sausage in process of fermentation. -:o: Jud Tunkin says the country is bound to be safe so long as people manage to keep up a state of patri otic anxiety as to whether it's going to be so. :o: : You know what Morehead's ad ministration has been in the past, and we will secure a repetition of the same kind if he Is elected gov ernor now. :o: In scriptural times, milk and hon ey seemed to be natural affirmities. The modern reader, however, can seldom see the world milk without associating it with money. :n: A vote for V. V. Moran means a rote for a man. who is abundantly well qualified t fill the position of state senator, or any other position higher up. for that matter. , :o: A recent article says that women may he the salvation of farm life. Maybe so. hut goodness knows farm life shows little liklihood of ever be ing the salvation of woman. :o: It is said that 19 new drinks have been Invented since prohibition set in. They make 'em sweet, sour, in sipid and tart, but thirsters still pine New York has a motion picture theater with a seating capacity of 5.300. :o: Vote for V. F. Moran and secure an able representative in the state senate. :o: Miss Annie Stone. 102. is the old est registered woman in Massa chusetts. o:o Germany doesn't care how many industries the striking British miners forced to close down. o.o And now sweet cider has been placed on the prohibition black list. Somebody is always taking the joy cut of life. :o: Moorehead and a clean Nebraska government? That's what you will get by voting tor John 11. Moorehead next Tuesday. If Harding is elected president it will be simply because the people are tired of having a statesman In the white house. :o: After a woman has been married tv.o vears she wonders how she could have believed things her husband said during their courtship. o: (i Governor Moorehead is a man of the people, and the people know it, and every man and woman who de sires a good, clean government should vote for him. :c. Governor Cox will make a whirl wind campaign through Ohio this week. Senator Harding will also make a whirlwind campaign through Ohio. A breezy finish. o:c Have you realized how quickly time flies? Jus think, one week from to day a new president will be elected. And we hope the three first letters of his name will be C. O. X. . :o: The wholesale butter price is off 2 cents more. Tut, tut, now, don't get excited. We didn't say butter was cheaper. We only said the wholesale price was off 2 cents. o:o "New England is apparently a much on fire for the league 6f nations and the democratic cause as other parts of the country." says Senator Pat Harrison. And he is probably right. :o: In parts of England and Scotland there exists an amendment custom, for which a reason i.; hard to find, of breaking part of tho wedding cake over the head of the bride, with the guests scrambling for pieces. :o: W. F. Moran has served four terms as prosecuting attorney for Otoe county and the people of that coun ty know him as a faithful and un tiring official. He will fill the po sition of senator just as faithfully. :o: A doctor in New York suggests that divorces be made easier and mar riage more difficult. Since the courts have assiduously been working for years toward the first half of his suggestion, and mounting living costs have been attending to the oth er, it is hard to see where' the New York doctor expects his excited au dience to come from. o:o Its President Wilson now who has Candidate. Harding "wiggling and wobbling" some more. When asked by the president whether or not he was correctly quoted in saying that a representative of the FreBch gov ernment had requested him to take the initiative in forming an associa tion of nations, he wiggles out of it by saying "some French people" and wobbled off hoping that the pres ident will let it go at that and not embarrass him any more. WILL BE HARD TO GET ORDER NOW A King & Hamilton Grain Dump or an OTTAWA SHELLER. If you wait till you need them you will not be able to secure them. I also have a few first quality Farm Wagons left at $185.00. Act quickly. 3 Cedar Creek, Nebraska ' Kaffenbcrirer. deceased: i 1 On reading and filing the application of Minnie Kaffenbct tfer. administratrix I of t lie estate of Adam Ka (Ten berger. deceased, tendering ber resignation as such administratrix, on account of ill I Hoaltl. .1 iid in.-ihilitv to act as sum an ! mlnist i at rix further. and ithat ;eorv A. Ka rrenlieiger no 1 pointed in her stead to complete ! admlnisl rat ion of said estate: j ' iKIH-:i:KI. That November J:!. A. 1 . ' 19.'0, at 10:l o'clock a. m. of said day is assigned for henrii'tr said applica tion, when all persons interested may appear at a County Cert to l.e held in anil for said county. and show cause whv the prayer of applicant should n'ji be piantid; and thai notice I of llie pendency of said a ;'d ica t ion and the hearing thereon be given to nil persons Interested in said matter! bv publishing a ccpy of tins order in : the PlnttiMviout h .Journal, wctkly newspaper printed in s ty for three succi s i ve weeks said day of hearing. lated this 1'Htii day of 1. 19 JO. ai.!kx .. i:i:i:h .y, oJS-Svr. County Jud. "TIfH OP IIEFEIIEK'S SAI.K. In the lUstrict Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. r.enjamiii F. Goodman. Plaintiff, ' vs. Robert F. Goodman ft al, Defendants. Notice is hereby Kiven that pursuant to an order of sale issued to me by the IMstriet Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the 28th day of Septem ber. 1!1'0, in an action pending in said court in which Henjamin P. Goodman requesting ! vvas plaintiff and Kobert F. Goodman lip-;" ai. were UfU'iinanis, i win, on the the '3th 'lay 'f November, l'.f.'o, at 1 o'clock j In the afternoon of said day at the S'M'.th In r.t door of the court house in I'lat tsmoiil h, Cass county. Nebraska. ofTer for ;ile ;it public vendue to tlie highest 1 i'blt r for raslv tin' following described !itl estate situated in the i'ity 'f i 'la ! tsmout It, Cass county, Ne braska. 1..-M it: lots r.iiu1. ic:i. e:"ven ami twelve in Hlocli one hundred ten, accord hit; to tlie published and i t corded plat thereof raiu s..i'.' vvi.l remain open for tine hour. C. A. KAWl.:;. referee. CM AS. K. MARTIN'. nol-.V.v. Attorney. it semi aid coiin ; prior to ..her, A. The ty. ss. MITK I ' ytato of io t ltr.iinoiis Nebraska. Cass ii:i'i: n vts To the defendants, the wc-st half o f ! Kf if en ber r. 1:1 In Un file the northeast ouartcr of Section seven teen 1 7 twelve l nirth; llansc nine CM east of the rth p. m l In Cass county. Nebraska, and all per- sons claiming any interest of any kind I in said real estate or any part thereof; S. N. Merriam. whose first and full name is Selden N. Merriam. Seldn N. Merriam and l.vdhi Merriam, his wife. A. Corbin. who.-e first and real name is Austin Corbin and Hannah M. Cor bin. his wife. I. V. News'iri. .1. W. New sum. William lur!ee. William Purfua. ' otmty matter d. of Hilt. the estate ised. of Adam To the enditors of said estate You are h. ye by notified. That I will sit at ti e County Court room In Platts month in s.i:, comity, on the 6th day if November, l'ljo, and on the 1st dav of l-ebri-Hiv. ini'l. at 10 o'clock a. m. e:i h day. to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their ad.tust nn'iit and nilovvanci i lie tnri" limited for the presentation ' f claims ;u';iinst said estate is thret months from the fith day of November .v. I'. I'!.". . i ri I tlie nine limited for lenill I ll. in lie i ... . . . i. ,,r ,11. t i r,..,,.. i j ' unknown heirs, devisees. l".;ateos an- fersonal representatives, and all other liersons interested in the estates of cai i; of the above named persons. You and each ol yen. s named am! designated above will notice thai on the Jlth day of August. ll'.'O. tie plaintiff. Kobert Klot.. tiled his petition airainst you and each of you in the 1'istrict Court of Cass county. Nebras ka, the object and prayer of which pe tition are that the court m:iv tilid ate! decree that plamtill and his 'antors l.iive been in the side. open, adverse, notorious. exclusiv e. coiitinuo is :i ii I peaceable possession of the whole of the west half of the northeast imarler twelve 1 J north i:.-inue nine : eat of Section se. nteen 1 7 To v. i of the Ml) p. III. in Cas; n.m.'y, N -braska. for more than twenty year.--!a-t past as owners thereof, and have made valuable and histimr ii.ioio-.e-ments thereon: that the defeats i.r.d rlmiils upon the plaint ill's title to sai -i real estate, as set out. in bis petition mav be removed and the title pijct-.! in this plaintiii : tl:a" ami each of them and iminur b . through -r-a n v of thi m, m i v 1" rlaim'i'K or a ss.-t I i e l," saiil rial estate, or anv pari (. or from intci lei in:r with t1"' ipiict and peaci-abu- possession t tni daintir'f therein, and for such other. further and di:!cicnt flief. a.s io '. just and eipiitable in tii" premises Yon and each of yon a'-e reoi.iri ti liliiiee t-.etiti.oi ili ( f -,wu Mninliiv the I'.th dav of Uffl'llltf. I 1320. Hated tl'i.x 'JOth dav of i . tol er. 13J0. i: )Hi:r:T km t., Plaint i:T. J. 1 1. P.AKKY. oj.". -Ivvs. Attorne.- ;.ir nani'Mi. I said tli Witne. d. m v said I'liii.ity ( October. l'.t.'O. f November. Ill JO. ha 'id and the si a 1 of 'our I, this 1st day of I Seal! ol- AI.LKN .1. PKKSON. County Jud";e. Ne Tn -- fn l-e.a n v. es t Sect h till. Ill I.I'Gtl. NOTKT. Jee to iion-re.s-ident iiefendant Ti e . ree i;aplist 1-ore.i'Tu ;.!is-So.-ntv. a corporation; Ann-rican v.- I i ii. t Company, a eorporatio half of the northeast ipiarter of !i twenty (Jn.i, Towti'lnp eleven North lliin-'i' ten (lot, i ast of ith P. i tel all p rsi f any kind i':y part tin Yet! and e . Cass county. Netuask ns ilaimmii any interest in sant leal estate, or reof: in Ii of you are Jierebv and contirmi'd the defendants all persons eh under them or I'llllHIH'll t rolll tit!.- to there be tilled that llenrv Mi i I j u r tren. as lintilT mi the Ji'th day of September, tiled petition in the I'istiici ml of C.i-is eoiinty. Nebraska, where- i'-ii of you are defendant.s. ld pravi-r of which peti yo;i and each of you. and ilHimimr by, thrniuh or itversel.- to plaintiff, be have no interest, rinlit, n in or to: .1' it the northeast Section twenty (J), lever. 111, North l;:m?; I the (Jth P. M., hras-ka tin I I I in yuii and t he objei t a lion arc t! at all persons n mli r von ; adjudged to il;ilf. or Ii West ! 1 1; i ; t r o Towns l ip i ten i 1 0 i. ens ' "ass con ntv. Notice t on-ltesii!citt llefendftit To Silas Huff. Hefendant: You will take noti-e on Ire !th day of Gctoher. P.'JO. the plaintiii herein. Mrs. A. C. Hu!T. filed her j.eti- tion in th IMstriet court 01 t ass conn- tv. Nebraska, against said detendant. Si'ns IIikI, the ob.iect and prav'er ot which are to foreclose a certain ta rtilicate duly issued to the piaintl!' on tlie till oay ni .mivciiiiiit, i :!.-. o tin tri-asuri-r of Cass i-onntv, Netiraska, f.r the taxes duo and delinquent on I.ots ti.'tl. :'.J and :::! in the Villas" f Ioiisville, Nebraska, for the sum of JS.::i, and for the .sum ot Ji.J suh si'ipient taxes paid during the 'yejn- P'lS and SJS.OJ sitis.Muent taxes pan! bv plaintiff for the year 1H1!I. That the above described real estate be charged with the above amount with lawful interest thereon, and toat plaintiff be awarded foreclosure there- f. and that eipii'y of redemiition aim II other interests of the defendant Silas Huff te forever barred and fore- loseil. and that said real estate be old to satisfv the amount of the lien due thereon, and for such other eijui- 1 a ble rel icf You are reouired to answer petition on or before the Jjnd day ot November. Ill JO. Hated this 11th dav of October. 10 JO. M JiS. or a::y part or" portion thereof, and tir.t the pliintiff liinry Mei r j i: rjror.. I"';i';lii-r v ith ! is p-ranturs be adju.'. i d lo have been in the adverse pos : i .'sirn o:' said lain! f r more than ten sens last past, and that the lesa! itlo tl.eret i has become fully vested In Henry MeirjurKeii not withstandin;: tlie claims of you and each of you. or any one claiming by, through or iialer yon, and that the title to said land be forever quieted In the said Henry Meirjuriren, as against you and each of you. and that each and all of said defendant sibovo named, and those whose tii.m.s are unknown, and not stated, ba forever birred from claim ing or asserting any rijrht, title, in terest or estate in and to said real state or any part thereof, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem jus;t and equitable. You and :n h of yon aw further notified you ar required to answer said petition ui ir before Monday,- the JJnd day of November. PJ-i. hknky Mr:n:J! c A. 1 1 - I v. KAWI.S. Hi- r:c.i:N. IMaintilt A Hoi ney jiiMiiiiiiiiitiiiiilimiinniiio ,.. crimped, not posted MViofe all this talk about CrlmjjfaP ty. i Th- In In I! To MITICK TO CltK.lllTOItS State of Nebraska, Cass conn- the County Ctmrt the matter of the lack, deceased. the creditors of said tate of Sarah estate: You are Jierebv notified. That I will sit at the Countv Court room in Platts- saidimouth in sa id county, on the 10th dav A. A. C. HPFF. Plaintiff K A Y I oil-? Atty. for Plaintiff. i.i Tliomas I. 10. Ml Til I". I'niU-rwood, 1 efen- Tii dant : You arc hereby notified that on tho nd dav of Jnlv. lHJii. Sarah K. 1'nder- wooil. Plaintiff, tiled her petition and iiiuienced an action against you i:i the Histrict Court of Cass county. Ne braska, the object and prayer of which an' to obtain an absolute iiivorce trout you on tlie fjround of extreme cruelty, without provocation or fault upon the part of the plaintiff. 1 on are requested to answer sanl petition on or before toe Jyth day of November. P.U0. SA KA M K. l"NHKKWOOJ). ni-lw. i'lainliii. Blank books. Journal office. it November. A. H. Plju. and on the " !h day of February. A. H. 19J1, n't io o'clock a. m. eacli day to receive and examine all claims acainst said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against paid state is three months from the loth day of November, . U. l'JJO. and th. time limited for payment of debts is one year from said lath day of No vember. l;jo. Wrtnes.s my hand and the seal of said Countv Court this Stli day of October, P.ijo. ALMCX J. HKKSON. ( oll-lv. County Judse. n dress better havo leaded zfv that there at e two ways to fii'ii for clothes. They are Ifiaritiug' to take care of thetn. It is quite auianneily thiug to tako care of your clothes invest nieut and protect it up to the limit. Having your clothes carefully dry cleaned will improve their wear and help to prolong the life of their lUh lines. Getting acquainted with our work means ;rettin in touch with a real money saving service. Goods Called for and Delivered I'HIIII VI'K MtTICK In t!ie County Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Sam uel Alley, deceased. notici: To all persons interested in tlie es tate of Samuel A!ly. deceased: You are herebv notified that on this, the l::th day of October. 19J0, tlie peti tion of Mark White was filed in tliis Court allcsrinir that one Samuel Alley, late a resident and inhabitant of Cass county. Nebraska, departed this life at Pock Hlufts. in-said county, on Pecem ber Jnd. IS""., leaving an estate to be administered and a Past -Will and Tes tament disposing of same, which is now on Ii!? herein, and vvhii'li was ad mittid to probate in this court on the fitli dav of January. 1S7H. before Win. H. Newell, then County JihIhtr of said county, as- shown by an order entered on paue Jlo of Kntrv Hook "H" a rec ord of said court, but that by over sight or omission. the said County .IinU;e failed to endorse his certificate of probate thereon, as required by law, to entitle said instrument to be read in eridenie of title to real estate, and piayiiic that said instrument be allow ed, established, probated and authen ticated, as required by law. Yon are further notified that said petition and proofs thereon will be heard at tlie County Court room in Pla 1 1 smou t h. in Cass couny, Nebraska, on the 15th day of November. 1J0. at nine o'clock in the forenoon, at which time alt persons interested may appear and contest the same, and unless ob jections me tiled on or before said day and hour of hearinp. the Court in.iv prant the praver of said petition. Hated October PI. P'JO. ALLKX J BKKSON. oil-3v. County Judge. - 'OME -itS-OL'RNAL OFFICE Mini n to i-HKnrniKs The State -f Nehin.-ka. Cass coun ty, ss. In the Conn t Court . In the m.-ittfr of the estate of David Tourtelot. deceased. To the creditors of sfli'l estate: Yon are herebv notified. That I will sit at the Co'intv Com t room in Platts montli in said county, on the Cth day of November. lO'O. and on the 1st day of February. 101. ot 10 o'clock a. m. each day to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their Adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the ifh day of November. A. H. 19J0 and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from sail 6th dav- of November, 19J0. Witness mv liand and the seal of s;iid County Court, this 1st- clay of Oc tober, 19J0. ALLEN J- BBESON. (Seal) 04-? County Judge. M i stem, Lester, and you shall hear: 5 Tftcrc arc three ways to roll a cigarette wet it with your tongue, use paste, or crimp it. But Spur is the only cigarette note that word only that has the crimped scam. No moisture as when you roll a cigarette no paste as used by other makers. Crimping makes Spur draw easier, burn slower, taste better. Looking at a Spur will give you the idea and smoking one will give you the result. ,. And of course everybody knows that Spurs are blended from choice Turkish, fine Burley and other home grown tobaccos. That's where Spur s good old tobacco taste comes from There's a lot more to be said but write it yourself after youVe enjoyed twenty Spurs from the neat'Iooking brown and silver package. .,;u Liggett Myirs Tobacco Co. " ' Cigarette . mmmmmmmwm oiniKit, ok iii:im; on I'elillon fur Appointment of -lfiiinitritlrM The Stat, of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. Hi the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Kin mor K. lleece, deceas-cd. Ui reading and lilintr the petition of Sadie K. Keeee, Arthur H. Peeco and I'hilip K. Keeee praying that adminis tration of said estate may be granted to Sadie 10. Peece and Arthur K. Keece as Administrators: Ordered. That November 13th. A. H. 10JO, at 10 o'clock a. m.. Is assigned for JiearitiK: said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted: and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hear infr thereof be Kivcii to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing; a copy of this order in the Plattsmoutb loiiriKil, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three suc cessive weeks, prior to said day of hea t ins'. -v Hated October IT.. Ptjo. AM.PN" J. HICKS! IN. Sral olS-.lw. County Jude. VOTE GOVERNOR LIEUT. GOV ATTY. GENERAL. .ARTHUR G. WRAY, of York ROBT. MOUSEL, of Cambridge F. L. BOLLEN, of Wayne They are Endcrsed by Organized Labor and Organized Farmersr-The Following is the Platform Study It Studiously and Carefully. vs. Henry J. Kropp, le- NOT1CK In the Histrict Court. of Cass conn ty, Nebraska. M. Hrurv. Plaintiff. Stoll; H. J. Stoll; Yui fondants. Tlie object of the above entitled tion in which a summons is herewith served upon Henry J.tull, ll. J. SU;I1 and V. K. Kropp. and all pernor.- un known who may have or -lainr to have any right, title or interest in aiul to the North half of the Northwest ,i.: r ter (N'i NV', of Section t . o CM. Township ten 10. Pange twelve (1J). '"ass county. Nebraska, is the fore ilosurer of Tax Certificates No. Tolfi owned by M. Hrury, plaintiff, and cov erinc; tlie above described tract of land. That on or about the Gth day of October. 1919. the plaintiff filed her petition in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, and the above nam ed defendants are hereby notified that unless they answer within thirty days of the completed service of this notice, exclusive of the day of such service, the petition of said Plaintiff bled against them in the Clerk s office of baid Court, such petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered ac cordingly. M. DRLT.y. Bv Plaintiff. ' E. L.. HRURV. oil.-. Her Attorney. 1. We favor the exemption of farm iniproveme-nts from taxation, and a limited exemption from taxa tion of ail homes. We favor state ownership and 10. We favor added guarantees of freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion and freedom of the press. 11. We favor public ownership operation of packing plants, flour of the railway systems of America, mills, stockyards, creameries, termin- as proposed by the Plumb plan, and al elevators and beet sugar factories, tne retirement, to private me oi uen- m so far as necessary to restore com petition and break monopolistic con trol. ators and congressmen who voted for the Cummins-Esch Bill. 12. We condemn proposal No. FOR SALE A number cf Duroc Jersey Boars. IS 3td ?tw. PHILIP HERZ. v If it's' in the stationery line. ca!3 it the Journal ofica. 3. We favor municipal owner.-nip 333 fjanot No. 38, submitted by the of cold storage plants, warehouses, constitutional Convention to the vot and of all public service utilities. ers which makes possible the cre- 4. We favor state ownership and ation cf an industrial court, development of the water power of 13 wj condemn the activities Nebraska, and state or federal own- q the Xebraska Falr p,., Commia- ershtp anu operation e, sion as no woperated. as useless. needless and an economic waste. 14. We condemn the "Code Bill" as written and administered, as a dangerous centralization of power. 15. We favor the adoption of an anti-injunction law, limiting the power of courts to grant injunctions and telerrranh lines 5 We favor co-operative banks, and better and cheaper credit facili ties for farmers and working men. 6. We favor all possible legisla tive encouragement to the organiza tion of farmers and wage earners co operative associations We favor state inspection of and prohibiting the issuing of re- dockage and grading of grains and draining orders and injunctions in other products. labor disputes. 8. We favor the right of eollec- 16. We favor equal suffrage for tive bargaining by farmers and work- women. ing men through their own chosen 17. We favor a bonus to soldiers, representatives and up-to-date labor by both the federal and state gov- legislation that will insure decent ernment, and to be paid in the mala hour3 and working conditions. by the sixteen thousand additional 9. We favor better schools and an millionaires created, by the wai increase in pay for all school teach- 18. We favor andurge:tco-6pera-ers in accordance with, the import- tion between the cityVworker aa4 the auce and responsibility of their farmer In e!ecting6fficia'fsv' and ee work. curing progressive legislation. (Political Advertising) ,