?AGE 10 THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2S. 1920. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEELY JOURifAI Something for Nothing! f j : l,, 33t ILrfisiii HT Men's heavyweight blue bib overalls while the last $2.25 It can't be done. Nor do we promise it. The man' who responds to such a promise usually gets it the other way NOTHING for something. That's ex pensive also embarrassing. We are willing to give you this some thing in the way of suits, overcoats, Pand mackinaws at REPUCED PRICES, however, and we will stand back of them "as we do everything we sell. Your fall suit is here waiting for you. Figure 20 off from the original ticket. This applies to every men's suit, macki naw and overcoat in the house. Many other items reduced, and as fast as the market warrants it, we will pass further reductions on to you. $25 to $50 buys as good as tfyere is! CASE PROVES A MOST INTER" ESTING ONE ! TWO MEN ARRESTED HERE, HAD STRENUOUS TIME IN OMAHA UNDERWORLD. Ph ilip Mi j HON. GEORGE A. DAY CANDIDATE FOR- Supreme Judge (Now Serving on Supreme Court) For seventeen years Judge of District Court, Fourth Judicial District (Omaha.) Formerly on Supreme Court Commission. 36 years a resident of Nebraska. Under the law the names of all candidates for judicial offices will appear on separate ballo. without party designation. Election November 2. 190. STRONG FOR LEAGUE Attorney D. O. Dwyer lias a very reasonable and justified complaint to make of our great family and relig ious organ, in that last evening it was stated that Mr. Dwyer had spoke at the Methodist bible class against the league of nations. Now the real facts of the case is that Mr. Dwyer. far from being against the league is strong for it and as the great per centage i t the believers in the theory of universal peace, he is advocating tlie league as it is at present with such reservations as may become ne cessary. Mr. Dwyer certainly has the re grets of the Journal that the misrep resentation was made a.s lie Is strictly with the heart of humanity in the struggle for world freedom from the menace of war. HENRY G00S ILL From Monday's Daily. , The many friends of Henry F. Goos will regret to learn that he Is con fined to his home today through ill ness, suffering from what seems to be u case of blood poisoning and which has been so severe as to prevent his being down town. FOR SALE. Willis-Knight Overland. 4-cylin-der. 45 horsepower. Good condition. For particulars see F. G. Egenberger. lw d&w. LAND FOR SALE 30.000 acres of land located in the highlands of Louisiana. See F. G. Egenberger, Agent, Plattsmouth. daw. You've heard so much about the famous Culbransen Player piano. Why not hear one in your home? Write or phone A. Hospe Co., Omaha, for full particulars. o28 4tw. The Omaha underworld has had for a short time a portion of their activities transferred to our little city and the authorities here have been hosts to several of the well known figures of the under half of the metropolis. When the arrest was made here Saturday of James Allen for posses sion of liquor and also the apprehen sion of Tom Frosst for passing a bad check the story of the Omaha under world began to be revealed by the parties. Allen was fined $100 and costs and given until Thursday to cash in on his fine while Frost made good the amount of the check but was held here by Sheriff Quinton to await word from the Omaha author ities as to his activities there. From the story told by Frost it 'seems that he and Allen as well as a man named Lee narrower, were the participants in the well known game of "double cross" with a taxi driver named McC'ov in Omaha as the eoat 'of the affair. It seems that narrower and McCoy had arranged to do a lit tle liquor dispensing and drove in the car of Mr. McCoy who was working for the Drive-It-Yourself company, to South Omaha where a small quan tity of liquor was produced and t lie parties decided to go to Blair and peddle the booze on Friday evening. In the meantime narrower, Allen and Frost had arranged to stick up McCoy and secure the small amount of money that he had as well as the booze and the car. All went as per schedule and when narrower and McCoy were driving near Fort Cal houn, Allen and Frost appeared and held up the party and re'ieved McCoy of $30 as well as taking over the booze and inviting him to alight from the car. They then pulled the gun on narrower and ordered him to drive them back to Omaha. Having disposed of McCoy the trio then secured a Studebaker car and abandoned the Drive-It-Yourself ma chine and decided to come to Plats mouth for a little outing as the place looked -good to the young men and they anticipated a real time with the car and the liquor they pos sessed. The party arrived here late Friday evening and enjoyed them selves "stepping" and joyriding- for several hours and incidently driving out into the country where the car ran out of gasoline and necessitated some of the party walking in to se cure additional supplies. Later in the game it was decided to replenish the funds of the party vvfth the sale of the booze and it was in this act that Allen ran into Officer Alvin Jones with sad consequences to himself and Frost sot in bad with a check given to the Pollock garage, l.ut this was later settled to the atis faction of all parties. narrower, who is apparently one of the leading figures in the mix up. returned to Omaha and is now being sought by the Omaha police as he is out on a $2,r.OO bail for burglary. Frost is still in jail here and mem bers of the Omaha detective force will arrive today to take him back to Omaha.- lie has stated to the local authorities that he was approached on taking part iu the robbery that was pulled off at the Empress the ater on Sunday night but refused to aid in the affair and his knowledge may prove valuable in getting t lie matter sifted out. It is stated that the three men were in the city last Wednesday, driving down in a Cadillac car they had picked up for the occasion and later returned. Mrs. H. W. Smith as the executive head fr Plattsmouth city and who will supervise the enrollment in the city. ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT CASS COUNTY RED CROSS ELECTS To the people of Cass county I de sire to announce that I am a candi date for state representative on the democratic ticket and respectfully ask the support of the people of the county. I have never before asked the peo ple for their votes, I am no politician but will endeavor to give the greatest good to Jthe greatest number of my constituents if elected representative. Your support will be appreciated and I will endeavor to faithfully serve the people of Cass county. DR. B. F. BRENDEL. j being a candidate on the demo cratic ticket for representative I will (appreciate the support cf the people of Cas county and promise to faith fully serve their interest if elected. JAMES P. BAKER. ANNOUNCEMENT I am a candidate for repre:;entati ve from the 8th district on the republi can ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the November election. F. L. NUTZMAN'. WILL BUY CHICKENS Well Attended Meeting at Weeping Water Selects the Officers for the Coming Year's Work. The Cass county chapter of the American Hed Cross met on Saturday afternoon at Weeping Water and a very pleasing attendance of the dif ferent branches throughout the coun ty was present. The plans of the Fourth roll call was discu-'sed for some time and the greatest of inter est shown by the active members present. The chapter also held the annual election of the county officers for the ensuing year and the following were chosen : Henry A. Schneid-r, chairman; Mrs. F. II. Dunbar, county executive secretary; Miss Uernese Newell, treasurer. Mrs. Dunbar was selected for secre tary in recognition of the splendid services she has rendered i.n the ..rk in the past three iiiternhe cam paigns and in caring for the urj'an ization work over the county. In ''his office she will idlabrae v. iili he visiting nurse that is to be f-nt o the county to care for the health urogram of the society.. The nurse will visit the rural schools to make examination as to condition and the fealth of the scholars, co-operating with the physicians in the different onimunit ies and in this work Mrs. Dunbar will assist with her office as ecretary. Mrs. Dunbar was also named as chairman for Cass county in the Fourth roll call that is to start on November 12th and has appointed Swift and Co., will buy chickens at the store of E. P. Lutz all day Satur day, October 30th, at the following prices. Springs 20c Hens 20c Old roosters 14c With a Culbransen Player piano, your home would be brighter, hap pier. Handled in this territory only by A. Hospe Co.. Omaha. They've sold pians for 4 5 years. Write or phone them for terms on the famous Culbransen. o2S 4tw. As the republican candidate for State Representative, I stand for the best interests of Cass county, first, last and all the time, and for the state of Nebraska. I am running for the second term. Your support will be appreciated. Election November 2nd, 1920. H. K. FRANTZ. FOR STATE SENATOR ESTRAYED, DUR0C JERSEY. Estrayed from my farm seven miles west of Plattsmouth a light red Duroc Jersev sow weight abut 250. Phone No. 2531. 2td 2t-sw. L. A. MEISINGEH. MYNARD CHURCH NOTES There will be communion service at the U. B. church Sunday morn ing following the sermon. Sunday school at 10:30, preaching at 11:15. All are cordially invited. E. H. Ponitus. Pastor. - A GOLDEN NET OF HEALTH lieing a annulate fr state senator in th second district, consisting of Cass and Otoe counties on the re publican ticket. I will appreciate the support of my friends in the dis trict. 2 til 2tw. A. V. STURM. Nehawka, Neb. VOTERS ATTENTION Ca-t your vote for J. D. Graves, Prhoibition candidate for Governor. Mr. Graves is for prohibition all the time. tf d&w. All those drug stores and other places selling medicines where from Texas to Canada and from California to New York everyone who suffers from indigestion, constipation, head aches, gases in stmach and intestines, nervusness, etc., can get Triner's Hit ter Wine form a golden net of health. Every customer becomes an enthu siastic propagator of this valuable remedy. Some time ago Mr. Joseph Koval wrote us from Iaferty, Ohio: "You can publish my recommended incessantly. "If you are suffering from rheuma tism and neurqlgia, remember that Triner's Liniment is a safe relief of these autumnal pains. It penetrates to the rot of the ailment and its effect is quick and lasting. For in flammations of threat which are now also in season Triner's Antiputrin is the most efficient gargle. Joseph Triner Company. 1333 45 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. m ' IB siflf We ' I Begins at 8:00 O'Clock Saturday Morning, October 30th, at the Store of Quality at DAVH WEEPING WATER, NEBRASKA Must Sacrifice Merchandise for Cash 25 Discount on all Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats Such makes as the Kuppenheimer and Clothcraft. This sale includes all men and boys' blue serge suits as well as any suit in our store. All of our merchandise is marked in plain figures. There's no guess work the savings are clearly hS"r ynow just what you are saving on every purchase. Just stop and figure a moment your saving TAKE ADVANlAbL Ut 11 lyuni . Other Specials Included in This Sacrifice Sale COPYRIGHT 1913 TM HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER All our Men's ami Boys Unionalls at . . .20 DISCOUNT One lot Mens. Overalls $2.00 PER PAIR Men's Villastic B'6'dygard fleece union suits (seconds) $1.50 Men's two piece woolen underwear 20 DISCOUNT MLlf lis :$tr - i t . , ; -j' .. . 50c A PAIR Sizes 20 Discount on Ladies High Shoes Oxfords, and Pumps PLEASE DO NOT ASK US TO EXCHANGE ANY SALE MERCHANDISE OR TO REMFUND CASH ON SAME! DO NOT FORGET THE DATE AND PLACE! H n .a. komrtr TArro1fn SOX. men s e ".T" ........ .$1.35 A DOZEN SlnrrU thumb cotton mittens v it . i i- u o l, Umr fWrf! lined union suits. men s rug" ivutis. n. citit 34 to 46.. v This includes ALL STYLLb and colors ot leather. Louis and Military heels In fact any and every kind of shoe in our large slock oriligh Grade Footwear. Your opportunity is here. OPEN Every Evening For Your Convenience LM WEEPING WATER, NEBRASKA THE Quality Store at Weeping Water.