X03XAY. OCTOBER 25. 1920. PAGE SIX PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL 3 The llastesr SftrokeX own Goes the Mlgh Prices!! A Real Home Coming Sale Bringing Back Btt a m m mm CS mm Z A V Prewar Price A word to mv many friends in Plattsmouth and vicinity. I have recently made a verv fortunate purchase of a General Stock of Merchandise at about 50 cents on the dollar. Beginning TUESDAY. OCTOBER 26, at 8:30 a. m, my doors wilr again open to my o!d friends and comrades. A REAL F ANGER b STORE, AT THE REAL OLD TIME PRICES you were accustomed to pay m the good old days. - I am in a position to do so, as I bought a bargain at Randolph, Iowa, and am going to rive my friends the advantage of these bargains. The stock consists of-Drv Goods, Ladies and Men's Furnishings, Boys' Clothing, Mackmaws and Shep Lined Coals and almost a complete line of Groceries and Dishes. I have now added to this stock a good line of Ladies and Children's Ready-to-Wear Goods that will be a credit to Plattsmouth. I am also making room for a Millinery Department, but in order to do so, I find I am compelled to close out sorr.e lines completely. Can Goods and Groceries! No. 2 can peaches, pears, apricots, plums, best quality, 60c sellers.now. . . .45c No. 2 can blackberries; a regular 50c seller, now 35c l yA-ox. jars preserves; high grade quality, formerly sold at 60c; all flavors. .39c No. 3 can pumpkin, dry pack. One of many bargains. 2 cans for 25c No. 3 can kraut, dry pack. This is extra fine quality. Per can . .15c No. 3 can tomatoes; regular 30c seller. Now priced at, per can 19c No. 2 can tomatoes; regular 20c seller. 2 cans for 25c No. 1 can red salmon; regular 50c seller. Our low price, per can 39c No. 1 can pink salmon, regular 30c seller. Buy it of Fanger for 19c No. 1 can sardines in tomato sauce. A genuine bargain at, per can 18c No. 3 can pork and beans. Good quality; 2 cans for 25c No. 2 can Van Camps pork and beans. Fanger's price, per can 19c No. 2 can red beans. Lay in a supply of these at 2 cans for 25c No. 2 can fancy sweet corn. Quality the best. Price per can 19c No. 2 can standard cweet corn the kin i you usually pay 20c for. 2 cans. .25c No. 2 can red kidney beans. Fanger's money-saving price, per can 19c Nr. 2 can cut refuge beans. Fine quali'.y. Price per can 19c Heinz cream tomato soup. A well-known brand. Price per brand 18c California ripe olives. Fanger's money-saving price, per can 18c Tal! can Heinz spaghetti. Buy it of Fanger at per can 19c Potted meat. A choice table delicacy on sale at 3 cans for 25c Pint jar sliced sweet pickles. Extra fine quality, per jar 45c 10-oz. jar cut sweet pickles. Fanger's money saving price, per jar 19c Tall can milk. Buy it of Fanger and save money. 2 cans for 25c 4 cans baby size milk at a price you can't resist. Buy them of Fanger for. .".25c Quart jar sweet relish. Another big value at Fanger's store, per jar 49c Yl pound Nucol Japan tea a choice brand at, per pkg 35c 1-lb. pkg. Arm and Hammer brand baking soda; 3 pkgs. for 25c Jellc assorted flavors. Fanger's price per pkg 15c 1 lb. Crisco fine for baking and. cooking. Fanger has it at 30c Yeast Foam. Fanger's money-saving price, per pkg 7c Gallon fruits at Greatly Reduced Prices Horse Shoe and Star chewing tobacco. Special price per lb 85c Velvet and Tuxedo tobacco. The price is mighty low. Per can 14c White laundry soap excellent quality 4 bars for 25c Lewis lye a household necessity get it here at 2 cans for 25c Rub No More small size. You can get 4 pkgs. here for 25c Lamp chimneys; all sizes. Fanger has them at 2 for 25c Ixtrge package Post Toasties. Buy all you need now at 18c Small package Post Toasties or Corn Flakes. Special price 2 for 25c Good brooms 75c 5-lb. can Karo white syrup. Special price at Fanger's 49c 10-lb. can Karo white syrup. Special price at Fanger's 98c 5-lb. can Karo red syrup. Fanger's money-saving price 45c 10-lb. can Karo red syrup. Fanger's money-saving price 90c Navy beans. We are fortunate in being able to offer you these at, per lb 7c Dried peaches another big value. Fanger has them at per lb 25c Assorted 10-5 5c package spices. Get them here at 3 pkgs. for 25c All 60c coffee assorted brands. Fanger has them at, per lb 45c All 5c coffee. A worth-while money saving opportunity; 3 lbs. for $1.00 CANE GRANULATED SUGAR, SPECIAL PRICE, PER LB 12c 2'? -lb. can cane and maple syrup for your cakes these cool mornings 75c 5-!b. can cane and maple syrup a big value. Fanger's price $1.50 Assorted cookies. Values you can't duplicate anywhere. Per lb 25c Shredded Wheat, per pkg 15c Superior quality blueing, 2 for 25c All goods mentioned above are limited. Men's overalls $1.75 Men's workers, the very best. . . .$1.39 Men's unionalls, $3.50 and $3.95 Men's fleece lined shirts, drawers. 95c Men's fleeced union suits, ribber.$1.85 Men's heavy fleeced union suits. $2.45 Bo3'S work shirts, $1.75 value. . ,95c Bo3rs and misses union suits. . . .$1.59 Ladies vests and pants; values to $1.75; on sale at 79c Men's dress shirts, values to $4.50 on sale at $1.45 and .$1.95 Ladies, misses, children's sweat ers; values to $7.95 $3.95 Men's and boy's shirts formerly sold up to $2.50 95c Ladies waists, slightly soiled. The values run to $3.50 ....25c One table full of play suits, wash skirts, middys, combination suits and dresser scarfs. Values to $3.50; on sale at 95c Children's gingham dresses form erly sold up to $4.95 $1.95 Be sure to visit our Ladies, Misses and Children's Ready-to-Wear depart ment. Up-to-the-minute styles. On account of the short time we have to adver tise, ve are unable to quote prices on more than a small per cent of the merchan dise we have in stock. It will pay you to com efor miles to do your trading here. YOURS FOR TO SAVE YOUR MONEY! Plattsmouth, FKJij Nebraska BUT ONE TICKET IN GEORGIA. "LOST ALL HOPE" .Thought He Would Never be Well, Cas-s county for a visit with relatives but Gains 20 Pounc; Taking 1 an lac t e r-I s I'll; e Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 22. The names of the democratic nominees for state offices and for the United States sen ate have been placed on the official republican ticket for the general election in November, it was dis closed today when the official ballots were distributed to the voting places over the state. The only difference between the democratic anil repub-l "I honestly LcWo-I '!', rr, lican tickets will be in the list of, have lived n.u. h I ; ; ". '.; r. ,r presidential electors. ; been for Taiii:i-,'- a: ! "l.p'-r". The name of Thomas E. Wat?onja well-known mo; m -it.' r: at the democratic candidate for senator. ' 901 South Sixth turret. Turlington, Is on the republican ticket. Mr. Wat- Iowa, '"but no v.- I l:nw actually Vin son has announced that he not only'ed twenty pounds in weight and cm ui.i uui aiiium lie me use ui ma name, leeunj nappy as a i.ov afiaiu. "My stomach, kidneys and nerves were all upset and I hud lor,t weight short visit with Mrs. Albert's sister, ' Mrs. Charles Ahl and family and 'could not remain long, as she wished vAY" MrlTnDIUiAfJ to be at home before ccrn shucking Urt U IIIU I Ullif III!? time. Mr?. L. C. Todd and little daugh ter, of Long Beach, have arrived in but that he asked the republican state chairman not to put it on the republican ticket. The other candidate for the Fen ate, whose name appears on the bal lot is Harry S. Edwards, former pro gressive republican candidate, but now running as an Independent. The list of candidates for state office on both tickets is headed by the name of Thomas V. Hardwick for governor. until I was down to a hundred and thirty pounds. I became alarmed at and friend and are now with Mrs. Tt,dd' sifter, Mrs. Henry Gerbeling, near V.'abaf.h. Mr. Todd has been in rc: l,ra i:a for several months, looking f::ter his extensive land interests, ri:d they will return to California tof other late in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ossenkop had their little fourteen-weeks-old dauehter rhrif.fer.Pit at ht I.iirlier. an church east of Louisville of which J kev. Kunxendorf is pastor, on last I Sunday. The grandmothers of the little mis. Mrs. Fred Weegener and Hello, boys!!! Mrs. Harry Ossenkop officiated as! vain', (uailliru uv i . -. I . i , my condition and I did everything '"roomers, ana sne was cnnsieneu- Let US neip you save mother S0K1C imaginable, but instead of getting Kl w "?riwIa,r,ieV, . ,T. , tub troubles and incidentally cut better I kept getting worse until I V- V- C Brampton, of Lincoln. thought there was no hope for me. arrived last Fridav to visit until Sun- GAR LOAD OF FINE POTATOES FOR SALE Mv Lhtn, v.r,t,i ..... -i i nn relatives anu menus in t iPht r,r t .r..rH .r,..; I.oui3Tille and vicinity, driving out across the pmall of mv back. Mv an-',t0 C!" up.on ner u.nc1: Jonn .ssen-i petite had left me and I ate so little down the laundry bill. Wholesale and retail. located in the Anhemer Husch building, corner Fourth and Main streets, 1'latts mouth. I'HICK IS RIGHT. It. C. COOK. Improve Your Digestion. If you have weak digestion eat sparingly of meats, let at least five hours elapse between meals, eat noth ing between meals. Drink an abund ance of water. Take one of Cham berlain's Tablets immediately after supper. Io this and you will im prove your digestion. FURNITURE AND RUGS Seven dining room tables, buffets, chairs to match, rockers, will sell sep arate if desired, 1 gas stove, one oil heater, 1 soft coal heater, 1 kitchen cabinet, two bed room suits, Ameri can walnut finish, and two brass beds. Six other good beds, springs, mattresses, 1 3-4 bed complete. Dressers, chiffoneres, 1 Doufold, :'. writing desks. 20 rugs, large ana small. Everything priced right. located upstairs over Gas & Klectric olJice. Phone 645. ' 5td ltv. GHKIST & Gil HIST. I was nearly vtirving to death. Gas would form on my stomach and close in around my her-rt until it palpitated terribly, and often I had nervous headaches that were almost; more than I could stand. I got hut little rest and sleep and it looked . like my age had about gotten thii best of ine. "The best favor I ever had done me in my life w is when a friend of mine recommended Tanlac to me. Ij got it just in the nick of time and it ' has simply made me all over again i and I can hardly realize what fine' Wear a light weight jersey sweater for "knockin' around" after school kop, who is seriously ill at the home and on Saturdays. of his son Ldward in the country. I Mrs. Frampfon went to Plattsmouth. They save your shirts and waists Sundav to visit ujitil Tuesdav with! her aunt, Mrs. F. I. Lehnhoff and! We have two lets, size 26 to 34 daughter. Miss Tillie Lehnhoff. I assorted colors WEAK, WEARY WOMEN Learn the Cause of Daily Woes and Quickly End Them. "When the back aches and throbs. When housework is torture. When night brings no rest ncr health I am enjoying. Talk about eating, why, I eat three of the big- sleeu. gest kind of meals every day and I When urinary disorders set in, am never bothered afterwards at all.! Women's lot is a weary one. My kidneys don't give me a particle I Joan's Kidney Pills are for weak of trouble and the p;iin across my kidneys. back has gone. The headaches are Have proved their worth in Platts a thing of the past and my nerve-; mouth. have steadied down to where I sleep j This is one Plattsmouth woman's like a child and wake up feeling full , testimony. of life, strength and energy. Tanlac! Mrs. Charles Mason. 312 3rd street, will do the work. I can say that much says: "I have had quite a bit of ex atul I am glad to recommend it to perience with Roan's Kidney Pills others as the greatest builder I have.i'P to a couple of years ago. I used ever seen or heard of." 1 to have attacks when my back would 69c and 79c Better ones to $3.50 MEN'S Same style 79c to $4.50 They Save Wear and Washing. gWESCOTT'Ssons " EVERYBODY'S STORE" Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth bv be so lame and weak it bothered me j y iiinnriininn G. Fricke and Company; in Mur-' a great deal to be around on my feet. ! V WARflNH HEPPFNiNRN v v bv the Murray Drug company. , My kidneys would be disordered at:.?. ""UrtUII IIMI I L.I1II1UU i every, times, too. and I felt misenbie anu .jt.... . ...... :had no ambition. A member of my j ray and the leading druggist town. family, who . ad used Doan's Kidney LAND FOR SALE 30.000 acres of land located in the highlands of Louisiana. See F. G. Egenberger. agent, Plattsmouth. d&w. TltK TO -HK.SIlKT HKKKMMMS To the ileferul juts, the west half of the northeast Quarter of Section seven teen tl" Township twelve I" north lianee nine i east of the :tli i. in. in Cass county. Nebraska, ami all per sons claiming ativ interest of any kinl in saM real estate or any part thereof: S. N. Merriani, whose first ami full tianic is Sehteu N. Merriani. SeM-n X. Merriam aiol l.ydia Merriani, his wife. . ,orMn. whose first ami real name Is Austin i'orl.in ami Hannah M. I'or Lin. his wife. I. W. Newsur i. .1. W . New sum. William Imri'ee, Illi.un lml ).:. Iennis l)ean. Samuel 5. Bryan and the unknown heirs, devisees, lej;at'es and personal representatives, and all other persons Interested In the estates of em h of the above named persons. You and each of you. as named and designated above will takf noti -' t' on the IMth day of Aucrnst, l'.ejn. the plaintiff. Kohert Klot.. tiled his petition airalnst von and each of you in the 1 Ust rict Court of Cans county, Nebras ka, the object and praver of which pe tition are that the court mav find ami decree that plaintiff and his grantors have been in the sole. open. adver;e. notorious, exclusive, continuous and peaceable possession of the whole of the west half of the nurtlua-t uiiaitrr twelve O-'f north IlariRe nine Ui ast of Section seventeen ill) Township of the 6th p. m. in Cass county, Ne braska, for more than twenty years lat past as owners thereof, and have made valuable and lasting impioxe ments thereon: that the defects am clouds upon the plaintiffs title to said real estate, as set out. in his petition mav be removed and the title iuiet.d and confirmed In this plaintiff: that the defendants and each of them and all persons claiming by. through or under thetn or anv of them, mav he enjoined from rlaimitiK or asserting title to said real estate, or anv part thereof, or from Interfering with the oulet and peaceable possession of this plaintiff therein, and for such other, further and different relief as may be just and enuitable In the premises. You and each of you are required to answer the above petition on or be fore Monday the 6th day of Kecemb. r. 19"'0 Iated this 20th dav of October. 1320. KOKKKT KI. T.. Plaintiff. J. H. IJAUKY. ()-. 4ws. Attorney for T'.aintiff. THE UNIVERSAL CAR OUR NEW LOW PRICES ON Ford Pleasure Cars, Trucks and Fordson Tractors Runabout, without starter $4 65.00 Runabout, with starter 538.30 Touring, without starter 5 12 .25 Touring, with starter ooq'ck Coupe, with starter oiqa Sedan, with starter 881.90 One-ton truck with grain and stock body 800.00 Fordson, f. o. b. Detroit 790.00 i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall mo- , . , t j . . . . , , , .. Pills with good results advised me to' i,iai ,---r-V:--"'.--H-:--?-M-M-X-M-, . . , . ... ... . ... tored to Lincoln Saturday. .try tin ill ana I aid so wnn ine oesi ( . . ",,! tl,a I r- m i.i a-x t-n 3. ' c t.. i.. t w m,l A number from here attended the C 1 1VI VV KJ J VJ X resuiiE. ju u mum i lime i irii line Leader-Echo a different woman I get Doan's at i Fricke & ( ompany s drug store and 4--!-WM-MM---!--MJ--! ; use them occasionally when I get i tired in my back and they always Hay Preston was up from near j quickly relieve me." Weeping Water the first of the week Price r,0s. at all dealers. Don't helping his father and Dick McXur- simply ask for a kidney remedy lin move the house which his father get Doan's Kidney Pills the same recently purchased. Friends of Miss Oeraldine Listen, a former Elm wood girl have received word that she has accepted a position as teacher in the schools at Platts- that Mrs. Mason had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs.. Huffalo, X. Y. mouth. This is good news to her ; friends here. 4H-H--i-M-H-i-H-H-'t-l l"l";' M-?" X On.MondayeveniugHev.andMrs.!X Frank A. Lenz came in from DeWitt ; M--4-MW-M-frM"4fr-M-4-3M-4MS' to visit the C Schneider family an 1 WEEPING WATER Republican Mrs. Fred Lenz and other relatives. football game at Lincoln Saturday. Lee Maddox is visiting with his mother and sister, Mrs. Carl Hanson and family. Mrs. S. A. Jacohson and baby came in Saturday evening to visit with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood and Mr. Wood's sister, of near Alvo. vis ited the Wabash school on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jackman and family took dinner at the home of Mr. Jackman's brother and family, S. A. Jackman. Mr. and Mrs Eugene Colbert and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Colbert and fani- Corn husking is the order of the Hy of this place. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Dowler, Mr. Mrs. Glenn Atchison and Mr. M. E. McDonald spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mitchell. Albert Sylvester and his brother. m- t, o.i i.. i.-.bv. T-.o.i iiied day now and there is some inquiry .'.n,wi...i o.,.'i i i nn "7 f.r belt). Although the corn is and returned Wednesday. rather green, yet the farmers seem! and Mrs On Tuesday while F. J. Fitch was to think there is no hurry, and many moving his "well drilling machine : are only working their own force yet ' i . .. .. .,i o,. Wilson Gilmore. Herman Mitchell Creek, it turned over. They were and John Wade left Monday evening , Georgp. came Tuesday. They are well under war but for some reason Ilastinsrs to attend the State going- to husk com around here this had to stop. Mr. Fitch was cb.se to encampment of the I. O. O. F. Miss fall It sure looks good to see Albert the machine, when he noticed one Olive Stevens and Mrs. Simon Reh-. back once more wheel give wav. He .didn't stop for mier. of Avoca. were Tuesday morn-! Mrs. L. C Todd and baby- of Long further investigation but rot awav in passengers for the same place. Deach. California, came last Sunday as fast as he could and the machine The Misses Stella Spangler. Eloise morning. Mr. Todd met them iU side, several p.irts Pool. Dorothy uorder ana uoya uiutuu,. ' r , j . . finmA - r Kl.a 111.1 .i c 1 1' 1 1 1 r 1 wa II Thrv u-jr,i nV'p tn l;.i"T-v v,"ere nome rrom l rete lor """" ui ..us.. .-, o.oi.i, ...... ... turued over on being broken. get the machine ri 1it--1 amin now it is awaiting rrpaire. Word comes n littb- l;;trt t effect that Clarence Iro- ; v f and Mrs. Henry I'-' ' T :. ?i but who had rere?fy t-.v1 farm at Vesta, Nebraska ten tired of a batchelor's d .ek end. Mr. C. E. Pool drove H. Lierneitng ana ramny it-: t-) Lincoln Sunday afternoon. " - T.lp.-rcta Staton came down from ',)' '.v"h them. Mrs. Charles R. Hobson returned ANNOUNCEMENT Reine a candidatn on the demo- day evening from Omaha, where .rrat lc ticket for reDresentative I w ill had got- l,f hfd been with her sister. Mrs. I appreciate the support of the people life ml tester Kchrauer ana nine gin w no of Cass COUnty and promise to falth- had taken unto himself a wife. The wis feriousiy injured Dy oeing run marriage took place at the First over by an auto. Mrs. Hobson re Christian church in Lincoln on Sat- ports the little girl as getting along urdav. October 2nd. when he and fine- now. Mis" Mary E. Lunsford took the Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Giberson and vows that made them man and wife, son Gayle and Mrs. Alpha Cooley The bride is one of Vesta's most ac- utocd to Lincoln Sunday and spent complished voting ladies and was the day at the S. Rector home. While reared from "girlhood at Vesta. Tha n Lincoln, they learned of the death groom is well known here and is an of John Cook, one of the early day industrious and prosperous young boys of this community Mr. Cook farmer was foumi tleatl !n the L.incln park, A good manv farmers have been where it was supposed he had drop missing chickens recently, in other red dead of heart failure as. he had words thev have been stolen. Last heen poorly for some time, week Louis Dehning and Jno. Gerdes The long-talked-of project of the had a number of chickens stolen. Mhvouri Pacific line through here Jud Sutherlands and Willetts had to Omaha being made a heavy freight some stolen and the practice is re- line seems to be more of an assured ported as being prevalent in other l -rt now than ever before It is Quarters as well. W. E. Whitneys said that even yet this fall the line of near Alvo had a lot stolen and will be put to use for much heavier rt Clivers of over near Greenwood freight traffic. The bridge gang that hnd nearly bis entire flock of a has been at work for some time, is couple of hundred stolen. Someone Retting all the bridges strengthened fs evidently getting away with a for the big twelve hundreds that good thing and living on the fat of will be used. The heavy rails have the land, for the number that have heen down for some ime. There are been reported stolen lately would good reasons for making use of this net a nice bank roll at present day as a freight line, principal of which of.,i lnni-m.t should be is the fact that it saves paying toll 'trade" for the miscreants and if ap- over leased lines and saves re-switch- maue l or me ','wc,l , . . . ' infr th., Webster stropf frirht nrehendeu thev snouiu ue urougin u -- sneedv ana auequaie punisnineui. u will take nothing snort, oi umi m fully serve their interest if elected. JAMES P. BAKER. We are taking signed orders for above models, which will be filled in the order in which they are taken, put a stop to such crooked work. LOUISVILLE t Courier J AMERICAN LEGION DANCE Elsewhere In today's issue of the Semi-Weekly Journal appears an advertisement announcing the com ing of Lamp's orchestra to Platts mouth Wednesday night of this -jjMW-WW-W'-5 week (o pay for a dance at Coates . -T TT ii r,i,i'hall given by the American Legion C. G. Mayfield attended the Odd ... -.. ia ntllo. . rrrani lnilfp !lt llaStlnirS Oil . . . ... . . , t , n x .iii nnt'rri"'"" " . . . . Has leauifT airecior anu win ue nere ana as our auoimeni. oi . Tn,,nv. Tuesday and weanesaay as - ... , ,,,t supply the demand at these greatly a delegate from the local lodge. l;sua, adluission charge for this class reduced prices, do not delay giving j Mr. and Mrs August Pautsch a d of dance w.n prevall and net pro. . i : TT'OTit ivtr and Mrs. Ernest 1 autscn ana . . ,i,ij . T,inn'J -ail investment m Good. Appearance Undecided? If you can't make up your mind to buy that suit or overcoat at a saving of 20 perhaps you'd be inter ested in Athletic under wear, or a bathing suit we are outfitters from Lad to Dad, and want to serve you- SOMEHOW! ceeds will be added to the Legion's t Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ?-v - daughter. Miss Lydia. drove out to - outfittin fund prompt delivery. I attend services at the Evangelical club Pitting rupa- T. H. Pollock Garage , Authorized Ford Dealer !T...i,,on xhnrph Sunilav. Thev were -dinner guests at the home of their. NOTICE. relatives Mr. and Mrs. William All parties having accounts or Schliefert, west of Manley I notes are requested to call and settle J . . . , 1 J 1, nw. 1 with A V . Mrs. John AlUert ami nauRmn, i-uuit? oi ic wiu t..14. nunc iiu. i t iBivj.u Vcther went to uroKen now, ju uksiui- or luyacu. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT! Custer countv. last Friday, for a John. F. Gorder. tf d & w. All ties reduced Knits $1.50 to $2.50 Now -$1.35 ! J ir