,mmrar-Tiii -tilt ' 'F '-. PLATTSMOUTH SESII-WEEEXY JOUIUTAL THETISEAY, OCTOBER 21, 1920. PAGE EIGHT DONALD WARNER HAS Ml BROKEN Little Son of Fred Warner Falls While Playing and Suffers Fracture of Arm. R One-Fifth One-Fifth ODD (BIT MOTOR J OILS b (tanoaso on cOMnmt a ., h n H r Properly Oiled Motors Purr Those lubricated with Polarine invariably run smoothly ' and quietly. When fine bearing surfaces are filmed" with the finest oil, the :que.ks, rattles and wear of friction are practically niL . ' Polarine is made by the most up-to-date refining methods' the result of over lialf u century of experience and re search. It is efficient every season of the year. Does not thicken in autum.i ur.J winter, cr "wear" thin during a long trip. To meet the rexiuirements of all' makes of cars and trucks, Polarine is made in four grades, differing in body but not in quality. These grades are Polarine Polarine Medium Heavy Polarine Heavy Polarine Extra Heavy For winter use the Polarine and Polarine Medium Heavy grades are recommended. For full mileage and power, use Red Crown gasoline the standard motor fuel. It is just as dependable and uniform as Polarine. At Red Crown s-'rvic stations and author ized dealers everywhere. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) Omaha gbi OTHti VISITING IN UNION Last Tuesday Andrew Lynn and wifewife and their daughter. Mrs. Clarence McCallen of Geneva, arrived from Weeping Water where they had been visiting at th ehome of a sister of Mr. Lynn and visited with friends and relatives here for a few days, they being guests at the homes of Mrs. Barbara Taylor, and Daniel, the former being a sister and the latter a brother of Mr. Andrew Lynn. Mr. Lynn and wife made their home in and near Union years ago when Un ion was known as Stringtown. They have made their home in the west for more than forty years. LAND FOX SALE 30,000 acres of land located in the highlands of Louisiana. See .F. G. Egenberger, agent, Plattsmouth. d&w. HODGES & HARRIS AND V. G. SHAW SALE Fiftv-four Big Type Polland Chinas at Bartlett. Iowa. October 27, 1920. Sires Black Price. Big Bone Leader, Waubonsie Bob. Waubonsie Jumbo. McMahon's Leader, D's Liber ator. .Iowa Prospect. Dams Model Big Bob, Monarch Lena. Buster Buster, Black Price, Wonder Jones. Capt. Jack. Black Bob. Fall Boars. Spring Boars, Spring Gilts. Tried Sows. Cols. Young & Van Cycoc, Auct. V. E. Harris, Clerk. Write for Catalog or information. Dyspepsia is America's curse. To restore digestion, normal weight, good health and purify the blood, use Burdock Blood Bitters. Sold at all drug stores. Price $1.25. Journal want ads pay. Try them. A YOUNG AMERICAN. Last evening there arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brink man on west Elm street, one of the finest young Americans in the whole city and the young man registered some nine pounds. The advent' of the little son and heir has brought great happiness to the parents and in their Joy they will receivehearty congratulations of the host of friends over the city. Mrs. Brinkman and the little son are doing nicely and Henry is without doubt the proudest man in the broad confines of the state and Justly so. The little man has been christened Richard Henry and that he may enjoy a long and prosperous life is the wish of the many friends. . FOR SALE Good barn in the best of shape. Inquire of Fred G. Egenberger. tf-d. m D CROWN GAS0IJM Mileage Red Crown is a thoroughbred gasoline. Every gallon is full of last-drop mileage stamina. There's no falling down, no petering out. You pull up to your destination like a frssh breeze. Regular users of Red Crown gasoline know how far they can go on a gallon every gallon. And they don't worry about filling up if their supply ought to carry them to a certain place. It always does, for it is .uniform from one corner cf the state to another. Buy -gasoline the same way you buy tires, on a mileage basis. Best results are always obtained by usinj the same kind regu larly. You can do this for Red Crown is sold in every city and along all of the principal highways. Economize on oil by using Polarine. It is made in four grades, differing in body but not in quality. These grades are Polarine v Polarine Heavy Polarine Medium Heavy o Polarine Extra Heavy For vinter use the Polarine and Polarine Medium Heavy grades are recommended ' STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) Omaha a 3 a a taappnanri BED CROWN GASOUNE (takuuo on, cxjMMunr 3 D a h While at has play with other of his mates at school, Donald, the lit tle son of Fred Warner, at the school ground&at Murray, was in sotne way tripped and falling-, his right arm was caught under his body, causing a fracture of the upper bone just above the elbow. When the fact was known the lit tle man was taken to the office of Dr. Brendel and after an examination by Dr. J. F. Brendel, was hastened to Plattsmouth where ?an x-ray picture of the fracture was taken In order that the best practice in the reducing of the fracture might be made. The little fellow while suffering greatly, manfully stood the pain while exam ination was being made and until the arm was properly set.' PETITION IS FILED The voters of Louisville precinct have filed in the office of County Clerk George R. Sayles, a petition asking for the placing for the name of James M. Hoover on the ballot at the coming election for the office of assessor. Mr. Hoover is one of the best known and popular residents of Louisville and has for a number of years beeriengaged as road overseer and having been very successful in that position and the voters will seek to have him look after the assessing work. From Tuesday's Dally. Ben Hankinson of this city, who has been on the road this fall with his special ariel act in meeting with the greatest of success in his tour and pleasing thousands of spectators at his different entertainments. Mr. Hankinson has just closed a very successful week at Canton, Missouri, having been working through south ern Illinois and Missouri since leaving this city. He has an especially thrilling tight wire act that is as good as any offered to the amusement loving public of the country and one that is always filled with the tense excitement that is demanded by the audiences. In addition to his tight wire act he is giving the slack wire performance at which he is an adept. Mr. Hankinson will continue on the road for the balance of the year and is traveling to the south to fill dates during the late fall. MAKING GOOD ON THE ROAD FURNITURE AND RUGS Seven dining room tables, buffets. chairs to match, rockers, will sell sep arate if desired, 1 gas stove, one oil beater, 1 soft coal heater, 1 kitchen cabinet, two bed room suits, Ameri can walnut finish, and two brass beds. NBix other good beds, springs. mattresses, 1 3-4 bed complete. Dressers, chiffoneres, 1 Doufold, X writing desks, 20 rugs, large and small. Everything priced right.- Located upstairs over Gas & Electric office. Phone 645. 21 5td ltw. GHRIST & CHRIST. SWEET IS THE TASTE Longfellow, speaking In a poem about war, says: "But in the cause that is righteous.; 8 weet is the. smell of powder." And in a like manner we can say that in the case of stom ach troubles sweet is the taste of Triner's Bitter Wine. The contra diction "sweet bitter" is only seem ing. Triner's Bftter Wine, although made of bitter herbs and barks, is very palatable, and its result is very sweet. Taking It you will get rid of poor appetite,, constipation, palpita tion of heart caused by, accumula tion of gas In the stomach and bow els, etc. Mr. John Urbanec, Kang- ley. 111., wrote us on Sept. 12. 1920, that his wife suffered with palpita tion of the heart for a long time, but now Triner's Bitter Wine has freed her from all trouble. Your druggirt or dealer in medicines is well stock ed with all Triner's remedies. Try also Triner's Angelica Bitter Tonic, Triner's Cough Sedative, Triner's Liniment! Joseph Triner Company, 1333-45 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. ESTRAT NOTICE Taken lin at mv hnniA on mile west of Chicago avenue, Plattsmouth, one white faced steer, dehorned, weight 1050. Has brand on left nip "iv wottle on left Jaw. Ear mark-on both ears. Taken up October 8th in pasture at my home. Owner Can have same by calling at place. 5 wks. ' Luke L. Wiles,' Plattsmouth, Neb. ON- Lien's Suits -OR Later -ON- Hen's Overcoats the effort to get along without a RAINCOAT will meet a sorry and perhaps costly defeat. that is to say, These fall days are tricky, cool and occasionally very damp. Rains are sure and snows are only "hanging off," and there's just one garment that is sufficient to meet all the needs. We have it in all varieties Men's and Women's Slip-ons .' $ 3.95 to $20.00 " " " Double-tex.. 12.50 to 30.00 (Cloth outside - rubber lined) Girl's and Misses' Slip-ons. $3.95 to $7.00 Boy's Slip-ons and Slickers 4.95 to 5.95 II we've just received Fellows smofthfw , -w-w w w fancy wool hostery! C. E. Wescott's Sons "EVERYBODY'S STORE' SENNETT'S GENIUS IN FULLESTREVEALMENT Exemplified in "Down 'on the Farm" to be Shown at the Parmele Friday and Saturday. POULTRY WANTED WE WILL BUT CHICKENS AT ED v LUTZ'S STORE ON 1 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23 AND f WILL PAY Old Hens, per lb.' - 18i2c Springs, . perUb.L '. IS1? ttnnaftmt nr lb ' -14c SWIFT & COMPANY Remember Saturday Lutz's Store "Down on the Farm", United Ar tists' latest release, opens when the champion rooster of the ranch puts the sun to work early in the morning cf what proves to be ,the busiest little day ever experienced on any farm. From that moment' until the close of this Mack Sennett five-reel comedy sensation that will be shown Friday and Saturday at the Parmele The ater, every resource of the enormous Sennett studios in the suburbs of Los Angeles is involved with re sults, thrilling, comic, hilarious, far cial and furiously funny. Thrills are divided by iaughterff suspense is re laxed in grins, and dramatic action of grave significance is interrupted by comedy episodes such as only Mack Sennett can devise. Lcuise Fazenda in the role of the country girls of beauty and "awk ward grace", is in the best character ization she has ever offered to motion picture lovers. There is felt the au thentic appeal of the legitimate act ress in her performance and there is seen the grotesque comedienne whose celebrity is now firmly estab lished. Marie Prevost, graceful and beautiful comedienne of the Sennett forces plavs the role of a badgered but faithful wife of a poor villager, the victim of the town's Shylock and a bill for back rent. The villain in the case a sort of cross between .a Turkish Don Juan and a "loan shark" -is plaved with rare power and com ic results of seriousness by James Fin- layson. Little John Henry, Jr., the star baby of filmland is seen in epi sodes ranging from cute to tragic and THE SALE DISCOUNT IS STILL ON- You'll feel differently about this suit or overcoat pro position when the cold weather strikes, and it always strikes in Nebraska. Take advantage of these reduced prices NOW while you have the chance. This one-fifth, off applies to each and every suit atid overcoat in our com plete stock of men's and young men's clothing. pJliiaielL. his faithful nd gallant friend, Ted dy, the Sennett Dog' Star partici pates nobly in scenes of hazard and thrill. Likewise Pepper, the feline actrer.3 of many moods, is seen in mo ments of climax authority while the entire jnenagerie of feathered and four-footed "ensemble actors" are in volved in the spectacular events of this rustic masterpiece. "Down on the Farm" is an unusual comedy of that type of quality that is derived from its unique blending of many elements comedy and trav esty; satire and 'straight drama; character delineation and grotesouer ies, humor and pathos, nierry and grave moods. It is a surface attack, on the emotions and will not fail to set motion picture fans in a whirl of shifting sensations. It is Mack Sen nett's genius in fullest revealment. ST. MARY'S GUILD MEETS Yesterday afternoo nthe ladies of the St. Mary's Guild were very plea santly entertained at the charming home of Mrs. 11. V. Clement, Mr3. Clement and Mrs. T. B. Petersen be ing the hostesses of the occasion. The afternoon was spent in sewing and having a most delightful time in visiting with each other. The guild received several new members and a number of guests were present to enjoy the occasion. At a suitable hour the hostesses served very dainty and delicious refreshments which were much appreciated by the mem bers of the party. Daily Journal, 15c a. week. L Darin) u mm mice SsiDdl! "The American People Like to be Fooled." There still seem to be a lot of manufacturers ,and dealers who believe that is true, and base their business getting schemes on that belief. At frequent intervals a "Talking Machine" with a new name only, finds jts way on the market, and it is usually announced with a lot of claims that later are disproved, but not until a lot of people have been fooled. One of the pet claims is that the machine can play Edison Re creations satisfactorily and many times the claim is even made that they can play .them better than the NEW EDISON. This is manifestly absurd, and you can save yourself from being fooled by insisting that you hear an Edison Re-Creation played on the "Talker" and on the NEW EDISON, insisting that the NEW EDISON and the "Talker" be placed'side by side. We will furnish the NEW EDISON to prove the claim, and we will at the same time prove to you that the-- NEWV EDISON ' . ' -and RE-CREATIONS are the finest combination to be found today, regardless of price. Weyrich ;&' Hadrada, - PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA ar 4