PLATTSMOTJTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE fYTE' MM . f Voo3DJ Fddu il' THUBSEA'S. OCTOBER 21. 1820- t Real Bargains, did we say! You'll say so, too, when you see what we have for you here in the way of economy buying! There have been some declines recently in the market prjces of such goods as percales, ging hams and outing flannels. Of course our stocks were all laid in at the higher price, but we feel that you are entitled to the saving and are passing it on to you. . So here's your opportunity to make some wonderful "purchases in these lines at prices the lowest in years. Besides these, there are a host of other things, just right for the family needs and all of them priced to afford you a big saving. We've planned to offer you real values in this Jbig showing of ; goods, and a glance at the offerings below will convince you that we have the merchandise you need. And now is the lime to get it at a big saving! Don't forgetFriday, October 22nd, to Friday, October 29th ass ods Priced Lowest in. Years! GINGfJAMS! i i i i i i I 27" Ginghams- Red Seal and others pretty j I natterns in stripes and checks. Per vard I I 30 Cents ! i l t values iu i ciiu i i i i i t i 48 Cents 1 I 1 I i i i j 27" Toile du Nord ginghams, in plaids, checks, j j stripes and plain colors. Per yard j j 40 Cents ! ! 32" Renfrew Zephyr ginghams, in beautiful I j ! plaids, checks, stripes and plain colors. Per yard f ! ! 60 Cents j j PERCALES! Here too is a big variety of striped patterns suitable for men's and boys' shirts in various quali ties at prices ranging from 40lo0c Per Yard 36" best quality percale the kind that it pavs tb buy in all good patterns, dark blue, cadet blue, grey and light grounds in a big variety of pat terns, at 40c Per Yard ? - OUTING FLANNELS! 27" Outing Flannels grey and other dark grounds the extra heavily napped flannel. Very special at . per yard 40 Cents It has been a long time since youhave had an opportunity to buy a good white outing flannel for 25c. Here is your opportunity This outing is most suitable for gowns and children's night wear. 2?" white outing flannel, per yard ( 25 Cents Here you will find other wonderful values in white ouling flannel for baby wear, gowns, etc., at prices ranging at per yard 35c, 45c and 50c 4 TXf.'nSSi'im 2 - f Bargains in Bedding! SHEETS 81x90,extra quality. PILLOW CASES "Daisy" 42x36, each TUBING All sizes 36, 40, 42 and 45" at per yard, $2.50 . .50c . .65c N9 Ladies ? Hose! z I (Silk and Silk Lisle) have been greatly reduced in price. You can now obtain a beau tiful quality of pure thread silk full fashioned hose, black only, all f sizes at, per pair qq Here, too, yon will find a beautiful quality of silk and fibre hose, black and brown, in all sizes at per pair " j j $1.00 ( I A fine silk lisle hose,- in black and brown, now sells for,, per pair 6Q These are just a few of our many special prices on hose of dependable quality. We have a great many other very special values we shall be glad to show you. Notion News! "Just Right" dress snaps, Ijlack and white, all sizes; per card.7c "Jiffy" rubber bloomers for baby 65c Elastic waist bands, all sizes, each . . t .18c Men's collar bands, sizes 14J2 to I6J2, each. . . . 20c Buttons, fresh water pearl, fish eye: one dozen buttons on card. Various sizes, per card, 8c to . .15c Pins, 160 count, per paper. . .- .5c. "Carnation" 300 count, per paper...'. 10c "Dorothy" fancy dressmaker pins, per paper '. 15c Needles, all sizes, per paper . . 15c Embroidery needles, all sizes, per paper. .' ,18c IF THERE IS ANYTHING YOU NEED IN NOTIONS, WE HAVE IT . COLD WEATHER UNDERWEAR FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY .With the weather making heavier underwear a ne cessity many women are apt to put most stress on weight, forgetful for the moment of the-fact that wear ing quality and fashioning are also important features. However, great attention need not be paid these points or they are factors we are most exacting about in our examination of each individual garment before offering it for sale. Union suits, fleece lined, $1.75 and $2.00; Cotton ribbed union suits, sizes 34 to 46, per suit, $2.00 to $2.75. Fine all wool, wool mixed and silk-wool union suits for ladies and children at prices that cannot be vests and drawers for the wee tot are here too. "Carters Knit Underwear" cannot be excelled. We have it. II i t f i j i i ) Values in Blankets! A "Big Value" in cotton blankets full size, 70x80, weight 3 lbs. Grey, tan and white. Per pair, $4.85. Wool napped blankets and all wool blankets are here too in a generous assortment of pretty patterns. COMFORTERS Beautifully covered pure cotton filled comforters, ranging in price from $4.50 to $8.00. These values cannot be excelled. 10 Reduction on Woolen Goods! Our entire stock of wool goods consisting of serges, trico tines, velours, beautiful novelty plaids, checks, coatings, flannels, broadcloth, etc. Home sewers and dressmakers will find much of interest in our display of woolens. ' This very- substantial reduction enables you to effect worth while savings. Now is the time for you to anticipate and fill your every need. I ! i YAINS! "Caron's" 2-oz. knitting yarns in balls 75c "Sunlight" 1 -oz. Zephyr, per ball 60c "Fleisher's" 1-oz. Zephyr, per. ball.. 50c I f ! i Cotton Bats! i Outing I White and lieht fancy pattej Children's gowns and sleeps Get the Most h Gowns rns for ladies . . $2 to $3.75 rs .$1.25 to $2.25 r Your Money! October 22nd to 29th . Everything in cotton bats small sizes and large rolls at economy prices. Small bats, 6 to 10 ozs. in weight, at 20c to. 50c There is a large 3-lb. roll, pure white cotton, size 72x90, at $1.25. Three pounds of white cotton, size 72x90, stitched to prevent it pull ing apart, at per roll, $2.00. - WOOL PROCESSED BATS Three pounds wool processed batting, size 72x90. Regu lar price, $3.25. Very special at $2.75. Our supply of these is very limited.' Phone your order in at once or write us. X ji D UUUD Jul JUn Challies and Silkalines! 36" best quality silkaline, per yard 35c 36" challis, all new pretty patterns, per yard. 45c Jfl Call Phones 53 and 54 Plattsmouth, Nebraska