PAGE FOUK MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1920. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Cbe plattsmoutb lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Kntore.I at rosUofTice. riattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mail niattor R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE More bread in a loaf will be an ounce heavier, but price the same. Hair nets, made of spider-web silk, aTe sold in Paris for f 300 apiece. :o: Cigar makers in Cuba employs a "man to read to them while they work. 0:0 Kngland seems to be willing to give Ireland everything except what she wants. :o: The idle rich are not half so great a menace to this nation as the idle poor. :o: It begins, to look like the world is getting over its spree of easy money and high prices. :o: If placed on the United States. Cuba would stretch, tip to tip, from New York to Chicago. :o: Eighty-five per cent of all dia monds n.iued in all time have been produced since 1S89. :o: W. II. Harrison was the oldest man ever elected to the presidency and Roosevelt the youngest. 0:0 If Henry Ford is really reducing prices, then we wish he dealt in porterhouse steak instead of tin liz zies. :o: Alimony is high and doubtless will continue so indefinitely, for the supply will never catch up with the demand. :o: Occasionally one meets a man who gives direct answer to a simple question, but most persons want to make a speech. 0:0 Jud Tunkis says a man who trav els for pleasure these days has got to be somebody who doesn't care about expenses. :o: Some brave souls are .till wearing straw bats. I'erhaps they are labor ing under the fond delusion that wool hats may drop in price. : o : The notion seems to prevail Among the mireworkers' union that this is a government of coal miners, by coal miners and for coal minors. :o: Senator Harding is certainly right about one thing. The next admin istration will not be a one-man gov ernment. The ladies will be pres ent. 0:0 Silk shirts, the ads say. are com ing down. If tliey will come down jiist a little further they'll do fine as evening gowns for ultra-fashionable Indies. :o: Another race riot has been narrow ly averted in Chicago. What would Chicago do if its population wa about evenly divided between the races? :o: The primrose path looks bright and tempting, but the old adage, "be sure you sins will find you out," is a true one and beats you to it nine times out of ten. 0:0- The main issue is the league of nations Governor Cox is for and Senator Harding is against the league of nations. Now you can take your choice understanding-. :o: A New York musical comedy pro ducer has ordered his playwrights to omit all references to prohibition in the framing of jokes. He's dead right. Prohibition is no joke. :o: It is an encouraging sign of the times when Mississippi bankers show that they are more willing to lend money to the man who raises cotton than to the man who buys it. :o: Dr. Jenkins, president of the Uni versity of Omaha, and a life long republican, says "I am for the league of nations and shall vote the demo cratic ticket to get it. It is the league or none.' :o: Nobody is so capable of self-delu-:ion as a candidate for otFice. His judgment may be good on all ordin ary matters, but where his prospects are concerned he is the poorest gues sit in the world. The report of the death of Dr. E. D. Cook fell upon our people like a thunderbolt ,from a clear sky, al though he has not been a well man for several years. He was an Ideal character, loved by everyone who knew him, an dif there was a Chris tian in this city. Dr. Cook was among the number. You never heard him speak ill of anyone. He was the poor man's friend in the fullest sence of the term. It is with deep est grief that we pen these lines, for we knew him well, and he was al ways our friend and his memory will be revered by us as long as life lasts. We could write pages of this noble man, and not speak a word but that of commendation. In all his walks of life he was one of the best, noblest and grandest men we have ever met. and we extend our heartfelt sympathy to the grief stricken wife and son. Peace to his ashes. -:o:- Perhaps Elijah's ravens are smug gling food to MacSwiney. :o: Wheat has again dropped in price. How about flour? 0:0 It is, or perhaps it was, really jet ting to be a very world serious. :o: And now the girls who bobbed their hair last spring wish they hadn't been so hasty. :o: It takes something more than nerve to wear one of those short skirts and be comfortable. v :o: Chairman Will Hayes calls Texas a doubtful state. That is nothing to what Texas calls Will Hayes. :o: Hundreds daily are flocking to the support of the league of nations and Cox and Roosevelt who were for Harding before he came out against the league. :o:- The women folks complain that the new fall hats are hard on the eyes. Well, don't blame us. A hat is like a woman easy t pick, but you can't guarantee her to wear well. : o : That a little knowledge is a dan gerous thing is born out by the wo man who insists on talking politics with a candidate on whom her hus band depends for a juicy political plum. :o- Proihibition agents are puzzled ov er the question of where all the il licit booze comes from. It is not nearly so perplexing as the question of whence comes all the money that pays for the illicit booze. :o- The deposed king of Greece an nounced his desire to it Italy, and the Italian government asked him to restrain his desire. One king ai a time is all the average European government can stand nowadays. : j : George White, chairman of the democratic national committee, has given his personal assurance to the country that the tide had swung to Cox and Roosevelt, and voters were changing rapidly since Harding spoke in Omaha and Kansas City. :o: Francis Heney of California, form er progressive, now campaigning for Cox and Roosevelt and the league of nations, will follow Senator Hiram Johnson on his eastern republican speaking tour, and speak wherever Johnson doe;. -:o:- "To whom will the church vote go -Cox or Harding?" asks a contem porary. Our guess is that the dem ocratic church vote will go to Cox and the republican church vote will go for Harding. . 0:0 "Sovietism is cn it laist legv" says M. Sokoloff, who has arrived in London to tell the proletariat world about Russia. Indeed, it is whisper ed about in obscure dispatches that Comrade Lenine has lately become enslaved by a ballot dancer. :o:- The nearer election day comes, Ihe more excited the voters become, and there is a cause for this. There is one grave question that will be very prominent before the next adminis tration and that is: "Are true Americans to be put on guard, and should it not be Americans first, last and all tmc." WILL BE HARD TO GET ORDER NOW A King & Hamilton Grain Dump or an OTTAWA SHELLER. If you wait till you need them you will not be able to secure them. I also have a few first quality Farm Wagons left at $185.00. Act quickly. A. . AULT Cedar Creek, 5 Nebraska NOTICE OF DE LINQUENT TAXES OF CASS COUNTY Plattpmoutli. N-K. 1. 1!'2V Notice is hereby nivon that I. Mike Tritsoli, Treasurer 'f Cuss county, in the State of Nebraska. "ill on the first Mmxlav.;c the 1st .lay of Novem ber, l!t2". as reiuirel ly law, com mence soiling at the office o flhe I "llll-J lv Treasurer of --aiL county, in the city of riattsnioiith. at public auction, so much of the following tracts of la mis and Town lots as shall bo necessary to piiv the taxes, together with interests anil rusts that may have accrued there on that (lav, being the dcliimui'iit taxes for the ve'iir 1!MM ami prior years, jis appears from the tax lists for said vears. Said sale will be held between the hxrs of nine o'clock a. m. and four o'clock p. m. of said day, and will con tinue from (lav to day between said hours until all of said property upon which the delinquent taxes remain un paid shall be sold or offered for sale. MIKK TIMTSCII. Treasurer of Cass Co., Neb. I,ts S1-!3, Lot l.ot Lot Lot l.ot Lot Lot I. h SK NIOi, X K 1 1 . .:, XK'i N K 1 1 . . . 5. NW'i NK4 . . . 13. NW'i NK'i . . 2. NW'i NK'i... y. SW, NK'i . . . TomiMhip 13. Pescri pt ion Lot ::. SW., SK'i... Lot 5, SK'i SW U Township IS, I tseriptioii Lot 17S Lot 25. NKL NK'4.. Lots 127. 1 N K , Lot IN! Lot Lot Lot S ' .:. I .o" Lot N 1 '. S'- 136. ii'f. r.i . i. w Lot V. NW 4 . .12 . . 12 .14 .14 .11 .14 .25 It n age 13 Sec. 36 36 KmiKF II Sec. . . IS , 1H , SW'i 1! JO JO . JS :::: 33 S.flt .r.s so.i 1 1.44 7.6; 35.18 1.94 15.35 Amt. V 2.33 .77 A int. $ 4.74 iy.57 21. 6S 0.4 8 20.21 .66 and S. J ami Lot 1. and i 13. . . Lot Lot l't. 111. . 1 script i Lot 4 ... Lot 5 .... M AN LKY . 33 Duck . . l . .1 Ml HUAV I. AMIS ami" tow.n lots TII'TOV Tom rilili 1 'escript ion !:'.. SW', W'-j SK'i Lot J, NW, NK' SW'i W'i SK'4 I'll i: i t IO, Itnngr SI Sec. 3 0 ::o . ... r. 36 Amt. !U.3 I i.:; i 3 2.4 . S5.04 SLT IIKKK TotYIIKllil 1 'escript Ion Lot 1. S'.. NW'i Lot 10. NK', SW'i.. KV- NK'i Lot 1. SW', SK'i... North of Salt Creek pt. Lots J, 3 and 4 SK', Lot 1'). SW SK', . . . S3 NW'i N'i SV4 Sub lots 1 and J. of SW. . SK'i - Part of Lot 7. NK', Lot 13. SK'i NW'i . SW. l'ltDIIM'T ItHiige ! Sec. 16 ! Hi 17 JO sont h SW'i JO jo 31 31 Lot 17. 31 NW'i . - 3 J Amt. 65. I: JO. j: j j.::;i io.r,6 r.j.tii 5 6. S3 41.1 I !:..: s 3 2.10 102.05 siovi: mi ''(twit hi Inscription NW', NW'i jo. piti-:riMT Kmiiro Sec. 2 1 J s Amt. $17V:i KI.MW (Hill IMtKl l T Ton itiii II, Itiingr l I lesori pt ion Sec. Amt. Lot 7. SK'i SK'i 2'i $ 1.1 NK", 2s los.7:t Lot 7, SW'i NW'i 35 i.i7 soi th m: ii TM MMlli IU, 1 n-scri pt ion Lots 1 to 5 Lots 7 and i Lot 11 NW'i SW', and S'. Lot 1. NK'4 NK', -K'i SK', Lot 1 and Sub Lot It W'i NW'i NW'i N' SK', ' ' i SW', SW4 SK'i SW'i ' SK', K2 NW'i I'ltKCIX T It tinge IO See. 1 of f. t. A m 1 . $ l !..".:. l.i: 4:.;s 1 1 . i: . 1 1 ..if. . i ' . is . i s i: 43.75 4 1 4ii. "7 K.I'.IMMi W '!' Ml llt I lesorii.t t. n l.ot 3. N W 1 4 SK', Lets 2 and 4. K'- SW'i Lots 7 and S. S K 1 , Lot 4. NK'i NK'i SK'i SK', NW', NW4 vrr.H I'll i : i ct in. iiiiiigo it See. w- W U NK', NW'i SW '4 . . . S . . . s . . 12 . 1 3 . . 1i . . 2rt kvi kh i'iih iter Tow liHliip II, Mnnge 11 I script ion .. A m t $ :. tM 2VSS 2S x 1.!7 23. 2 1 1ti.1V :. '. M 3 1 (io.J.s A nit. Lot ::. NK', SK'i 15 ? 2VC1 l.ot . NK'4 SK' 15 2.-; Lot 5. NK', SK'i 15 2 . 7 Lot 1J. SK'i SK'i 15 23. st' Lot . SK'4 SK'4 15 . I XL N W '., J7 :; W '.'. NK', 32 J t J3 NW'i p ; : Part of Lot I". NW, SW'i. 32 3 !'S Lots lit and 20. SW4 NK'i. 35 13. 5o N W, SW i, 4 2 3 Lot 12, SW'i SW'i 35 47.":' l oi is 11.1,1: iur:i i t Tom 11 til ii 12, Kmigr II Inscription Sec. Aint. Lot I 11 $ 2S.H4 Lot 1. N W 1 4 12 Ji'.T!' Lot J. SK'4 NW, 13 M.'J'.i K'- SK', 13 222 IH Lot V'h NK'i 14 1 !4 Lot 12. W'i NK' 14 lti.IV Sub Lot J of Lot 2!, NW. NK', 22 .S5 N W ' 4 SK', 23 27. St", o' ri;ci(T Tonsliii in, ItniiKr I - I lose ri pt ion Sec Amt. I a it of N '. NW'i 1 $ 3fi. t J NK'i 31 13ti.7s i:h;iit MILK . TfT,IMhl I tescript ion N'i. NW'i Lots J and 3, W-. K' NK', " NW, SK'i Tow ll!iil I 'scri pt ion Lot Lot 7 Tiw iiMliip 1 loser: pt ion Lot 11. SW'i.SW N. 32 acres of SK1 ituvi: imi: imt l- KaiiK I i! Sec. 17 SW'i.'. ..IS 1 ! Amt. $ 33. U S.!'5 4! .!t 127. I S !S5. JS 13, Itnnue 12 See. .......25 JS til 11 go 13 Am. 31.07 Lot 4. NK'i NK', . . . Kot 7. NK'i NK'i NW'i N',.. SW4 NW, SW, I't W of WW Ck. SW'4 NW'i SW, SW4 'NW'i SW'4 W'A SK'i Lot 13. SK'i SW, . . Tovi nlii 10, I tescript ion W. SW'i Lots 3 to 5, Lot 13. N. Lot 1. NK'4 .-. n -4 .-r. -4 See. Alllt. 17 $ 3 .11 17 lit 22.33 lit 2S.IM 19 153.1fi 20 iti ;o 2t 35.27 NK'i 2fi - 4.23 2c, J7 fit 2! 17.25 2" 51.SS 2 4 4.71 3 1 19.70 N'i SK'i SK'i NW'i llmisr 1 I Sec. . .17 i: N'A Lot Lot Lot N K 1 SK'i 1. SW 2. SW, ::, NW, NK SK SK',, NW . . .17 .17 .2S . 2S .32 .32 A int. S 31.49 107. 'M 304.J3 lfi.OO 2!V0:t ft. ;; 25.54 61.57 WKST HOCK 111,1 1'1'S imi: it:T I i,nuI II, ItniiKr 13 Inscription W .'. SW'', Pt. "of SK'', SK'i Lot 9. NK'i N Wi Lots 7 and s, SK'i NK'i NK'i NW'i K'-i SK'i W'i SW'i Sec. .-. .H ..15 . .21 .33 Amt. $ 53 03 1 4:27 li. 73 17.53 23.95 55.07 54.25 KA ST HOCK Ill.IlTS I'll l.f T fT Towiinliip II, Itnngo 11 T'escription Lot 5. SK'i SW'i SK'i SK'i li'll 1". i fj '4 "4 Lot Lot Lot :K NW'i NK'i. 14. NW'i SW4 . , :R NE' i. Sec. . .16 . . 1 S . .19 . .21 . . 22 Amt. i 4.42 1 4.90 10 9ti 10.23 1 S3 1.74 I'lATTSMOlTH PRECINCT Township 12, Itnngr 13 iifscrintion Sec Lot 2S. NK -4 NK'i 1 Lot 2!. NW'i NE'i 1 S'-i SW'i SEi 11 SEV4 SEVi 11 Arr.t. $ 2 91 .23 33 9?, 630 1 'oscription Lots 4 and 0 Lot ! Inllll'H lirnt Ailtlltiun 1 tescriptiori N 70 feet of W'.i N. 70 feet of Lot I.nttn'N Seeoml Addition I scri pt ion W 1 feet of Lot 11 and all Lots 12 to H l:io( k 4 . . . . 4 to Murray lilock Amt. Lot 4 and . .15 $ JS.2I to Miirrny Klook Amt. of ..13 12.76 Lots 7 Lots 1 l't. of Lots 4 Lot 12 Lots 10, 11 and Lots 5 and ! . . Lots 1. 2 and 3 Lot 10 S'. Lots 1 and Lot 4 Lot 12 Lot 11 Lots 7 and S . . . Lot 2 Lots 11-12 Lots 9-10 Lot S Lots 5-ti Lot 3 Lots 5-ti 1.SI I l't. Lot 1 2.97 I '' '. 5 S ixus -i, o I ... i..o( ; Lot 10 . Lots 1 Lot lo Lots 11 Lot 4 . Lots 9 Lot 10 l.ot 4 Lot 5 Lot 7 Lot 2 Lots 7 Lot 4 . N 60 ft Lot 7 . 40 47 , . . . . 4S . . . . .4S 49 .50 . ....52 ... .53 5 4 56 56 .MS .S3. .83 Amt. a nd a nd a ml ill i . . 6. . Lots 2- Amt. $ 9.94 2.21 I.OIIg'M I- 1'oscl i pt ( Lot" 12 Lots 13 an 1 I (III I, Milt; I script ion Lots S and 9 Ml A It II ii-Mt All)! Mion II to 1 t. Addition lo " I villi ril Alllt. $ .4S 4.76 31 J nar (I A m t $ .'. and 2. and 1 : and 10. . and S. Lots . . . 57 . . .59 . . .60 . . .60 . . .61 . . .62 . . .63 . . . 6 5 . . .73 . . sr. . . S5 . . ss .111 .111 .122 .122 . 1 22 .123 . 13S . 1 49 .152 .164 .166 .221 .221 S. . . Add. Add .MIHAWKA I 'escript ion Lot s Lot 9 Lots lo and 11 Lots 10 and 11 Kin ii rcn' Add. to 1 tescript ion Lot 17 Hock . . 5 Amt $ 2.9r 14 14 2.90 0.09 . . . .10 ....13 .Nt-lin k Amt $ -SI I tescript ion WMIIMI Block Amt. Lot 1 A $ 4.SS Lot 2 .47 Lots 1 to 3 P. 5.2 Lot S 2 3 I. OS Lots S and 9 7 7 1.29 l.ot i 9 67.07 Lot 7 9 1.S6 Lots 11 to IS 9 5.S.S Lots JO an. I Jl uml'W'j 22... 9 1.J3 Lots 7 to 12 7 10 5.211 llorlon'M (ld. to nl.nali I les.ri pi i. . u lilock Amt. Lois 1 to 5 1 $ 13.16 W '2 I At 7 . 2 .3 9 Lot 6 7 .16 Lot 7 7 .is L't S 11 .17 Lvrt 9 and 1-t. 11 5. IS ii.i.;i: oi- hock mm its 1 tescript ion lilock Amt. Lots 1 to 12 :;K $ 1.27 Lots 1 to 12 7W 7.51 Lots 1 to 12 SW 1..SS Lots 1 and 3 t- 12 IN 1:1" Lots J an 1 12. to 16 IN .59 Lots 1 t.. s J. :i and IN' rt.JI l...t lit IS 1.52 L"ts ".- 12.S 6i. Lots 1 to 10 1N-3K .97 Lois I to s .-. ..2N-3K 1.21 l.ot :, 3N-IK 9.4ii I ...t s 1 t.. 1 11 IX-MV 1.72 Lots 1 to s 10N-::W 1..-.9 Lots 1 to s 11N-3W 1.36 Lots 1 to 12 1S-7W 1.5o Lots 1 to 12 1S-SW 151 Lots 1 to 3 2S-5W 4.21 Lot 1 5S-1W .31 l.ot 3 5S-1W .3 1 Lots 1 to 12 5S-2W 19i Lots 1-2 5S-3W- .61 Lots 3-4 5S-3W . Lots 5 to 1"... :.S-3W . .S9 Lots 1 to 12 5S-1W 1.10 Lots 1 to 3 4S-2K 1 .SO Lots T to in 9S-1 K 1 67 Lots 1 to 10 10S-.ii: .50 All of US-IK .40 HI T LOTS TO Till; CITY OI-" I'L 'I TS MO I 'Til Ton iiNhip 12, limine 13 I tescript :.n See. Amt. Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. NW, SK'i.. 12 $ 210 Lot 53. SK', SK', 12 s.vr. Lot s :t; 6 1. 77 13 29. 1 s Lot 71. SK', SW'4 12 11.67 Lot 79. NW, Kxc l:v 12 31.31 Lot 3S. NW, SK', 13 12.61 Lot 57. W. SK'i l'! 37.52 sub i.t r.s f ::s. NW'i SK'4.13 12. 6 Lot 2 I, SW ', .SK', 13 3 131 Lot 25. SWVSK'i 13 3.31 Lot JS. SW, SK', 13 1S.S6 Lot 73. Sub Lot of 2S. SW, SK'i 1 15.77 Lot 29. SW, SK'i 13 4167 Lot 33, SW, SK'., 13 4.31 LoK.60, SW, SK', 13 4 3 Lot 56, SW'i SK'i ,:! 4 "A Lot SK', SK'. 13 170.21 Sub I.t 1 of tfi. SK'i SK'.. 13 36S.72 Lot 41. NK'4 SK'4 24 5S.26 Tom iihii 12, I les. ri pt ion , Lot r.s Lot 4. W . SW ', . . . Lot 21. W . SW'i . . Lot 36, W.. s W '4 . . Lot 6. S'i SW'i . Lot j l. S' . SW'i . . . Lot .4. S'i SW Lot 23. S'L. SW, . . . part L..( Lots 67-6 s ltt 69. S' 76. 7 s. 79. SO, S3j s I. 93. 9 I. 97. S'. sr. -Mi s '.. s ' .. Lot Lot 111. 112. SW, SW, 66, S' SW S'-, SW'i . SW'i S W ' , SW'i SW SW SW'i s w SW'i SW, SW '.., .... SK'i S W NW'i NW'i Itnnge I I Sec. ....IS IS ....IS .... 1 s ....IS ....IS ... .IS ....IS ....IS .... 1 s ....IS is 1S ....IS .... 1 9 .... 19 Amt. $ 2.9" 66 15 2S.56 6 42 r i 17!S5 S.4 9 S3.J I .. 5o! 12 7.76 ?,:.. 3s 2S.35 V. 'S. 15. 3 1.9S 22. 1 9 10. 70 11.77 5.3S 26.12 CITV Ol' rioseript ion !.' s 1 tor... . 5 and md WU and 10". I'LATTSMOITII Lots 1 l.of 9 and WU Lot 10. , Lots 9 Lot 11 Lots 7 and s Lot 2 Lot 1. Kxe. Avenue Lots J. 3 and 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lots 9-10, N f Avenuf N. 10 ft. S'. Lots 5-6 . . . Lots S, 9 and 10 Lot 11 .... K 21 ft Sub Lot 1 of Lot 13 and 11 and W 2t ft. Lot J of Lots 12. 13. 14. 2 4 ft. Sub Lot 3. of Lots 12. 13 and It and "2 ft. Sub Lot 4 of Lots 12 13 find 1 4 32 23 ft. Sub Lot 5 and 23 ft. Sub Lot 6. s :, 55 100 ft. of Lot 12 . . .1 3 2 W 23 ft. Suit Lot 6. of Lots 13 and 11 and W 23 ft. Sub Lot 6. "N 16 31100 ft. of Lot 12 32 Pearl street between Blocks 32 and 47 fSO'CllO ft. EM. of Lot :: 32 r: 22 1 -.'. ft Lot 4 Lots 7 and S 33 Lot 9 33 Lot 10 .. 33 N 23 'i ft. Lot '7! .35 N 4SU. of S .SV! ft. of Lot 7.35 16 in. x 2 1 ft , Lot S 3 5 All Lot 10 and W ' Lot 11.. 35 K'4 Lot 11 anri alfLot 12... 35 Lot 6 .... 36 K 14 ft. Lot'io '. 36 S 27 ft. of N 70 ft. Lts 11-12.36 Lot 12 ... 40 Lot 4 41 Lots 2 and 4.' 4 2 Lot 10 ... 4 2 Lot 11 ... 42 Lot 12 ... 42 Lot 1 ... '' 4fi Lot 2 4 N SO ft. of nr'ii'ft. Lot 3... 46 K 20 ft. Lot 3"....: 46 N 40 ft. of Lot 4 4 Block Amt. 2 I1S.S3 ..9 66.56 .....9 313.22 11 502.01 16 41.6S 17 161.97 21 10.47 ...22 67.45 "'2 2.19S.S4 . . .22 ' 27.67 ....22 37. 6S "1 1.2 3 "!!2S 794 3 5S.00 "32 4 1 52 1 12. Sub . . 32 43.95 12.64 131.02 4S5.42 177. 136. K6 1 57.53 143.29 29.13 JO. S3 T3 S 70.60 94 27-16 5S.26 102.43 6.72 145 .36 60 26 20 S3 32.39 32.49 -25.4 2 10 36 1.75 1V0S . 39 2 78 1.12 L'nd. 'i of Lot Miekeltvnl t 1 tcsoription Lot 2 Ton lisend Iescript ion Lot 1 Lot J Lots 3 and 4 Lot 5 Lot S (illitK 4V Have Atlil. noil I Ii Inscription Block Lots 5, 6. 7 and S 13 Lot 4 20 Lot 7 3S Lots 7 and s. . :,( Lots 5 and 6 45 Ilnkf i!d. to I'lntlHiiinul Ii Inscription Block Lot 5 :: j S7.10 23. 3S 237.37 397. SI 4 5.72 25.08 47.62 105.73 7.85 66. 16 5 4.01 19.54 5.13 6o.::r, 41.57 49.97 12.64 S.H6 4 1.67 27.06 21.97 5.SS 5.69 137.16 122.15 2 5.15 15 4.51 21.63 14 6. 2.1 r.:s.i 33.28 11.1 S 1.1 ;i3;.SS 1.7 102.4 2.1 1.13 15. SO ,S Add Lots r. to K. . Lots 1 to S . . Unit rrxlnilt Description Lots 1 to 7 and Lots 1 to 8 . IliverHlde Add 1 escription Lor.s 1 to 3 Lo'ts 4 and 5 . . . Lot 6 Lots 7 and 8 Lots 3 t o 6 . . . . Lots 12. 13 and 14. .. Park I Mm 00 Add. lo I nscription Lot 2 S 3.21 11 6.21 to replug YVater Block Amt. 1 2 $ 18.24 to Weeping Water Block Amt. 1 $602.24 2 36.03 2 49.79 g o '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.: 220 2.20 W ater Amt. $ 15.14 ToTrnnhtp Jl, Itanfce 0 Description See. Amt. Lot 7, SK'i Sti'4 34 $ 29.30 S 50 ft. Lot 8, SK'4, SE&...34 1.81 Lot 18, SW'i SW'i 35 16.37 3 Y eeplng Block 4 and 6 224 221 221 lo I'lnltMinoiilli Block Amt. 1 $129.0 to PlnttMinoiith Block Amt. 4 $ 4.2 4 9.1 I 27.1 4 1.1 13 27.6 10 rinti- Amt S S.4 16.69 4.3 4 3 I S. 6 Amt. Lot 1J J. 3.7 S N pt. Lot J and N pt. Lot 3, Kxc. Ky 6 4.17 SKU, of Lot 12 13 13.41 Lots 1, 2 and 3 IS 30.24 Lots 4, 5 and 6 IS 16.79 Lot 10, 11 and 12 IS 11.61 Lot 3 and 4 JO 4 4.88 .4 13.6 311. SO J7.S 1 1.0 1 6.SS JO. 9 Orchard Hill Add. lo IMn ( I siikiiiI h 1 tescript ion Block Amt Lot 3 j $ ll .so Lot 23 j Lots J0 and 2 7 Lots 6 to i . . . . Lot 9 Lot 3 Lots S t., II... Itit'liey liner Add. to I'lnl I mi I h Inscription Block Amt. Lot 17 3 $ 11. ii Lot IS 49.9:i Lot 19 3 10.61 Lot 17 13 .si Lots 17 and is 14 1.14 StHilrlninnii Add. to l'lnt Ismiill t Ii Inscription lilock Amt l:'- Lots L5 p.nd 16 3 $ 17.18 Inrk Add. lo l'lnt , onion t h cription Amf. ? 29.1 lo I'laltMiiioiitli Block Amt. Lot 6-. ... 1 $ 49 97 1 7.56 dd. to llntMmiitb Block Amt 1 ns Lot 2 Miles Add. 1 tescript ion Lot 5 and S'-'. of N' of Lot 6.". . . . TlioiY.of I tescri pt ion S 4 It. NK'- Lots 5. 6 and 7.. I $ 43.91 Litis s. :i and 10 '. . 4 3.3ii Lots and 7 S1.S9 S'2 L't I. and all Lots 5. 6. 7.7 "'..42 Lots 3 to 6 11 1 S I (19 Lot IS 11 9 0S Lots Jl to 26 II 656 27 '- of Lot 13 12 6S 96 'a of Lot 13 12 6S.96 Lots 14 and 15 12 1.85 Lot 16 12 .92 K 4 4 ft. Lot 17 12 5.2S Bal. Lot 17 12 9 62 Utt IS 12 83.57 Lots 19 to 21 12 6.2 1 I'nlmer Add. to l'lnt xmniit Ii I tescript ion vBlock Amt. Lot 6 3 $ 67 43 Lots 1 and 2 9 2.69 Soul I, I'jirk Add. to I'lnM-omnil It Inscription Block Amt. Lot 16 S $ 77.27 Lots 5 and 6 10 27.16 Lot 5 19 10.93 Lot 2 and N 39 ft. Lot 3.... 22 29 23 Lot 4 23 5.29 Lots 1. 2 and 3 24 27.95 Lots 7 and S '..26 J5.tK IVrlcr I'lnce Addition to l'lnt txiiMint h Description Amt. Sub Lot 1 145) and Lot' 9 $ 27. .V l-igriiberger .V. Trooo Add. to l'lnt Iwlllolit h Description Amt. Lot 4 $ 2.24 Lot 7 J. HKKI'IMi YVATL I tescri pt ion Lots 7 and 8 Lot 6 4 I Lots 1 and 2 . , I Lot t Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot t Lot N ' , Lot Lot K 1 .! Lot 5. . W 23 Lot 5. . N It"! ft. Lots SW of Lot 2. S 1 3 of '. of N 1 3 of K 'i 13 of Lot 2 l't. Lots 5 and N 72 ft. of Lots 1 and 2 ill of K--i of Lot 3 W-, of Lot 3 and K lo ft. Lot 4 ..its 3 and N'a Lots 9 Lot 2 Lot 2 Lot 3 II CITY Block ....34 J . . . .35 . . . . 36 . . . .36 36 . . . .36 36 46 46 46 4S . . . . 4 S . ... 49 49 4 9 60 60 Amt. 1.19 111 29 63 7.56 3.27 3 5.36 25.50 14.86 2.60 1.09 102.0S 136.20 57.91 2.61 2.6 1 2.09 4.M. Lot 10 of Lot 11 . 4 . to Lot V and 2; 26x12 65 16. ..67 420.: ..67 K2.r 69 122.: 6. Kxc Ky.. .69 h nd S3. of . .83 ..SI -.84 . . SS 100 101 101 10 J 103 to WecnlnK Water Block Amt. 1 $ 26.6 4 7 26.61 to Yeep- 12. 2.21 52.34 3 ' 1 6 0.26 10.22 116.63 2.10 1.10 16.14 3.29 30.2S Lots 1 and 2 . . Lots 1 and 2.. Curler Add I tescript ion XV. of Lot 1 Lot 8 Fleming V Itaee Add. ing AYater I nscription Lots 1 to 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 9 N pt. of Lot it Lots 6, , and 8 Lot 5 Lot 6 N 22 ft. of Lot 2 8 X ttt. Of Loti 8 and 9 11 Kitcltie Add. to Y eepiug Water Description Block Amt. Lot 1 - 11-90 Lot 2 2 11.82 Lot 3 .....2 11.97 Lot 4 2 41.33 Hector Add. to w eeitinie water Block . .3 . .7 Amt. 6.25 35.60 42.28 77.45 57.75 14.13 11.23 1.10 9.11 29.79 71.36 Description Lot 1 IS 4 Lot Lot Lot ot Lot 6 14 Treet Add. Description Lot 2 Clark Add. Descript ion Lots 1 to to 14. .. to S to to Block Amt. 1 .60 1 12.13 4 LOS 4 1 .08 4 11.12 4 14.39 YVeeplnc Water Block Amt. 5 $ 5.64 YYeepIncr YYater Block Amt. 1 $ 7.27 1 Lots 8 to 14 1 ions Lots 1 to S I' Lot 9 i Lot 1 Ai Lots 4 to 9 i!-'3 Lots 10 and 11 - --U , Heed A!!. to vieepinnr uater Description Block Amt. Pt. of of - ' Ml of ; 5'4 of Lots 1 and 2 AH Of ' YILLA;i: OK Mil ISY1LL I 'escription Lot 64 , Lots 99 to 101 Lots 112 to 114 Lois 155 to 157 Lot 1S6 Lot 2 27 Litis 228 to 230 Lot 253 W-. Lots 295-296 Lot 209 Lot 3 10 Lot 320 Lots- 321 to 323 Lot 32 1 Lot 325 Lot Lot Lot Lot Lots Lots l't. w : Lot Lots Lot Lot Lots Lot 2 26 3 3 9 , 340 . 3 4 1 . 24 2 351 Lots 0 ft. 378 , 4 99 511 . to to II. 53, Kxc. . I. of Lot 357 ttt 501. Kv.. . Kxc. Ky. a nd Ii Amt. . 13.68 3.57 9.18 . 62.24 65.26 9.08 . 29. 1 1 7.96 1.10 22.58 11.65 1.7S 2.57 3.5 4 3.55 3.54 3.06 3.06 3.06 10.03 . 59.06 . 51.12 .60 4.04 . 27.16 4.65 19.27 7.1 1 1.22 VILLAGE OF Description Lot 19 Lot 5 Lot 13 N 24 ft. of Lot 3. S 1 ft of Lot 5 and all of 6 Lots 11 to 13 Lot 14 Lot 15 Muuger L'trnt Description Lots 4, 5 and 6 . . . . ALVO Block 1T Amt. $ 2.62 21.87 6.5 67.29 56 24 42.24 29.43 21.87 5 Add. to AIvo Block Amt. 3 42.24 Financial Loss Due To Colds It is estimated that the average man loses three days time each year from inability to work on account of having a cold. Much of this loss can be avoided by treating every cold as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has won a wide reputation and immense sale by its cures of this disease. Try it. Tou are certain to be pleased with its pleasant taste and the prompt relief which it affords. LADIES OF MACABEES EOYALLY ENTERTAINED ii.l;i: ok idii:iAW)on I tescri pt ion Lot 14 and K '. of Lot 15.. Lots 23 to 25 Lot 73 Lot 102 Lot 197 Lots J04 and J05 Lot Joii and N'-i of Lot 207 Lots J13 and jl I . . . Lois 3 12 and 343 . Lot 3 5". Lots 374 to 377 Lots 553 and 554 Lots 564 and 565 Lot 5S0 Lots COS to 697 Went Oreeiiwootl Descript ion Lot 22, sub lots 2, 23 a nd Lot 26 . . Lot 2 4 , Joiiom Add. 1 tescript ion Lot 33 Lot 3 1 ttjder Add. to (irrrnnonil Description Block Lots 3 and 4 9 Lot 12 9 Last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Emma Ptak, was held a recep tion for the ladies of the Macabees, and a most pleasant affair it proved to be. A large number of the ladies were in attendance and the after noon was very enjoyably spent in so cial conversation and looking after the business which had called the Tadipe tnp-ptlior Tho voev nlanaont 7 7S ! afternoon was heightened by the serving of a most appetising lunch eon. v In departing the members of the Macabees were loud in their praise of Mrs. Ptak for her exceptional ability along the line of entertain mt. 12.28 21.66 8.8 2 6.42 10.61 13.13 6.66 2 2.54 13.13 4 5.21 6.66 5.75 6.73 and 4 of Lot $ Vrrriiniioil Amt. 4 2.99 6.73 to Amt. . 6.73 1.74 Amt. $ 7.0S 2.16 OI'T LOTS TO I'.Ar.l.K Tiinnnhii) IO, limine !) I. 'escription Sec. Lot 27. NK', K'i 20 Amt. $ 20.7: y ill a a 1 ; 1 nscription Lots lo to 12 l.ot 1 Lots 15 a in! 1 6 . . . Lots 17 and 18.. '. Lots 1 3 and 11 Lot 15 Ol" K ;lk Bio k . r. . ."I 11 ..... -JS -V 19 ! '. '. !ii3 Amt. $ 4.4 8 5.8 2 301.12 48.12 97.75 99.60 mi i.Uii: or 1 tesr ri nt i"ti K' of Lot 1 Lots I to 7 :. . . I-:' 2 of Lot 9 S'-j f Lot ii Lots 4 to 9 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 5 1 1 1.1. At. i: I tescript ion Lots 1 to 4 Lots 5 and 6 K 1 3 of Lot 6. . . . W 1 :: of I,ot 6. . K 2 2 of Lot 7. .. W 12 of Lot 7. . . Lots 10 and 11... W 1 3 Lot 3 2 3 Lot 4 Lot 2 Lot 3 L"t 3 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 4 i:lm wooii Block 11 i 14 15 16 ...... . ".28 2.S 33 OK I W 1 r. V. 1 1 w 1 1 , W 23 A YOf Block '.'.'.'.'.'.7 12 12 12 12 14 IS IS 19 19 19 19 19 19 HIT LOTS TO I'MOV TotviiNhip IO, HniiKc l.'t Sec. 26 I tescript ion Lot 2", NK'4 NW A m t . 1 S.6S 2 1.22 13.02 3 9.93 32.50 16.73 3.79 20.49 Amt. 18.13 47.54 .74 .74 3.30 5.53 34.78 7.78 15 57 1.33 1 33 .74 .74 .74 6.50 Amt. ( 4 2.53 Got Her Good Health Out of a Bottle. Mrs. Edward Raifsnider, Wabash, Ind., says that she owes her good health to Chamberlain's Tablets. She sitffered from distress after eating and constipation and was complete ly cured by the use of these tablets. FOR SALE 160 acres on federal road, miles from Murray, Neb., good provements, easy terms. S. 0. COLE, four im- -. . : i" t. For Sale: 6-room house and 2 lots on North 6th Street. Electric lights, bath, city water and gas in house. Priced at a bargain, tf d-w. H. J. HOUGH. You will fiind a fine line of gift stationery at the Journal office. I'MO-V Block 1 1 1 1 3 4 13 4 I'nioil Block at SK Y I I.L A ( I' OK Description t 1 Lot 2 Lot 11 ts 12 and 13 ts 4 to 6 W pt. of Lot 12 K pt. of Lot 12 and all LI ii ii Add. to 1 est -ript ion Lot 5 and pt. of 27 ft. corner of Lot 6 Lots 15 to IS l'nd. 34 of Lot I l'nd. '4 of Lot 4 South I ii ion I tescript ion Lot 5 .ot 8 J ."Is 15 and 16 2 .uls 17 and Is 2 HmiiiiliK Add. to I nlnn Description Block of Lot 8 and all of 9... ,2 . . 9 . 1 1 .11 Block 1 A mt. t 23.91 3.6 2 21.26 4 4.30 14.31 8 03 17.84 Amt. i.i'43 23.91 6.20 Amt. $ 5.39 1.06 o . 1 r( 23ll3 Amt. $ 24.01 OI'T LOTS I script ion .ots 1 to 8 TO Ml It DOCK Amt. .$ 5.24 YII.L ;k 1 tescri pt ion (its 21 to 24 ... . -ots 10 to 12 .ots 7 to 10 .ot 9 IO MtHIMMK Block Amt. 1 $ 6.51 3 16.52 12 1.60 20 3.97 OI T LOTS TO A LYO ToYiilii 10, Kantre 1 'escription Sec. Lot 7. NK'i NK'i 3 Amt. I 54.47 better OME women have learned that there are two ways to care for clothes. They are learning to take care of them. It is quite a mannerly thing to take care of your clothes investmeut and protect it up to the limit. Having your clothes carefully dry cleaned will improve their wear and help to prolong the life of their stylish lines. Getting acquainted with our work means getting in touch with a real money saving service. Goods Called for and Delivered L7ji::ik":i.k'.'j HONie Ibb OPPOSITE. O0URNAL OFFICE Pure Bred Black Poland-China C0 GIYEN BY mm AT Weeping Water, Saturday, October 30th 13 Head of Boars 17 Head of Gilts Catalogs' will soon be ready. If interested, write for one. COL. W. R: YOUNG and WM. DUNN, AucU.