Histcrf- cal Society 0 VOL. NO. xxxvn. PLATTSJIOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1920. NO. 25 plattemoutb DEATH OF OR. EDWIN W. COOK LAST NIGHT WAS MEMBER OF SUPREME MED ICAL EXAMINERS OF MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA From Friday's IaUy. With the riessae received hero la? t ii i ii announcing the tlt-nt li of Ir. Kdwin ". Cook, cam.- a de.p ft- ding f siirrcv.' to the end rt:' r ihis city where tliis abb:1 : i.l genial tenth-man had passed so maay yars of his life and where lie till ret. lined the highe.--: re-peet anil hn,- (if the va.-t number of friends. 1 i i s d-atii ocurr-d at 0 o'clock at the h"tne in Rock Island. Iilinoir, and following an illness covering the pa.-1 eii-'ht weeks and during the rrea'er iart of which th doctor :i-d I 11 eonfin.-d to his hed. For lx-y j. i t ?i-vt ra! years Ir. Co-.-k has iK-en in v ry p. -r health, suf'ering from loan trouble and this has gradually undermined his health until death came to e.ise his suffering. Ir. !'. W. Cook came to this ci:y in the y-ar 1SS4 as a young T'i:'!i and op. tied his practice here . h-iv his mark-d :.lility at mice v on for him recognition and his raw- in his profess;. -.n as very rapid. Of a in r s.' i;al and pieaant disposi: i. n i..- n.aile a ht -,.f friends w!-o.r- love .!.: i.-,u in he carried to h'' diatli i mi ivi-iv gro-i at ins gcmg is iro;: i-'tt--' ' . F-v men i:; this commii' ity l.a njoye 1 the popularity eo--higli resptf-t as has Dr. Code and truly if tit.' term of n.i'un-'s lu-.j't-maa .-o..!-l in- applied to anv:ne it was fitting to; litis splendid Catis 'i.it; i-. t::! :.;: and friend. 1. Cot. k a chari-r nutiiii-r ( f C;i - Cumii No. Modern U'r d- n..-n of America, and he'd th: various i.!'. . ;p !ie.;l camp and .: :. ( ; tiM- 1 if-- fignres In the work cf the oriic" i't the state. 'Ah n year ago he vas called bjf I !t:tc! (' unsu! A. K. Talbot, to the su pr. me medical board e f the order with his hf ad'iUartc rs at Rock Is land. HI., and shor-Iy after that time removed with h.fs family to that city. Always retaining a keen interest in the affairs of his community and state. Dr. Cook was very active in the republican political circles and v. : s for 'v.-ral tern's a member of the school hoard and city treasurer f I'l ittsn.outh. j:.. sides tiit ".Todern Wowimr n. Dr. Cool; was -active-Iy identified with aimo.- all of the fraternal orders of the citv. being a member of the Ma sons. F.Iks. KaL.-l-.s-. Knights and La dies of Security. Woodmen of t h 3 V." irld. a'i l his interest in the woik of these orders had been untiring while a r sident of thi- city. Dr. K. V. Cock was horn in the stale if Iowa. March 10. 1S"T. ar-d sp-nt his boyhood near Salem, later taking up the study of medicine and on his cotrtde'ion of his course of study 1. at-d in flat tsrnout h when he jeniaiiu-d until locating at K-..!: 1-land. He was married ii this cify to Mi s M-.ry IFwvksworth. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David l!a wkswurlh. and to this im rri.sire t vo chiltlre-i were born, one f.aurhtr. who died ii infancy and a son, David Harris Ccok. who wi'h the mother, remain to :ii' urn the death c f this good man. The son. D. II. Cook, who has been I: ere f r the past week intending to soin business affair leteivcd a nie: sage late yesterday afternoon an t.ouncinsr the serious conditi- n of hit fat her. but b--fr he could leave Omaha the death of Dr. Cook oc curred. Harris left Omaha last eve ning :i t o'clock over the I!o-k Is inid f r the home and icached I !. re today. There have 1 een r.o definite ar r.i ngei'ients made as to the funeral 'rviees. but the body will be brought to this city totti'trrow niorn in:r on No. f and the funeral will be under the auspices of the Masons and will probably be Sunday afternoon. There is hardly a nmi. woman or child in the city to whom the death 1" Dr. Cook, has not come, as a per- lo.-s of a good true friend, and only the healing touch of time -at: soft, n the grief that the sad i -v. - i:.is brought to the se old friends at-d a-s'M-iates among whom the Journal family has been numbered f"r the many years gone by. While living away f n m the scene of h:s eirlv life in the lat few years Dr. Cook's thoughts have constantly l e.-i; ,.f the el l and well loved friend; i-ere in l'lattsmouth and the I irt ur i' ies he has had of visiting "home" as he loved to call this eity. have been the happiest he has! i. rii.wn. I-iovins the scenes of his early day. it is b'ting. that this splendid man shall sleep the last long rest of man at "h'rie" amid the scenes where once in., presence aided in the bright- e-ihig ;ir.d ministering to the needs) of bis fellow man in his devoted and in. self: ;h manner. Wo write bonds, fire, tornado, burg lar, accident and compensation in surance. Let us quote you our prices. o!2 Im. J. p. FALTER & SON. Frank Marler came in this after-! noon from Cheyenne. Wyoming. wbere be has bem employed forborne t hi t with the Union Pacific. If it's in the card lint, call at the Journal office. EAGLE HAS SOME HAIL From Friday's Pail v. The western portion of the county and especially the territory in the vicinity of Eagle was visited yester day afternoon by one of the heaviest hail storms of years. The hail fell so thick tl:..t it was possible to se cure whole s'uovelsf nil on the street and lay to the depth of an inch over the surrounding country. The hail storm apparently visited only the western portion of Cass county, although the eastern part of the county was treated to a ve; y h'-avv rain. YOUNG LAD DIES -SiCK SHORT TIME Albert Hyde. Ten-Year-Old Son Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Hyde, An swers Death Summons. of From Friday'? Dally i The death messenger visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hyele in the south portion of the city last evening and took from the family , circle, the ten-year-old son. Albert.' alter a short illness. Albert had been suffering for srime time from diabetes but up un til la.st week has been attending school and apparently his condition . a-- not dangerous but for the last few days be has been confined to his bed and has era(j(ially grown worse until death came to his relief. The young man was beirn in this ity and has spent his years of life here and to the parents and broth-'.-s and sisttrs and the young friends his death comes as a heartbreaking blow. To mourn his loss there re niriin the parents. three brothers and two sisters. Mrs. Kert Lamphear of Chicago. Henry. Ella. Harold and Robert, all residing at home. The funeral services ill be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Christian church in this city, con ducted by Rev. A. G. Hollowel!, pas tor of the church. WHAT IS TO BE THE FATE OF BALL PARK? i Number of Fans Urge That Steps to Repair Fences and Seating Ac comodations Be Taken Up. The close of the season of 19 20 in the base ball circles of this city fouml the base ball park in a most lamentable condition and since the opening of the reason the destruction of the property has been marked. The park was secured through the energy of the manager of the ball team, at that time. Ed Brantner, Charley Johnson. Tom Walling and H. N. Dovcy, the officers of tne as sociation as well as the members of the team themselves, who giving their efforts and with the financial assistance of the fans were able to build the park, construct a gtxd sub stantial fence, erect the grandstand and bleachers and make it a first clais park in every way. In the past two years there has been nothing done in the way of re pairs and the result is that the pirk. as far as equipment is concerned is hovering on the ragged edge of noth ing. A greater part cf the fence is down or so near it that it is the mat ter of only a short time until it gives away, the grandstand is no longer weather proof and a portion of the roof will have to be replaced. The bleachers too, have suffered from the lack of care and attention and are practically all gone to the bad. The base ball park was one of the best of the small parks in the state when in proper shape and at this time with a little effort could be placed back in reasonably good shape and a large amount of the lumber can still be used but a few more months and this possibility will be gone as the boards cf the fence are scattering around. A number of the fans of the city, business men as well, as shop em ployes have suggested that this park be placed in the hands of the man agement of the Huritngton league and with be given "tore it boys are game by the assurance that it would the proper support to re in good shape. The Fhop the largest patrons of the far and their support will insure shape. the park being put back in It certainly is a matter that should lso.ve the earnest thought of those who enjoy a good ball game and the preservation of Platt-smouth's ex cellent ball park. WILL HAVE BIG CLASS The local arte of Eagles are pre paring to hold a large 'lass initiation in the near future and at their meet ing last evening fifty-three members were addel to the lodge membership. If it is pos-ible to arrange for the services of the South Omaha degree earn the initiation will be held on the first meeting in November, and if not possible to have the team on that date it will be made later. The local arie has, since the first of Jan uary, taken in 155 new members and now have a total membership of close to ?xC0 in this city. The lodge ex pects to have one of the largest or ganizations in the state by the time of the next state convention which meets in Plattsmouth next year. DEATH COMES TO BETTY SHARP EARLY TODAY THREE AND A HALF YEAR OLD DAUGHTER DIES FROM SEVERE BURNS From Thursday's Daily. After davs of suffering and pain j caused by the severe burns received on Sunday, October 3rd. little Hetty Sharp parsed away this morning as the new day was speeding into be ting, closing her eyes in the rest that I the has not known sinc e the terri ble accident that resulted in her I death. The taking away of little one has come as a this lovable heart break ami mother have known and the life ing blow to the father and to the friends who this bright little child. of the home tragedy that has been stilled by the brought to a close the life of this bright little one. The injuries that caused her death were caused on Sunday. October "r.l. when Retty secured a box of matches from the cupboard in the kitchen and. unknown to the parents, v ent jinto the yard and proceeded to light I the matches with the result that her . garments were caught afire and in a few seconds she was ablaze ami the .mother, hearing her cries, ran to the ! rescue, but the fire had done its deadly work on the frail bedy and despite all that medical skill and tii ter.eUr hands cf the loving parents were able to do for their little one. her condition has gradually grown worse until this morning. The tragic suddenness of the acci dent that brought death to this little one has been a cruel shock to the parents as it has taken from the home the sunshine that has been with them for such a few years of life. In their hour of grief they , can feel the comforting thought of . the great love of the Master, who : has said. "Suffer little children to j come unto Me and forbid them not; i for of such is the kingdom of heav en. Oomg at the tender years of habvhood. the little feet have not tnown the rough and rugged way of life; the steiry of life to her who sleeps was still as an unopened rose, iiol now in the glory cf the everlast ing day. she realizes the life whose :rIory is undying and where the grief -nd sorrow of the world of man will not touch her. Funeral services are to be held this afternoon at a o'clock from the late home on North Fourth street, con lucted by Rev. H. G. McClusky, pas or of the First Tresbyterian church, tnd the body will be laid to re:t in Oak Hill cemetery. The pall bear ers were selected from among the little playmates of P.etty, being I lazed and Helen Iverson. Helen Rush. Eli zabeth Hatt, Edith Quinton. Helen Wurl and Carroll D. Quinton. STATE MAY APPEAL THE COLE DECISION Hopes to Obtain Favorable In Supreme Court of United States. Decision the The attorney general's office will decide upon the return of Attorney General Clarence A. Davis, whether to try Cede again in the district court of Howard county for the murder of Mrs. Vogt. or to appeal from thej federal court to the United States I supreme court. j It is considered probable that the attorney general will favor an ap-; peal instead of a new trial. The' Grammer case, which is in no way t affected by the de.cision in the Cole case, is still pending in the federal court at St. Paul. Both defendants were tried separately in Howard county and each sentenced to death. KISS KNORR ARRIVES From Monday's ratly. This morning the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy V. Knorr was gladdened when a fine little daughter arrived to make her home with them in the future. The little Miss is the first child in the family and her advent brings the greatest joy and happiness to the proud parents. The parents are receiving the hearty congratula tions of their many friends with the well wishes for future welfare of Miss Knorr. The mother and little one are doing nicely and Roy is without doubt the proudest man in town. ROAD STANDS OVERFLOW The road on the Missouri river bottom that was graded up a few days ago stood the heavy rain and de luge of flood water from the city in excellent shape today and bore out the wisdom of the construction o fthe ditches on each side of the road. The portion of road just at the mouth of the Burlington subway suffered somewhat from the large volume of water flowing out, but this will be later overcome by work of extending concrete base out several feet farther east that will divert the water into the ditches on each side. NO HARD CIDER GOES From Thursday's Daily. T. S. Allen. I'nited States Attor ney has received numerous j:;juirie-s relating to the mtinufay-t ure. .sale and use of cider, 'ir. Allen state-d that under the national prohibition ;-.ct, any person desiring to manu facture hard cider for conversion in to vinegar is required : qualify by giving bond and procuring a per mit. Hard cider may be .sold only in quantities of five gallons or ttiore. A different rule applies t -j the manu facture of swee-t cidir. Fanners and other persons without obtaining a permit or giving bon-I may take ap ples or ether fre-h 'fruit to a com- j mercial marlu t for the purpose -of 'having the juice pressed therefrom land such fre-di juice may be removed , for use in the iu.me .exclusively. Far !mer.s and other per?Oi:s may. without 'giving bead or obtr.ining a petmi;. manuiact urc- cider lor t.teir own use exclusively. While 'if is p imis-ible to rake fruit juice from f re sh f ru it . a n not .dure even dried fruit, such an rai. ins, c legally be ured in the matinf. of non-ir.toxic.ittng fruit juices, for use in the horn. STANDS FOR THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS Attorney Henry E. XIaxwell cf Om aha, Life Long Republican, is for Doctrine cf Pe.ice. From Thursday's L'tiiiy. This morning AttcmL'y H. E. .Max-! well of Omaha, was in the ci'y look-' ing alter business interests and vis- j iting with relatives and friends. Mr. i Maxwell, who 4 a life-iong repuh-! lican has announced that on the ' matter cf the league cf nations he is j putting partisan considerations aside for those cf the best inUrests of j the nation and of suffering human- ity and is supporting the l"at.-ue of, nations as presented, by the actively working league and , as presented by; Governor Cox, the democratic candi date for president. ' j Mr. Maxwell is a son of the late Judge Samuel Maxvel!, one of the ablest jurists of the state and who for many years . a prominent figure in Cass coun'v political cir cles and v ho was for many years on the supreme bench of the stat : us chief justice of the court. lie is related to many of the distinguished families of Cass county and is nov one of the leading attorneys of the state metropolis. Relieving as he eioes that the ii"el of the world is for universal peace-. he is ae ding the most logical step to secure it by supporting the league, into which forty-one of the nations I of the earth have entered in an ef-j fort to prevent a rep ."it ion c f the i suffering and horror; of the year , from 101 to ini.t an I which is still j effecting the whole world. FOOTBALL COMING RAPIDLY TO FRONT Organization cf American Leg; Team Adds Interest to Sport H. S. Team to Fremont. on Interest in the sport of football m this city, after a lapse of several years, has a -rain hen revived itml is growing in a manner that ir.r'i cates this line of athletic sport will come into its own before the close of the season. The formation of a team among the members of the local American Legion post promises to strengthen interest in the game among the resi dents of the community and with an excellent team in prospect some in-: t crest ing contests are lioked forward to on the local gridiron. The team will have excellent coaching and prosnects for its success arc very bright. The high school team, which is now in full swing, is improving rapidly and the result of the last two games has been reflected in the increased playing ability of the boys in all positions on the team. The aggregation goes to Fremont tomor row for a game with the high school team of that city and prospects are that the locals will be able to give the Fremont aggregation a good run for their money. The next game at home is scheduled for two weeks from tomorrow when they will meet the Glenwood eleven. The Legion team is planning em playing the greater part of their games on Sunday, owing to the fact that most of the members are cm ployed in the Burlington shops and cannot play at any other time. The Havelock Boilermakers have asked for a game with the local team and will probably be put on the schedule. Part of the equipment was issued last night and as soon as jerseys and socks of uniform colors can be se cured, they will be given out to the players. Let Falter take care of all your insurance. We offer you real insur ance service. This costs you no more. o!2 lm. J. P. FALTER & SON. Adam Meisinger was a visitor in the city for a few hours looking after some trading with the merchants. OMAHA FIGHT LAST NIGHT A 'SCIIMADER DISQUALIFIED SY REFEREE ATTER LiX ROU.N'DS or bloody fig::ti::g From Thursdays I.,::ly. On" of the bl ii - -! oi i ; ever t 'i .- i . rem 1 . i.iiit jnd in r cf Louis viil . Clii-'-ago v.eie :('( i-o were s-i-.v !"..,- more both i.i.'li had the utmost in given m iio.,Vi w.i boxing cxliihi: i n 1 which Andy ch::iaue and Tony Meb-koir oi ! the chie 1" liuu. es. Tl fat the riitL'side have bioodier ' trugs-v s and exerted thenirelve; to 'the s ix rounds, to C'i.i' to c -u'. xnai: e their ViC - that both irks of the t" ry a: -1 no- ere s fi aw i n g w i 1:1, ;-tru.cgie. 'i'he bout ha i crigintill'y been . n between An s n of Wa'.'.hi!!. days btfare 'he -c-b.t d u lee! to hav 1 ely and George Lr.ms j but in t h;. last few i . a 1 1 1 e La w sir. s t a : a not. tight and pr: ! -Ticnt of his physici1 1 that he could red the state l to effect and this detrae in the sru d from t i e "ie as the i local interest fiends of the L-.iuisvilL- boy were confident that hi ha el the number cf the husky In Then Promoter Ernie H-dnie-' ann-.ttti cl that "Gunboat" Smith. one the up notch b.fuvy-.vetghts was t i meet Andy, but at the last min uie tiiis was changed as Smi.h cculd not reach. Omaha and Tory Melohoir of Chicago was sub.-t ituted for the ' match. J S-htnader entered the- ring many it uuds lighter than his Luce Italian I opponent and be th men were u- r.v . are of the fghting ability of the i "t:-"!' but in the succeeding rounds jth'v ie ! ri.ed M he fearful punishment ! that each could give and take. J T !-.'.' scrap was practically even as j to t b points as both tnt-a suffered : the limit of punishment. The face; '( f h.ith of the principals w;ere mere l-lrody masks and their torsos were dripning" with blood while Rrferce (Ir-orge !'.' ffy was cvero with the crinoon fluid that the fighters had strewn over the ring. The er.d came in the sixth round when Referee I'm ffy disqualified Sc! loader when the Louisville man .-truck prir.ciji the referee in he is the als struggle! for supremacy. th Mid- hoir and S -hm.itH-r were so j ba v tutus': ei tliat apparently tney v.e re l.eycr.d all contr.d of them selves. The preliminaries were all fine. Turk Lg:,.n cleanly outpointing Carl Ytnno ' in a f.ur-roitnd go. nud Har ry Reed shading Battling Garrison n six. Kid Sc-hlaifer knocked out Ro.mdey Jc-hr.son in three, and the battle royal which wound u? the sh-oy, was a scream. There was a multitude on hand to witness the card, including many -.vein en: in fact, it was the largest crowd that ever witnessed a boxing shew in Omaha, and M:a J the main event proven a satisfactory battle. tl re was nothing to it but success, and both Promoter Holmes and the assistant firemen, to whose relief fund the bulk cf the receipts co, would h"ve staggered under their load of praise. And as ir was, the nnn ;ue;nent by Holmes vas excellent, and :'t was plainly evident that Oma hatis are willi"g to pay liberally for hiirh class matches. Gunboat Smith, who had been an nounced to have taken Lamson's place in the belt with Sehmader. wh- unable to get here, and Promo te: Holmes was compelled to accept Vony M elc heir as a substitute, and had there been a clean knockout for either mm, the battle would have 1 en . voted the best that ever hap pened. MEETING. OF CASS COUNTY RED GROSS Will Be Held at District Court Room in Court House on Saturday Afternoon at 3 O'clock. The meeting of the Cass county Red Cross will be held at the district court-room in this city on. Saturday afternoon. October lGth at 3 o'clock p. m. At this time there will be the annual election of officers and a good attendance of the membership is desired. It is also planned to out line the work for the fourth Red Cross roll call and the interest of all the Red Cross workers of the county is desired. ThLs organization has found in the home service department a great field for their efforts and certainly the excellent results accomplished should meet with the heartiest ap proval of the public and the good work be cpntinued in the future in this country. Every branch in the county should be represented at the meeting and plans to take part in the work In the coming year perfected. Before placing your fire insurance call on us and let us explain our new method, both on city and farm property. ol2 lm. J. P. FALTER & SOX. BLOODY ONE WILL HOLD SOCIAL The Woman's Relief Corps and the Grand Army of the Republic will hold a social at the home of Mrs. Vv. L. Street on Tuesday afternoon in inter est of the Armenians, to which the public is invited. Kveryone is; re-eiue.-ted to bring some garment. Lunch wiil be .served-for which the iinall sum of 10c will be charged to as. is; in paying expense of sending the box to its destination. PLANS OF SALVA TION ARMY DRIVE Opportunity to Have a Part in Great Work of Organization in Help ing Fellow Man. From Thursday's Dally. "The drive system, more properly termed the annual appeal for funds," says Brigadier William Andrews. Chief Divisional Officer of the Sal vation Army. Iowa-Nebraska Division.' in an interview last night, "has not been adopted, as is generally believed, becaus.e it is an ea; y way of raising money but because it has been proven to be the most economical and effi cient method. The Salvation Army was financed formerly by passing the tambourine, day in and day out. by local officers. The result was that over one-half of the time of our olli cers, who are trained for relief work was consumed in asking for money. Then too. various organizations adopted uniforms similar to our own . nd solicited in the name of .some "army". The general public be lieving it was giving to the f.alva tion Army, annually gave thousands of dollars to "armies" whose only interest in the public was how much money they could get out of if To I top this fraudulent collection of money we instituted the one annual campaign:. Other reasons whioh have led us to use this method are: 1. It is good business. When our funds are gathered and pho c 1 in the treasury at a special tinv1 of the year we can outline our work a year in advance and thus be far more efficient and economical. For merly our expenses were guessed at freni day to aayi" "."ow" ve run on the budget system. This ?avc-a the people of Nehra-ska thousand.-? cf 'oi l:u.s and enables us to reach hund reds of people who were not readied lie fore. 2. It does away with fraudulent solicitation. Through publicity vve have informed the people of Nebras ka that there is but. one solicitation annually in the name of the Salva tion Army and consequently public officials can arrest anyone represent ing himself to be a Salvation Army officer outside of the campaign per iod. Last year in Wisconsin where cur quota in a particular county was only $250, an impostor who had never been a member of any Army confessed that she had manufac tured her own uniform and solicited over $2. COO that year from the peo ple cf that county. Her total theft in six years amounted to 114.000. ". It makes it possible for relief workers to do relief .work when need de. Now Salvation Army officers are free to administer relief to the poor and comfort to the downhearted at all times. Formerly over one-half cf their time was expended in so liciting funds to support the work. It is foolish for us to train officers in the science of humanity and then have them spend half their time so liciting funds. 4. It is most economical. The new method requidres less expense proportionately to the amount re ceived. This has been proved by us time and time again. . It makes accounting easier. The public now knows the exact amount we receive and consequently when we publish a balance sheet, as we do annually, it is self-evident that our money is being expended as promised. Weed Out N us. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE BANK WHERE YOU FEEL- AT MOVE: PIJMTSMOUTH NEBRASKA. GOVERNOR FAILS TO FILL HIS DATE Committee in Charge of McKelvie Meeting Receives Announce ment Late in Afternoon From Thursday's Daily. Quite a good sized crowd asrcmbled at the district court room in the court house lust evening to hear the an nounced speee h of Governor S. R. McKelvie but the governor camo not. The change in plans came lalo in the afternoon and the comniitteo of the Harding-Coolidue club that was arranging fer the me-eting did not have time to make public an nouncement of the change in plans. In place of Governor McKelvie, Hon. Ernest M. Pollard, of Nehawka. was present and gave a very practical talk along the lints of state and na tional issues, appealing fer the res toration of the grand old party to power in the national offices. The meeting was presided over by Hon. R. P. Windham and was very pleasing te the members of the audi ence although many had been disap pointed in not se-eing the governor, who they had never met and who is known to them only through Hie public press. Mr. Pollard is an ex cellent and practical speaker and his talk embraced a great deal of the figures on stale management. H. K. Frantz. of Eagle, represen tative from Cass county, and candi date for re-election came over and attended the meeting, remaining to vi.-.it with friends and look al'ttr his interests here. SILVER WEDDING OF A LOUISVILLE COUPLE Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Williams Cele brate 25 Years of Connubial Bliss Last Stindav. Tne wedding be'.'.s rang out again for Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Williams at their home in the country southwest of Louisville "last" Sunday; when they celebrated their silver wedding an niversary. A large number of rela tives were present and a splendid dinner was served, followed by an other fine meal at supper time. Mr.-. Williams was forirerly Miss Mary Shelhorn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Shelhorn. pioneer citizens of Cass county. Mr. Shelhorn pass ed away a number of years ago, but Mrs. Shelhorn still resides here. The wedding of Miss Shelhorn and Mar tin Luther Williams took place at Plattsmouth 2 yei:rs ago. Juduc Basil S. Ramsey officiating. The young couple began farming in this vicinity and have lived here ever since. Their family consists of six child ren, three sons and three daughters. They are Harold. La Rue, Willie, Nellie and Ima. at home, and Mrs. Wesley Blair of Louisville, and all were present on this occasion. The guests' presents were silver, appropriate to the occasion. Those present besides the children were Mrs. Anna Shenhprn, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shelhorn and family, John Shelhorn and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schoenran and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ward and family. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Ward and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ward and family. Misses Gladys and Nettie Ward. Fred. Shelhorn and Miss Marie Williams, a niece from Renfrow, Oklahoma, daughter of James Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Williams' have al ways proved themselves good friend and neighbors and have made a host of friends, who will Join the Courie r in extending congratulations and best wishes for many years to come, fill ed with prosperity and good healthy Louisville Courier. the Scrub! Scrub stock never pays. It is a flash' in the pan. For continuous success the pure-bred is the winner. A good sire will help you to make the start toward better livestock on your farm. You can be assured this bank will help you. Trie development of better stock in this community will mean the develop ment of a better community and for that reason, if for no other, the officers of this bank would stand squarely be hind the movement. Talk it over with