The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 07, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1920.
Murray Department
If to; of the readers of th
Journal knoT" of any social
event or item of Interest la
this vicinity, and will mall
t tme to this office, it will ap
pear under this beadlntr. We
want all cewsitema Editob
Sheriff Quinton -and Officer Jones
Round Up Man Who Will Have Op
portunity to Explain to Court.
Thk mnrnlntr Sheriff C T1 H n i n -'
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
i ; 5
Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow
Four p?r cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
AH business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
(). T. Leyda and Dr. II. F. Urendel
were looking aftf-r some business mat
lr at Weeping Water last Tuesday.
Jesse .McVey was a visitor in Mur
ra last Wednesday looking after
some l.uiness matters and also visit
ing with his many friends.
W. E. Countryman of Tekamah.
wa- a visitor in Murray la-it Tues
day, driving down with lvis truck for
a 1 iad of goods which he had at his
former heme t-nuthwest of .Murray.
Louis Freidrich and family were
flic quests at the home of L. H. Puis
and family and were also visiting
with Crandma Ilild while here. Mrs.
Freidrich being a d3U'hter of Mrs.
Wild. v
Phillip Hi'.d anu family weie the
gue-ts at the home of W. 11. Puis
and family last Sunday spending the
day with their friends and enjoying
the ofcasion greatly.
Henry S-humaker and daughter-in-law.
Mrs. T. C. Shumaker. and
Mrs. Itvnry Theib- all of nar Ne
hawka. were in Murray looking after
some bu-iti'-ss anil consulting with
lr. (i. H. Cilimre. rr-gardine the in
fant daugh'cr of Mr. and Mrs. T. C.
Sli umaker.
IV. R. 000
A I v. ays Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 1511
Mnmiy Exa an(re
nket Tome!
is coming soon, and now is a good warning to look
up those eld fellows and make sure of comfort during
the cold nights that are fast approaching. You can
keep warm with a couple of these good ones we price
Gray cotton blankets, good weight
Gra'y cctton blankets, heavy.
Gray cctton blankets, big size
Wool nap blankets, plaid
Wool blankets, weight 5 lbs. A bargain
rfl , Ski, ri W'X J , ll . 1
The best credential any young
man can offer is proof of a good
savings account.
It signifies good habits, ambi
tion, thrift and perseverance
all worthy characteristics that
employers appreciate.
A savings account is not only
a good character reference, but it
is also a good business investment.
So decide today not to delay.
Geo. II. Decker representing the
Standard Oil company of Platts
mcuth. was looking after some busi
ness and delivering oil and gas hert
last Tuesday.
C. I. Spanglor and wife were vis
iting in Omaha last Tuesday, driving
up in their auto and returning via
Plattsmonth looking after rome busi
ness matters there as well.
Robert Good and Gussie I'ullen
sided the granery that they con
structed on the farm last fall, with
an extra covering of siding this week
which adds to the efficiency" andnlso
t; the appearance of the structure.
Albert Cotner. Thomas Swolioda
and Manager Cole were in Murray
last Tuesday coming down to repa'r
some lines of the telephone company
which were injured by the burning
of a pole at the crossing of ne Mis
souri Pacific south of town.
Miss Mabel Jourgenson. who ha.;
been assisting at the telephone ex
change, was a visitor at the homo of
her parents during the past week,
called there on account of the illness
of her mother. Mrs. Peter Jourgen-;-on
of near Nehawka. The mother
is reivorted as being somewhat im
proved. Loui.-? Laurenson and wife, who
make their home several miles west
of Murray, are rejoicing over the ar
rival (,f a tine little girl at their
home a few days ago. The parents
are greatly pleased and the little
lady and her mother are doing nicely.
J. W. Edmonds who has been at
Plainview, and returned some time
ago. was looking after the lumber
yard of Hanning & Nickles. while
Mrs. George Nickles was looking id
ler some business matters at Omaha.
Mr. Xickles. accompanied by Frank
Marasek. brought a truck load of ce
ment home with them from South
Omaha last Monday.
..Size 64x76 Fair $4.50
Size 64x76 Pair 7.00
Size 66x80 Pair 5.50
Size 66x80 Pair 7.50
Size 66x80 Pair 12.00
Albert Jones was runninK the dray
line for a time last Tuesday on ac
count of the absence of Daniel Click,
who was visitns with friends at Avo
ca. UeiM se L1(vi'i of sou'.Iiwf.-t of town,
wr.s ;i virit-jr at the county soat last
Tu'si!ay where he was looking after
suii.e business matters for a short
J. (
Smith and familv of n -ar Al
vo. ;mmI V. T. Smith and wife of
Platt-nicuth. were visiting at the
home cf Mrs. Kniss aril sons near
Murray, last Sundav.
K. J. Weyrich of h wa?
a visitor in Murray for a short time Tuesday, looking after some
business matters, regarding his trade
in the Edison phonograph.
Mrs. Henry Creamer, ho has been
receiving treatment at the Ford hos
pital at Omaha for some time pa;t.
returned home this week greatly ben
efitted by her stay at the institution.
Rudolph Uergman one of the pros
perous merchants of Manley. and ac
companied by Mr. Fred Bauer, a
prosperous Lirrtur of near
were vi.-iting and looking
that pla.-e.
after some
business matters at Murray last
L. H. Puis and W. 11. Puis and
families were visiting and looking
utter s: me business matters in Oma
ha last Monday, driving up in the
new Veile auto of Air. W. H. Puis.
Thev were accompanied also bv Mrs.
Adam Hild.
Jo.-eph Cook, who has been at
Julesburg for some time past, arrived
home a few days ego and visited with
the family. He will depart in a short
time to take up his work out in the
state, where he finds employment at
good wages.
Fred Mild. .Gust Hansen. George
Hansen and 'wife, returned a few
days ago from a trip out over tin
state via auto, where they were vis
iting with friends and looking over
the country. They visited in Loup
and Custer counties while they were
a wa y.
W. G. lloedeker and children spent
last Sunday in Omaha, where they
enjoyed the day visiting with friend;
and hud an excellent time.
Albert Young shipped seven head
of fine Duroc Jersey hogs to north
cistern Nebraska last Monday, which
iiiakes a good showing for the t inn
he has been engaged in the business.
Charles E. Cook and son Raymond
of Plattsmcuth. were visitors in Mur
ray last Tuesday, coming down to
have some work done on their auto
and demonstrated the best judgment,
as they brought the car to one of
the best places to have the right kind
of work done on it. that it would be
possible to (ind.
Dr. H. F. Urendel and A. L. liaker.
who returned home last Sunday eve
ning from a trip extending over ten
davs in the east, where he visited a:
Indianapolis. Chicago, and a number
of Iow-a towns, where he had an ex
cellent time, were visiting last Mon
day' evening and looking after tumc
TuTsincss at Nehawka.
Vkitcd Relatives Here.
Mrs. G. W. McCracken and lit tie
daughter Elizabeth, are spending a
short time with" relatives at Orient,
which was their old time home.
Messrs Mark and James McCracken.
brothers of G. W. McCracken. drove
over from their home at Orient, la.,
and visited here for a short time
with their brother and the three boys
went to Omaha where they visited
with their sister Mrs. G. W. Galkins
of Hiat place over Sunday. G. W.
McCracken returned home here while
the other boys went to their home at
Back From Their Visit.
Mr. Lee Nickles and Misses Etta
and Bertha Nickles who have been
spending several days in the north
eastern portion of the state, where
they visited with relatives at Leigh.
Plainview. Warsaw and Coleridge,
returned home last Monday evening
having had a very pleasant visit with
friend-: while away and enjoyed the
traveling and declare that the north
eastern part of Nebraska is a wonder
ful country.
Will Entertain
The Community
the Teachers.
Club of Murray.
will give an entertainment in honor
of the teachers of the Murray ;chools
and of all the districts surrounding
this town and community, on Fri
dav evening at the Puls-Gansmer
The Caldwell orchestra of Tlatts
mouth has been secured for the pro
viding of the music and an excellent
time is assured. Mrs. F. G. M in ford
will deliver the address of welcome,
whil- Miss Van Hucsen will respond.
Miss Petersen, county superintendent
of schools, will talk on the subject
of -'Parents and Teachers Meetings".
Il is desired that all come and meet
the teachers of our community. Your
children are the most valuable set of
th" nation and we should look to
their welfare. Come and meet the
teachers and co-operate with them
in the welfare of the children.
Miss Enlckerr.eier Has Arrived
There was j-ome joy at the honi
of Mr. and Mrs. George Englekem
ier last Thursday, whfn tu-re ap
peared in charge of the stork, one of
th sweetest little blur eyed baLv
girls that could be imaginable. A
flock of nightengiles could not make
mere music than the proud father
does as he goes whistling about his
work on the farm. Nor is the father
having all the joy, for the happy
mother is well pleased with the little
daughter which is . indeed a jov to
the household. May you, little
Mi:s. always bring happiness wher
ever you may go and bless all people.
Visited With Friends in South.
Thonuas Ruby and family, who
some time ago went to Windsor, Mo.,
to visit at the home of Allen Land
a id family and to take the car of
Mr. Land which had been left here
when they went south, returned
home last we-?k and were well pleased
with the visit in our neighboring;
! state. Mr. Ruby reports that the
Lands have an excellent farm and j
hat while Mr. Land has been oirtheimg arrested as it was claimed that
sick list for a portion of the time I parties who had been found under
during the summer, that he has an the influence of liquor had secured
excellent crop where he farmed him- !
self. He rented a portion of the
place to some "Natives", but being
Misscurians they had to be shown
and did not make as good out of
farming as Mr. Land. He did not i
have time to show them
; Murt Find Productive Employment.
4-- Sheriff C. D. Quinton was a visitor
. in Murray for a short time last Mon
day, coming down to look after a
young man who has forgotten to
work for seme time past and was
! making his home off a friend, who
' could not afford the extra burden.
I I ! t 111111 -,-1 T lilt.- .-ruuilfe uidll liner
d:-.ys in which to get into productive
employment and should he not be
able to do so, will have a place to
work and probably for the .state.
Gettinsr After the Coin.
Dr. G. H. Gilmore. who has been
enlisted in the cause of humanity.
and in co-cperation with the Salva
1 tien Army drive for funds, has or
ganized his forces in Murray to look
j after the drive and they are going
the coin. The allotment for
V.'e-t Rock Bluffs procinct is $12o.
which can be raised very easily a-5
the people look upon the Salvation
'Army as being one of the most worthy
'institutions in the land.
Suffers a Severe Injury.
Mrs. Eliza Young, while engaged
in her duties as assistant house
keeper at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. M Patterson at Union, a few days
ago slipped and fell down the stair
way at the residence, suffering some
very evere injuries. She was brought
to the home of her daughter. Mrs.
.T.-spii Ccok in Murray, and is bint
c:rert for by her daughter. It is
bored that Mr. Young may soon en
tirely recover from the effects of her
fall and be well again.
Spent Sunday at South Bend.
Messrs and Mesdames W. S. Smith,
and Albert Young, and Mrs. W. A.
Royal and Mrs. Addie Stokes, were
visitors at the state fisheries last
Sunday, taking their dinners with
them and enjoying the beauties of
the camping ground and eating the;
(dinner in the shady grove. To say
the day was one of pleasure would
be putting it mildly. They thor
oughly enjoyed the occasion and re
turned in the evening.
Have Great Birthday Celebration
Last Friday evening in response
to the invitatiotis sent out by the
ladies of the Presbyterian church
of Murray, there was a large crowd
of people of that faith and many oth
ers in attendance to celebrate the
birthday of themselves and their
friends and the excellent program
which had been provided was en-
joyed by the good natured crowd, e-
well as the excellent ests which "e-
I provided a well. The ladies realize'1
; nearly one hundred dollars from thei-.
pleasant occasion and a large --rowd
j from Murray and vicinity were in at
' tendance a-, well as from Platts
mouth and Union. The following
out of town guests were present:
Rev. and Mrs. H. G. McCluskey.
Mrs. Mary Allison Messrs. and Mes
dames Harry Smith. Fred Buseh. D.
i C. Morgan, A. D. Christ. J. E. Wil-s.
I and L. L. Wiles, Dr and M-s.
i Leopold, all cf Plattsmouth.
H C.
the crowd was increased by
and Mesdames Mont Robb.
Robb. J D. Cross, and Mis?
Robb of UnHm.
Estray Notice.
Taken up at the farm of Louis
Schoeraaker. three and a hilf miles
north of Nehawka. a Jersey bull
calf, a little over a year old. spotted
brown and white. Owner can have
the same by proving property, paying
damages and costs incurred.
Louis Schoeraaker.
3t T sw. Nehawka, Neb.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Betty, the little three-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sharp,
who was so badly burned as a result
of playing with matches Monday, al
though still in a very serious condi
tion, shows some improvement today,
as a result of which hopes lor her
recovery are entertained.
The burns received were very se
vere and have proven most painful
to the little one.
E. B. Chapman of near Union,
k was in the city today interviewing
the board of county commissioners in
regard to road work. Mr. Chapman
! has charge of the road work in his
i poniun u in; tuuniy ana. is one oi
the best in the county.
County Commissioners William
Atchison of Elmwood and C. F. Harris
of Union, were in the city today at
tending the meeting of the board of
Henry Knabe. one of the prominent
residents of near Nehawka. was in
the city today looking after some
business affairs at the court house.
Lost anything fotn6 anything'
Try a Journal ad. "They satisfy."
ily engaged in investigating a case of
booze , possession in the south por
1 tion of the city where it had been re
ported the flow of "white mule" had
. been progressing very lively. The
! party conducting the operations is
to have created not a little
'disturbance last evening by
the shoot-
ing-of firearms and attract
ing a great deal of attention to him
self that later developed into his be-
the foundation of their jag at this
place. The man, whose name is giv
en by the police as E. H. McReynolds,
was apprehended this morning by
the sheriff and Officer Jones at the
Platte river bridge, being enroute
to Omaha and was brought back to
this city where he was lodged in jail
to await the filing of a complaint
by the county attorney.
The matter will probably be
brought to a head this afternoon
when the complaint will be filed by
County Attorney Cole.
Widened Roadway to Ferry Will Be
Realized in a Few Days and Plans
Made to Create Picnic Grounds
The last of the work on widening
the roadway to th eferry will be made
today and the work of clearing out
the road will be commenced tomorrow
by John Richardson the ferryman,
who expects to have a grader on the
job in the morning. The road will
be graded back as far as the bank
has been blowed away and will, when
completed, make an ideal driveway.
Mr. Richardson informs the Jour
nal that he has purchased the tract
of land between the ferry and the
Burlington bridge that has been used
by M. Stiles for a garden patch and
will turn this space into parking
grounds where cars can be parked
and which will give a mile room
for cars to turn around as they are
hampered now by lack of space. In
(lui'iou several ion-, lame iu kkt
ued for picnics will be placed by
Mr. Richardson and seats provided,
making it a very pleasant spot.
Marshall Ernstene, Nebraska City
Lad, Dies Few Hours After
Being Accidently Shot.
Fim Tuesday's Dally.
Marshall Ernstene. 17-year-old
son of E. C. Jirnstene. Nebraska City
jeweler, was so seriously injured in
. hunting accident Sunday after
noon that he died early Monday
morning at the Fegers hospital in
Nebraska City.
Marshall and a companion, Russell
Tlace, were out hunting and when
they reached a high embankment,
Ernstene climbed to the top and
handed his gun, butt foremost to his
companion. The weapon was dis
charged and the charge tore away
Marshall's left leg, entering his body
about six inches below the hip.
Farmers heard Place's scream and
responded promptly. When they ar
rived on the scene the wounded boy
lay on the ground bleeding profusely
from tl-G wound.
Ampliation of the leg was neces
sary. The shock and loss of blood
was too much and he died at 2
o'clock the following morning.
Ernstene was a member of the
senior class of the high school and
held several important positions in
the school organizations.
Mrs. George A. Meisinger and her
daughter were among those going to
Omaha today to spend a few hours
with friends looking after some mat
ters of business.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Dr. P. J. Flynn. who has been on
the sick list for the past three months
is now showing much improvement
and is able to look after his profes
sional calls as prior to his sickness.
While not entirely recovered the doc
tor is so much better that be hopes
in a short time to be entirely over
the effects of his illness.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Our old friend. Columbus C. Des
pain, whose smiling face has so long;
Deen a laminar signi on tne streets;
of the city, yesterday passed the 81st j
... 5 1 n . a r... 1i fa'a Jn.nii i 1 its
today as well and -vigorous as a man
of much younger j-ears.
Mr. Despain has stood well the
rigors of his long life and while he
bore the hardships of pioneer days
-in rsebraska there is little evidence
jof his strenuous life reflected in his
present physicial condition and he is
j feeling fine and remains engaged in
(the pursuit of his daily duties.
The friends join in wishing this
splendid pioneer resident many more
birthdays in the years to come.
Miss Grace Nolting who is teach
ing near Colonic S. D.. departed yes
terday to resume her school work
after being called here by the death
of her uncle. August Xolting. Miss
?Co!ting will have the Journal with
her each week hereafter having sub
scribed to the semi-weekly edition.
tfj Come in and iet us show you
our fall and winter line, which
you will find complete. Prices are
in accord with today's market.
The Service Store
ALFRED G All SEME R, Proprietor
Cfl We still have a small quantity
of Lincoln Paint on hand that we
will close out at $3.75 per gallon.
Some colors are sold out but still a
good assortment to choose from.
tflCorn husking will begin in a few
days. We have a good husking
lotion for the hands, and liniments
and bandages for sprains, etc. Ret
ter get lined up on these goods now.
Prom Monday's Dallv
Saturday afternoon Edward Donat
and wife, Mrs. Edward Donat. Jr..
and Mrs. Hamilton Mark, departed
for Schuyler, where they attended a
farewell reception given to Rev. John
Vlcek. who is to leave this week for
his old home in Bohemia fulfilling a
long contemplated visit to the home
fire side that he had desired to make
since the outbreak of the world war.
Father Vlcek was formerly pastor of
the Holy Rosary church of this city
and while here formulated the plans
for visiting his old home, only 40
have them interupted by the war. He
will spend several months in Bohem
ia and Austria before returning home.
While in Schuyler the members of
the Donat family also visited at the
home of John and Anton Koci, broth
er of Mrs. Donat.
Although Journal want-ads cost
but little the results tbey bring ar
wonderful. Try them.
Caive Your Wife
a ChanceS
Are you in need of a new cook &lovc? Our as
sortment of ranges is unsurpassed. Come in and sec
what we have to offer you. Unusual values!
The time for heating stoves is also fast approach
ing. Do not wait until it is cold and then make the
family suffer while you come in to look after getting a
stove. Preparedness pays, you know.
Remember, we carry a full line of the best shelf
and heavy hardware which we sell at prices that will
not only permit but encourage it's being used.
W. H.
Drs. IVIacfc & Rlach, The Dentists
"hlnrof irm. Ether or oth-r Ffti'ral antnthut
osd A cure (turnted 1n every case accepted for treatment, ornl nt money to b
paid ur.tll cured. Write for book on Rectal !'uie.e. with r.a.ut-M and testimonials
e t.ce tHa- 1 000 p i::.. iner t pecrie whi h; . ' i.t ptrrBiurs"!!!- cured.
UK. l! B TAKKY, tmuoloriam, Feterw Trw- fl'i'T HI Iildg.), CM IU, 3iE3.
'- Dr, ft. 5. JuUuaUiu. ftleuiotl ie.ctor.
The marriage market in the odice
of County Juogc Beesnui has been on
he boom in the past week and a li
cense a day has been the record for
this time, t lie desire to assume the
marriage state having become preva
lent with the young people of the
community. Ycsterd.iy afternoon a
license was issued by the court
Jerrv Azraha ms of Schuyler and Mis.-i
Erma Skard.i of Ashland. Th
young people requested the judge t
perforin the marria'.e and accordingly
the nuptial knot was tid in the us
ual pleasing manner of the ;;enial
county judge. The wedding was
witnesse.1 by Miss Ethel Trofholz and
Mr. Kay Melbern.
This morning a license was issued
i to Leonard Petersen of Valley. Neb.,
land Mis Kuth llitchman of Weeping
j Water, who will be married at th'J
! heme of the bride's parent':.
' Charles A. Miller cf near Creigli
ton. "el.. is in the citv vi.-iling with
his brother, liemy Miller, who ha;
been quite sick for the past few davs.
g Co.
ft SB
The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha.
Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. Mod
erate Prices. Porcelain fillings just like tooth. In;iru- a
ments carefully sterilized after using. f
Fistu la-Pay When Cured
A m1H yptm of trtmnt flint rure Pll.
Fistula, and other Rectal Pisea.s In a short
.ttm. without . sevtr xurcical operation. No