J PLATTSItlOTTTH SZM-wTTXT.Y n Union Department Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. numher rf his raising. He has be come it member of t!:e County Live Siork Breeders association, which now nnmlin's nearl one l.undied members. UNION ITEMS. M. It. Williams of Arlington was a vi-iior in Union for a few days last uf-k at the home of Jesse Iyr,art. V.. K. I.each and family wpre vis iiinp and looking after some business at trit county sea: during: the early days of this week. Grant Martin of Lincoln, candidate for upr-me justice, was a visitor in Union last I'riday looking; after hi jioliticai affairs. Ti'k" Datis was in from W'yom inp precinct, and v.u. a guest 01' his liiany friends in T'liion. including at tcjrney ('. L. Graves. Roy Rullrnan departed las' Monday morn in it for a few days visit at the home of his mother. Mrs. Wm. UjII man at Kails City. A little blaze on the awninp at the honie of J. M. Patterson a few days ago caused some excitement, hi.t did ery littl" damage. Fred Dark was in attendance at the hall parae at Percival la.st Sunday where he enjoyed seeing the Iowa hoys put up a pretty pood game. Robert Roddy, who is attending rreiLfon college, where lie is tak ing a medical course, was a visitor at his home east of Union last Sun day. Mat McQuinn and daughter. Mrs. Lillian Shephard. were visiting and looking: after some business maPers In Piausruouth last Saturday, driving: up in their car. Mr. Samuel P.arrert was a visitor at the home of his parents in Uniu over Sunday and last Monday morn ing: returned to his studies at the tate university. Attorney C H. Taylor, son of Mrs. Barbara Taylor, accompanied by his on Calvin Taylor. Jr.. wer- visit inc in Union for a few hours lat Sat urday and Sunday. James F. Wilson ha? just romplet- Todd and when sufficiently dry. will 1 hni"e l,r.e . v, r. v,i, .1! t din r. tin fc.arl . K home in better condition. Mont Robb and his son lluah Rohb and wife, were visiting and looking after some business matters in Plaits mouth last Monday, driving up in the car of Mr. Hugh Robb. L J. Austin, who is en pa red in the blacksmith business r.t Alanley. vas a iitor in Union and also Ne braska City last Saturday looking after some business matters. The Reverend J. P.. Kea rises of Un iversi.y Place, was a visitor in T'nicn over Sunday, delivering two very gimd r-rmoris at the Methodist church, to a very appreciative audience. Miss Kdith Frans and Verna Har ris, who are making their home in Nehawka. were in Union for the week end visiting with their folks, return ing to their work Monday morning. Miss Mable Hoback was a visitor in this citv and at the home of her parens. Mr. end Mr?. W. L. Hoback. and also a gu.-t at the vedr'.ine of Miss l--e GarK'ni and Mr. Glen Todd. Harry Todd of near Murray, wan a visitor in Union last Monday look ing after some business matters and also being the guest at the home of hi" brother. L. G. Todd of Union. Miss Fannie McCarroll. who has been spending her vacation at the home of relatives and friends at Ham burg. Ia.. for the past wok or more. 1 returned to her work at the Dank of Union last Monday. 1 W. P.. Panning is completing the 'foundation for a new house which ; lie is having erected in the east por j tion of Union and which he expects i to have completed for occupancy by 1 the end of the year, j Robert Willis was a visitor in Om j aha last Monday, driving up to look I after some business matters and get ! some repairs for work which is being done at his garage. Mr. Willis and j wife were alo looking after some business in Plattsmouth last Saturday. Mrs. H. A. GiTuire of Lincoln daughter of A. H. Auitin and wile who has been visiting in Union fc llif. .r. c t f tt - .1 . . . - fi r, .4 1 , r. rr ti v...,. .. -.i ,r. no stopping until lf-r homrt in the capitol ci! last Mon day. Last Sunday the Rev. V. A. Tavlor and wife with their car. went tot Wa bash, where the services were again taken up at the church there, this being the first since he has had his vacation. The meetings there were attended by many interested members of the church. A. L. Pecker is getting the mater ial on the ground for the construc tion of a new barn on his north place, to replace the one which was burned by ligiitning some two years ago. The one which is to be constructed will be 4" by 52 feet ard will make a good structure. K. L. Shumaker. who is making his home in Omaha, where he has charge of the Farmer's Co-operative u-ji jti, held a sale at his home just across in Otoe county, for the dispo sition of the accumulation of agri cultural implements and for which he now has no use. J. C. Snaveley departed last Tues day for Virginia, where he is looking after some business matters and will visit for a short time also. He will be the guest of his maiden aunt. Miss Nannie Reedy while there and on his return to the west will prob ably be accompanied by this lady, who. it is expected, will make her Did Not Know "Whoa" Yes. Ray Bramlet traded his Uni versal car to the Whiteman boys near Nehawka for their Overland and be ing accustomed to the "universal" (Ford) he assayed to take a joy ride, and. finding something the matter with the car. stopped on Main street and adjusted the parts and when he started, the "brute" took the bit in its mouth, as the saying goes, and Marted for the vacant lot just east of Robert Willis' garage and as it neared the walk, which is some dis l taance higher than the surrounding ground. Ray kindly admonished the car to stop, but it did not and he commanded in tones which could not bf mistaken, "whoa!", but there was i lie uvrnuiiu trawl ed over the walk and into the vacant ki. where it seemed satisfied and stood as gt-ntle as a house cat. Mrs. A. L. Becker Some Eetter. Mrs. A. L. Pecker, who has b. . n sick at her home northeast f Union for some time is being c;ired for by lK-r daughter Miss Mary pecker and who has j. roved to be an excellent nur.-e. Mrs. Pecker is recovering: from her illness and it is hoped she will soon he able to be about again. Huring the time wlun Mis Mary Pecker is kept at her home. Miss Lelia Hoback has had mo.-t of th" work of the sti-re (.11 h-j shoulders and has prove:) hers If . ry able for the work which the absence of M is: Mary has thrown to her lot. Mi---Hoback is a very eflicjent saleslady and is capable of Inol-ing tter the members of the neighhorh 'od. A cordial invitation is extended to al to be present at the.-e meetings, and especially the evenin gservice, which i being made of especial interest to all. trie sermons and addresses beini' on broad and liberal lines. Will Spend Winter in Wet.t. Mark White, who has r.ia.ie hi home near Rock Plufl's tor a long number of years :nd who disj.-ise-l of bis land holdings a f-hort 1 tin r. go, v.;:.- a visitor w it h friends i;t Union last Sunday being- the guest a1 the home of C. W. chirk and family for a while. Mr. White and wife ttf.rted for California last Tuesday where they will spend itie winter in t!ie slauate so fair and enjoy 'he resul'r, of their Yeats of hard work.. mi nut er, man er. of the wort. .11 the proj Ford Was Obstreperous While Kay Hathaway and s- his boy friends were driving the- road south rf town the line of til one other years h im-work Keedev. the popular drug gist of Union, was a passenger to Omaha last Monday morning, where he was looking after some business matters and also at the hospital at that place he underwent an operation for the removal of his tonsils, which had been giving him much trouble for some time. j Lucian Panning who Is making good progress towards recovery since his return from the hospital at Oma ha. is at this time able to get around (without his crutches and gets along Has Prospered Nicely. Charles Schwab, who a few ago embarked in business for self as a farmer, has bv hard and good management, succeeded in acquiring for himself a competency. ' by his persistance in industry and giving his labor the co-operation of earnest thought. Sometime ago he purchased an 8(1 acre tract which he farmed for three years and secured an income each year of one thousand dollars, and then in the end dl-posed of the place at a profit of five thousand dollars, which in the three years made him a profit of eight thousand dollars. He then purhaseu" same land in Otoe county and now has some three hun dred and s'Veti:y acre of extra good Nebraska soil and over sixteen hund red acres of good land in the eastern Kortici of t lie state, making in all his li-oldings something over two thousand acres of land and all of good valu. This practically would place Mr. Schwab on c-asy street, but he dc-es not tl.ink of ceasing- to work and work hard at that, for he is in the prime of manhood. Elect New Officers. At the home of Mrs. L. C. Todd on last Tuesday the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist church, met to lo-d. 'lifter t be Iiiisiluss of the s-ii :.-lv rmil for such other business as might come before it. Among the othtr things which demanded their atten tion, was the election of the o'hVers i for the coining year, the selection be ing made placed -.I'-s'tames K. J. Mtrugay in the presidents chair. L. 1 '.. Fitch, vice president; J. C. Han-I sel. secretary and L. G. Todd, trea surer. The hostess served a delight ful luncheon which was greatly ap preciated by all in attendance. night they- had 1 heir car ren into b a swaiiger. who made his pet-away lie-fore they could discern w ao he was or the number of the car. The car driven l. Mr. Hathaway vas over turtle;! ;j.rHl considerable- damage dt; to it. The boys were al--o consider ably his th- r . 1.- d up. nose cut by wind-hield." Mr. Hathaway b the broken glass Iova Four, Nebraska One. In the gam" which was played at Percival las' Sunday in which a team I from that place and one from Union j disc-ussed The best manner of playing the iiati--nr.l game, the team for P r jeival made four runs and the Union I earn. on". Slolasses Has Excellent R. I) Stine raiser! cane that sorghum, and had the .;;-nie made i: k. lasses at the evaporaf i: (the home of Winfield Yn:i! 1 excellent quality a that. 1 not take our word for Mo the store and last" i. to at :t n 'g pans ( r. and You need 'ep around S V.ee t t:f- Registered Poland Cliinas For sale, reg. pure "nred. Poland China hogs, male and female. re;:dy for service. G. S. Upton. Union. Neb. o 7 at T's kw for vourself. t Union Man's Kos Win. Poth at the state fair and 1 pure bred stock show which held in Weeping Water last week. ' 'eg the evening. All present prizes for the best Chester White -' delight d with the excellent the was Gave Paster and Wife Reception The members of the Kpworth Ivcague of the Methodist church met at the home of Miss Kl.-ie Tayi r. Monday evening and enj.iv ed a 11; s deliglitful time, in exteniing a fare well recepMon to the d; parting min ister and his god v !fe. who are mov ing to Palmyra, w her thfy r.re ac cepting work. The evening wfs spent by a musical progr;.:n anvl games .,: refivshments v.hii'n were served di'r- t ime RETURNS HOME FROM HOSPITAL IN OMAHA Husking Gloves and Mittens PRICED RIGHT! New Shipment of Army 3IHIES2 with a cane only. This is good and !he will, it is expected get along with out the cane in the near future. He entered the school last Monday morn ing and will again take up his stud ies. Ellis LcRue has accepted a posi tion as salesman in the Union Market during the illness of W. C. Carraher. who has been confined to his bed by a siege of the ".summer flu". Will is getting some better but is very i-ick yet. but Lopes to be able to re turn to work again in a short time. Mr. LaRue is proving an excellent salesman and has demonstrated that he is in no way afraid 1o work. Jud McClerg of Chicago, who has been visiting in Union and the guest at the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Taylor, departed last Monday for Om aha where he visited for a short time before starting for Denver, where he will visit for a short time before go ing to the coast where he will ypend the winter. He took dinner last Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Hoback before departing. R. D. STINE, UNION NEBRASKA hogs came to Joseph Lidgett. wh ; a breeder and raiser of that excellent ; brand of porkers. At the stale fair j he secured six premiums, and while : at the county fair at Weeping Ya' r j lie secured some eight prizes. One was for sweepstakes, three first priz- I es two second and two third prizes. ! When it comes to raising hogs. Mr j Lidgett knows the game. He has a ; tine heard of this excellent breed. ; a! -o the and also sold while at the fair, a j - rv i.-es which was had a:.d extended to departing friend- their best w ;. for their work in their new held. the he.- Prom Monflav's r!ty. Mrs. Edward O. Ofe. who has been at Or.iah-.i for several days past hav ing underwent an operation for tht removal of her tonsils ami adenoids, returned home Saturday evening. Mrs. Ofe has not been in the best of health for some time and the op eration was found necessary to rive her relief from her ailment. She i feeling much improved but is still sneering somewhat from the effects (f the operntinn. REDUCTION SALE The Invitation is to You. The people r i' the vicinity of S'i ota. are meeting vi'h an abundant success and are enj yi:;i: a good in terest in t ire tnee iiis The morning t:ie tings are f.ili lv all attended, as i- Pible ale sch 1' large; The eve rttehdvd. . inu h 1 am offering' for sale. 1 mule well brok T. years old. " spotted Shetland P'-iiie-. one 1 years (.1:1. one ."-year-old, or.e -1 -year-old black mr re. ir.00 pounds. Uordsoti tractor and Oliver t low. e;s d to plow 7r acres. 1 will tVrm ! ss vear, reason for sell- in-.':, tf svv. LOUIS KEIL Returns From the West. Mr. and Mrs. John Christensen who were married at Omaha on Sep tember la. and went to the west on. a trip, where they enjoyed the beau- tiful scenery and traveled over much , of the enchanting west, returned home last week and will make their home here. They are at this time making their home at that of Hans Christensen. Mrs. Christensen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans! Hansen. Miss Myrtle Hansen and is ', well and favorably known by a host of admitting friends. The groom. Mr. J;hn Christensen is a very popular j young man and with the many friends of this young couple the Jour- ' rial is extending congrg'-'tat ions and best wishes for a long, useful, happy and prosperous life. i Paoot Up v Now is the time to give your building a fresh coat of paint. Think how much more paint it will take if you postpone the job until spring, to say nothing of the damage to the building during the storms between now and warm weather again. We sell the Sherwin-Williams Co. products, which covers more space per gallon and lasts longer than most others. We appreciate your patronage. Special We are making a special offering owners of cars, large and small. We are going to give you motorists the privilege of securing the well known, well thought of, Firestone Fabric Cas ing with non-skid tread and 6000 mile adjust ment basis at a price inducemejit you can't resist. And Her e is the Reason discontinuance of the present cross and square treads. the Frans Bros'. Lumber Co., The Firestone Factory has announced the non-skid tread ?.nd the adoption of the driving and That means a readjustment of every dealer's stock to have it conform with the company's latest move. You autoists are to receive the benefit. The tires in cluded in this offering are not seconds, but first grade casings taken direct from stock. This offer holds good for a limited time only, so act tomorrow. Shake Hands With These Prices SIZE THEAD SITCIAL PRICE SIZE TREAD SPECIAL PRICE 30x3 Plain $14.30 33x4 Non Skid $31.40 30x3 Non Skid 18.80 34x4 Non Skid 32.10 32x3 y2 Non Skid 22.40 34x4' 4 Non Skid 42.60 31x4 Non Skid 26.25 35x4 J' Non Skid 44.55 32x4 Non Skid 29.95 Yes, it's true a Firestone Non-Skid Casing with a ft 6000 mile adjustment basis. ! i tzrs. ijsv wv r Willi THERE'S NOT A MAN IN THIS COM MUNITY WHO DOESN'T NEED THE SERVICE A GOOD, STRONG BANK HAS TO OFFER. This tion. is diia we strong, riavir conservative lnstjtu un cariipst desiic to t-erve you. Call prob; on vis ins. help you at any l;n.e With your and it will L fojve tnc fi e a pleasure i mancial to try A Friendly, Seiicebie Bank Union Bank UNION NEBRASKA C'sirtfM- A Hi in ion. ktp in t!: - ii rt tiiuf a'.i' Iit'.-.S II!Ut!tTs ;,t atid w !fe of :! ar I'r. -" ciiy yesterday i-jr i.-i'or in Ouuiha totiay for a fr-w !inm. or; il.o :.ii!y i.mrii i :i :;; li.irli ?.;'' in 'r:ii!i. ou Can Save Wioney BY COMING TO OUR STORE For Groceries, Husking Gloves and Mitts, Salt and General Hardware. Now is the time to do that Painting. DO NOT LET WINTER CATCH YOU OUT OF COAL We have it now. Better take advantage of the oppor tunity. You know what it may mean to be without. k 8099 STOCK CF BOOTS AND SHOES Orr Sto.-e Will "e YOU Money A. L. BECKER, UNION NEBRASKA ielow Wholesale Prices! We have decided to sell our entire stock of goods at and even below wholesale prices. As other business is calling for our attention and demanding our time, we will close cut cur entire stock cf oods at a sacrifice. The eirly purchaser will have the best of the se lection, and at a price which is surely worth while. Remember, the entire stock goes! Nothing will be reserved or held bec!:! This includes clothing, hard ware and groceries. New is your time to save some money and gt some genuine bargains. SALE BEGINS AT ONCE AND CONTINUES UNTIL ENTIRE STOCK IS MOVED. LiT--' L2 UNION a Ha NEBRASKA 0.000 Act es LINCOLN COUNTY, FOR COLORADO SALE! LAND We are harvesting an excellent crop of wheat in Lincoln County, Colorado, at this time. Come, see land, where in many instances one crop will pay for the land. We are making trips every Saturday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and particulars. The best land and at a price where any one can pur chase and at prices where ane one can pay. CHAS. BOWDiSH, Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr. That Baby Overland 97 We Lave accepted tlie apc-ncy in Union and viriimy for the "Baby Overland." which you must see and ride in to appreciate. We also carry OJdsomohilc Cars and Trucks and Iieo t ars and Trucks. We have a number of pood mechanics ready for any work tiiat mav he nffp-e.i in the renair line. We also carrv a full stock tires and uccesones lor an manes 01 cars. of repair work Se us for cars or r BRT W2LLBS, -:- -:- NEBRASKA Union, Nebraska r Union, Nebraska UNION ) 6 TT (7