The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 30, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If tny of the readers of the
Journal knor of any social
eTent or item of interest 1b
this vicinity, and will mail
tme to this ofhce. It will ap
pear under this heading. Wa
want all news items Edttob
tt ircr Jo)
Mi i i
S mm
The best credential any young
man can offer is proof of a good
savings account.
It signifies good habits, ambi
tion, thrift and perseverance
all worthy characteristics that
employers appreciate.
A savings account is not only
a good character reference, but it
is also a good business investment.
So decide today not to delay.
s s $-s s-s
Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow
Four pjr cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
AH business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
I. H. I'uls was a business visitor John T. Gorder was looking after
in Xehawka last Tuesday, driving ; tome business matters in Murray last
ever in his car. Tuesday afternoon.
Ion Arries as looking after sonr.e j Frank Dill shelled and delivered at
business matters in Murray last Tues- J the elevator at Murray a portion of
day. driving over in his car. i the corn which he raised last year.
last Tuesday.
V. J. Philpot shipped a car load
W. H. Puis was a visitor in Omaha i
last Tuesday looking after some busi
ness, driving up with his car.
K. S. Tutt of the enterprising firm
of Hiatt & Tutt, was a business vis
itor in the county seat last Tues
day. Alex Campbell was a visitor in
Omaha last Monday where he was
looking after seme business matters
for the day.
Louis Schumaker from near Xe
hawka was delivering wheat at the
elevator in Murray last Tuesday and
al.-o looking aftei some other busi
ness. S. H. Shumaker of Plattsmouth.
was a business visitor in Murray last
Tuesday, coming down to install a
of hogs to the South Omaha market
: last Monday, loading them at Mur
! ray.
V. G. Boedaker was a visitor at
: Plattsmouth last Saturday evening,
remaining over night on account or
the storm.
Robert Good and wife were look
ing after some business matters and
also visiting with friends in Flatts
1 mouth last Tuesday, driving up in
I their car.
! E. J. Richey, the lumberman of
Plattsmouth. was a business visitor in
Murray last Tuesday afternoon, driv
. ing down to look after some busi
! ness matters.
windmill and pump at the home of j Mr. u. . aicx racKen was a ms
Rov Howard. This will greatlv aid Itor at Omaha last Friday, where he
Mr. Howard in the doing of his work ; was called to look after some busi
as the matter of pumping the water ness matters connected with his store
will now be taken from his hands. Murray.
i Rev. A. G. Hollowell was a vis-
itor in Murray last Tuesday and was
making calls on the members of the
. Christian church and other in and
1 near Murray.
' Henry C. Long was a business vis-
itor in both the county seat and at
Omaha last Tuesday where he was
W. B. Y00N0
Always Ready for S3lc'Iookin after some business matters
i M.KJ I a OUU1 I. LIUiC,
Dates far or near.
J. H. Burton, who broke his leg
some time ago, is making very sat
isfactory progress towards recovery,
the limb knitting nicely and it is
hoped that it will not be long before
the gentleman will be able to be out
Telephone 1511 Mnrray Ex rane j again.
Oh, You Ford!
Here is a chance to put new tires on that Ford
car and save a nice little piece of money. These are
the American-Akron, first grade and new stock. We
want to close them out quick.
30x3 ribbed casinng, $14.50
30x3 non-skid, $17.50
A few 32x3 Red Rubber Tubes,
Hiatt & Tutt
The oil wagon of F. V. Elliott
was in Murray last Tuesday dispens
ing oil and gasoline to the many cus
tomers here.
Harry Wright last Tuesday morn
ing took a truck load of hogs to the
Nebraska City market for Y. I'atter
3on west of Murray.
Charles Herron and wife, were the
guests at the home of V. 11. Puis ana
wife for dinner Sunday, they all en
joying the occasio.n greatly.
John Campbell, Jr.. has just closed
a contract, whereby he becomes the
owner of an automobile which was
formerly the property of "Will Wehr
bein. Seaii Davis and family will in a
short time move to Plattsmouth
where they will make their home for
the present and has rented the two
farms near Murray.
Jesse Chambers is doing some
painting at the home of L. II. Puis
and wife, refinishing some of the
rooms and especially the hath room
which is being done in white enamel.
Manager Cole of the Plattsmouth
branch of the Lincoln Telephone
company, accompanied by Harry
Forbes, were in Murray last Tuesday
looking after some business matters.
Victor V.'ehrbeir., son of Will
Wehrbein and wife, living east of
Murray, has been suffering from an
attack of appendicitis, hut at last
reports was considerably improved.
Gutt Split t departed a few days
ago for Imperial in Chase county ana
was accompanied by Gussie Graif.
where they are expecting to seed a
number of acres to wheat this fall.
Harry MeCullock and George-
Parks are making an excellent cave
at the home of Dr. J. F. Drendel.
which will make a splendid place to
keep vegetables and other things that
they are wanting to store.
Will Macey and family who have
been making their home near Os
mond, lor the pa.-t year, ait visiting
in this neighborhood, being the
guests at the home of Mr. Ernest
Richter and with other friends.
Mrs. J. A. Walker and two dai'
ers. Mrs. G. H. Gihnore. and Miss
Margie Walker, drove tc Omaha last
Tuesday in the cur of ills Margie,
where they were visiting with
friends and also doing some trading.
Mark Burton and wife with their
little one of Nebraska City, are vis
iting at the home of Mr. Burton's
parents, J. II. Burton of Murray, and
assisting in his care during his con
finement to his bed by reason of an
injury received some time ago.
Elder A. G. Hollowell, pastor 01
the Cnristian church both at Platts
mouth and Murray, after the ser
vices and Bible school at Murray,
was a guest at the home of C. M.
Reed and family for dinner and went
to Plattsmouth with them in the
evening. -
Little Georgie. .con of Mr. and Mrs.
John Hobscheit. suffered a wound
from the horn of a "bullhead" lisby
that he picked up from a pail where
they had been placed, making an ug
ly wound, but which at this time i.-.
doing nicely and it is hoped will
soon be well again.
Mrs. Ira Queen, who has been feel
ing very poorly, went to Omaha last
Monday, where she underwent an
operation at the St. Joseph hospital,
and from which she showed excellent
recuperative powers and was making
as good progress as could be expected
though she is still very rick.
Miss Helen Heed, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. Reed, who has been
attending scheoi at Plattsmouth. was
taken with a headache which pre
vented her from studying, and was
compelled to remain at home during
the most of the week. Mr. Reed, her
father, took her to Omaha for con
sultation that her health might be
lettered and she could re?urn to
Rev. Lovell Mass:e, who has been
visiting at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Massie, and with
his uncle. Dr. G. H. Gilmore for the
past week, departed a few days ago
for Loveland, Colo., where he goes
to take up the work as minister of
the United Brethren church at that
place. He will ulso attend school
well as minister to the church there.
He has been located at Vermillion.
S. D., for some time.
Was Sure Good Com
We examined tome corn at the
store of W. H. Puis which was raised
by our friends H. J. Tilson, and was
of the yellow dent variety and was
about as tine corn as one would care
to see. Mr. Tilson informs us that
the corn will go seventy-live bushels
per a ers. Besides raising this ex
cellent c-orn. Mr. Tilson has also
grown a quantity of broom corn
which is fine and which he will make
into brooms later. He has been
busy when n't otherwise employed
in making brooms and has placed on
the market some of the best brooms
in the state. The brush as the ma
terial which i uped for the rusking of
brooms is called, is now pretty hi&h.
celling as high as 22 cents per pound.
This makes $4 40 per ton. This crop
will average from 400 to S00 pounds
per acre. P. looks like it would pay
some one to raise tome of the article.
Little Child Severely Injured
Last Friday while Lester Shrader
was driving along, the roughness of
th road threw their little daughter
Dorothy out of the car, the rear
wheel passing over her leg. tearing
the flesh from the bone and breaking
the iarae. The little one was tem
porarily relieved by Dr. G. H. Gil
more and taken to the St. Joseph
hospital at Omaha, where she is be
ing treated and awaiting the lapse
of a few days that it may be more
definitely determines just what to
do regarding the treatment. The
parents of the little sufferer are
much distressed over the serious ac
cident and have the 3mpathy of
their hosts of friends here.
Hanied Last Week.
Raymond Creamer, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Creamer of near Murray,
and Miss Josephine Frizell, who has
iiiads her home for some time with
Henry Creamer and wife, went to
Nebraska City last Friday and while
there were united in marriage. They
will make their home at the Creamer j
larm where they will assist in the
fr.rm work. Their many friends j
among which the Journal is num-!
bered. are extending their best wish
es for a long, happy and prosperous
Drove Over a Thousand Miles
Last Friday W. II. Puis, Paul Tich
ter.Fred Lutz and Cameron Cathey,
returned from a tour of Nebraska,
which included some 1,250 miles in
the trip. They first went west and
visited at Grant in Perkins county,
and Imperial in Chase county, and
then turning the prow of their boat
to the north and east, landed after
many a mile at Plainview and visit
ed there for a time, then on to Col
rige and after having visited with
their many friends and saw much
country which was pleasant to the
eye, and was assured that a good crop
of all kinds had grown over the state,
they returned home well pleased with
the trip.
Mrs. Homer Shrader Very Sick.
Mrs. Homer Shrader who has been
suffering from a tumor for some
time, went to Omaha last Monday,
accompanied by her husband, and en
tered the Ford hospital where she
underwent an operation for the re
moval of the source of trouble and
while she stood the ordeal very well,
the removal was attended with con
siderable pain and was one of great,
delicacy. Her condition will, in a
short time, show a change for the
better, or will require great care in
the treatment. It is hoped by hv"
hosts of friends that .he may in a
fhort time show improvement and
that she will soon be able to return
to her home again with the assur
ance of again enjoying her accus
tomed health.
Estray Notice.
Taken up at the farm of Louis
Schoemaker. three and a half miles
north of Xehawka, a Jersey bull
calf, a little over a year old, spotted
brown and white. Owner can have
the same by proving property, paying
damages and costs incurred.
Louis Schoemaker,
3t T sw. Nehawk. Neb.
Will Make Home Here Again
Walter Smith of Homewood. Kas.. j
::nd who formerly lived in Murray, j
has concluded to dispose of his pro-
perty in the sunflower state, and
return to Cass county. He will as- j
, .1st .hi, fall in sabring thf ataI- j oc 07e r Clh. the laS
turn to Kansas to conduct a sale of
his agricultural implements and j
stock, before returning here.
Will Entertain Aid Society.
Mrs. L. H. Puis will entertain at
her home on Wednesday of next week
of the Luth
and will ex
pect all the members of the society
to be in attendance. There will be
an excellent program prepared for
j the occasion and refreshments will be
i served.
Notice to Everybody.
Making Satisfactory Improvement
Miss Calla Carlson, who has been
officiating as nurse in and near Mur
ray for some time past, while in the n persons interested in the Young
west during the summer, slipped and ! ccmeterv. are requested to meet at
injured herself, requiring an opera- ' the vard on Mondav. October 4th, for
tion. Last week she went to the
hospital at Omaha where she under
went an operation and is making sat
isfactory improvement with the hope
that she will in a short lime be able
to return to her home here and will
eventually be restored to her wonted
the purpose of cleaning up the ceme
tery. By order of the Board.
Duroc Hog-s For Sale.
Pure bred Duroc boars, old enough
for service. "Critic" and "Illustin'
breeding, for $50.
Albert Young, Murray, Neb.
Tractor For Sale.
Will Meet With Mrs. Carroll
The Ladies Aid of the Christian
church will meet Wednesday of next
week. October Gin. with Mrs. C. C.
Carroll and will be entertained by j I have an excellent used tractor of
Mesdames C. C. Carroll. James Hatch- ; f ne Helder Company make, which I
et, J. A. Scotten and Wm. Hendricks, j a moffering at a right price. In first
There is considerable work for the i cIass condition, with three 14-inch
ladies to look after and it is desired bottom nlows. Size 12-20.
that all the members of the Aid So
ciety be in attendance. The lesson
for The afternoon will be conducted
by. Miss Margory Brinklow and all
ere expected to be able to take part
in the discussion.
Murray, Neb.
Having- Foci Treated. j
Mike Rys. the blacksmith, who i
home time ago dropped a heavy piece
of iron on hi? foot injurying the
member greatly, has never been able
to say the foot was well and upon
an examination by a specialist, was
advised to go to the hospital for
treatment and to remain until it was
well, or otherwise it would be doubt
ful if he would save the foot. Las'
week the blacksmith shop was closed
with the ending of the week and Mr.
Rys is having the foot treated with
the hopes of complete recovery.
Henry F. Lutz has been added to
the growing list of auto owners of
the county having made the pur
chase of a Ford touring car that he
will secure from the T. H. Pollock
Auto company. The demand for the
Ford universal car is growing and
Mr. Lutz will receive his car as soon
as it can be secured from the fac
tory by the Pollock company.
P.. F. Wiles was a business vis
itor in Omaha today, going on the
afternoon Burlington train.
Blank books, Journal office.
Back From the North.
Thomas Smith was a business vis
itor in the county seat last Tuesday,
driving up in hi? car to look after
some business. Mr. Smith and son
"Buck" and a sen of Herman Smith.
Lawrence, have just returned from a
visit at Bloomfield and on their trip
there was accompanied by J. L.
Smith, who remained to do some car
penter work. They tell of excellent
crops out there.
1 Investment
The Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph Company
is having an unprecedented demand for more Telephone and Long
Distance Service, and .to provide the facilities required is offering to
the investing public $r.00.000.00 of its common stock at par, 100.00
per share, in amounts to tuit the purchaser.
Since the year 1?09 the Company has paid 46 consecutive quar
terly dividends on this stock at the rate of
This is net to the stockholders as it is free from Nebraska state,
county aud city taxes and Normal Federal Income Tax. which means
a saving of at least 2 over money loaned on notes or invested
in other taxable securities.
The issuance of this stock aud regulation of the Company's
rates under the supervision and control of the Nebraska State
Railway Commission, ar.svring protection of stockholders interests.
The continuous growth of the Company, a satisfied public, con
tented and happy employees and skillful management by well known
successful Nebraska business men, guarantee the safety of the in
vestment. 77- is a good rate of interest, and a check for $17.50 for every
51.000.00 of stock you hold is mailed to your address every three
months in July, October, January and April.
You may send your check with your order for stock and the
certificate for same will be sent to your direct, or send the name of
your bank to which the certificate may be sent and you can pay
for it when received.
If further information is desired see Mr. H.
Manager at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, or address
Ii. Cole, Local
The Lincoln Telephone
and Telegraph Co.
C. P. RUSSELL, Secretary
Lincoln, Nebraska
A Complete Line
Of Summer Apparel for Every Member of the
Family will be Found at Our Store
Boys' work shirts
Men's broad, long work shirts Q 1.C0
Boys' union suits 50c and up
Men s union suits $1.00 and up
Men's Hatch One-Button union suits $2.00
Boys' Hatch One-Button union suits fit 1.26
Also Local Agent for the Famous Singer
Sewing Machines.
The Service Store
Colder Weather Coming!
You had better get ready for the cold weather, as
it is sure to come and that very soon. Put in those
broken window panes, do that job of fall painting you
have been putting off on account of the flies and dust.
Perhaps the inside of your house needs touching up.
We have the materials. And, if you are so fortunate
as to own any, by all means get your stock ready to
withstand the rigors of a hard winter. We have good
stock powders and tonics, as well as poultry regulators,
remedies, etc. Don't put off these things. To do so
may cost you many times the money you'll spend now.
Murray Drug Company,
Murray, Nebraska
Give Your Wife
a Chance!
Are you in need of a new cook stove? Our as
sortment of ranges is unsurpassed. Come in and see
what we have to offer you. Unusual values!
The time for heating stoves is also fast approach
ing. Do not wait until it is cold and then make the
family suffer while you come in to look after getting a
stove. Preparedness pays, you know.
Remember, we carrjr a full line of the best shelf
and heavy hardware which we sell at prices that will
not only permit but encourage it's being used.
Did You Notice the Windows ?
ed a house, a hog barn and a wind
mill, which he made in a barn yard,
and then lined the space for fencing
with the different kinds of ntock and
We were struck with the unique
manner of dressinsr of the windows i
at the Murray Drug company on i Poultry foods, tonics and medicines,
our visit this week. With consider- j Take a look at the window. It is a
able labor Mr. McCracken had build- good advertisement within itself.
0 Per cent. 0
ff on Tires
Beginning with September 1st, I will offer any and
all tires in my exfensive stock at a discount of 10 per
cent. These tires are all of standard makes, as car
ried by the best houses.
Better secure what tire you are needing
while this reduction lasts.
Drs- IViach & Rflach,,The Dentists
The largest and best equipped dental ofhees in Umaha.
Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. Mod
erate Prices. Porcelain flllbgs just like tooth. Instru
menc carefully ste:!'zcd cittx using.