The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 20, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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rant i p Chs
Oes tiou'.caini.Jli
T KT us show you the Certificate of
'Authenticity Messrs. Collins and
Harlan have signed. This is the out
standing fact which comes to you out
of the memorable tone-test recital
(jiven last Monday evening at the
Parmele Theatre: A new era of music
is here. Mr. Edison has lifted the
phonograph to the dignity of a new
You can no longer be satisfied with a phonograph that
imitates. Now you want a phonograph that equals the
human voxe.
You know there is such a pl.onograph. Mr. Edison
made an astonishing test with the Official Laboratory Model
of the NVw Edison to prov'e it. Plattsmouth heard the New
EJison Re-Create the voices of Messrs. Collins and Harlan
in direct comparison w'th their living voices. So realistic
was the New Edison's performance that no one in the entire
audience could distinguish it from the living voices of
Messrs. Collins and Harlan.
With the Exception of County As
sessor, which Republicans
Have Left Vacant.
'The Phonograph with a Soul"
You yourself can have such a phonograph. Let us
show you exact dup!iat?s of the Official Laboratory Model,
which triumphed in the tone-test. Let us show you the
Certificate of Authenticity, which Messrs. Collins and Harlan
have signed, after inspecting these instruments, and in
which they declare that tiese instruments are the equals in
every lespect of the instrument used in the tone-test.
Weyrich I. Ha drab a
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
::ake3 purchase of monument
Mrs. .Ie L. Kc-ot and daughter
A!:. -', i f t);naha. were in the city last
v.nin'c a:ul visited the cemetery
v. ! - r they inokij after the last rest
ing ;i.i-' ,f the parent- of Mrs. Hoot.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Wise, and while
!:-:-? an order for some work to
Mr. l!.;r:y fciniih the monument man.
Th ir r-"!-iiii for patronizing the
J'i.. i r-::.n. ih :,a.i was the excellent
.Uulity work that he puts out.
Mr-. lioi't and her daughter missed
the train and Mr. Smith took them
t- On: ah i in his car. which was the
first time they had ever made the
r:; otlu-i than by rail in all the
t-;ir.i th'jy have lived in Omaha. Mrs.
and Mr-. Jmith rtmained for supper
at the lio-it home and speak highly
of their h's;):ta'.ity and friendliness.
( 1. Richards departed this
morning via Pacific Jupnction and
Council IJluffs, for Omaha, where he
I will attend the auto races to be held
there this afternoon.
K. li. Terry who has been staying
at the home of his daughter. Mrs
Albert Funke. near Memphis, where
h has been assisting on the farm.
returned home this morning.
From Saturday's T)Ally.
Tre republican county central
committee met this morning in the
equity court room at the court house
and after the preliminaries had been
disposed of, got down to business
and filled the vacancies which exist
ed because of the resignation of A.
A. Wetenkamp. who had been regu
larly nominated as a candidate for
commissioner from the first district,
and by reason of no qualified nomi
nee being named through the medium J
of the primary for the position oi"
countv assessor.
To fill the vacancy on the ticket
caused by the resignation of Mr.
Wetenkamp. George L. Farley pres
ent incumbent in the assessor's posi
tion, was selected and will according
ly be voted upon as a candidate for
that office at the November election.
No action was taken, however, rela
tive to naming a candidate for coun
to assessor, which position can not
be held successive terms by any one.
Win. Atchison who was appointed
recently to serve as commissioner
from the third district until the
holding of the fall election, was al
so named as a candidate to fill out
the unexpired term, ending a year
from next January 1st.
This completes the republican
county ticket with the exception of
the county assessorship for which it
is doubtful if anyone will be nominated.
The following are the names of
the central committee of the repub
lican party. John Adams and Mrs.
A. J. Gardner. Eagle; J. A. Schafer,
and Mrs. Claire Bornemeier, Alvo;
John Medfrod and Mrs. W. A. Arm
strong. Greenwood; Frel X. Zink.
Wabash: Mrs. H. A. Tool. Murdock;
Henry P. Ixng and Mrs. A. Towle.
South Bend; Edward Dowler and Mrs.
Mary Tanney. Weeping Water; C.
M. Andre? and Mrs. Eva Frost, Man-
ley; W. A. Holleberger and Mrs. Car
oline Marquaedt, Avooa: Wilson Gil-
more and Mrs. Grace Johnson. Mt.
Pleasant; Wm .Schneider, Mrs. Har
vey Gamer. Eight Mile Grove; J. H.
Steffens and Mrs. Edith Palmer, Ne-
hawkaT; F. H. McCarthy, and Miss
Gucsie Rohb, Liberty; A. L. Baker
and Mrs. J. H. Brown .West Rock-
bliiffs; A. A. Wetenkamp. Mrs. Jen
nie Wile.-?, Plattsmouth Precinct; J.
M. Teogarden. Edith Wichersham,
Ben Olive and Lucile II. Johnson,
Weeping Water city; W. A. Robert-
fon. Miss Mane Kaufman. Wm. We
ber, Mary Buttery," O. C. Hudson,
Mrs. Clare Wescott, Lee Cotner. Mrs.
May Farlev, B. C. Hyde and Mary
Petersen, Plattsmouth city.
From Saturday's Pail v.
A. B. Crabtree of May wood and J.
C. Crabtree of west of A "a, were in
.Plattsmouth this morning with their
'brother, Lewis Crabtree, of Mynard.
at whose home the are visiting, and
the trio enjoyed meeting with nu
merous friends of the past,
j The brothers have just returned
'from Success, Mo., where they were
were guests of their sister, Mrs. John
.Kiser, and husband. They were in
the show-me state for some time,
I and say the crops and fruit there is
I excellent, but they were not im
pressed with the land on account of
its roughness and the prevalence of
rocks in large numbers.
They report Mr. Kiser , prospering
and well satisfied with hfs location.
He lives many miles froii a railroad
however, and admits that, other
things being equal he would much
prefer closer contact with the world.
After a short visit here, J. ('. will
accompany his brother, A. 15. to the
hitter's home at Maywood for a
visit .
- j
Lowden Ticket Picks Up in Later
Returns From Illinois Primary
and Leads Over Len Small
Chicigc, Sept. 17. Lieutenant
Governor J. G. Oglesby. candidate
for tho republican nomination for
governor on the ticket supported by
Governor Frank O. Lowden, today
took the lead over Len Small, Mayor
Thompson' candidate and tonight
had an advantage of more than 1,000
votes, with 37G precincts still to be
heard from of which 2CS were in Chi
cago. Congressman William B. McKinley,
also supported by Governor Lowden.
continued to gain over Congressman
Frank B. Smith of the Thompson
ticket in the race of the United States
senatorial nomination. McKinley had
increased his lead to 14,574 tonight,
with 407 precincts missing.
The result mu?t remain in doubt,
however, until next week, when the
official count is made, because bal
lot boxes from 2oft precincts in Chi
cago were sealed before the count
was given to the newspapers.
Part of Oglesby's gain was through
discovers' of an error of more than
C.O00 in Small's Chicago vote.
Returns from r.a'JG precincts out
of T.737 in Illinois, tonight showed
the following vote:
For the republican gubernatorial
nomination: Oglesby 3il.SI)7; Sum!!
In the republican senatorial con
test the vote from fi.2S9 precinct
was McKinley 347. 4S.",; Smith 331.-
One of the long dry spells of the
year remains unbroken today, al
though a good shower to settle the
diiit would be welcomed. In the past
more than two weeks scarcely a
sprinkle of rain has fallen.
El'n- r Webb was a passenger to
Omaha this afternoon, where he goes
to ine.-t Mrs. Webb, who is returning
T'r ;n a visit at Creigiiton. Nebraska,
arid will al-o p.ttenl the class initia
tion being put on b the Omaha lodge
t i EiUs tonight.
W. A. Cleghorn, one of the mem
bers of the office force in the Bank
of Commerce, at Louisville, was look
ing after some business matters in
Plattsmouth today, coming down on
the Schuyler this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGuire. who
have been at Osmond for the past
week, called there by the death of
the father of Mr. Becker, their son-in-law,
and remaining for the week,
returned home last evening.
Alfalfa Hay Wanted!
Alfa-Maize Manufacturing Company is now ready
to buy hundreds or tons of alfalfa hay at its new mill
in Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Market price will be paid.
ALFALFA Choice, $28.00; No. 1, $24.00-$26.-00;
Standard, $18.00-$22.00; No. 2, $14.00-$ 16.00 ; i
No. 3, $10.00-$ 12.00. r
5G0 acres of Corn Fodder wanted for which from .
$25.C0 to $30.00 per acre will be paid.
Alfa-EUiaize Wlfg. Co.,
The Democratic Meetings.
The county central committee of
the democratic party met at the of
fice of J. P. Falter this afternoon
and after having looking after the
minutes of little things the matter
of filling the vacancies which had
been on the ticket.
In the matter of county assessor
the name of Will Rummel wis placed
on the ticket and it seems that a bet
ter selection could not have been
made. For the vacancies in the pre
cinct assessors in the city, were filled
by the placing on the ticket the
names of J. W. Tritsch and G. G
Meisinger. v
The following is a list of the com
mittee of the county:
Frank Lanning, Mary E. Lanning
Eagle; F. E. Cook. Mauguerite Fore
man, Alvo; J. A. Capwell, Mrs. John
Gonzales. Elm wood; Jesse Melvin
Murdock; William Richards. Mrs
Wm. Richards. South Bend; Dan
Bourke, Mrs. J. C. Rauth, Manley
Wm. Stohlman, Mary McGrew, Louis
ville; J. XV. Kitner. Mm. M. Brendel,
Avoca; Frank Massie, Sarah Spohn.
Weeping Water; P. A. Horn, Mrs. P.
E. Tritsch, Cedar Creek; M. G. Kime.
Mrs. May Cunningham, Nehawka;
L. G. Todd, Nettei Stanton. Union
W. II. Puis, Mrs. Albert Young. Mur
ray; E. B. Hutchison, Evelyn Stamp.
Plattsmouth; will Rummel, Platts
mouth; Wra. Hobson, Mrs. J. J. Con
ley. Weeping Water; Frank Domin
go, Mrs. Louie Staton, Weeping Wa
ter; John P. Sattler, Mrs. W. E. Ros
encrans, Plattsmouth; Jas. E. Rebal,
Mrs. J. . J. Svoboda, Plattsmouth
Frank J. Llbershal, Mrs. P. J. Flynn,
i Acres wiin a loveiy t room
bungalow, electric lights, furnace and
water, built 4 years ago by the own
er for a home and not for profit, lo
cated on the K. T. & W. Highway, 3-4
mile south of Plattsmouth post of
fice. Most ideal location in all the
state. Only 19 miles from Omaha
stock yards, a splendid place for
dealer in lambs, pigs and calves, or
the best poultry place on earth, hun
dreds of farmers pass this place
dally. This place is level, rich black
soil, 500 bushel of corn, plenty pota
toes and very large garden goes with
it; fruit of all kinds; possession at
once; all in finest shape.
Will take good Omaha property as
part payment, good terms to right
party, 6 per cent. This Is where the
two avenues meet.
1912 Vinton St.. Omaha
ltd ltw. Tyler 905.
Chicago, Sept. 17. Returns from
H.732 out of the f.,737 voting pre
cincts for republican candidate for
governor placed Oglesby in the lead
bv 1.1 4 0. The vote:
Oglesby 249.790; Small 34$. (149.
Krnm Saturday's Daliv
Mrs.' Dorothy Griding, who has
been a citizen of Plattsmouth for fif
ty-three years last Monday and a
lover of flowers has at her home a
rare plant, a night blooming corns,
which is opening this afternoon
slightly and will bloom in its mag
nificence this evening. When open
ed out, it measures over seven in.-he--in
diameter and emits a very plea-j-ant
odor which fills the house. Mrs.
Golding. who by a fall some years
ago, injured herself so that she can
not get out well, but takes great
pleasure in the cultivation of Hovers
and this bloom, which is coming to
perfection of one very rarely seen.
From Patu'.IWs Tallv.
The Republican reprinted an ar
ticle last week from the Elm wood
Leader-LCho which we thought was
a very nice compliment to our towns
man. It. D. McN'urlin, on his spry-
n ess, for a man SO year3 of age
displayed while moving a building in
tnat city. .ow .Mr. iic.Miriin is one
of "the boys" ar.d would much rath
er be called CO years of age than SO
l hat s right, nick, we know you
are spryer now than some of the CO
fellows. But you are about half
baldheaded. If von will wear a wig
v.e will
swear you are only 00.
Water Republican.
From Saturday's Dally.
Last Friday evening George Craig
and wife arrived in this city from
their home at Valley Junction, la.
where Mr. Craig is employed with
the Rock Island railway. They de
parted lor Murrav. where they are
visiting at the home of Frank Mara-
sek and Herman Richter and folks for
a snort time. They win visit with
friends and relatives in Plattsmouth
as well before returning to their
home in Iowa.
Thirty spring pigs for sale from 75
to 80 pounds.
16 2td 2tw. MARK FURLONG
A Doughboy is Very Happy.
Proving his Americanism by ser
vice during the world war in France,
Ben Raymond returned home to take
up the occupation of farming, having
wedded a most beautiful and falented
American girl just before he depart
ed for the camp. With the coming
of peace for his country also came
happiness, when last Monday evening
I at his home between Murray and Un
1 ion the Etork brought to his home
a bouncing young American boy who
will make his home with the happy
parents. Here is to you young man
and your parents also, may you live
long and may happiness and good
deeds mark your life.
Murdoch &ca
Whole Families Taking
to Drink!
Entire Neghborhood as Well
fjOi BP
Down et H. I.
m mm f m wmm
EN'S Store
-3 2' -'- - L' -.r--- 'lld.' 3f Jw- tt
if itif-ti, fifam? ffwifi m
'he pavmeiit cf the obligation and he i this afternoon, where they will cross
was di-chargL-d. It would look like ' bats with the Ralston team for the
j third time this season. Plattsmouth
I won both former games. Messrs.
j Wolfe and Eaton will also be in the
i Sox lineup tomorrow on the home
grounds, when Thurman will cross
g'. t
"!nr; juice was ot tne go and
"e:n" kind, for it sure brought
answer in his ease.
From ivi t unlr. y TnlT.
.7 . li ii Lloyd, who has been in the
.v;-t U:r the past few day.-, where
h; has some land on which he rais
ed n crop tti !itat this year, return
ho'ii" today i-inl reports having
r-ompletel his threshing and that his
wheat we tit about 2 bushels to the
icre, making him en excellent re-i-irn
on his investment. We con--ratulate
Mr. Jloyd on his suec'ss
ji.d trust he may continue to pros
per iii the years to come.
bats with the local team.
Arrested by OiTicer Alvia Jones, and
When Found in His Car He Was
Unconscious and Bleeding;
rmn Saturday's Iialt-.
Last night a number of the c-m-!oves
of the (. K. garage f nm. ,1 a
jar in !;e tiitch r.fjr K. S. Iiull i
tpi.n investigating found a man in
the ear, bheding very pr.)f lively, an 1
unconsciou-!. They g t him out of.
the cr.r and by patient working
ly gt him to walk around jir.'i re
stored to sutlicient i fnwr -iousness, that .
he was able to give an account f
himself. He was arrested bv nl'loer
lones and this morning arraiunod
before his honor Judge M. Archer
nd upon the hearing, gave testi-
!iui!iv in Ins own iienaii. s;'vinr; m
ubstance that he had pur: Iras- d a
bottle of patent medicine and which
known as "bracia" and manufac
tured 1-y the I!ra i:v 1): ug C''i:i?..ry !'
Kunsa i'y. ami v.iii; h w.i ; i:i ;
black bottle, on the label f which
Wiii printed, "not over per cent
ilohal." This he had drank s.m
of end drove to Ouir.iu;. from
ther- had starteil brick t i Ivls Ihim
it Nebraska City but run into the
ditch near tho K. S. hall. t!:e impact
f tlie stopping of his Find s sud
'd."'.ily had ltifiju'l his r.o :e a.ains'
'lie t'aring wheid and cinised tliat
organ to bleed pi cf usly.
He was asse.-.-i-d one hundred dol
lars and costs whkh a;:;-unfed t
tne d'llars for wiiii-h he gave a
-heck on a bank a; Nebraska City for
Fro'ji ,s."t:inl.iy's Tnily.
Mrs. IMv.ard Tritsch and father.
P. II .."dviringer. were passengers
to Omaha this morning where they
went to see Mr. Tritsch. who' is con
valescing at 'he hospital, and to as
;st him in getting home. Mr.
Tritsch h;;s b en at the hospital for
some time ar.d lias had a very severe
time ar.d it is hoped with his return
In-me ii:..t "no may skui be. in 1; is ac
tusiomed healtn again.
A Grateful Letter
It is in trying conditions like
that relat'-d below by Mrs. Oeorge
! . North of Naples. N. V., that proves
the worth of .Chamberlain's Colic and
1 iarr!:ee;t Remedy. "Two years ago
;t;st vnmmer." she s-:;vs, "our little
'oy had dysentery. At that time we
were livirf; in the country eight miles
iVei.i a doctor. O ir rn was taken
ill mi 1. loiily and was about the sick
e f 1 I ev'-r s?w. lie vas in ter
r;'.!e fain all the time .and passed
f l cm one convul-io:i into another. I
.-'tit my husband for a doctor and af
ter he wns gone thought of a bottle
fit" Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea
Remedy in the cupboard. I gave him
some of it r-nd lie began to improve
; t once. I'y tho time the doctor ar
iived lui was out of danger."
i5ruc Wolfe and Robert Katon.
two of the star players on the Union
ball team, rcn.e up this morning to
accompany the Red Sox to Ralston
Plaid Skirts!
You don't take any shances
when you buy one of these
new plaid Skirts for our
experience has proved that
they are becoming to all
types. In addition to that
they are durable and most
reasonable as to marking.
$10 to $20
Ladies Toggery
BUSCH, Manager
Wm$ u mm uMii ii i
Du-Ir- all the yezrs the Ford Tvlodel T One Ton Truck has been on the rnar-1-et
re have never htcl one complaint cf rear axis trouble. We have had no
ccrAplaints of motor trouble. As the motor and the rear arJe rxe the vital funda
msnks in a motor truck, we have the right to conclude that the Ford One Tea
fru-1- has not only met the demands of business, but has done so in a satisfactory
--d"eonomic way. There is no other evidence so convincing a3 that which
Srrsfrcm long practical experience. Ford One Ton Trucks are srvins alon5
aT industrial and 'commercial lines. You will find them everywhere. If these
J were not facts, the demand for the Ford One Ten Truck would not
be'cs Yarre as it is, because people are net buying trucks which do not give
J coupled with the dependability of the Ford One Ton Truck m all classes
cf ua'e comes the econcm in operation and maintenance. On the farm, ia
faetorv delivers, for the r-ierclisnt, manufacturer, and contractor, in these days
If S biSiess mcthocc, this wonn-drivea One Tea Fcrd Truck has become
an actual ntciSii:y. Cr-J Li id taLc ii over.
0p3.n Day and High!!
Tal. N. 1. Plattsmouth. Neb
:. i
4' ' ''.
.! 1
' v.
' i, 1