The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 20, 1920, Image 1

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    csl Society
vol. xxzvn.
NO. 2G
Was Present to Confer the Wcrk
A Large Number Up from Ne
braska City Aerie.
From Friday'. Pally.
Last evening as a culmination of
the work that has been done by the
committee in charge of securing new
members, the local aerie 1 O. L
initiated t lurs-est single class of
liieinbtrs taken in'o the order in the
lat five years. la all there were
It', members attached to the local
loil-i-. making the present roll ia
pood standing now total 216.
The meeting v as called to order
by President J. M. Cunningham, of
t!i" Flatt-mouth aerie. who turned
its comluct over to the South Omaha
officers, from aerie No. 15 4. The
wnrk wa-- most beautifully exempli
tie 1 by these boosters from the near
by lodLe. as.-iste.l by the degree staff,
which is one of the best drilled teams
in the :t;.te.
President Andrew P. Morar. of the
N l.raska state aerie was present
and made an address, as did also V.
F. M'.ran. of the same place. Both
are vel! ,'.ial;f.ed to speak on matters
conn.-, ted with the order, and having
silver toni;:;es they were not back
ward in promulgating the doctrines
!' Kagl'-dom.
Secretary Bender of the Nebraska
City a-.rie also responded with a
short but pleasing address.
In addition to the outsiders, a num
ber of local speakers, chosen from
amongst the candidates made short
talks. Among these were Mayor II.
A. Schneider and I'residen . Frank
M. Bestor of the conmorc'il club,
both of whom told of son e of the
goc d qualities they had ol -.erved as
oomimr 1 rum the order, and spoke
of their pieaure at be.' lg abie to
become members thereof
Win. Barclay, of this city, vice
president of the state at rie. and a
man who ranks hisih in the annals
of Ka'.edfim. also made an elo-juent
ad Ires?, in behalf of the further ex-te:,.-i(n
of '.-mbership in the order,
dealing with its frr.'errial qualities
ami rff"ri::g to the accomplishments
of the past ind rim.-; of the future.
Mr. Barclay is in line for election to
the state presidency at the 121 cok
vevti.'M which will be held in this
oitv. .ind although he could
doubtless i
have 1 e-.-:i elected to that position at
Falls City this year, he graciously
stepped aside and threw his support
to the pie-eni inctimber.t. Andrew
I'. Morjn. w hose absence abroad as a
war worker prevented him frr.ra be-
ing named
At t lie T"T
work, the n
irelnhf r.j it)
to a buffet
in the usual order of
n of th initiatory
ore than th-ee hundred !
v ere
trp.-it,l .
greatly enjoyed, and it was nigh un
to the wee small hours when the
last lingering ones had left for home.
Of those in attendance thirty were
up from Nebraska City and as many
or more from South Omaha.
-r i . t . s j; :m
i ne niemoersnip orive win dp
continued for two weeks yet. after .
which the initiatory fee will le ad-
varced. I
The resent class w;s one of the
larg"st ever taken in during the ex-1
i-tence of the lodge and although as
i. .any as filty have gone in at one
time within the past live years, t his ,
!--s of .ri has otiVT ripped trem all.
Of those initiated many are business
and professional men of the city, and
a ! are of the class of timber that
will inai c first class boosters.
The coming of the state conven
tion to IM.'tT.-m ,'uith next year will
mean a big thing to Plattsmoutli
and the officers of the local aerie are
taking the right action by lining up
their force; ewly to prepare for it.
The next twelve months should be
ventful ones in the history of
From Frinay'8 Dallr.
Mrs. Katheryn Oeldemann of Oma
ha, who has made her home in the
metropolis for the past forty years,
died at her home last evening from
the direct effects of a niastois tumor. j
in the lrfr side of her head near the ,
base of the skull. Mrs. Oeldemann
was at the advanced age of SI years
ar.d had rot been well for some time. ;of a considerable amount of grain
She leav-rs to mourn her demise, one (going to the Burlington and being
son ar.d four dauehters. thev being, loaded on the tracks here may, in a
Mesdames E. Bloomer, J. J. Hoffman.
J. Eruesei and Fred Oeldemann all
of Omaha, and Mrs. Otto Kreamer of
this city. Mrs. Kreamer, who has
made her home rear Platt.sin.outh
and is the youngest child of this aged
lady, ha ? tut recently lost her hus
band and but a short time before lst
another husband, and with what reg
ularity the losses of near and dear
loved ones come to her. It seems as'
if she is having her cup of sorrow
.'liled to the brim. She has the sym
pathy of i,:any friends i:i and near
this city who share-her sorrow in this
1 o.-s. The funeral will occur at Oma
ha ,r.iorrov. The husband of the
;ged lady died In Omaha about fifteen
voar-i aro.
Fnm Friday's Dally.
Judge J. T. Begley and wife.
parted via auto this afternoon Jet
Papilion, where they went to attend
the funeral of the late James It. Wil
ton, who has been clerk of the dis
trict court for Sarpy county tor a
miniltt-r of years. Mr. Wilsan was
spoken of as being an excellent gen
tleman and is held in respect by all
who have come in contact with pub
lic ami private life.
Cass County Educational Institution
is Now Completed First to
Favor Consolidation.
From Friday's Dally
A dedicatory meeting commemo
rating the completion of the Eagle
consolidated school was held there a
few days ago, being largely attended
by patrons of the district and others
from a greater distance.
State Superintendent John M.
Matzen was present and addressed
the meeting, taking as his subject.
"Nebraska's Schools."
"Nebraska's Vocational Interests."
was the subject ably handled by Alice
M. Loom is. ttate director of home
The dedicatory address was deliv
ered by H. H. Marmon, as was also
the dedicatory prayer. Several mu
sical numbers were rendered.
Eastern Nebraska Fields Practically
Beyond Danger of Frost Damage
Still Soft in Lowlands
From Friday
Practicallv all of eastern Nebras
ka's bumper corn (Top has hardened
ruffieiently during the hot weather
of the past four days to withstand a
heavy first, according to reports re
ceived Wednesday night from nearly
a score of towns extending from the
Kansas 1'ne to the Niobrara river.
Fields in lowlands will require
from a week to twenty days of high
temperature to properly mature, re
pcrts indicate. The highland crop
.:ow is beyond damage by frost.
Reco.-i vields will be harvested in
ma'iy sections, estimates running as
high as seventy-five bushels an acre.
The reports by communities:
Auburn Entire crop matured.
Record yield predicted.
Teeuinseh Best crop in fifteen
years. Early corn safe; late still
soft. Some fields will require six
weeks cf warm weather to mature.
Fairbury Crop out of danger.
sli:rit damage
done by hail last
Citv Another week of
! warm weather needed to insure a
!crcp on the bottom land. Highlands
;crop insured.
i Blair Vields of seventy-five bush
els predicted. Fields turning yellow,
i No frost danger, except in few low
j fields.
-rti,..-i, -r..., t ficar, a f
war:n; dr'v leather needed to insure
highest crop in history.
vahoo Crop maturing rapidly.
One week of hot weather sufficient
except for latest plantings. Prospects
best ever.
Fremont The past four days have
insnre-1 crop, xcpt on land' along
David City No danger from frost.
Prospects regarded as best ever.
West Point All fields sufficiently
hardened to withstand frost.
Columbus All fields practically
Bloomfield Ears hardening. The
yield will be record. Few poor fields
in lowlands.
Hartington Sixty-five per cent of
crop out of dancer. Another week
withort frost will insure crop in bot
tom hnJs. Record yield except in
low places.
Norfolk Bigges crop in years.
But little soft corn in lowlands.
Highlands beyond frost damage.
From Friday's Dallv
The Missouri Pacific are receiving
a few more cars at this place and the
elevator is able to handle a few more
consignments cf grain. The matter
measure, have some influence on the
more generous supply which the Mis
souri Pacific is furnishing. In any
case this i3 a relief to the farmer
who has been holding his grain for
so many months, seeking an oppor
tunity to market the same. But
did you notice how soft the prices
are getting when the cars are more
"Rube" Earhart and Family Leave
This Afternoon for Steel City
to Attend Funeral.
From Thursday" Dally.
"Ilube" Earhart. the barber, who
is employed in the American Legion
shop located in the Wagner hotel
block, received a telegram today from
his brother, P. D. Earhart. of Steel
City. Nebraska, telling of the death
of their father. I). H. Earhart. at
that place, this morning.
The elder Earhart had not been in
the best of health for some time and
was well advanced in years, being
considerably past his alloted three
score and ten. For a number of years
he has been afflicted with dropsy.
The telegram was brief, telling
only of the father's death and not
stating when the funeral would be
held. Mr. Earhart and family de
parted on the afternoon train for
Steel City to attend the burial of
the aged father.
Mr. Earhart and family, during
their residence here have made many
friends whom the Journal joins in
extending sympathy in their hour
of sorrow.
Joseph E. Hawksworth. cf Lincoln,
and Miss Elizabeth Beeson
Wedded at Glenwood.
From Tncsflays Dally.
As a surprise to their Triends,
Joseph E. Haw ksworth. of Lit. coin,
who is engaged with the Burlington
as a freight brakeman. and Miss Eli
zabeth Beeson. daughter of Judge
and Mrs. A. J. Beeson. of this city,
went to Glenwood. Iowa, where they
were united in marriage by the pas
tor of the Methodist church at the
The young people, who were pro
vided with transportation, departed
for a tour of some two we3ks thru
the west and upon their return will
be at home to their friends in Lin
coln after October 1st.
The Journal joins their numerous
friends in offering congratulations
and hearty well wishes for a long
and prosperous married life.
from Thursday's Iaily.
Two of the members of the Journal
force drove out to the Cass county
farm last evening to purchase some
apples, ami while there. Mr. Askew,
who was looking after the work of
gathering the apples in the absence
of Supt. G. II. Tarns, who had been
called to Omaha on business connect
ed with the management of the farm,
showed us about the place, which in
our judgment is in a very prosperous
The first thing to attract our at
tention was the scrupulously clean
and neat appearance of the buildings
as well as the outside appearance of
the house and lawn. Everything is
kept in its place and general order
is maintained.
Every year a large amount of pro
duce from the farm finds its way to
the markets of this city, where it is
sold and the money turned into the
treasury of the county to help pay
operating expenses of the farm.
The Cass county farm is a model
and many times committees of other
counties and even from other states
have come here to view this institu
tion and gain ideas for improvement
of their own.
County Judge Beeson Hears Evidence
and Decides to Quash Action
Brought by Miss Liston.
from Thursday's Dally
Before County Judge A. J. P-eeson
this morning was heard a case
wherein Miss Geraldine Liston. who
had a contract for teaching school
in District number 23 last year, but
who was dismissed by the board of
education two months prior to the
ending of the term, sought to col
lect wages for the two months she
was not permitted to teach.
i ne case was cioseiy contested, a
number of witnesses offering testi
niony in support of each side, and af
ter having heard the testimony and
summoning up arguments of both
sides, judge lieeson nandea down a
decision dismissing the case, as he
concluded the board of education
was justified in dismissing the plain
tiff teacher.
From Thursdays Dall
This morning Peter Freidrich and
family, the former a cousin of Mar
tin L. Freidrich of this city, arrived
at Pekin.
t heir
will visit with tl
cousin ar.d other
.e family
time. j
Mr. Peter FreKiricii was a ivsi- :
dent of Cass county s.-ms thirty i
years ago and at that time was i:i j
the employ of M. L. Frcidrich o:i l is !
farm west of this :ty. Peter is at i
this tini'1 a properons farmer near j
Pekin, 111. They were accompanied I
by Mr. Henrv Lu!2 of Pekin, who is
visiting at the lume
Mrs. J. P. Falter and
other sister. Mrs. P.
living west of Plat'sim
of his sister,
aiso with Mi
ll. Meiiiirer.
'i:th, ai'.n other
. . '
xuis is a very lapjimiu ieciion as
the Constitution cf Nebraska
Depends Uptzi the Vote.
Fiom Thursday's n-o'v.
Remember that "we are to hav
election next Tuesday and one of
most impci turn th'i! could come
a a
t ke j
fore the people, as i; is the funda
mental laws cf the state and the
liberties and rights of the people
which are involve!. Acquaint j.iiir
self with the constitution section by
section, and pass judgment on each
section separately a 'id then cast your
votp accordingly. No one knows
better tlan you what the laws un
der whim you have to live you most
desire. You are a citizen and elec
tor, and while in the legislature the
representatives are delegated with
the making vf the liws, you are iiw
called upon to form the constitution
by which theve laws are to be "inter
preted, and it is only seldom that this
privilege and duty con es to you. All
should vo'e and vote just exactly
their sentiments and desires, for this
is the foundation of the liberties ar.d
richts of the people.
Grandfather and Grandson are Sur
rounded ly rsds and Rel
atives to Observe Event.
Krom Tin . sday
Last Sunday, September 1Kb be
ing the birthday of both Charles A.
Harvey, of Mynard. and Kalph Tyb r.
his grandi-on. residing in Omaha, the
day was properly ob-e rved and a hist
of friend:- and relatives were brou.h.t
together in Omaha to celebrate the
From the data furnished, we arc
unable to figure out just how many
years cither or both .i the i'onored
guests have seen, but judging from
the circ iiii.-tances surrounding the
mr.tnr would infer that the grand
father is considerably older than the
The day was spent in very pleas
ant sociability, as it was a meetm-
of friends, and the merry laugh amij
hearty greeting were indicative of aj
general good time being enjoy-d by j
all. The feature of the occasion 's '
the old fashioned tried chicken din-j
ner which was partaken of by all
those in atte ndanc- .
Those present to enjoy the event
were Mr. and .Mrs. ( . a. Harvey, oi
Mynard; Oliver Harvey and wife and
little daughter. Phillis. also of My
nard; Geo. Goodman and wifo. ef
Weeping Wate-r; Ge rge Harvey and
wife and little sen. Robert, of Logan.
Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L.
Tvler and family.
Th." only thought .to in any way
mar tne ueligni:ui occasion was t lie
fact that on the lir-;t of the coming
year Mr. and Mrs. ('. A. Harvey are
to remove to Kansas where they will
make their home in the future. The
many friends as the time to depart
arrived, extended to the two whose
birthdays were beina: observed, best
wishes for the return of many more
such- happv occasions.
From Thursday's Daily.
While in Omaha yesterday, super
intendent of the Cass county farm.
had his daughter. Mrs. Fred Kezner,
return home with him in order to
assist her mother. Mrs. (5. 1!. Tarns, in
the cooking which would he required
as at the coun'y farm today they are
doing the threshing.
The small grain for the year con
sists of wheat and oats ajid of both
they are expecting a good yield. Mr.
Tarns tells of an abundant crop of
hay as well.
From Friday's Dally.
A. B. Hitchman of Weeping Wa
ter, a brother of R. C. Hitchman of
this city, arrived from Weeping Wa
ter this afternoon for a short visit
with his brother and family before
departing for Tampico, Mexico, where
he is working as a civil engineer in
fhe new oilfields. Mr. A. B. Hitch
man. who was with the oil companies
there for some time has been enjoy
ing a two months vacation at his
home at Weeping Water and is now
just returning to take up his work
Popular copyrighted fiction at the
Journal office.
from their home
TrrrruA?nc wn
; County W.
Gather Her;
C. T.
U. Members'
From Tours'!.) v's l'atly
The Woman's Christian Teir.per
ame I'liio:.. the real eieiuent behind
country ;;nd j.hiea no small p .rt in
making the nation dr. is assembled
l n
count v
o:ive:!;;.n h
t (cia v
I 'resbvt erian chur-h.
Five local rnior.s.
; e
at Easi.le,
i'i:i ;ui!
;r i-eiite 1
i Plat tsmout !i, !. -t: is vi ! .-. l"i
Weeping Water arc all re
I at the convention, i,: em bet
;;- of the
pre:, rut in
piatti:uu;h u::iou b-
j large numbers.
I close t otiight vi
j K. M. Pollard o
i 1 1: ; i'l.i a ad La w
The t on e'H .oil will
th ad Ire. : e-- by H'n.
!! "The New Conti
EalVr; fluent." an 1
I bv Hev. 11. G. McClu.
The Fu-
! lure of Preh ibitiou."
t J n is i i u e i v en . ii ... 1 1 1 a 1. n Kit i I
meeting ot the a s county union.
Irrespective of personal views, no
one can help hut re. p.:t these earnest
workers who have gladly .sac riticeel
both time and money throughout a
long period cf vears in order to aid
in 1 1 1 e; 1 1 i 1 1 u the sentiment which final
ly crystalie-d and brought about the
reforms of the past few years.
To this staunch band is due much!
of tile cre dit for what has been ao- '
complished, rather than to the by-1
phenated damp-dry demagogue politi-j
ians who have posed in late years I
a- reformers, after they saw the!
! handwriting on the wall, when they
'mustered up sufficient courage to
jlift their little finger in support of:
the cau:e. We wonder where sue h j
; as these will stand when the judg- I
ment day rolls 'round,
j The convention program is being
j carried out as we go to press, and
! in tomorrow's issue we will publish
hi detailc.! work of the thongs of thisi
ye ar s meet n:g.
S. t'i I it y is one of the main f va-
V":' "'..,' ' " ' ' ,''."".' ,
uemoeraiH maurer ine :auies s-ieu
; dinner fr -as the kitchun of the Firs! :
' Presbyurian church, and a meal that
was much t n joyed. i
r . .1" . ii.i i ' ill ji .j..-..,. -.3
hdanue.l bv Mrs. J. I. Cross
- v.-ere:
jdent of t lie Cass county unions, and
jare provins, highly successful.
rve W.
fa II v.
Wall, an em
Pacific at La
this morning
! Ce.
love of
! I he
M issouri
was in town
the National
flrand Arniv
a ve
f'uuday for
wiil attend
t ne
the Republic
was tiesirious
of go
Jacks. A. U.
wee'r.. Mr. Wall
ing in company
commander of
lost, but upon
with Asbury
the local (I.
arrival here
that Mr. Jacks had departed yester
day, intending to step off e:i route.
Mr. Wa'l wiil leave Sunday, goinir
via Sf. Louis, as be has transporta
tion over the Missouri Pacific. lie
expects to meet a cousin. Geo. peaty,
whom he Iihs not seen for some thir
ty years, at the reunion.
Mr. Wall entered tin1 service from
Wilton Junction. Iowa, and was a
member of Co. P.. 4 4th Iowa reiri
ment. Gradually the ranks of the
veterans of 'tH -'(!" are thinning.
those who are left take greater
terest than ever in the national
cair;ii)'ciits hold each year.
Seme Counties Disregard Orders of
Conctkutional Convention for a
Callot in Pamphlet Form
Several counties are said to have
printed ballots for the special elec
tion September 21 in a form contrary
to the decree of the constitutional
convention. Secretary of State Ams
lerry has received a letter from the
county clerk of Saunders county ask
ing if it is unlaw ful to print the con
stitutional amendments in "string"
form instead of pamphlet form. The
secretary of state has replied that
such a ballot will not be illegal or
void. Others have grave doubts
about this for the reason that the
constitutional convention explicitly
states that the ballot shall be in
pamphlet form and the convention
has power to define the manner and
form in which amendments shall be
submitted to the voters.
It is said other counties besides
Saunders on one sheet of paper sim
ilar to the general election ballot.
The. constitutional convention re
ceived a report from a committee
which was not positive enough as to,
the form of the ballot to suit some!
members, and on motion of Evans of
-3 41 ,r .1 3 . 1. . '
Adams the convention ordered the
ballot to be printed in pamphlet form
with space- on the back for the en
dorsement of election officers. This
was the final action of the conven
tion, though the printed minutes
omit any mention of the vote on the
subject. It stops with the motion
on Evans' motion being put to the
convention by President Weaver.
While many voters prefer the long
form ballot, it was a pamphlet ballot
which the convention ordered used
at the special election. Lincoln
Krurn Tl.ursrtay's lallv.
This morning Carl Kineman de
parted lr Knox and Antelope coun
ties, where he is interested in some
land and will spend some time there,
fie will visit the towns ef Pierce
and Plai'iview. and visit with the
many oid time friends who have
jnoved from this city and county in
the past lew years. Mr. Kunsman
has an excellent farm in that coun
ty and will look after the place
w hile he i t here.
From Thursday's Dally.
The annual convention of the
Koyal Neighbors of America. held
at Lor.isville yesterday afternoon
and last evening, was well attended
by representatives anil members from
all over the county.'s quota at the con
vention was more than filled, some
twenty-five from here being present
at the meeting and banquet, last
night. Nearly all of these went via
auto and remained until a late hour.
The program is declared to have
been an excellent one and was en
joyed by all. This feature of ihe
fraternal society's work in Cass coun
ty is most pleasing as each year large
numbers of the members gather to
gether for a good time.
Krorti Tlmrsdny's Iaisf.
Yesterday afternoon two couples
from Weeping Water appeared at the
oil ice of Count v Judge Lieesoti. and.
latter the usual preliminaries., one of
Ithe couples was united in marriage.
i During the time they were taking
the marriaue vows. a number of
young men about town who had
noticed the car draw up at the curb
i.i'.d suspected that something was
about to happen, printed a placard
reading. "What will the harvest be
Just married." This they attach
ed to the rear of the oar together
with a few pairs c;f old overshoes,
and a number of tin cans which were
given enougbc "rope" to drag noisily
over the roimh paving on Piatt'
month's main slreet.
The ladies came from the court
hou--e first and slowly walked to
wards town. A little later the men
sauntered forth and entered the. car
to drive away, but with the car mak
ing a bedlam of noises, they turned
up a fide street to divest it of its
serenadial trimmings and lter effect
a meeting with the ladies where no
one might guess the happy truth.
De-spite the annoyance to which
they were subjected all went away
happy, and we trust they will ever
remain so.
Ki-orn Thursday's Dally.
Passengers passing through Pa
cific Junction, la., on the early trains
of the IJurlington tell of a light frost
which was discernable on the tops of
the? box cars in the yards at that
place, but not of enough to amount
to cause any damage. A little frost
were it not too much might check
the growth and hastening the rip
ening of the corn.
Mrs. Kmma Hillvorn of Los Ange
les passed through this city this
morning enroute for Union, where
she goes as the guest at the home of
Mr. ami Mrs. G. W. Cheney of that
place of whom she is a relative.
.lore Than
The First Nmional Bank
3 Z.
W. C. T. U. IS
Last Evening Large Crowd Listened
to Elegr.t Music and Eloquent Ad
dress cf Ken. E. M. Pollard
From Friday's Daily.
The county convention of the Y'o
man's Christian Temperance I'nion
of this county, which met at the First
Presbytci :an church yeste rday and
last evening, was well attended and
especially the meeting of last evening.
The meeting o the morning was
given over routine business, while
the afternii .session was devoted to
the busintss of the convent ion, the
nomination and election of the coun
ty officers for the coming year. There
were five towns represented, the-y
being Eaijk, Weeping Water. Louis
ville. In li-ii and Plattsmoutli.
The election of ofjiccr-- resulted
as follows:
Mrs. Crause of Weeping Water,
president; Mrs. John F. t;..rd or
Plattsmoutli. vice president: Mrs.
Oliver llarman f Avoca. s-cretarv;
Mrs. M. .M. Mr Fall of E-ci,. trea
surer. The evening meeting which was
well attended was opened h a (-o:i.r
sorvic" which was led iy Mrs. 11. 11.
Wesco't, ar.d was followed by a t pe
cial number 1 y Mi?:s M;'C Prang, on"?
of the faculty of the high school of
this place, both the- openitiK exer
' ise and the special number being
very highly njr:yed by the audienc"
which li-ter-ed in wrupt att'-ritien t'i
! he excellent musi't. '
The addrr-s of the event. ig was de
livered "it the llTT ! M: tv.llrird.
w ho spoke o:i the New (V'lM itu' ion
and Law Enforcement The addres
was a masterful one on the nibject.
and as Mr. Pollard wis o:ie f the
committee who formulated the to-.v
constitution, he was well qualified to
make the address he did. The audi
ence appreciated tbe ad Ire s a-- it ;h
filled with th" exact ii.f.u :i:;it i m
which they had sought.
Lev. H. Ci. McC'usky made an elo
quent address on "The Future of Pro
hibition'' and which was masterful.
Touching a it di 1 Die future of the
law and its effects on the sx iety and
government, he explained th gtKd
results which would follow in the
wake of an enforcement of the spirit
of the- law as contrasted with the
conditions w hich it obtained Ik lore
the law went into effect. The pra
er at the opening of the evening meet
ing was delivered by the Kev. A. V.
Hunter of the Methodist church.
From Friday's Dally.
Uncle Penjamln F. Hoback. mak
ing his home between Union and
Nehawka, who has been inrthe Minor
hospital at Kansas City tor the past
five weeks where he has been under
the care of physicians and surgeons,
having tieatment for the betterment
of his health, returned home lat
Saturday evening and i- now recu
perating. Mr. Hoback is feeling con
siderable better, but not as much as
he had desired, but hopes with tho
lapse of time to be restored to hii
usual health.
All the popular copyright fcooki
on sale at the Journal office. i
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