The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 13, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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The Bank of Murdock
offers any legitimate inducement which can or may be of
fered by any legitimate bank, toils patrons and customers.
We earnestly solicit your business, and assure you
that we are not only willing, but able to take care of any
reasonable demands for loans which you may request of
Remember, we are the only bank in Murdock, in
which the depositors are guaranteed by the Depositors
Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. Your money
is absolutely safe, and you get this free insurance, at no
cost to you. Do your barking with an old, established,
reliable bank, properly end conservatively managed, and
you will never regret it.
The Bank of Rflurdock
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres.
H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier
Iiiu you notice the bargains m
aprons at the Mercantile? tf.
Waiier liornenieier and Hubert
Stock were vhiting in Lincoln at
the fair last Friday.
Miss Anna Amgwert of Lincoln,
was a vi.-itor in Murdock with friends
and relatives for over Sunday, coin
ing down on the train.
V. L. Topple and wife of near Al
vo, drove over to Murdcek one day
this week for a visit with the mother
of Mr. I'opp'.e. Mrs. V. M. Copple.
Miss Viols Kverett. who has been
taking: a vacation from her work t r
some time, returned to her duties at
the store of Uauer ar.d Kraft last
A. J. Eauers and wife are enjoying
a visit from their daughter and ir.n
ily from Council Bluffs, who was
guest at their home for a few days
last week.
In the const ru .'on i;f the nw
home for Carles Loner, the contractors-,
M. Thimgan and son Victor,
found it necessary to haul some of
their brick from the Manley lumber
Rev. Stous who ha? been the res
ident pistor at the Callihan church
during the summer, departed a few
days ago for N'enerville. 111., where
he enters school again with the be
ginning of the present school year.
Km: I Kuem. of Lincoln, who ha.-:
been in the west for some time, re
turned home bust week and was a
visitor in Murdock. and speaking of
the west he had to say. that ihe west
was producing great crous this year.
Hermen Schmidt who iu;s accepted
the position of road overseer for this
district, is Licking afier the cim
struciion of culvert and ike placing
of markers at the road intersection
and has been assisted hy Mr. George
Merkle. who ij d ing the p iinting.
James Crawford of I'l v sr-.s. but a
former resident of Murdock. was a
visitor in this c;'y and a sruest at
the home of his mother, Mrs. M. J.
Crawford during the pa.-t wek. Mr.
Crawford also visited at Lincoln and
attended the state fair while there.
Master Clyde Miller, the son of Mr.
and Mr. Conrad Miller ef Ogden.
Ctah. arrived in Murdock a few day.;
ago and is making a visit with his
many relatives and friends here, be
ing the guest at the home of his
grandparents. C. L. Miller ar.d wife.
Gale McDonald and family arrived
in Murdock frem their home a'.
Hampton, where Mr. McDonald is the
rural c irrier and are visitinsr at th"
hemes of his parents, H. V. MeD.ini.! I
alo wi'U Harry (iiiles
and Lacev McDonald.
Arc Your Buildings and
Automobile Insured?
Are your buildings and your auto
mobiles insured? You cannot afford
to be without protection. Our rates
are reasonable. We represent four
A-l companies and we know we can
satisfy you.
Let us give you our rates; then
you think it over.
Call on or write
126 South 11th Street
Phone L-4365 LINCOLN. NEB.
A number cf pure bred Poland
China boars. Telephone No. :8b5.
Adam Stoehr. St-Sw.
Miss Rita B. Ackerman
At E. W. ThimgarTs
Kinsoella Method or others if
Wn. Newman seeded 22 acres to
wheat today, Monday..
Miss Mary Kush has been assisting
at the telephone exchange during the
absence of some of the regular oper
ators. Miss Hazel Bauers. who was visit
ing in Council Bluffs for a few days
last week returned home and is again
t her work at the exchange.
Messrs. George l"tt and son Diller.
during the past week, built a concrete
walk at the home of Henry Gake
meier which has added much to the
value of the place.
Friday of last week sarv the at
tendance at the state fair of a num
ber of the men of this city and the
ricinily, among whom were Gust
Gakemeier, W. Gehrts and others.
Mrs. Robert Williams and daugh
ter, were visiting with friends at
Lincoln last Friday, going over on
the morning train and returning
home on the Jersey in the evening.
Y. O. Gillespie departed last
Thursday for Lyman, Colorado, where
he has &ome land and wheat, and
will remain there for several weeks,
looking after the threshing of the
wheat and the marketing of the
Wm. McXamara and wife, with
their chilrden. Miss Janet and son
Wilber. who have been visiting in
Murdock as guests of the sister of
Mrs. McN'amara. Mrs. W. O. Gilles
pie, and attending the state fair,
departed for their home at Fairmont
last Wednesday.
There is always something to pre
serve the building, porch floors, front
doors, implements and many other
things. Let us suggest the right
kind of materials for your purpose.
"Save the surface and you save all
paint and varnish." Paint for every
purpose at the Dl'STKRIlOFF rhop.
Henrv Heineman. who has been
I at the home of John Amgwert and
! family, Mrs. Krueger and Mrs. Am
igwert being sisters. Mr. Amgwert
land Mr. Krueger were vi-iting at
i Lincoln Inst Wednesday, where tiiey
! attended the state fair as well as
j other matters which they had to look
Alton B. Cole Demands Judgment
for fn Automobile Valued
at $500
Is With Mercantile Company
Richard Tool, who nas been with
the Standard Chautauqua during the
past summer and win returned home
a short time ago. has accepted an
effer for his service at the Murdock
Meicantile company. Mr. T ol is a
young man of excellent habits and
much energy and v. ill make a first
rate salesman for th:. progressive
Will Assist at Meeting.
The Rev. I. Laipply. pastor of the
church at Murdock. ha;-, heard the
call of the Evangelical Association
of which this church is one. and he
p. memb to come to Ithlca and as
sist in the conduct of a eenip meet
ing at that place. He departed a
few days ago and during his ab
sence the services at the church here
will consist of the bible school and
the mid-week prayer meeting. All
members of the church should attend
and make the services a eu- cess dur
ing the absence of the pastor.
Are Back Home Again.
L. W. Thimcnn and wife, who have
been vi-it;ng in 'lie west, where they
wire the guests at the home of David at Ordvny. Col., who also
visited at ether places of interest in
the west, rcturnel home last Friday
and expressed themselves well pleased
with the country where they visited.
Held Kensington Thursday
The Royal Nei?
met at the heme
i ' ornheck, where tl:
hbors of America
of Dr. and Mrs.
ev were entertain
ed by the latter in a very pleasant
manner. The afternoon was one of
pleasure mil prctit as they made their
nimble lingers fly with the needl:
and 'bread, as tii. ntraged in plea
sant conversation. The afternoon
was one which ail the ladies will
look upon as one mMe' i'e--ire.l. and
tiie climax of the period ef pleasure
v.a- the serving e,f a delightful
luncheon by Mrs. Iiorr.heck, the hostess.
a n d
E. Mclhif
h and family were vis
iting in Lincoln, going over la-:
Tuesday marning. Mr. MHugh re
mained for the day. while the family
remained for a longer visit with the
parents of Mrs. Mclluuh, George
Towle ard family.
Miss Catherine Tool departed la;t
Monday lor Firth, where she i; :
teach for the coming year. Mis'
Tool who has had some time in the
state university is well equipped fo"
the position which she trkes at
Kas Gfflee Fixed Up.
1 The telephone . If ices which
been remodeled, have also been p
id anl made lik new by Messr
i V. Mel), maid, Harry Gillespie
Lacey McDonald,
place for the gir
exchange. ......
and makes a better
Is who conduct the
: a
' t'.i:
. la..
il i. drove
for a Sur.-
with relatives here ant! re-
Firth s;-neol. which
branches of science.
Miss Pose Amgwert. who N
ing her home in Council Rliiu-ae.eoriT.-inied
by her friend. Jo-1
nie, an ! his two sisters. Misses
lyn and Elizabeth Ran
down from Council R'uiTs
Visited at Columbus.
Je-so Lr. ndholm and wife depart
ed l ist Friday for Omaha, where they
vhited for a short time and later
went to Cidumbns for a short visi'.
While they were away they left their
iJnle babe in the care of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Gillespie. When seme of
Harry's triends percieved him wheel
ing the preanibulator along the (ft
their ev-'S bulged out, as at fir.-t
visiting in me sou in ior somt- nm'-. icisv vis
being a guest at his old home at i turned he me in the evening.
Golden. Mo., and with friends in y IX the painter. decor
Kansas and others in this state, re- ator ul :ti proprietor of the Du. terlioff
turned home a few days ago. having fhcps.' was a vi.-itor in Ashland last
enjoved bis vacation greatly and isivriday. where he was locking after
now in good trim to go to work again.
W. O. Schewe and family drove to
Lincoln last Sunday, where they at
tended the state fair and enjoyed
the trip greatly. Later on. Friday.
Mr. Schewe went again, this time in
order to -(tet a better view of the
cattle and to enjoy the cattle parade
which was a feature of the last days
Don't forget to examine your win
dow sills, sahes, table tops, kitchen
cabinets, refrigerators and floors to
day. Preserve the beauty of the
wood with varnish. "Save the sur
face and you save all paint and
varnish." You will find the right
varnish for every purpose at THE
did not know That the little one wa ;
Mr. and Mrs. LandhoIm"s. When
they found it cut it looked plain
enough. Any way it was very kim!
of Mr. and Mrs. GiUespie to care frsr
the little one while the parent? were
a wav.
Taking; Eer Vacation.
Miss !.
e ah S(
hiaidt. who is emp'.oy
? m- rcantile establish-
sr.m? business matters. He alo vis
ited at Elmwood, where l.e wp.- mak
ing specification on serine new build
ings which are under ' construction
in that neighborhood.
?!ifs Marsaret Aiuirwer'. who has
j been on-1 of the salesladies at the
Murdock Mercantil--1 company, has re
signed her position and departed for
Cedar Rppida. la., w here tdie v ill
tale a normal course and will per-
herself for the work c-f a Teach-Mi-s
Amgwert has the capacity
a good general fducation and
make an excellent instructor.
ed in one
nients of Elmwood. is at home tak
ing her vacation and while here, in
company with her two listers. Mis?er.
Marie and Ksther Schmidt, they went
to Line-oln last Wednesday where
they visited with friends and alsa at
tended the state fair.
Automobiles and Accessories
Our machine shop is especially, well equipped
with modern machinery and first-class workmen. We
are ready to do all kinds of repair work, including
acetyline welding.
Phone 35-B
Murdock, Neb.
Mrs. Ralph F:irrar came in this
afternoon from Omaha and will visit
here- over Sunday at the home of her
parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Gearge J.
Attended the State Fair.
Messrs. O. K. McDonald. A. J. Tool,
Carl Ris.-man and Fred L iu and their
families were in at'endance at the
state f;iir last Thursday, driving over
j in their cars.
J Miss Viola
! afternoon far
Ycurg Ladies IIcet.
The young woman's circle met
with one f their members. Miss
Minnie Dickman. last Tuesday and
had a most excellent time, planning
work for the coming year and with
the addition 'f music pissed a very
pleasant afternoon. They were served
;a elelightlul luncheon.
which pi.
n:" erne of
Haynie departed
Gordon, Nebraek
ce she- is to
the teachers
. at
be employed
in the public
Apparently Alson T. Cole has been
so busy dodging the electric chair
f.;r several months past that he had
no time to think ef a civil cause of
action upem which he brought .-.ait
in county court Friday af!ernoon.
Th.' defendants named in his petition
are the Liainger Implement company,
the Lininger Automobile company,
Riley, firs; name unknown, and J. A.
Culien. The Defendant Riley is al
leced to be the manager of the auto
mobile department of the Lininger
companies mil Cullen is said to be
a salesman. Plaintiff asks judmcni
for $500 against the defendant.
It is alle ged by Cole that m Maie..
"1917. he was the owner of an Over
land automobile of the value ef $"(;.
He made a trade with defendants,
giving them his car and a cheek for
$.T0(). signing to this cheek the name
of Allen Vincent Grammer. The
check was given wi'h the knowledge.
auMiority and consent cf Grammer
ami was drawn on a Palmer bank.
For bis car and this check he received
from defendants an Oakland six car,
which he at once drove to the home
of Grammer at Palmer.
Shortly thereafter Grammer told
him that be would not pay the check
and he bad better leave the country
at once or the defendant would senel
him to the penitentiary for forgery.
A week late'r the defendants went to
Grammer and elemanded that he pay
Mie e-heek. which he refused to do.
Instead he gave them the Oakland
The- plaintiff asseris that he did
not learn of tin's transaction until a
year later, when he demanded of de
fendants that they reiurn to him his
Overland car. They tailed and re
fused to give him Ue car and he now
sues for its value, $500. State
sn sale at the Journal office.
Murdock Mercantile
-v yv
3 V; iTa
Fall Season
is here and you will be compelledd to
live inside. You w ill enjoy a tastefully
decorated home the more. The rush cf
Fall Work
is now near and we are booking woik
Fall season.
Do Not Allow
the other person to supercede you, thus
delaying the beautifying of your home.
Better Book Your
Work Now!
At This Season We
Sell the Most
I AST YEAR vre had
Jl that expef ience, and
the year before, and so on
back. People are out-of-doors
more-at their wort,
giving their autos exercise
and indulging in other out
door sport.
Common sense says that a
high priced delicate watch
had better be at home on
6uch occasions, and that
an Ingersoll should be on
active duty.
"We're ready with a complete
line of Ingersolls from the $2.5t
Yankee up to the 7-jewel Re
liance in a gold-filled case st
$11.50. Of course we have the
Radiolites that tell time in the
Dusterhoff Shops"
v .t Jf .' A
VIiy Vlfc' Vi.'
Tal:en Up A Lamb
Taken up a small lamb on my farm
near Murdock. Owner phase call
Conrad YVehrnian. :'.( ZX. ni s-w.
White Leghorn Cockitls
I have r r sale ;i I v Wli .. ,
In i n ck re Is of t !ie ', itf ..
Rmto'i ivi: . t rain. '1 h.
of tlicse cockrrls. icirn r ii i; t
For Sale: one I'arriott tractor, "i-my lavi'i! ou'i---:
12-25 in pood condition; rbo on ! winter. 15uy while ilify ;,r
Hubert tractor good as iuw and on! i for the lot. gT you wait li e !:
used a few days. Come and .-1 e their'.. I co:-t.
Trices will be made riglit.
tf. WM. CKHiiTS. if M's
kkkp I'l.i : 1 1 m n .
w. .V.i-sb-y. N.
C a
for A!! Purposes!
Wall Paper!
Painter - Decorator
Murdock -:- -:- -:- Nebraska
Sold the Property.
With the convert inR of the Metho
dist church inte school usi. there
were sonv things which we're sold.
A piano b-inu: anion."? the property,
was offered for sale by r(d. Harry
Williams ef Klmwood. who was the
auctioneer. This article brought
$.125. Fred Zink nettin? it. and was
considered a peod price. The e r?;in
v ent very cheap with Ceo. Mo;m y
cettjns it. .V Hw other things were
For That Corn !
Will Soon Be Horn? Ajrain.
Jacob Goehrv and wife, who have
jbeen sp'-rdinc their summer abroad,
i having s;r,ne to the continent on r
jril 22 last, are now returning, having
jFHilerl from I5rest. France, last Tues
! day and are expected to be home
again in the next two or three weeks.
G nests of lielatrrcs Hera.
.Teihn Krueger and family of West
Point, arrived via auto from their
l:om in the north and are visiting
at the heme of relatives here, being
the guests a, the horn" c-f Mrs. Krue
jrer's np rents. C. F. and wife,
while here. They are also viiitir.
This is the year in which we are blessed with
a full crop. The small grains have been
cared for ; some of the wheat you had to put
in the corn cribs. Now look for the biggest
crop of corn in years. Prepare now to take
care of it. We have an abundance of good
crib lumber. Do not allow "Husking Time"
to find you unprepared to properly care for
the crop.
Neuman & Murtey
Lumber Co.
!; i
i ' I
! i!
CjfKeep in mind that we arc handling the
famous "TITAN" Tractor, and have a
few on hand that wc can deliver o;i short
jj Ask us for a dcmonc.tir.tIor-, or any
thing pertaining to these trustors or the
work they will do.
Nebraska J