PAGE FOUR. THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1920. JPLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL r Cbe plattsmoutb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Kntcrol at I''.stofTico, I'luttsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Well. Ponzi fltw, anyway. flew high while lie That ('ox speech of acceptance al niot jolted Senator HardinK off of his front porch. o : Some .fiOO.OOO electric flat irons will he manufactured in this country this ear, it is predicted. ;o: Life is just fine darned thinn after another. Here we are on the verge of a Rrcat political campaign. . o Anions the little thini;s that count, ptrmit us to point to the adding ma chine as a shining example. - o : o HaM.line is getting scarcer every day, hut the peed fiends are still ;.hle t run down pedestrians. o : o When it comes to politics, all men are liars, except you and me, and I have my serious doubts about you. nin Prohibitionists are urged to con tinue their efforts. It is now a bat tle between the white flag and "white mule." The housing situation is so aftite in Kngland that discarded busses are b. ins used f r housekeeping by small families. Ther? is an abundance of sugar, ami low prices are promised, but the nun who handle it don't seem to know anything about it. Th' young lady next door says it should not he hard for the revenue officers o catch the "blind" tigers, as they cannot see how to get away. Special permission has been given the Pullman company to file new "l.linkef schedule'. Those Pullman blankets always were a darned nui sance. Kurope is confronted with t.:e of either working or lighting, and jut at present seems to contem plate working with a greater degree of horror. :o: James J. ON'eil one of the world's fi renio.t actors, famed for his delin eation of Monte Cristo. is dead at the age ..f 70. Well, the world was his for a long time. -: o : AH of the loud colors are not used fT lithographing the covers on mag azines. A goodly portion of the sup pi v is used by women for face and lip decorat ion. : o : Walt Whiteman's borne In Cam dn. N. J., where it is claimed he wrote many of his best poems, has been sold to the city of Camden for $". and will be converted into a museum. -:o: P.abe Ruth, the home run hitter, admits that a good portion of his boyhood was spent in a reformatory. However, that won't hurt Babe in the least. He is not running for of fice. On the contrary, he runs for nothing but the home plate. o:o A VICE PRESIDENTIAL WARNING Vice President Marshall, who has ben resting in California, has as- snied a Los Angeles reporter that he acted in good faith when he sent tel egrams of condolence to Governor Coolidge and Mr. Roosevelt, the re publican and democratic nominees for the office he now holds. The vice president says that official is the knife and fork of the national administration. If there is a na- better So y k have 1 women have learned that there are two ways to care for clothes. They are learning to take care of them. It is quite amannerly thins to take care of yourclathes investment and protect it up to the limit. UaviD your clothes carefully dry cleaned will improve their wear and help to prolong- the life of their stylish lines. Getting acquainted with our work means getting in touch with a real money saving service. Goods Called for and Delivered PHONE 166 Ja-.t&- opposite: it9U0URNAL OFFICE tional conscience, then the vice pre ident is the national appetite. Go ing further into detail, Mr. Marshall says: "The president attends only cab inet dinners. But every foreign am bassador, nearly every unofficial rep resentative of a foreign government who conies to Washington, and many national organizations, give dinners at which courtesy demands that the administration be represented. It is my happy lot to attend those dinners and eat. as it were for the entire I'nited States. From the time con gress convenes until the beginning of lent, one must spend all his evenings in dinner clothes. I am neither a Roman Catholic nor an Episcopalian, but often I have been devoutly thank ful when lent arrived. I was not al together joking when I sent condo lences to Governor Coolidge and Mr. Roosevelt." A suggestion that a famous ath lete would make an ideal vice presi dent was rejected by Mr. Marshall on the theory that no one who really enjoys eating could last through the series of banquets the second official of the administration mus tattend. "I am ideally fitted for the vice pres idency", said the Hoosier statesman, "because I haven't been hungry in thirty years. I eat very little ami do not drink at all." So he has been able to endure the strain be cause he partook of the Intellectual sparkle only and left food alone. It a man has not been hungry for thir ty years the matter of getting enough food together to keep him going should not be a difficult job. When Dr. Harvey W. Wiley was head of the federal food and drug division he had a poison squad, whose members submitted to experimente with food. It might be well to subject the can didates for vice president to the offi cial dinner test and then choose the one who stood it better. : o : APPLYING REASON TO RENTING The approach of the fall renting season is reviving the complaints oi rent profiteering which culminated last spring in tenants' associations court battles, and waste of time and money. The lease renewal notices recently distributed call for rental increases of 25 t ) 100 per cent. It is logical to expect that they will cause an uproar similar, if not equal to that of last spring. It can be avoid ed by use of common sense. We have no law at present to re strict rent profiteering, but that does not mean we shall never have one. Aid. Mulcahy is already setting the wheels in motion in that direction. Whether he succeeds depends largely upon the extent to which public opinion is stirred by avaricious land lords. New York had no such law until the public demanded it in self defense. Now New York landlords are paying the penalty of greed by being forced to show cause when they increase rents more than 25 per cent. This puts the burden of court action upon them, and with jury trials makes their path to profiteering very rocky. Chicago landlords ato not exempt from similar possibilities. The tenants generally are inclined to be reasonable. When shown how taxes have jumped SO per cent, with coal, janitor service, and other items as much or more thev will listen inij win iisTtn patiently to requests for higher rent. They know the decreased buying power of the dollar and will even allow the justice of greater profits. The landlord who deals with them upon that basis will have little trou ble. The landlord who does not, will face tenants' strikes, court action, and loss of money through vacancies. He is likely to precipitate a law which will leave him no liberty in the matter of price fixing. To be sure, there is a housing shortage, but high rents Have driven hundreds of families to "double up" and there are several thousand va cant flats and houses, according to the recent police survey. If the own ers of these flats and houses had been reasonable they would have had tenants. The tenants exist, but there is a limit to what they will or can pay. The landlord who is wise, both for the present and the future, will keep his demands within this limit. He knows what exorbi tant prices have done to the cloth ing business. His own business is equally vulnerable. The need of shelter is no greater than the need of clothing. Chicago Tribune. :o: Advertising is the most effective ,method of "drumming up" trade. A WARNING OF WAR The menace oi anotner Brei looms large in the world, it is not a matter of nerves that is the warn - a matter or nc"V. VV . . inps are not being; issued oni l excitable people or pessimists. ThoUChtflll persons and newspapers ,!,; ... ,.r.. .1.,.. u-At -mother are tellins us eer day that anoint i preat war is not impossible, indeed, 5, it is KoinR- t require Rrrai I and clear thinking ami splendid a- jiinjr to prevent it. 1 The Philadelphia Ledger can not he accused of sensationalism. It is a siaid old natter, conservatively edit d. American to the core. hi we no less a publication than the find Ledger actually growing almost pan icky over the outlook. "Ludendorff's predictions," says the Ledger, "agree to gri:n exact ne-.s with these of Colonel House and our exceptionally well informed Geneva correspondent. It is a real menace this threat of a new war. We must not he caught unprepared. We can not sav we have not been forewarned, This time it is no solitary voice lkt that of the lonely Lord Roberts cry - ing almost unneeoeq in Jiirniaiiur recess There a complacent pacifism. oi are warning voices in nie an, a.m .-i..ntr of the most authorative are Amer- ican." Ludendorff's warning is to the ef fect that Russia is allowed to over whelm Poland, bolshevism will break out in Germany and thus menace all of Kurope arid the world. It is folly for us to imagine that it is none of our business, or that bolshe vism may threaten Kurope without harming us. Our "splendid isola tion did not sae us irom i lie sirne ..f l-'ni-oiw few- brief ve.-irs :ieii' it 1 - will not lo so this time, if bolshevism gets into the saddle in such a country as Germany. 0:0 G0MPERS IS RIGHT Noting the shutting tlowu of in dustrial plants on the plea of the ex cessive wages demanded bv labor. tjuanizations oi me country, .-.'..mi tempers advi.-es laborers not (o !i:reo lo a reduction ot wages. uhh;i is perfectly natural and ir-p.-- fn to his standpoint. (tampers makes one suggestion that is worthy of consideration by the ceuntrv generally, that one i f the causes of high priie of living under production and that the less the production, the higher will be the prices. That is the argument very gn- erallv advanced and a true one it 1 Corn, cotton, meat, foodst u its and A e-a rabies increase in prices .is ti.e production is diminished. It is the old law of supply and demand, which tonus down through an me ages. One of our great tatues of tii" high price of living is that so many laborers have left the fnriu and go;." to the towns and cities seeking em ployment in shops, mills, railroads, factories and other plants, allowing the farms to grow up in weeds or to l.e looked after by old men. wenr-n and children, inadequate labor the result being that the supply is tic' equal to the demand. The less corn and wheat growa. the higher will be the prices of meal and flour; the fewer hogs and ca1 tle raised, the higher I he prices of meat products; the smaller num'iu-r of tuits of clothes made in thegre;.' factories, the higher will be the price of clothing. To all of which should 1k add- d the excessive profits of the profiteers and you have some of the causes of the high price of living. (tampers was right -han the product and you increase the price of the commoditv. RErOKT OF Till-: CONDITION PLATTSMOUTH STATE BANK Of Plattsmouth, Nebr. Charter No. 7S0 in the Stte of bl'aska at the r-tose of busines on August JiJ, I'.'jo. Ne- i : test ici;c discounts . . Loans and I tverdra t'ts ?:70.!::i. I' 10. I l'".nls' seeurittes. .ludarments. tiaims. etc.. iueludiiiK all government bonds ISankinic house, furniture and fixture. Other real estate Current expenses, ta-es and interest paid Cash items Hue from National and State banks Cuirencv odd eoi n Silver, ni'kels and cents.... 67,70,".. i; I I 1. 170 oo 20,000.110 tir. . f.T.f,;: .77 7.-'0'.i.ih 700. on L',si:,.:p; . J 100,071.0 T( TA L 1. 1 A Ml LI TILs Capita! stock paid in J Surplux fund I'ndivided profits Individual deposits subject to check ..11.000 On 1 0.000 ill) 17, 311. 81 Mi.matiu certitnates of de posit Time certificates of deposit. 'ashler's cheeks outstanding Hue to National and State batiks Notes and bills i edis'-minted Hills payable Depositor's guaranty fund..". ::r..oo .MU.iis !,s lo. rj none none none S,00s..'.-, TOTAL, .$ 150.071. ti:; state of Nebraska S3. County of Cass J I. II. A. Schneidei, Cashier of the above named bank do hereby swear that the above statement is a correct Hint true cojiy t me report made the State JPireau of Hanking. II. A. SCIINtelitteU. Attest: Cashier J. M..noBKRTS. rireetor. J. 1 1. HteCKtei:, Lircctor. Sul'si i ibed and sworn to before this Ji'tii da-' of August. 1 1 1 W. A. HOBKKTSON mt- (bean Notarv uldic (My commission expires July 17. a921., itm:it ov iii:hin IVlitinn fr A tiut nieu t of ilniliiintratrix. State of Nebraska, Cass coun- i Tlip ty, ss: ; in the county i.ourt. i the matter of the estate of Adam Kiitieni.erner. deceased, On reading and filing the petition of Minnie Kafft nherRer. praying that adininiMrjiti-'ii "f said estate mav lie K1..1Ilt,.,. to ,ier tis Administratrix; i i ,.,1. That September nth, A. . " "'" i. in., is assign- , ' ' 11 ! Ki,; L , '. T. . 1 -appear in an. i ii aid mutter mav at i i oiiiuy i.ouri lo be held for sail county. and show vh!!V iW. l'y, . "?,,',.f tl110.,,,eiu,"!tn' should not be manted; and that notice ... .... ...... wl .-mil (leinion ami me iii-iirin;; iiieieoi ne Kivcn to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in tlie I'lattsmoiit h Journal. a semi-week I v (newspaper priniea in said countv, for three successive weeks, prior to said I I ill V of liei iiii L". I'ated August 17th. lilJO. ALLKN .J. ii:i:sox, all-3v. County Judge. i.i :c; A i. oTiri: era M arver, i xf.ii.hint : 1 r,riV. . ,!r ifVr-!'. i!i--o ul1 Z i , plaintiff, tiled his petition and unmn .m .tcnori against you in ' . t olirt ol 'ass countv. XV I lie object and inaver of wlii. l. , is lo oi.tain an al.sojule divorce f i htm ,,.ii t.ii me i;i mums oi uesert inn, mis- oielm-l and incomiiatibi itv. v.iil,.,,,t cause or fault of t!ie plaintiff. "ii aie ie.iiire.l to answer said pe tition on ; before t,e 2'itli day of .-. -pieni iii-r, a. '. i: tp.KUT .McC ARVKR. Plaintiff. I 1 -1 w . oltltllt or II It I N ; ami Notice if I'roliate of A ill In the t'ounty Court of Cass coun . Nebraska. State of Nebraska. County of Cass, t 1 To lie ll all persons interested in the es- i 11:1am ii.ii. ueceased: leading the petition of K a t her- 1. en pravmtr mat the i nst riiin.-n t "i iius com! on me l'lth day or Auuust, 1 !. and purporting to be the i.isi iu anu lesi.'.nii ni ot mo satd de - ceaseii, may in- proved and allowed. and reconi... 1 as the last will and tes- . .mi. in 01 wmiam lien, deceased; that -' ins. 1 mucin ne admitted to pro - 1 ..... . ..... .1 .. . x . . ..ii--. ar'o me -oiminisi rai ion or sain estate i. Lriant.i. to Katherine 1 ei. as executrix; It is hereby 01 tiered that you. and .I persor s it.ti rest, d in said matter. may. and do, appear at the 'on n t y k no w n ; Mary Harper and I,uke Wiles, "unit to 1..- held in and for said conn- each deceased: the unknown sueeess tv. on fi e Ith day of Si ptembi r. A. I', "is. grantees and assigns of North vt I'll'", at In o'clock a. m., to show cause. 't any there be. why the praver the pet it 1, .mi- should not be v i a ti t e, I . and that notice ot the pendency s::id petition ami that the hearing Iliereol ... e;,., to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing a copy of this tinier in the I'latts inoiitli Journal, a semi weeklv news paper printed 111 said county, for flu successive Weeks J ' 1 1 1 1 f t hea ri nr. -aid .iv of Willi, mv hand, court this l'dli day and seal of fa id of August, A. I . 1 1' '". AIXteN" J (S.-all alJ-"w. ' I'.teteSt i. u n t y J u 1 1 g '. on( r, oi- ui: ii; ti "lillioi for 1 1,-1 crin i nn t ion of lliir-liiii. testate N.. ..f Annie 1.. Iab-y- ketiba ry, ib-ceast d. in the County i ' t ot 'a s coimiv. Nebraska. T! e Stat" of Nebraska. '!' all p. 1--oi.s inl. i ! :. , in s:ii'! estate, credi tors and heirs take notice, that Sallie Leonard, the owner of the hereinaf ter ibscril-.l real estate and interested in such, las filed her petition alleir inir that Annie I .. I a le v-te: kettbary dud intestate in I'nion, Cass county, Nebraska, on or about October. 1!'". t.emir a resident and inhabitant of l':ii"ii. Oa-s comity. Nebraska, and the owner ni the follow ine; described real state. t---uit: Lot siv i ". i in t Slock t hi rt y-in ne i ;::i i in the t'ity of I'nivei sity I'lace. Lancaster county, Nebraska, leaving : ; I , r sole and only heirs at law the ...llowiiiir named persons, to wit: Ma'v I .. Cannon, l,.r mother, and lln-rt I;. I :ikenba ry. la-r widower: that said decedent die. I intestate; that no a p . 1 1 , a t i ,n for administration has been made and the estate of said de eeileiif la not been administered in the Sta'le of Nebraska, and that the Curt ih t . rni i ne w ho are the heirs of -aid ibcias. their decree of kin ship and tie riuht of descent in the real prop, ttv of which the deceased lied sci..-!, ' which has been set for I.e.-irinir the stli day of September, A. 1 . I'.'i". at la o'clock a. m. I i. it.-. I at riattsmouth. Nebraska, 'his ;;rd dav of Amrnst. A. 1 . i;20. ALLIEN J. ISteteSoN. Seal) a",-:;w County Judge. ii(in:i ni' iii;itir; mid Notice of Prolmte f Will In tiie i .iuntv Court of Cass county, el. i ask. I State of Nebraska. County of Cass, To all persons interested in the es tate of Jaoh I ;. Valb-ry. deceased: On M-adiuT the petition of C,race Valb-rv pia'iiiir that the instrument tiled iu this coint on the L'tnl day of August. lii'O, ar.d purporting to be the last w,il and testament of the said deceased, mav be proved and allowed, and recorded as the last will and tes tament of Jacob K. Vallery. deceased; that said instrument be admitted to probate, an 1 the administration of said state be -ranted to John S. Vallery and Mary telizabeth Vallery, as exe cutors; It is heiebv ordered that you. and all persons interested in said matter, mav. and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said coun tv. on the 1st dav of September. A. 1 1. llijo. at ten o'clock a. m.. to show cause, if a:iv there be, why the prayer of the tioner should not be grant ed, and that notice of the pendency of said n. til.,.., mol the heat in thereof be given t,. all persons interested in of said I.e. 11... l.e OI I 1 l i s h i 11 g a COPS' I this Order in the 1'lattsmouth Journal. a s' iiii-wi k!v newspaper juinieo ... said county, " for three consecutive weeks prior 'to said day of hearing. Witness mv hand, find seal of sa'd court, ti:i ; 'nd day of August, A. I . teH'O. ALLteN J. BtetesON. (-Scab County Judge. MTM.i: nr M IT TO n iirr '1111.1- In the l.uciet Court of Cass coun ty. Nr-bra k.i. Hiliu. rd i;ras-m;n. flainf in, vs. Lu ' inda Linton 't al. I tefend.ints. To the Defendants: The unknown heirs, devi-.-ecs- legatees, personal rep resentatives and ail other persons In terested in the estate of John McCuiik. v. doce;!S,.d: teliza MeConkey; the unknown I ejrs, devisees, legatees, per sonal l .!, . -entatives and all other n rsons interested in the estate of Win re ti MeConkey. deceased; Nora Jlr Conkev; tie unknown heirs, devisees li"'.it,., , . reoresentatives and a' otl.r .us tiferestea i" the I estate of i;eoi ge M' Conkey. deceased ; the uiikiiniv;i heirs, devisefs. legatees, ill other personal reoresentatives nno 1'isons i'lfieste .1 in tho estate oi r.u.i . . n:nnll Met onke-, . , ceaseii; i.oy i iss-o; I-ssie M IJ.een (nee l'iggott); I'terl -M. Hagrt,- j-'iceta Jeffers; Charles .let ters; .be,,,' i-i-gott: Henjamin riggott; Mrs. l: n iamiri l'iggott, real name un known; ;,.sjf. l'iggott loe. real name unknown; ' joh n ' 1 toe. real name tin-kiiown- i ... .1- w.ejt fa 1 1 liatiiel S. West- toifalI: 'cii;", i;:,-.n: "Charles t.. Jiapp; Mil- da. K,,.,,. i ..siiiier- William S. sinn.r; and Lots two CM and three CI) in Hlock (31 in Oonelan's Addi tion to the Citv of I'lattsmouth, m Cass county Nebraska; and all persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estate or anv part thereof: Von f . .... attM herehv notl- 'fied that ,i,e -'nd dav of July. IHI'0. the Plaintiff in the foregoing entitled ' Co u7t ZtLXn in i'hi-ii aim an or you are marie par tie defendant, the obiect. purpose and prayer e-f which said petition is to ouiain a decree from said court re moving clouds from and quieting the record title to the following describ ed real estate in the Plaintiff, Hilliard CrasFman, to-wit: Lots two (2) and mree ( . in Block three (3) in Done- lans Addition to the Citv of Platts mouth. in Cass county, Nebraska, as against yon and each of you and to exciiKie and enjoin you and each and .111 in oil I roil 'Vfr assert hir or claiming any estate, rifjht. title or In au.ivi. sL adverse to I'laintifE by enson ot IM:iinO ff-u .. ,t : ' of said premises bv liimlf nH erantorx foe morn ti,o V tho '"''"'"'''cement of said suit, and for such other and further relief as may he just and just equitable. You are tition on Si pti-m her reipiired to answer said pe or before the 20th day of lUJD, or your default will be duly ente red 1 tated entered therein and a decree is prayed for in said petition July :i(uh, 1920. i 1 1 L LI A K I C. I : A KS M A N. Plaintiff. By JOHN M. LKYDA. His Attorney. a2-4w. xoTin: ni' si it to Ul llOT TITM In the district Court of (.'ass, Nebraska. of the County ash L. Wiles and Thomas Wiles Jr.. .Mamtiffs. vs. Mrs. Jane A. Harper ei at, i eienuanis. 'I'o the defendants, Mrs. Jane A Harper: Joseph Harper; Pobcrt W I'onuell: .Mrs. Robert W. lonnell, first real iiaine unknown: A. M. Saxton lii st real name unknown: Mrs. A. M saxion. tits t real name unknown; .-soil u y M-ou, a co-partnership com ,.ose.i in - .North, first real name unknown, and Seott. first real name unknown; North, tlrst real name unknown; Mrs. North, liist real name unknown: Scott. ursi real name unknown: Mrs. Scott, first real name unknown: Mar I ha L. Harper; Harper, first l eal name unknown; I-:. H. tea ton. first real name unknown: Mrs. te. H. teaton. first leal DM :nA lmknrtu.n Mia ,i , . (nils, devisers, legatees ,.,x,m:ii rcsentalivcs and all other persons in- I I e I est ed in the esl.-iteu of t i-n 1 1 n A , 1 1 a I hit : .loser, l llurr..i-- l-,,l....i x- i I "mi ne 1 1 ; .viis. Kohert W. pnnnoll, first ileal name unknown; A. M. Saxton, M'rsi rial name unknown; Mrs. A. M. a ton, first real name unknown I .North, first r,.ai name unknown; Mrs. Norfu. first real name unknown: ' Scott, first real name unknown A I .mis. scon, nrst real name int t k now n ; Martha I.. Harper , llarpe;-, fust real name unknown; K. H. teaton. lirst real name unknown and -Mrs. -.. J. teaton. lirst real name 1111 I Scott, co-partnership; the north half r.f:i.!L - i of the north half N'-) of the ; ii 01 1 h half iNhl of the southeast ofi'iuartcr sl-. I of Section four M t. lownsinp twelve (l'. North ianaf mirteen ii.ii; and the north half l N U i of the southeast ipiarter (Ste'i of Sec tion fourteen (11), Township twelve il). North Hange thirteen (i:?: atu the m. ith half (N'il of the northeast litarter iXKIJ I of the southwest riuar ter (SW'U) of Section fourteen (14). Township twelve (Ui. North Kange thirteen, all in the Countv of ("ass, Nebiaska; The south half tS'i) or the liort neast Miiartef (.NK'i I ot Section tour lit. Township twelve (1-), North Lange thirteen (i:'.t; and tlie south half iSUl of the north half (N'ii of the north half (N1-,) of the southeast matter tSte'4l of Section four (4, lownsinp twelve 1l). North Kange thirteen (IS); and the south half S' of the southeast ipiarter (SteVi) of Section fourteen (lit. Township twelve (l.t. North irange thirteen (i:M; and the south half (Sil of tho northeast luarfcr (Nte'i of the southwest quar ter (SWL of Section fourteen (11), Township twelve (12): North Kange thirteen (lot. all east of the fith 1. M.. in the County of Cass, Nebraska; and all persons having or claiming any interest of any kind in said real es tate or anv parts thereof: Vmi and each of you are hereby noti fied that Cash L. Wiles and Thomas Wiles. Jr.. as plaintiffs filed a petition and commented an action in tlie Dis trict Court of ("ass county. Nebraska, n the 4th day of August, in I'll, against you and each of you. the object, pur pose and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of court, quieting title to the north half ( N t of the north half (X',3 ) of the north half ( N 'A ) of the southeast quarter (Ste'i of Section four (li. Township twelve (IU), North Kange thirteen (13); and the north half ( N i of the southeast quarter (Si;1.;) of Section fourteen (14), Town ship twelve (1-t. North Kange thirteen (l::t: and the north half (N'i) of the northeast quarter (NKiii of the south west quarter (SW4) of Section four teen (111. Township twelve (12). North Kange t hirteen ' 13 . all in the County of Cass. Nebraska; The south half (S'i) of tl)o northeast quarter (Nte'4) of Section four (I), Township twelve (12). North Kange thirteen (13); and the south half (SU) of the north half ( N '2 ) of the north half (N',) of the southeast quarter (Ste1..!) of Section four (It. Township twelve (12), North Kange thirteen (13); and the .south half (S1.) of the southeast quarter (SKVl) of Section fourteen (II). Town ship twelve (12). North Kange thir teen (1.1); and the south half (S'i) of the northeast quarter (Nte'4) of the southwest quarter (SV; of Section fourteen (14), Township twelve (12), North Kange thirteen (13). all east of the 1'. M., in the County of Cass, Nebraska, as against you and each of you and for such other relief as may be just and equitable. You and each of you are further not i Pied that you are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day the 27th day of September. 1920. or the allegations therein contained will be taken as true and a decree will bo rendered iu favor of the plain-' tills and against you and each of you, according to the prayer of said peti tion. Dated this 4th dav of August, 11)20. CASH I,. WILte.S and THOMAS WILteS. JK. 11 a intiffs. W. A. KOBteKTSON. af-4w. Atty. lor 1'ltts, MITICI-: 'I'O C'KKIMTOKS State of Nebraska, Cass coun- The ty. ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Jo- sepli Zitka. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in riatts mouth in said county, on the eleventh day of September. 1920, and on the thirteenth day of December. A. 1). 1920. at ten o'clock a. m., of eacii day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view- to their ad justment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the eleventh day of September, A. D. 1920. and the time limited for pay men t of dehtd is one year from said eleventh day of September, 1920. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this eleventh day of August," 1920. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) County Judge. Tcter Meisinper and wife of near Cedar Creek, was in the city today for a few hours attending to some matters of business. For Sale: 6-room house and 2 lots on North 6th Street. Klectric lights, bath, city water and gas in house. Priced at" a bargain.? ? ? ?? tf d-w. Put part of your earnings in a povd We sell them for cash or on navllipnts. ' T. H. POLLOCK AUTO CO, tf. Mrs. P. J. Flvnn was anion c those going to Omaha this afternoon to enjoy a few hours visit there with mends. Wanted: Two (2) first class au tomobile mechanics. Good wages. permanent employment. T. H. POLLOCK AUTO CO. 4t-d 2t-w. Daily Journal, 15c a week. J ifhat is the I hiidea 9 r sYi have alt kinds of reasons ffhr' liking Spur Cigarettes. Some like them because they're mighty classy looking that browivand'silver pack age is an eyewinner. Some like them because the paper is crimped no paste to taste. Some like them because they're a full'packed cigarette r.oth' icg "skinny" about them. Some like Spurs because they're twenty for twenty cents the rock bottom price for the highest possible quality. But what they all shout about and pass along is that they have found at last a cigarette with that g'vjd old to bacco taste that lingers in th-- vnerrjory. Yes, sir, you can sure taste the good Oriental and home-grown tobaccos and that's the big idea back of Spur .Cigarettes. Now, folks, just don't wait, but try a package of Spur Cigarettes today, jit's not as though you were buying a limousine. And if you do find in Spur the cigarette you have been wanting something that just strikes the spot r it will be the best buy you've made " -- since Hector was a pup. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. v rr r on sale at the Journal office. W. A. ROBERTSON LAWYER v Coates Block Second Floor V KAST OF HILKY HOTKL i C a v I i I 'i t 1 i- h Si V f .1 t - I: i i 1 r TV" Mm