PAGE FOUR. 5I0JJDAY, AUGUST 23, 1020. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOUEUAE I' I ' i i i Che plattsmoutb lournal TUELISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Kutre.l at'.f!i, Mattsiuoutli, Xeli., as second-class mail matter i R . A. BATES, Publisher j SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 i WHY WE NEED EUROPE A repot t of the 1 K purtmciit of Ceiiiiiitiiv allows a .shrinkage tf half lillin d'.lkir.s in nur tr.i'ie balance Aitli Kisr'ji lor tho 1: t I";sral year m e.nip;uel with llMIi. There is not liins ilist url'ii k m that, hut tin nht ful citizens may he iliseon certeil hy the item-; with imlivi.tii. 1 Klin j ean countries. Tor in., tiiu.S ro'iii'l niinihi i , our exp.rt l.i 15. Haiti were $L!n)".0o.0U't kkI our iini..:ts $.".00. '''(0.000. To I-"rahre our sah-s were 7 1 f,.oyo.tMHi ami were $ I 7l000,'Mn. I'.'Iy bought f lis to the amount of $4t;u.t0"i.MK) an. I mM us 5 :!. "'. mo. I'.eliuiif .s ;;reo'UU was j.ur. Jn-e-. $:: t 7.0i.t.oot. sales iMiii.OiiO. To (lermany we Siilvtl $2D'2, O"o.ti0o ami bought $ ir,,0tM).o0'. Without further ileiails. lie totals show that our sal to Kuro'.e for the ast jear Hi! rope's were $r..4.",::,MS. -ales to lis wtro $1.- 1 7f.4'.o. '.'.- Jut how lone; s.i one-j-oitil an o:har.e e:m continue n.ay not i. a.- rtil. but It is foolish to think i' in o o:i indefinitely. There w re high, protei I ionist who used to think that Kurope i muM heexeki.le.l l"r in .ur maikvt: but nobody with any economic standing accept Mich al -urdity. The .-it nation today, however, is Hot v i at it was when the full dinner was a campaign slogan and the i. tuner labor of Kur. .:'. the ran tins oi- .'oi's slii k in Iiade. Klll'ODe has i to rebuild i'self jihysically and ai- nio.t ps.vchtdosically. Ho.v important i is t,i u tiiat -ij.-i .1 - in reveaU d in soe. vitally Europe licnt's le.luers. If i:urop. can't pay for t ne So. ids slie buys from us. what is so in to happen to American industry, or to put it diiettly. what i coins t: happen to the job?. American's Cainiidate Ilardi-iir may labbie "Atn.-rica li i -t " and t he bit t orciders may il-t. ounce Knrope. but Ameri. :. n I rr -p.ri' v is bound up with Kip rope s stability, as the trade com lu-i v 1 v teil. And tliat l.- t lie a raize American':; interest basue of nations. THE COUNTRY ROY in the It n.ay he that future president i'il candidate, will be the highly spe cialized products that the city hoots row are turnins out an I s,u,d men they uutzlit t be. Hut the country boy still is battins to a hiph averase .a public life, and the nominations of James M. Co ar.d Warren O. Hard ins have bro.miit slory to the road side Ohio hamlets in which they were born. Thc old-fashioned American tr.oii i. i: tliat preferred presidents srown on farms s , ni. -l to have :r s'"l out with M- Kinb y. Koosevelt iv,r; Imvii in New York: Taft in Cincinnati; Wilson in Staunton. Va. The tity srowu boy had come into his own at la-t. it appeared. Hut this year both major parOe-n.-..iin have sel.v tt .1 as t heir standard bearers boys who came from the soil; beUer SO M II wou'.Mi have that there are two ways to can for clothes. They are learning to take care of them. It is quite amanncrl:' thing to takt care of your clothes investment a no nrotect it up to the litiiii. Having ytiur clothes car-fuily dry cleaned w ill improve their wear ami help to prolontr the lire of their ist. lish lines. Getting acquainted with our work means getting in touch with a real money saving service. Goods Called for and Delivered i B J M KJi V phone: opposite: i JOURNAL OFFICE Ibb PER YEAR IN ADVANCE who lived through their teims in tiny villages; who toiled on the land from early morning to Mimmcr's dusk; who revive in their careers the old fashioned tradition. The era that produced them is passing, as the youth of the farms respond to the alluring- "-iM nf tin' cities. They are of Miat old-fashioned breed whose careers Inspired generations of hoys to so forth like wise and hunt and seize opportunity afar when it was nowhere to be found in their own mishborhoods. The future probably will Rive us a different type of presidential can didates whose carters will he less picturesque; fellows who will not be niii::h-!iv!i or self-made in the .-e:.-e that fox and Hardins are pro ducts of their own in; king. I'.ut when they rise to fame there will be far less inspiration in their hioirrauhies. Omaha News. ! ;o: TEE PRICE OF FREEDOM The s!orv of tl.e pet canary bird whose cae Mirroiiniiinss srew irk some and who wandered fort li only to he eaien by the neighborhood cat. is ;ice c'd. What matter if food and water were proid.d daily; what mater a life of ea e? 'ithotit i'ru'vicm of th lieh's these proved in.uieqi; itc to sat-i-fy the lonsins- of "only a bird." Human beinss much resemble this pe! son-:-Mr of the fable. Children today rebel at parental J discipline; many w ives chafe under the restraints imposed by the mari tal law. while husbands openly re- i net asninst tne mucin uuc 01 ii.e A'lierici'ii home. And the price of freedom is equal ly as exacting as in the story. Children wander from the parental roof into the world and we scarcely pause to rift'ect upon their dowifrail or ponder over their plight. j Wives and husiiands starch for f roodom from the rostrainins modes ; ,(f life, only io lii'd tl..t the longer .they search the more elusive troves the hanpines-i liiev sn !; and with out which life is empty indeed. 'Twas ever thus. :o: IF EVERYBODY WAS LIKE YOU I'.y Dr. James I. Vance in Omaha New -Wiiat sort of a world would it ;c if everybody were just like you? Wot;', I ymi care to live in uch worid? Suppose trca.-"! his p. ichbor as y..i treat yuur. an.! :on(liict .il his business as ou ror.- duct yours. Suppose all homes w. re like your home. What kind of a nation would it be if every citizen treated his citizen- ship ;,s you treat yours? What would be the business life of vour town if your ideals and praeiicis were adopted by th- ret of tiie coninmu ity? Would th world be In t tor o." worse if vou were universalia d? Has a man any rishl to expect the world to be better than he is? Is theie any rca-on why he should ex pect other men to treat their better than he treats his, or so to churfh oftei'.er than be dees, cr to be more seperous in tharities tlian he or to be more public-spirited aiid pairiotic than hrrnself.' Corno out of the fos-hank and set a clear siht of vonrself. ami sav out land whether you want to he uni versalized or retired from circula tion. Are you the species of the oniis homo fittest to survive? Society is made up of social units. There is no wholesale way of mak ing a better town or a sreater na tion. Saciety cannot ri-e l-.isher than the level of the people who com pose s-iciety. The whole thins I hinses back on the individual, and you are one of them. You cannot hide out. You are bound to be counted. The only way a man ran lift the social level is to be as decent an in dividual as he knows how. It is not desired that he ape his neighbors fir try to be a twin to anybody. Let him be true to himself. Let him make his own life fit. -His Maker would not have made him just a lit tle different from his fellows if he had wanted him to bo a duplicate of anyone else. Hence the, only iumii fit to be universalized is the man who is intensely individualized Therefore, "stir into a flame the gift that is in thee." :o: The tncney'you s?pena in a con slstent newspaper advertising cam paign will come back to you trippl?d In a very short time. am i 6 ur la m B Tomorrow Alright Tablets step sick headaehts. rciiev fcilioa ettacrs, to.u and f-f-ni.i,- (no el.rninativo organs. makj vaa feel fine. H " Dalier Than Wis For Uvcr Ills1 F. G. FRICKE & CO. IIEREIITY V.'e Lear a preat deal of lament in:-v over ilii'eriteil trait.". .Much of the; , , , . , .... , blame for our bad haoits is s.inteU to the sl-.oulders of some forefather.! U is true we jlo inherit some trails of our ancestors, but it is ab surd to assume that they are t assume that arc to blame for our shnrtcomitms and that we inu:,t be a tlae to heredity. You are absolutely master of your fate. No hereditary taint U, half as st rons a.s vourown will. No. h reditary t.iint can hae any hidditii. d in this . t on the intn day of i , :, ,, . u-;usf, 1:il'". and purport im; to Pc the! .on you it you decide ot her. i.-e. . la. t n ,.,,, t,.s,;,mollt of t he said de- i i'l You don't "nave to be the something undesirable ju.-t lave ot because I' lire has been. bh.aiins .lead people you." out: mistakes. Start anew with the;" lirm re.-olve lha.t von will he strut cr than any inheriti-d instinct. .... " , , . , . . . i, Throw away old habits and d.- -ires Form new desires new habits, (it t a PCW start and thins II- tliuushto. Listen lu the tfi tiie hiulu r self. J " . , ' 1 uinormws 1 1 i-ll ape I n lll-el t . I. ore ea-i!v if today is w..ll lii'i i'.e uood. and the tendency will rOW i until y.'ti ate a.sain the slave of ; habit, for which you cat! thank your .! f - the habit of S'" ln..s. METHODIST PARSONAGE BEARING COMPLETION From rrtday's Iaily. The home f r the minister vf the Meihodit church, which has ie.-c-ii umur construction durins the sum mer i p.ow nearins omp.e'i;on and v iwr. i ' .1...1..T iil will m:.l.'.. mix lit It1.. most pieasaut and comfortable home i:i 1 he city. Situated in an omir.ance, which aT-fo;-ds a comuiotlat inu view- of the por tion oi t ne cny sc.. -ro.iuiiins. ne l'nti,; .-onase and chur"'i buiidins. it s!ili;-;,t u-iildn ..:..- ilUhmi-n ..r tlw. c.nli r ? Ho' i-jty. P.ukltlS H :;- ssllile wl'.cie th:. peoples are movins. stil se-luded jn a s"Jis:. thai makins tl'. nii-privi:ey a iiiins t. be desire: t emenr v.aihs aim a sonu reiaiun: wall make-! the tdare one of peal - ucss and with tiie ad.ii'ioii of .sra , , ... i:: the lawt! .-pace, will make tn ".crior otie of beauty, while withi:' otltin:' I..-, ii vie. red to in iik.. i: i'i v it ins' in its beauty and a mod of conv: r.ietice in the arraiisement ; which have In .;i perfected in inak-IUis ins a real home. .Messrs. Schwcmu k- - and Henry, the carpenters are Pov ju. t con.pletin f-'llio las, ,f the v.i.ou hnishini; and hryms the hard wood floors of Ibo inlirior. It is fir:itify- ins tliat while I lie Ilev. A. V. Hunter. ,, . . . inc pcisi.'l. o.eij so 1 1 1 e i - i I -ith the membership in the bridsins to a suece.;.-f nl completion this strip' titre that he is o be r lain (I as th pastor of the church at this place for the com iris v ear. BETTER FACIUTINES TO?. GRAIN From Kriday's I mil jr. With the aiivcnt of the truck 1 r haulins. there has also b- en found a n'ces..iiv for alierat ions in the matter i id tirmnale for their acenminoda nun. a.s tiie mean; ( I transporta ' :i ! h-.'S always U noininaied the ways of i'aniilin.s soods. On aji'oup.t of t!u scarcity -f railway cars, the'ilip s .if irrain by trucks. h::ve c;ius:-d mar.y receivins places to adapt thetnsclves , .1 c r it bo niv.ti to all nersons Interested ir t.. the reectvn.s of piv.n from 'he ,.f 1:, ,,.,. Juin a copy ot truck systems. (this tuder in the lMatlsmouth Journal i ii- eie,iMii al " i ri'UK, nt :r r t.i ha mile 't lie grains with iiore lerilv and which is brought to their I'l... -.1 '. .! shippins station in trucks, have bent I for time remodelins their (lumpir.s facilities in meet, tho ::iand v hich the truck traf'e I; as n.atu!' d. Antiy,,n n t. Miller h;. ve been for .onu. time niak ins 'he cha:is"s and have lust about completed the alterations, which will make a dump system f;r the wason ami t lie tru-k :ijk1 will in this way he trp-to-date in the matter. MlTM K. TO i ItCIIIIOIIS "i.e state of Nebraska. Cass coun ty, ss. In tee ('.iioity Court. I n t '" niji 1 1 er of 11 eTil Zitka. !.. -isel. estate of Jo- To the creditors of sa id .state; Yon are hereby notified. That I will it at the County Court room in I'latts inoutli in said county. !?i i.f eleventh :. of Seldernler. 102". and on the i iiite.i tu dav of I ., i;i her, A. I . 13Jil. it ten o'.-l'iik a. in., of each .lav. to receive r. nd examine all claims ncrainst said estate, with a view to their ad justment and a How a ii'.--. The time limited for the present at ion of claims lirainst sai l estate is three months torn Co eleventh dav of Scotcmbrr A. le lOiai. and the time limired for I fil " : ' elia Ka pv; Charles 1 lapJ. payment of debts is one vear frotu L' r-.'T Laiisinier: William S. said eleventh dav of September, 10"0 siiner; and Lots two (2) and three () Witness my " hand and the seal of!i" Llock ti.ree ( ;; ) in Donelan s Aoui- .i ... ........ .,,,.. .i.;.. . , . . "i" I'.iniui c.av i August, 1S2. ALLEN J. EKKSON (leal) County Jud: Adverthin?; is the most effective method Of "druniEHlg up" trade. ok iu:itii oil IVIiliitu for Appointment of , .liulnirnlri. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss: In tiie County Court. in the matter of the estate of Adam j K;i 'Tenboi Ker, deceased. , i mi readme: anil nuns tne petition of Minnie K a (Ten luTRfr, praying tliat mi i nist ra 1 1. mi (1f said estate may lie Kianteil to her as Administratrix; ( ir.lel e.l. That September 1 1 til, A. I . l!t'i. at ln:ni o'clock a. m., is assisrn- ' '! for hearing said petition, when 'all j persons interested in said matter may jappenr at a County Court to he bold in ami for said county, and' show: J cause why the prayer of the petitioner! I should not he Kiantl; and that notice J of the pendency of said petition and i the hearing thereof lo Kiveri to all i persons interested in said matter lv piiMishinv? a copy of this order in the1 i'lattsinoutli . Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to saiu ilav of hearing. Dated August 1tb. aixkn J. hi:i:sox, al'J-SVi-. County Juilge. To ". r:i M.Cai ver. 1 efetiil.l lit : Ymi are fii-reliv notitied. That on the liri'i'ilay of Ma'r.h. 1H1M1, Iloliert Me Carver. I'lainlitr, tiled his petition and commenced an action ayainst you in tie iMstrict ('-iiirt of t'ass count v. Ne- I lii-i-kn. the ohject ami prayer of which lis to ohtain an ahsolute divorce from you m the grounds of desertion, mis- i lint and iini'iiioatibilitv, without i;illS). fault of the plaintiff. . "" a,'' re.inire.i to answer said pe- titiori on or . I., fore the L'nth day of Sept em her, a 1 J - 1 w. A. I . 1 !L'l. i: i;i;i:t McCakvkk. 1'laintifT. oiiu:ii of iii-.wmm; mill mliT f Hrlmi of W tn In i In' 'ounty Court of Cass coun ty. Nebiaska. , Stale oi .N'el.raska, County of Cass, s. rl'o ult ?iff-won inlcroulaj i I . . . t- tale of W'illiafu licit, deceased: i-a. Iii. tin- petition of Kather- Hell pra viiii; ttiat the instrument i t. may h.- proved and allowed. nl ieioi.h-. .-is the last will and tes- I lament of William lleil. deceased; that isanl i us I r n in.-iit he admitted to pro-' pat.-, and the a d in i nis t ra t Ion of said, he -ranted to Kathctine lleil. I , js i...,ei.v ordered that von. ami: l i'l persons int. rested in said matter, i:a.iy. and h. appear at the Count v. (" t.- t..- i,.m in and for said conn-i l 'v. on the llh ilav of September, A. I . ' !;,.. ;,t in oY... k a . m.. t show cause . i i ' any there i.e. why the prayer of, I i i pet M hoi. -i- suoiild not he granted.: l a ti at notice of the pendencv of. .-ai'l pitition and that the heariiiiri il.eie.'i he Lrin to all persons in-I te:' -o .i in said matter ly puhlishin--; ' .: coj.y of this Mder in the l'httts-, i, ...,n;-al. a semi-weekly new s- i tpa r prune. i ui snnl county. Tor tl.r s li i .-. - s ' e e.-l:s to sai.l .I:.v or Ilea l ine;. ' Witness mv hand, and seal of said e..ut this 10th (lav of August, A. I'. llt.U. J. r.KKSn.V. S. all al.'-::w. Count v m i h i: ok iic:ti:i; i IVIiliou for llrlermiiinlion of Heirship. i:st.iie N'o of Annie T... lialev- I .i ken ha r . deceased, in tho County :l of 'ass eourity, N'ed.raskiw The State of Nebraska. To art p.r i n t. 1 es i e.i in said estate, i oi s am! h.irs take notice, that Sailio Leonard, the owner of the here- i na 1 : . : .!.-. i i h. .1 re;d estate ai-.l interested , in suc.h. h.-v-: li. ! Ik r petition allejr e j ;nc that Annie 1 1 ab v-Kikenhary .; I died intestate in t'nion. ("ass count v. j Xe'.r.-tsk:, on or al.ont etoler. ls'.r.. i ! -i 1 1 ii" a I'rsjiii nt and i n ha hi t a n t of noil. Cass i-mumIv, Net.raska. and the le r of the following described real tale, to-vi': Lot six nil in Kloel: i, l -niiie !:::m jn the t'ity of I'niver- I'iaee. l. ui. .-'sh r eoi.ntv. N'ehraska, leaving as I., r sole and only hens at i w lie 1' hi' nam. .1 persons, in- j !: M:iry I.. 'aiiin, her mother, ;ind Aihert 1 ;". 1 : i k. 1 1 a ry. h. r wi.lower: jlhat said dee. d.-:it died intestate; that too application for administration has I l-c n made and the estate of said !- : , . d.-iit has not i.een administered in !:h. - state of . hraska. and that the oai t o. in none who are tne neirs oi -a:d .1. c. ;. .1, Ui.'ir decree of km- -!,!,, :i.i , . i ,-ht of descent in the -e l property "f which the deceased oi.-.l s- ixed. w l eli has been set for i l.earinar on the vth day of September, I A. ! l'C'.i. :. ! ) o'clock . 111. j .n. .! at - attsmonth, Nebraska, :;rd day . usrnst. A. I lf-ii. .,(1 a,..,w A,'1'KN .Mulltvlc. , ,.. oK ,.:h,; ,,,, ,,,.,. r .r..i.n of Win In the t'onntv Court of fuss county, I slah' of Nehraska, County of e ass. To .-ill pcrsoii-. interested in the es tate of .lacol. I;. Yatler.v. deceased: I'll read in"; de petition of dace Variety praxitiL- that the Instrument tiled in this c.e,-r on t he "nd day of Auirust. l!c-at and pnrportinc In ! the last will arid testament of the paid deceased, may he proved and allowed, and recorded a the laft will find tes tament of. lac. .1. II. Yallery. deceased; that said instrument be admitted to piolate. and th.- ,-nlniitiist rat iu of .state he ecu ni.-d to John S. Xalleiv and Mary Kliahetli Vallcry, as ee i nt oi's : It is here!., ordered that on. and all persons interested In said matter. mav. and do. at. near at the I kiiiiIv Cmrt to he h. hl in and for said conn- t .', on the 1st dav of Sept em her. A. I . 1!'J'. at ten o'clock a. m . to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petition, r should not be grunt ed, and that notice of the pendency of said netili'Mi and the hearinu: thereof 1 ti tet eslOU in of em i - v. eel. 1 v .. . v. s i.a lU'inte.t in said county, for three consecutive weeks prior to said day of hearinp;. Witness mv hand, and seal of sat.t - on this 2nd day of August, -. j 1!20. AbbKN' -T. P.KLSOS. County Judso. (.--'calj Mind: op Mir t ii i -" titi.i:. In the lii.dri.-t Court of Cass coun t .-. Nebraska. . , 1'illiard :ra..-min. Plaintin". vS. Lu eirda Kr:tt.n . ' al. I lefetiilants. To the K.f.Mdants: unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in ti e .-state of John MfConk- v. deceased; j;na .McConkey; the unknown h-Mr.-.- devisees, legatees, per sonal r.--pi-eseps,tives and all other persons ititereste.l in the estate of Waiti.n AleConi-ev deceased: Nora JIc-Conk'-y: the unknown heirs, devisees. Ic.'iiiees, I'. rsonal representatives anu nil other . t.s .n interested in the stale of C.eoree McConkey, deceased; th.. unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, persotinl rcrcMetitatives and all ther persons interested in the estate of 1.11a .Mcfonkev, ,!,.,, .asTd: !"' r'issott. -bssio -M. 11,,, ,nee Pisott): red M. Hat-on; Kl. cta Jeffers; Charles Jcf lets; John lMuotf lienjamin PiKSott: Mrs. PanHimin 1'i'ott, real name un known; l:. ssi. i.i-eiitt Put', real name I unknown; John I oe. real P"'."" 'mown: Kose AVestfall: J'aniei - it i.n to ti.e .. ... t lla ttsmouin, " i - .i ,. M ass cmnty, Nebraska; and all persons ka: ami aii ry" :V V eiainun r of anv kind mi sit.! rea! estate or any part thereof. Vou and each of vou are hereby not - i fied tliat on tl;e 22ad day-of July, l--". " 1 VXI1"? . rsV oCaii1!' aim Henry Six EVlilcs West of Plattsmoutb, on the Louisville Road. All the Leading Tractors Represented in This Territory are Invited to Attend Every Farmer Should Attend Under the Direction of Mr. Snipes Cass County Agent ome Out and in each and all of you are made par ties defendant, the object, purpose and prav.r of which said petition Is to ohtain a decree from paid court re movine; clouds from and uuietinp the record title to the following describ ed real estate In the Plaintiff, Milliard Crassman. to-wit: Lots two C!) and three C! l in Llock three (3) in Ponc lan's Addition to the ity of IMatts montb. in Cass county, Nebraska, as auainst vou and ach of you and to cvclude and enjoin you and each and all of you from ever asserting or claimin"; any estate, ri-iht. title or in terest therein adverse to Plaintiff by reason of Plaintiff's adverse possession of said premises by himself and bis grantors for more than ten years prior to the commencement of said suit, anil for such other and further relief as may be just and cnuita-ble. You are re.uircd to answer said pe tition on or before the 2th day of September. l'JJO, or your default will Pe dulv entered therein and a decree entered as praved for In said petition. latcd, July :;oth, 1920. illl.LIAim GP.ASSMAN. Plaintiff. By JOHN M. T.KYHA. a-.4jV His Attorney. Mllll I. 1P M IT TO ll IKT T1TI.K. In the Histrict Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska. Cash U Wiles and Thomas Wiles. Jr.. Plaintiffs, vs. Mrs. Jane A. Harper ct al. I lefendants. To the defendants. Mrs. Jane A. Harper: Joseph Harper; ICobert W. Iibnnell: Mrs. Kobert W. Ponnell. first real name unknown: A. M. Saxton. lirst real name unknown: Mrs. A. M. Saxton. first real name unknown: North .v- Scott, a co-partnership com posed of North, lirst real name unknown, and Scott, tirst reaii name unknown: North, first ealj name unknown: Mrs. North, tirst real name unknown: Scott,' lost real name unknown: Mrs. I Sett, tirst real name unknown: Mar-; tha L. Harper: Harper, first reali name unknown; K. 1 1. Katon. tirst realj name unknown: Mrs. K. H. La ton. tirst leal nam unknown: the unknown heirs, devisees. legatees. ..ersonal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested In tee estates m .mis. ... Harper: Joseth Harper; Kobert W. :oii;iell; Mis. ttobert W. lonnell. first ieal name unknown: A. M Saxton. Itrst teal name unknown; Mrs. A. M. Saxton.' first real name unknown; North, 'first real name unknown; Mrs. I.. - - North, first real name unknown: Scott, tirst real name unknown: Mrjj . Scott, first real name un known: Martha U Harper: - Harper, tirst real name unknown: I' ll Katon. first real name unknown and Mrs i: H Katon. first real name un known: Marv Harper and Luke Wiles, etch deceased; the unknown success ors grantees and assigns of North M-o'tt H co-partnership: the north half ',N..1 of the north half (N'.A) of the north half ( N of the southeast .oi-irter (SK' of Section four 4. i:.wnship twelve (12). Nrh Rn?e thirteen (1): and the north half (N4) of the southeast quarter (SKi) of Sec tion fourteen 1- Township twelve (I"). North j;anse i" i' il.; north half (X4) of the northeast . . v .- I , . . ur.ii 1 1. u-es t lillfir. ter (SWU) of Section fourteen (14). Township twelve (12). North PanKe .. ' nil in the County of Cass. rev . v , . fr ,ri. - Nel.raka: The south half (SH-) of the northeast quarter (XK'-i ) of Section four Tit. Township twelve (12). North ane thirteen (13): and the south l ilf (S.) of the north half (NV.) of the north half (N'Vi) of the southeast .oiirter (SKU) of Section four (4), iownthlp twelve (12). North RHS. thirteen (13): and the south half (s,) of the southeast quarter Sfc.'i qf Section fourteen (14). Toivnsti.r twelve and toil Vnrt I i;anse iiuocrii in the south nan :i quarter .-: v , - Vnt n-i ii nt sect on tourteen v-i-. Township twelve (12): North nam?e t hirteen (13). "all east of the 6th P. M.. tn'cCountji of Cass. Nebraska ; and : Mil nersons navinn - ., , anv kind in said real es or aliv ,)a!ts thereof: 1 YQU and eatll 0f you are b c . u wiles, at - r;la in tifTs filed ereby notl- and Thomas a petition commenced an action m the Viz POSTPONED DATE TIRACTOR DEMONSTRATION ay, AT 1:00 P. M. ON THE- H .irz.rarm See the IRGft trict Court of Oiks county. Nebraska, on the 4th day of Aupust, 11CJ0. against you and each of yon. the object, pur pose and praj'er of which is to obtain a decree of court, quit-tins title to the north half N ' of the north half (N'Va) ot the north half (N'-i) of the southeast quarter tSIO'i) of Section four !). Township twelve (12), North Canpp thirteen (13); and the north half (NVjl of the southeast quarter (SHU) of Section fourteen H), Town ship twelve (12). North TIansre thirteen (13 : and the north half ( N s ) of the northeast quarter iSK'i ) of the south west quarter (SWi) of Section four teen ll). Township twelve (12). North Kane thirteen (13). all in the County of Cass, Nebraska; The south half (S',i) of the northeast quarter (NK'i) of Section four (4), Township twelve (12), North Pamse thirteen (1.1): and the south half (S'i) of the north half (N'l:.) of the north half (N ) of tho southeast quarter (SH'i) of Section four (4). Township twelve (12). North irangc thirteen (13): and the south half (S') of the southeast quarter (SKVi) of Section fourteen (11). Town ship twelve (12, North Kanpe thir teen li:!); and the south half (S'i) of the northeast quarter (Ni:'4 of the southwest quarter (SYV'i) of Section Alfalfa Hay Wanted! AI fa-Maize Manufacturing Company is now. ready lo buy hundreds of tons of alfalfa hay at its new mill in Platlsmouth, Nebraska. Market price will be paid. OMAHA MARKET PRICE ALFALFA Choice, $28.00; No. 1, $24.00-$26.-00; Standard, $18.00-$22.00; No. 2, $14.00-$ 16.00; No. 3, $10.00-$ 12.00. 500 acres of Corn Fodder wanted for which from $25.00 to $30.00 per acre will be paid. Alfa-R3aize PLATTSMOUTH -:- JOHN DEERE Farm Machinery! We carry a full and complete line of the rcli-ible John Deere farm machinery, and aie ready to fill your order for anything in our line. Plows and corn farming implements of all kind, as well as haying and harvest ing machinery. Also threshers' necessities. ' WARE ROOMS ON SOUTH SIXTH STREET D. -.. n-nsOLS; PLATTSMOUTH -:- -:- NEBRASKA " HQBSES Flow! fourteen 1 I . .Township twelve (12). North Kanue thirteen (13). all east of the Hth 1. M., in the County of Cass. Nebraska, as apraiust you and each of on and for sn. li other relief as may lie just and equitable. You and each of you a re further notified that you are required to an swer said pel ii ion on or before .Mon day the i'7th day of September, lin'o, or the allegations therein contained will he taken as true and a deerc.! will he rendered in favor of the plain tiffs and against you and ach of you, aeeoidin"; to the prayer of said peti t ion. Dated this llh dav of August, in:'". CASH I,. WII.KS and TIM i.MAS WILLS. .11:. I 'la i n t i I'l s. W. A. KC iP.L'KTSi IN. a9-Jvv. Atty. for Pltfo. FOR SALE New Nelson. hay in win row. -I'hone 20 1J. -Koberls t 17-:d.:v Popular copyrights, Journal office. fg. Co., :- NEBRASKA i f 1 i ) , i -S f- . - J