. " " 1 " PAGE S3 PIATTSMOHTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOTJKTTiX YOTAY. ATTGUST 18,-1320. V V V rtPsirr Tractors! 19 Years Tractor Building Experience! The Tractor With the Most Power for the Longest Time at the Lowest Cost E7 s33 n a ne artParir SO Weighs 5158 Pounds and Has Abundant Power for Three Plows! Watch for Demonstration Dates to Be Announced Soon s. Phone 2304 Plattsmouth Dealer rifCall at the Mason Garage and see them in Plattsmouth t f T T v t f T t T T T ASSESSMENT FIGURES PROVE INTERESTING fr RAILROADS IN NEBRASKA GIVEN HIGHER ASSESSMENT THAN OTHER WESTERN STATES INCREASES IN VALUATIONS State Board of Equalization Notifies County Clerk Sayles of Various Levies for Coming Year. THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS; HOW IT WORKS T.ie uf Wonun Voters will i:.. i t :t i!;" ;;, of W. A. R.ibert- ' u -.-.-. :,:(k. Monday evening. ;. v i.' I ci;. Ai:gu--.t f -r the pur j. in" mii lying the proposed amr-nd-t. ;; vi ii-tituti. :i of the S'ate i N'-I.i.i-kli vhi'-ii ale to he votel i at a .-pr.-ial election September Th.- Leug:i- of Women Voters v i.- by I'lirCATIilN.' I.'ir. .!y ::i the form of citizenship -i ''i ; l- .ii'd i l...-se to make every vo : . . ' i an intelligent voter, acquainted v. ith ii "c hs (if government and each is an S tw A.' lia UMVEPSAl CAH j SERVICE DEPT. j If your Ford needs attention, bring j it to our shop and ask j "BAKKE" ! Our Shop Foreman j f ( r the rost of the necessary repairs, i Jl? will give yon honest, reliable advi-e an-.l a careful estimate of the expense required. We have trained and efficient Ford mechanics I 00 men and you Mill like uur work and Ford prices. Stop at our Filling Station GAS0LBNE 3c PER GALLON LUBRICATING OIL 25c QUART Cash Only! X T, W. Pollack Garage :one No. I Plattsmouth OPEN DAY AND NIGHT! 'voting, informed as to citizenship! j rights and duties and aroused to the needs of certain national and state reforms. This instruction in citizen ship will le continued until public sentiment has nude such a course an integral part of our public sc hool system. Indirectly by spreading knowledge of great lacks in our social structure ami by suggestions for improve ment. This method is developed in the work of standing committees which investigate, collect, and sort data as to existing needs and laws already passed to meet these needs, law enforcement, etc. Thee Standing Committees one headed bv a woman who txpert in her line, are: Child Welfare. Women in Industry. Social Hygiene. Food Supply and Demand. American Citizenship. Legal Status of Women. Flection Laws and Methods. Research and Data Department. The Legislative Program of the National League is based on the re ports of these committees which make recommendations for the year's work. The League of Women Voters Works by LKGISLATIO.W Needed reforms fall into three classes. 1. These already before Congress in the form of bills and having con siderable national support. In such eases the league of Women Voters adds what pressure it can to secure passage of these bills. 2. Those wriich are popular and known to be necessary but which lack strong political support. In such cares the League tries to secure party backing and, if possible, planks fav oring these measures in the plat forms of the dominent parties, ments must he brought to the public attention. The standing commit tees furnish this information and it is disseminated through national and state agencies. RETURNS FROM TRIP TO THE WEST COAST Mrs. W. E. Eosencrans, Son Blythe, and Daughter Miss Mary, Return From Extended Visit. From Snturdav-R Ually. Yesterday Mrs. W. E. Rosencrans and son Blythe. and daughter. Miss Mary, returned home from a visit of several months on the Pacific coast, including a sojourn in California and In the northwest at Portland and Seattle. The party made the trip to the coast by auto but on the return they came by way of the Canadian Pacific, visiting the points of interest in the Canadian Rockies and stopping for a short time at St. Paul. Min nesota. While at Seattle they vis ited with Mrs. Mary Rosencrans. mother of W. E. Rosencrans and at Portland with Charles Raker and family, brother of Mrs. Rosencrans. and had a most delightful time in the enjoyment of the many places of Interest near these cities. Are you planning to go to Chase county with "Rosy" next Sunday ev ening? See him right now if you are so that all reservations in the pri vate Pullman may be made for you. A pleasant trip, a fine time, auto ride through the wonderful wheat fields of Chase county. See "Rosy" right now for all particulars and Pullman reservations. tf-d. WANTED TO RENT FARM Farm wanted for rental near Plattsmouth, 50 to 100 acres pre ferred. Will farm on shares or cash rental. Phono 22 1 -J. Joe Martis. lw-d. All aboard for Chase county next Sunday evening. This is when "Rosy" with his special Pullman car will leave for the great wheat fields of western Nebraska.' See him about going along. tf-d. FURNITURE AND RUGS FOR SALE Consisting of 10 rugs, assorted sizes, Wiltons and Axministers. Two oak dining room suits. One duofold; one davenport. Six rock-s. Birds eye maple bed room suit. - Two brass beds; four other good beds, complete. Two chiffioners ; two library tables. Three refrigerators. One electric washer; tub, rack and wringer. Many other articles. Call S. A. GHRIST Phone 645 Plattsmouth From Thursday's Uallv. The official levy of the state for the coming year was received today Ly County Clerk George R. Sayles and will be .submitted to the county board of equalization that meets next week at which time the county levy will be made by the board. The state levy aggregates the sum of 10 and 39-100 mills on the dollar valuation and is distributed among the various funds as follows: Gen eral fund, :i.4 4 mills; capital fund. 1.10 mills; university fund. 1 mill; university activity fund, .75 mill; special university fund. .75 mill; normal school fund, 1 mill; state aid road fund. 2.20 mills; state aid bridge fund, .15 of a mill. After equalization by the state board, some of the important classes of property show the following in creases for the four year period 191G-1920: 1916 1920 Per. In crease Lands and improvements $2tG.4G0.311) $433.G45.4SS Lots and improvements 79.567.452 110.9S4.397 Money on land 5.50S.GG5 11,32.1.775 Automobiles 4.192.375 15.391.90G Value interest staU lands 51 l.GSG 73S.SS4 Improvements on leased landrJ Special Sale of Dresses! .25 Dresses ginghams, linens and fancy voiles, very desir able colors. These dresses well worth $15.00. While pr they last your choice ipDmOO 50 Best Quality Bunglow Aprons - finest ginghams, cut ex tra full, in light and dark shads. Well worlh $3.85. tj rQ Your choice for only PUO Ladies Good Quality Knit Vest, regular 50c values. pj While they last only . 1 C Ladies' Best Quality Black Silk Hose, sold by all goods (t- sheps at $2.50 very special this week pl - : - I .1 : 1 It . V -fir , f ) The Ladies Toggery FRED P. BUSGH, Manager Mm? Virginia Dare Dresses 1 1 it; PLEASANTLY ENTERTAINED WILL RETURN TO CITY FINE TRAINING FORM f'rom Saturday's Jj&Uv. One of the plea.-ant afternoon en tertainments was the regular meet- ing of the Ladies Aid society of the Andy Schmader Working Out Every j fr ,K' chuif h- This nie-tinR was i'i j miifii.i in tt-nioo:i in ine Lay With Two Public Night Workouts Each Week. G2 105 2GG 44 1.72G.729 31 ; , i 5 , .j .. n 461.7 ."5. 11.729,435 22.995.SS3 2.131.S12 ISO 4 5 1.313,042 Hogs 3.099.52S Sheep 4 143.007 Horses 12.9S5.5SG Cattle 15.829.S0G Mules 1.95S.433 Decrease. The total valuation in live stock for 191G was $34.01G.370 and for the present year $43,041,253 or an increase of 2G per cent. The total of .-hares of bank tock this year is SiO.4S7.057 as against $7.715.12S in HUG. an increase of 35 per cent. The total personal property assess ment this year is $231.319.S75. as against $154,83 4,310 in 191G. or an increase of 40 per cent. The assessed valuation of the rail roads of the state was increased this year $5,500,2SS over that of pre vious years. The average per mile assessed valuation in Nebraska on the railroads shows that the Union Pacific has $74,711; the Northwest ern, ?37. H7 ami the uuiungton. $46,040. OUT AFTER LONG ILLNESS Come On! Come On! THE New Fall Stetsons ARE HERE e seen at our store now. The first showing of the new shades and shapes i ney are Deauties. Be one of the first to wear can a new Stetson $7 to $12 C. E. Wescott's Sons From Satu .lay's Pail v. N S. Piatt, one of the old resi dents of this city and a pioneer of Mills county. Iowa, who has been quite sick for the past six weeks, is now able to be up and around and taking advantage of the pleasant weather was down town today for a few hours. For the past forty years Mr. Piatt has been suffering from at tacks of kidney trouble and for the past month this has become very acute. He is making his home with Mr. and Mrs. Uert Reed, Mrs. Heed being a grand daughter, and during his illness has been greatly benefit ted by the excellent care given him by the members of the family. DEPART FOR THE EAST r..m Saturday's Lally. Some of the friends and admirers of Andy Schmader, Cass county's fast young boxer, motored out to Louisville last evening to witness the workout between Schmarder and "Kid" Graves, of Omaha, and the re mit of the training is showing on Andy, who is gaining speed and force in his work that makes him look even better than ever to his friends as a comer with t lie padded mitts. Up to this time the workouts have been twice a weeR. but now the training is on in full swing ami Graves, the manager of Schmader is having him work out every day and twice during the week at. night, the 'veiling workouts being for the pub lic. Last night was ladies night and a very large crowd of the Louisville ladies were present at the theatre to witness the two men work but, and Schmader and Graves put on some very clever work for the crowd that attested the skill and spce'l of each f them. church parlors with Mesdames F. R. Gc.bt-lman and V. C. Foster as hos tesses on this occasion. Mrs. Mar shall, who was to have been one of the hostesses was unable to be in attendance. During the business so?sion which was held during the early hours of the afternoon, the works of the society was discussed and business matters tranacted. It was at this time a nominating com mittee was appointed who will se lect officers for the coming year. Af ter the business session fhe ladies indulged in a very delightful social time and the hostesses served a dain tv lunchean. j From Saturday's Dally. The many friends of Raymond Lar son, who for the past several month has been engaged in work at the bank at Odell, Neb., will be pleased to learn that Ray is to return to this city and will take up a position at the local postoffice. Mr. Larson is a well qualified young man and dur ing his service in the postoffice here gave the greatest of satisfaction and will no wassume the duties of dis patching clerk. Mr. G. K. Staats, the present occupant of the position will retire on the 20th under the age limit set by the recent law and Mr. Larson will take up the duties of position. ! ARRIVAL OF A FINE DAUGHTER rVorn Saturday's Paily. The home .of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Harvey near Mynard was gladdened this morning by the arrival of a fine little daughter. This is the first child in the family and the little lady is the object of much admira tion from the proud parents as well as Grandpa and Grandma Harvey and in their happiness the parents will j receive the best wishes of the many The platform for the coming a? h- I friends for the future welfare of the letic carnival is now completed and: little daughter everything is being made ready for the big event on next Wednesday night, that will bo one of the finest entertainments ever seen in the count Many will be present from Gretna. Springfield. Papillion and Omaha as the demand for tickets from these places is growing and a very large crowd from Plattsmouth will also be in attendance to wit ness the match. One of the parties visiting Louis ville last evening made a close ex amination of Schmarder and re ports him in the pink of condition from a physical standpoint and as tit as any man that has stepped in to the ring. Cured of Stomach Trouble and Constipation Rachel Cribley of Beaver nam, Ohio, was sick for two years with stomach trouble and constipation, taking one medicine after another, with only temporary relief. "My neighbor spoke so enthusiastically of Chamberlain's Tablets," she says, "that I procured a bottle of Ihem at our drug store to try. A few days' treatment convinced me that they were just what I needed. I con tinued their use for several weeks and they etired me. Blank books Yes you can get most any kind at Journal office. Come on, now is the time to go to Chase county. The Rosencrans ex cursion -will leave next Sunday ev ening, so you had better make up your mind to go and see "Rosy" right now about Pullman reserva tions for this trip. . tf-d. DR. H. G. LEOPOLD OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Coates BIk. Phone 208 NOTICE TO PUBLIC. In compliance with law the pro perty owners of the county are noti fied that it will be necessary to have the weeds cut along the highways of Ca-SH county by the 15th day of Au gust, the last day fixed by law for this purpose. The citizens are re quested to give this matter their clo sest attention. Ry order of the board of County Commissionere. d&w-tf. Daily Journal. 15c a wee. Running Water in the House and Barn "Delco-Light pays for itself. In one instance alone, that of operating a pumping system, I save nearly $20 per month." This is the experience of Mr. W. M. Garrison, Mecklenburg county, N. C. WRITE FOR CATALOG ISY ROSENTHAL, Dealer Phone Walnut 999 5008 Dodge St. OMAHA, NEB. City Conveniences for Country Homes From Saturdays Dully. Last evening a party of Platts mouth young men composed of Wil liam Smith. Jake Adams and Perry Dunn departed for the east, where they are expecting to locate J:or the present at least. They will make their first- stop in Chicago and later expect to go to Elkhart, Indiana, where Mr. Smith and Mr. Adams will enter the automobile factories and Perry take up his barber work in that city. If you want good printing let us do your work. Best equipped job shop in southeastern Nebraska. 4 W. A. ROBERTSON Lawver Coates Clock. Rt or Rtiev Hot ' 3L - -'- CONTINUING THRU THIS WEEK ONLY 20"o Reduction on All Silk Shirts! Every man likes a Silk Shirt and this is your last opportunity to get one here at these prices. We have a splendid assortment of percales, sateen, madras and pongees in collar attached style - for that comfortable feeling. S2.00 to S9.00 umdl. "EVERYBODY'S STROE