PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEI.IT-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY,' AUGUST 2. 2 fir n LOCAL N E WSCLARENGE BEAL IS i SAYS LEAGUE OF NA- Enrich Your ; Farm! With the present high prices of farm land,' it i neces sary to get the greatest returns possible from the soil. DISPOSE OF YOUR LITTER AND MANURE Do not have decaying heaps of composition about your barn yard. Have them sanitary; get the refuse on the land where it will enrich the soil, and help you to produce larger crops. The Litchfield Spreader is the most wonderful ma chine for this purpose you ever saw. It is constructed to do the mobl work with the least power and will handle your lit ter and manure in the cheapest and most satisfactory manner. Sirongly constructed of steel. Get facts from us regarding this spreader and its money-making possibilities. H ERRS AW W BALL, ' MANLEY -:- -:- -:- -:- NEBR. i: to ciii:i)iTni t ! IV .-i ; i r i. k-i . ! -: r -. . 1 y . 'i t ..'.:! t. f : !' .li'l i...t i i.t .1 t 'rt r. t v. .UIi .-.-M , . 1 :-.r ri"i: of 'tut.': , t I -.v i ! ; r. .;u iri I'lat?-- ". t! 11th .lay :M 1i' o'e'. r k a. Ill . , i .l .In y s '. l ( . iv- a !i l r'.ilin- ;s xr: i :it said -s- i , fv t" ii'l.i'i!'! :n'iit Ti tun- !i!"iitfil ( :. f i-ii'ini.-- a-.ainst sai.i months 1 T i t. A 1. i:L'-i. ti !-:!'mtu "f il' l.ts u-- -m l !i Oav of A;:;- , . al of I 1 1 j,,,. (,f fl.iir.i-- ncainst sa'd sl-it i - lour i mnrl.s fi.:ii tlif tltli ...i .1:1 v. A. ! . 1 :-. MTi.l thf tiir..' l'r -;'.vi n nl of iK-l.ts is out- . i l.-'lii :.k1 till: oav of .1 u 1 v, l'.'J't Wit!.-- ni ; iirnl tin? tioal of -! ('hi:, iv t'i'iit. this til Oav of From Thursday's Daily. J. Ij. Smith of near N'ehawka drove up (his afternoon to spend a few hours here attending to some busi ness matters. x John Lynn and Rev. W. A. Taylor, two of the prominent residents of rnion. were in the city yesterday af ternoon and last evening looking af ter some matters of business. " Robert Shrader came in this morn ing from hid home near Murray and departed on the early morning train for Omaha, where he will look after the disposal of the wheat which he is shipping to market. IT. E. Iieeker. George .M. Hihl, Frank Yallery and V. II. Young are spending a short time in the west driving out to I'erkins county to look over the extensive land interests that they have in that portion of the state and will bo absent for a short time. DOING VERY NICELY Portion of Injured Leg is Operated Upon and Yourg- Han Halites in Excellent Shape. -r! i Al.I.K.V County JuU ALEXANDER HOME CANNES We : ' 1.1 fl'..l t! . : t t 1 Of :i o 1 :. ai.i.k.v .t. i;i-:n.N". 'o'lnty JuU',e. still have a number f thosv Xo. ! fanners, that will be sold riqht if lakeu now. Hear in mind that ve l:r. ve only a fow of them left that v.ii; be sold ;it a reduct ion. Call li-Mlicn' 4fl-V if .;i are intt ro-tci! in ove i'A this time. 10-;.f'!) WM. CUKPE. Mi i i: STI't - .f Tl It i:i)l'KI!li Nebraska, Ca.-s coun- Elank books. Journal office. I T i i I .'. Ji. ! V. : .-it at r:'.'-.i: 1 t ' .i. r.! v .a rt. n:tt:r of t!..- estate of Mary .(.T.-a.-.-.l. . . -Tf.i;;.iiit if -;ii estate: . r. I.y notified. Tl at I will t'yinty C'liM't roi't.i in IVatts ;:t :.:! -in! v on A'-.tftii-t ftl. :,1 Nov . ;:il.. i- t'tli. 1020. at ! a. t:i. . i :i i.i-. tit ! -,- ; il i.i;i:i auauist .-ai.l estat", v;. v t.( t;o ii- ndjiistment and 'iii' tiin- lr the W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. Coatea Elock, Seoond Floor. E8t of Riley Hotal &b &y lt 1 l? Vt--J; fr. ts&-j Vir lV DUSTEKKOFF INTERIORS are frequently SELECTED FOR 1 Chur ch an Residence v.hcre the finest and most highly idealized type cf Interior Decorating; is involved, as in some of i':-: finest churches and residences we have finish ed hi the state. The preference for DUSTERHOFF INTER IORS in such cases is dus to the steadily growing conviction that DUSTERHOFF INTERIORS rep ra;tnt the highest standai'ds cf interior decorating. It h due also in great measure to the feel ing cf security inspired by our policy to do interior decorating of the finest qual ify only arA of such design and performance rs to provide cn exception?.! value in DESIGN and DURABILITY beyond the nost extieme requirement. ii - JL From Friday's Dally. W. II. lleil of Ixmisville, was in t lie city today for a few hours look ing after some matters of business. Albert Zhrott and son Herman, of near Murdoch, were in the city this morning looking' after a few matters of business at the court house. (J. H. Olive of Weeping Water was in the city ye.-terday for a few injurs driving in with his son Hen. and to meet Mrs. Olive who arrived home from Omaha. N?il I't-diTseu of W'. ping Water and Charles Jacobson of Eagle, were in the city yesterday' af;erno;n for a few hours attending to some mat ters t.f business. Ralph Larson, ca-hu-r of the Hank of Commerce of Louisville, was in the city today for a f-nv hours looking after sun:" matters of business and visiting with his parents. Mrs. O. H. Olive of Weeping Water came in yesterday i'.f ternoon fr.u.. Omaha where .-he l!.-s been visiting and visited here f:r a few hours with her sister, Mrs. John AI. I.eyda and family. Hen Olive motored over from Wetpir.g Water to meet his .mother. From Friday's Pallj, - 'Clarence z. Heal, wh.o yesterday morning had hi.-j right foot taken off in the accident in the Hurlington yards in this city is now doing very nicely and stood the ordeal of the operation that was necessary to re move a part of tbe right leg that had been badly injured by the cutting off (f tin foot. The patient was taken from this city to the Innuantiel hospital in Omaha, where the umptatiou was performed and a portion rt the ri.;ht leg removed as the bone and flesh were so badly injured as to make it impossible of saving it. The opera tion was very successful and will make it very easy to have an arti licial lower limb fitteoV M. M. Heal, father of the injured young man and his brothers. Fi-nuk and Harry Heal, were at the hospital yesterday and remained until Clar ence had recovered from the e.Teets of the operation, which he stood in tii'e slmpe. The mother of Clarence ami Mrs. Harry Heal and Mr:;. A. II. Noble were in Omaha today visiting with the patient, returning this noon and reporting him as doing nicely. CHALLENGES RIGHT OF BOARD TO DENY TIONS A DEAD ISSUE Otherwise Third Tarty Candidate P. P. Christensen Would Tttempt to Kill It. He Declares. From Saturday's Paily. Mrs. S.' Ray Smith and little son departed this afu-rnon for Weeping Water where they will visit over Sun day at the home of Mrs. Smith's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Domingo. J. K. Pollock and Dave Eberso! returned last -evening from an auto trip to southwestern Colorado ami report a fine time during their so journ oa the ranch of Mr. Pollock near Pagosa Springs. On their re turn they found some bad roads in northeastern Colorado but the trip as a whole was a very line one. Robert t.oodman of Haveloek. who has been visiting here with his fat!: er, It. V. Goodman and other relative ana irienas, returned tins morning to Ilavelock. Mr. Goodman has re covered niceiy irom nis very severe injuries received in tne fmops a Havelock and his visit heme v much enjoyed by the manv old friends. BABY CONTEST A GREAT SUCCESS Splendid Array of Bright and Healthy Youngsters Shown at Platform Yesterday Afterrfoon. i Kiwi J l vIy Max D ustertioff Interior Decorating Practical Tain tint Vcod Finishing Wall Hanging MURDOCK, NEBR. S?iy i s?i N S" f From Saturday's Dally. ii mere was anyone who did not believe that the finest babies in the world were in Plattsmouth and Casr county, they had only to viit tlx dance platform at Fifth and Mail streets yesterday where the big baby show and contest was being held i ne juuges selected were Dr. P. J. Flynn. Dr. J. it. Martin, Mrs. W. J ;reigiit. .Airs. II. II. Harding, and Mrs. Lillian Carraher -and even 4he-e were kept busy trying to select the most perfect children to give the various awards to. The result of the contest was that the silver loving cup for the grand prize of all three classes was awarded to Harold Hunter, son of Rev. and Mrs. A. V. Hunter, In class A, babies six to eighteen months old. Wayne William Fall; was given first prize, Jatheiine Theresa r i-ner, veeond prize and Jauette Kathcrine Hirz. third prize, x In Class H. ninteen months to two years. Richard Dean Hatt was given first honors Jeane Catherine Brady, second prize and Evelyn Elron War then, third prize. In Class C. two years to four years old, Harold Hunter -Ron the first hon ors, Howard Franklin Hirz. second and Helen Pratt, third prize. The show and contest was one of the most successlul.held in that eity and -the babies as well as the par ents can feel very proud of the hand some and perfect little folks Trho! were competing in the show. ' vVculd-Be Scottsbluff Bankers Allege Banking Beard Wrong in Re fusing Their Request, From Thursday's: Paily. The rii;hf of the stat" banking board to deny a charter to P'Titmr who comply with the law as it is. because they do not ccmply with the . lam: ir.i ; t::e inviru lias set up is vigorously attar-Led in a voluminous iiricf filed Wedne.-day in supre:i "ourt in support of an appeal by the Commercial State bank of So;;-.- blulf. Jens Xielson, a former member of me legislature, -.';;; engaged in brink promotion in 1 S 1 . and s cured the organization of t he Commercial State bank, with r . P.. Morgan and Grant L. Sham way, the latter one tinn state land commissioner, as tht principal stockhohiers. When the; application came before the state i - i . . ... ... . . o.iiuviii;-- imam . k. uarrici:, an- otber banker at Scott sblmY, entered a jrofe.-t. One reason 1;.- assigned why the bank should not get a charter is that the main stockholders in this bank had been subscribers to stoek in another bank sought to be orga nized in the town in which there had been violation of the law relating to the percentage to be paid for promo tion. Another was that one of the stockholders had at one time accused hi in of fraud. Another that the men behind the bank were not financially adequate ami lie also attacked the integrity of Sbumwav as a state of ficer in connection with the potash industry. For this Shumway filed juit against Warrick for 1100,000. The complaint of the bank is that the state banking board when it up held t ho protest of Warrick, exceed ed its powers. It insists that the board being a creature of the stat ute, can only exercise such author ity as the statutes specifically con fer on it. together with such inciden tal authority as ma"y be necessary to carry its expressed authority into effect. State Journal. New York, July :!0. The league of nations is "nothing more than an attempt to establish an international bankers' soviet,' declared Parley P. Christensen, presidential nominee of the farmer-labor party, here today. "The league of nations fs'a dead issue," he paid. "If it were not. I should want- to kill it." Endorsement cf Irish freedom was another point on which be expressed himself. "I am one of tluie who is suiii- ciently in love with-the principles of human freedom to come out squarely for recognition of the Irish republic," be said.x Referring to the attempts of Gov ernor Cox and Senator Harding to persuade Tennessee to pass the equal suffrage law, lie said: "If Cox and Harding can't get rat iPcat ion, I will go down aud try the rebels myself." Mr. Christensen announced that the national campaign of the third p irty will be launched in New York ciy. where he said, "are enthroned the powers we are fighting." These powers lie explained aro collectively "Wall street," for it is Wall street, he added, "that wins, no matter whiuh of tiie old party candidates is elected." "'.Ye are mt." lie continued, "to restore the government it) the peo ple to make i: impossible for Wood row Wilson to say in the future, as ho has in the past, that 'the govern ment of the 1'nited States is con-tnllt-d by t lie combined orpwrat ions and financiers of the 1'nited State-.' h was true when he said it. and it is true today. We want to make it tru no longer. " P.oth the democratic and reruihli- YOU C AH NOT KEEP MOHEY IN YOUP. HOUSE AMD BE FREE FROM ANXIETY AND WORRY. 3ESIDES MAKING YOU NER VOUS, IT PLACES YOU AND YOUR FAMILY IN DANGER. FIRE MAY DESTROY YOUR MONEY, OR BURGLARS MAY BREAK IN AND STEAL IT, AND THEY ARE DANGEROUS MEN. HAVE NO FEAR OF LOSS. PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK. YOU WILL RECEIVE 4 H INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR REN1 AT 51.10 PER YEAR. 12 re- ok -w--r-r Ci rr" r t ATTSMOHTH. N! HRA'iKA fT. STUHR TELLS HOW TO PURCHASE JIEATS Lincoln. July 30.- S.-ertary Le- Stuhr of the stutt- department - f ag riculture is of the opinion that peo ple in purcha-ing ni'Mt r.iak; a mistake in not first inqu iri how mucli ti:e meat thev want is'i::! poll iiC S forms on which they -tami are -'it -tir.glj- empty." ! can parties, the candidate declared, and then specifying how man "are engaged in a con-piracy to tluy want. camouflage the league issue." Their "If people will say to the dealer, purpose in perpetuating thi- di-xus-j 'how mu"h is your porterho:::-e a sion. he continued, is "to blind the J pound?' aiid then specify the number pocplc to tlie vi:il issuer." The phi'-'tf pound- wanted, 'they will discover "dis-j that they will get much be'ter frcat , j ment in the way of satisfuctory Mr. Christensen clu-.rged that : weight than if they call simply for a "there is a plot on between the re-! half dollar or seventy-five cents' aciionaries t.f the republican and : v-' rth of the kind they want." democratic parties to 'stifie ratifica-i tion of the nineteenth amendment by t George Lar.iphear, Jr., departed last evening for Chicago, where he will enjoy a visit for a short time at the home of his brother, Pert, and faiu- the necessary thirty-sixth state." Third party leaders, conferring here, announced today that they are making progress in whipping into idiape plans for a national campaign. The conference will be in session several days. 51' A n i 8 v r r. t ? Miss Elva , Hartford departed this morning for Long Pine, 2seb., where sl.e will be the guest of some of her school friends at their borne in that Mrs. Arthur Moran arid clif!dre.i j i''. ' departed this morning for Omaha,; Cd. W. S. Ask with and wife of where theyv will visit over Sunday j Omaha are i:; the city visiting with with relatives and friends. Mr. Mor- j friends for a few days at t he Masonic an will join his family for a short I Home of which Mr. Askwith was for visit in the metropolis tomorrow. merlv superintendent. . For tho.;.' who ;re " in nejd of a reiiic-'iy for !-:ldn-y troulle.s ;mi1 b;u url e, it i.; a :! -1 plan to try I)on's Kidiity ;i!'-. Tiiey are s-tronly reciHi.urended by Plan.-;.;ou! ii people. Ask your neighbor. K. 'I. iliifery, 1 t :i ami V.' streets, Plattsmouth, says: ' didn't require very long nQ of Do.m's Kid ivy Pills to prove to me that tiny are fi;ie, A pain would catch me through my hips ::o I could hardly raise a sh.(;vt! of coal. 'I here was also, ;.t f iiius, a lameness across my loins. i hati rca.-nii t.) beii-.-ve that these troubles -were caused from a disordered condition of the kidneys and hearing Hoan's Kidney Pills :o big l;!y spoken of, J got some. They uave n.e"(;iiick reli-f anil ti;e reli f warrants me in speakir.g of tlx1 rem edy in the most favorable t.rm-" Mr. Buttery g:ve the above state ment Junct II. 1'Mir; and on M.iy 1 lDl'0, he added: "It has Ik en a ;;d many years since I have !:ad the kid ney trouble v. hich I told of in my former statement of l!.ri. My cure' is a permanent one but I still think Ilium's Kidney Piils are and I am glad to recommend them to other.'-." Pi ice tji!c. a? Al! ah. I lon't. simply ak for a kidney remedy-- get Doan's Kidney Pills--the -aine that Mr. P.uttery had. Fotor-Milbiiru Co., Mfrs., im !')":, lo. X. Y. Ulcnk becks and cfTice accessories st the Journal dice. OSTEOPATHIC CONVENTION. 'rem Tin .silav's nail v. .Members t.f the ICocky Mountain Osteopathic Association met todav in the opening session of the 4th annual convention at Denver. Dr. II. C. Leopold of this city, in addressing the convention stated that "an examination of the body should be made as thorough as overhauling nn automobile. Jiotli should he done to note the exact structural and func tional condition of every part. I'n A . ies; uus is iictio treatment of any kind Is little more than gambling aaalnst time, besl.les receiving com peii'ation under f;ilse pretenses." A FINE LITHE SON From Saturday's Dally. The stork last evening visited the vicinity of Pacific Junction and call ed at the home ot 'Mr. and Mrs. The odore Powies. leaving with them a fine little son and heir. The: occa sion has been a vety pleasant one to the family and not the least dis pleased is Grandpa John Richardson of this city. ' d 1 3 The Big Fair of Western iowa, at Malvern Ausrust 9, 10, 1 L 12 an GREAT RACING PROGRAM Ten harness races; $3,000 in purses will bring the fastest steppers ever seen in this section. Includes two big racing circuits. BIG LIVE STOCK SHOW Liberal prizes offered on exhibits of Cattle, Horses, Swine and Poultry. , SPLENDID PREMIUMS offered on exhibits in every line. COUNTY HORSE SHOE PITCHING contest to select team for state fair; Good prizes offered to winners of this event. .. ; 3 BIG NIGHT SHOWS August 10, 11 and 12, with grand display of fireworks in addition to splendid entertainments put up by the different attractions. , FREE ATTRACTIONS Every day at the fair. The best line up we have ever offered. Includes Miss Irene Steele, soprano singer; Prince Okada and Dain ty Livona, the Japanese entertainers; The Cayro Sisters &. Company, the "wizards j of the wire;" Miss Lillian Baldwin, the world's greatest lady gymnast; The Leap ing Finns with their old time circus feature, and last but not least, Uncle Hiram Himself, B. W. Brown, with his singing pig. BASE BALL TOURNEY Four crack teams of southwest Iowa will play. AH in ali, the greatest fair and races in southwest Iowa. Of course you are coming. Bring the whole family and the neighbors with you. THE EMERSON BAND will furnish music each day. DANCE PAVILION The American Legion will have a big dance pavilion. ' If you haven't a premium list, send for one. IKl ' " Popular copyrjgjed. fiction at Jha;, Journal office, ; ; Ei h 1 - iowa