The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 02, 1920, Image 1

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    NeoraAa State Histori
cal Society
vol. xxxvn.
NO. 12
As Result of Having Led in Popu
larity Voting; Contest Tom
Walling Leads Men.
From Friday's Dally.
Last evening the vicinity of Fifth
and .Main streets was packed with
a dense assemblage of the residents
of the city and vicinity and traffic
through the crowd was impossible
as the many hundred pushed for a
!int of vantage to witness the en
trance of the queen of the carnival
and her court. On the American
L.uion dance platform a throne had
hern arranged at the south end and
faring Main street and here the cere
monies were held shortly after nine
The queen and her attendants ar
riving at the platform it was neces
sary to secure a passage way from
the cars to the platform as the huge
crowd had grown to such an extent
that it was almost impossible to get
tli rough the mass of people. From the
tur to the foot of the throne carpet
had been spread and over this the
regal party proceeded. Percy H.
Field received the party as master of
cert-monies and the procession was
formed with the ladies of the court
and gentlemen of honor preceeding
the ;ueen. Miss Fern Niel. whose
t harming toilette of white was cov
ered by the long flowing royal robes
of purple velvet trimmed with er
mine and the queen surely presented
a very beautiful appearance and
with the attractive and charming la
dies in attendance yiade a picture of
At the throne the party was met
by Tun Walling, who as the prince
of good fellows, placed on the brow
of Miss Niel the crown of queen. The
ceremony was followed by the grand
march and then by a spirited one
step that was joined in by a large
number and which marked the end
of the coronation ceremonies.
The gentlemen of honor of the
court were Edward Fullerton, George
lovey. Emil Hild. Carl Schmidtmen.
Ha r ley Reeker and Aubrey Duxbury.
while the ladies of honor were Misses
Wilma lUiney. Verla Becker, Mary
Wagner, Helen Roberts and Grace
Null ing.
The golden crown with its spark
ling gems was borne by Hub? Miss
Margaret Shallenlerger while the
train of the queen was carried by
Misses Edith Quinton. Charlotte
Field. Catherine Terryberry. Jaque
line Davis and Masters Carrol 1).
Quinton and Edward Egenberger.
At the conclusion of the ceremon
ies the platform was turned over- to
the local post of the American Le
gion for a social dance and for which
the "Ragoperators" unloosened some
f their jazz music until the midnight
hour and a large number took ad
vantage of the occasion to. enjoy the
pleasant evenign.
From Frliay Dallv.
William Lovelady, taxi driver, 2707
Farnani street, was arrested as a de
serter fro mthe old Fourth Nebraska
national guard when he appeared In
police court Thursday to answer a
charge of obstructing a fire hydrant
with his automobile. Lovelady was
recognized by Court Otficer Martin L.
Jensen, who was a second lieutenant
in Company A. Fourth Nebraska.
Jensen said that Lovelady deserted
his company while the regiment was
stationed on the Mexican border at
Llano Grande. Tex., during the na
tional guard mobilization in 1916.
Lovelady's wife, Naomi, a night
Janitress In the City National Bank
building, burst into tears when In
formed of his arrest. She at first de
nied knowledge of his desertion but
, later admitted he had confessed ev
erything to her the night before they
were married in July 1917. He was
18 at the time and she. 17.
"He didn't say he deserted. He
only faid he went away to see his
mother who was dying from worry
over his enlistment. After she died,
he didn't go back."
Lovelady will be turned over to
army authorities at Fort Omaha. Po
lice say the case comes under the
war department's jurisdiction as the
national guard was in federal service
at the time of the alleged desertion.
From Thursday's Daily.
This afternoon Dr. O. Sandin
shipped to Enders. Neb., one of the
fine thoroughbred water spaniel pup
pies that he has been breding in
this city. The little animal is one
of the finest seen in this city and is
a thoroughbred of pedigreed stock.
The puppy has been purchased by M
H. Hiner of Enders and the new own
er feels very fortunate in securing
the fine little animals Dr. Sandin
has had very good success In his
handling of the thoroughbred dogs
and a number have been purchased
by parties all over the state.
Fred H. Gorder, Who, for Many Years
Presided Over Destinies of His
Home City, Resigns.
From Friday's Dally.
The citizens of Weeping Water are
at present without a head to the mu
nicipal government as the result of
the acceptance of the resignation of
Mayor Fred H. Gorder. which was
made on July 19th and which became
effective on July 26th.
Mr. Gorder has filled the position
of mayor of our neighboring city for
a great many years and has become
as familiar with the business affairs
of that city as with his own private
business and in his resignation the
city of Weeping Water loses a very
valuable servant. The resignation
has been in contemplation for some
time and covers a part of the division
that has arisen in the city and which
Mayor Gorder hoped might be over
come, having devoted his efforts un
ceasingly in that direction. In speak
ing of the event the Weeping Water
Republican publishes the following
Weeping Water, Nebraska.
June 18. 1920.
George II. Olive,
City Clerk.
To the Honorable City Council:
The time has come that I must
comply with the statement I made at
special meeting of City Council April
22nd. 1920. In the presence of Coun
cilmen Tefft. Marshall and Swindle.
I also made this statement in my of
fice May 3rd. 1920, in the presence
of Councilmen Wiles. Marshall and
Swindle. I have been holding over
to this date, hoping that the division
started before election would im
prove. It seems to me it is getting
worse and it makes it a hard task to
act as mayor with such a divided
people so am pleased to retire and
hope it will be the means to get
everybody in line for a better town.
July 19. 1920.
Honorable City Council:
I filed my resignation with City
Clerk June 18th. 1920, and no action
was taken so will ask you to kindly
accept resignation as mayor to take
effect July 26th. 1920, and oblige.
July 19th At special session of
City Council. Councilman Colbert
moved resignation of Mayor Gorder
be accepted. Motion carried.
The little eighteen-months-old
child of 'Mr..' and Mrs. Edward Rau.
living about five miles southwest of
South Bend was drowned in a water
tank on the place on Monday even
ing. When the body was found life
was extinct. The funeral occurred
Wednesday afternoon from the Evan
gelical Lutheran .church north of
Murdock of which Rev. Peters is
Mr. Kau is a nephew of Herman
Mann of Manley and Mrs. Rau was
formerly Miss Sarah Campbell, of
South Bend. She attended the Louis
ville high school a few years ago
and her family is well known in thi
and her family is well known in this
vicinity and their many friends ex
tend deepest sympathy to them in
their great shock and sad loss. -Louisville
Freight Car Shops Retain Second Po-
sition While the Locomotives
Go Down to Third
From Thursday's DaM?
Last evening the long standing tie
in the Burlington shop league was re-
moved when the Coach Shop violent -
ly wrested the lead in the league
from the Locomotives by the score of
9 to 3. The victory came easy iu
the coach handlers as they were at
no time in danger of losing the lead
accumulate in the opening stanza of
the conflict.
The opposing slab artists were
Mason and Herold and In the hntti
Mason was the more fortunate as he
received excellent support from his
team mates and exercised good con
trol over the ball in the pinches.
Twelve of the Locos were struck out
and two hits gathered off the deliv
ery of William Harvey while Pete
secured eleven strikeouts and was
touched for seven hits.
In the opening round Nelson, the
first up for the coach shop secured
first when Janda at the initial sta
tion failed to field the ball and was
followed by Gradoville who was hit
by Herold and given first base, O'Don-
nell then placed one to short that
CAk..ll.n I 1 . . ...1.1. J
...uiuwi iu iruuiieiri nu auu
. ..v,.. DU.. iUCU pul mr
game on Ice by a three sacker to
center that brought in both Grado-
to score later. Shinn was retired
...uu,r. ij a aim s
out Kalina and Howe, ending the
. . .v., "ui-
nor was struck out. Niel retired on a
grounder to Howe at first and Bur-
. .-wui-n. uwi..
The third was productive of two
more runs ior tne coach fahop. Grad- tie city. For the position of city at
oville opened with a two sacker to orney the board secured the services
center and was followed by O'Don- of C. K. Tefft of Weenine- Water
nell who repeated with a single to
tne same garden and which brought
in Gradoville. Mason hit safe over
second and tallied O'Donnell but died
on the bases as Shinn. Kalina and
Howe were also whiffed.
The Locomotives were able to gar- I
ner one in the fifth act when Hulalments which the people feel they are
hit safe to center and was followed I
by Wilson with a safety to first that
advanced Hula and when Cavander I
jabbed a safe one to the first base
iiue iiuiii uiaue nome ana wniie me I
race was close between the throw
and the runner Umpire Stimson call-J
ed the runner safe which gave the I
Locos the first run of the game. I
The sixth went fifty-fifty with both
teams securing two scores. Glaze
opened with a fly to Janda at first
and was followed by Max Pries who
Dlaced a safe hit to the rieht erarden
and advanced when Nelson grounded
out to Janda at first, Gradovile hit
safe to left and scored Pries and later
tallied on a wild heave to the third fractured at the elbow and was hur
base. For the Locos, Burbridge was I r,ed into Nehawka where the injured
out on a flv to Kalina at serum' I
Herold drew a walk and was able
to pilfer second and scored when
Janda hit safe to right field. Janda
scored on the out of Hula at first
base and Wilson closed the innim;
by a strikeout.
In the seventh the ninth and final I
run of the coach shop was secured
Mason hit safe through second and
was followed by Shinn who nw out J
to Skalak at third nad when Kalina
hit to third base Mason , was caught I
it second but Kalina was able to
score on the throws made to ca'rh I
hi:n on the bases. Howe wv; giveu
a walk but was tagged by Skalak I
v.hle attempting to steal the third
base. The tabulated score of the,s rather unusual and had not the
game was as follows: I
Coach Shon .
. i
Nelson, ci 3 0 0 0
Gradoville, c 3 2 12 0
O'Donnell, ss 4 1 0 3
Mason, p 4 3 0 1
Shinn, 3b 4 0 0 2
Kalina. 2b 3 .010
Howe, lb . 3 0 8 0
0 I
0 I
1 1
1 1
Wooster, rf 2 0 0 0 0
I Glaze, If 3 0 0 0 0
Fries, rf 1 l o 0
27 7 M r.
Schulhof, ss 4
Niel. cf 3
Burbridge. c 3
Herold, p 1
Janda. lb .?
Iliila rf '.
Wiknn if .
Skalak. ?.b
Cavander, 2 b
From Friday's Dally.
Last evening Waldemar Soennich-
sen and wife re1"1"1 hum? from an
extended tour or the racihe coast and
after a most enjoyable stay in the
coast country covering from southern
California to Seattle. Mrs. Soennich
i sen maae me trip io tne coast via
I auto with her mother. Mrs. W. E
I Rosencrans. Miss Mary Rosencrans
I and TJlythe, and was met at Los An-
geles by Mr. Soennichsen. From
that city the party motored to Se
I attle for a short stay and thence to
I Portland, Oregon, from which city
I Mr. and Mrs. Soennichsen returned
I home. Mrs. Rosencrans and Miss
I Mary will remain at Portland for a
more extended visit while Blythe is
expected to return home within the
I next ten days
Selects Officers and Starts Municipal
Government Serious Accident
and Other Happenings.
The new municipal government ot
Nehawka has been launched v?ry sue
ri.ccfiilli. T nn WaIIa... . . . . .
officers picked to guide the destinies
viooftutiv , el ii Li till rAtc iCUL .& I a V 1
of tnat city jn the next veaf Tj e
new village board selected bv the
board of countv commissioners met
ft. hv nH .h.-,r
I '--7 m? -svs UU1I Hi fcn , lido
P. Sheldon: Clerk. J. F. Stenens:
I Treasurer. Frank Boedeker. The
board named as the street, alleys and
bridges committee. R. ( Pollard. Dr.
j. w Thomas and Georffe V. Sheldon
and this trio of nustlers will sce that
tH strata an.i ctlO.-r i m nr.rcm t c
are kept up to the minute in the lit
the peaceful people of Nehawka have
not had any attorney come to dwell
in their midt. In order that the citv
jean progress as it should the board
decided on a levy that would insure
the sum of S2.S00-nor veir th;it will
be devoted to the public improve
entitled to and to secure w hich wa?
lone of the chief causes of the incoi
poration of the village.
a rainer serious auto wreck oc
curred on hursday near Nahawka
when the car of Fred Rose was run
into by the machine operated bv a
tractor dealer of Ashland. The ac
cident occurred near the Elbert Nor-
r's iarm wnere tne tractor agentr had
been demonstrating and as he came
in,n the roadway he crashed into the
car of Mr. Rose. As the result of
the accident, Ellen, the little 10-year
old daughter of Mr. Rose who was in
ine car wlttl nmi- na(l her right arm
arm was set.
Publisher A. B: Rut ledge, who be-
tween preparing the weekly happen-
ins .for tne edification of his reaji
ers ot tne News-Ledger, is engaged in
the raising of fine thoroughbred
chickens, a few days agq discovered
jan unusual freak in the egg line at
n"s poultry house. This was two
complete eggs all in one and both of
the e&ss were complete in every de
tail- Tne outer egg was of large
size and nad a 'elk and was in- Pr-
fect condition and in the center of
this, egg was a second egg that was
Perfect and enclosed in a shell of its
own. and also with its own yelk. This
egg been shown on exhibition it
might be figured as a rival to the
. .. . .
snaKe stories Due it i3 the real truth
as can be vouched for not only by
the Nehawka editor but the Journal
man as well.
Pine line of stationery ana cor-
respondence paper- at the Journal
o !
No One Present at Time of Accident
but Belief is Young Man Was
Struck While Alighting-.
From Thursday's Daily.
While engaged in his duties in the
local yards of the Burlington this
morning. Clarence L. Beal. one of
the third trick switchmen, met with
a very severe accident that resulted
in the loss of the right foot, the
member being severed just above the
ankle joint. The accident- occurred
snuiiij aiier :,:.iu ana mere was no
one present at the spot at the time,
as other members of the switching
force and the switch engine were
at the lead from the shops to the
depot where they were engaged in
kicking cars down into the west
Clarence, as far as can be learned.
was riding one of the cars down into
the west yard and had gotten off to
throw a switch for the car as the in
dications point to this fact, and had
evidently been struck a glancing blow
oti the side of the head bv the car.
is he had a large bump on the side
of his head when found." and this
blow aud knocked him from his feet
with the result that his right foot
. '
.as caught on the track where the
wheels and truck of the car passed
over it severing it at the ankle joint.
The traveling painters who have
been engaged in work at the Bur
lington station for the past few days
were living in a bunk car near the
scene of the accident and heard the
cries of the injured man and one of
the painters. Foreman Baxter, has
tened out and found Clarence lying
ilong the edge of the platform and
it removed him and summoned
help to care for the injured man.
As soon as the accident was dis
covered the injured leg was protect
ed as well as possible and Clarence
hurried to the office of Drs. Living
ston, where the wound was dressed
and the injured young man made
ready to be sent to the hospital, be
ing taken by auto to the Immanuel
hospital in Omaha for treatment and
further care.
The accident occurred just a few
feet north of the yard office at the
north end of the platform at the pas
senger station and at the time there
was no one .near to witness the ex
act manner in which Mr. Beal was
injured. -
The friends. of the young man who
was so badly injured learned of thl
accident with the most profound re
gret and throughout the city the mis
fortune brought a deep sense of re
gret and sorrow, as Clarence is one
of the best known and popular young
men in the city and while he has
suffered a very serious accident it is
fortunate that it was not more ser
On last Monday afternoon, .Bruce
Fleischman looked the world square
in the face and assayed that he would
have a little fun and try a few cow
boy stuns. The animal of his choice
for the high bucking buck was a
fairly good sized hog. So he proceed
ed with all the assurance in the
world that be was a real broncho
buster and landed squarely on the
back of said 'hog.
"With a squeal and a mighty lunge
the hog was moving some and Bruce
landed all sprawled out. After an
examination of himself he discover
ed that he had a pain in his wrist
and a physician took an X-ray ex
amination, finding' one bone broken
and the other' one bent. The injury
was given attention and he is getting
along quite well. Bruce is the son
of ' Charles .Fleischman.Elmwood
Leader-Echo. . - . .
Journal want ads pay.
From Friday's Dally.
A. S. Will yesterday suffered the
loss of 180 feet of white metal cable,
a very high priced non-rustable metal
cable and which some person or per
sons successfully made away with,
while the Will's family were at din
ner. The cable has been used by Mr.
Will on his bottom land near the
river and was brought up to the barn
which is located near the Missouri
Pacific right of way on the west side
of the farm and the cable was left
lying on the groundwhile. the familv
partook of the noon meal.
On re-
turning to the barn after dinner the
cable was found to be missing and no
trace could be discovered of the nms-
ing cable. The cable was lying near
the highway and if i.? thought that
some passersbv decided to enrich
themselves by purloining the chain
and seem to have successfully gotten
away. Chief of Police Manspeaker
was first notified of the theft and
later in the afternoon the loss was
rcported to Sheriff C. D. Quinton who
at once got in touch with the neigh-
boring cities but without a great
deal of success.
Well Known Young People of This
City Are United in Marriage
at Botkins, Ohio.
From Thursday's Daily.
me journal nas just received a
copy of the Botkins (Ohio) Herald.
winch contains the account of the
marriage of Miss Frances Sevhert
inu i. a. .Marshall. Jr., winch was
held in that city on Wednesday,
July 21st. The account of the wed
ding was as follows:
Mr. C. A. Marshall, Jr.. and Miss
Frances Seybert. of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, who has been visiting here
with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bull, Mrs.
Hull being a sister of the groom,
were united in marriage by the Rev.
Searbrook of the Methodist church
at tne residence Wednesday evening
at S o'clock. After' the wedding
ceremony a i o ciock dinner was
served. They will remain the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Hull for a brief
visit after which they will locate in
Dayton, Ohio, where Mr. Marshall
will continue his work with the Na
tional Cash Register company."
from Thursday's Dally.
The South Park store of A. G.
Bach, which for more than thirty
years has been conducted by Mr.
Bach has been sold by the owner to
the firm of Bach & Libershall, who a
few months ago purchased the JIain
street store of Mr. Bach. The new
owners wilt at once assume the man
agement of the st5re and conduct it
in connection with their main store
and it will continue to serve the peo
ple of the south portion of the city
as it has in the past as Messrs. Bach
and Libershall will have their usual
large and complete stock at the Lin
coln avenue store "kept strictly up-to-date
for the accommodation of their
Fine stationery, Journal office.
The First national bank
Aged Resident of This City Passed
Away Very Suddenly at Her
Home at 1:30 O'Clock.
From Thursday's Daily.
The community was " profoundly
shocked this morning to learn that
anotner f the pioneer residents of
,he ci,-v ha(l beon summoned. to th3
better world. Mrs. Nancy Jones hav-
,us uapt!ed away at 1:30 o'clock this
morn':'' at her home at Third and
ine streets from a sudden hemnio-
rnaP of he brain that brought al-
,n6t instantaneous death. The
daughter. Miss Olive Jones, had been
aroust,fi "nd was waiting on her
mo,l"er when the sudden attack came
" ,l,at resulted in her demise,
Tne "eath of Mrs. Jones has come
as a vrv severe blow to th daugh-
u'r an1 "' old friends who have
known and loved this estimable lady
'luring the many years of her life in
this communitv.
There wiil be no arrangements for
the funeral until the arrival of tht-
son. Dal Jones, of Chicago, who will
arrive here Umiorrow morning, and
the granddaughter, Mrs. Floyd Ral
ston, of Kansas City, who will l,n
here this afternoon.
From Friday's Dally.
This morning Rev. A. V. Hunter
departed for Adams, Neb., whore h-
was called to preside at the inncra!
services of Janus Ldolph. a young
man who had been a in ruber oT the
Methodist church during the pastor
ate of Rev .Huutvr a few years ago.
The young man died there yes-terday
while engaged in work in the harvest
fields. From Adams, Mr. Hunter io-s
to Crawford where he will prt-ucu
on Sunday for theh congregation in
that city. The members of the con
gregation at Crawford have bevii
very desirous of securing Rev. Hunt
er for the church in that city but
the members of the congregation in
this city have urged his return here'
the coming year. Owing to the ab
sence of Rev. Hunter from his charge
there will be no preaching .-orvice a'
the church here Sunday but Sunday
school and Epworth league services
will be held at the usual hours.
From Thursday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon the ladies t-f
the Royal Neighbors of America held
a very pleasant meeting at the M.
W. A. hall and which wes quite
largely attended by the members of
tlw? order. During the afternoon the
lodge received a number of new can
didates who were initiated into the
mysteries of the order and became
full fledged Neighbors. The ladies
also held the drawing for the very
handsome hand made table runner,
which had been prepared by Miss
Helen Hild and donated to the lodge
and In this Miss Freda Klinger
proved the most successful and was
awarded the prize, holding No. 150,
the lucky number. Dainty refresh
ments of ice cream and cake were
also served during the afternoon
which was very much enjoyed by
all those in attendance.
Some people have an idea that only
large incomes justify the opening of a
bank account.
No income is so small but what this
bank can be of service and we cordially
invite you to come in so that our various
departments can be explained.
We help small incomes growjjto large
incomes. Can we help yours?