PLA.TTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONMY. JULY 26. 1020. ALVO DEPARTMENT i NEWS FROM ALVO I .y .1. A. SliaflVr spent Monday nilit id S n h llcml. K I t 'a .-". of Lincoln, was in Alvo Tii--i!av ;i rttrnoon. Mr. an 'I Mr. Georpe l!raun were in Lincoln Thursday. riu-lf ;eori;e Skilcs. of Murdock, v..i in town Wednesday. Mi s Annie Nickel f-ll and broke In r ;irni above the wrist Wednesday. Juhn Skinner. Arthur Skinrer, Alva Skinner and (has. Kosenow ;tiin.--d to Murdock Sunday after noon. Mrs. J. A. Shaffer. Mrs. A. I. liird. Mis Marie liird. (Jayle Pird and l.e.-lie Coon were in Lincoln Sat urday. Mr. ;-nd Mrs. Lincoln Dimmit of C i n v ooil. are visiting relatives l.i ; I his we k. Mis lta Linch went to Crete on Tin lay morning to camp with Iri'iids during the week. Mr. -car Cash and children, who l 1 1 X. M : l " k Tu.-... J!l- ''I . ( ". I ln r parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. -rs lat week, returned to her at Plymouth Saturday. :i Wood shipped two cars of to the South Omaha market ay, accompanying the s lip- K. Jordan and wife of this and Willis I'.artlett and wife. H,l ( of Kltnwood. returned Thursday via the .'Uto route from a visit to New Sharon, Iowa. .1. A. Shaffer. Mr. and Mrs. Al fp'd Stroemer and Mr. and Mrs. II. L. i ..r'..'mior attended the republi can i.iiimy c-ntral crminittce ineet in; .ft Wecpini; Water Tuesday. ilow is the Tonne t Plow! It's the early plowing that makes the big wheat yield. We have a full line of horse drawn plows; also engine plows. We will be glad to give you a demonstration with the Titan Tractor if you are interested. ALVO, "The lank of Seruica" Wc believe wc can render any service to our cus tomers than can be rendered by a country bank. Wc arc always ready to make good farm loans for long trims at icasonable tales. Our officers arc well pre pared to advise on problems of farm finance, manage ment, accounting and on the legal matters with which a fanner must now deal. Deposit in This Bank arc Protected by the Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska The Farmers and Merchants Bank, ALVO. N i: I! K A S K A . I1U1 I t, !',iv. IMI.!. IKit e-blT r l.l !( H. ; !Z, Aunt. ".. M. I !. Irr-l'ri-s lilt. II. i N ', lir-Prm. The Alvo National Farm Loan Association I i i.i; ... .:! ? I.LK S. BOYLE.-?, Se:y-Trcas. Iim l.l .V ;., .ttortirj-Bt-I.Hf Buying Grain Farming only pays when the man who manages the farm receives at least one half of the net income from the farm. Grain and stock should be bought by isdividual buyers who take an interest in keeping posted on the market. Co-operative associations will never be a success until they sell at least one-half their stock to their managers. Bring your Grain and Stock to us. Thirty-six years' experience on "market conditions" and "grading up" grain. Free to our customers. Grain and Lumber P. J. Linch and Glenn Slider au- toed to Lincoln Wednesday on busi ness. Morgan Curyea came down from Lincoln Saturday to visit his brother Georpe W. Curyea and family. Mrs. A. J. ISrobst and children re turned home Monday evening from P.radshaw where they have visited relatives since the Fourth. Mrs. Kay Clark and children of Prairie Home, spent a few days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Kosenow. Her little cousin. Master Kllsworth Kathbun, return ed home with her for a visit. The programs advertising: the Chautauqua which will be held in Boyles' prove at Alvo on August 11th to 1.1th. inclusive, have arrived. A committee has been appointed and the sale of tickets will begin soon. Among those going to Lincoln Wednesday were Mrs. Perry Cook and daughter, Mrs. Willis Whitney, Mrs. Ellis Coon and son. Leslie, Gayle Bird and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Schaffer. Mrs. Lydia Howe returned home with her sister, Mrs. Cook Wednesday even ing. Word received from Warren Bird, who farms near Arriba, Colorado, states that the hail destroyed sixty five acres of wheat and fifteen acres c f oats for him about three weeks ago. Harvest has just begun and it is very dry there at this time. His many friends here will be sorry to learn of his misfortune. Mrs. Fred Heim and son. Will, and two little daughters autoed over Sunday from their home at North horo. Iowa, to visit their daughter. Mrs. Jesse Sliger and Mr. Sliger. They were accompanied home by Miss Margaret Heim. who has been visiting her sister here for the past few weeks. Hardware, NEBRASKA and Stock! Alvo, Nebraska Curyea, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lauritsen were in Lincoln Thursday. Miss Gladys Appleman is playing in the movies with Wallace Reid and expects to go soon from California fto the Canadian Rockies with that : company to make a new picture. From there the entire company ex pect to go abroad. Miss Appleman is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Appleman of this place. SOCIAL PROVES VERY DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR Large Number Present at Home of Mrs. C. L. Creamer to Enjoy the Evening. The ice cream social given last ev ening at the beautiful Creamer home or. Marble street was very largely at tended and the ladies of the Woman's Auxiliary of the American Legion, who were the hostesses of the oc casion proved themselves very de liichtfdl hostesses and the occasion v. as one of the rarest enjoyments. The ladies iiar. arranged a mos". charming ; mnui'" of musical nti fi bers and readings in which a large number of the talented young people of the city participated. Piano num bers were given by Miss Honor Sey bert. Miss Genevive Whelan, Mr. Ev erett Ward and Miss Helen Hild and in which the young people gave very artistic renditions of some of the choicest masterpieces of the world known artists. A special duet by Miss Mable Lee Copenhaver and Mr. Bdward Fullerton. Star of Gold"', was one of the most delightful on the program as was also the number by Mr. Ben Windham, one of the talented vocalists of the city, who gave as his selection. "Hand in Hand". Miss Thelnia Hudson also favored the members of the party with a pleasing solo as did Mr. H. W. Smith and both of which were de lightful to the large audience. One of the features of the program was the drum solo by Edgar Wescott, who was accompanied by his father, E. II. Wescott at the piano and the young iimn showed great skill and ability in bis work. Adding to the interest of the program were the readings by Mis Huth Jacks, Miss Lillian Talaeek and Miss Fern Neil, all of whom were of the pleasing nature and completed tho well balanced pro gram. , The ladies had not only provided Ati excellent program but as well had at ranged a sumptious array of re freshments that proved the crowning delight of the evening and the cake, ice cream and fruit punch served to hit the right spot in completing the evening of pleasant entertainment. The Kezhekone eampfire girls un der their guardian, Mrs. H. W. Smith, were present at the social in a body, coming uniformed and their yells and cheers for the legion and the ladies of the auxiliary testified to their in terest in these two patriotic organ; izations. The eplendid success of' this en tertainment from a social standpoint brought a general wish that the la dies of the Auxiliary might in the future decide to again entertain the public. PLEASING SHOWER FOR BRIDE-TO-BE Miss Honor Seybcrt Entertains for Miss Alpha Haustrom, One ot the Mid-Summer Brides. The pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Seybert was the scene of a most delightful gathering Thurs day evening when their daughter. Miss Honor, entertained in a very charming manner at a shower in honor of Miss Alpha Hallstrom, whose marriage to Mr. James G Mauzy will occur on Thursday, the 5th of August. The rooms were verj pleasantlv arranged with decorations of roses and ferns that lent a pleas ing touch to the attractive scene. The young people spent the even ing in games interspersed with danc ing and musical numbers contribute! by members of the party and which were thoroughly enjoyed by the merrimakers. The guests derived much pleasure in showering the bride with many handsome and at tractive gifts and Miss Hallstrom was blindfolded and requested to identify the different articles as they were presented and in this members of the party found a great deal of pleasure and merriment. At a suitable hour the hostess served dainty and enjoyable refresh ments which added thoroughly to the pleasures of the evening and it was a late hour when the members of the party departed for their homes wishing the bride-to-be much happi ness in me iuiure. Those present were Misses Alpha Hallstrom. Muriel Barthold. Edith! Johnson. Sophia Chaloupka. Celia (Kalasek. Catherine Eagan. Honor Seybert and Mrs. Ed Creamer. RESULT OF BARGAINS CIR CUS PLEASING MERCHANTS WHO HAVE PART IN GREAT SALES PRODUCER, HIGHLY GRATIFIED. ADVERTISING AND BARGAINS Have Combined to Bring Many from a Distance To Continue un til Next Saturday Night The result of the Bargains Circus in the way of increased business for the firms taking part in it, has been more than successful during the week ending today, in which time the stores have more than doubled their volume of business. The trade has been steady thru- out the week, with exceptionally large sales on Friday and Saturday. Many hundreds have come to Platts- mouth to visit the stores, not only those of the promoters, but of other merchants as well, resulting in a very noticeable improvement in the general sales situation over the city. The six stores promoting the Bar gains Circus, those of C. E. Wescott's Sons. E. G. Dovey & Son, E. A. Wurl, Joseph Fetzer, F. P. Busch and H. M. Soennichsen, have offered some ex ceptional values during the past week which the careful buyers have been fortunate in taking advantage of and many who have never traded in this city have come here to share in the large array of exceptional offers. The able advertising campaign staged by Harry II. Harding of the Kelly Sales Co., of Minneapolis, has brought results to the business houses of the city that cannot be other than satisfactory and his as sistances in conducting the sale has stamped him as a man of marked ability in his chosen lines. These sales of the Bargains Circus are to continue during the coming week and even greater opportunities will be given the public to secure some real trading specialties that they cannot afford to pass up. The result has also demonstrated that riattsmouth is an ideal trading point for this territory and that the ery best class of goods and large and well chosen stocks await the inspection of the careful bpyer. What to Do When Bilious Eat no meals and lightly of other food. Take three of Chamberlain s Tablets to cleanse out your stomach and tone tip your liver. Do this and within a day or two you should be feeling fine. THE UNIVERSAL CAB SERVICE DEPT. If ycur Ford needs attention, bring to our shop and ask it tt BAKKE Our Shop Foreman for the cost of the necessary repairs. He will give you honest, reliable advise and a careful estimate of the expense required. We have trained and efficient Ford mechanics 100 men and you w ill like our work and Ford prices. For Sale! We can now sell nw Fords on TIME PAYMENTS. 1919 Ford Sedan, with start er, like new $700.00 Ruirk- SI, fine $950.00 Overland, model 83 $250.00 Ford ton truck with cao and hodv and several Ford tour ing cars PRICED RIGHT Stop at our ' Filling Station PER GALLON LUBRICATING OIL 25c QUART Cash Only! T LJ PflllAPK nQTSCTP 1 UIIUUU VUlUfcU Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth OPEN DAY AND NIGHT! INTEREST INCREAS ING IN THE CONTEST Various Candidates For Most Popu lar Lady and Gentleman Getting in Ilace Strong as End Draws Near Below is given the standing of the various contestants for the most pop ular lady and gentleman and who will receive the valuable prizes to be awarded by the merchants o the city at the conclusion of the race. This contest closes on Wednesday night as the stores close their doors and those who have votes for their favor ites should see that they are cast before that time: Most Popular Lady Fern Neil 583.000 Wilma Rainev 308.000 Grace Xolting 225.000 Verla Becker 24ft. 000 Betty Beeson 190,000 Catherine Waddick 190.000 Fae Cobb 15 6.000 Viola Archer 152.000 Nora Livingston 127.000 Mariel Streight 11S.0OO Helen Roberts 115.000 Mary Wagner 02.000 Honor Seybert Judith Johnson 75,000 Ella Tschirren 66,000 Elva Hartford 41.000 Fae Chase 31.000 Alice Johnson 31.000 Fern Noble 31.000. Mildred Engelkemeier 30.000 Catherine Blotzer 27.000 Velma Eliott 22.000 Josephine Laboda 24.000 Martha Vallery 21,000 Frances Moore 14,000 Maxine Draper 10.000 Catherine Shopp 7,000 Margaret Donelan 6.000 Clara Rainey 5.000 Mildred Schlater 4.000 Caroline Lahoda 4.000 Louise Rabb 4.000 Mary Donelan 4.000 Rose Schissel 2." 00 Gretal Hackenberg 2.000 Marie Black 2.000 Emma Wilson 1.000 Helen Pilney I-000 Theodosia Kroehler 1,000 Thelma Wallick 1.000 Dorothy McBride 1.000 Janette Patterson 1,000 Most Popular Gentleman George F. Dovey 140,000 Tom Walling. Jr., 139. ooo Ed Fullerton 100,000 Carl Schmidtman 87.000 Emil Hild 84.000 Haiiey Becker 75.000 Jack McCarthy 70.000 Aubrey Duxbury c 6.0 00 .eslie Niel 44.000 Mason Wescott 42,000 Robert Walling 4S.000 William Meisinger 33,000 Carl Schneider 31.000 Leonard Meisinger 20.000 Matthew Herold 24.000 Guv C. "White 16.000 Walter West 13.000 Carl Dooley 13.000 John Sattler 13.000 Harold Rener 12.000 Robert Brewer - 10.000 arl Wohlfarth 8,000 has. Kunsmann 6.000 James Mauzy .ooo Henry Soennichsen ...oou Dudley Hudgins 3. 000 Frank Marshall 2.000 C. Parmele 2,000 Dean Douglas - 5, 000 E. J. Weyrich 8.000 Miles Altman 2.000 Dewev Brittain 2.000 John Rummell -'." Arthru Beck Marion Duxbury 2,000 Dnn Arries l.oon John Sattler l-ono Fred Warren 1,0 uo RUPTURE EXPERT HERE Sceley, Famous In This Specialty; Called to Omaha. v li- Seelev. of Chicago and Phila delphia, the noted truss expert, will norcnmllv hp at the Pax.ton hotel and will remain in Omaha Tuesday and Wednesday only. July 2i-2S. ir. 5pIpv savs: "The Snermatic Shield will not only retain any case of rup-j ture perfectly. Dut coniracis mr opening in ten days on the average case. Being a vast advancement oyer all former methods exemplifying instantaneous effects, immediately. nr.nrpeiahle and wi.thst ancling an strain of position. This instrument received the only award in t,ngianu and in Spain, producing results with out surgery, injections, medical treat ment or prescriptions. Mr. Seeley has documents trom me unuea niairs Government, Washington, D. C tor inspection. All charity cases with out charge, or if any interested call. he will be glad to snow same wnn out charge or fit them if desired. Business demands prevent stopping at any other place in this section. P. S. Every statement m this no tice has been verified before the Fed eral and State Courts. F. H. Seeley. Suffered Intense Pain "A few years ago. when visiting relatives in Michiean. something I hart oaten hroueht on an attack of cholera morbus." writes Mrs. Celesta McVicker. Macon. Mo. "I suffered intense pain and had to go to bed. I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy and one dose relioveri the nain wonderfully. I only took two or three doses, but they did the work. W'm. Schmidtmann carries a full line of rubber and leather belting, from the onue to six inch in both grades. tf-d. ar Mew Saflt Just Unloaded! Nice bright cooperage, both plain and sulphur block salt. Also have a few hundred sacks of old wheat flour left, upon which wc can make a very attractive price. Call and se me. Cedar Creek, FURNITURE AND RUGS FOR SALE Consisting of one oak dining; room tabic. 6 genuine leather seat chairs, 6 extra chairs, Spanish tea seat, 2 buffets. 5 rockers. 4 large arm chairs. 2 dressers. 2 chiffoniers. 3 library ta bles, one combination book case and writing desk, six beds, one good bias bed. 5 other good beds and spring i from $8.00 up 6 good mattresses, one Ducfold. 2 good ice boxes. 1 Hoo:r kitchen cabinet, one 0x12 Wilton rng 3 other large nigs. 9 good small rujs, Wiltons and Axminister, one eiectric washer, one 3-hole gass plate. Ev ery article positively guaranteed good. Must be as represented. Spe cial price for 5 days. Call for S. A. Ghrist. Phone 645. FOE SALE OR HENT A desirable six-rooin house. Talk fast. Frank It. Gobelman. tfd POTATO PRICES HIGHEST IN COUNTRY'S HISTORY Chicago. 111.. July Potato prices a.t the pre.-crt time are higher than ever before i:i this country at this period of the year but. they have been praiiually comiiiK down f r the past ten days, it is reported at the United Status burc.:u of niarUft.-. This has been due to heavy ship ments, chi'fly coming from Virginia The main movement of the fail or winter crop will start in early Pep- tcmbcr and as the weather is id?l for jKitatoes. prospects for it are good, federal officials say. Acreage put in potatoes this year is smaller than last year, but the outlook is for a better yield per acre which should result in as largo a production. Lap' year's crop, however, was a short crop. THINK WAS FALSE ALARM Tiie suppose;! robbery at the store of K. A. nr Thursday night seems aft-T a thorough sifting down to be a false alarm as the police have in Cheaper Power and More off It That's just what every farmer end power user is looking for. It will well wcrth your while to ask us to explain why btover Good Eneines Rive maximum engine service cheaper power and more of it Thousands of power users in all parts of the world have tested and proven the mechanical perfection and over plus of power. II T X THT TO GASOLINE. KEROSENE 1 JdU Jet distillate, crude oil ' Ttover construction i3 exceptional drop forced and machine hardened psrta. Cylinders and piotons accurately ground and fitted. saving wear and maintain ing compression. Heavy enough to eliminate vibration, but no excess weight. Lv(.. CcrA En;ns nn particularly defined fir the work yon are tfoJ to d. They ar fr,,!.TT'xi-i binders of good'' engine. THmeMion for dinen- i on raMn for ra':n alb for Ballon oi (uel H Stover Good Ensun. afford, cheaper pawj ? Wre of it : lhB i any encine you v.u buy. Thev come to you all ready to ajtop and tatfla tors nt cnc.' II "ir rr.nsuuctmn. material, workmanship, and feature, aflord -ery Mat of k stovtr Good toiiMinaay vfMto! aausfactory. eamoaucal power aemce. HERMAN DALL Manley We carry Stover Sam. Windmills, LT, Nebraska ' M I I - oirteiif) better SO M K wc lomen have learned t tint there are two ways to care for clothes. They are learning to take care of them. it is fjtiiteatnanncrly thin&to take cu e of your clothes investment and protect it up to the limit. Having your clothes carefully dry cleaned will improve their wear and help to prolong t ie lif: of their stjlih lines. Getting acquainted with our work means getting in touch with a real money saving service. Goods Called for and Delivered k'.'iadHlM'.'fllCTTl PHONE .Trtf-y OPPOSITE Ibb vestigated the matter thoroughly and have come to the conclusion that the store was not visited by robbers but that it was merely a case of a poor lock on the door that does not al ways catch when locked and that when tried the first time the lock had held, but upon the second visi tation of Officer Trout was loosened so that it permitted the door to be opened. When the door was found to open Officers Trout and McBride entered the store and made a thorough search for the night visitors but without success an 1 the fact that there was nothing taken leads to the opinion that it was merely an undue alarm. Nebraska Feed Kills, CommlnBtew, Ciutlxe Cattert, Jr-tJs