THURSDAY, JULY 22. 1920. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOUBWAL PAGE SEVXH 99 "WE RUNNING OUR OWN DELIVERY! Our "Lizzie" Goes Right By Your Door saO Prompt Service Guaranteed! We have some real "Bargains Circus" prices on 66 CAN : GOODSS 99 1 5z oz- Catsup, per dozen. $ 3.00 No. 2 cans of Pumpkin, per doz . " 1.00 No. 3 cans of Sauer Kraut, per doz 1.80 No. 1 cans of Apricots, per doz 3.00 No. 3 cans of Tomatoes, per doz 2.10 These Prices Hold Good Only During the "Circus!" Also, in order lo receive the above prices, Goods must be purchased in "lots" of "One Ooseim oir Hloire" TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS "FRUIT" BY ORDERING AT ONCE D.ovev "SERVICE UNEQUALED" SAN FRANCISCO IS AFTER CONVENTION Legionnaires on Coast Boosting for Golden Gate City for Legion Gathering; in 1921. an Francisco. July :c. San Francisco is in the race for the lf21 convent inn of Hie America a Region, and for a starter she has 10.000 visi tors of democratic proclivities spread ing the word: "Oh you Frisco." There won't be much of that old "Rockbound coast of Maine to the sunkissed shores of California" In the San Francisco drive at Cleveland. Practical arguments are the order of the day. Frisco is the greatest con vention town on earth, so the demo crats admit. Its climate is clear and cool, its I'acific breezes balmy, its civic center magnificent, its audi toYium palatial and its hspitality surpa.sscth anything of the sort in America. Also. Frisco will provide a neat little fund to bring the Legion con- XI WE always assume that you are as anx ious to save time as to save money. We don't cut corners and slight your job to make way for the next, but we do save many a minu te by cutting out false motions, by having things handy and ready and knoving our job from top to bottom. PIATTSMDUIH STORAGE BATTEI1Y CO ri jj t I vention hither. Frisco Is Some Town Also, Frisco has quite a few of those notable attractions which form erly caused a certain number of doughboys to exclaim, "So this is Pari.s." In other words, nobody of any importance in this village was. observed shedding tears when the news came over the wire that Broth er Volstead had ceased to exist as a political entity. San Francisco isn't exactly wet, but it sure tries to be when occasion demands. And thi cabarets ami the nice little places out along the beach and " similar forms of entertainment are still exis tent. These latter facts are reported as unofficial. Col. Henry Matthewson, Fred Bebcrgall, State Adjutarit, and George Hatfield, of Fresno, who com pose the committee named to land the 1021 convention, are not making use of any but official arguments. California will send 50 delegates to Cleveland representing a paid-up membership of 50,000 Legion mem bers. The state convention at San Diego on August 23 will lay plans for a drive by this delegation to land the next annual meeting for the Golden Gate. San Franciseo tried for. it last time, and is following up its hand in first-class shape. The Chamber of Commerce, Con vention League and other associa tions are all working for the big idea. And all California Is hoping that about a ycarfrorn September a large gathering of ex-fighting per sons will be whooping it up around the exposition auditorium', shouting, "So this is Frisco." RETURNS FROM TRIP From Wednesdays Daily. , Yesterday afternoon Attorney t). O. Dwyer returned from a business trip of several days' duration . to Cedar Rapids and Blairstown, Iowa, where he was called last week. Dur ing his absence, Mr. Dwyer also spent a few days in the Minnesota lake region, thoroughly enjoying the cool climate. He says residents there report the seacon as having been very backward and even now (some of the evenings on the lakes are so cool that a top coat 13 not uncom fortable, which is certainly a change from the torrid atmosphere that has prevailed here. Mr. Dwyer was much Impressed with the city of Cedar Rapid3. which possesses one of the largestr-platts of the Quaker Oats company aid which is being enlarged to double its lorm er capacity. - SCHOOL OPERATION COSTSURGE SUM But Results Obtained are Sufficient ly Adequate to Justify Many Times the Expense. There are very few who fully rea lize the expense Involved in con ducting a school system of the size of ours, even where every effort is made looking toward .economy. Last season the cost was over I $40,000 merely for the operating cost to say nothing of other expenses which the taxpayers of the .district are called upon to bear. The expenditures of operation for the Plattsmouth district as shown by the records inthe hands of the sec retary were as follows: Salaries, female teachers, $26,- 14S.41; salaries, male teachers, $3,- 319.79; repairs, $483.40; fuel, $2.- 367.13; insurance, $602.39; books and supplies, $3,911.91; janitor, $2,- 806.62. . These figures give one an adequate conception of the work of the school system that is charged with the edu cation of the young folks and the cost of operation is constantly mount ing due to the .the increasing costs of all articles used in the, schools as well as the necessity of paying a living wage to the teachers employ-i ed in school work and who are at that paid much less than other pro fessions and trades requiring much leg's effort to master. Tot H ighest Possible Quality at Lowest Passible Price ' MOTORING TO MINNESOTA From Wednesday's Dally. This morning County Judge Allen 1. Beeson and wife and Mr. and Mrs. E. Wiles departed in the auto of Mr. Wiles for a trip of a few weeks in the lake regions of Minnesota. The trip will be a most enjoyable one and the members of the party expect to take their time in passing through Iowa and Minnesota and take in the points of interest as well as spend a short time in Minneapolis and St. Paul, the twin cities of the north, visiting with friends and en joying, the sights of these busy and bustling cities. WILLIAM HELL FUNERAL Blank books and office accessories at the Journal office. From Wednesday's Dally. At the funeral of the late William Heil held Saturday from the home west of this city there were no rreaching services, a short prayer be ing offered by Dr. T. P. Livingston cf this city. The sermon was given Sunday at the Eight Mile Grove church for the members of the fam ily by Rev. T. Hartman of Louisville. NOTICE Money to loan on town or country property a,t seven per cent. Address box 287, Plattsmouth. w&d-6t. FOR SALE Eighty acre farm near Louisville, improved and sold at a bargain if sold within 60 days. W. R. YOUNG, Plattsmouth, Neb. FURNITURE AND RUGS FOR SALE One Angle Persian rug, 3x6. Four Wiltons, 3x6. Two large rugs. Oak dining room suite, consisting of 60-inch buffet,. 48 inch heavy plank top table,k with six genuine Spanish leather seat chairs. Host chair included.' Large white enamel Hoosier kit chen cabinet with porcelain top kitchen table and chair -to match. Two kitchen tables. Genuine Circasian Walnut dresser and chiffonnier; also chair. One oak dresser. - Oak buffet; China closet. Four beds; Vernis Martin, brass and white enamel. New mattresses and springs. Three library tables ; One library suite. One refrigerator. One electric washer. One electric vacuum sweeper. Two gas plates. One combination writing desk and case. One hall seat; One couch; One sanitary cot. Six genuine Spanish leather seat dining room chairs. Five rockers; Six other chairs. One Reed go-cart, with top and rubber tires. The above furniture and rugs are nearly new,- exceptionally good and priced right S. A. PHONE 645 GHRIST PLATTSMOUTH "JyfTANY a smoker thought the limit had ViL bcn reached. Could cigarettes be ini-' proved? Wc thought so. We knew there was room at the top for a better cigarette. But it would have to be something entirely new. And it is it's Spur. An original blend that makes the rich Oriental to bac richer by pleasing combination with Burley and other home-grown tobaccos. A new method of rolling the satiny imported paper by crimping, instead of pasting. A smart "brown-and-silvcr" package, with triple wrap ping to keep Spurs fresh. . Spur offers you tip-top quality at rock-bottom price: What do you say? v Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. THRESHING WITH INDIVIDUAL OUTFIT AT WALLACE WARNER'S Wallace Warner will begin thresh ing next Monday with the Fordson tractor and Woods Bros. Individual thresher recently purchased from the Pollock Auto Co. This job of threshing is going to attract considerable attention as there seems to be some doubt in the minds of some farmers who have used the large tractors that the Fordson will pull the Woods Bros, thresher and the Pollock Auto Co. are anxious that all farmers who can will make it a point to be on hand at the Chas. Warner farm next Mon day afternoon or Tuesday and see for themselves and be convinced that the Fordson tractor and Woods Bros, separator will do a perfect ' job of threshing. RESIDENCE FOR SALE SELLS SEPARATOR TO MAL VERN, IOWA, . FARMER Fred Rodewald, salesman for the T. H. Pollock Auto Co., delivered to day a Woods Brosv individual thresh er to D. E. WTiitfield, a prominent farmer from Malvern, Iowai who met Rodewald at the Missouri river ferry landing and hauled the thresher overland to his farm at Malvern. The popularity of the Woods Bros, thresher is well known wherever it has been in use and Mr. Whitfield nat being able to get one near home, hearing that the Pollock Auto Co. had contracted for a large number of these machines, secured one here. The T. H. Pollock Auto Co. de livered to John Spangler of Louis ville a new. Woods Bros., individual thresher this week and Mr. Spangler is more than pleased with the per formance of the small thresher, which every farmer will soon be buying. Dally Journal 16c per weeV. The commodious brick residence in riattsmouth known as the Weckbach Walker home located at 4th and Oak streets. This property is the last of the best down town properties that can be secured at a "reasonable price. Only half block from post office, li brary, court house and shopping dis tricts. About four fine lots, is high, sunny and sanitary, fine shade and lawn,- good well, cistern, city water', has good barn, partly modern, pol ished oak floor in living room. The place needs some repair; will make splendid home for retiring farmer or any one desiring a substantial in vestment or high class residence prop erty. Out-of-town owners of this property have requested me to dis pose of it at once 1 will theretort offer it for about one-fourth of Its actual replacement . value. L. C. SHARP MFG. CO.. M-F Plattsmouth, Neb. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our heartfelt thanks for the kindness and the many words of comfort in the hour of our bereavement at the death of our husband and father and we es pecially desire to thank Dr. T. P. Livingston and the members of the force of Herman Tiekotter, who as sisted us in our affliction. Mrs. William Heil and family. .-...t.. -; ,;, i Mill I t Plattsmouth Red Sox vs Cudahy Puritans ii Plattsmouth Ball Park Sunday Afternoon -GAME CALLED AT 3:00- This Will Be a Good Game Be There! ft t 1M IMWI-K-irlM I 1 HI 1 1 M I H ' I 1 i I 1 H I I I I i I I HI I H