J U. L Ufa rLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOUSNAL page unma MONDAY. JULY 10. 1920. f 7HE GREATEST AND BEST-NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF -THE WONDER OF ALL TIME. Plattsmouth s Great Community Arousers lib if 4 r f Pi I o ill 10 CThe greatest novelty of the age a circus without a tent. JSix big rings going at one and the same time without the aid of a canvas. it ti r i -i . t i ti r' r r i . in. i .: i a dadp aimc riDn tc ru... Hundreds of exhibitions without an animal The Circus of Bargains is just what it is advertised as A BARGAINS CIRCUS. of bargains, every one of them genuine and just when they are needed. Entertainment of a class every day awaits you;. Fun every evening. Stacks of laushs; bushels of eiesles: miles of real bargains of seasonable merchandise all packed together to make this a real CIRCUS of Bargains. Every store in this city is offering inducements to the shop- i'i per and amusement seeker. Every bank offers to help you in your financial difficulties, to advise you and assist you. Altogether, the entire business community of this city is 100 per cent at your service. I DON'T MISS IT, FOLKS! WATCH FOR DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS, AND COME AND SAVE AND ENJOY YOURSELF AT THE BARGAINS CIRCUS. an OFFICIAL DAILY E. G. Dovey & Son Offers You Some Excellent Bargains R O'GRAM A THEILL A MINUTE MONDAY, JULY 19 Saunders County Day Camp Fire Girls Day PARADE AT 1:00 Ilovicv.-fJ liy Oil. Duck WHITE DRESS FABRICS Wonderful white voiles, waistings inches in width. All brand new goods, and the prettiest of patterns, values to ?1.T5 for 92c White non-shrinkable skirt inss. including finest Gaberdines, Basket Weaves, figures and fancys, the kind worth at least $1.25 for 58c SUMMER DRESS GOODS At Wholesale Prices This lot in cludes beautiful colored voiles, liax on, tissues and many other of the newest fabrics 40 inches wide in three great lots Values to $1.25 59c. values to $1.75 98c, Values to ?2.50 $1.59. o Marvelous Silk Cannnisoiles. all beautifully made and trimmed a real feature price, $1.19. Cotton Blankets. $5.00 value for $3.18 One lot of Underwear, each- -J3c One lot Dark Silk Waists, each $3.48 Val Lace Insertion, only lc per yd. $5.00 SILK SHIRTINGS AT $3.29 Beautiful Crepe de Chine shirtings in stripes so popular out they go $3.29 One lot of boys waists made of medium weight Chambry, a real $1.25 value for r 94c Here we have a great assortment of Women's Mercerized Petticoat. plain and fancy, full ruffle flounces, values to $4.00. Out they go for $2.19 SPECIAL. Beautiful Batiste "Teddys" for women. Envelope style in pink and white, values to $3.00 for $1.69 Genuine Nurses stripe Gingham Nuf Sed!. Circus price is 3 Sc. :5EESS ZEE Jlon's 50c HOSE in r.iark an J Chocolate tfHAPKI) FOOT 1Mb Top .... m wmm MM Bargains Found at the Clothing Mouse or c t.cuuescou s oons BAND AERO bv Specials CONCERT FLIGHTS it. Nielson at Pcvmele Moreland 38c A 8 r! Birr si iov Tuesday, July 20th LANCASTER CO. DAY A c!;iy of pleasure at the Circus. Kvcrylwxly from La fit-alter county will be here. SPECIAL EVENTS ALE DAY. Don't miss the in. PAUGAIN FESTIVAL! Wednesday, July 21 AUCTION DAY FARM KItS! NOTICE! On thi day we will f ir nis'i a special aucion.H-r who vii! s-ll anyth-r. yu have t offer. Lrnip, in your lurs-H. cvs, r.ia-'ehi'i-ry. tc. FN-- ;'::r ol 1 fM-hif'M 5 trading d-iy. EXCITING AIR FLiGF.Trf Thursday. July 22 OTOE COUNTY DAY HOY SCOUTS T)Y. Every Iloy Scout in ;hid pcetion will be lure. Vr al".. Giinu-s of Skill and .t G rural Review by Rej; u'.n Army Oflic-ers. (ioe rr.it '.x-uuts you '.vcl- C'JI.)!'. EveniTig Concerts. Ee here. A WEEK OF FUN AND SAVINGS Men's 40c GARTERS Morir lml Cable Will ClUCCo ITJCE . 24c NO "MONKEY SHINES-' HERE Overalls! Men! Overalls! Read anl learnt One lot of nien"s heavy blue denim Overalls, double stitched and strons; as a lion. vFlain bine, high back bibs and seven pockets, "all full cut and in all sizes. Men, it s a crime ,to do it. as they eon nearly twice as much wholesale. As a circus special they go for $2.47 Only one pair to a customer. SAY FELLOWS! LOOK AT THIS! Young Hen's Suits Wcrth to $45 Blues, browns, jircys. many with waist seams; others with English patch pockets. All of them the real thing as to, style, and Men, look at the price. It's a wonder. Every man of you should be sure and see these. The entire lot at Circus Prices. $2269 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS GO Fast color blue chambry. Full cut and all sizes. This is the sensation of a sensational sale and the great Circus Price we are offering you these high qual ity shirts for, is $1.39 A BOY'S SIDE SHOW BOY'S SUITS: Snappy knicker suits, one lot only; lined trousers, loops; in fancy brown and grey mixtures. Values up to $15. We're giving them at $7.99. ROMPERS FOR BOYS: Slipovers and rompers for the little fellows in this 16t in plain blue and stripes. Ging ham and khaka, sizes 3 to 8. You can't buy the material for this price. 69c. BOY'S FINE SPORT SHIRTS: Only a few of these in fast blue chambry, long and short sleeves. Price 79c. $3.00 Men's Leather Work Gloves Band or (launtlet THEY GO AT $1.69 HARVEST II ATS Mexican Straw Hats for Men and Boys It' a ClreuM lie LADIES WHITE CANVAS SHOES! all leather soles, Louis heels. every pair is a genuine $ 1 0 value. Real Bargains at the Fetzer & Co. Shoe Store $3.43 $4.89 DULL KID COLOSSAL PUMP A $7.00 Value for 54.98 Men's Button and Low Shoes, while the last Women's Keds for Summer, going at $1.66 Misses' Shoes button only, Special at $1.98 This is a wonderful offer. Women's Vici Kid, glazed calf, cloth and leather tops, Patent Leather and in fact a splendid lot of up to the minute foot wear. Lace and button. Black and a few tans. Low and me dium heels. Values up to S7. The entire lot is practically given away at $2.96 "GREYS" THE REAL THING FOR NOW! the sensation of the sale; worth to $15.00 a pair. they go at the low Drice of $8.88 Numerous Bargains to Be Found at The Ladies Toggery FINE $3.00 CEEPE KIM ON AS LIG PAKGAIN We have pome elegant patterns in thee to go at $2.46 $40 "KUM-SI KUM-SA" SKIRTS Peautiful irredisctnt ef fects. All shades. Special Pars-tins Circus price 1 4.88 $14 EXTRA FINE GE0EGETTE WAISTS BIG VALUE The cream of class and the best to be had. Cut to $6.83 200 Middies and Smocks fine for now. Monday, Tuesday. .$2.78 $1.50 silk hose on sale Monday for ..77c $2.50 FINEST BUNGALOW APE0NS ALL SIZES All shapes and patterns. Go at unheardof prices. $1.88 15 FINE COATS Fifteen coats in this lot for women who care for garments that bear the label of good taste and quality. -These coats are in elegant blues and blacks, handsomely tailored and trim med. Made of finest tricotine, silk poplins and sparkle cloths. Values from $50 to $135. S39.37 to $97.47 CHILDREN'S COATS This is by far the greatest offer of the Circus. Think of it! Just 20 of these beautiful little coats sizes 6 to 11 In old rose, navy, plum and shades of blue. Made of best tricotines, silks, poplins and other favored fabrics. Values from $20 to $30 and they go at the Circus Prices of S9.46 to SI6.66 Some Excellent Bargains From the E. A. Wurl Dry Goods Stock $3.50 LADIES AND MISSES MIDDIES Only a dozen of thcae. and they'll go fast ffor $1.93 $2 corsets and Ferris-Waists, go at 76c A few Georgette blouses, $10 value. . .$5.23 Fancy ribbons, values 75c to $1 yd 39c Colored silk hose, values from $1.50 up to $2.25 per pair... 58c Warner's Rust Proof corsets, front and back lace. Values from $6 to $7 $1.98 About 1 2 children's Mina Taylor dresses, sizes 3 to 12. $3.50 to $5 values go at . .$2.48 MISSES E EBBED HOSE ON SALE 50c values in black only. Sires 7 to 9. While the supply lasts, they go for " 'Mi. rm -A Some of the .-Many Bargains Found in the H. M. Soennichsen Stock FREE AIR FLIGHTS! During the circus. Lieut. Ni'lsoii will carry p; - tigers for thrilling flip lits in the clmuls. Ti.ets will he issued at tli ' U dir,?r - stores Tor these lights, ever- day. To secure th'e li'-kts APK ANY SALESPER SON AT TI1KSK STOKES and they .will tell you how! 32-inch plaid and nurse stripe ginghams, blue and grey at . r 33c Children's brown lisle hose regular 50 and 65c values; sizes 5 to 8J2 . 43c Children's while cotton hose all sizes; an extra special bargain at 32c Towels Turkish, 21x42. Regular price 50c, f and very special at ... 32c Wash cloths Turknit, large size. Each 9c Outing flannels both dark and light patterns; 50c values, per yard. . . 28c regular Voiles beautiful patterns in both dark and light. Values up to $1 .50 per yard. Special. .78c Unbleached outing flannel extra heavy qual ity, 27 'inches wide. Very good value. . . . .24c Another unbleached outing value trifle light er weight. 27 inches wide 19c Flanelettes- 27 inches wide. Prepare for cold days to come. Regular 40c Values at 22c Silk lace hose all wanted colors, brown, navy and black, at $1.33 All silk hose. Everwear. Mock seam. Come in all colors. Per pair 88c Silk hose former values, up to $5.00 per pair; full fashioned and pure thread silk. Mostly evening shades.. Per pair $2.28 Silk lisle hose, very special at ....... ; 64c Outsize silk hose, shade beaver. Taken from stock at $2.50. Reduced to. . . $1.73 Ladies white silk hose. Very good value at. .$1.58 Muslin 36 inch cambric finish, slightly starch filled. ,A good value ati 28c Bleached 9 '4 Sheeting best quality. "Wear well' brand. Heavy woven selvage. Yd 94c Live Wire Spots in Plattsmouth T. H. Pollock Garage Bestor & Swatek Brown, the Jeweler Chas. E. Hartford First National Bank John F. Gorder Wm. Schmidtmann Adolph Giese Plattsmouth Journal HATT & SON Morgan, Sweet Shop Jess Warga B. A. McElwain C. G. Fricke Neb. Gas & Elec. Co Bank of Cass County Pollock Auto Co EMMA PEASE E. J. Richey, Lumber Pop. Variety Store Streight & Streight Cloidt Lumber Co Ghrist & Christ New York Bakery PHILIP THIEROLF Platts. State Bank Dunbar's Pool Hall Wagner Hotel Bach & Libershal Farmers State Bank Steam Laundry J. F. Wolff, Garage O K Garage L. F. Terryberry F. R. Gobelman Moreland Theatre Parmele Theatre Stanfield Book Shop Mauzy Drug Co. LIEUT. NIELSON R. O. S. C. "The Flying Parson" Defies death twice daily during the Bargains Cir cus with daring nose dives and thrilling dips and spins. Aviation Field at Elbert Wiles Farm Lieut. Nielson will carry passengers during Circus and a thrilling treat is in store for those who de sire to take advantage of them. seek 3 1.3 6:1 AA lt-.o -: -.-1 I r .1. m n FFPRY FARR- P Ain FRR Yfll! FRFF? To our many Iowa 'friends who will visit this great Bargain Circus, I Lllil I I HllLU I MIU I Ul! I UU I IlLLi we wm refund your ferry fare on purchases amounting to $10 or over, bought at one time from any one of these stores: Wescott's, Wurl's, Ladies Toggery, Doyey's, Fetzer's, Soennichson's. RRIHttF FARF9 -RFFIIWRFn RFAOt To our many friends in SARPY COUNTY whci visit this great af- DrilUUL rUILO nLrUrULU llQlUi fair we your bridge fare over the Pollock Auto Bridge, if you purchase $5 or more of Wescolt's, Wurl's, Ladies Toggery, Dovey's, Fetzer's or Soennichson's. FAPF RFFIlMnFFI -FRFF! Many of you will come a long way and purchase bills amounting to IHIILO HLI UilULU TRLLi say $50.00 or more. To those who do this, we offer you your rail- You must bring your receipt and purchase goods at one time in one of above six stores. RAILROAD rc-id fares free both ways. ' .-'A i Jk4 (All rights reserved by the T. KL Kelly Sales System, Minneapolis, Mlmu) I t--7 t0T V r