The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 12, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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f AGE 7117
Mrs. Fuller was formerly Miss Altai.
Sorick and on account of the happy J
event. Grandfather and Grandmother
Sorick of Lincoln, are very well
pleased. Uncle H. H. Lawron ayd
wife are not sorry for the arrival of
the little nephew, either.
Farmers and Merchants Bank
MONDAY, JULY 12, 1920.
Sank of Rfturdock
Murdock, Nebraska
It is the endeavor of a bank lo fill a pecular position in
a community, which shall safe guard the iuteiests of the
whole community, whether they be depositors of the bank
or not. We shall ever make it our endeavor to fill such
a place in this community. When confronted' with per
plexing problems do not fail to call on us we are gladly
at your call. We are truly as our name.
The Bank of burdock
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vicc-Pres.
H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier
I The finest varnish that money can
buy at Max Dusterlroff's.
Mrs. Charles Ault and little 'son
Eugene, 0f piattsmouth. have been
-.-Fitins at the heme of the former's
sifter, Mrs. O. E. McDonald," for the
I-ast week.
J. E. Mcliugh and family were
visiting in Lincoln with the parents
f Mrs. McH'ujIi last Monday jnd
also incidentally celebrating the
Fourth as well.
John Amgwcrt -nd family urove
in their auto to CounHl IHuiTj lnt
Monday, whore thv enjoyed th-"1 U!
of July with rc-laiives and returuM
, ii:;itie tl iring the ecning.
r.ov. I. Laip!y ;;ni family, v tu
! visiting during the fore part of the
; week at the home of a son and
' daughter, fvho reside at Milford,
they driving up in their car and re
maining until Wednesday.
Wm. Gelirts sold, during the week.
two binders," one going to Henry
; Rornemeier, while the other one
j was purchased by Gust Wendt. With
the abundant harvest and it ripen
i ing as rapidly as it has been, it h33
: kept Mr. Fiehrts going to supply his
j .jstompK-', but he has dene nicely in
j Mipplywg them all.
I Win. Uehrt sold and'shipptd a
! Titan t motor 10-20 to John Attte
;at Client , winch will be used by
I tha. gentleman nr. his farm in Lun
' raster county. He also sold durirg
'the week, a Itumley hreher to Win.
Hoior. Sr., which oas been de'.i'-ered
and is now ready for the thresning
season which is near at hand.
wih the Western Union Telegraph
company as desk clerk. Mr. Pil
grim formerly worked in Murdock
and was employed by Mr. Wm.
Gehrts, the bride's father, and later
Kensington Will Meet 4
There will be a meeting of the
Kensington club of the Degree of
Honor at .the home of Mrs. Ada
Tool, at which time they are looking
after the regular business of the po-
Come in and ask for special fig
ures on Hex barn paint a strictly
linreed oil paint. Max Dusterhoff.
You can get floor .wax at all times
of Max DusterhofT. .tf.
H. L. Jones of Stratton, is visit in?;
Jimmie Sehluetes and the boys j at the home of his sisters, Mesdames
have concluded their harvesting as . II. V. McDonald and Henry A. Tocl.
also has Paul Scire we. which places
them in position to prepare for the
threshing which is soon to follow.
Mr. Homer and Miss Edna C'ar
nacle of near South Bend, were vis
iting with friends in Murdock last
Sunday and were the guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gehrts.
Dr. RIartspeiler and wife of To
bias, who have been at Omaha look
ing after some business matters for
a short time, stopped to visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gillespie
last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Headin of
University Place, were brief visitors
at the home-of Ir. and Mrs. Wm.
Gehrts of Murdock last Thursday
evening driving over in their car
and returning home the same day.
Mrs. Jesse Landholni. who has
been .visiting for some time at the
for a short time.
J. E. Mcliugh and family were
Is Doing a Good Job.
Henry Guthman. during the time
when Lacey McDonald is taking his
vacation, which also affords Kenneth
Tool an opportunity to work in the
bank, has kept himself busy ;:i nrn?
pnmin? ihd vnmiion and an ontinir I bis rsil?nce. The color being se
spending the time at-the "shack" at j looted is a deep rich brown, while
the trimming is wmxe manes an eie-
irant contrast and Mr. Guthman is
taking his time and doing an excel
lent job
the river last Sunday
Kenneth Tool and -a friend were
in attendance at the band concert
last Wednesday at Ashland, they
driving over in their car.
John Ramsey and son Lester, and
Clvde Funk, the bridge men. are
(making .their stopping place at Mur
dock and constructing a bridge near
the home of O. C
Mafces Pleasant ' Visit
Iist Thursday evening Mr. -and
Mrs. I. J. Hitchcock and their child
ren. as well as the parents of Mr
Zink, south of Hi,tChcock. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hitih-
ccck. all of Havelock. visited for a
TVmp-lne Tout took tii mother to 1 short time at the home of L. Ne:t
lrn lat Tiipfiav to hrinir home h is i zel. thev being the parents of Mrs.
sUter Miss Catherine, who is giving tO. J. Hitchcock, viisting for a few
mct,.ni indmHimi fnn eifis at t hat ' hours and being guests for supper
olace. Thev enloved the trip homt ! after which they returned to their
very well
Did it ever occur to you that th?
home in Havelock, having made the
trip in their auto.
Visited Cedar Bluffs Sunday
Yesterday L. Neitzel and wife rte
.mbinations. Call I on us for lr , their car f-.ujb,.
yens. Max Jterhoff tf. ! of J?- j; UrUn, Mrs. Neitzel
home of Alex Landholm. returned e way to Ke?p your nome invmas
homo a few davs ago and was accom- t keep your walls smiling? This
panied bv his little niece and nephew jean be done by changing the wall
Miss Mariorie and Manis Landholm. wltn papers narmonious in coiors.
V-hit nri visilinr hero-4'r -4k'Uort I and COnil
time. sugges
Ctuntv Commissioners C. F. Harris Mesdames H. A. Tool. H. V. Mc
and Wm. Atchison, accompanied by Donald and Harry Gillespie, "accom-
Highway Commissioner V. F. Vallery. panied by Mr. Kenneth Tool as driv-
were looking after some business er. were visitors in Elmwood lar
matters in Murdock last Saturday Tuesday where they enjoyed attend-
morning, after which they went to ing the meeting of the Order Eastern
Wabash and Elmwood, where they Star at that place.
also had some business. Thnmna MMJor of Piattsmouth. a I
Special Varnish for fable tops. ' naintpp of autnmohilps. and an ex- Hater make their home in Schuyler
wirrdow sills, outside doors. Won't . cellent man at his profession at that. 1 pas.ed through Murdock, and stopped
turn white under water. At Mfi ! was in Murdock last Fridav even-I for a short time at the home of the
and Mrs. Martin being sisters. They
had a very enjoyable time and re
turned home late Sunday evening
Were Married in Omaha
I,ast Sunday Mr. and Mrs. P. P.
Pilirram of Lincoln, but who will
Victor Karvanek of Piattsmouth.
with a coterie of the young Ameri
cans from that place- were in Mur-
dock last Friday distributing adver
tising matters for a Rargain Circus.
whih is to be held at the county
seat from the 15th to the 3lt, and
which consists of a series of enter
tainments given by the progressive
merchants of that place as well as
offering bargains unheard of. Those
keen for a good bargain and the
mirth loving as well should visit
Piattsmouth during the time which
this is being conducted. See fur
ther announcements in this paper.
ing and Saturday morning and con- bride's parents. Wm. Gehrts ana
traded to refinish the auto of H. A.
Guthman. taking the car to Piatts
mouth last Saturday, where he will
make it like new. .
The best varnishes that money
can purchase at Max .Dusterhoff's. tf.
Dillerr Utt, who has been working
in "Omaha for several .months, re
turned a short time ago to assist in
the harvesting of the abundant crop
of wheat and oats in this' neighbor
hood and is working at the home of
Mr. Wm. Heier. Sr.. shocking wheat.
Diller is an excellent workman, and
can be counted on to do his part
wherever h? is placed.
wife of this city, to announce the
weddinsr which had taken place hi
Omaha on the day before. I ne
rrile, Miss Ida Gehrts. was one of
the excellent daughters of Murdock
and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gehrts. bar
ing grown to womanhood in this
city, where the was actively engaged
in, 'the welfare of . the city, being a
very popular" and accomplished
young woman and was greatly inter
ested in the Sunday school and
church work of the Methodist
church of this place. She had gone
to Lincoln to work, where for the
past two vcars the was employed
returned to his home in Lincoln, ' ciety and will be busy with their
where his parents live. needle work. It is desired that all
Mr. Pilgrim is engaged in business the members of the club be in at
at Schuyler, where the young people tendance at the meeting which will
will make their home. With them be on Thursday, July 15.
in their starting out in life will go
the best wishes of their many friends
in and near Murdock, to which is
added the best wishes of this paper
for a tong useful, happy and pros
perous life.
Returned From the North
Harry V. McDonald. Edward
Thimgan and Lacey McDonald, who
have been in the north for some
time, having drove overland in their
car to Minneapolis and thence
north to Pinerkiven and Longville,
where they put in some time fish-In g
and having a general good time.
They landed more than 500 fish dur
ing the time they were there and
declare they have had the time of
their lives while on their outing trip.
Thev had excellent fishing and
somewhat of rain with the sunshine
of the north climet, and on their
return trip found some foul weather.
They found in Iowa and Minnesota.
some of the best of j-oads. with grav
el surface which was a joy to ride
over. They were in fact much
pleased with the way the roads wers
kept up.
R:ecived Class of Members.
The Order Eastern Star at Elm
wood at their last meeting held on
Tuesday, July 6th, at the Masonic
temple at Elmwood. conferred the
Eastern .ar Degree on a class con
sisting of four.
Will Let the Other Fellow Do It
Joe Johansen, the market man.
and the veteran road overseer of the
vicinity of Murdock, made a trip to
the county seat last Tuesday at
which time he tendered his resigna
tion as the road overseer, which was
accepted by the county commission
ers . and he was released. Mr. Jo
hansen has been in the position for
some time and with the accumulat
ing work at his business and the
inability ' to secure the requisite
amount of assistance, he concluded
that some one else might as well
have the experience and incidentally
the grief of the position.
Making a Good Business, Place
The new building of the Farmers
and Merchants bank, which is just
now nearing completion is to be
a modern counting house, and is so
arranged as to make a very conven
ient and pleasant place to work as
wen as for the clientage to do busi
ness. They have a bault which is
divided with a series of bars separ
ating the portion which is used by
the bank proper, from the one which
is for the customers safety deposit
boxes. There is a door for entering
each compartment separately. The
flooring inside the counter space is
Iniri In oalr urhil that in tho rn-
tunda is tile. The construction of - Held Young Peoples Meeting
the: building is such that the windi The Young Peoples Association
and dust of stormy days are exclud- , held a meeting at the home of Mr.
el and the cold of winter as well. ' and Mrs. Albert Straich west or Jiur
The building is very neat in appear- dock last Wednesday evening at
ince and convenient in every detail which time the members or tne so;
and is1 a credit to a city of larger , ciety which is called at Y. P. A., or
.Visited in Sioux City
Cashier of the Farmers and Mer
chants bank, Mr. O. J. Pothast, and
wife, departed last Saturday a week.
for Sioux City. Ia.. where they visit
ed over Sunday at the home of the
parents of Mrs. Pothast and had
Intended to have spent the Fourtn
at Okaboji, but owing to the fre
quent rains the roads were not in
condition for traveling and they re
mained visiting with the friends in
Sioux City for a few days, returning
home on Thursday. During their
absence. Mr. E. L. Pothast and wife
of Lincoln, parents of O. J. Pothast
came down and cared for the bank
making their home at their son's
while here.
proportions than Murdock.
the. Young Peoples Association ot
the Evangelical Association of Mm-
-"xaoaug uvuu xiutico I r.nlnir err. inn- out to tho farm home
Miss Mary Isabelle Tool, who has -nf th,g coupe in tneir cars and en
boen at the hospital in Omaha, where joyinK the gathering and good timts
Mie uiiut-rwem an upci auuii iui iui; whiCh thl worthy COUple prOVf(le-J
removal m ner lonbiis auu umer foj. the youns people.
growths in her throat and nasal pas- ,
sage, returned home during the week .
md ia eettincr alone as wen 'nne Have Organized a Ball leam
could, under the nature of the mal- The young people of Murdock
ady and character of the operation
under which she went.
DIl-TIhiBs Whl
fflomdlay to Saturday
Sure They Are Happy
At the home t Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Fuller of Red Oak. Ia., there
came a visit of the 6tork a few days
aco and on account of the excellent'
citizens which this couple had been,
a bouncing baby boy was left in
their care and the education, nalure
and the making of an excellent
American was given in their charge.
lovers of the national game, have
organized a ball team with som
fifteen members, having eafh place
provided for and for some of the
harder places more than one. They
have secured and staked off a d!a
mond for their gamos and have pro
vided bv subscription the necessary
funds for the expenses.. Those to
join the team are John Amgwert. E
W. Thimgan. Mr. McCrorey, Lacey
McDonald. Orville Ingersen, Frank
From, James Mills, Kenneth Tool,
Jack Shields, H. W. Tool, Olto
To simply make money is not the chief aim or end
in a legitimate banking business. But all creditable busi
ness institutions deserve to succeed. TSe aim which we
are making our best efforts to attain, is to be of service to
the community in which we live. Experience in mone
tary affairs, places the local bank in a position that it can
assist every citizen, and in this we pride ourselves we are
able and willing to do. Wt are the bank of service and
are here to serve. Call on us when we can assist you in
an way in our line.
Farmers s Merchants Bank
AH wa3rs at Your Service.
Wuheman, Herman Smith. Harry
Gillespie and Ralph Reeves. Hi?
business men are mostly behind the
move and the team promises tj ma1:e
a success from the start.
Nearly now Minneapolis tlmvli
ing outfit, y.ifh tank and belts. "0
h. p. Straight flue engine and C0x."6
N'ehawka, Neb.
One light spring wagon. A bar-
bain. W. T. Richardson, Mynard.
Although Journal vaiii-aa co:;t
During the past week Frank 3.ei- ,luk. fht. ri.M13 t,,y br,ni; ar
vin has been doing some carpenter i
work at the home of Mr. Fred Stock, i v -rt rfl''- Try thou.
Open During Harvest!
On account of the business of the farmers, we
will keep our store open every night in the week dur
ing the harvest season, and until farther notice.
lurdock Mercantile Co.,
J. E. McHUGH, Manager
Aufomobilos and Accessories
Our machine shop is especially well equipped
with modern machinery and first-class workmen. We
are ready to do all kinds of repair work, including
acetyline welding. , i
Phone 35-B
Murdock, Neb.
Yes, Cars Are Scarce!
IPJJr. Farmer:
Do you know that harvest is just about
here and then will follow the threshing. My,
such busy times! Really, now, doesn't it look
like it would be a wise thing lo have some
storage room available when the time comes
that, peradveftture, you cannot ship your grain
just when you desire? ( We have lumber for
that very purpose and its priced reasonable.
See us for figures and specifications.
Tool, Neuman & Mur ley,
Ready Mixed Paints!
Of the highest quality; also the best grade of var
nishes under formulas which time has proven give the
best results.
for the body, the chassis and the top
exquisite in style and endless in the variety of pat
ters. The kind you need in- your home.
Painter - Decorator
Murdock -:- -:- . -:- Nebraska
The Best Harvesting and Haying Machines
Tho International Line Complete!
The International Harvesting machinery l the Crjt iian:iard
of excellence the world over.
We are now carrying Binders, Headers, Harvester-Tin eher.-.
Reapers. Shockers and Threshing Outfits.
For haying we can fill your needs with Mower?. Dump Rako.
Tedders. Hay Loaders, Sweepes, Stackers, Baling l'rerecj and